Forgotten Blood III - Prion Prison (Part 2)

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Log Info

  • Title: Forgotten Blood III - Prion Prison (Part 2)
  • Place: Am'shere - Prion Prison
  • Summary: Adventurers have discovered a Charnite to create more Forgotten. Having found out the strange magical disease that has been crafted by them, they move upon 'Prion Prison' - a site of the first war against the Charnites in Am'shere - in order to take down the source of the disease.

OOC Notes Due to the extended length of this adventure, the GM has provided 3 re-rolls for the extent of the entire plotline in Prion Prison. Below is the number of remaining re-rolls at the end of this encounter:

  • Aelwyn 3/3
  • Andelena 0/3
  • Elisabeth 1/3
  • Rune 3/3
  • Schara 3/3
  • Skielstregar 1/3

Last we left our intrepid adventurers, they'd entered the place within Am'shere called 'Prion Prison'. A location thought abandoned by the Charn well over a hundred years ago during their initial invasion into the Sith'makar 'homeland' of Am'shere.

They've battled fire elementals on the way in, and discovered that the veil to the Fire Plane is thinner in this place, creating unique problems. Making their way through a part of the prison, they've managed to find a horrible torture chamber, where they found three Sith-makar prisoners.

After healing them, they ventured to return them to the entrance so they could be sent to a healer camp set up by Harkashan.

Reinforcements, in the form of Elisabeth, are just on the way while the party discover that something is amiss with the prisoners. Having just shaken some kind of mind-affecting 'something' from the pale wounded Sith-makar traveling with them, battle has begun with Gargoyles approaching from all sides, as well as Fire Elementals approaching!

Fire Elemental Slam attacks Aelwyn 1d20+7: 15+7 = 22 (Hit) -- Damage: 5
Fire Elemental Slam attacks Aelwyn 1d20+7: 19+7 = 26 (Hit) -- Damage: 7
Aelwyn AoO Fire Elemental: 1d20+9: 8+9 = 17 (Hit) -- Damage 15
Aelwyn AoO Fire Elemental: 1d20+9: 9+9 = 18 (Hit) -- Damage 14
Gargoyle Gore attacks Rune: 1d20+9: 4+9 = 13 (Miss)
<OOC> Rune says, "Full round attack + Two-Weapon feint on gargoyle in front of me."
Rune rolls Bluff: 1d20+19: 18+19 = 37 (Success)
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 13+12 = 25 (Hit) -- Damage: 13
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+7: 6+7 = 13 (Miss)
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 18+7 = 25 (Hit) -- Damage: 12

The moment that Malefic seems to cackle, bringing Skielstregar back from wherever his mind had been taken, there is a sigh of relief from Rune. "Focus on the one with the mind control! Any of us could be the next target!"

However, Rune has more pressing concerns in the form of a gargoyle creature that appears in front of her, striking out in her direction. "Shit, we've got more incoming. Look out for the statues!"

Then, with a sweep of one of her blades, she tries to distract the stone creature with her blade while the other sneaks in through its guard. One, two, three quick slashes, though once seems to scrape off the side of the creature, with a sound like nails on a chalk board.

The approach of Gargoyles from all directions is disorienting. Two fire elementals move forward from the right within the main hall, assaulting Aelwyn. Their fists slamming down upon the ruddy Sith-makar. Luckily, his fiery scales protects him from their flames!

In the hallway to the north-east, Rune comes under attack from a Gargoyle. And she can hear one scraping further to the north-west.

From near the entrance, another Gargoyle approaches, rushing onto Andelena's position, flanking her with the Fire Elemental and slamming its stony horns through her armor!

<OOC> Andelena says, "Andelena's moving forward to smack the fire elemental next to Aelwyn, power attack, etc."
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 3+12 = 15 (Miss)

Andelena, cleric of Daeus, is sworn to protect the innocent. Which is why she yells over to Skielstregar, "Hey silver-sheen, keep these fucks off our escorts! I'm gonna help Aelwyn!"

Help might be the loosest definition of the term in that she lifts Deliverance up and goes to slam into the fire elemental, but swings well and wide of the elemental. She growls in frustration. "Hold fucking still, damn it!"

Gargoyle Gore attacks Andelena: 1d20+9: 15+9 = 26 (Hit) -- Damage: 6
<OOC> Schara says, "I'll shoot the top elemental with electricity"
Schara rolls Sense Motive: 1d20+1: 18+1 = 19 
Schara rolls Death Ray: 1d20+7: 18+7 = 25 (Hit) -- Damage: 13

Schara Looks back at Skielstregar, and back at Aelwyn, along with several fire elementals and a gargoyle. While the white sith-makar was a threat, Aelwyn wasn't looking the best. "Do not flee! The ground is unstable, and there may be more enemies outside!" She warns the two confused looking captives, while taking aim at one of the elementals, shocking it with a bolt of lightning out of their death ray.

Aelwyn AoO Gargoyle: 1d20+9: 9+4 = 13 (Miss)

As the battle proceeds, there is a small quake in the ground. A shift and ripple, as the lava begins to stir. Spewing forth, as the veil ripples and opens, as two more fire elementals rise up. Larger than the last, slowly putting their large hands on the edges of the lava pools, and starting to hoist themselves up!

Having arrived late, Elisabeth is combat ready with her shield on her arm and her sword in hand... and the heels of her boots clack together as she hears the sounds of combat ahead. When she runs, it's much faster than one might expect of someone wearing full plate armor, as she rushes towards the doorway ahead. Of course, she's wearing full plate... so it's patently clear to anyone who can hear that *someone* is coming towards the door from outside.

<OOC> Aelwyn shall five foot and full attack with some pizazues from dramatic display. ._. "Two attacks right?"
Aelwyn rolls Attack: 1d20+11: 2+11 = 13 (Miss)
Aelwyn rolls Attack: 1d20+6: 9+6 = 15 (Miss)
<OOC> Harkashan says, "@Skiel, the White Sith-makar is about to move. Do you want to take an AoO?"
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "i am going to hit them with the warhammer nonlethally and threaten them"
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "power attack with furious focus negating the penalty"
Skielstregar rolls AoO: 1d20+18: 4+18 = 22 (Miss)

The White Sith-makar suddenly moves away from Skielstregar as he swings his Warhammer at them. And then, after a few seconds and some spoken words that those present may not understand, she suddenly... disappears.

