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The Temple reports that Hall has made his confession. Further investigations are underway.
The Temple reports that Hall has made his confession. Further investigations are underway.
=====The Gnomish Traveller: This Edition, Letters to Heth!=====
=====The Gnomish Traveler: This Edition, Letters to Heth!=====
[[image:Trib_dearheth.png|center|thumb|Heth Reads Your Letters!]]
[[image:Trib_dearheth.png|center|thumb|Heth Reads Your Letters!]]

Revision as of 07:12, 31 December 2016

Play now.png

Welcome to an Age of Heroes

In Taara's wake the earth crumbled. Gods fell, others rose, and the race of mankind looked forward and saw the destruction of nations. For five years, necrotech seared the world's landscape and forces unknown decimated the once-insurmountable Walls of Charn. Nations turned against one another with the vanishing of monarchs--brother to brother and kin to kin. During the struggles, the nation of Dragonier attempted to keep the peace before it, too, fell. Other nations threatened to follow.

Now returned from the Mists, Alexandria finds itself thrown into a world in turmoil. In this world, the Pantheon of Light stride forward in anger, the Twilight fall into debate, and the forces of Darkness are locked in a war between Maugrim and Taara. High arcana soars over the landscape with the renewed activity of the Old Races, while guilds and organizations struggle to find their footing with the fall of Rune. The sildanyar and khazad have moved forward into the world once again, driven by the perceived neglect of the world by humankind.

The world had waited for the return of Alexandria and the return of the Myrrish and Bludgun kings for five years--only to find Alexandria suddenly returned unchanged, and unknowing, from the Land of Mists. To Alexandria, the War of Sendor is just days past. To the world--

It is the time for heroes.

Current Arc

Current arc.png

Recent Website Updates

Dec 16, 2016

Happy Holidays, pt 2!

Not so long ago, we had some of you send in ideas. Many ideas! Wonderful ideas for Aspects! Well, our new Aspects page just expanded! We're pleased to announce the addition of two! new aspects, as well as an edit to Dream-Touched.

As with all new material, expect adjustments to be made over time. Also, if you possessed a different Aspect and would like to change it for a new one, this may also be done at this time.

While these were originally to be part of the next Release Package, health and the holidays have interfered with that. But, we wanted y'all to have fun just the same!

- Lahar

Dec 6, 2016

Letters to Heth!

For those who do not know him, Gearbear Sparkthistle is a talented, exuberant traveler and gnomish explorer! In his latest escapade, he will be traveling to the very doors of Dragonier!

Gearbear has offered to take your letters with him! Yes, YOUR letters!

Have something to say to Heth? Would you like to write him a letter? Gearbear will deliver it!

Please send post to:

Alexandrian Tribune
Alexandria, Alexandros
OOC: Just type +request/trib !

Nov 17, 2016

Congrats, Great Paladin!

Our Great Paladin hit level 20 this week! This has been a lifelong journey, so give them a congrats!

Great paladin20.jpg

Nov 16, 2016

Sparkliest Holiday Evar!

Howdy! This year, we thought we'd hit the holidays a little early! 2016 has been a big year, and we see no reason not to make 2017 the most sparkly on record!

So, starting on the 26th--that is, after Thanksgiving--anyone who runs two PrPs from then until the end of December will receive a gift of their choice! One of these PrPs must be a 4-8 scene. The reason for this ofc, is to let folks test out their new awesomes, and to give our new players--many of whom recently reached L4 or are close to it, some time in the limelight.

  • If you're new and between 2-5: Earn 1 full level to any alt!
  • If you already have an alt that's at level 6 or higher, pick one of:
  • A new, L7 PC! The primary class must be a wizard, cleric, bard, witch, or cavalier! We are offering some <3 to our support PCs this year! Also, if you have one of these in a higher tier, we ask that this new PC be of a different class. This is just to keep things mixed up.
  • A full +1 level to any alt of L9 or lower!

This is awardable once per player. The above takes the place of your runner's awards for those 2 PrPs.

Happy holidays, everyone!

- Your Tenebrae Staff

Nov 14, 2016


Hey, folks. We know there is a lot going on right now in the US, and that we have many players, and staff from that area. In light of it, we'd just like to reiterate that Tenebrae will continue to be supportive of LGBTQ, and of people of all races, genders, religions, and stripes.

Thank you for making this game what it is.

Your Tenebrae Staff

Oct 17, 2016

Code Update

Do you hate math?
Do you like HP?
Do you like others taking notes for you?

If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, then CONGRATULATIONS! You are a winner due to the following updates to +timestop and +sheet damage-related code:

  • Damage is now tracked, and current HP=MAX HP - Damage
This means it's now properly correct, and changes to MAX HP will adjust current appropriately
  • TEMP HP now display in +hp!
  • Temp HP are now mentioned, if appropriate, when damaged
  • Our new Bloodragers (and good ol' Barbarians) now get their Rage temp HP auto-added (and removed) when using +rage!
- Whiteout

Oct 16, 2016

The Hunt is On!

"In the honor of the White Stag, we call the Hunt! Tonight, we course under Eluna's light! Let no prey escape us--be it wight or undeath that marks these cursed lands! Let them be felled beneath blade and steel!" Gilead's Hunter lowers his arms. Speaking in hushed tones, he moves among the ranks of warriors. Steam rises from the landscape ahead of them, the wight-filled wreckage of Heth's domain. Beneath it all, the wretched cry of the Green, and lost souls beyond.

This season, the High Hunt has been declared on the wreckage of Dragonier's borders. They go to rescue souls, and claim back the Green. At least, what they can.

To celebrate the HUNT! (and Halloween!) we'll be giving out unique Candy Corn MIs, in addition to normal Small Story and PrP awards! PrPs and stories are assumed to take place along the borderlands.

What do these do? When you run a PrP or SS related to the Hunt, we'll provide an @mail letting you in on the details! Some will be useful adventuring items, others will produce random acts of mayhem!

Game on, and ride high!

Oct 15, 2016

Release Package 26!

Welcome to Release Package 26! As with all new material, please expect some bugs and burps as we go along! Also, as with all new material, you will be able to make adjustments at this time.

In RP26, you will find...

  • BLOODRAGER! Noble warriors crafted by a secretive oruch clan, their magic has set loose upon Ea's soil! What role these heroes play in the upcoming war is too early to tell... If you are planning to convert to bloodrager, please do the following:
1. Rename your current character to OLD<name>. Log out!
2. Create a new character bit, and name them your old PC's name.
3. Go through chargen and advance to L2 as normal! Remember to copy over your old @desc, shor-desc, background, and any +finger information as well. Also: PLEASE DO NOT BUY ANYTHING AT THIS TIME. Nor should you transfer your inventory, or exchange items between PCs! Staff will take care of this at approval.
4. Apply for approval!At this time, staff will award you the rest of your XP, and a stipend. You will be set at your WBL equal to your fractional XP. Huzzah!
Also, while Bloodrager and Dragon Disciple should work fine, there may be some issues with Bloodrager + Sorc + DD, but we will hammer those out as they come!
  • New rage powers! We have added the Celestial totem!
  • New spells! New spells for almost every class!
  • New artificer discoveries! Pew pew chaos and law!
  • Tweaks to Ranger and Paladin spellcasting! The -3 has been removed. When Paizo crafted bloodrager, removing the -3 was one of the things they tested. We saw no reason to continue it, as it makes calculations more difficult. Hopefully this smooths things over a bit for everyone!
  • Tweaks to Ranger AC! The -3 has been removed. If you are a ranger, please contact staff via +request so that we can set you up.

We hope you enjoy the new content! We're expecting a high number of +requests, so please be patient with us. In the meantime, THE HUNT AGAINST HETH opens tomorrow, so please check it out!

- Your Tenebrae Staff

Oct 6, 2016

New Event Type!

Howdy! To help things a bit, I am going to try a new thing! This thing is adding OPENS: and CLOSES: events to +events! OPENS is when something starts, such as Aspect submissions! CLOSES is well, the last day!

Please let me know if this is helpful for you!

Sept 30, 2016

Magic of Ea!

We are looking at Bloodrager officially launching sometime between the 15th and 17th! This is BIG NEWS, and I know everyone has been pretty excited! Bloodrager represents honor, strength, and the development of arcane in new, awesome ways across Alexandria!

The world is responding.

Nations, denizens are beginning to report new developments, new sparks across Ea.

We'd like YOU to help make that happen! While Release Package 26 is on the horizon (thank you, everyone!) we're beginning work on 27! In it, we would like to add two new Aspects! So, for the next two weeks, until Bloodrager! is released, pepper us with your ideas! I will describe how in the next post.

Also, please feel free to RP various magic "sparks" happening during RP. For example, a pair of magic shoes walk out of Sandy's mysteriously breaking stove! It is all part of the story. :D

- Lah

How to Pitch Aspects!

Have an idea for ASPECTS? Please +pitch it! Here are some guidelines!

T1: +1-2 skill or +Language
T2: +3 to skills in a descriptive situation, or 1st level spell or minor 2nd
T3: Narrow 2nd-3rd level spell

Aspects try to:

- Focuses on a theme
- Emphasize that they're Ea's magic responding to you. SF-X is a thing!
- Emphasize and aid roleplay!
- Not emphasize combat power (and never hit/damage, as these are available elsewhere, and this would result in whackiness!)
- Sometimes offer thematic utility to concepts that might not otherwise have access to it

Whew! See you soon! :D

- Lah

Sept 29, 2016

What are SS Groups??

So, what ARE these things? Small Stories are traditionally focused around a PC, but recently staff realized--hey, why not do one together? But, isn't Tenebrae !clique?

Well, let's look at what a group is:

Group: A group is something easily definable and reachable in a way that makes it INCLUSIVE. That is, races, classes, and so on. Orgs can be a group if you include that org's allies. The point is, anyone with those interests, class, organization/ally membership could join in.

Clique: Cliques are by their nature EXCLUSIVE, and tend to be defined by vague "friends only" terms that are not achievable by folks outside the clique. While it is human nature to attach to those like us, and exclude others, this sort of thing over time ends up doing more harm than good, and is not something we want to see here on Tenebrae.

