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It is not easy to pin down exactly what, though. He is not the biggest man, despite a warrior's physique, just shy of six feet tall with a frame more closely resembling that of a gymnast than that of a brawler. Fair as a spring day, with hair equally balanced between ginger and blonde that is grown out of a military cut to fall in his eyes if not disciplined. Ice-blue eyes with blonde lashes hold wisdom and kindness, set into features that are even, straight, and strong. But - in certain lights, and at certain times, humans might almost see in this Eldanar man a glimpse of what a warrior of the Millennium Kingdom might once have looked like.
It is not easy to pin down exactly what, though. He is not the biggest man, despite a warrior's physique, just shy of six feet tall with a frame more closely resembling that of a gymnast than that of a brawler. Fair as a spring day, with hair equally balanced between ginger and blonde that is grown out of a military cut to fall in his eyes if not disciplined. Ice-blue eyes with blonde lashes hold wisdom and kindness, set into features that are even, straight, and strong. But - in certain lights, and at certain times, humans might almost see in this Eldanar man a glimpse of what a warrior of the Millennium Kingdom might once have looked like.
The warrior theme is carried again in the full platemail that he wears, its finish not a bright polish so much as a shimmer that recalls moonlight when under bright light, and quiescence in shadow. Over the platemail hangs an open, sleeveless robe of midnight-blue with moon-silvery edging and celestial symbols and creatures picked out in silver thread adorning it, and a steel pendant bearing the symbol of a crescent and sphere. A set of gold bracers, depicting celestial symbols that match the symbols on the robe, encircle his wrists.
His attire is not entirely that of a warrior, though. It is true that he wears armor, a breastplate of bright, shiny silver metal that is not quite steel and bears nary a mark of use. It and its padding rest over a loose shirt with tied cuffs and black-brown trousers, but the surcoat over it, of midnight blue with moon-silvery edging and celestial symbols sewn into the robe, is cut in a way that a wizard is more likely to favor than a warrior, flowing to the tops of practical, soft boots. Over all hangs the silvery crescent-and-sphere of Eluna on a silver chain, a clear proclamation of the man's allegiance. Weapons hang from a leather belt, a longsword from a sheath on his left hip with an ornately-carved pommel and a guard designed in an ancient style, and a much newer-looking heavy mace on his right hip. A belt pouch completes the contents of the belt, and a sturdy cloak over all in midnight blue bears the crescent-and-sphere of Eluna picked out in a mosaic of thousands of tiny silver crystals on the back.
He wears multiple belts, one of ornate silver links, another a beaten leather affair with attachments for weapons. A longsword hangs from this, from a sheath on his left hip with an ornately-carved pommel and a guard designed in an ancient style, and a much newer-looking heavy mace on his right hip. A belt pouch completes the contents of the leather belt, and a sturdy cloak over all in midnight blue bears the crescent-and-sphere of Eluna picked out in a mosaic of thousands of tiny silver crystals on the back. A simple, unadorned cloak pin holds it in place. Over his back, the top of an elkhorn, wood, and steel longbow is visible, along with a quiver of arrows made of red leather and trimmed in white fur.
These are things that he has alluded to enough in RP that most of the Explorer's Guild is likely to have heard these talked about.
An experienced member of the Explorer's Guild and a loyal and stout senior Silver Guard.
* He is from Bryn Myridorn, and is in regular contact with his family back home. His father appears to be an overbearing type.
* He is from Bryn Myridorn, and for many years until recent weeks has had no contact with his family. He does not explain, as a rule.
* He takes great interest in his family histories, and that has morphed over time into an interest in world history as well.
* He takes great interest in his family histories, and that has morphed over time into an interest in world history as well.
* Usually the best place to ask after him is Eluna's Temple, and it is there that messages for him may be left. He responds promptly to urgent matters.
* He seems fairly sheltered. There are a lot of things that adventurers take for granted that are outside his realm of experience.
* None know where he makes his home. It is known that he moved out of his home in the University District of Alexandria some three years ago, but while he is seen about the city from time to time, it is suspected that he makes his home somewhere outside Alexandria's wards.
