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Welcome to an Age of Heroes

In Taara's wake the earth crumbled. Gods fell, others rose, and the race of mankind looked forward and saw the destruction of nations. For five years, necrotech seared the world's landscape and forces unknown decimated the once-insurmountable Walls of Charn. Nations turned against one another with the vanishing of monarchs--brother to brother and kin to kin. During the struggles, the nation of Dragonier attempted to keep the peace before it, too, fell. Other nations threatened to follow.

Now returned from the Mists, Alexandria finds itself thrown into a world in turmoil. In this world, the Pantheon of Light stride forward in anger, the Twilight fall into debate, and the forces of Darkness are locked in a war between Maugrim and Taara. High arcana soars over the landscape with the renewed activity of the Old Races, while guilds and organizations struggle to find their footing with the fall of Rune. The sildanyar and khazad have moved forward into the world once again, driven by the perceived neglect of the world by humankind.

The world had waited for the return of Alexandria and the return of the Myrrish and Bludgun kings for five years--only to find Alexandria suddenly returned unchanged, and unknowing, from the Land of Mists. To Alexandria, the War of Sendor is just days past. To the world--

It is the time for heroes.

Current Meta-Arc

Out of the front door of the Temple of Tarien comes a single, smoldering, baffled Tarienite with singed hair. It's actually Aenyn's father, for those who know.

"Best. Party. /Ever/," he manages to utter before pitching forward onto the ground unconscious.

OOC: Thanks to everyone who participated, and a big thanks to all our DMs and plot runners for seeing it through!

OOC2: See the rumor posts and damage report to the lower right!

Recent Website Updates

Sat, Nov 30, 2013

Code Update: +cast

After realizing that DMs were required to ask for save DCs, I updated +cast. Caster level and save DC will be displayed in addition to the spell name when it is +cast. Obviously, this information is not applicable tp those spells that do not allow or generally require saves. The displayed DC follows PRD calculations and includes bonuses for Spell Focus/Greater Spell Focus and Gnomes casting Illusions. If anyone notices discrepancies or issues, please let me know.


Wed, Nov 27, 2013

Witch and Inquisitor

So, we have a progress update on these two. We have decided to add them to the live game as well.

Whiteout has been coding them in for a while now. We still have theme to work on, feats to review, and bugs to fix so they probably won't be functional until after the New Year's, but they're 'on the horizon' now. Expect more details soon.

Tue Nov 26, 2013

Just a quick note to let you know that the Open Space and Vehicle spends have been updated so they more resemble other spends. This is for streamlining and to make a things a little easier on everyone.

In addition, we've modified the PrP Rewards slightly: you now receive a 10% bonus for running more than 1 PrP a week. This applies retroactively to any PrP you'd run that week.

This is something new we are trying out, and we're not sure if we'll stick with it yet. Feedback is appreciated.

Happy Holidays,

Your Tenebrae Staff

Mon, Nov 25, 2013

Queen's Fall Awards

I have rewarded XP and gold to everyone who participated. There were a lot of people so I might've missed a person or two. If I did, let me know!

PS The finale is now posted on our logs page at: End of the Queen! I hope you all enjoyed this long running arc as we move full speed ahead to the next one!


Fri Nov 22, 2013

Tenebrae Christmas Party

December 13th, we'll be holding the Tenebrae Christmas Party! What cheesy movie should we watch?

Please send in votes to Lahar.

Bonuses if they make Whirl or Inferno cry.

PS Movie should be available on Netflix.

RPP Bonuses for Rumors

Did you know that..

When you, as a player, are in either a PRP or a DM'd scene, you may volunteer to write up a rumor post with the consent of the person running the scene. Doing so and posting the rumor will net you one RPP as a thank you. Please submit that you have done so to the RPP queue.

There are these and other ways you can earn bonus RPPs. They are all listed here: Bonuses.

Thu Nov 21, 2013


The Azure Queen arc will be ending this weekend on either Saturday or Sunday or perhaps both. Depends on a few factors this is just an initial heads up to everyone. :)


The Story Behind Ancestral Staves

Most ancestral staves are, at least initially, crafted by one of the many mage guilds from around the world. So, how do you think they're crafted? What's the story?

We're taking story ideas for these staves, so please send them in! This does not mean yours cannot be different, of course, just that we'd like to explore some ideas for a 'baseline' to begin from.

Note: Because it's been mentioned, the Ygdrassil Tree somewhat belongs to the druids, and would be a little out of range for mages. You're welcome to address other ideas, though. Rare trees among Llyranost? Planar saplings...? Let us know what you think would be fun. 'Cool' should definitely be a part of it. :3


Wed Nov 20, 2013

New RPP Options

For a while, we've been saying we would be expanding the RPP options. Well, we just did! We've added a slew of new options and a number of new, exclusive spends. Influence and Organizations in particular have received upgrades. Among them are:

  • Ancestral Weapons: An intelligent weapon summonable to you at-will and who develops over time and with your PC. For mages, Ancestral Staves are an option.
  • Organizations: Become known among your peers and a mentor for other characters. Gain access to exclusive training and benefits, including up to two-thirds of your raise dead costs or additional spells for your spellbook!
  • Influence: Become influencial in your selected domains, increasing your ability for social mischief, and gaining rogue-like talents!
  • Open Spaces: Create a small, open and public space ongrid for others to share!
  • Merchant Carts: Hook up a few griffons and trundle into town with your beerwagon!

...and many other surprises!

Many of these spends are meant to be developed over time with your character, and reflect how you tell your story. That is, they're not something to perfect immediately, but something to roleplay their development over time with your friends.

To celebrate the launch, each player (not character) will receive 10 RPPs to spend as they like, on any of their characters they like. Just contact us via +req with what you'd like to purchase.

As with all new content, expect updates and adjustments. If you had an Active Org or Influence spend(s) previously, please contact staff with how to convert it. You have some new options!

A big thanks to all our reviewers and staff who've had a hand in helping us put this together!

Tenebrae Staff

Sat Nov 11, 2013


We'll be wrapping up the Exorcism this week with conclusions for the various threads we've started over it. There'll be another summary post at the end of the week and then everything shall be unfzozen. WE'll be kicking off the next arc officially soon. :D


Mon Nov 11

Summary of Day One's Plots

I have just posted a summary of my plots on Day One of the Exorcism. Day two begins now and will be the climax.

Thank you all for your patience in dealing with the time-dilated nature of all of this.

PS If your PC spends time at the Tarienite Temple, or is a Tarienite themself, give me a shout. :)


Website Update: Organizations

The organizations pages have gotten an overhaul. Thanks to everyone who's lent a hand. :3

On the website, see:

Core Setting > Local Organizations
World > World Organizations

The World Organizations page is larger; more in the sense that many groups have offices here and there. This also makes them of greater use to DMs and plot runners if say, you're running a scene in the frigid mountains of Dran...


Wed Nov 06

At the End of the Week

I shall be posting a summary of all plots and events relating to the exorcism of the Blue Lady by the end of this week. That should get everyone on the same page of where the storyline is going forward into the end of...the end. <.<


Fri Nov 01

Exorcism Updates

As plots complete, I will be posting updates to the rumor boards about the progress of the exorcism and the events of the day. Keep your eyes peeled, but understand that none of this stuff will all 'happen' until all plots are resolved, as it all happens over the course of 24-48 hours. A simple reminder. :)


+event times should now be correct. There will be continuing improvements and additions. +time was also updated. Please see +help time for more information.

Thu Oct 31


So our +events times are a bit off. We'll be fixing that. :)

Mon Oct 28

Connection Burps

It looks as though our ISP is having a few burps as it runs some updates. We'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime, there may be a few bumps here and there.

I'd like to take this time to remind folks (and myself) that we do have a Facebook:'s never something required, and whether you friend us or not is up to you. Mostly, it's just there to share a blurb in case of times like these: a way for us to get the word out.

- Lah

Fri Oct 25

Mocking the Queen

Remember, our Saturday social is your chance ot hurl insults at the Azure Queen, boo her, and otherwise be obnoxious toward her. There'll also be some acts (and if you have an idea for one, we'll work it out on Saturday, and so on) and, here's hoping, it will be both informative and fun! See you all there!

Fri Oct 25

Aspect Update and RPP Update, pt 1

We're pleased to announce the launch of our new Aspects. If you possess a current Aspect, please contact staff so that we may update you.

Most of the Aspects have been kept, though all have received a little beefing up. If you'd like to make some changes or have comments, please contact us and we'll work it out.

You'll notice that the cost has increased somewhat to reflect Aspects' new, added utility. However, if you had level 2 in your aspect, you still have level 2.

We are introducing tiers into numerous RPP spends. As a pilot program, Aspects are the first spends we'll be introducing these to. If you are buying into a tiered spend, it means that it will have more interesting abilities which you may expand into over time. As an example, the Ancestor-Touched aspect has three tiers you may purchase. All charcters may purchase up to their level/2 in tiers in any single ability. That is, a L2 character may earn Tier 1 abilities, and a L4 character may earn Tier 2 abilities and so on.

As always, with any new content, we will be watching carefully. Expect changes, tweaks, nerfs, and buffs, and so on. We hope that you will all make use of this new content to help us test it thoroughly!

- Your Tenebrae Staff

Thu Oct 24

Idea Submission: Rituals

Hey there. I'm looking for a few good ideas. I can't promise it will turn out, but I'd like to give it a try.

If you were to write a ritual for a race or a culture of Tenebrae, what would it include? For example, the sith-makar might have a ritual that let them find a suitable prey, or would guard their homes against invaders. The giantborn might build a ritual which honored their giant heritage. The Veyshanti, one that aided them in traveling over sands, or the Lucht that safeguards a traveler's home or allows easy recitation of their ancestry.

I'm interested in primarily, the flavor. What do you see as important to these races, these cultures? These rituals may end up conferring limited, if temporary benefits. For example: a +2 skill bonus for up to 24 hours, or a single use of a 2nd level spell. In general though, I'm asking for flavor.

Put your hats on, see what you think, and @mail me. If your idea gets used and this goes forward, you'll be sure and get credit.

- Lah

Tue Oct 22

Tenebrae Halloween Party!

Our (first) annual Halloween Party is tomorrow! Re-desc your characters as something gruesome, play a prank on Whirlpool, and Trick-or-Treat for candied corn.

Tomorrow night we'll be headed to the Haunted Mansion to talk, chat, and watch The Addam's Family. Bring your DVDs!

Cuddles the Otyugh will be hosting.

Tue Oct 22

The Exorcism

So, this Saturday we'll be doing the 'Mocking the Queen' scene. This marks the beginning of the end for the Azure Queen scenes, as the Exorcism plotlines start thereafter. ICly, the exorcism will be taking place over a 24-72 hour period in which efforts are being made to drive the Queen out of Alexandria. There will be a number of scenes in the following week that detail the efforts of the adventurers to thwart those who'd seek to cause chaos or otherwise stop the Queen from being driven from the land. All of these scenes will take place during that gap of time ICly, and once we're all done, we'll unfreeze everything and they'll have 'happened', unfreezing everything as we did with the Teakettle plotline.

OOCly, the time for plots tied to this will run between October 7th and November 4th. If you want to run a PRP during this time involved in this plotline, you are more than welcome to. Contact me, or any other staff member, and the details can be worked out. :)

We hope you'll all enjoy the closing of this plotline we know you're all curious about the next one. You've already seen hints to it.

Fri Oct 18

Virtual Skills


Do you:

1) Have a Headband of Vast Intellect


2) Any other piece of equipment that grants skill ranks when equipped.

If so Whiteout has standardized how these work but we have to update your equipment by hand.

So if you have one of these pieces of equipment submit a request noting what equipment you have and what skill (along with how many ranks) it should grant.

We will update these accordingly.

-Ice Age

Fri Oct 18

Local Directory

To keep things a little cleaner, I've moved some of the crafting offers and shops to Core Setting > Local Directory. Please feel free to post businesses and offers other than crafting, and you're always welcome to contact me should you need some help. ':)

All entries should be within the spirit of the game, abide by the AUP, etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah.

- Lah-rhar

Tue Oct 15

Great New Things

Do you wish rampaging fire elementals would show up to reheat your stew at the tavern? Or immolate that annoying Lucht?

Do you always get lost on the way to the plot rooms?

Would you love to have Whirlpool somewhere else when you have to make all those Fort saves?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, and enjoy DMing, then the shiny new +timestop may be right for you! No longer must you pester staff or cram all those giantborn into a claustrophobic plot room decorated by Arvek Nar! +timestop allows anyone to summon a timestop to their location anywhere, at any time. The power of the DM can now be yours to command!

See +help timestop for more details and contact me if something breaks.


Tue Oct 15

Intelligence Headbands

Hi, everyone!

If you possess a headband of intelligence, please do the following:

1) Remove your headband

2) Please go to and add up how many skill points you should have. Compared this to what's on your sheet. Make sure that you're not forgetting any favored class bonuses if you took a skill bonus.

3) Check your headband. Make sure it has a skill listed in its notes in your inventory. Be sure those skills are at max rank for your HD.

If you encounter any discrepancies here, please send in a request to staff and we will help you out.

Mon Oct 14

New Things!

Hey there. :3

Whiteout has been working on a great new addition to some of our plot code. There'll be an announcement on this soon!

- Lah

Sat Oct 12

New Race Added!

At Tenebrae, we are always looking for new options. Recently, we ran across a gem that we think will not only be a much needed addition to our theme, but will, we think, showcase what Tenebrae is truly about.

Existing characters will, of course, receive the option to adjust or adapt to this new race pending conversations with staff. We do this for all new content, and this is no different.