...so, for Small Stories, the first is awesome, but the second is probably not intended. This doesn't mean not to RP or make stories with friends--it does mean branching out. Small Story cliques are treated similarly to PrPs in terms of rewards. That is, an increasingly reduced reward, so the same policy applies there as here.

Anyway, Small Stories are a unique thing, after all! So, if more ideas or questions come up, please ping us as in a lot of ways, we are learning, too.

Sept 27, 2016

The Revel

In just 3 days, Alexandria celebrates THE REVEL! You may have seen this on +events (as a CAL +event).

During the Revel, the Theatre District is the place to be, though celebrations will spread throughout the City. Alexandrias' noted theatres, the Flightwright and Hope, will compete for players and audiences alike, the Arcanists will be out in force with demonstrations of whimsy and illusion.

The Revel marks the last chance at celebration before the coming cold months. As with any IC holiday, it is open for RP, PrPs, and anything else you can think of. So, game on!

Sept 23, 2016

Share Favorite RP Poses, Get RPPs

Please use +bb 9 to share your favourite stories, or fun poses from AWESOME RP!!!, today! We'll award you RPP just for doing it, and you might just make someone's day awesome by complimenting their RP! This can be poses, or a summary of something cool that happened.

- Your Tenebrae Staff!

Sept 20, 2016

Small Story Day Tomorrow!!!

THIS THURSDAY!!! marks our first SMALL STORY DAY! Staff will be about to answer questions and do our best to help you devise story ideas for your PC! In addition, there will be plenty of bonuses to be had for folks out roleplaying!

Some of you have noticed that there's story-related bonuses running from this Thurs (Sept 22) all through next month (Oct 22)!

That is just the start, but it all kicks off Thursday!

See you then!

- Your Tenebrae Staff

Thank You, Story Mentors!

A big THANK YOU! to our players. This thank you! is big enough that it deserves its own post! A number of you have stepped up to be story mentors! What is a story mentor? Page them to find out! You'll see 'Story Mentor' appearing beside their name in WHO at select weeks during the event, Sept 22-Oct 22!

These are awesome folks. Thank you! :D

Sept 18, 2016

Dran and Rune War!

Okay, folks! The final battle for Rune is on! The shield has been breached and bad thigns are going on all over the city! Dran's nose has been bloodied and their initial assault repulsed by the fury of Rune's wizards, but a few towers have been toppled by explosions. Elementals, mammoths, rocs, and countless soldiers of Dran are pouring into Rune, facing off with the unmatchde might of the wizards, their summoned creatures, constructs and more. It's brutal, ugly, and all of the Alexandrian irregulars have been comissioned to help continue evaucating civilians from the city as well as to strike at Arendt's men. Arendt wanted his fight versus Rune's power and he's finally got it. So far, it dun look good for him.

This event will be run over the course of a few weeks OOC to give everyone the chance to run a war-related PRP that wants to as well as take part in fighting Arendt's forces in bloody street-to-street battles as Dran tries to advance (at great cost). All PRPs will be death consent automatically and receive FULL REWARDS commensurate with the risk incurred.

Take advantage, folks!

The actual-time space of the warfare will be only over a few days despite the length of time required to play it out. Once it is all complete and wrapped up, we will have another scene to cap it off and move onto the next part of our story!

Death Consent is a Go!

Since it was buried in the text of my previous post, I'd like to reiterate:

All plots relating to Rune and Dran right now are automatically death consent plots. If you die, you die. They will receive full rewards in XP and magical items for the duration.

Please take advantage of this! :D

Sept 14, 2016

New Area Ongrid!

Only weeks ago, the Artificer's Hall ripped upwards from the earth, lifting itself on spiderlike legs. It remains in the air today, supported on eight, mechanical legs. Underneath however...

...it is whispered the Hall's basements lead to places they should not. That, should one delve deep enough, they might lead even to Morduzum. But...that's crazy. Right?

There is no official statement, yet. However, officials are scambling to get a response out. They say to expect a column within the next issue of the Tribune.

OOC: We're opening a new are ongrid! You're now welcome to run dungeons, and dungeon-adventures beneath Alexandria! The access point is beneath the Hall--which even now, agents of Reos are scrambling to block off. Eventually, there will be a well-constructed, locked doorway that will be guarded around the clock. Of course, adventurers can still get access.

Local artificers will all be called in this week and next to finish the door. :3

If you'd like to find out more, RP with our artificers ongrid!

Aug 16, 2016

Celebrating Six Years!

So as it's been over six years! since we converted to Pathfinder, or near enough! ...and, after 25!!! Release Packages, our new content is pretty awesome! But, what went on behind the scenes for those 25 packages? How much has changed in that many years?

  • Streamlined equipment slots and +inv commands, and some backend work
  • Recoded most of chargen!
  • Recoded most of advancement!
  • Upgraded and improved +sheet code! Again, and again...
  • Replaced the core of our +roll system to reduce the WhirlDice Effect (TM) (yes this is a thing!)
  • Redid timestops!
  • Then added more timestop features than ever, including editable, savable, and loadable ingame maps!
  • Redid timestop help, again, and again, and...!
  • Added functional, leveling animal companions with equippable objects, and selectable choices as you develop!
  • Recoded and standardized ALL ingame help! From +help, to +advhelp to +cgh...
  • Added pattern matching to ingame help!
  • Redid entire staff help system!
  • Recoded the guts of our feat system, and associated commands, data format...!
  • Created the RPP system!
  • Coded the RPP system!
  • Recoded the grid (stressssss...)!
  • Created and coded a new +map!
  • Adjusted leveling speed through ingame options and systems to give folks more control and individual choice!
  • Created a new +nom system and tiering!
  • Recoded vendors!
  • Created the current wiki!
  • Collected and archived old theme documents! Created a library!
  • Created staff archives!
  • Updated theme to match current DM plots and goings-on!
  • Removed and cleaned out many old ingame themefiles, news systems, and so forth from the ingame system!
  • Created staff-droppable vendors for large scenes!
  • Opened more commands to PrP DMs!
  • Created more commands for PrP DMs!
  • Created +events and PrP tracking!
  • Created special +event commands for GMs of all stripes!
  • Added efficiency commands for new PC reviews and quickcheck options for staff!
  • Redid ingame damage commands and variants and variants and...
  • Added commands to handle ingame spell effects and tracking, such as polymorph!
  • Recoded sorcerer bloodlines and behind-the-scenes class mechanics!
  • Replaced the staff-request system entirely!
  • Added more permanent, multiple-levels of archiving!
  • Recoded ingame spell handling, particularly for bonus spells!
  • Recoded more spell handling to prevent +sheet breaking!
  • Several efficiency upgrades, reducing the number of rechecks inherit in the system (in cases, the system checked more than it needed to; we focused it)...!
  • Security updates here and there (despite bidding, Renfrey was not hired for this job)...!

...the above largely went on behind the scenes over the years--looking through it, it is quite a lot and I know I have left out so much. The game has been busy since our launch into Pathfinder. Our coders, general staff, and DMs deserve a large thank you!! for making all of this happen, including a number of player volunteers! Thank you! Whiteout has done some amazing things since he came onboard, and Earthquake deserves all the credit for bringing us to Pathfinder in the first place!

And with that...keep a lookout for RP26! It is still a few weeks out, but please send our coders and staff a thank you!

- Lah

Jul 15, 2016

Release Package 25!

We're pleased to announce the launch of Release Package 25! In it, you will find:

  • Updated racial feats! Nearly all races received a few new options. In addition, the "National" feats are now called Fervor, to represent human dedication, zeal, and idealism. We just think it is a better name, so you may notice an update to your sheets. Also, some race feats have been clarified to be a little more useful (the Fervor feats are an example, as is Territorial Defender).
  • More Aspect options! Many of you have asked for Aspect Tattoos, and so here they are! We've also adjusted Tinker-Touch to be a little more useful.
  • New artificer discoveries! Hooray! Also, we've adjusted a few levels for discoveries, just to smooth things out. We think you'll be happy with the changes.
  • New artificer page! Artificer discoveries got the rage powers treatment.
  • Minor bug fixes and the like
  • Companion skills! These are now in code. The next time you level, you'll be asked to fill them in, plus any from previous levels. See staff for details if you've questions.

As with all new content, expect there may be adjustments as time goes on. This is just the nature of the beast. Game on!


Your Tenebrae Staff

Jul 12, 2016

PrP Policy Update


Given local challenges in running PrPs, as well as us having added a lot of new options, SPELLS!, FEATS! and neat things lately, we are adjusting our encounter guidelines a bit. That is:

Groups will be assumed to be APL+2 as "Average"
(higher or lower numbers of PCs adjust this, ofc)

Previously, we had assumed APL+1. However, we have added a lot of options to the game since then, as well as learned more about Pathfinder! We believe this change is needed to keep things challenging. In the end, it is a pretty small change overall, and plot runners are generally free to pick whichever challenge is appropriate.

We've also worked to provide better guidelines for what might, or might not be, challenging for groups on Tenebrae. Where before things were kind of a sweeping statement, we've tried to be more nuanced:

T1: Up to CR+3 (up to CR+4 if 5 or more)
T2: Up to CR+4 (up to CR+5 if 5 or more)
T3-4: Up to CR+5 (up to CR+6 if 5 or more)

Are these more helpful? Please let us know. We'll be testing things out as things run, and taking your feedback.

Also, the numbers above should not be considered the standard, but upper limits. As normal, creatures using tactics will always be stronger than those without, groups are better than singles, so always consider the party before selecting challenges. (The reason the upper tier numbers ramp up is that power can rachet up pretty quickly in the upper levels, and we hope this opens the floor to new challenges and fun.)

We will be taking feedback as with all new things, and may adjust along the way, so please keep in contact with staff and other PrP Runners. If you've questions or want to run ideas by us, please do. Also, don't hesitate to make use of the GM's Guild (page Hurricane about the next meeting!).

Finally, we are considering allowing Mythic rules for creatures at T2 plus. These could make running a "single boss monster" against groups more viable. What do YOU think? Should we test it? Would you be interested? Such tests would be nonlethal, ofc.

- Your Tenebrae Staff

Jul 4, 2016

Heroic Fantasy, Tequila, and a FAQ


More seriously, we went ahead and tacked this onto the FAQ because it does come up from time to time, and here is kind of something folks can point to. It addresses the small picture, big picture, how much we dislike policing alignment, and also things like the general lack of gray morality in a heroic fantasy setting.