* Usually the best place to ask after him is Eluna's Temple grounds, although the City Library and the Festival Grounds see a good deal of him as well.
{{CPSUBHEAD-START}}Combat Style and Capabilities{{CPSUBHEAD-END}}
{{CPSUBHEAD-START}}Combat Style and Capabilities{{CPSUBHEAD-END}}
Seldan is a paladin/sorcerer multiclass that starts as focusing on paladin, but is more comfortable as a magic-user and will start to favor sorcerer at higher levels. He's not afraid to jump into a fight if that is what is needed, but given a choice, he'll try to use the spells first. His bloodline is Celestial, and since the effect of his ray attack is based on your alignment, I use it more situationally than as a default. Stylistically, he blends his magic and his fighting a lot, and as he levels, will develop abilities that reflect this preference.
Seldan is a paladin/sorcerer multiclass. His spells are a collection of abjurations, utility spells, and where needed, destructive magic. He is chary in the use of the last, and it is these spells he uses the least, but he is no slouch where magical destruction is called for. A capable and strong warrior, he may lack the skill to face the very strongest enemies toe-to-toe, and will fall back to the spells where his strength of arms will not suffice.
He is mindful of when lethal force is and is not appropriate. He will not use lethal force on non-evil creatures unless it is used on him, his allies, or an innocent first, but if he deems lethal force called for, he will not hesitate.
He is mindful of when lethal force is and is not appropriate. He will not use lethal force on non-evil creatures unless it is used on him, his allies, or an innocent first, but if he deems lethal force called for, he will not hesitate.
Being a follower of Eluna, he does not take kindly to use of magic for irresponsible or evil ends, and will target evil magic users first. He'll also attempt to stop and to chide PC's throwing magic around because they can, especially if it is destructive magic.
Being a follower of Eluna, he does not take kindly to use of magic for irresponsible or evil ends, and will target evil magic users first. He'll also attempt to stop and to chide PC's throwing magic around because they can, especially if it is destructive magic. Expect him to consider all angles and hear all sides, and learn all that he can, before taking action on a thing, and he is likely to counsel others to do the same.
* ''New Experiences:'' Give him something new to try. He is open to new experiences and will try anything that is not hurtful to another, believing that knowledge is to be had in new experiences.
* ''New Experiences:'' Give him something new to try. He is open to new experiences and will try anything that is not hurtful to another, believing that knowledge is to be had in new experiences.
* ''Magic Man:'' Seldan takes a great interest in magic itself, and is keen to learn more. His magic is of the intuitive sort, but he will listen to theory.
* ''Magic Man:'' Seldan takes a great interest and joy in magic itself. His magic is of the intuitive sort and in its working he takes a boyish glee, but he will listen to theory.
* ''Reunion:'' Seldan's ancestral weapon is a colorful set of personalities. More on Reunion below.
* ''Ancestral Weapon:'' Seldan has come into possession of a very old weapon that has messed with him a good deal. While he does not and might never understand just what happened, he is actively working with the blade to attempt to figure out just what it did and why, and is building a bond in the process.
* ''Current Events:'' Although he is a busy man, he will at the very least extend a healing or helping hand to his fellow adventurers, where he can. His primary occupation at the moment is the matter of the Shards of Animus, and he will offer his aid to anyone seeking one or wishing to discuss the matter, although he has not himself yet espoused an opinion on the matter.
* ''Current Events:'' He is always keen to help out! Especially now, he will engage with ongoing plots and POP's. If he can help, he will.
Seldan's ancestral weapon is a set of personalities, from his father's family's ancient past. Some 500 years old, the outmoded style of the blade has been modified somewhat by his enchanting of and modifications to it. Dealing with Reunion is a bit like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_WSRkY25A8 the ancestors scene from Mulan], in that it is comprised of a number of unique personalities that argue with one another at times, at other times agree, and at times all gang up on Seldan. They can be fractious, and Seldan with his unyielding will has a firm hand on them, but will at times listen to them as well.
The personalities one might see and hear at times in RP are:
* ''Kanian:'' A grumpy, dirty, crotchety old man. Usually the first to speak, the most likely to take umbrage, but takes a fierce glee in bloodshed, particularly when it's demons whose blood is being shed.