In the meantime, please send Whiteout and Entropy your sympathies, and Whirl your congratulations as he begins the process of converting all his characters.

We will be getting it on the website shortly, as well as its related theme information. In the meantime, please see: for an advanced preview.

- Your Tenebrae Staff

Tue Oct 08

Azure Queen postings

I have posted a couple events that represent the beginnings of the ending of the Azure Queen plots. You do not need sign up for these. They are not actual plots, but more, 'this is when things wil begin'. They'll take as long as they take. :)

Tue Oct 08

An End To The Queen

All plots relating to the build up to the exorcism have now been completed.

We'll be discussing, and scheduling, events relating to the final exorcism efforts. Grats to all who participated in the various plotlines to gather them! Hooray for fantasy adventures!

Details will soon be posted. :)

Sat Oct 05

Egalrin Theme Featherdusted

Egalrin have been in need for a bit of a brush-up for some time. We're pleased to announce that we've updated egalrin theme:

While the core is much the same, we feel we've added additional depth. We hope you'll enjoy.

- Tenebrae Staff

Fri Oct 04

Tenebrae Halloween Party!

We're planning a Tenebrae Halloween Party! While putting together the details, I went up to each of staff, and got their opinions on what we should do. This is what they said:

Whirlpool started cackling and mumbling about sewer monsters.

Inferno got out his briefcase and asked if the otyughs had been read their Miranda rights.

Whiteout yelled, "I fixed it!" and then the MUX shut down.

Lolth rebooted us all and then turned everyone into delicious spider cupcakes.

Pyroclasm couldn't talk because he was ordering chainmail armor for his daughter. Then he exploded into glitter.

Hurricane was quoted as saying, "Hello ladies. How are you. Fantastic. Does your man look like me? No. Can he smell like me? Yes. Should he use Old Dragon body wash? I don't know. Do you like the smell of a man who can bake you a cake he built for you in the dream kitchen with his own two hands? Of course you do! Swan dive!"

Ice Age was too sane to say anything.

Enytopy had on a set of earphones and was boogying to electronica.



So we're watching a movie and hosting an all-out geekfest, details to be announced soon.

Hurricane's offered to cater.

He just doesn't know this yet.

Don't tell him.

And bring your dice, along with the outfit of Chewbacca you made that one time.

Thu Oct 03

Welcome Whiteout

We have a new staff member! Everyone give Whiteout a welcome aboard. He's going to serve as a code admin for the live server who will be resolving various quality of life bugs for us, updating prestige classes, and fixing the issues that crop up while Entropy is moving and working on the recode. We appreciate his volunteering. (The sucker.)

Sat Sep 28

TeaKettle Arc Done

All RP related the Teakettle Arc is now completed and unfrozen. I hope everyone involved had a good time and you may now carry forward with your scheduled RP. We turn our attention next to finishing the Azure Queen plots and preparing for the exorcism RP, as well as the build up toward our next arc, which as you might've guessed, is about Dragonier.

Thu Sep 26

Mobile-Friendly Wiki Skin

Hey there, folks. One of the things I've been looking for is a mobile-friendly MediaWiki skin that would let us keep our menus. This hasn't been an easy search, so I'd appreciate any help you could give. ':)

- Lah

Sat Sep 14

Eidolon Court Trip

The Eidolon Court trip will begin as soon as I get in and settled and last about three hours, or at least it should. See you all there!

Fri Sep 13


I require a couple people who want to run a PRP to contact me by @mail. Let me know if you feel like contributing to a storyline!

Fri Sep 13

RPP Level Spend Example

To help with the sense-making, I've gone ahead and added an example of how the new RPP Level Purchases work. Head on over to Characters > RPP on the website, or click here:

Wed Sep 11

RPP Adjustments

RPP Levels: By spending RPPs, you may gain a level, with associated wealth. At least 85 percent of wealth must be spent, and items must be purchased at market price. The RPP cost depends on the tier your PC is in. With the exception of the first tier, you may purchase a level any time within the first 2 levels of a tier. So, 2, 6-7, 11-12, and 16-17, respectively. This means that you may earn this purchase up to four times per PC

First Level Group: 10 RPP
Second Level Group: 20 RPP
Third Level Group: 20 RPP
Fourth Level Group: 30 RPP
Special: Cleric PCs may receive their first, tier one RPP Level, for free.

On the website: Characters > RPPs

- Tenebrae Staff

Sep 8

Teakettle Plots

Hi, everyone!

It's been a while since I've done a multi-threaded plot like this, so I figure it's time I post a primer on this sort of thing.

All Teakettle plots are considered 'frozen' until the last one is complete. Once that happens, I will give the all clear that everything related to it is done and all may be considered to have 'happened'. At that point, I will be posting a summary of the events and who did what to the bboards, so everyone can see how things fit together.

After this plot is over and a few others, we will begin segueing to the end of the Blue Lady storyline and the beginning of our next arc which some of you may have seen nod towards already.

- Whirlpool

Sept 7

Ice Age (Cometh?)


I have recently been hired as a DM Staffer and it is my intention to regularly run plots for folks. As well as help keep the queues tidy.

Feel free to page/mail/request me about things. Just note it may take a few days for me to get my footing.

All in all I'm just here to burn off some of the excess freetime I have with some adventuring fun. In the interest of disclosure a lot of you may have been in plots I've run before as Rogun. So whether you love those events or hate them that's about what you can expect - especially "at first".

Feel free to approach me about DM/RP related things. My approach to all this is that we're all logging in to have a good time so if you think I made a mistake somewhere or you don't like how I did something feel free to contact me about it. A little extra reflection can clear up a lot.

This concludes my introduction post.

- Ice Age

Aug 15

Code Update

Here is a brief overview of completed code, just to give you an idea of what's done:

Scene System is done (new timestop type code)
IC and OOC commands
Travel commands (+meetme, etc)
Spellbook code and inventory interaction
Sheet System

Still being worked on are:

Combat Scenesys
+RPP code
Roll Code

We are also importing the MUX @mail system to PENN.

Thanks to hard work, all feats and feat prerequisites are now coded as well.

Aug 6

State of Alexandria Update

There will be an update about the state of affairs in ALexandria after this weekend. :D

Small Policy Announcement

From now on, we will be offering one RPP to people who sum up events in both PRPs and plots to be posted on the bboards. :)

There will be a larger revamp of the RPP system coming in the future. It has been largely successful, but there are definitely lessons learned to be adapted.

Sorc Multiclass

Right now, multiclassing into a sorcerer is a little borked. The advance room is not recognizing the new APG bloodlines we put in. Entropy will fix this, but until she does, if you're planning on MCing into sorcerer, we'll need to manually set up your bloodline. Just let us know and we'll get you taken care of.

Jul 31

PRD Downtime

Jul 30

Magic Arrows and Ammo

After some discussion, I've updated one of our docs to include information about bows, arrows (and likewise, dragonspitters, too!) in Pathfinder:

- Lah

Jul 29

Request Catch Up

I am running a bit behind on requests. I will be dedicating a day this week to get caught up.

- Whirlpool

Jul 19


This last Community Challenge has been amazing! We'll be distributing the rewards for those shortly. :)

In the meantime, we will be taking a break--and taking the time to give our DMs, our Runners, and everyone else a brief rest, to sit down and host Tenebrae's first ever Movie Night.

So! We hope you will join us then, and the next time Whirl drops death upon you, say:

"There is but one working castle gate, and... and it is guarded by 60 men!"
"...And our assets?"
"Your brains, Fezzik's strength, my steel."

See you on the 26th! :) Staff will bring the popcorn.

Jul 15

FAQ: Earning RPPs

From time to time this question comes up. Roleplay Points and Perks (RPPs) are earned via ongrid roleplay. That is, DM'd scenes aren't eligible (these have their own rewards, after all). But, what happens when a DM 'drops a scene'?

This depends. That is, if there was a significant amount of roleplay before the scene AND you were part of it (let's call this more than three poses), then yes. If not, or you'd just joined, then no, it is not eligible.


Jul 11

MI Crafting Chart

Now includes cost formulas, FAQ, and pretty graphics!

Visit: Start Here > What is Pathfinder on the website.

Lahar (BeagleFarts)

Jul 09

Welcome New Players!

We've had an influx of new players lately! Welcome aboard, everyone!

Jun 30

Minor XP Bonus

I am looking for someone willing to sum up last night's events in a rumor post and pass it to me to post. :)

There's a minor XP incentive for the firt person to get this to me. :D

Jun 20

Summons and Etiquette

Recently, James Jacobs of Paizo was asked about summons, and a theoretical cap on their usage.

His response was: 'There's no limit to the number of summoned monsters a character can control, but the GM is free to impose a limit on the number of summoned monsters a PLAYER can have in play at any one time, since that monopolizes the game and makes things less fun for the other players—each time you summon a monster, remember that you're essentially stealing "game time" from your fellow players, since the length of your session isn't expanding to make up for the fact that your turns in the combat are taking longer and longer to resolve.'

This is an important tidbit, and I think, speaks to other things as well. Be fair to each other out there. :)

Jun 29


Hi everyone! It's that time again.

The recode is going well. Thanks to Sonja, Narah, and Oates, work on the feats database has been made a lot easier. Everyone give them lots of 'thank yous' for their assistance. There is more to do, of couse, and people will be tapped to test and work on things when needed.

The 2) Storyline wise, the Azure Queen plot is gearing up for its final section. We've got a lot of things going on and we're working on bringing it all home. You should all notice a shift in your activities very soon. Thanks to everyone who has helped and run PRP during this time. A lot of you have really stepped up lately.

3) As the Azure Queen arc draws to a close, you'll see the threads of the next major events beginning to become relevant. Keep your eyes peeled!


Jun 10

Artificer Adjustments

Hi, everyone! We've been taking feedback on the artificor for a while and we're implementing some changes live here. You'll also be pleased to know that we're making excellent progress on the new codebase with the indefatigable Entropy leading th echarge. Today, she added -all the spells- we've approved to the codebase. ALl of them. In one go. Crazy woman! Anyways, while we've been working on that, we don't want you guys to think we've been neglcting changes for here!

Here's a basic overview of the artificer changes:

- More death ray uses. Artificers now receive more uses of their Death Rays. These additional charges may then be used to...
- Create two additional types of beams
- Power their Titan Fists

We've added some additional Titan Fist options, as well as including the basic Cure spells in their repertoire. This ability is tied to their lingering ties with Reos.

We hope you enjoy the updates. If any of you would like to take advantage of these new options, please send in a +req and we'll handle it through those channels.


Jun 05

Grammar Policy

This is just a reminder.

Tenebrae -does- have a 'basic grammar policy'. We believe that keep everyone on the same, basic standard makes things easier for everyone and leads to less people being driven nuts in the long term. We don't think asking everyone to use periods and capitals is a particularly harsh thing to do. Let's remember this is a text medium and remember that presentation does matter. We just ask that people make a consistant effort.

Have fun, everyone, and remember to be courteous and respectful to your fellow players. :)


Jun 09

Community Challenge: CLOSED!

And...done! A big thanks to everyone who participated in this round! We'll be getting the prizes out this week...

Next challenge will be posted in the coming days. Keep your eyes open!

Lahar (BeagleFarts)

Jun 05

Small Artificer Update

Hey, there folks. As part of adding a little more 'oomph' to the artificer, we've added in the Cure spells. Theme-wise, this fits in with their ancient ties to Reos.

Current artificers who wish to learn these schematics may via normal means. We hope to get a few additional bonuses in here and there (including some new discoveries), but it'll depend on how things work out.

Tene Staff

Jun 03

World Go Boom...but Will Reboot!

In about five hours from this post, Lolth will be cracking the server open for basic maintenance, sticking in some spider-legs and having a poke. We may experience some downtime at this point, but should be back up shortly.

Again, we aren't expecting any issues. If there are, as always, we'll be posting updates to our FB page and my Google+ one. They're pretty much there for that purpose, after all.


Jun 04

Up to Date!

And we are up to date! The maintenance took a little longer than expected, but Lolth tells us that everything is checking out.

Thanks for bearing with us. :3

Don't forget that we have a Facebook, and a G+ (kind of). They're there mostly for these sorts of things: ways for us to get the word out if something comes up.

In the meantime, please let Lolth know how heroic she is. She did some amazing things last night, and puts a lot of effort into keeping us all running. In fact, she'd have made this post herself, but is kind of curled up in her web and sleeping.

We're all sort of afraid to interrupt that.

FB: G+:

Tenebrae Staff

Jun 02

Community Challenge Reminder!


For folks who've included otyughs in their plots, please be sure to shoot me a +req or an email ( I'll be doing tallies in the next few days, and after that will be prizes! So, if you haven't, or have, please do so I have the reminder. :3

- Lah

May 28

Trouble Spots

Here's an update on the various problems facing the city right now:

Vardan Village: Efforts have been paying off here. Monsters have been cleared out of the surrounding area, and members of the ADventuring Community have been making efforts towards reinforcing the village's defenses. More work is needed, but the tension here has been decreased.

The Arena: Rumors of merchant interests being behind the increased violence in the arena continue. The merciful weapons provided have reduced the violence considerably, however, even if their wielders claim they are 'creepy'. Still, there remains more to be investigated here.

The Theatre: While the cause of the original fires have not been discovered, it would appear that members of both houses are now hard at work at creating some kind of new play. Apparently, it's not going to use many theatre-house actors, either. Rumor has it that a Muse is putting the talents of the Adventurers in Alexandria to work.

The Felwood: The dangers in the Felwood continue, but the beginnings of efforts towards thinning the monster population have begun. The Mythwood Wardens have been weakened by numerous poisoning and wounded soldiers and could also use additional help from their allies in Alexandria.