Because we're crazy, it touches on inquisitors and paladins, too.

Someone please pass the tequila!

Yours in Spirits,

The Tenebrae Staff

June 25, 2016

Sparklepire PrC!

Staff is pleased to announce that we are hard at work on an upcoming, Sparklepire PrC! While it will primarily be aimed at gnomes, we hope lucht, oruch, and more will take a bite out of the sparkle side!

PS We're totally serious. Totally.

June 19, 2016

GMs Guild...?

Hey there! Some of you have requested a 'Tenebrae GMs Guild' and we are working on that! What this means is that once a month, or every few weeks, we'll host an open gathering. Someone can propose a topic, but the rest of the time is up to you--whether you'd like to share resources, or bring up ideas. We'll be putting Hurricane on the spot to start with, but I am sure he'd love to hear voices other than his!

This 'Guild' is ofc open to everyone. What I'd like to do though, is make a logo for it. Any ideas?


May 24, 2016

Did You Know These GM Commands...?

Did you know about these great DMing, and other scene-related commands?

+tdamage: Like +init, this handly little feature comes packed with options. Would you like to damage everyone because FIREBALL? Type: +tdamage all=<amount>! Use negative numbers to heal.
+tnote: Want to track rounds of Haste? +tnote lets you set notes on characters such as, "Stinky" or "Haste." You can also set a duration.
+init: More than just rolling initiative, the +init command takes modifiers, too. For example, you can +init+2 if you are a swashbuckler and have at least 1 panache available to you. (Situational bonuses like these are not coded in, but we try to make them as easy to use as possible!)
+tmap/reach: Curious about a creature's, or your, reach? This can help! This command takes into account a creature's size. Default is medium. Note, it does not take into account reach weapons.

These are a few of the commands found in +timestops! Whenever a +timestop is present, just type +thelp for more things you can do.

But wait, there's more!

+request/plots: Had a great adventure? Share your journals! This helps new players catch up to what's going on and is a great help. Personal journals may always be created and kept using +help journal, although this is more of a note-keeping system to help you keep track of recent stories, such as: Today we rescued the Prince Otyugh. He looked great in tightpants.
+event/leg: Want to do some followup to a great adventure? This +events command creates a new LEGwork queue with all confirmed players.

I hope these are helpful, and awesome! For more possibly unknown commands and options, hit +bbread 1 and look for the "Did you know...?" titles. The last I checked, they were around entries 1/54 and 1/55.


Breaking Down +breakdown!

The question came up: why doesn't +breakdown work on +csheet? The answer for this lies in how +csheet values are encoded. To get it really, truly broken down would require recoding +csheet. In the meantime, +breakdown does work for your rollable +sheet values. Tinker with it and see what comes up!

Also, I am reminded that +timestop code now takes into account +polymorph. Three cheers for White, guys!


More news.png

"The roads shall be painted teal!" announced the maddened hobgoblin king. And lo, his subjects bowed before him, and all roads from Hither to Yon became teal with bright green roses.

Recent Rumors in Alexandria

Ceriday, Khael 31, 1018


Front Page


by Nilou Farsens Scribbetter!

I, Nilou Farsens Scribbetter of the Alexandrian Tribune, was pleased to receive an invite to the "Fireworks and Cogs" soiree at Sage Orum's this last Variday! While it is normally a small affair, it nonetheless delights with its winter splendor. I have always seen the soiree as rare meeting of Magi and Artifus, with attendees putting aside explosions and spells for the moment, to dance and socialize in costume, each decked in delightful tokens of their art.

The magi were particularly well dressed this year, perhaps due to Madame Gelfure's influence. Their sorcerous lead is largely responsible for the Society of Progressive Arcanists' venture into the fashion industry, as well as other endeavors that have proved not only opportune, but also highly profitable for her guild. While the ideas were scoffed at in the beginning, the results (and wealth) were on display.

In contrast, the Exploratory Associates of Alexandria University, or more commonly the Artificer's Guild, bore mechanized suits and attached small, novel clockworks to their finery. While colorful and...novel, the Guild has had its resources strained of late, and it showed.

A minor upset occurred when Magus Kithbore and Artifus Clankstaff noticed they were wearing similar footwear. While not an issue for Kithbore, the style was one promoted recently by the head of the Society, Madame Gelfure. A longtime opponent of the Society, it was a difficult moment for the Artifus, who is reported to have left the party early, muttering obscenities and tossing a bomb at a nearby plant.

The Gnomish Traveler: Ancient Dragonier!

Gearbear Sparkthistle here, or "Bear" as I am known to friends and foe alike! I am a traveller and explorer of faraway places and unknown lands! Recently, I set my sights on Dragonier, determined to take your letters with me!

And, take them I did! I felt you with me as together, we stood at Heth's doorstep and SHOUTED our demands! What a sight to behold it was! Until our daring adventuring community can wight the wrongs (haha!) Dragonier remains a desolate, though EXCITING landscape!

Yet, while preparing for my trip, I found this smallest of treasures. A picture of Dragonier's former glory! I of course, am included in the image, but simply find it in yourself to look past my illustrious, manly figure to the wonder beyond.

Trib gnometravel dragonierglory.png

OOC: Want to photobomb the gnome across Ea? Point your favorite image editor to:
Trib gnometravel heads.png
and send it in!
Fashion and Culture

Tribune Trails Comic

Trib elfesteem.png

A Series of Interviews

As part of our Yule celebrations, we at the Tribune have contracted everyday citizens, and asked them to explore the diversity that is Alexandria! Alexandria is one of the melting pots of the world. Please enjoy the series in this and future editions!

OOC: PLEASE KEEP SENDING IN YOUR INTERVIEWS! We are still handing out rewards, and expect publications to continue! You can receive awards for every 2 interviews you share! Also, sending in other rumors and articles, or doodles! awards RPP.

Interview: Fazahd Masterbuilder, Enginebreaker of Reos!'

Features: Fazahd Masterbuilder, Enginebreaker of Reos (no charpage)

Interview by: Selerik, who is suspiciously not Jibbom (no charpage)

To hear Selerik tell the story, his interview with Fazahd began with the statement: "Well, there is a fellow at the Tribune who has been asking me to help him. It occurs to me you might be inspirational, if you're alright with carrying the burden of some public scrutiny?"

It turns out, Fazahd was not.

Editor's Note: A transcript of what follows is included, below. You may read the full scene here.

Selerik: Well, let's see. What advice would you give someone seeking their purpose in life?
Fazahd: My advice would be to live despite the challenges this world gives us, to strive to make one's world better as much as one's life, and to look after those around you. The one who lives for only oneself lives as they will ultimately die: alone.
Selerik: Sound advice from the bane of spiders of all sizes. <he pauses, thoughtfully> Not really done an interview before, so let me ask you want you'd want to answer? The question you think should be asked? And the answer.
Fazahd: Just ask. I will tell you if I choose not to answer - but I shall try my best to be transparent.
Selerik: How about a tip for someone in your profession? Something a hopeful following your exact path might need to know, to keep their head on."
Fazahd: Judge, but do not condemn without evidence. Down that road leads hubris and poisoning of the soul.
Selerik: Good enough.

Editor's note: Here, the two parted ways, but were able to pick up the interview on a second evening. Again, you may find the full transcrapt at: URL.

Selerik: What is your favorite food?
Fazahd: Winter is here, and I would like to be able to make a recipe to feed many. My favorite food is Aghzam, a Khazad food, baked meat and fungus pie.
Selerik: Why did you become an adventurer?
Fazahd: I was a priest. A Forge of Mighty Reos. It is paramount for every priest to see to the people, whomever they might be, and protect them from evil. That requires that one step out of the temple and take up arms whenever one can. If one wants to be a proper servant, at least.
Selerik: What advice would you give someone seeking their purpose in life?
Fazahd: My advice would be to live despite the challenges this world gives us, to strive to make one's world better as much as one's life, and to look after those around you. The one who lives for only oneself lives as they will ultimately die: alone.
Selerik: How about a tip for someone in your profession?
Fazahd: Judge, but do not condemn without evidence. Down that road leads hubris and poisoning of the soul.

Interview: Maraxus De'Centi, of the Starchasers Tribe from the Vast!

Features: Maraxus De'Centi (no charpage)

Interview by: Aznara Elis'tralee

Aznara: What is your name?
Maraxus: "Maraxus De'Centi, of the Starchasers Tribe from the Vast. Son of Lexia De'Centi, guide to the Starchasers tribe."
Aznara: Would you describe yourself, in your own words?
Maraxus: "Describe myself. A most difficult challenge. I am an a actor, for I perform plays and take on personalities not my own. I am a singer, for my voice is my weapon as it is my fancy. A song to be sung, as the ears are rung. I am a dance. I am a musician, as you have already seen me play. Yet what I am most passionate about, is my story telling. The Hymn takes many forms, and sometimes the most subtle and the most powerful is the story. Simply put, I am a Bard."
Aznara: Would you be willing to, briefly please, summarize your favorite tale?
Maraxus: "Ahh it is an old classic, a grim classic if you will. Love their work, and so hard to find it in today's world. Even the old masters cannot always track down their stories. There is one I did find though, The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership. A tale of creatures that are what they are. A friendship that ever there was, until the cat was hungry and ate the mouse."
Aznara: Clearly, your way with words, your way with music... these are strengths and talents of yours. Is there one thing you wish you could do well, a special talent you lack and wish you did have?
Maraxus: "I wish I were able to speak more languages. I know so few, and it would help me learn so many more tales."
Aznara: Is there anything you've not done in your life that you hope to someday do?
Maraxus: "I want to weave a story, a story so powerful that everybody can hear the hymn like I do. To share the beauty of creation in a way that we hear in legends of the bards of old."

Great Paladin Advice Column

The Great Paladin sends her regards, but is off and marching against Charn for the holidays! She hopes to resturn soon, with VICTORY!

Ceriday, Khael 17, 1018


Front Page

Goblin Casino Rolls the Dice!

A relatively low-ante joint, a local goblin casino was the site of a kerfuffle this week after some overly well-off customer tipped one of the staff a platinum coin. Accusations were made of theft when he went to cash it after his shift, loyalties were bought (and sold), and now the casino suddenly finds itself with a change of some of their management.