Single focus, single goal. Get the bodies out of the door. Single fo- then there was shouting, yelling. It was hard for Aelwyn to get his bearings again, as something happened behind him - what is worse, lava elementals and gargoyles swarm him!

Sliding his carriee down, Aelwyn snarls. "Stay down!" Breathing in, he says a foreign word and the embers in his glaive bursts aflame. "Let us dance and parry," He says to the elementals approaching - and the three engage in deadly dance, glaive slicing and their touches burning his scales. With grace, he weaves his way along the melee, ducking around Andelena as the cleric rushes into the fray. "Do not get frustrated, flames flicker with your agitation!" The Dragoon calls out - though he himself swings thin air several times with his spins; side of his body aflame.

Gargoyle Gore attacks Elisabeth: 1d20+9: 3+9 = 12 (Miss)
Tlalli runs away.
Fire Elemental rolls AoO: 1d20+7: 2+7 = 9 (Miss)
Skielstregar casts See Invisibility.

A creature of horror lashes out at the whitescale, Forgotten-Skielstregar snarling as the warhammer whistles past their side. "What isss your problem?! We are sssaving you!"

Rune's words make his crimson eyes nictate, a deluge of ichor coating his hands as he swats it over his face. "Where ARE you-- there! Ssstop thisss, you buffoon!" he hisses, a handprint over his eyes as he barrels forth towards seemingly nothing. The blackened warhammer gets put away, and the polearm left on the ground melts away before popping into Skiel's hands with a firm line for a grin.

Fire Elemental Slam attacks Aelwyn 1d20+7: 15+7 = 22 (Hit)-- Damage: 5
Gargoyle Gore attacks Andelena: 1d20+11: 6+11 = 17 (Miss)
Gargoyle Claw attacks Rune: 1d20+7: 15+7 = 22 (Miss)
Gargoyle Claw attacks Rune: 1d20+7: 16+7 = 23 (Miss)
Gargoyle Bite attacks Rune: 1d20+7: 12+7 = 19 (Miss)
<OOC> Rune says, "Same as before, Full round + Two Weapon Feint"
Rune rolls Bluff: 1d20+19: 3+19 = 21 (Success)
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 10+12 = 22 (Hit) -- Damage: 24

From her position in the hallway, there is not a great deal that Rune can see of what threats befall her allies. Cursing at this fact, the rogue continues to focus her attention on the gargoyle blocking her path from getting to them. "I'm on my way, just need to get rid of this asshole!"

With a grunt of frustration, the half-elf does another quick flourish of her weapons, distracting the gargoyle enough that she is able to jab one short sword, crushing through the stone carcass of the gargoyle and sending it falling to the ground before her as she moves to step around it.

The battle continues to grow more chaotic. The huge Fire Elementals luckily are taking some time to get out of their lava-holes. But an intense heat flares off of them, starting to raise the temperature within the front hall. A large slurry of molten rock trails behind them, before drooling back into the lavapool behind them. Aelwyn is taking the worst of the brunt from the fire elementals around the chambers right now. Rune gets a good hit in on one of the gargoyles, slaying it. But the battle is not easy.

<OOC> Andelena says, "It sure is. Wheeling around on the gargoyle and full attack."
<OOC> Andelena says, "Power Attack on both, Furious Focus applies to first one."
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+10: 4+10 = 14 (Miss) -- (Re-roll used)
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+10: 3+10 = 13 (Miss)
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+5: 14+5 = 19 (Hit) -- Damage: 15

Andelena cries out roughly from the gargoyle's wound, and she wheels around with a growl as she goes to bear her longsword down onto the creature. "Nobody gets to poke me like that except my man," and while the first swing goes wide again, the second finally finds its mark, bearing into the gargoyle.

"Anyone want to skewer this fuck behind me!?" the Sunguard calls out. She doesn't like being sandwiched between two enemies.

Gargoyle Claw attacks Andelena: 1d20+7: 2+7 = 9 (Miss)
Gargoyle Claw attacks Andelena: 1d20+7: 1+7 = 8 (Miss)
Gargoyle Bite attacks Andelena: 1d20+7: 11+7 = 18 (Miss)

The Gargoyle lets out a rocky sound at Andelena as it pulls out of her with its horn and tries to duck away from her blow. One of them cuts off a stone arm, but that doesn't stop it from trying to get at her like a wild animal. Biting at her shield and trying to gore her again, but failing to get past her defenses!

<OOC> Schara says, "going to shoot the injured fire elemental"
Schara rolls Death Ray: 1d20+7: 14+7 = 21 (Hit) -- Damage: 15
<OOC> Schara thumbs up!
<OOC> Schara says, "moving to flank, drawing the very threatening dagger of threatening"

"Aelwyn, just hang on a moment!" Schara calls out, blasting the the elemental into molten sludge, uncertain if they would vanish so close to the veil between the plane of fire. With the opening they were looking for made, Schara dashes around the small melee, drawing their dagger and brandishing it towards the remaining small elemental.

<OOC> Elisabeth will haste from boots, again, full attack the gargoyle on mne? it is a gargoyle, right?
Elisabeth rolls Attack: 1d20+13: 11+13 = 24 (Hits) -- Damage: 9
Elisabeth rolls Attack: 1d20+13: 19+8 = 27 (Hits/Crit) -- Damage: 13
Elisabeth rolls Attack: 1d20+13: 3+13 = 16 (Hits) -- Damage: 10
<OOC> Elisabeth says, "also, 5' step to north"

A gargoyle some at Elizabeth as she charges towards the door, meeting its attack with her shield, she lets her heels clack together once again as she lashes out with her blade, scoring well against the gargoyle's body as she side-steps as if to move past it while fighting. Her strikes leave the creature sorely wounded, but still standing.

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Five foot, do some dance moves and full attack again. ._."
Aelwyn rolls Attack: 1d20+11: 12+11 = 23 (Hit) -- Damage: 6
Aelwyn rolls Attack: 1d20+6: 12+6 = 18 (Hit) -- Damage: 10

"Tch, this one has faced worse heat on the streets! They barely know how to shamble!" Aelwyn replies to Schara with a flash of his bloodied teeth - not to mention the Dragoon was still smouldering. Heedless of the larger elementals nearing him, the draconian then starts to step towards the side.