Watch the boards for additional rumors relating to these areas to come up soon. Moreover, each of these trouble spots can be a source of mundane RP and plots. Remember, defenses need built, artists and actors need throttled (or maybe that's just me <.<) antitoxins need delivered to the Wardens of the Mythwood and the Arena is full of fighters who still want to clobber each other in the name of Angoron, Kor, and their own gory glory. (And money. Let's not forget money.)

You're all making progress to dealing with these troubles, but there's still work to be done before work can really begin on expelling the Azure Queen!


May 20


Well! We've sure had a lot of new players lately!

There's been some growing pains with that, but that always happens. I just want to extend a warm welcome to all of you to our community!

Also, make sure you eye your inboxes. We're doing some different things, and some of you are getting @mails about things your characters may've heard or seen. Get out there and RP, folks!

May 16

Community Challenge: Oty...Ugh?

Before kicking off, staff would like to say thank you! to everyone who participated in our first Community Challenge! We hope you enjoy these as much as we do.

While the previous one honored one of Paizo's new flagship products, today, we'll be honoring something of our own, the infamous Tenebrae mascot: Cuddles the otyugh.

To honor Cuddles and her humble sewer home, the challenge this month is as open as it is multi-faceted. That is, we're not just accepting designs, but would like to see anything that tickles your creative fancy. And we mean anything at long as it ties into the topic, of course! That is:

- A sketch! Like to sketch? Want to try your hand at it? Send it in!
- A story! Cuddles deserves fanfic, don't you think?
- A bit of design work, such about an otyugh animal companion? otyugh wizard's familiar?
- An otyugh 'transformer' button in MUXcode!
- Sandy's hidden diary entries devoted to otyughs and her starcrossed-and-tragic relationship with Cuddles, and their forlorn letters to one the style of VSD...
- An adventure! Run an adventure featuring otyughs!

As of now, the floor is open. The topic is: Cuddles! How you meet this challenge is up to you and your own creative preferences. :3

This Challenge will run until Jun 8th! You may submit ideas to our webforum (, or email them to Lahar (!

- Tenebrae Staff

May 11

Bestiary 3

Hey there. :3

The Bestiary 3 is open now for PrPs. Before, we were feeling things out and it was "just ask us ahead of time." Well, now it is all in your hands. The only creature we've reserved are the demilich, as they've a unique place in theme. Also, catfolk do not exist.

- Your Tenebrae Staff

Community Challenge Wrap-Up!

Wow! You have all wow'd us with your entries. :3 Looking through them has been a pleasure, so I wanted to thank everyone for sending them in!

Some of the ideas included ideas for an 'earth' domain for Inquisitors, potentially for heroes who guarded the mountains and caverns therein... An ability we'll just call the 'Jessa-tossing power,' for barbarians, and even an item that allowed you even greater wisdom through beer-gazing. For khazad!

These are far from all of the entries, but I wanted to mention some general hilights to show the diversity of the ideas, and creativity, that we have here at Tenebrae. If you'd like and you'd submitted an entry, you are as always, welcome to share it on our forums or ingame +bboard. I am not here to make this choice for you. :3

Participants will be receiving an award shortly. It will probably be...HEROIC. :D

- Lah

May 4

The Cannibal Queen and PrPs

Some of you have no doubt been noticing that things have been 'heating up!' That is, different parts of Alexandria, the Heartlands, are under greater pressure as the effect of...whatever's going on...becomes an even more widespread problem.

A lot of things are happening, and we need all of you to step up and participate to help make this activity stretch to the next level!

A lot of you are looking into things and have no doubt had ideas about things you can do! Great! A lot of these things *can* be handled as PRPs. What's more, PRPs can be run that will have a direct impact on the evolution of this storyline, and how bad or good things wind up at the end of it.

We'd like anyone with an interest in this plot to see about slipping themselves behind the DM screen and giving their fellow players a chance to influence the plot. Know a guy who has an issue with the troubles in the Felwood? Great. Offer to run a PRP for him and few other brave souls that'll give them the chance to put down some of the monsters that regularly emerge from it. Other examples are:

  • Put down sources of trouble in hotspots. Fights in areas will break out over nothing and quickly escalate, and the Theatre and Arena districts are especially volatile right now.
  • Eliminate sources of trouble. There are still pirate and bandit issues, and rounding these up would ease tensions.
  • The sewers of Alexandria is home to many a beast. Extra patrols down there would help keep things calmer.
  • Protect travelers and Heartlanders. Kultari Road and any major and minor highway into Alexandria is in trouble.
  • Fortify villages.
  • Negotiate between the theatrical houses.

We are, in fact, quite dependent on all of you to help us make this plot sing. We need your help, everyone, so don't hesitate to grab one of these ideas and run with it. We want all of you to consider taking a turn behind the DM screen. All of your efforts, ICly, will help put an end to the scourge bedeviling Alexandria. This list is not in any way complete. A lot of you have some idea of where the trouble spots are, so draw on that and run PRPs!

What is going on is too big to be solved by one person alone. GEt out there and talk to each other and be ready to help each other meet your goals, as player and DM. We'll be overseeing this an tracking everything,as well as running our own scenes. :)


Lions, Tigers, and Rumors...Oh My!

When RPing, when running a PrP, remember! You are impacting the story. :3

So when you send in a PrP, please include a brief rumor you'd like posted. I've adapted this into the PrP guidelines. You don't need to, but it does help and helps us get word out more quickly about what you've achieved.

- Lah

May 2


A lot of you have legworks in about various things that have happened. I have one thing to say about it.


That said, there' sa chunk of them and we want those of you interested in things ranging from the events in the Heartland to the Azure Queen to the theatre fires and more to put a little legwork in even now.

The staffers in charge of this plot are, and will, be having a little powwow before we can answer some of them to make sure there's no confusion.

- Whirlpool

Apr 29

Maelstrom Monster Contest!

Here at Tenebrae, we take everything very seriously.

So, this week, we are having a contest involving a local artist!

What deadly predator should Maelstrom draw more of?!??

  • Pirates
  • Sharks
  • Pirate-sharks
  • Sandy
  • Gorillas
  • Other? (write-in)

You can see Mael's art over on: Please let him know what he should draw more of!

I have written in "ponies."

- Lah

PS While there is no actual prize involved, those of us who participate shall experience Maelstrom's delicious, delicious tears as he contemplates the horrible anatomical challenge of a shark-pirate-ninja-squid-Sandy-gorilla. :D Please help out a worthy cause! Charity! Orphans! ...Things!

Apr 26

State of the MUX

Hi, everyone!

It's about that time!

First, I want to thank all of you for your continued patronage of our game. All of you who've continued or started playing here are what makes all the stress of running a game like this, of this size, worth it. We're glad you're all having fun, and we hope you continue to have fun going forward as staff continues to work on things. We feel, as staff, our state is both stable and strong and that we can continue to build on it going forward.

I suspect most of you are curious about the recode. As things stand now, this is what we know: We will be shifting codebases to PennMUSH with an SQL backbone. This will make future implementations of content, as well as finding code help, more easily accomplished. This is proceeding at a good clip and Entropy is making amazing progress, especially with the help from all of you who've volunteered their time to assist with the data-base work that we've needed. I assure you, there is going to be plenty more where that came from. We're sorry for the inconvenience and we'll endeavor to get all of you reapproved quickly. This should be a smoother process than the initial Pathfinder switch was and we'll be able to hit the ground running again. There are going to be a -lot- of improvements, but the exact process of all of this will be outlined further as it becomes closer to the switch over. Please pay attention to this space!

I must also here note that we've decided to add both the Witch and the Inquisitor to our list of classes. There have been no objections to them and we'll be developing their thematic place in the world and adding them in as well. Witches are going to be a bit more problematic, thematically, than the Inquisitor, but we should be able to come up with something cool.

One things we're still concerned about is encouraging more grid RP and seeing to more many PRPs. We're looking into both things and doing our best to encourage both more. Grid RP has been seeing improvements lately and we'd like to see that continue. We're also looking at expanding more into 'off hours' things as well as encouraging more PRPs to be run!

Our storylines, with the pirates and the Azure/Cannibal Queen and more, are kicking into their next notch as you all might've noticed. A lot of you have been running with this stuff and we hope you continue to do so. :D

Tenebrae's Staff

Apr 22

Community Challenge!

So I have been thinking of a thing and I'd like to see where it goes. :3

Each month, I'll be posting a Community Challenge! This challenge may be along the lines of a Sparklepire Template, or it might even be a new sort if magic item, or potential ideas for a DM-run plot arc.

The challenge will run for around 3 weeks, give or take, and 'winning' entries shared at the end (if folks give their permission...I do not want to step on toes, here ^^;).

Sometimes, there will be prizes (I'm sure you've seen a few folks running around with their new hats!) and sometimes, the prize may be well, seeing your idea put into play. It all depends on the topic and the situation of the time: regardless, you would get something. :3

In a few hours, I'll be posting our !!FIRST!! official Community Challenge, so please keep your eyes, and ears, open!

- Lah

Challenge! So You Work at Paizo and... a few days, Paizo will be releasing their long-awaited Champions of Purity! But wait! Something's wrong and you have one final submission--and need to get it in, post-haste!

Stop the presses!!!!

So this month's Challenge:

YOU are one of the content creators of Champions at Paizo! Craft something, anything that you feel fits the ideal of a CHAMPION! This challenge is not limited to 'paladins' and should encompass a broader range of characters, though they can certainly include them!

The Champions of Purity encompasses a wide range of ideas: ' subdomains, feats, inquisitions, rage powers, alchemical discoveries, rogue talents, summoner evolutions, hexes, and arcane discoveries...' consider this Challenge to be wide open!

Please give your item, rage power, or so on, a brief story. How did it come about, or why? If it's for a champion of Angoron, for example, perhaps it was first uncovered in Dran when a chieftain smote with one hand a primodeal dragon that flew in from the sky and threatened their tribe...!

You have until May 10th.

@mail or email submissions to: If you like, you may share yours over here:,1536.0.html . If you do not have a wiki/forum account, please +request one ingame and I will get it taken care of as soon as possible.

- Lah

Apr 21

State of the Game Update Incoming

Just as a note, we'll have a state of the game update forthcoming to update all of you on where we are and what's coming up. Keep your eyes peeled.

- Whirlpool

April 18

Bonuses List (RP 11)

As you've seen, due to the recode, RP11 is being released in stages! The Egalrin received their mechanics update (please check the wiki) as well as some of their feat updates. More race feats, for them and many others, are also in the pipes.

One of the updates we'd wanted to include are Roleplay Bonuses. Some of these you're familiar with--but we thought it'd be good to list them all on a well as offering new ones. Basically, bonuses for things y'all do already: getting to know new players, for example. That is a big one!

So, without further ado, head on down to Roleplay > Bonuses, or... just click on this link: !

In the meantime, please keep your eyes open. We'll be rolling out the rest of RP11 as we can...

- Your Tenebrae Staff

Flora and Fauna Update

The page for our Companions, Familiars, and Bestiaries has received a facelift! Go and poke at World > Flora and Fauna!

- Lah

April 14

Egalrin Update (RP 11)

We have updated the egalrin wiki with a number of changes to the race.

These changes will likely not be reflected on your +sheets until we're converted to the new codebase. Familiarize yourself with the changes, however, and enjoy!

Thank you to all who participated in developing the changes. theme reboot for the race is still oncoming.

-- Your Tenebrae Staff


As a heads-up, the feats Strengthened Wings and Improved Strengthened Wings were also updated, while Greater was removed. I think you will like the changes! There are more options down the line, including aerial acrobatic maneuvering, flaming fists, and so on...

- Lah

April 13

The Big News

Hi everyone!

As you might have noticed, we have from time to time indicated we've been hard at work preparing new projects for you and that big things are on the horizon. This is true.

We am pleased to announce that Tenebrae will be receiving a very large code update in the near future thanks to Entropy. She will be extensively remodeling our code for us in a single, very large update that will see us converting to PENNMUSH.

Some of you might ask why such a large conversion. The truth is, as we've tried to update our code, we've found it increasingly hard to find knowledgeable parties who have the time to help untangle the dense code MUX code we presently operate on. No doubt some of you have begun to notice the increasing numbers of cracks in the seams of our codebase becoming visible or longer delays in necessary improvements to the game infrastructure. Staff recognizes that these things are not okay and our decision to move to another codebase was motivated by our desire to be able to do things more easily for you. What this means is that, when this project is completed (and it is not as far away as you might think), we will be able to provide better, coded support for all of you and make use of nifty new functions to enhance our abilities to deliver content, like SQL. Things that are presently uncoded or just assumed will actually be in in the game to make your playing easier.

There are some downsides, however.

Chances are, we will all need to remake our characters in the new codebase like we did with the initial Pathfiinder conversion. If this is so, we will make an effort to make this as painless as possible for all of you so we can get back to the more important business of roleplaying and having a grand old time.

We hope you all will enjoy to continue playing here on Tenebrae and that if you have any concerns about any of this (or want to volunteer to help for database entry, as we do need monkeys) you'll let us know.

-- Your Tenebrae Staff

Entropy's Addendum

Hi, guys! So yes, as indicated by our dearest Whirlpool: I am spearheading the latest improvement to the codebase. I'd like to personally note that it's my primary objective to make this conversion as seamless as possible for every individual player, and I believe all your items, experience, and money will be transferred over. There's no need to stop roleplaying or running plots, and I more than welcome you to invite your friends to create a player and begin playing before the conversion, as we're only going up from here.

I'd also really like to take this opportunity to note that if there are any features that you'd /like/ to see, that you address them to me in a mail or using the request system. I'd also like to thank Oates and Sonja for their contributions thus far, in addition to the other staff. Thank you, everyone, for your continued patience and being players. I love you all.