This isn't altogether unheard of, but the issue is that goblins are now infiltrating the other districts trying to convince the more well-to-do to frequent their 'growing' establishment. There are two reports of priests going to use the outhouse, only to find the only paper present were adverts for the casino, and one goblin apparently rolled up flyers and shoved them into random bottles of wine before recorking them. Expensive wine. It seems every goblin wants to hit the next windfall, and some know no bounds for trying to lure business. We all can only pray this madness passes quickly, and doesn't grow even more creative.

Festivities in the Temple Square

The courtyard of the Temple of Daeus has been decorated for Yule! The clergy there have placed colorful lantern bulbs over the mana lamps that normally provide light for the area, to create a more colorful, festive, and joyous Yule mood!

Daeusites have also been spotted working alongside Altheans to deliver bread and food to the poor. No word yet on the Tarien temple, but we are watching them closely (and warily!).

Fashion and Culture

Goblin Poker Ups the Ante

Ma Rosie's got a new card table and hosted a special Goblin Stash Poker night, only a few nights ago. There wasn't a lot of action at the table; it never had all nine of its seats filled. However, what action there was, was intense! At one point, the pot got up to over fifty platinums... and one player, out of cash, put down a magical wand to make the call. That same player ended up winning the hand with an Ace-high flush, and (literally) walked out with a boot full of coin.

Tribune Trails Comic

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A Series of Interviews

As part of our Yule celebrations, we at the Tribune have contracted everyday citizens, and asked them to explore the diversity that is Alexandria! Alexandria is one of the melting pots of the world. Please enjoy the series in this and future editions!

OOC: PLEASE KEEP SENDING IN YOUR INTERVIEWS! We are still handing out rewards, and expect publications to continue! Also, sending in other rumors and articles, or doodles! awards RPP!

Interview: Miriai, War Golem!

Features: Miriai, War Golem in Alexandria

Interview by: Aznara, Ceinaran Adventurer!

Aznara: Describe yourself to me.
Miriai: I am a magically animated sentient golem. I am apparently made of enchanted steel and other materials. Some of silver, some innards include mercury. I have adapted myself and become attached to chainmail armor while learning that my creation incorporated elements of defensive skills. I see in darkness and dim lighting, do not require air and self-repair. <he pauses> Is that enough information My Lady?
Aznara: Is there one physical attribute you have that you're proud of?
Miriai: <he is silent for a long moment, remaining still as a statue> Proud? <he seems to contemplate the concept> Ah yes, a characteristic that I think of as a promising feature that makes me feel accomplished around others. <pause> My soul. The fact that I seem to have one makes me feel like I am worthy of being treated like a sentient, not merely a machine or tool.
Aznara: Do you have one physical attribute that you would change if you could?
Miriai: My arms. Were they longer, I could protect my Lady more effectively. <response is almost immediate>
Aznara: Do you feel you hae a special talent? If so, what is it?
Miriai: My talents lie in the area of combat and defensive training. But... <he pauses> I believe I may retain a small inkling of knowledge of how to forge magic and machine into one. At least the principles of it. I believe that coul dbe considered a special talent.
Aznara: Is there a special talent you wish you had?
Miriai: That which you possess. The talent of channeling raw magical energies. Perhaps then I could forge actual magical machines myself.
Aznara: Is there anything in particular you want from life? ... for yourself, not for another person?
Miriai: <another brief pause> The freedom to determine my own fate. I am intelligent and sentient. What little remains of previous memories involves.. servitude.
Aznara: Do you feel yourself to be a slave?
Miriai: No, I feel that I was once a slave. I choose to defend my Lady. I wish to continue being given the opportunity to choose. I hope that others do not attempt to take that choice from me. <pauses> I know that my Lady will not.
Aznara: How do you know you can trust your Lady?
Miriai: I choose to. Can I not have faith in something? <his voice is almost flat>
Aznara: You are a created being, and speak of having faith. Does this include belief in the gods of this world? Do you have faith in the gods, or a specific one of them?
Miriai: Are not all beings created by the gods? Can the gods not have chosen to make my brethren through the hands of other sentients? I have learned of one named.. Reos, and I find his teachings welcome.
Aznara: Have you ever done anything you wish you hadn't done?
Miriai: Perhaps... But if I did, then I have no memory of the event.

Interview: Ladies Sandiel and Myrana Jn'Rajh Arwenieniallwehn!

Features: Ladies Sandiel and Myrana Jn'Rajh Arwenieniallwehn

Interview by: Aznara, Ceinaran Adventurer!

Aznara: May I have your names, please, so as to identify who is interviewed?
Myrana: I'm Myrana Jn'Rajh, and I run the Ox Strength tavern down the street.
Sandiel: Ahem. I am Lady Sandiel. Lady Sandiel Jn'rajh, of the Mythwood elves. Which means my wife here, by virtue of being married to me, is LADY Myrana Jn'rajh.
Aznara: How did the two of you meet?
<interviewees declined to answer>
Aznara: What your plans are for life? What do you want?
Myrana: Well, my plans right now, I suppose, are mostly tied up with the Ox and finding a way to serve the neighborhood better with the, uh, tools at my disposal. I inherited it from the Late Mister Oxley, and its been my project for a number of years.
Sandiel: By 'tools' you mean your employees, of course. My plans? Run my damn shop. And stay retired from adventuring around the god damn city getting my gods damned ass kicked.
Aznara: Are you both retired adventurers, or only Lady Sandiel?
Myrana: Only Sandy is retired.
Sandiel: Myrana has been known to get kidnapped frequently, but yes. She still contracts for the Guild of Explorers. I don't so much these days. Be sure to get that in there. Myrana, frequent Kidnapping Victim.
Aznara: Is there anything you've always wanted to do, but haven't done? If so, what has kept you from doing it?
Myrana: I've always wanted to kill a lich. Generally they're just not very cooperative.
Sandiel: Oh! Oh! We have a SHARED GOAL. I want to kill a lich too!
Myrana: Well how are you going to do that if you're always in the city?
Sandiel: Well, you know. Sooner or later, one will try to kidnap you.
Aznara: Before the interview began, Lady Myrana mentioned a person she called 'the Scarlet Pen'... or 'the Crimson Pen' as Lady Sandiel put it. Do you have a message for this person that you'd like to have put into print?
Myrana: Oh, most certainly. If the Crimson Pen reads this article, I'd like to invite him to tea.
Sandiel: Yes. Tea. That sounds absolutely great. I would like to have tea with the Pen. And ask him very pointed questions about his, or her, methodology. And stuff.
Great Paladin Advice Column

The Great Paladin sends her regards, but is off and marching against Charn for the holidays! She hopes to resturn soon, with VICTORY!

Korday, Khael 08, 1018


Front Page

Fires in Alexandria!

Earlier we reported on fires in Alexandria. At time time, rumors tied the fires to cult activity. An update to that report follows:

As fire fighters responded, a team chanced upon a man that had been rendered unconscious. Fire fighters report that the man was tied up. Attached to his front was a hastily scribbled note requesting that he be arrested and declared him to be a devil-cultist with an immediate need to make confession at the Temple of Daeus. When the man was awakened, he was identified as one Mark Hall, a journeyman silversmith.

The Temple reports that Hall has made his confession. Further investigations are underway.

The Gnomish Traveler: This Edition, Letters to Heth!
Heth Reads Your Letters!

Gearbear Sparkthistle here, or "Bear" as I am known to friends and foe alike! I am a traveller and explorer of faraway places and unknown lands! Recently, I set my sights on Dragonier!

Though whispers of its blighted landscape have made its way to Alexandria, who has SEEN it? Who but the bravest have set their eyes on its depraved visage? Recently, I sought to add myself to that list and I can't say but that I...

LOVED IT! Why, it was terrible! Awful! And yet...its deathless landscape had a kind of...now, I am not a man easily moved (aside from the sight of my moustache after a righteous brush and waxing), but there is something terrible about it. It is an experience that must be EXPERIENCED. It cannot be matched by words.

Perhaps that is its value.

In addition to my august self, I brought with me a most treasured package. Your LETTERS, of course. Then, standing on the border of Dragonier, I boomed them in my loudest voice! I clashed drums, and symbols! I sang!

And then wights and there was an ungodly roar that shook me to my bones--the EXPERIENCE! But, your message WAS DELIVERED!

My warmest regards,

Gearbear Sparkthistle

PS Some of the messages seem to have possessed additional effects upon reading. Never fear! I am SINGED but UNHARMED! Copies of the letters follow. (Wights my friends, spirited away the originals! Haha!)

PPS Per suggestions, I at great difficulty (I jest, this was of course a simple task for my magnificently oiled, gnomish body, signed paintings to be purchased at the Adventurer's Guild) delivered a crate of cats. However, the cats proceeded to run past a ladder against a house, then to shatter what glass was left in an attempt to get inside. Perhaps the CATS will cancel out the bad luck that Heth has had thus far. Dare we hope?

Dear Heth,

Die in a fire.

Signed, Marcus

Dear Heth,

Please enjoy the enclosed cookies, none of which are decorated with Necklaces of Fireballs. Also, check up on your children, you may be missing a few. The two are completely unrelated.

Hugs and Spiderkisses, Alba'

Dear Heth, here's a puzzle for you - how do you end the song that never ends. Kthxbai.

Regards, Voselle en'Rrdhatru

My Dearest Heth,

I hope this letter reaches you and that you will give it thought and consideration. It has recently been noted that you are embarking upon a quest to destroy the world and turn it into a pale dark shadow of what it is now. A sentiment I sometimes share if I am to be honest, for the stupidity of man is surely one of the greatest forces in the universe and only the utter destruction of the world we know could rid us of this. However as it is a diverse world that would give credit to some of the wisdom it has to offer on the other hand. So it is with these things I mind that I present you with a thought. First and foremost I would look to suggest a grander scope for your plans. You sir are very nearly if not already a god upon this mortal plane. Yet consider that none of the gods hold total way over this realm. Now surely you could spread your power and turn all to ash and the void but would it not be a greater challenge to Lord over all of this realm as it is currently? With all its peoples and flaws as it is. No being has done it before, not even the gods rule supreme. So I put the challenge before you. Seek not to destroy but one pitiful realm but take on a goal worthy of your power, prestige and might. Becomes the supreme lord over everything, force even the gods to bow to you and all your supreme power. Destruction is easy but ruling, true ruling over all things is a grand task nobody has succeeded at. Yet anyhow.