* ''Fallia:'' A kindly, wise old woman with a nasal-sounding voice. She is the brains of the operation, and most often, the voice of reason.
* ''Alaistair:'' A new male voice, rich, deep, and resonant. He and Kanian are close contemporaries and may well have been relatives. He seems to be the one all the other voices obey, in the rare occasions when he commands.
* ''Tisa:'' A younger woman with a contralto voice. Her comments mark her an experienced and practical warrior.
* ''Golain:'' A middle-aged male voice with a definite khazadi sound to it. He seems to have spent time living in the Sky Curtain, in life, but also seems to be a smith.
* ''Zee:'' Seldom appears, but a lighter, young man's voice. Subservient to the others.
{{Badge-Title|(RPP) Ancestral Weapon}}
{{Badge-Entry|Weapon Name}}Reunion
{{Badge-Entry|History}}There is a legend within the Padaryn family, that an ancient blade, now passed down as a wall ornament, will awaken for the right person. Gifted to Seldan by his mother when he took ill, in recognition of his interest in ancestral matters, it exploded to life in spectacular fashion, with unfortunate consequences, but in the months since, he has mastered it, learned more of it, and enchanted it to be worthy of the noble lineage from which it springs. That it occasionally is the source of his headaches is another matter entirely, and its name sprung from a moment of exasperation.
{{Badge-Entry|Abilities}} (abilities in italics are future abilities) +4/Guidance - at will/Int:10 Wis:12 Cha:12/Magic: Cleric/Protection from Evil 3xDay
''This section is evolving. If you are not included, I probably haven't gotten there yet. Bear with me!``
'''People He Has Spoken To: '''
* Kaydin: What manner of mother lets a half-wit wander alone about the city? I can but offer him kindness ... and little more.
* Griva Brassbringer: That you do not drive us to any particular action tells me of your patience and your wisdom. Let us learn what we may of these Shards, and in the meantime, secure them from those who would misuse them.
* Sandy: No-nonsense, businesslike, and the foulest mouth I have ever encountered on a sildanyari. Not one to cross.
* Soup: Great and glorious, but a little wisdom will keep you alive long enough to tell those tales.
* Skribbles: A fine adventuring companion and true servant of Reos, but a terrible singer. At least the otyughs liked it, and that is what matters.
* Svarshan: I owe you my life and more, but I think that that is best not spoken of again. Thank you, and I will not intrude on your people again without great need.
* Mikilos: Knowledgeable and wise, but finding a cure is not enough to make Alexandria safe. The one responsible must be found and defeated, or there will be no end to this.
'''People He Knows: '''
* Malik: The path of the adventurer is not for you, and you will never understand mine. It is mine to shield you from it, and if that means we must be apart, then so be it.
* [[Acedia]]: At times a nuisance, but a true companion, steadfast and strong. May all the gods bless you for your help and your joy, and grant that one day you will stop chewing on me.
* [[Zeke]]: My blood-brother and kin, who has stood by me when all others forsook me. You are deserving of all the happy years that remain to you, and I shall see to it that you get them.
* [[Cuemoni]]: My kin deserves to be happy, and you offer him that. For that alone do you have my blessing, and what you have offered me is much more.
* [[Ravenstongue]]: Lady Lupecyll-Atlon has sharp eyes. Few have cared to ask, but what lies behind apparent kindness?
* [[Telamon]]: A steadfast, wise, and ethical mage, who occasionally talks too much. Such can I accept, in the name of steadfast allies.
* [[Verna]]: You have stood by me through much. You have not always made the wisest decisions, but your intentions are good, and you are deserving of all happiness - and quiet.
* Malik: A stranger in a strange land, but a true friend and ally, and one with more skills than he advertises. There is joy to be had where you are, though perhaps of a different sort than you know.
* [[Aya]]: Good luck, wherever you journey. I shall not forget your deeds, and will be well pleased, do we never meet again.
* Erendriel: You will never be more than a pretender until you learn to work for the things that you want. Perservere, it will build your steel for true battle.
* Lady Akorinil Belvade: I will never not oppose you, and yet is the problem you presented to me real. I shall see it through.
* Acedia: May all the gods bless you for your help and your joy.
* Mikilos: Not to be trusted, in word or in deed. Your loyalties lie not with Alexandria, nor with the Light.
* Hun'rar: The dragon affinity is both strange and mighty, but a worthy ally, and more like me than I had guessed at. I look forward to getting to know him better.
* Merek: Truly is Her patience and wisdom far greater than mine. How She has not yet turned Her face from you is a mystery to me.