- Entropy

Status of Release Package 11

With the upcoming database switch ahead of us, I wanted to take the time and address some of the contents of the next Release Package, particularly the racials. The content of this package has not changed, just the timing.

In RP 11, we promised we would be adding to the egalrin, and that has not changed. The new database will launch with the new mechanics in place. Egalrin will be receiving some strengthening, and some bonus abilities. Nothing will be taken away, and we think you will like what's ahead. At least, we hope so. X)

Depending on snafus, I may or may not make a point of releasing this portion ahead of time, though the way we are chugging along (with lots of help!) means that it will most likely run fairly smoothly.

Second, racial feats. We have been working to flesh these options out since our feature launch. The new RP contains several options for the lucht, gnomes, mul'niessa, giantborn, egalrin, and war golems! These options are all approved, and given that we are adding in something like the 500+ core feats we already have (by hand), these will likely become our first "test" for content additions once we re-launch.

We are all anxious to see these, and the other parts of the Release Package (and there are more), launched! The process should go fairly smoothly, and we'll be releasing updates on that as we move forward.

In the meantime, please keep Lolth and Inferno in your thoughts. For NO REASON WHATSOEVER, they could use some images of monkey butts, amorous spiders, and very manly quarry nymphs sent their way. I suspect the more hirsute, the better!

- Lah

April 1

Contest Results!

Oh, wow... XD

You guys never cease to amaze me with your creativity! These templates are AMAZING. I've passed them on to Poops, who after much giggling said he'd "get back to me" and ran off, notebook in hand.

...I dunno what's up with that. >.> <.<


So, if you submitted an entry, check your +inventory! Then, check your @mail to find out what it does. :3

Thank you for being part of our community.

- Lahar

March 28

New Magic Item!

Just because. Check out the Equipment page!

Hopiday Challenge!

In anticipation of International Chocolate Goes On Sale Day, we are hosting a challenge!


@mail me your design for a Sparklepire Template. For gnomes. :D No, this is a joke and Whirlpool will most definitely not use it in his upcoming plots.

That's because Pyroclasm might.

Winnage will be determined by humor and possibly a random die roll. Awards will be something nice, so be sure and @mail!

Happy Chocolate Goes on Sale Day!!!

- Lahar

March 17

Updated PrP Rules

We have updated our PRP rules. Please take some time to visit Roleplay > Player Run Plots and refamiliarize yourself with them.

We have streamlined the PRP rules considerably, combining our dramatic PRPs and other types of PRPs into a single system.

Let us know if you have any concerns or comments.

Skills Page

The skills page has been completely revamped: Characters > Skills.

- Lah


Knowledge/artifice has been rolled into Craft/artifice. That said, please check your ranks and let us know if things don't add up. If they don't, we'll get it fixed. :3

For a description of what Craft/artifice can do, please visit Characters > Skills on the website.

- Lah

March 15

Events Fixed!

Events are now fixed!

March 14


We've recently acquired another full time coder. This will speed many of our code projects up enormously. Stay tuned, everyone. We have big plans for all of you. :)

Everyone give Entropy a big welcome aboard.

March 11

Draconic Bloodlines

As a heads-up, if you are of a DRACONIC bloodline, please send in a +req to the type of dragon your bloodline came from. Thank you.

- Lah

March 10

Release Package 10

Thanks to some generous volunteer coding from Shrike's player, our sorcerers have been generously recoded. From this point on, bloodline spells are appropriately added, bloodline abilities will be listed on your sheets, subtypes have been added to chargen, and... what's this?

All Advanced Player's Guide bloodlines have been added.

But wait! That's not all. In addition, due to some generous effort by Lahar, Barbarians have also receied a significant upgrade with the an addition of *many* new rage powers that were previously unavailable. The complete list is available here:

Now, as usual, we will allow those who want to make retroactive changes to their characters to do so as we've made new content available. If you want to adopt a new bloodline and its feasible to do so, we'll make it happen. For already approved sorcerers who should have a subtype, please submit a request telling us what that subtype should be and we'll fix you up. For those of you missing spells from your +sheet/spells, we'll get you squared away after you submit a request.

Big thanks to Lahar and especially Shrike for her volunteer efforts, as well as to those who helped test the code: Colrick, Oates, and Gwendolyn. Thanks, everyone!

Feb 25

Navos Bless My OCD

The Equipment page received a face-lift!

- Lah

Feb 19

Magically Clean!

The Magic page received a face-lift recently.

- Lah

Feb 10

Release Package 9

Hi, everyone! It's your friendly game director who is not at all a giant floofy talking toilet once again telling you that staff has completed another release of content for your enjoyment and benefit.

The release package, number nine, consists of the following things:

o The long-awaited +rpp/submit!

- Help available on +help rpp
- Submit a summary or a log
- Examples available on +help rpp and Characters > RPPs

o 3 new human feats

o For new players: The first PrP you run will bump you to level 3, one time only!

o For existing players: Alt Advantage updated! For 10 RPP, start out at level 3 on your next alt, not 2. Special note: for the next month, we'll let you apply this to an alt who is still L2. Thereafter, it must be used before approvals.

Coming up, we'll be taking a close look at the Pirate Islands and Xian theme as well and delivering some revisions to both of these areas. Also in the pipe is a rebuilding of theme for the Eaglerin.

Big thanks to Mudslide and Lahar for the primary work on this package.

- Whirlpool

Feb 1

Release Package 8

Hi, everyone!

It has been a while since our last package release and now we've got anothe one for you!

For this package, we've...

- Removed the 9th level powers we assigned to each race. We felt these weren't doing what we wanted them to do for giving our races flavor.
- We have replaced the racial ninths with a series of racial feats for each race. These can be taken at any time when you meet the appropriate requirements (Lahar's note: check each of the racial pages--they now list their feats!), but...
- We are also giving each of you a free racial feat at sixth. Sixth is a dead level in Pathfinder and this seemed an appropriate place to do so. The feats are based off existing Pathfinder and 3.5 feats and are now listed on our website's feats page. We will probably be including more of these down the line, as not all races have all the feats and options we'd like them to have.
- There are probably still some minor typos in the mix. Please let us know if you find any.

PRCs are nearing completion. We apologize for the lengthy delay some of you have faced in getting them in. Let us know when you're ready to level and we'll make sure you get set up, even if we have to chain Outbreak to a chair and bring out the rack.

Some other minor tidbits are as follows;

- Firearms mastery for rangers has been adjusted.
- Several aspects have been tweaked upwards in power, and some RPP prices dropped.
- Humanoid shapechangers is once again an option for favored enemies in the codebase.
- Race languages in chargen now match the wiki.

Poro and Lahar got the racial feats in, as well as most of the other features. Big thank to you to them, and a big thank you to everyone else who's been working at making this a great game, including all our recent player runners. It really makes us happy to see so many of you dipping your toes into the DM water and we hope you continue to do so.

- Whirlpool, FEAT?

The Feats page has been consolidated. This has nothing to do with upcoming announcements, absolutely nothingk. :D

- Lah

Jan 28

9th Level Powers

As most of you know, all our races at this time have ninth level powers.

This is going to be changed. We will be removing these powers and replacing them with a new system entirely. This system will likely, barring unforseen issues at this time, be a free racial feat at level 6, along with a few feat chains for those interested in pursuing them tied to the themes of each race.

- Whirl

Jan 10

More streamlining by Azog. :3 Also, there's now some information on what to do if your country uses a different DST than the server.

To install your +cal, go here: Personal Calendar!

- Lahar

Jan 06

New Special Material

Well...kind of. X) Say it is a new way to USE your special materials...

Tenebrae is pleased to announce Essence Bonding! It is an ancient technique crafted by Green Word spiritualists of old, that permits the bonding of certain unique materials to the claws and teeth of their war beasts. During the ancient wars, it was used by these groups to great, and devestating effect...

To read more about it, navigate to Characters > Equipment on the website. It's listed as a Special Material.

With the introduction of Essence Bonding, we're also adding a new perk for becoming involved in the various, open orgs on Tenebrae. That is, when it is thematic for them, some open orgs may gain, over time, a slightly cheaper access to certain technologies or techniques. This does not equal exclusive--it just means a little cheaper, mainly as a reward for becoming involved in Tenebrae and in the world of Ea itself, and continuing to tell your story.

- Lahar

January 1


Now that we've ticked over the new year, +Events scheduled for this year will function properly again.

Holidays, pt 3 Reminder

Hey, there. This is just a reminder to folks old and new about our last, final celebration of the holidays. I've posted on this before, but a reminder never hurts. :3

For Holidays Part 3, I'll be awarding one of your PCs, from level 2-8, a free level...with treasure.

All you need to do to earn it is, sometime between now and the end of January, email me (lahar.tenebrae at 4 RPP logs OR 1 PrP log. Remember, Whirl will be hosting a PrP Workshop this Sunday (tomorrow), so please consider giving PrPs a go...

Once you email me, I'll contact you and we'll take it from there, figure out what shinies you want, and so forth... :D

- Lahar

PS Because folks have asked, yes, the logs do need to be from January. All the best, - Lah

December 26

The Cinnamon Challenge

This is an OFFICIAL NOTICE! ...we are offering a hefty, ONE-TIME bounty of ONE-HUUUUUNDRED XP!!! anyone and everyone who can take up the 'Cinnamon Challenge.' ... :D

This means.

Picking up Cinnamon and tossing her at monsters. ICly.

Bonus if you include a war cry.

Have fun, guys. :3

December 25

Happy Holidays, pt 3!!!!!

Damn. When I woke up this morning, I couldn't help but think how wonderful this season is. It's a time for family, for friends...for community.

That is what we would like to do. Show our appreciation to you. Yes, YOU. :D

So for this season, for the entire month of January (which is coming up in just a week!) we'll be offering a little something.

What we'd like to do is kickstart the new year. Start it off right. And, we hope, give our DMs a little break--a way of thanking THEM for running nearly 3+ scenes a week for an entire YEAR.



Send in 4 RPP Logs - OR - Run 1 PrP

...we'll bump any alt, from levels 2-8, UP ONE FULL LEVEL, with some treasure to go with it. :3

Just email me the logs (, then let me know you did via +request, and include which alt your bonus goes to. That's all you have to do. I'll contact you and we'll take it from there.

The PrP doesn't have to be top-notch, either. This is more about getting our feet wet, collectively. Pester Whirlpool for ideas. Pounce Inferno. Poke Pyro. He's a hippie. Just like Sandy.

And Happy Holidays, from everyone here on Tenebrae. :D

- Lahar

PS Some folks have asked, "What do I send in with a PrP?" You basically send the log, with rolls and ooc-foo. Check out Roleplay > Player Run Plots. I made a cheat sheet at the bottom.

PPS Please give the PrPs a try. I want to give this award out. Yet, part of me also wants our DMs to have a special treat, too. So harass'em, invite'em along. Say thank you. :D And get your feet wet. XD

December 19

Actions and Maneuvers in PF!

We've a new page up! It is in the Pathfinder section of our site and tries to clarify "Just What Can I do in a Round?" It also addresses combat maneuvers a bit, too.

I don't claim everything is correct yet. If you see an error, don't hesitate to send a polite @mail.

To see the charts, head on over to Start Here > What is Pathfinder, and look under the Resources section. Or, click here.

- Lahar

December 10

Celebrating the Holidays, pt 2.5!

Happy Holidays! As we prepare for the final stretch of Tenebrae's holiday preparation, staff wanted to take time out to say hi to our new folks...and to give a firm hand-shake to the old. With this in mind, we wanted to ask: who are you? And, what stories do you want to tell?

So just for the fun of it, staff is tossing out some Character Questionairres. You don't need to fill these out. X) But if you do, staff will award you 3 RPPs if you're new. If you're old, fill one out for your oldest, and youngest, PC. We'll give you 3 RPP for that, too. Just share what answers you can and share them on the forum. :3

We may do PrP bounties with these, depending on the response and your own interests.

Happy holidays, everyone!

- Lahar

PS No one HAS to do this. It's just something fun to help us learn about eachother. :D And that is why we are offering RPPs if you do. X)

December 8

Paizo just released their official monk update. We'll be incorporating it.

- Lahar

November 26

About the Caravan...

Note: Anyone who can email me a log showing their RP with any of these themes, the gobbers will give an extra-super-discounted price to (via magic; it just happens).

Plugging RP Shamelessly Since 1997,

- Lahar
lahar.tenebrae ... !

More news.png

"The roads shall be painted teal!" announced the maddened hobgoblin king. And lo, his subjects bowed before him, and all roads from Hither to Yon became teal with bright green roses.

Recent Rumors in Alexandria

Variday, Khael 02, 1015

Dragon in the Hills

In the aftermath of recent chaos, a fishing town ran into crossroads with a wandering dragon. Whether over fishing rights, territory, or just malice, the town lost a number of workers to the creature. With help from the local sheriff, adventurers tracked it into the hills. When challenged with axe and spear, the dragon lost and fell to earth.

The threat to the town is ended, and local sith were called upon to dispose of the dragon's body, according to tribal custom. One adventurer was heard to comment that the creature could have been a needed ally against Heth, if he'd only listened. Heth is the massive beast who singlehandedly runs what was once the mighty nation of Dragonier, controlling an army of undeath and destruction. He first took Dragonier sometime between 1008 and 1013, but with things as they were, word was understandably slow to filter out...and uncertain.

OOC: A big, big thanks to Hurricane for running this! You rock, especially doing this on the fly. :3 OOC2: For rumors about the scene, contact Fishbelly, Kravar, Tatyannah, Zarr, or Ormarr.