And it was an odd dance. Step. Pause; a twirl - and then he leans forward, before shanking his glaive into the remaining smaller elemental's face. Another yank down, and he brings it down. "This one has the Guard's back." He rumbles in frankly, morbid sounding amusement.

Setl uses Dominate Person on Rune -- DC: 23
Rune rolls Will: 1d20+5: 14+5 = 19 + 2 (vs Enchantment) (Fail)
Skielstregar uses AoO: 1d20+18: 1+18 = 19 (Miss) -- (Re-Roll used)
Skielstregar uses AoO: 1d20+18: 17+18 = 35 (Hit) -- Damage: 41

Though only Skielstregar can see it, the Ethereal white Sith-makar rushes away from him. Malefic and Skielstregar however aren't so quick to give up. The ghosttouch on his blade permitting him a strike, cutting into her back and causing a momentary flash of... red. The white Sith-makar transforming as they run around the corner...

Where they have a moment to chant at Rune, demanding she attack Skielstregar. "Kill him, he hurt me!" She demands as her form drops!

Malefic takes a bite out of the ethereal whitescale, the black ichor dripping from their maw making the hit true. "Deceiver! Liar!" he snarls, watching them run away through the wall. He follows after them, galloping on all fours as he holds Malefic in his maw. One of the elementals gets him in the back, but he doesn't pay it much mind.

He smashes into the hallway. "FALSE KIN!" he bellows, Malefic forming into his hands as the axehead SLAMS down into the enchanter, smashing them against the wall. "Thisss one is here, Rune!"

Gargoyle Claw attacks Elisabeth: 1d20+7: 14+7 = 21 (Miss)
Gargoyle Claw attacks Elisabeth: 1d20+7: 8+7 = 15 (Miss)
Gargoyle Bite attacks Elisabeth: 1d20+7: 3+7 = 10 (Miss)
Rune rolls Will: 1d20+7: 11+7 = 18 (+2 vs Enchantment) (Fail)
<OOC> Rune says, "Sorry Skiel... 5ft step to get flanking... and full attack."
(Skielstregar cannot be flanked, Rune does not know this.)
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 4+12 = 16 (Miss)
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 19+7 = 26 (Hit) -- Damage: 9
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 9+12 = 21 (Hit) -- Damage: 5
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 12+7 = 21 (Hit) -- Damage: 5

The moment that the spell comes over her, Rune's eyes seem to go unfocused for a second before they snap back to attention. In her mind's eye, the image of Skielstregar is overwritten with an image of one of the gargoyle-like creatures that she had just recently felled. Despite her mind trying to fight off the compulsion, Rune is unable to break free of the control.

So, seeing Skielstregar as her enemy, the rogue moves forward into a position that would normally give her advantage against her enemies, but it does not seem to have the effect that she might expect. "You hurt one of my friends and you're going to fucking pay!" She shouts... before stabbing out at Skielstregar. A flurry of blades follows from a Rune who seems compltely oblivious to who is standing in front of her.

Gargoyle Claw attacks Skielstregar: 1d20+7: 11+7 = 18 (Miss)
<OOC> Andelena says, "Swift action: channel energy to activate Grayflame. +1d6 on my weapon for 3 rounds, increases enhancement bonus by +1, typed as good and silver for DR."
<OOC> Andelena says, "Action: slap the gargoyle with full attack."
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+10: 5+10 = 15 (Miss) -- (Re-roll used)
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+10: 6+10 = 16 (Hit) -- Damage: 23 
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+5: 3+5 = 8 (Miss)

Andelena is tired. She's done with this gargoyle even though it's not doing a great job of piercing her defense. The huge fire elemental and the heat coming off it are not helping matters.

"Deliverance," Andelena growls to her sword. "With me!"

"I am with you!" a maternal voice responds from the sword. Sunguard and sword then say in unison: "Holy Knight, may I be the servant that delivers your judgment!"

The sword is wreathed in silver flame then, holy energy pouring through it, and Andelena goes to slam it into the gargoyle, barely upright still. The second swing to finish the job goes wide, but the Sunguard seems far more capable now that the Knight's blessing is with her.

The white Sith-makar, now identified as a woman with amber skin, red hair, and horns with... rather seductive curves, is hit by Skielstregar's blade. She tries to defend herself, holding her arm up, dodging out of the way. But Skielstregar's rage is unending, tearing into her.

Huge Fire Elemental Slams Schara: 1d20+15: 11+15 = 26 -- Damage: 10
Schara rolls Reflex: 1d20+10: 5+10 = 15 (Fail)
Schara takes an additional 2d6 damage: 8
Aelwyn AoO Huge Fire Elemental: 1d20+9: 18+9 = 27 (Hit) -- Damage 14
Gargoyle Claw attacks Elisabeth: 1d20+7: 20+7 = 27 (Hit) -- Damage: 5
Gargoyle Claw attacks Elisabeth: 1d20+7: 17+7 = 24 (Hit) -- Damage: 8
Gargoyle Bite attacks Elisabeth: 1d20+7: 2+7 = 9 (Miss)
<OOC> Schara says, "also activating dex armor"
Schara rolls Death Ray: 1d20+7: 17+7 = 24 (Hit) -- Damage: 13

Schara is not doing too well after the large fire elemental decides they would be their target, even if the artificer was glad it was after her and not Aelwyn. Still, it was a small comfort against the rather intense pain from the flames. "Aelwyn, get behind me and I'll do what I can for your injuries the moment I am able to!" The artificer shouts to the dragoon, striking the gargoyle nearby with another blast of electricity, which causes the white hot wires in the artificer's left arm to buckle and snap wildly.

Huge Fire Elemental slams Skielstregar: 1d20+15: 10+15 = 25 -- Damage: 12
Skielstregar rolls Reflex: 1d20+8 = 11 (Fails)
Skielstregar takes an additional 2d6 damage: 10
Aelwyn AoO Huge Fire Elemental: 1d20+9: 13+9 = 22 (Hit) -- Damage 13
<OOC> Elisabeth says, "okay, no haste from boots, this time... but still fullattack on gargoyle, along with a 5' step"
Elisabeth rolls Attack: 1d20+13: 12+13 = 25 (Hits) -- Damage: 6
Elisabeth rolls Attack: 1d20+13: 18+8 = 26 (Hits) -- Damage: 9

The gargoyle's strikes against Elisabeth are met with shield, blade, and the strength of her armor -- and seem to do her no harm as she continues to fight her way towards the doorway beyond which her allies are fighting. Her return blows, as she defends and counters with strikes that seem slow and measured compared to their prior speed, take off one of her enemy's arms, then cut deeply into its neck to finish it off. She continues the motion of her slash, letting the momentum of it help her turn to face towards the deadly battle in the chamber beyond.