Forever in your defiance, Terewin, Knight of the Blue Rose


Signed, Sandy OMG Such a Fan!

Enclosed in this letter are a pair of foul smelling socks! The note instructs the Gnomish Traveller to: "PLease throw these into Dragonier. I am told dragons have very sensitive noses and the smell will be offensive."

Dear Heth: When you conquer the known world can I be elevated to be the Keeper of Your Library? I'll keep it stocked with dragon snacks for us both and even bring pens suitable for our giant, clawed hands.

Signed, Amoxtli

Message to Dragonier:

I'm not sure how this is going to work or if even anyone would find or read this letter. But, on a whim, I write to you, in the hopes that one day I could learn more of your culture and your ways. It pains me that much of your history and lore may have been lost or at the very least remains beyond my reach. Would that I could visit your lands without fear for my life and see the Majesty of your kingdom. It is a small wish of an apprentice wizard. But, without such wishes, we would never push ourselves to exceed the expectations placed upon us by others. I hope that whomever it is that is reading this letter knows that there is at least one person still in the world who does not look upon you with fear but with wonder and awe.

Yours in Study, Gedryn ...of no where important

Fashion and Culture

Advice for the Gentleman Adventurer!

In today's day and age there are more choices for the fashion conscience gentleman on adventure. While khazadi plaid may be to go to for most these days the true fashionable gentleman will always look for the next big thing.

One of today's greatest gnomish armor smiths, Ralpho Laurencia, has developed the latest in mithril chain shirts! With a deep v-neck, ultra-thin underpadding and his patented elastic slim fit that will ensure you will always look your best in profile. All the while never giving up the protective qualities one seeks in armor. A must-have this adventuring season!

Another notable fashion piece is the new black Trail-belt by Faby'O. Featuring twice the pocket space of the standard belt in the same space, it is truly an advancement for the gentleman on the go. Of course it is made from supple owlbear leather and features the brilliant and precise stitching we have come to expect from the llyranesi leatherworker Faby'O. Get yours today.

Tariday, Quintoos 29, 1018


Front Page

Our Report on Rune

The Alexandrian government reports that Rune vanished from the earth this last Variday, Quintoos 21, 1018. As of this time, it appears a massive translocation effect was used, not unlike that used on Alexandria (unwillingly) years ago. Referred to as 'The Time of Mists,' Alexandria vanished for 5 years. To the world, this appeared to be only weeks.

Rune however, was able to control its disappearance and arrival. In a report issued to both Alexandrian officials, and the Tribune, Rune states that the act was done to thwart efforts by Heth to convert both Rune's and Dran's dead into undeath on the battlefield.

The battle had just begun to turn thanks in part by the arrival of khazad forces against the Dranei. The khazad had faced similar losses during their great summit, due to double-dealing by Arendt with tribes from Stormgarde, and involvement from the khazad-ur. They seemed eager to strike back.

Individual reports to follow in this edition.

Iron Tide Falls! ...Arendt, too?

Rune's sacrifice saved a great many lives, including those of the Dranei. This has apparently shifted the balance between citizens of the two countries, and not in Arendt's favor. In addition, one of Arendt's closest advisors was outed as a servant of Heth. What this means is unknown, but the Tide may be disbanded for now. Arendt's fate itself is uncertain. Though supposedly deposed, he is an ambitious man, and the world should not expect to see the last of him.


Alexandria's Status, Post Dran and Rune War and the Position of Heth

Strategists find most worrisome the emergence of Heth from Dragonier. This is the first time the great dragon had set foot outside of the fallen nation and it does not bode well. His armies now even more bolstered by the transformation of army dead into wights has lead to renewed major power negotiations on how to contain them. With these negotiations no longer sidetracked by the Dran and Rune war, and the Tide-driven coup in Dun Morden, politicians expect discussions to renew, and forces to move into place.

Rumors suggest that Heth himself may not be killed, but contained. This is due the the presence of a "Void" within him. The details of what this "Void" is are forthcoming, and we hope to have a report by the Arcanists soon.

Alexandrian elite report their gratitude towards the return of its irregulars back within the city. As a safety measure, political leaders have ordered the Planar Disjunction Canon be readied.

Now, the attention of the Council is squarely on dealing with local problems while pushing for a combined effort to retake Dragonier. A strategy of continued containment for Dragnier while finding solutions to defeat Heth seems to be their goal. For now, however, entirely too many local problems have persisted which will now need to be dealt with.

Fires in Alexandria

Fires were reported in Alexandria. Details forthcoming as we find them, though rumors suggest they were tied to a cult.

Charn Warship Damaged During Battle, No One is Sad

The noted warship belonging to Charn, the Wraith, suffered some kind of explosion during the battle. Heth is suspected, but rumors of a sith-Makar being behind it persist. Though damaged, the Charnish soldiers and workers aboard it seemed able to jury-rig enough repairs to get it flying again and out of Rune. Of course, nobody is really sad to see them go.

Fashion and Culture

Parody Entertains Noble District

The following parody has been heard sung in certain parlours and salons in the Noble District. While its origin is unknown at this time, it is believed to be a parody of racial tensions in Alexandria. Whatever its intent, it has caused some discord and uncomfortable chuckles.

Oh give me a home,
That is free from a gnome,
Where we don't constantly live in fear,
They're bringing their tricks,
They're bringing their crime,
Throw the gnomes out of Alexandria!
Gnomes! Gnomes are so strange!
When they're out don't let your kids play!
So seldom is heard,
An intelligent word,
About gnomes from the council today!

The song goes on to extol the sins of various other humanoid species, including the arvek nar, gobbers, sith-makar and mul'niessa. Most are considered too offensive to publish.

Trials of the Tribune Comic!

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Personal and Editorials

Looking for Group!

Looking for able-bodied and -minded inviduals to form an expedition to Emereth.

Payment provided from spoils of treasure and loot.

All applicants must be physically and mentally able to deal with cold weather and other harsh conditions of the northern wastes.

All inquiries to Jokul

Editor's Note: There was a bizarre smudge of ink after the name, like someone had started writing a family name there only to immediately decide against it.

A Totally Not Long-Winded Editorial on the History of Arcane Practice and Guardianship

With the vanishing of Rune, and its reappearance, now could not be a more appropriate time to touch on the history of magic. While Rune today, and now our various magicking schools across the nations, represent the pinnacle of arcane achievement on Ea, their history goes back to the appearance of dragons, and the arrival of the sildanyari.

Our oldest references tell us that it was the dragons who first developed the arcane principle. Knowledgable and powerful, they passed this knowledge onto the sildanyari, where it would later spread to the world.

The conflict between Taara and other deities over its guardianship is as old as this. During the early days, Taara manipulated mana to sunder the sildanyari apart. Of course, depending on which history book you look at, the tale will be somewhat different. However, it does give us a new perspective, at the very least, on Eluna's more recent role.

Sage "I am Hip" Balten, of Alexandria's School of Divination, Progressive Arcanists

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Great Paladin Advice Column

Q: Great Paladin, what toppings do you put on your breakfast waffles? A: Breakfast consists of a cool, refreshing glass of water and precisely two and a half flavourless rice waifers. Nothing should distract from the pursuit of justice.

However, were I a waffle or pancake eater, I would top it with whipped cream and strawberries.

Q: Great Paladin, what if you're a paladin of the god of cooking and being a gourmet is part of your code? A: I would question the existance of such a paladin as I can't imagine the god of cooking to be within one step away from Lawful Good. Some recipes are downright evil.

GREAT PALADIN STANDARD DISCLAIMER -- I cannot be held accountable for anyone creatively interpreting my answers, nor reading such things in them that I clearly would not intend. Such as illegal activities. Or racism.

Editor's Note: We here at the Tribune would state that the Great Paladin's mention of pancakes is as a nod towards fairness and equality. It is not taken to be an endorsement of the Pancake Conspiracy. Viva butter-filled and delicious breakfast squares!

Gilday, Quintoos 09, 1018


Front Page

Good sails, Master Tangisir!

His business finished for the autumn, we report that Merchant Tangisir and his quiet accomplice Jaidat are returning to Veyshan. A young, bronze dragon with promise among the merchant guilds, he claims at least two cousins among Alexandria's own.

"It has been a pleasure," the young dragon reported to the Tribune. Tangisir caused ripples this last season with his presentation of tlagi, a rare tea crafted from an even rarer desert flower. "My familiy had an usual crop this season. A little surplus," he had said at the time. The tlagi is well-known in tea circles for its unique combination of flavors. It is said it carries all flavors, from the crisp sunrise of the desert morning to its heated sunset. A thousand poems have been made of its petals.

He suggests that he will return next season, if Alexandria shows an interest in the flower. "Perhaps I may make the journey anyway," he added. "After all, my family is here." Whether he returns or not, the dragon's presence has "infused" some much-needed flavor into the local tea houses.

Good sails, Master Tangisir!

Gnomen Noodles are Warmth in a Cup!

When we reported on the Gnomen Noodles trend last Hattanani 27, we thought they were "one of those trends" that was seeing a surge in popularity. However, winter has given this ancient foodstuff an unexpected boost. Though invented hundreds ago by the practical khazad under the title "Soup-in-a-Cup," gnomish ingenuity has turned it into a robust industry.

Bonbargo Sparkgrinder over at Fizzy Muffintorque reports they're launching a new Owlshly Beary flavor of Gnomen Noodle. "We're basing it around the robust flavor of owlbear, with a hint of summer months! Perfect for the chill weather!" Each cup will come with a small packet of dried fruits.

Cladget Butterfoods is proud to announce its "Hint of Elemental" line, which comes in hot (fire), smooth (water), and similar flavors.

Both brands are expected to hit stands by the end of the week, just in time for the snow. They and similar hot foods may prove more popular than usual this winter. Weathermages throughout the city have said to expect an unusually cold winter.

Fashion and Culture

The Crimson Pen's Final Edition??

Warning: This article contains potential spoilers.