Tariday, Quintoos 26, 1015

Damage Report

With the City-wide efforts leading to the expulsion of the Cannibal Queen, there is also a lot of damage. According to authorities, the damage report for the city of Alexandria is as follows:

Temple Square: The roof of the Temple of Tarien has been /blown off/. It is now roofless. Most of the windows in the temple district have been shattered. There is a giant hole on the side, a lucht-sized dent in the dome, as well as previous damage, to the Temple of Daeus.
Riverfront: The riverfront district bears a /lot/ of damage. A gret deal of fighting went on down there that ended with a gret deluge of water flooding the distrct, though briefly. The docks suffered significant damage and will take a great deal of time to repair.
City-wide: The mana lights are all having to be replaced, bit by bit. It won't take too terribly long, but the city is going to be darker than usual for a while.
Bank: The bank of Alexandria suffered not one, but /two/ assaults. The second one was more damaging than the first and explosives cracked a bank vault. Unsurprisingly, the bank is now under extremely heavy guard.
Goblintown: Goblintown is recovering from its riots and panics nicely. Since most of the buildings there are rather ramshackle, they've been deconstructed and reconstructed in record time. Artifice helps, too.
City Defenses: A section of the norhtern wall, close to the western edge, was apparently disintegrated by a now slain creature, but barricades and guards have been placed at this brach until such time as members from the appropriate guilds can devise a strategy to patch the hole in the walls.

...There are probably some damages I am not including here, but these are the ones I was able to gather together! If I'm forgetting something, let me know and I'll add it in! - Whirl

Variday, Quintoos 25, 1015

The End of the Queen

Late on the second day of the Exorcism, the ritual completed.

In doing so, it literally exploded just about every window in the Temple District, every window, especially on the Temple of Tarien, and literally blew the roof off said temple. Turns out that exorcism was being held in there -- and now it is done. At last. Between Kulthian machines, evil doppelgangers, and the Queen's own infected minions, the cost was high and dozens have been left dead, and that's not even getting into the other events of the day. The bank robbery, a rumored trip by agents of Alexandria to Merkabah, undead still loose in the city, the creation of something called 'The Blood Golem' and much, much more.

There were threts large and small, but all of them, one after the other, was confronted and defeated by heroes worthy of the city of Alexandria.

The City Council has issued an edict that for the next week there will be a time of mourning and celebration. Mourning those who were lost, but celebrating what was saved. The Vardamans will be very busy.

Quintoos 11, 1015

Variday, The Exorcism: Day One Completion

The day started off well enough. Though the air was tense, nothing occurred of any real import until the closing hours of the day.

The barricades around the Temple of Daeus were completed and soldiers and adventurers of the Explorer's Guild -- mercenaries really -- were assigned to watch over the Temple district. Others were assigned to the docks, anticipating the arrival of an attack force of vengeful Sahuagin who were no doubt incensed over the destruction of their underwater home by the Planar Disjunction Cannon (better known as the spell cannon).

As all these preperations were under way, preperations of another sort were beginning. The guards, early in the day, had heard whispers that there was going to be some kind of plan enacted by a local criminal. They dispatched a team of savvy individuals to arrest him. Tracking him down, they found out that he was planning to attack the Bank of Alexandria, taking advantage of the Guard's distraction and thin stretchedness. His plan was foiled and the criminal slain by a team of adventurers, though not without great difficulty. The bank robbery was foiled and the stolen loot returned, but for that which was given to the heroes for foiling the plan.

As night fell, several explosions rocked the city.

The first were at a building in the lower trade district. There, an explosion blew out the top floor of a building. Witnesses report several adventurers leaping from the window shortly thereafter. It was followed by a couple of secondary explosions from within the building. There is no official comment on the operation at this time, but the fires were quickly brought under control by civilians and guardsmen working hand in hand to contain the damage.

More explosions rocked the city, though, as the attack on Alexandria got truly underway. In the Temple District, an explosion blew open a hole in the temple of Daeus' side. Witnesses report that the Guards were confronted with bombers mind-controlled to blow themselves up on the premises. As this happened, cylinders began raining from the sky in a manner not seen since the days of the Illuminated Order war years ago, spitting out faux-Kulthian horrors all over the city -- though thankfully nowhere near as sophisticated as those used by the Illuminated Order. The heart of the attack, and the greatest number of these, was at the Temple District. There, the paladins of the various faiths and their clerics, along wiht numerous heroes, battled valiantly to contain the threat and drive it back so that the ritual wouldn't be interrupted. Only the Tarienites were absent, apparently enmeshed into an on-going party that doesn't seem to have stopped to this hour.

While the 'Kulthian' attacks seem to've petered out, that wasn't the end of the night's drama.

First, there was an alarm sounded at the Castellum. Apparently, something went terribly wrong there. Rumors say that the guard had briefly lost track of the location of several Council Members. A couple hours later, the all clear was given and everyone was assured by city officials that nothing had happened. A mistaken, false alarm. Those skeptical of this whisper that inside sources indicate some sort of demonic attack had taken place and that Lady Rawyn was kidnapped. An edict issued by her countering this rumor came not long after.

As the night continued, the expected Sahuagin attack came. Hordes of the angry fishmen swarmed the docks, setting several warehouses a blaze. The guard put their plan into effect and destroyed the undersea tunnels that were being used by them to funnel troops close to Alexandria without leaving them exposed to coastal defenses. Several adventurers took part in the battle, making a heroic stand that saved countless lives here as well.

While Alexandria is still in peril, the hard fought victories on the first day of the Exorcism show that their resolve is unshakeable. They are united in their desire to defeat the Queen and the agents of her discord will not stop them.

Variday, Quintoos 04, 1015

Attack on West Gate

Last last night, sounds of battle could be heard from the west gate of Alexandria, as well as a few late alarms. The rumor, is that something putrid attacked the gate, parents using booger slinging children to attack people guarding the gate. The rumor also states that the wall was partially brought down by vines. The upper wall is missing, but the lower sections and the surrounding areas are fine, however the wall has been charred by fire, with the vines have been burned away.

OOC: Those who wish to inquire should speak to Kilian, Deril, Kiroth, Holdan, Fishbelly, Caris, or Raethon for details.

Variday, Rhaltaas 28, 1015

Guards, guards everywhere

The city is on lockdown.

Sort of.

There are city watchmen /everywhere/. Everyone has been called onto duty, and the Guild of Explorers is assisting in the effort. There are patrols around every corner, it'd seem. Hell, they're even in goblintown, which is causing some tension with the local goblin and Arvek Nar militia.

In other words: the city seems quite ready for /anything/.

Eliday, Rhaltaas 27, 1015

Lights Out

Every light in the city of Alexandria -- that is to say, every mana based lamp or torch that lights public areas, has now gone out. City officials claim that it's merely a technical issue, but it's proximity to the impending 'exorcism' of the Azure Queen can't be any coincidence.

Regardless, they're /out/ and nobody knows when they'll be working again.

Eliday, Rhaltaas 20, 1015

An Installation at the Fernwood

A marvel!

A catastrophe!

A...a...unique and wondrous gift to the people of Alexandros!

Rumors fly as wildly as opinions. In the midst of the cloud hanging over the of the Khazad trading companies (who are even now working to re-establish pre-Mist trade routes all over the world) has bequeathed the loan of a grand instrument to the people of Alexandros.

The Harp of the Undermountain, it is declared, is a marvel of not only performance but of khazad craftsmanship. As most harps are small so that they may be carried, the Harp the sponsor boasts, is as large as three khazadi side by side.

The sildanyari, who are traditionally known for their fine harps and similar instruments, have near universally expressed their...doubt.

Among certain circles, reactions range from doubt to disbelief to a...guarded interest.

Nevertheless, the Masterbuilder-based company, By My Beardstrings, is set to reveal its creation within the week. An installation within the reknowned Fernwood Pub. A number of performances, they say, are scheduled soon after.

Eliday, Rhaltaas 20, 1015

Temple of Daeus Barricades

Additional barricades are being erected around the Temple of Daeus, and additional guards have been placed about it. It would appear that the Temple is taking great lengths to secure itself from any potential violence. No doubt this has something to do with rumored ritual that is to come.

Tariday, Rhaltaas 08, 1015

The Collection is Complete

Rumors are flittering out of the Temples that the collection of holy objects is now complete. One imagines it's only a matter of time before they're put to use. Their location is unknown for security reasons, of course, but just as one can imagine that they'll be soon used, one can also imagine that 'secure' only means that nobody has tried to steal them.


The air of tension in the city continues exhaustively, but due to the efforts of the adventurers and the city guard, things are still stable.

For now.

Visitors to the Dragon and it's Knight

Recently, two separate individuals -- one woman and one armored knight, were seen being seen at separate times heading off to the nearby ruined fort where the Dragon and it's Knight are said to be making their home during their visit to Alexandria. People are speculating as to what role they might play in events going forward, especially with regards to the so-called 'Exorcism' of the 'Azure Queen'.

Tariday, Rhaltaas 08, 1015

Fizzleton's Circus of Marvels!

The gobber-run circle known as Master Fizzleton's Circus of Wonders is in town!

It isn't set up yet, because rumor has it that Master Fizzleton just led an expedition to the fabled Isle of the Gargantua, and came back with a magnificent beast to display at the circus once they're ready to show their marvels to the sight-seers of Alexandria.

The usual protests by druids have begun outside their camp beyond the city walls.

Variday, Daeshen 30, 1015

Ableskein Asylum Burns

Terrible news comes back to Alexandria. Dozens of inmates sent to the once well-reputed Ableskein Asylum Home are now dead. Families grieve and search for answers as to what befell them, but all the surviving management can manage is broken accounts of terrible nightmares and waking to a house broken by the Azure Queen. Many former patients are being returned to their families and the care of the Althean church when that is not an option. The survivors are all shaken, and it will be some time before they feel safe enough to speak of their experiences. The Asylum itself is barred to all entry and being investigated by the Altheans and Alexandrian Constabulary. All that's known is that Jibbom and a few others were recently there on suspicious business, and much of the interior of the building itself is blackened and burned out.

Variday, Daeshen 30, 1015

Food Additives

Rumors of a commotion at the Ox this evening circulate. What exactly it was is unclear, though the words 'infestation' and 'that place!' are overheard.


It's the Ox, right?

OOC: Speak with Ulharilti Wiivai, Mel, Zalara, or Mikilos for details!

Ceriday, Daeshen 28, 1015

A light in the night

In the early twilight hours of the morning, a great beam of energy streaks from the Red Ridge Mountains out into the open sea. There is a great commotion and giant waves crash against the cliffs of Alexandria. The Tornmawr will be running high for several days.

The spell cannon has been fired.

Rumors from the North

Bludgun is an isolationist nation.

It's been one since the end of the Sendor War and the vanishing of King Harshtone. Now ruled by the largely mysterious ====Council of the Fireborn====, they====ve largely closed their borders but to traders who====ve worked out arrangements for the deliveries of desperately needed goods. Now those same traders are reporting that Bludgun seems to be engaged in some kind of fortification effort along its north border.

Of course, this fortification effort should come as no surprise, as its northern border is the one they share with the fallen nation of Dragonier. While not the first such effort, this latest one is said to be the most extensive effort at walling the giant-lead kingdom off from the danger that Heth and its minions represent. Of course, it also serves to keep those still continuing the struggle against Heth and other refugees out as well.

Eliday, Daeshen 15, 1015

Pilgrims Again

Once more, the trek to the holy Eidolon Court is open to pilgrims who wish to go and hear the Hymn of Creation. The first such group returned this evening, though many of those who went looked more subdued and concerned than one would expect on such a joyous occasion.

Soon thereafter, rumors begin to surface about some kind of divine vision having been witnessed by some of the pilgrims there, where they were warned about the 'the children of the first born' and how they will 'rise'.

As if Alexandria needed /more/ to worry about while it untangles the thorny problem of the Azure Queen and her influence.

Korday, Daeshen 12, 1015

A Queen's Ransom

Returning gloriously from the mountains is an expedition that uncovered what appears to be one of the largest treasure troves of art recovered from the Sorceress Wars in at least several years.

The art in question, found by an expedition lead by two treasure hunters, Maxwell Saymoore and Selma Blayworth, were hot on the trail of merely one magical item, a lyre constructed by an elven bard seven centuries ago with exquisite skill, when they soon learned that they might be on the trail of something much more valuable.

"We're very proud of this accomplishment. We couldn't have done it without working together from beginning to end," Maxwell is said to have noted.

The art is now being housed in various city storehouses under lock and key until artistic evaluators, Ceinarans, Reosians, and more have had the chance to look at it. An effort will be made to return the art to its proper owners or their inheritors.

This may prove problematic, however, and disputes over appropriate succession are likely to arise.

OOC: Talk to Zippo, Jensine, Jex, Kojot, Kravar, Millicent, Gwendolyn for information.

Gilday, Daeshen 11, 1015

General Bloodeyes Appears

The village of Vandran, not far outside the gates of Alexandria, was recently "taken hostage" by a chieftain from Bludgun! In truth he was here seeing about opening trade relations with some unknown guild through a human middle-man named "Mr. Shram". General Bloodeyes, a huge ogre, and his gang set up outside of Alexandria and "convinced" many traveling merchants to come and caiter to them before soldiers from the city could establish proper detours.

A group of adventurers made their way to the camp and learned that General Bloodeyes was going to judge Alexandria's worth for trade based entirely on the stories and performances of that group of adventurers, and that once he had had his fill of entertainment he planned to leave. Not entirely prepared for the task, the adventurers made a wide range of performances, though General Bloodeyes seemed most interested in the storytelling (even if some of the stories were a bit far-fetched).