Aelwyn rolls Dazzling Display (Intimidate) 1d20+10: 15+10 = 25

Aelwyn lets out another unsettling laugh, as his scales simmer with the heat. "There is no time like fire, Brass! Hold them for this one!" As the large fire elemental moves past him, he takes another dancing step forward. The blade cuts into the creature's side, tearing out a fiery chunk.

The bit of flame is scooped up in the air. Orange eyes trailing, the ruddy Dragoon stands up right, playing with the bit of fire by the tip of his glaive. Slowly, his body begins to gyrate forward, one leg sliding over his head as his glaive follows... and the tiny bit of fire is slung forward.

It hits the gargoyle. Bounces off. Then tips his way over the red skinned woman to try and hit her face. "Come little red one, and melt into little pieces for this one!" Wicked grin spreads across his snout.

One of the huge fire elementals sloths towards Skielstregar and Rune, reaching through the door - melting some of the stone! The door melting off the hinges as it grabs for him, searing him with its flaming hand!

Succubus (Setl) uses Vampiric Touch: 1d20+9-2 = 10
Skielstregar rolls AoO: 1d20+15: 11+15 = 26 (Hit) -- Damage: 23
Succubus dies. Rune is freed from Dominate Person.
Skielstregar attacks Huge Fire Elemental: 1d20+15 = 9+15 = 24 (Hit) -- Damage: 26
Skielstregar attacks Huge Fire Elemental: 1d20+15 = 14+15 = 32 (Hit) -- Damage: 16

Forgotten Skielstregar grunts in pain as Rune stabs his side, him shoving a hand out to push the half-sil back. "Rune, get a hold of yourssself..!" he hisses before turning back and-

His eyes widen. "FIEND!" he exclaims as the succubus steps back to cast a spell, energies pooling into their hand. Malefic whips out, biting down on the hand and yanking the fiend forward.

Skiel grabs a horn, turns, and smashes them into the wall with a sick crunch. "Go back to Hell!" Malefic spits at them.

He turns then in the fire elemental, the halberd whipping down twice in heavy, sundering hits to disrupt the flame-bound elemental.

<OOC> Rune says, "Rune will appologize profusely and then full attack action the huge fire elemental, sadly without any fun bonuses."
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 20+12 = 32 (Hits) -- Damage: 13
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 4+7 = 11 (Miss)
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 4+12 = 16 (Miss)
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+12: 20+7 = 27 (Hit) -- Damage: 2

The Succubus crumples to the ground, body broken. Before her body lights aflame suddenly, and disperses! The Fire Elementals continue to assault the team. The Gargoyles are not making much headway, but the flames dispersing from the huge Fire Elementals continue to heat the entire hallway. The ground getting more and more unstable!

The sith-makar they were escorting, minus the succubus, have managed to flee to safety at this point.

It isn't so much Skielstregar's words that get through to Rune, but his blade as it strikes down the Succubus that was controlling her. For a moment, she stands there, blinking as if waking from a dream and then ... Rune lets out a colorful string of curses that spans multiple languages, most notibly: Draconic, Sildanyari, Yrch-Speak, and regular common at the end, "Fuck me... sorry Skiel." She mutters to herself, looking more than a little ashamed. "Guess we both have a bit of trouble with the mind control."

Turning, her blades slash towards the massive fire elemental looming beside her, though the attacks don't seem to do nearly as much damage as they might against a regular enemy. Apparently, it takes a lot to damage fire.

Gargoyle moves.
Skielstregar rolls AoO: 1d20+15: 19+15 = 34 (Hit) -- Damage: 31
Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+14: 6+14 = 20 (Hits) -- Damage: 7
Gargoyle Claw attacks Rune: 1d20+7: 16+7 = 23 (Miss)
<OOC> Andelena says, "Okay, got the power of god and anime on my side, let's hit the big huge fire elemental off to the left."
<OOC> Andelena says, "Power Attack, Furious Focus on first attack."
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+11: 12+11 = 23 (Hit) -- Damage: 19
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+5: 3+6 = 24 (Hit) -- Damage: 23

Andelena's blade, still wreathed in its holy aura, gleams brightly as the Sunguard steps forward to the other fire elemental. The woman's steel-gray eyes lock onto her enemy. "You're not going to hurt everyone here," she decrees, "not while I fucking draw breath--"

She brings down the blessed blade Deliverance with a roar, two powerful strikes that send the elemental down from the picture of health to something more dramatically wounded. "KNIGHT PRESERVE US!" she yells. She's wounded herself but the woman keeps going, keeps going because she _has_ to.

Huge Fire Elemental slams Andelena: 1d20+13: 20+13 = 33 (Hit) -- Damage: 11
Huge Fire Elemental slams Andelena: 1d20+13: 8+13 = 21 (Miss)
Andelena rolls Reflex: 1d20+6: 18+6 = 24 (Success)
Schara rolls Death Ray: 1d20+7: 9+9 = 18 (Hit) -- Damage: 12

Schara grumbles something quickly as she tears the mess of wires out of her left arm, and quickly twists a replacement part into place, causing the weapon to hum back to life. The artificer wastes no time and quickly looses another bolt of lightning at the elemental blocking the door. "One remaining, quickly, before more are injured!" They shout, dashing around the elemental while a rather large pair of pliers spring out from under their right hand. She wasn't sure if she could crush a fire elemental, but the fire elemental didn't have to know that.

Elisabeth rolls Attack: 1d20+15: 1+15 = 16 (Miss) -- (Re-Roll used)
Elisabeth rolls Attack: 1d20+13: 12+15 = 27 (Hits) -- Damage: 8

"Daeus, Ignis Divine -- Guide my blade to strike down these wicked flames!", calls Elisabeth, raising her sword before her as if in salute as she 'comes to attention', slapping the heels of her boots together... then, with a wordless battlecry, she rushes forward and through the open doorway to strike at the fire elemental before her, her blade held back as she charges to be brought around in an overhead, downward slash -- coming in at the elemental just as Schara crosses in front of her, so that it might seem, to the target, that she just came out of nowhere to strike at it!