In the previous edition of Alexandria's greatest mystery-romance, the Crimson Pen shocked fans by leaving Mereth poisoned! We were told how he lay crumpled, in Dandy's arms.

In this latest tale, the TRECHEROUS JYRANA comes face to face with Dandy! Dandy, inconsolate after the horrors of Mereth's death. Did Jyrana poison him? Was it a mysterious, unnamed third party? The mysteries abound, and this reporter cannot wait to finish the latest in the series!

It is impossible to understate the popularity of this series within Alexandria, and the mystery author only adds to its "mystery of mysteryness," according to one avid reader, Gim Bordi. We at the Tribune have received letter after letter of outrage at the manly Merth's demise! There is no more walking space in this reporter's office.

Unfortunately, we at the Tribune do not know the Crimson Pen's true identity. However, we advise readers to be WARY.

Mereth's death has inspired many "copycat" authors to recraft the ending. Within one of these "copycat editions" Mereth rises from the dead to rescue his beloved! Another copy delivered to our office reveals that Jyrana was a dragon all along. While some are undoubtedly motivated by Mereth's tragic plight, their publications muddy finding the true story.

Will the Crimson Pen survive the controversy??

Lost and Found

Found: Kickball-sized ball of fuzz. Appears to make a "gnarp" noise. Free to anyone--ohgodithasmylegHELP

Lost: Small hat with a blue trim, red silk interior. Please return to Ilgam at Ma Rosie's if found.

Lost: Pale scarf with amber beading. Please contact Fizclok at Ma Rosie's if found.

Free: Chip's is offering a free beer with every purchase of our new, bbq platter! Offer good through Variday only!

Korday, Rhaltas 20, 1018

Front Page

The Green Takes on Heth in Upcoming Hunt

The Temple of Gilead reports its readiness for the upcoming Hunt. "We are prepared this season to answer the cry of the Green, which has too long been ignored between the petty struggles of Dran and Rune!" came a statement from one of the Hunters leading the effort.

"Heth sinks his claws into the Green, as we mortals look carelessly away. He also hunts the souls there. How many are left behind, held there by his immense gravity? That is why we have chosen the borderlands for the Hunt." The Temple declared it would lead with "action, as well as word." Whether souls are left behind is a matter of debate, though statements from the Daeusite temples seem to confirm it.

"While Heth is no demon, he shares some aspects with them. For example, the hunger for power. We saw recently the Binder Asumit's recent attempt, which was thwarted by the heroes of Alexandria, as well as an alliance between the local Temples of Light, as well as assistance from Myrddion," Sunguard Flask said, when asked about the possibility.

The Temple of Vardama says it expects a number of its faithful to join in, as well. They have also offered their expertise on creatures within the borderlands. Surprisingly, a local priest of Thul also stepped forward, but no one is taking him seriously.

Instant Fortified Warrior an Instant Disaster!

Alexandria's infamous inventive duo, Brundle and Fythe, made their triumphant return to Alexandria just in time to foul up a fair! Their so-called 'Instant Fortified Warrior' grew to ridiculous sizes before being brought back down to size by the intellect of the souls present.

Brundle and Fythe have spoken with officials. The Watch expressed its concern that the two will, hopefully, not beleaguer the citizen of Alexandria further with their antics.

On condition of anonymity, an official at the fair was commented as saying: Yeah, and pigs may fly. Then again, this has actually happened, so...

Fashion and Culture

The Crimson Pen Strikes Again!

The Crimson Pen's latest has hit the stands, and copies are already selling out. In it, the Pen introduces a new character. Dandy, the gentle-voiced Myrrish sil, cannot decide if she wants to escape Mereth's manly clutches! Jyrana, jealous of them both, turns down the dark path of poisoner in an act of desperate revenge! Can Mereth's manly strength save them all? An excerpt follows;

Mereth and Dandy met under the Highbridge, away from the eyes of all but the most wretched peasants - who, having no taste of love themselves, sat in ashamed awe of their forbidden love.
"Mereth," Dandy whispered, "I think I'm being followed."
Mereth frowned manfully. "But by whom, my dulcet darling? Who would dare follow you into splendor but myself?"
"You know who," Dandy said, pressing an alabaster hand to her brow. "It is Jyrana! I see her at the market, I see her in the gardens, even in my mirror at night!"
"But why would you see her so many places? Your fiendishly clever magic-machines prevent you from being followed!"
"There is only one way to explain it," Dandy said wretchedly, pressing herself into Mereth's fulsome, muscular chest. "Her jealousy has pushed her past the boundaries of all mortal sense. She has become...psiometric!"

In response to the publication, several "copycat" authors have sprung up, hoping to ride the sudden wave of fame and also, the novels' "mysterious air of mystery."

Local and Lifestyle

Ancient Legends Reborn!

Reporters with ears to the ground are reporting a resurgence of local tales and legends! We've done some investigating to find out just what is going on!

OOC Note: When we remade the grid back in 2011-2012, we invited the community to give it a history. Through now and the next few editions, we'll be sharing what they wrote! The following tales can be heard among the gossip columns in Alexandria.

Ancient Legends Reborn: The Cousin's Statues

This tale is often told around the campfire late at night. Deep within the catacombs, one of the most famous, or infamous statues is the Cousins' Statues.

Some 100 years ago, there were three brothers, the two older brothers were honest merchants, while the third was a scoundrel. He lusted after the wealth that his brothers' had, but there was a problem, even if his brothers, their wives would get the money and if their wives died their two children would get their money, only if both their families died would he get their wealth.

Now most wicked men would find easier sport, but this man was jealous of his brothers and wanted what they had. Some say he pledged his soul to the Shadow Sorceress or to the False Lady, but however he did it he came up with a plan to murder his family and get away with it.

The wicked man whispered sweet lies into his brothers' ears, honey coated half-truths that soon had brother turning against brother. Words were said, voices got raised, there was shoving and pushing and soon the two good brothers were brawling in the street. Even after the guards broke it up the brothers challenged each other to a duel to the death. Before the duel the evil brother coated each sword with poison so no matter who won they'd both die and die they did.

Two widows grieving and the wicked man's barded silky words whispered in their ears and before the month was out the two widows had gone to join their husbands in the Grey Hall. It was a shame, it was a pity, oh who would think of the children; their evil uncle would.

Four deaths in one family in a span of a month was pushing it and the Evil Uncle knew that. He wasn't worried though. He started to slowly poison the children and in 6 months two active healthy cousins were bed-ridden and worse the poison the Evil Uncle was using was slowly stealing their sight. By the time the two cousins succumb to the poison they were both blind. The Evil Uncle not wanting suspicion cast on him buried the children under his wine cellar then declared the children missing and spent the next 2 months looking for them. He hired adventurers, mostly new ones to try to find his lost nephew and niece, but alas no one ever found a trace of them.

The Evil Uncle thinking himself in the clear started to throw lavish parties and he would eat and drink and partying until all hours of the night. It started slowly at first, he would hear a child's laughter and be totally alone. Things would fall off the table. He started to hear voiced. "Uncle come play with us. Catch us Uncle catch us. Uncle come find us."

Soon he couldn't eat or sleep as the children's voices wouldn't torment him all day and all night. He tried to appease them. He in secret buried their bones in the local graveyard. He tried to throw money at the problem, having life sized statues built where he buried them. Nothing the Evil Uncle did would stop the children's voices. By this time the voices has started to become more malevolent, like children teasing.

The Evil Uncle unable to get away from the torment of the dead children had built for then an elaborate mausoleum deep in the catacombs under the graveyard. Done under the pretext that it was his own, he hoped that this would finally appease the spirits of the two cousins he had poisoned. Once construction was done, the Evil Uncle had the bodies of the two children secretly laid to rest one moonless night.

As the Evil Uncle was in the mausoleum he heard the children's voices again, but this time the workmen he brought with him heard the voices too. Neither the Evil Uncle nor the workmen had noticed the statues of the children had been missing from the graveyard. The last words that the Evil Uncle heard was, "I see you."

Only one workman managed to make it out and he died soon after, his eyes having been ripped from his head. In the morning the statues were found each holding a set of eyes in their hands.

To this day the statues of the cousins stand in the graveyard of Alexandria and on moonless nights it's said that the statues come to life and play games. Woe be to anyone who finds these children though, as the games they play you might not survive.

OOC: Thanks, Cesran!

Great Paladin Advice Column
Q: Great Paladin, what is the definition of 'justice'?
A: Well, it starts with two groups. Them and us. Then we slay them, and it becomes just us. The them is usually the hobgoblins or the gnomes.
Q: Great Paladin, I am definitely Darshan and I want to know two things: A) Is Crimson Pen an employee of the Tribune and B) If so, when is their lunch break and are they allergic to deadly poison. -Definitely Darshan
A: A) I am not an employee of, nor affiliated with, the Tribune and as such am not privy to such information. I would suggest cross referencing the writing style of the novels with the various articles in the tribute. Perhaps get a statistician to help. Third, B) I have no idea if the Crimson Pen is allergic to deadly poison or not. As an alternative, I have found very few things to be immune to blunt force trauma.

GREAT PALADIN STANDARD DISCLAIMER -- I cannot be held accountable for anyone creatively interpreting my answers, nor reading such things in them that I clearly would not intend. Such as illegal activities. Or racism.

Variday, Rhaltaas 17, 1018

Hunters and War

The Green has declared war this season.

Oh, and rangers received some great upgrades in RP26. :D

When: Thursday!
Description: A gathering of hunters, druids, shamans and more to discuss the latest Hunt! The Green has effectively declared a war on Heth, and demanded the world stand up and take notice!
This is a time to discuss politics, plans, and renew bonds among the wild communities!
OOC: This is a Meetup! There will be an ooc portion open for folks to put together stories, plots, and so on, in addition to RP!


Variday, Rhaltaas 03, 1018


Front Page

Tunnels Uncovered Beneath Artificer's Hall

Statements issued from the Artificer's Hall suggest that Callem 25th's occurrence, whereupon the Artifice Hall stood UP, was a fluke. "We believe one of our professors to be a victim of the recent Asumit possession," reported one, Professor Litigashun. "Unfortunately, this led to certain delusions."

These delusions apparently led the possessed, whose name is not mentioned for the protection of his family, to reconstruct a device capable of animating large objects. However, the device burned out "before it had even started," according to the professor. Unfortunately, this exposed a number of labs and workshops beneath the Hall.