Satisfied with the performances, General Bloodeyes agreed to open a trade route to Alexandria, and both he and his men were gone by dawn the next morning. In the end, trade was momentarily disrupted and the village of Vandran will not be quick to forget the stressful visit, but things turned out well enough.

Tariday, Daeshen 10, 1015

Word Spreads

Word spreads rapidly through the city of Alexandria that one of the few remaining Dragon Knights of the lost nation of Dragonier is en route to Alexandria. The Dragon Knights were an esteemed order in their heyday, a glorious organization that kept the borders of Dragonier safe and brought justice to the world. Many a time they reached out to help Alexandria in its time of need, up to and including the Sendor War whose conclusion catapulted Alexandria into 'the mists' for five long years... at least to everyone who wasn't in Alexandria.

During Alexandria's sojourn into the Mists, the Dragon Knights extended their influence into the greater world once more to try to balance delicate political forces, most notably in incinerating a warlord of Dran who refused to take heed of their warnings during a period of expansion and aggression by its war-like people. Busy putting out fires all over hte world, they were ill-equipped when Heth rose and struck down the great golden dragon who ruled the ancient nation and murdered many other slumbering dragons. Though the Dragon Knights fought valiantly to save their country, they were no match for Heth and their final ill-fated charge against the great beast is commemorated in the now famous Bardic Song 'The Last Flight Of the Dragon Knights' by Peville Arborni of the Mythwood.

It is, perhaps, ill-named. After all, there a few dragon knights left. But what purpose could bring one to Alexandria? Rumors indicate that he aims to speak with several adventurers about recent events in Dragonier they were witness to.

The Azure Queen

More of a malevolent entity than a tangible force, the so-called Azure Queen has been an urban legend for some time. Often associated with acts of cannibals (hence her so-called title of 'Queen of the Cannibals', the Azure Queen is at the heart of many of the troubles that plague Alexandria as of late and it has been learned that she is an all too real force for evil even if her nature remains unknown.

Evidence of her influence can be seen all around as conflicts go worse, pushing families and neighbors into fighting each other over increasingly petty things, business owners devour their own coffers in greed, and merchants hoard their stocks, but there is always a very real, /root/ problem that it stems from. She just seems to make a bad thing /worse/.

Then there are those more directly afflicted -- actual men who've turned to the practice of cannibalism, claiming to follow 'the lady in blue' and her path. Once such cannibal was hanged after being caught and shouted about how she was 'coming'. Since then, indeed, things have steadily increased in tension all about the city.

The Churches of Alexandria have declared a plan to exorcise her spirit and purge the region of her taint. Adventurers from Alexandria have been dispatched across the land, hunting down the holy relics necessary for this act. In the meantime, other methods of battling her, and stemming the tide of her influence, continue to be explored.

Eliday, Daeshen 08, 1015

Fires in Goblintown

Recently, a firebroke out in the central Goblintown district. It was quickly doused through fast-acting explorer's guild members along with local Goblintown militia. The explorer's guild and militia were apparently on hand to arrest a wanted fugitive.

More strangely, however, are reports of azure-hued goblins that attacked the adventurers, a worrying sign that the madness of the so-calld 'Cannibal Queen' might've spread into Goblintown itself.

Ceriday, Daeshen 28, 1015

The Death of Teakettle

An announcement is posted all over the city, announcing the death of Captain Teakettle in a major operation to end the pirate threat to Alexandria's shipping and trade. Teakettle, notorious for his stack on Alexandria by slipping up the Tornmawr in a submersible, is a known cannibal and thought to be a mad man in the service of the Azure Queen. The lucht Pirate's head, taken in battle, is now mounted on a spike near the gates of the Castellum for all to see.

In addition, it is announced that the spell cannon has been used to destroy a major threat to Alexandria. Recently, numerous adventurers hunting for Teakettle's base found a Sahuagin military base beneath he sea where they were gathering some sort of army and conducting dark rituals to their God. The Spell Cannon has been used to annihilate this base and to remove the threat of the Sahuagin from the city's side -- or so it is claimed. Many speculate the spell cannon was used as a show of force to ensure other nations that Alexandria's defenses are secure. Open debate on this matter, and the use of such Kulthian technology by the city government, has spurred many arguments already.

That said, all of it, Teakettle is dead and the back of the pirate operations broken. All that's left now is to dispel the spirit of the Azure Queen, if such a thing is truly possible.

Eliday, Daeshen 08, 1015

The Cannon Moves

Today, the great turret of the Planar Disjunction Cannon, sitting in the Red Ridge Mountains, turned and now faces out over Alexandria -- aimed towards the sea.

Korday, Callem 22, 1015

An End To Wasps

Reports from the Mythwood Wardens indicate that the threat from the felwood wasps has been contained. A group of adventures recently stormed the nest and put an end to its taint! The injured wardens are finally beginning to recover and the peril the villages outlying to Alexandria were in has now been dealt with. One more situation dealt with.

(Thanks to Rogun, Sebropert, Ferawyn, Elgin, Eligar and Brom! Especially to Sebropert for taking point on organizing and getting this IC situation handled and everyone else who contributed to this. Also, big thanks to Lahar for tackling the storyline in the first place!)

Variday, Callem 19, 1015

Forest Fire

Travellers are reporting that a forest fire is still burning north of Alexandria -- laying closer to the Mythwood than to Alexandria proper. Rumor is it was started by a sorcerer -- a sorcerer who is untrained and now in the care of the Mythwood Wardens. Another example, some elves say, of humans failing to keep their magical house in order.

Korday, Callem 15, 1015

Sildanyari Dance Party?

From an article in this week's Alexandrian Tribune...

"I am unclear what precisely was being celebrated by the Sildanyari of the city today but a procession was seen prancing and dancing in fine form through the markets and warehouse district. This reporter has never seen anything like it though I am a bit concerned about their choice of footwear. Still, one never knows with Sildanyar--they are a touchy folk. Still, it is always wonderful to see individuals fully embracing their cultural heritage so this reporter says Prance on!"

Tariday, Callem 6, 1015


Efforts proceed to banish the so-called 'spirit of the Azure Queen, with groups of adventurers being sent far and wide to gather 'holy relics' for the various churches that will be participating the ritual. Some are said to have been returned already, but the churches and the government are refusing to issue any confirmations for security reasons.

More of ALexandrian's militia have been deployed to the city streets to assist the Watch. While they are taking a back seat, technically, to the City Watch's authority, some tensions are becoming visible between the two organizations.

A group of Dragonieri refugees were recently called to the Castellum to speak of the horrors witnessed during the fall of the kingdom to the dragon known as 'Heth'. After this meeting, the newly functional and restored Planar Disjunction Cannon that lays within the Red Ridge Mountains, more commonly referred to as the 'Spell Cannon' had its turret rotated to the north, where it has remained since.

The Alexandrian Navy continues its efforts to hunt the Lucht Suil pirate, Captain Teakettle, and has reported to the populace that it is closing in on him and will soon put an end to his threat. 'He will serve as a warning to all who choose the path of piracy'.

With the reduction in patrols outside of Alexandria, due to the forces being called to the city itself, banditry is becoming increasingly prevalent along the roads into and out of Alexandria, not to mention the increased threat from dangerous monsters that are still a problem in the region. Armed bands of Alexandrian advenrurers have been dispatched to quell the problems, but until regular patrols can be resumed and tension in the city itself decrease, it will remain a problem.

Korday Aestry 11, 1015

The Hunt for Teakettle

Word spreads from the river folk and wandering lucht that the popular River's Rest Inn, located not too far from Alexandria, has been a hub of madness. A group sent to investigate the whereabouts of the elusive pirates in their Kulthian submersible stumbled upon a cult of crazed maneaters. Shockingly, it was not ogres or other savages who had seized control of the locale, but man eating man as the stories go. St-eww seems to be the phrase of the day. The authorities and clergy are looking into the matter, because the inn's shrine to Rada has been desecrated and several questions remain unanswered.

(Kojot, Remethaer, Kilian, Thorarna, Brom, Solace, Niama, and Zaxx are to blame. Talk to them first if curious. :))===Thu Aestry 11===

Tariday Aestry 02, 1015

Pirates Raid Alexandria

It had been a beautiful day along the banks of the Tornmawr, but it quickly became a spectable. The Alexandrian river patrol had captured the infamous Captain Yuvan, a halfling pirate who had been pillaging the shores of the region, and others, for many years. He apparently surrendered outright to the navy without even a fight, and asked only to make a statement in Alexandria. While details vary on the exact nature of that statement, it would appear that not all pirates were so eager to let him get out of the business.

As the pirate crew moored their ship and was manacled on the docks, a second pirate ship -- some sort of iron submersible vehicle -- emerged from the water and opened fire on the Alexandrian vessels with mounted magitech cannons. Fire was exchanged between both of them as the iron ship rammed the docks and spilled forth a squadron of pirates, intent on preserving their secrets and inflicting casualties upon the Alexandrian people.

A fierce battled ensued and the pirates were eventually driven back before they could capture Captain Yuvan and most of his men. The Alexandrian navy has vowed retribution for the attack and the Ruling Councuil has indicated that no stone will be left unturned in their pursuit, while merchants whose business lies along the Tornmawr already whisper fearfully about what they could possibly do to protect themselves from this vessel and make plans for airship or travel by land until the situation is 'resolved'.

Where did this metal ship come from? Will it attempt to raid the city again? Or will the Alexandrian navy adn its allies destroy it before it can strike? Only time will tell.

Brief Festival

A brief event of some sort broke out without warning in the marketplace this afternoon. Dozens of children swarmed the area, singing songs and offering good cheer to the merchants of the area. Wizardly entertainments were present, and at least one magical lion ride. The children are apparently members of a new club sweeping the youth of the city, promoting inspiration and good cheer. Members can be seen wearing copper braclets, reading an enigmatic 'WWJD?'

A brief scuffle broke out shortly after the festival between children promoting a halfling leader, and others loyal to a gnomish one. Reports of a third group wearing tunics of 'WWSvID?' are unconfirmed.

Tariday Firetide 18, 1015

Spell Cannon, Reclaimed!

Today, the Council of Alexandria announced that they have officially reclaimed the Spell Cannon complex with the aid of members of the Explorer's Guild. In a combined Alexandrian/Myrrish operation, the Planar Disjunction Cannon (the spell cannon for shirt) which was once fired upon the Eidolon Court by the Blasphemer, Augustus Alexandroa, and upon the floating Fortress City of Merkabah, during the Illuminated Order War, vis to be brought back online to protect the city from any threats -- such as the the threat of Heth from Dragonier, or of Charn's armies. Myrrish and ALexandrian technical expertise is presently working together to ascertain how much damage was done during its years of dormancy under a spell of petrification, rendering it unusable until now, but the Council assures all that the cannon, and authority upon its use, are solely in Alexandrian hands.

Tariday Firetide 11, 1015

Mab Ranting

Rumors abound through the goblin population of Alexandria that Mab Smottle has been banned from Ma Rosie's Gambling Hall, after going on a bizarre and entirely unprovoked(?!) rant against artificery and artificers. Although the details of the rumors vary significantly (sometimes involving a generously-hipped elf laughing herself sick), the fact is that Mab was dragged out of the hall and dumped in a horse trough. This has not helped Mab's standing amongst other goblins at all, and she is apparently said to be steaming mad about it. Or at least having to steam her clothes. Rumors are hard.

Gilday Jun 19

Blue-Tinged Xorns

While the spell cannon has been reclaimed, it has not been without consequence. The elements are still not completely settled by the formerly petrified cannon and there are rumors of strange, blue tinged creatures lurking in the mountains still. These reports are being taken seriously and these creatures ar being actively hunted.

(Bonus points for any PRP which involves hunting 'Maddened, blue tinged Xorns'. )

Variday Firetide 10, 1015

Swarm Tactics

Merchants and travelers passing through Vadran village speak of a large ebony Sith'Makar and his red-headed companion collecting a team to voyage into the dark recesses of the Felwood. The wood is angry, and forces beyond its control need to be quelled. A call has been put out to friends of the wood, and friends of Vadran to find the source of the giant wasp menace and bring it to a halt.

OOC- For those that have been participating in the Vadran village plots, and/or would like to RP or help in adventures within give Sebropert or Ferawyn a holler. We have four interested parties so far, but I want to try to get anyone who would like to be involved to come along. This will be a Whirl/Beaglefarts thing, and should be a lot of fun. Or our doom. Depends on how you interprete them giggling every time they mention it to me.

Dates - I am shooting to get this done in the next week or so, and it will probably be a two parter (Of course time is fluid, and it will get done when people are available). Right now we can't do the 13th or 14th, but most other days are open. Page or mail me with your availabilities, and we'll run it by our lovely GMs and see when they can do it. Until then we can RP to pass along information or discuss strategy.

Kesenday Firetide 07, 1015

A Village Saved

The tiny village of Borm, on the edge of the Red Ridge Mountains, was recently the scene of an operation by Guild of Explorer's members in the employ of the city of Alexandria. Borm was apparently subject to a maddened wizard gating in horrible flying-head monsters (no, really) which, rumors say, apparently had the ability to transform OTHER people into similar flying head monsters. (No! Really!)

The wizard has apparently been destroyed, but numerous flying head monsters (we're not joking here) are apparently on the loose in the countryside. A bounty has been placed on them (to some scoffing) and life is slowly returning to normal for the villagers left behind.

(In short, PRP fuel for anyone who wants to run a PRP where folks get to hunt down and murder Vargouilles. Those creepy things!)

Arena Champions

In the western edge of the city a clarion call of brass trumpets sounds...

...the call is picked up deeper in the city and then re-played onward and forward until the sound can be heard at every point within the city.