<OOC> Aelwyn says, "Five foot, do some dance moves, full attack. ._."
Aelwyn rolls Attack: 1d20+11: 20+11 = 31 (Hit) -- Damage: 14
Aelwyn rolls Attack: 1d20+6: 3+6 = 9 (Miss)

Aelwyn watches the succubus get cronched and the elemental in front of him blasted. "Tch, well. Sometimes the stage is too much." Continuing to move with the flow of the combat, his ribbons flaring from his horns and glaive alike, he takes a retreating step.

"Let us have the final act, then, and conclude this play together." The Dragoon tells the others, with a regretful voice. Almost as if he didn't nearly get squashed into pieces. The flaming blade follows his gesture; sinking into the large elemental and barely tapping on the other go around.

Skielstregar rolls Attack: 1d20+18: 20+18 = 38 (Hit/Crit) -- Damage: 87

Forgotten Skiel snarls as Rune gets herself together. "Apology later, focusss now..!" He swipes at the gargoyle as it sweeps overhead. Scouring a hit across it with Rune before looking out at the battlefield-

His wild eyes widen. Another Daeusite?! Who is this?! It didn't matter, as his weapon yells on its accord. "PRAISE THE SUN!"

A hefty whistle cuts through the air as the stone creature explodes into chunks from the violent cleave. He jogs into the room, Malefic's maw spitting out a marble chunk.

Schara's Death Ray tears through the huge Fire Elemental, tearing through it and disrupting its bond to the material plane exploding its body. Andelena's own assault not moments later, rips through the last remaining Fire Elemental, similarly erupting it apart until the hallway goes... quiet.

Aside from the occassional bubbling of lava nearby.

Rune rolls Attack: 1d20+14: 1+14 = 15 (Miss)

As elementals and gargoyles start to fall around her, Rune is left looking for whatever threats remain, "Right, focus." Of course, it's obvious that the succubus' lingering effects have her anything but focused at the moment.

Clambering through the ash that remains of one of the larger elementals, she moves to try to help the others in finishing off the last one, but where her weapon flashes out at it, it seems to only move the flames slightly. "I may add elementals to my list of 'monsters I dislike emmensely.'" Rune mutters.

<OOC> Andelena says, "Gonna finish this dude off. Power attack, furious focus, grayflame, etc. (This is the last round Grayflame is up)
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+11: 15+11 = 26 (Hit) -- Damage: 19
Andelena rolls Attack: 1d20+5: 14+6 = 20 (Hit) -- Damage: 16

"Gather 'round me", Elisabeth says, even as she's stepping to the center of the group. "Brilliant One, lend us strength!", she calls out as she lifts the blade of her sword. There's a glint of light, that looks like it might be a reflection from some light source or another, at the very tip of the blade... which seems to flash brighter for a moment -- and warmth flows through everyone's bodies, easing pain and healing injury.

Elisabeth utilizes Channel Energy: 4d6 = 18

Another Daeusite arriving. Andelena grins to herself, a little thing. A blessing in of itself. Deliverance raised in her hand, she brings the blade down, tearing through the fire elemental and banishing it back to whence it came. "Praise the Knight!" she responds in kind to Skielstregar's exaltation.

She pants once it's done, huffing as she looks around. She looks to Elisabeth and nods to her fellow Sunguard. "Good fucking timing, Sister-in-Sun--brightest of days!" she says in greeting.

Schara keeps their death ray steadies on the remaining elemental, but the artificer finds it quickly dispatched when the others arrive. The humming from the weapon and whirring of machinery in the armor die down completely, leaving the artificer stumbling back to the door as they fight against doubling over. "The threats are dispatched in this room, we should not linger. I fear those elementals damaged the structural integrity of the room further." The artificer rambles quietly, at least looking a bit less unsteady with the healing. "We need to make sure the other two are safe. I am sorry I could not help out more, but what happened, Skielstregar? And Aelwyn, you are alright, yes?"

The ichor leaking silverscale pants a few more breaths as he grips his halberd taut. Before suddenly exhaling and falling to a knee, panting. Fangs and talons retract, a dead silver eyes losing their crimson luster. "Good... good job everyone..." Skielstregar tiredly praises everyone.

The healing warmth of the sun gets Skiel's wounds stitched, but he shifts uncomfortably briefly before rising to his feet. "... fiend," he spits. "Control thisss one's mind and Warrior Rune'sss. It isss dead. Err. Died and melted like fiendsss do." He looks over to the others. "Peassse on your nessst and brightessst of dayssss, Sissster. Thank you for coming."

Elisabeth uses Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Skielstregar: 1d8+1: 3+1 = 4
Elisabeth uses Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Skielstregar: 1d8+1: 1+1 = 2
Elisabeth uses Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Skielstregar: 1d8+1: 6+1 = 7
Elisabeth uses Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Skielstregar: 1d8+1: 4+1 = 5
Elisabeth uses Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Skielstregar: 1d8+1: 4+1 = 5
Elisabeth uses Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Andelena: 1d8+1: 1+1 = 2
Elisabeth uses Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Andelena: 1d8+1: 3+1 = 4
Elisabeth uses Wand of Cure Light Wounds on Andelena: 1d8+1: 3+1 = 6

Aelwyn collapses slightly on his knee after the elemental in front of him is dispatched with. He breathes in deep, a deep growl leaving his chest as the adrenaline is replaced with pain. Thankfully the clerics are there.

Tail whipping around him, he bows his head. "This one is in their debt, Stranger." The Dragoon says, before he straightens and looks towards Schara. "... Naturally." He replies, with a flash of his teeth. The draconian's eyes then turn towards Skielstregar, momentarily staring, before he looks over towards Rune as well. "What happened back there?"

Despite the fact that the enemies are gone and the threat is over for the time being, Rune still looks unsettled at the fact that she had been used to harm one of her friends. It is something that will likely take some time for her to get over. "Mind control." Is all she answers to Aelwyn, looking sheepish.

"I'm going to stand watch at the Northern door, just incase we have any more incoming. Make sure the prisoners got free okay." She advises the others, moving to the remaining door which she is fairly sure leads back to the same hallway they had come from.