"It exposed those, and I am afraid old pathways as well." Was the Hall aware of the connection? The professor claims not, though not everyone agrees. Investigations are still underway.

Official statements from the Hall to be posted later in this edition.

Vandalism Reported!

Two young squires and an Enclave artificier were arrested in connection with squatting and vandalism. They claim to have absolutely no memory of the events that led to them possibly holding an Explorer's Guild contractor captive. Since the purported captive equally has no memory of the events, they are to be released.

Ancient Legends Reborn!

Reporters with ears to the ground are reporting a resurgence of local tales and legends! We've done some investigating to find out just what is going on!

OOC Note: When we remade the grid back in 2011-2012, we invited the community to give it a history. Through now and the next few editions, we'll be sharing what they wrote! The following tales can be heard among the gossip columns in Alexandria.

Ancient Legends Reborn: An Angel in Disguise

Originally investigated by Moonshadow, c. 1012 (from 2012 real-time)

During times of great wars, or great plagues, The Soldier's Defense hospital would inexplicably gain an additional hand or two to help with the wounded or sick.

One of those that arrive to help, is someone clad in blue robes in silver trim, and donning not only a medallion of faith dedicated to Althea, but she bears the tattoo, upon the back of each hand, of the evening star, the symbol of Althea. Those that have encountered her says she speaks with a soft, but powerful voice, and is quite humble in her healing abilities. However, she only identifies herself as 'Aurora' and gives no last name.

However, Those that are part of the Hearthguard ner Sentinels have never heard of this woman. Nor are there any records of this woman in any manuscript or record. For those that have seen her however, say she doesn't engage in conversation, and is a woman of few words.

Ancient Legends Reborn: Origins of the Great Contest

Originally investigated by Jibbom, c. 1012 (from 2012 real-time)

Long, long ago, when Alexandria was little more than a sleepy fishing village and the Gods still took strolls about the material plane, it is said that the city was the site of a truly legendary contest between two of the Celestine.

According to legend, it was here that Angoron and Tarien initially met, long ago, after roaming the world and surveying their domains. Upon their first meeting, the two gods traded boasts and tall tales of their accomplishments and the great deeds their followers had achieved. Needless to say, a friendly rivalry was quick to develop.

All who tell the tale agree that a contest of some sort quickly ensued. Angoron attempted to overshadow Tarien with his great might and valor, while the Coyote relied upon his cunning and trickery to get the better of his new friend. The god's respective clergies will generally claim that their own patron emerged victorious, but most telling the tale say that the contest ended in some sort of draw or tie. Equally murky is the precise nature of the contest, though it is usually described as a comprehensive test of bravery, wit, strength, and skill. There is also some dispute about where precisely the contest took place, with both the worshippers of Angoron and Tarien claiming their temples are built upon the spot in question.

While the specifics of the legend are murky, none can doubt the influence the mythical contest has had upon Alexandrian culture. Every so often, at no particular time, the priests of Tarien and Angoron claim 'divine inspiration' motivates them to host another contest, some manner of competition between the two temples. These contests have been everything from races to tug of war matches to complex sporting tournaments. True to their faiths, the Angoronites have attempted to prevail through strength and power, while the Tarienites attempt to find ways to employ guile and cunning to gain an edge. Whatever the result of any particular contest, both sides tend to have a good time and regard the entire affair as a reaffirmation of the friendship and camaraderie shared by the two deities.

In recent generations, the 'Great Contest' has grown more expansive, including many participants outside of the followers of Angoron and Tarien. The temples of Kor and Ceinara have regularly sent prominent worshippers to support Angoron's teams, while Eluna and Gilead's followers have been frequently seen among the teams in support of Tarien. In practice, any follower of a good or neutral god is generally free to participate with the team of their choice. The contests are generally welcomed, a happy and unpredictable event which is very much a part of the Alexandrian spirit.

Fashion and Culture

Practical Waffles for Sith-makar

By Myrana

You will need...

2 Cups Cricket Flour
2 Eggs
1 t. Salt
4 t. Baking Powder
2 t. Mango Juice
1.5 c Milk
1/4 c. Pearl Sugar
1/3 c. Bone Marrow Compound Butter
1 t. Vanilla Extract

To make the waffles...

  1. In a large bowl, mix together flour, salt, baking powder and sugar; set aside. Preheat waffle iron to desired temperature.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs. Stir in the milk, butter and vanilla.
  3. Ladle the batter into a preheated waffle iron. Cook the waffles until golden and crisp.
  4. Top with pat of bone marrow compound butter. Serve!

The Mysterious 'Crimson Pen' Remains at Large--New Book to Follow!

Due to the riotous popularity of the first book, rumours have started flying that the unknown author intends to continue in this vein. Though speculation is running rampant, the title has already been released: Jyrana in Veyshan--Rescue from the Seraglio! Excerpt as follows:

"Her voice like a thousand sweet bells and with a continence like the most heavenly moon, Jyrana swept by in her array of fine, sheer silks, tiny chimes singing with every trembling movement. The Sheik gazed upon her, perfumed and bathed and dressed fit to steal his wheezing breath away...He waddled forward with sinister delight..."

The author, dubbed only as 'The Crimson Pen' remains at large!

Gread Paladin Advice Column

Q: GREAT PALADIN, what do you do with a lethal wewapon?

A: Only draw it in times of great need. I am fortunate enough to have great need of it all the time.

An Update, and Interview, on the Uprising of the Artificer's Hall

The Artificer's Hall released an official statement today, intending to address concerns erupting from recent events on 25th Callem, 1018. Early that evening, the Hall stood up as though a great automation, shook, and then halted. While the construction has not moved sense, it has caused no end of speculation.

The Hall originally reported that it was investigating the issue. Today, Hurdrizh Silverarm provided us here at the Tribune with an update. Silverarm is a priest of Reos, and a member of the Artificer's Hall. He started off quickly, and to the point.

Tribune: So, to get to the question that's on everyone's mind--what caused the eruption?

Silverarm: We now know that the eruption was caused by the acts of a mad man. Among his belongings, we found journals dedicating himself to, and praising Asumit. I don't think that's the work of a sound mind, and we're lucky to have heroes here, in Alexandria, who were able to address it.

Tribune: So this was the work of Asumit, the demon binder?

Silverarm: We believe so, ultimately. Asumit recently attempted to possess any number of people. We're very fortunate. Then, heroes within our own community--working with the Artificer's Hall, of course--thwarted him. That is what ultimately happened, here.

Tribune: The Hall moved, though. It's also showing some Kulthian markings. How do you explain that?

Silverarm: It's just old. ...originally, maybe it was inspired by them, who knows. It was hollowed out though, and made into a place of service and learning. I think that speaks to the intent of artificers in this city, more than anything else. That is, either they wanted to show their conquest over the Kulthian...foolishness, or show how mistakes could be transformed. And I think we've done that.

Tribune: So there is no possibility it will move--that is, animate again? How did this 'corrupt man' manage it?

Silverarm: It has no mechanisms to enable its movement. Its innards are just classrooms and offices. As to how he moved it--well, he was inspired by Asumit...

Tribune: So, we don't expect it to move anytime soon? That may relieve some of our readers out there, but there have been other rumors, as well. Could you address those?

Silverarm: Sure! The rumors are that it opens up into some old areas beneath Alexandros. Areas the city had been built on, and that is true. However, the Hall--we take security seriously. When Animus, honor him, fell, we were the first out to repair old mana lamps and make sure Alexandria's airships flew. So, we're taking this seriously.

Tribune: Can you expand on that some?

Silverarm: Well...it means we're building a seal around it. I mean, there could be something down there, there could not be. Either way, we're going to be careful--and prepared.

Tribune: We're glad to hear about it. It isn't every day a building gets up and walks. However, and we have heard this from some of our readers. Can you address rumors of it being tied to Morduzum?

Silverarm: <nervous laugh> It's possible. I haven't been down there myself, but I did hear about some rust monsters coming up. If it did, that would absolutely be a concern, yes.

Afterwards, Silverarm told us about the Hall's sponsorship of an Adventure Troop, and upcoming classes. Information on these classes, and the Adventure Troop, may be found by speaking with local Artifice Hall representatives, or, Silvearm says, he is willing to answer letters directly.

We'll be following up with additional reports, as information develops.

OOC: For more on this article, contact: Alik, Fazahd, Aria, MAC-B1G, or Stirling IC!

Variday, Callem 29, 1018


Fashion and Culture

A Series of Interviews of Alexandrian Culture

I, Nilou Farsens Scribbetter of the Alexandrian Tribune, have been tasked with a series of interviews about life here in Alexandria and the cultures that compose it! The City is one of the melting pots of the world, and I am attempting to capture its mixture in words.

Interviews, V -- Esmaudalein of the Gnomes Today, I am interviewing Esmaudalein, an active and gnomish member of our local theatre community! Esmaudalein is noted for her interesting performances, or unique as described by some--and was able to take time our from her schedule to meet with us. In it you will find descriptions of Selentia, the land of a thousand princes!

Nilou: Thank you for coming, and helping us with this project.

Esmaudalein: Darling, I'm more than happy to help out. Publicity, sweetie, that's the name of the game.

Nilou: Oh, of course. Now, as you know we're focusing on culture and what makes Alexandria a melting pot! We're quite unique in the world. Where is it you're from, ...Esmaudalein, is it? Am I pronouncing that right?

Esmaudalein: Call me /Esme/, darling. I am from /Selentia/, the Land of Princesses. Not, as according to popular rumour, Rosalia. No, mine is that beautiful land of salons, wine and luxe.

Nilou: Ah! I may have heard that rumor, now that I think on it. Oh, such things float about in a city like this one. Now, Selentia...the land of a thousand princes, I've heard it called! Do tell our readers a bit about it, if you would?

Esmaudalein: A thousand princes, but alas, none right for me. Perhaps save the Bard....It is a pleasant land, full of great manor houses and beautiful splendour. Where the poor daughter of a woodsman may meet her prince. Salons of exquisite intellect and bohemian delights. Wonderful balls---oh! for my own debutant ball to be replayed a thousand times would not be enough.

Nilou: Ooh, the manors are legendary. ...do you mind? Could you picture--oh, one of your favorites, and describe it? Let's bring it to life for our readers! And which bard?