Within an hour a herald stands in every plaza,

"Hear Ye, Hear Ye,

Let it be known that on the 30th day of Hattan in the year of 1015 that the battle of Snowbarrow Pass did commence in the Great Arena of Alexandria. Know that the Champions of Thane Lofriek did battle the Royal Guard of the Lizard King Ghall-ka; And that upon this day, as was so in ages past, the Champions of Lofriek did defeat the forces of Ghall-ka and claim victory in Snowbarrow Pass.

Hear now the names of you Champions for this day is theirs!

Hunter Bromormodin Thundercleaver of Clan Stonesmasher

Sir Eligar, Knight of Peace

Gunnhilde Sturremsdottir, a Shield Maiden of Volstengrad

Artifice Archivist Jex

Nadara, Ower of so Many Debts to Rada, She's Not Even Kidding

Takholden Windsbreath, Adventurer from the Vast

Let no /Lawful Request/ made by these Champions go unconsidered by the /True/ citizens of Alexandria until the dawning of tomorrow!"

Gilday Firetide 5, 1015

From the Frozen North

The Chaos hasn't benefited most places...but the Arena isn't most. Its draw always the fire of adrenaline, it now boasts exotic warriors from exotic locales, as well as the pride of local heroes.

Other nations have taken notice.

A band of oruch from the High North descended of late on the City. They arrived astride great mammoths, these warriors-turned-merchant...and challenger. Though they've entered their own into the Arena in the form of mighty berserkers, they've also brought with them...

...goods to sell.

They travel under the dual auspices of Kor and Rada, bearing the banners of both...and the strength of the frozen north.

OOC Note: We'll be posting some goods for sale shortly. This is more to set the scene for their arrival, so please go ahead and include these unruly merchants, and warriors, in your RP or even PrPs!

From the Frozen North, pt 2

The oruch band from Stormgarde brings with them a number of items, even as their berserkers enter the Arena in full force. These are listed below. The prices are in gold. If an item does not have a number (such as 2x) in front of its name, assume there is only one of them to sell.

The Warlord's Maul (1635)
This great earthbreaker bears the symbols of Kor and the stain of many battles. It gets its name from a tale associated with it, that once it was forged, a great lightning struck from the sky and demolished the crafter's house. This earthbreaker, goes the story, was made to challenge even the elements.
For mechanical purposes, treat this as an Earthbreaker +1.

Flail of the Glacier (3038)
This heavy flail bears an unusual chill, and is said to have been forged against the vicious spirits of the north. Its make is heavier than most, and requires a mighty warrior to lift.
For mechanical purposes, treat this as a +1 cold iron, Dran flail.

0x Shaman's Mane (13,265)
This ancient and gnarled staff was made for the hands of a prominant oruch. It claims an ancestry among the Fire Reavers, though its last owner was not of that tribe. Its surface is hewn with symbols if fire and its color is the color of harshly-burnt ash. At the cap is the mane of a manticore, bound around the staff as a symbol of power and warrior-prestige.
For mechanical purposes treat this as a staff of fire.

1x Rings of the Full Belly (oldest is sold) (1750)

These rings are different: one is old, and one is new, though the merchant claims they serve the same purpose. They keep the bearer's stomach full in even the harshest of climates.

For mechanical purposes, treat this as a ring of sustenance.

3x Potions of the War God (210)

Drinking one of these elixers is said to confer great strength. The bottles are crafted from old glass, done in the style of ages ago, and likely used, re-used over time for different purpose and ceremony. They contain a strong, reddish liquid, and are marked with the symbols of Kor.

For mechanical purposes, treat these as potions of bull's strength.

The Knowledge of Shamans (varied)
One offering offering from Stormgarde comes in the knowledge of the oruchs' great shamans. Inscribed in hide, they offer the following:
1x Scroll of Bull's Strength (105)
2x Scrolls of Bear's Endurance (105)
1x Wand of Endure Elements (525)
1x Elixir of (Spirit's) Vision (175)
The Knowledge of Warriors (varied)
The final offering comes in the form of heavy, masterful weaponry and armor. Most of these are inscribed with images of Kor.
1x Adamantine Earthbreaker (2114)
1x Masterwork Heavy Flail (221)
1x Masterwork Tower Shield (126)
2x Masterwork Claws of the Oruch (228)

To purchase from the caravan, please send in a +request. Items are first come, first served. Sold items will be removed from the queue, or have a 0x placed in front of their name and become unavailable.

OOC: The caravan has since returned to the north!

Gilday Hattanan 29, 1015

Food Attacks!

Did you hear that a new restaurant, Grandma Good'um's Kitchen? It was supposed to open, a place that served exclusively to the members of the Explorer's Guild. Naturally the higher ups of the Explorer's Guild sent some new members with the promise of a free lunch. If they returned without food poisoning then they would have to try it. Tak, Temarie, Brom and Faiza braved accepted the assignment of a free lunch on the guild's dime. Turns out the food tried to eat them. They had to battle soup that wanted to drowned them, a fried roasted chicken that to cook them and mashed potatoes that were looking to well...mash them. The four were able to defeated the food and discovered that Grandma Good'um's Kitchen had an artifice oven that was summoning food from some pocket universe. The guards were called and Grandma's Good'um's Kitchen has been shut down pending investigation.

Tariday Hattanan 28, 1015

Blight Averted

Recently, a group of followers of the Green Word set out for a farm in the Heartland, sent there at the behest of the Alexandrian city government. Rumors indicate some kind of blight was located there and the crops themselves were swiftly burnt after initial explorations. At least one witness reports that someone was deliberately trying to start some kind of blight. City officials assure the populace, however, that Alexandria's food supply is adequate and safe and on target to beat expectations and last year's harvest.

(Thanks to Tatyannah, Mara, Elessa, Molkh and Brom for a fun scene. Those curious about what happened should RP with them. :))

Tariday Hattanan 21, 1015

Mad Wizard

A local wizard is said to've fallen to the Azure Queen's corruption. Sacrificing his own life in black ritual, he conjured a tainted aquatic monster that devoured him in turn and used his remains as a grisly nest for its eggs. The corpse is said to've been found in a warehouse on the western docks beneath an eerie message painted in blood.

(Thanks to Jinks for running this PRP!)

Heartland Upset

Message: 7/7 Posted Author Heartland Upset Tue May 21 LaGnar

Word spreads that three boys, sons of farmers near the village of Vadran, were slain when playing at what was supposed to be an abandoned farm. According to rumor, the farmer's scarecrow came 'alive' and killed them.

Adventurers investingating the report discovered a field of an unknown narcotic being grown and harvested by order of the Cannibal Queen. How much of the drug has reached various cities is unknown.

OOC: This scene was run by Folkmar, and is part of the Cannibal Queen meta-arc! Get in touch with Rogun, Ferawyn, Petyr, Tatyannah, or Tak to investigate!

Variday Hattanan 20, 1015

More Raids in the Countryside

Chaos spreads. Not the light kind seen around the crackling of the fire, the beautiful kind inherit in the growth of joy, warmth in the heart of an excited child...but the darker sort emergent from forces unknown.

The arvek nar are latecomers to Alexandros, a place often called the hub of the world. They settled here after an orderly fashion and have been solid contributors, and protectors of not only city life but the myriad farm communities that form this great nation's backbone.

This last week, a group of them went 'rogue', thieving cattle and bringing harm to communities already hurt by current and as yet still unknown forces. While a group of adventurers has brought the band to a halt, the damage is there.

There is some bright light. The arvek have developed a solid reputation for hard work. In some cases, the incident brought neighbors closer together. However, in others, it's brought to mind old rivalries and superstition.

OOC: This scene was run by Folknar and is part of the Cannibal Queen meta-arc! Contact Rogun, Elessa, and Sebropert ICly for details!

Local Heroes...Gone?

While the threat of the Arena shutting down has...shut down due to the intervention of the Society (lead by Alexandria's Mikilos Mithralla), it seems as though some of the local fighters are taking their leave. Not all of them, but enough "local names" to be noticed by fans and regulars alike.

There's never a complete lack, though. Supposedly, Arena officials are working to bring in outsiders to fill the gaps, which may lead to new names and new faces. Excitement, they say.

Still, a number of Alexandrians are sad to see familiar heroes go.

OOC: We could use some folks to run some "exotic fights" using some gladitorial teams from far-off locations, either as a participating sport with local PCs, or as a spectator event! If interested, please contact staff for details. :3

OOC2: We tend to award a little extra for tying into meta-arc plots. Shhh. X)

Tariday Hattanan 14, 1015

Arena Settlings

Recent efforts and hard work among local adventurers has impacted the violence in the Arena. A llyranesi of the Society, Mikilos Mithralla let the charge, then found himself joined by other willing hands, as Society crafters took to modifying Arena weapons, enchanting them and rendering them nonlethal for the time being.

"We're certain the fighters know what they're doing. With what's going around, though..."

"We're not taking chances."

The quotes came from a pair of arena judges, notable to all by their distinctive uniforms.

Those who work officially with the Arena expressed their thanks, and have enforced use of these new weapon types during most combats. As a result, violence has dropped, and more than one person noted a sort of 'sighing' sound when the weapons were brought into play.

...though that could have easily been the wind.

Korday, Hattanan 2, 1015

Intercity Theatrics

Only recently re-settled, the flame and fire between the Flightwright and Hope is set to flare up again. As word of the "Remember the 62" warcry reached artistic ears, playwrights immediately set to work to bring the tragedy (and news) to the masses.

The respected playwright, Donathan Mayhew, has set quill to parchment and is purportedly "composing the work of a lifetime, filled with the heart of Vadran and the crying-out of the Heartlands...illustrating the bravery of these people..."

Other theatres will put in a bid for the work, though the Hope and Flightwright are expected to be at the forefront of it.

Could a work to honor a tragedy become a tragedy?

OOC: In older times, theatres were the movie theaters and newsrooms of the day. The Alexandrian theatres certainly play a similar role, and provide a vital means to communicate happenstance, circumstance, and debate political well as general entertainment from nobility to merchant to commoner. The Flightwright and Hope illustrate part of this mix-and-divide, one being similar to a marble statehouse with noble patrons, and the other...more "down to earth." Too, donations from noble patrons (and mercantile) are said to influence some plays produced, though at other times, an artist might truly go "out on the stage."

Variday, Bernfleur 29, 1015

A Warcry Among the Heartlands!

62! It's the new war cry among the Heartlands. At the entrance of Vadran, someone's shoved a sign into the earth with "62" written upon it, the current loss of the Heartlands's small towns and villages to the chaos.

As best they can count. A Sendor vetran, an Arvek, put the sign there after a recent attack left many dead. Without the adventurers there, many more would have perished.

There are mutterings that the small village, and others like it, will petition Alexandria's council.

OOC: For more information on this rumor, contact Ootin, Kravar, Ferawyn, Angrid, Kathryn, or Eligar!

OOC2: This is tied to the meta-arc! A number of you received notices regarding different parts of Alexandria and Alexandros which had begun to erupt. Most areas will be getting worse as our arc heats up. :3

Over time, these sections will 'implode' if not acted upon. When they do, they'll have a direct impact on commerce, trade, and the available of certain goods. This means, among other things, that prices for magic items, and basic items, and possibly even food will increase.

Legwork is open on these rumors, and PrPs.

Whirlpool will be doing another post on this tomorrow (tomorrow or next) with more information on how you can get involved. :) He hasn't been feeling well, so may need a little time.

Gilday, Bernfleur 24, 1015

Troop Movements

Recently, a deatchment of Alexandrian Militia departed from the city to the Red Ridge mountains via airship. They were joined there by a Myrrish detatchment of skyships where they are said to've performed, at least according to rumor, 'military exercises' together. Witnesses report both sets of airship opening fire on a spot somewhere in the mountains.

Tariday, Bernfleur 23, 1015

I've Gnomed More Women...!!!

I've gnomed more tavern wenches than you'll know in a lifetime!!!

Yes, that phrase set off a brawl in the Lower Trades the likes of which hasn't been seen since the Gobber Light Up and Spark pie incident four months ago. A middle-aged gnomish merchant assaulted an oruch chili master and that, they say, is what started it all.

Within seconds, the entire Lower Trades fell into chaos. Witnesses report the events happening swiftly, "Nae, before ya could blink!" according to some (scruffy, stereotypically bearded and kilted khazad-aul men as they hoisted a keg of beer).

Reports from the incident are still trickling in, though afterwards, some adventurers were seen fleeing the scene...

...of the CRIME!

OOC: I grabbed who was IC for this one. :3 Contact Kravar, Shilde, Chloe, Morgrinaar if you'd like to learn more! This ties into the Tenebrae Meta-Plot, the Azure (Cannibal) Queen.

Variday, Bernfleur 22, 1015

Chaos Grows

From an increased number of murders to brigades on the roads and high seas, it's apparent to even the casual traveler that chaos is on the rise. Not the warm, friendly chaos of a good song and dance at the pub, but something of a darker sort.

Different sections of the City are reacting different ways, with a number of them poised on a knife's edge. What this means is, a number of you have received @mails describing events in areas of the City you may know about. How much you know, or what, is up to you and your own tale. However, they are hints of things to come--potentially, without the action of heroes.

If you didn't get one, well. ...perhaps your party of the City hasn't started to implode.


Eliday, Bernfleur 7, 1015

Break a Leg

Alexandria loves a good show, but usually it happens within the confines of a stage. Today, the entire Theatre District became a stage of sorts, when the long-bubbling, yet more often than not, festive feud between the Flame's Hope and the Flightwright imploded, leaving several wounded and two dead. Of those among the deceased are notable names from Alexandria's acting troupes--Jaryaith Shogunsinja and Sienn Faelight Fluttershyne, the latter of whom was most notable for her role as Lady Sandiel, in The Fall of Lady Sandiel, a love-tradgey which was performed for the first time just this last spring to city-wide acclaim. The Flightwright was also partially burned as an effect of the incident.