Rune opens the door and sets herself on sentry, looking back and forth into the dim light.

Rune rolls Perception: 1d20+18: 20+18 = 38

Elisabeth quickly cleans off her blade, then sheathes it. Taking a few moments, she pulls a wand from her pack and steps over towards Skielstregar and Andelena, in turn, using the wand's magic to patch up the worst of their remaining injuries. "I am called Elisabeth du Leoncorte, although simply Elisabeth will do, as well", she says by way of introducing herself to those she's not before met.

The healing work done, Elisabeth stashes the wand back away and reshoulders her pack before re-readying her weapons. "Whence from here, then?", she asks as she takes a further moment to look about the place she's now in.

Skielstregar holds a hand up as Elisabeth approaches. "Ah, better to ssave that for--..." He words stop as he shifts uncomfortably from the healing magics, but as it settles in, he sighs in relief. "Thank you, Sisster," he chuffs, getting his feet as he holds onto his own Daeus symbol on his neck. "Thisss one isss Ssskielssstregar. Warrior Casste." He sighs in relief that the prisoners got to safety. "Deeper," Skiel answers, getting up to follow the others.

"Likely more elementals North of here, I can hear them." Rune informs the group, tapping upon one ear before motioning through the open doorway to another door just beyond.

"Maybe check to the West first?" She suggests, not wanting to jump back into another fight with yet more elementals if they don't have to.

"Hey Elisabeth, and thanks for the healing," Andelena replies, smiling brightly. "Name's Andelena Donnelly. Just call me Andie. Most people do. What temple are you from?"

She goes to follow Rune and the others, but she explains along the way, "Deliverance is my sword; she talks. I know, it's fucking weird, but she's a servant of the Light like anyone else."

"Pleased to meet you," a maternal voice comes from the sword. It's far more polished and noble-sounding than Andelena herself is, closer to a person's typical conception of a Sunguard.

"Aelwyn, a Dragoon, the one who dances with fire." The ruddy and runty sith-makar introduces himself - and with his scales still quite hot to touch (when are they not?), he flashes a toothy and bloody grin at Elisabeth. "And today it was a good dance." At Deliverance, he simply bows.

Looking at Rune, the Dragoon then picks up his glaive and says, "This one shall follow her for the watch. The draconian touches her shoulder- "Swing of the blade, heft of the haft. One movement, rest one's mind." He suggests, before he lowers his glaive, now simply letting out black smoke from the little holes of ember. "Hmmh, this one thinks waiting will do us no good. They will simply creep around."

As the party travels westwards along the now freed up hallway, they spot a hallway with two doors towards the south.

"To save the magic for later is to not use it when it is needed", Elisabeth says, with a grin, to Skielstregar. "A warrior must be fit for battle before blades cross; healing given after one has been felled is... considerably less effective, after all."

Turning to Andelena, she says, "I'm of the temple in Alexandria, although I have been away for some years tending to personal business. I'm recently returned."

She nods her head and lifts her blade as if in momentary salute in reply to Aelwyn's introduction, though she gives no verbal reply. She nods her head, too, at Schara... and from how she nods a greeting to Rune, she's familiar with the rogue.

As the party forms up to move on, she pulls a small stone, wreathed in flames, from a pouch and tosses it up over her hear -- where it begins to float in a circle, giving off light like a torch.

Rune rolls Perception: 1d20+18: 13+18 = 31

There is a nod of greeting in return to Elisabeth, "Your aid is always appreciated." She offers, before heading further down the hallway towards the large set of double doors.

Between the light from the lava and the from her companions, it is easy enough to see that there is a large, heavy lock on the door. However, the rogue doesn't reach for her tools right away. Instead, she seems to hesitate, closing her eyes and just listening at the door for a long moment before her nose scrunches.

Then, she looks first to Skielstregar, and then to the others. "I can hear... eating. Hungry. Wet. Sloppy eating." She murmurs. Biting at her lower lip, she motions at the lock, "I can get us in, but... the question is if we /want/ to go this way."

Once she was certain the prisoners were safe and away, perhaps a bit paranoid after the last betrayal by the white sith-makar from earlier, Schara returned to join the others. "That is good, not that they were hostile, but that it was just a fiend pretending to be a sith-makari." Schara sighs. "It is easier to believe it was a fiend than a makari willingly turning on you and us."

Schara peeks over the others, and tilts her head. "More forgotten, do you think?" They ask quietly of Rune. "Is it safe to leave them be?"

Skielstregar catches his breath mid stride down the hall, him readjusting his grip as a wide, fanged smile. "Sssa. That isss a good point, Elisebeth. You are wissse."

But he slows as they get to the wall. Listens to Rune. His throat bobs, tail stilling. "... we... should give them mercy..." he says in a small voice.

Aelwyn glances around the group. "... this one believes we should focus on the task." A look is given to Skielstregar. "Mercy can come later, in preparation." The draconian also was definitely not interested in seeing what was happening behind the door.

Andelena frowns as Skielstregar, a big sith-makar, has a voice so small. It's a heavy weight to bear. A burden on the shoulders.

"A Sunguard is called to Compassion," she says softly. "We can make our way back here--and should--but we should see what else is waiting for us."

"Make the call", Elisabeth says to Rune, keeping her voice low. "If you fear they'll hear you working, I can help with that", she adds as she puts her back to the wall to keep watch back the way the party came. "...but it will preclude verbal spellcasting, as well, while the effect persists. It would be less than a minute, in total..."

...and, with that, the Sunguard's ceded the decision-making, for her part at least, to the rogue.

Moving to the next door, they reveal another chamber that has been partially broken. Lava flowing into it. It looks like it is barely used anymore. Some old disheveled remains of beds that have gone decades without use. A most boring of chambers!

Rune rolls Perception: 1d20+18: 8+18 = 26

Given the call, Rune seems to agree with those who think it is best to deal with the Forgotten later if they don't have to. So long as they are contained, they are less of a threat. Seemingly so.

As she approaches the next door, Rune listens briefly, but the door seems to be safe enough as she opens it and allows the light they are bringing to shine into the room. There is roiling lava at the far end, but the room looks to be largely unused.