Esmaudalein: <here, Esme becomes upset that I do not know who she is speaking of--and when I hear the name, I quite understand!> The Bard??! Surely a man of letters such as yourself knows of the great playwright, that muse of all thespians and poets, the great Gaudarne?

Now, the manors---oh, my! My favourite, the Durretti House, by the sea. Four fine wings surrounding a courtyard of such exquisite beauty that you would /die/ to be allowed within." Almost a visible swoon. "Fountains of liquid grace, and meticulously hand-picked pebble paths. Hundreds of cats preening and being groomed... Expansive grounds, with such fabulous formal gardens as you would not believe. Plants from all over Ea, raised from seed by skilled druids. And the towers---my, imagine ascending to the eighth or ninth floor on those fine marble steps, to be greeted with the gilded walls, the rosewood floors, the thick sheepskin rugs, the tapestries, the art of a thousand generations... and with the finest company one could hope for. Princes, princesses, assassins, diplomats, spies, dukes, barons, generals, artists, actors, writers, merchants---and me, the daughter of a simple woodcutter, invited to the salon in the west tower of Gaurdarne...

Editor's note: It's since come to our desks that the description Esme gave of Selentia is not quite accurate! We assume she just became carried away.

Nilou: Gaudarne! Ah! Of course. A perfect inspiration to--take inspiration from, you know. Now...But what caused you to leave all of this splendour?

Esmaudalein: The lure of the world-renowned, and most excellent, Bardic College of Alexandria. That fine institution, which can give such excellent training to actors such as myself. I was fortunate to be patronized by a wealthy merchant---with whom, I might add, and contrary to rumours, I did not share a bed, nor anything more licentious than lunch and polite conversation.

Nilou: I had scarce heard the rumors. Now--so you left Selentia and came to the College. What surprised you most about it?

Esmaudalein: The songs, dear, the songs. Oh, they'll... melt your face. Why, I know my fair share of bawdy tunes, but none quite as shocking as I heard within the walls of my dear alma mater. Yes, the songs, and the rather... <she pauses> /Loose morals./

Nilou: Oh...oh! Well...yes, I suppose some areas in the city can be known for that sort of thing. ...I'm terribly glad you've come by though, Esme! It's been a delight.

Esmaudalein: Marvelous, darling, the /pleasure/ was chiefly mine. I look forward to seeing my name in print again.

Interviews, VI -- Durrankar of the Sith-makar Here, I interview Durrankar, a steward of Mictlan! Mictlan was gifted to the sith-makar through an arrangement with our local druids. Here, we talk about sith-makar greetings, caste, and how they view the treaty! Read on for more!

Nilou: Nilou Farsens Scribbetter, Alexandrian Tribune. I'm thrilled you've agreed to help me with this project! <here I offered him a hand, which proved to be a mistake...keep reading!>

Durrankar: Durrankar, steward of Mictlan. it is nice to meet you. Interesting that you've asked for an...interview...

Nilou: I hope you think so! I imagine our readers will be so excited! You know, in the history of things, your people are so new! The sith-makar! So you are new, at least to us. I heard no one knew about you until the last...one hundred years or so?

Durrankar: That is because we did not come from the jungle of Am'Shere until then." <here, Durrankar looks at my hand> "What that....supposed to signify something? <he then tilts his head to the side, and moves his tail about>

Nilou: Oh! The crate is here because...well, we're a different height, you see. Otherwise, I might be interviewing your kneecaps, you know. <pauses> Oh! You mean to shake hands? I take it the sith-makar don't do that sort of thing, then? How do you greet one another?

Durrankar: Our normal greeting is 'Peace on your nest'. Which is like wishing no harm to take place. A nest, to the sith makar can symbolize many things. The home, the heart, your fire." Durrankar explains pointedly. "in Am'shere it is very much a battle for survival. So, protecting the 'little ones' is paramount. As they cannot defend themselves, it is up to the rest of us to defend them, teach them, how to hunt, to fight. To take, or crush an egg is not only an insult to the one who laid it, but it is an insult to the entire tribe.

Nilou: That is fascinating. You know, that reminds me. I imagine there must be a few differences in our culture, so I apologize ahead of time. Do let me know if something is offensive, or unclear. I think if we work it out, it could help our readers understand you, that is the sith-makar, better. ...Speaking of cultures, I had a question for you from one of our readers. We keep hearing the term 'cihuaa.' What is that, exactly? Could you tell me about it?

<Included here is an artist's render of a generic sith-makar demonstrating a tail-thump, with the caption: "A sith-makar greeting!">

Durrankar: First, let me explain that. <Durrankar gestures to my picture> That is a friendly greeting, before the greeting. In Am'shere, you have many stealthy predators. The 'tail thump' as you call it...is letting someone know they are there. it is loud, where there should be stealth. In essence, you are announcing your presence to someone you consider a friend. It also signifies approval of something, or that they like an idea.

Cihuaa.......it signifies 'life partner' or 'mate'. I have one myself, Un'eth. She is also of the woods. However, Life partner is more accurate, since sith'makar do 'mate' for life, the bond is much deeper, like two halves of a heart. it is not to be entered to lightly, nor is it about creating hatchlings....it is a bond like no other. You share your fire, food, warmth, and more with another.

Nilou: Is that why most of the sith-makar don't ...what is the phrase? Oh! Take cihuaa? Go cihuaa? Claim...? As you can see, it's a term we often hear, but so different!

Durrankar: Politics are meaningless in Am'shere. We fight for survival. You are either hunter....or prey. You do not want to be prey. And the term is 'take' cihuaa. It is not like 'marriage'. You are either happy with your cihuaa before you take her...or him....or you do not become a cihuaa, or take one.

Editor's note: Some research suggests it's as often political as it is personal. But, I cannot claim to have an insider's knowledge here.>

Nilou: You know...I'd heard one other thing that puzzled me. What is caste, and what does that mean? And...which caste are you? Or is that a rude question?

Durrankar: It is not rude. A caste is......something you do. And the names are self explanatory. Hunter caste tracks down and gets food for others. Warrior caste are the guardians of the tribe. The shaman caste are the teachers and the spellcasters of the tribes. And the merchant caste are the traders of the tribes. The Merchant caste are the ones that bring goods from Am'shere...I am of the shaman caste.

Nilou: The shaman caste! What does that mean? Well, to you, personally?

Durrankar: They are the guides of the tribes. They teach how to use spells, or how to bring beneficial things to your tribe. Say...you are trying to get a medicinal herb for your child, but you do not know which it is. You go to a shaman to find out which herb it is...and the shaman sends the hunter to get it. A shaman is a position where all eyes look to you for...advisor. That is what it is.

Nilou: I'm given to understand, well, you just emerged in the last 100 years. Alexandria is the first...outside nation you've made a Treaty with? What did you think when you first saw it?

Durrankar: It was a great opportunity. The sith-makar would not survive without help, and it is good to learn new things from others." <here, Durrankar thumps his tail again, a movement which I am not sure I understand; in this context it seemed to be an affirmative> If we did not venture out of Am'shere....I would not have met my cihuaa, so I'm a little biased.

Nilou: Oh! Well, we are down to the last question, now. Thank you for talking with me so far. For this one, I would like you to paint a picture. If a visitor came to Am'shere, from Alexandria--what would they see? What is the impression they would get?

Durrankar: It. Is. Hot. You could sit on a stove and be cooler than in Am'shere. Not only is it hot...it is humid. Those who are not prepared will find it difficult to breathe while there. It is a jungle. Also, until you are in the care of a tribe tribe's guards, you must be prepared to defend yourself. It is a fight for survival in Am'shere, as I have said before. If you are not ready to defend yourself, or must rest for the night, you might make preparations to make yourself less of a target. Minimizing your scent, not wearing brightly colored or easy to spot clothes, and more.

However, despite the battle for survival, Am'shere is a very beautiful and vibrant jungle. Many plants and animals are in Am'shere and some are particularly beautiful, if deadly. Some of the parrots there are very colorful.

Nilou: Thank you for taking the time. And...peace to your nest? Is there a standard goodbye?

Durrankar: May the Dragonfather's wings shelter you. <He thumps his tail> That is a normal goodbye. And for us, the Dragonfather is the platinum dragon. To you, he is known as Daeus.

Ask Great Paladin!

Q: Are knitting needles truly the secret superweapons we have always feared? And by this reason, should we all be afraid of Myrana and other, perhaps secret knitters?

A: In the hands of common folk, knitting needles are harmless. Well, as harmless as anything can be harmless. However, there are some few who can put knitting needles to deadly effect. Consider, perhaps, the fighter with the Improvised Weapon feat. Or consider the paladin who smites. And then, of course, if the knitting needles are made of exceptional materials, such as adamantium, they could theoretically be used to sunder even the mightiest of weapons. However, there is one circumstance which makes all others pale in regards to potential lethality.

In the hands of the grandmother, they are truly awesome and fearsome. They can craft clothing of such garity and embarrassment that one must unfortunately wear. For only the most terrible of people could refuse to do so for a grandmother. That they must present themselves in those horrid knitted monstrosities lest they upset the kindly old matron is a cross that must be borne. A scar on the emotional psyche that can never be healed. That this is all known before even taking that fatal step simply makes it all the worse. In short, knitting needles in the hands of a grandmother can utterly destroy one's sense of self respect and place in this world.

GREAT PALADIN STANDARD DISCLAIMER -- I cannot be held accountable for anyone creatively interpreting my answers, nor reading such things in them that I clearly would not intend. Such as illegal activities. Or racism.

Artificer's Hall Follow-Up

The Artificer's Hall is now several feet in the air. The building, once sedately located on the ground, now stands on eight metal legs, taller than a human is high. Precise reports of the event have been conflicting so far, ranging from a failed experiment to routine tests of existing manatech. Other reports suggest students from the Bardic College running amok. Whatever the source, the change now appears to be permanent.

Stoneworks' New Menu!

A longtime staple in Vadran Village, Stoneworks' Calzones is pleased to announce several new items to their menu! Alongside the fresh fare from local farmers, they are offering an additional number of traditional khazadi-styled sausages, mushrooms, and breads! Stop by for some good, filling calzones, khazad-aul style!

More rumors.png