Who is responsible for the incident is not immediately certain, though the Watch reports that investigations are currently underway. Tensions within the district are understandably high, and a number of residents reported uneasily that should things not calm down, they may well pack up and move, relocating to other areas. Worse however, is that a number of nobles appear to have placed at least a temporary "hold" on their sponsorships as a result of the outbursts. Between the two events, it appears as though this year's upcoming performances may be...sparse, unless something is done.

Ceriday, Bernfleur 6, 1015

Tragedy in the Temple District

There was a tragedy today in the Temple District. As many were going about their daily business a young woman hanged herself from the top of the Temple of Althea. Despite the quick intervention of the locals as well as the hearhguards, there was not that could be done from her. Rumors indicate that, before she jumped, she shouted, "It's all for her."

The City Watch began its investigation, during which they were attacked by some sort of undead monstrosity. . Thankfully for those gathered there was a large group of adventurers, not to mention the huge number of clerics, paladins, and more, and they were able to defeat the monstrosity before it could cause more damage, though two unfortunate lives were lost.

It's unknown who summoned the undead, but rumors that a Mul'niessa was heard praising the Shadow Sorceress before the undead attacked. She was later said to be taken into custody.

Gilday, Eatonis 20, 1015

A Rash of Suicides

Recently, there's been a rash of suicides from within Alexandria. They've all taken differnt forms, as one can imagine, but the uptick in them is noticable. Over the last couple of weeks, there has been nearly a dozen, or so it is rumroed, suicides in the city proper. The mourning families of those who've taken their own lives seem to be in a state of shock on matter.

Darker whispers blame demons, ghosts, and the Dark Gods, amongst other things.

Tariday, Eatonis 19, 1015

Nighttime Disturbances

Leaks from the Watch report a commotion from the Dragon's Den the other night. A few suspects were apprehended, though no official word regarding the arrests has been issued. A spokesman says that a statement may be forthcoming. In the meantime, additional Watch have been posted around the Dragon's Den, as well as the general riverside areas. The increased surveillance likely strains the resources of the City, but there's little to be done about it at this time given current events.

OOC: For details, contact Conrad, Jibbom, Zalara, Jibbom, or Jessa ongrid!

Tariday, Eatonis 5, 1015

Limping Back to Shore

The recently released Roslanian Galleon, named the Obsteprous Son, has been towed back to port missing its masts and looking much worse for wear. City officials who'd been aboard the ship for its maiden votage claim that it was damaged in a freak storm and that it will be repaired and refitted and sent back out into the waves as a pride of the Alexandrian mercantile fleet.

The crewmen, on the other hand, are said to be blaming a 'sea monster' for the damage to the ship. Several crewmen did -not- make it back, including the ship's captain and first mate.

Gilday, Pryntar 13, 1015

Unsettling Dreams

It's not the kind of thing that gets talked about too openly, but several people have begun to whisper about the strange dreams they've had lately, or the dreams of those they know. Dreams of deeply violent imagery. The color blue also seems to be a common theme in these dreams.

No doubt this is fueled by the speculation about the so called 'Blue Lady' that has been whispered about for a while now.

Eliday, Vhast 20, 1015

A Happy Announcement!

The Explorer's Guild is pleased to announce the recent action of several of its members in eradicating the recent menace plaguing the Vaersiman Manor. Through intervention of the Guild, deaths have been reduced 100%, ensuring a joyful and romantic getaway spot for all interested newlyweds. Why, the Vaersiman Manor was so inspiring that several of our fine Guild members chose that moment to join together in holy matrimony! Jessa and Vennan Hartose were wed while on assignment and the Guild would like to be the first to announce how happy they are to see that two members have found such happiness in each other while also destroying some dastardly fiends bent on destruction. The groom could not be reached for comment but the bride has announced that all gifts and money may be left at the Ceinaran Temple in her name.

Korday, Vhast 17, 1015

Panic in the Temple District's Great Plaza

Yesterday in the temple plaza there were people running out of the area in panic as an extremely large shadow and disguised demons took on a few adventurers. No one knows how the demons were there in the first place, but it IS known that many of the religious temples worked together to try and take down the shadow that was chasing Lady Sandiel. Lady Sandiel bravely took on the shadow on her own until help arrived, even, at one point, flying up into the air before coming down onto the roof of the Temple of Althaea with a rather loud smack.

Other reports had Munch with three others taking on a group of smaller flying things while the innocent people evacuated, even defeated two of them before one summoned more, who were defeated as well. Helping out The war golem were an oruch woman with drums (who could miss them?), a man with a bow, and a short blonde woman who was reportedly throwing lightning.

Lady Sandiel has reportedly survived her 'temple toss', but people are still looking for her husband (or wife) to tell her spouse what has happened.

OOC: For more rumors and information, please contact Munch, Lash, Elycia, Oates, or Sandy ongrid!

Ceriday Vhast 12, 2015

There's a Bug in my Ale

Word has filtered around that a band of adventurers did help one of the local brewers save his store of ale and other liquid consumables from a pair of giant scorpions that had gotten in from the sewers. Word has gotten around that anyone who might have a basement or cellar or underground storage should be careful lest any more of the carapaced arachnids be spotted.

OOC: For more information on this rumor, contact Zalara, Nadara, Lash, Brolin, or Zarr.

Kesenday, Vhast 11, 1015

The Butcher, Hanged

Near dawn and within sight of the phoenix atop the western gates, a man was hanged. The cannibal. The butcher. His crimes were listed by an official, and dozens of people (including those that helped bring him to justice and a number of priests from various temples) witnessed him hanged. Before the door was dropped, he was heard to scream a stream of gibberish that many are repeating as 'she knows she knows'. Other horrible rumors circulate, most popular among them that when they removed his hood, the Butcher had chewed off his own lips. Still, the whole affair seemed to have gone better than many expected and concluded without interruption.

Eliday Vhast 06, 1015

Ribbeting Times at the Hope

"...practice, just PRACTICE!" one of the proprietors' voice hit that high note when asked about a recent commotion at the Hope Theatre. Just this evening, passers-by in the the Theatre District saw a man being thrown out of the theatre after rounds of screaming were heard inside.

"Just...practice, you know. Practice for a...for the...for the...for the...for Sandy and the Frog Prince!" the man said, though he'd looked pale. Swallowed.

Whatever happened, rumors are flying. The man who'd been thrown from the theatre had a certain look about him, bystanders said, and made signs warding themselves against the legions of the Azure Queen (or among more common parlance, the Azure Terror, the Azure Bitch...and other less flattering terms, and some of them more terrifying).

In completely unrelated news, the Ox has taken to, of late, serving frog stew and battered frog boudin.

OOC: Contact Tavissha, Lash, or Zalara for information on this rumor!

Kesenday Vhast 04, 1015

Partially Completed Rituals

Details are lacking but rumors persist of a wedding held upon the Festival Grounds. The nuptuials were overseen by a Muse, and held between an unnamed invisible giant, and a barmaid. Alcohol is not directly mentioned, but may be assumed.

BrightBlade Svarshan, and Boshter the Arvek Nar were both seen leaving the area. Both deny involvement.

Korday, Vhast 1, 1015

Adventurers Bring in the New Year

As one year passed into the annals of history and a new year arrived the Explorer's Guild sponsored a party of all of the adventurers that get every dirty job in the city done. Be all accounts it was a wild party, there were a couple of brawls and even some sort of Alexandrian Sith'maker chair breaking ritual. One notable chair smasher was strangely absent and her presence was missed. The booze was flowing and very exotic liquor was being served. While most could handle their alcohol no doubt the clerics will be making hangover cures in the morning. To cap the entire event off as the night of the old year turned into the dawn of a new year the skies were alive with bright colors and loud booms. An extremely patriotic display of fireworks could be seen for miles around the city. By all accounts the city is looking up for this next year.

Eliday, Khael 30, 1014

Erroneous Experiment Damages Docks

The wizard who requested Guild of Explorers ruffians to assist him in protecting his testing did not get exactly what he expected as results. The members of the group have been ushered into the Temple of Althea for healing from what has been described by what an eyewitness apothecary reports as "the nastiest jellyfish stings he had ever seen", quoting the size of the jellyfish to be something to the realm of fifty feet across given the size of the stings, adding that they were lucky to survive such things.

The foreman of the dockworkers on shift is exceptionally irate with the testing of this experiment as it has caused ludicrous damage to two of the piers at the Alexandrian harbour, being caused by possibly the same boat. The City Watch claims that nothing out of the ordinary occurred, just that the wizard's ability to control his own magic is highly suspect.

Due to security issues a week and some ago within the Temple, the wizard, the adventurers, nor those tending to them could be reached for comment.

Eliday, Khael 23, 1014

Olyeaux Estate Settled

The estate of the late Lord Olyexau has finally been divided and sold, thanks in part to some adventurers from the Guild. His two feuding sons have been left the fruits (and vegetables) of his love of squash, and apparently have been legally denoted as "dunderheads."

The estate itself, though, was granted to Lord George Brawnson, as per the will. Lord Brawnson is best known for his legendary adventuring exploits, such as feeding a purple worm its own tail and using the resutling ball as the head of a flail to take out an entire squadron of roc aerial cavalry, or the time he convinced a thousand year old dragon to pay him its hoard in exchange to forgo the usual beating.

As Lord Brawnson is currently missing in action, the Brawnson estate has begun the process of reclaiming the overgrown and run-down Olyexau property and restoring it to glory, albeit with a Brawnson touch.

Variday, Khael 10, 1014

Caravan Adds to Inventory

"Whatddya mean I gotta pay a fine??!" the outraged roar could be heard for blocks. Kvnich Snigzof nearly ran afoul of the merchants' guild when word escaped that certain rumors /were/ true. His family was tied to the infamous Fizzlebog, the inventor of the dragonspitter and thunderbelcher.

And the gobbers had swarmed. So had some artificers. Everyone, it seemed, was wanting an autograph.

The City (via the Merchanter's Guild) is wanting him to pay damages. In response, he's added some healing potions to his list, in attempt to gain counter-support from the adventuring community.

OOC: The following items have been added, though they possess the same side effects as the alchemicals (see +bbread 7/18). As folks purchase, I update these +bbposts, so all supply quantities are current. As usual, email me a log of you RPing about the caravan ongrid, and I'll add an additional 5\ discount to the price. :3

The caravan will be leaving in 1 week.

- Lahar

New Items

6x Potions of Cure Light Wounds (37 gold ea.)
4x Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (225 gold ea.)
4x Potions of Cure Serious Wounds (562 gold ea.)

Korday, Quintoos 29, 1014

A Caravan Arrives!

Amid cheering, screaming, and tales of woe and hand-wringing, the gobber's carravan arrives. It's led by a trio of gobbers of various ages, each claming to be the head of things, though one (Kvnich Snigzof) seems to be the leader of even /them/. A middle-aged gobber in heavy bear-fur, he struts proudly at the caravan's head, atop a great wolf and with a dragonspitter across his shoulder...

And declares the caravan open for business! The caravan spreads across a full quarter of Goblintown, and has quick business by the arvek and oruch, though other races hang back a while, in general. At first.

The caravan is brightly colored, with wheels and cogs and other things. The Snigzofs' great flag flies over it all, a raging wolf with a thunderbelcher held firmly in its jaws. The old crest held a pair of blades, but with the invention of the thunderbelcher, the dragonspitter, the merchant family was quick to adopt.

Maybe they /are/ related...

General Items

2x Belt of Enviable Gobber's Stamina (Con +2) (3,000)
2x Dragonspitter +1 (3,975)
1x Thunderbelcher +1 (available with any of the following enhancements, select one at purchase: Flaming, Lightning, Bane) (8,100)
2x Claws of Attack, Orcish +1 (1744)
2x Spiked Heavy Shield +1 (to the shield, spikes are masterwork, however) (1110)
2x Dire Flail +1 (1793)
1x Sword of the Planes (16,737)
3x Goggles! Goggles of Minute Seeing (1,875)
3x Goggles! Goggles of Night (9,000)
2x Lenses! Lens of Detection (2,625)
1x Instant Fortress! (41,250)
1x Robe of Blending (6,300)
2x Scarab of Golembane (1,875)
2x Sustaining Spoon (never leave your labratory again!) (4,050)
2x Wand of Detect Secret Doors (563)


3x Titan Fist (19)
2x Blur (113)
2x Darkvision (113)
1x Protection from Arrows (113)
2x Protection from Energy (Fire or Lightning only) (282)
3x Protection from Law (19)
2x Repair Light Damage (19)
2x Repair Moderate Damage (113)
2x Repair Serious Damage (282)
3x Dispel Magic (282)
2x Displacement (282)
3x Force Punch (282)
2x Stinking Cloud (282)
2x Tongues (282)
2x Water Breathing (282)
2x Detonate (525)


All alchemicals are available! The cost for any is at 75\.

However, while the items work, the user may experience additional effects. Whenever an alchemical item which is applied to the skin or imbibed is used, the user should roll 1d6:

1-2: Nothing
3-4: The PC grows an unusual color for the next 24 hours or until dispelled
5: Tongue-tied for the next half hour as your tongue attempts to swap to "gobber-speak"; does not affect spell-casting but no one can understand what you say.
6: Suffer a mild case of Goblin Twitch for the next half hour. Shiny things become of slight interest, especially if of a technical nature.

All effects stack.

More rumors.png