"So... looks like someone has been through here recently." Rune crouhches near a set of footprints. She looks at them, then at the others. "Looks like it is heading further to the West." With a nod, she motions forward, "I think we should follow."

Using her sword to point, Elisabeth quietly says, "A door, on the far corner", as she moves along with the others.

Skielstregar's shoulders sag. They were right. "Besst to end their suffering later," he murmurs, nodding slowly to Andie as he put a hand on her shoulder. He affords a moment, straightens up, then steps into the next room with Rune at the helm.

He frowns at the lava. "Thisss one isss glad they drank that potion..." he says, eying the foot prints and nodding to her as he keeps talking. "Else they would be... irritable. At leassst Aelwyn likesss it..?"

Andelena follows along as well, remaining close to Rune and Skielstregar. The redhead Sunguard seems reluctant to leave either of them alone or far from her presence for long, and her hand rests on the hilt of her sword as they move. "Seems like that's where our mysterious set of tracks was headed," she concludes, regarding Elizabeth pointing out the door.

Aelwyn looked wistfully towards the lava. "Tch, this one could come here to rest like those who wish to travel afar, to see the sea." The Dragoon replies to Skielstregar. The draconian then omves closer and taps the other's ankles with his tail. "Perhaps Silver simply needs to relax and let the heat's magic caress one's scales." He suggests with a flash of his teeth.

Schara rolls Perception: 1d20+11: 8+11 = 19 

Schara joins the others in the room, and while Rune investigates the door, realizing she would just give the work away, Decides to take a look around in the mean time. "Well, they may pass through here, but they don't use this part for much. Nothing I can see, they must have taken everything with them when they abandoned this part. It must have been several decades, in this part."

The artificer stops their musing, and looks at the door, tilting her head.

<OOC> Harkashan says, "Everyone but Skielstregar, make a DC 15 fortitude check please."
Andelena rolls Fortitude: 1d20+12: 12+12 = 24
Rune rolls Fortitude: 1d20+5: 1+5 = 6 (Fail) - 1d4 Damage: 1
Schara rolls Fortitude: 1d20+6: 15+6 = 21
Elisabeth rolls Fortitude: 1d20+16: 16+16 = 32
Elisabeth casts Endure Elements on Rune.
GAME: Elisabeth casts Endure Elements. Caster Level: 8 DC: 14

Elisabeth steps up and, offering a quick prayer to Daeus, asking of him that he shield Rune from the heat.

Rune rolls Perception: 1d20+18: 9+18 = 27
Rune rolls Disable Device: 1d20+23: 6+23 = 29

As they approach the door at the far end of the long chamber, Rune seems to start sweating a bit more than usual, likely to the close proximity to the lava flow. Wiping off her brow, she looks towards the door, which seems locked, but only just barely.

And she gives it a very funny look.

Looking from the door to the others and back again, she explains, "It... sounds like someone is taking a bath." She lowers her voice slightly. Then, she mouths 'what the fuck?'

"... tch." Aelwyn says, tilting his head with half-amused and half-bemused look on his face. Maybe he was too lcose to home. Still, he picks up his glaive and holds it at half the ready. "The heat is getting stronger, is it?" He asks, oblivious to nothing but the pleasant feel of the air.

Skielstregar blinks at Rune as she gives her synopsis of the ongoings, him giving Schara an idle nod of their report. "... then let usss sssay hi."

He cracks his neck. Walks up to the door.

Then SLAMS the door open with a kick as he rushes in with Malefic up to bear. "Handsss up! Mouth sshut! Tail between legsss!"

Malefic gnashes. "Raaa!"

Skielstregar rolls Intimidate: 1d20+17: 3+17 = 20
Charn mage rolls 1d20+6: 15

Opening the door they find... a Charnite mage. In the middle of bathing. Their robes hung near the door, along with all their spell components and their focus. The dark skinned Charnite has impressive white tattoos covering all of their body in intricate patterns.

"What the!? What's a Sith-makar doing here!?" He demands to know, before throwing his soap at Skielstregar - which splats uselessly against his armor! "Get out!" Before the words being shouted at him sink in and his hands go up!

"Oh shi~"

Andelena blinks a few times as Skielstregar just barges in. "Someone taking a bath--"

And _then_ her thoughts finally catch up with reality. "Skiel, you're going to terrorize the fucking daylights out of whoever's in there!"

But he's doing it anyway, and Andelena just draws Deliverance. "Alright, okay, I guess I get to add yet another naked man to my list of shit I've seen on a job," she mutters.

Schara's head tilts yet again. The artificer lets out a long, drawn out sigh. "They are only putting their hands up because they are in no position to attempt to kill us all." The artificer notes as she steps to the door and grabs the various spellcasting materials that had been left. "But they have their hands up even if my first instinct would be to kill them, as much as that bothers me to say. Make sure they can not speak and call for help from people who can immediately try to kill us."

Rune rolls Intimidate: 1d20+12: 13+12 = 25

The effect of the spell cast over her, allows some relief from the heat. Rune gives a sound of relief and then offers a small smile to Elisabeth.

Then, she steps in and as soon as she sees the form of a Charnite mage in front of her, quite so separated from his gear, she grabs for his clothing, leaving the materials to Schara.

Then, she waggles the robes slightly, "So... it seems you're in a bit of a compromising position, my friend." Rune steps up next to Skielstregar, "You see, we need to know the best way to find your Charnite friends." She looks to the silver-scale beside her, then puts on a wicked little grin. "So, you can either tell us all of the information you have about this place, or I can leave you to my Makari friend here, who very much dislikes people like you."

Yes, she is very much using Skielstregar as weight to her threats. "So, how about you play nice and tell us what we need to know." She keeps one of her blades out, just incase. "And don't go making a fuss. We're way faster than any of your friends."

Having cast her spell on Rune, Elisabeth steps back to watch the party's six, once more -- she's not all about threats and intimidation, after all, and is quite willing to let others who are more capable of such handle the situation at hand.

Now this is a power shift. A Charnite mage with their pants down. In a Forgotten facility. With a once-sorta-kinda-still Forgotten armed and armored, right before them. He takes a half step forward, trembling, tense.

There's a long moment where he stares. Standing next to him is cold, despite the heat of the lava.

Quietly, he sets Malefic down against the wall. Walks up to and behind the mage, rests his cold hands on their shoulders. And whispers to them. "I will turn your corpse into a flail with you still breathing if you don't answer our questions."

The Charnite looks between the group, keeping his hands up, concerned about his situation. Watching them taking away the clothing and magical foci, he remains quiet for a bit.

"T-they're in the North-east wing." He answers them. Looking between them, wondering what is going to happen to him. Cowering away from Skielstregar.

There's a low whistle as Skielstregar just barges in. "Tch, that is the forwardness this one likes." The Dragoon grins widely. Looking at their naked friend, Aelwyn looks towards the rest of the group, pulling a cord of silken rope off his waist. "Shall we take this one step further?" He suggests, with a playful tone.

... though Skiel's threat does dull the mood quite a bit. "... and tie him up."

Andelena rolls Intimidate: 1d20+12: 13+12 = 25
Elisabeth rolls Intimidate: 1d20+12: 14+12 = 26

Andelena's eyes narrow at something that the Charnite mage says. "Alright runes-on-balls, you better fess up to every fucking thing that's rattling around in that godsdamned peabrain of yours," she says, "because you're holding back on some shit, and there's not one, but _two_ Sunguards here in your unholy glory, and truth is kind of our fucking deal."

She glares at the man. "Easy way or the hard way, fucker."

Skielstregar rolls Spellcraft: 1d20+6: 16+6 =22
Andelena rolls Spellcraft: 1d20+13: 12+13 = 25
Schara rolls Spellcraft: 1d20+10: 7+10 = 17

Elisabeth turns to look back at the doorway, arching an eyebrow. "He's far too frightened to not comply, but... he might be trying to hide something from us, I agree", she says, but turns back to her keeping of watch, being as Andi and the others seem to have it well in hand.

Rune makes sure to toss the clothing outside the room, then steps forward to place a blade forward at the Charnite's throat. "You heard the woman. No games. Spill it now or I turn this bathwater red." Though she isn't as good at reading people, she trusts that the others know when someone is not being entirely honest.

"Neither myself or my Makari friend are very patient." Her ear flicks to Schara's information, giving a nod. "Like I said, no funny business. Unless you are looking for a quick path to your own death."

Skielstregar rolls Grapple: 1d20+15: 19+15 = 34
Skielstregar rolls Spellcraft: 1d20+6: 10+6 = 16
Andelena rolls Spellcraft: 1d20+13: 3+13 = 16
Schara rolls Spellcraft: 1d20+10: 9+10 = 19

Aelwyn gauges the situation; and slowly, he pools the rope back around his waist. "Hmmh." He finally says, then raises his glaive onto his hands, leaning it against his shoulder. With a tilt of his hip, he glances towards Schara, then the others, before falling silent. The draconian suspected the Charnite might not live very long.

Skiel glowers, growling as the others point out issues and tattoos therein. "... bind him," he hisses to Aelwyn as he goes for the mage's hands to wrench them behind their back. The silverscale is trembling and shaking. He's not afraid.

He's just holding back from painting the walls red. "Talk and you maybe live from thisss," he hisses. Blinks. "... tattoosss do magic, try and get on thisss one. What isss?

Rune (Held Action) rolls Attack: 1d20+14: 12+14 = 26 (Hit) -- Damage: 16
Schara rolls Death Ray: 1d20+9: 19+9 = 26 (Hit) -- Damage: 16
Andelena rolls AoO: 1d20+12: 1+12 = 13 (Miss)
Skielstregar rolls AoO: 1d20+16: 4+16 = 20 (Hit) -- Damage: 16
Aelwyn rolls AoO: 1d20+16: 11+5 = 16 (Hit) -- Damage: 12
Rune rolls AoO: 1d20+14: 9+14 = 23 (Hit) -- Damage: 22

The moment Skielstregar touches the Charnite, some of the tattoos on the Charnite begin to glow. The man then shouts something in a language nobody present understands. The tattoos turn from white to black. Blades, hammers, crushing his body. Harming him severely. Tearing skin. Turning the bath water red.

The last hit comes from Aelwyn, who slams against his head, and the Charnite is knocked out!

The tattoos lose that white color and remain black.

"Is all well in there?", Elisabeth asks from where she stands, still keeping watch.

Andelena had swung at the man and missed, but that's probably all for the best when the man's knocked out. Her steel-gray eyes narrow as she looks at the man in the water before she calls out to Elisabeth, "Runes-on-balls is unconscious now; he tried to cast some shit and he got his world rocked for it."

She sighs. "Alright. Let's get unholy glory up and out of the water. Gag him and tie his hands up so he can't repeat that funny little trick when he's awake again."

The warhammer flies out of it's frog as Skiel smashes down against the small of the Charnite's back. "Craven fool...!" he seethes, as the body crumbles under Aelwyn's smack.

Frustrated, he pulls them out of the waters so they don't drown. Well, by 'pull', it's more of a yank out and drop. "Bind him. Then we go to that room they sssaid. Maybe hisss friendssss there."

The moment that the mage seems to act in a way that is threatening, Rune's blades flash, digging deep gouges in across his neck and shoulder. It doesn't look /quite/ fatal, but with the help of the others, the Charnite is left knocked out, at least.

"These guys really did hit every branch of the stupid tree on the way down, didn't they?" Rune murmurs. With a shake of her head, she steps back out of the room, leaving the mage to other people to deal with.

Looking to the others, "Well, at least we know where we need to go."

"So... he surrendered, then attempted to flee? A surrender in bad faith, was it?", Elisabeth questions from where she stands. "I'll take him to the camp, and make them aware of his bad-faith surrender, so they know how to properly accomodate him", she adds, her tone of voice flat. She does NOT like what the man did, very obviously.

Aelwyn pulls his glaive back out - the draconian was not at all surprised eh was the only one who didn't outright want to murder the guy. "Hnh, perhaps he will speak more in camp." The Dragoon says before he pulls out the rope, starting to tie up the bloodied body. With just a bit of wrinkling of his snout.

Schara hesitates, unsure what to do. The mage falls, and the artificer stops, and shakes her head. "I do not understand these people, and the fact that slaying them from the start may have been the correct course of action is distressing." They state quietly. "Assuming he was not lying about the location, yes."

The artificer takes a moment, and tosses the magical components into the lava which was nearby. "Be wary and keep them incapable of talking, I expect the tattoos are not a single use."