Latest revision as of 23:39, 31 December 2023

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Seldan Padaryn

Walk the dark path, sleep with angels, call the past for help
Touch me with your love and reveal to me my true name

Race: Human
Ancestry: Eldanar
Apparent Age: Young adult, likely early to mid 20's.
Occupation: Adventurer and crusader.
Class: Paladin/Sorcerer
Organizations: Temple of Eluna
Aspect: Ancestor-Touched


There is something about him, if one is human.

It is not easy to pin down exactly what, though. He is not the biggest man, despite a warrior's physique, just shy of six feet tall with a frame more closely resembling that of a gymnast than that of a brawler. Fair as a spring day, with hair equally balanced between ginger and blonde that is grown out of a military cut to fall in his eyes if not disciplined. Ice-blue eyes with blonde lashes hold wisdom and kindness, set into features that are even, straight, and strong. But - in certain lights, and at certain times, humans might almost see in this Eldanar man a glimpse of what a warrior of the Millennium Kingdom might once have looked like.

The warrior theme is carried again in the full platemail that he wears, its finish not a bright polish so much as a shimmer that recalls moonlight when under bright light, and quiescence in shadow. Over the platemail hangs an open, sleeveless robe of midnight-blue with moon-silvery edging and celestial symbols and creatures picked out in silver thread adorning it, and a steel pendant bearing the symbol of a crescent and sphere. A set of gold bracers, depicting celestial symbols that match the symbols on the robe, encircle his wrists.

He wears multiple belts, one of ornate silver links, another a beaten leather affair with attachments for weapons. A longsword hangs from this, from a sheath on his left hip with an ornately-carved pommel and a guard designed in an ancient style, and a much newer-looking heavy mace on his right hip. A belt pouch completes the contents of the leather belt, and a sturdy cloak over all in midnight blue bears the crescent-and-sphere of Eluna picked out in a mosaic of thousands of tiny silver crystals on the back. A simple, unadorned cloak pin holds it in place. Over his back, the top of an elkhorn, wood, and steel longbow is visible, along with a quiver of arrows made of red leather and trimmed in white fur.

What Is Known About Him

An experienced member of the Explorer's Guild and a loyal and stout senior Silver Guard.

  • He is from Bryn Myridorn, and for many years until recent weeks has had no contact with his family. He does not explain, as a rule.
  • He takes great interest in his family histories, and that has morphed over time into an interest in world history as well.
  • Usually the best place to ask after him is Eluna's Temple, and it is there that messages for him may be left. He responds promptly to urgent matters.
  • None know where he makes his home. It is known that he moved out of his home in the University District of Alexandria some three years ago, but while he is seen about the city from time to time, it is suspected that he makes his home somewhere outside Alexandria's wards.

Combat Style and Capabilities

Seldan is a paladin/sorcerer multiclass. His spells are a collection of abjurations, utility spells, and where needed, destructive magic. He is chary in the use of the last, and it is these spells he uses the least, but he is no slouch where magical destruction is called for. A capable and strong warrior, he may lack the skill to face the very strongest enemies toe-to-toe, and will fall back to the spells where his strength of arms will not suffice.

He is mindful of when lethal force is and is not appropriate. He will not use lethal force on non-evil creatures unless it is used on him, his allies, or an innocent first, but if he deems lethal force called for, he will not hesitate.

Being a follower of Eluna, he does not take kindly to use of magic for irresponsible or evil ends, and will target evil magic users first. He'll also attempt to stop and to chide PC's throwing magic around because they can, especially if it is destructive magic. Expect him to consider all angles and hear all sides, and learn all that he can, before taking action on a thing, and he is likely to counsel others to do the same.

Roleplay Hooks

  • New Experiences: Give him something new to try. He is open to new experiences and will try anything that is not hurtful to another, believing that knowledge is to be had in new experiences.
  • Magic Man: Seldan takes a great interest and joy in magic itself. His magic is of the intuitive sort and in its working he takes a boyish glee, but he will listen to theory.
  • Reunion: Seldan's ancestral weapon is a colorful set of personalities. More on Reunion below.
  • Current Events: Although he is a busy man, he will at the very least extend a healing or helping hand to his fellow adventurers, where he can. His primary occupation at the moment is the matter of the Shards of Animus, and he will offer his aid to anyone seeking one or wishing to discuss the matter, although he has not himself yet espoused an opinion on the matter.


Seldan's ancestral weapon is a set of personalities, from his father's family's ancient past. Some 500 years old, the outmoded style of the blade has been modified somewhat by his enchanting of and modifications to it. Dealing with Reunion is a bit like the ancestors scene from Mulan, in that it is comprised of a number of unique personalities that argue with one another at times, at other times agree, and at times all gang up on Seldan. They can be fractious, and Seldan with his unyielding will has a firm hand on them, but will at times listen to them as well.

The personalities one might see and hear at times in RP are:

  • Kanian: A grumpy, dirty, crotchety old man. Usually the first to speak, the most likely to take umbrage, but takes a fierce glee in bloodshed, particularly when it's demons whose blood is being shed.
  • Fallia: A kindly, wise old woman with a nasal-sounding voice. She is the brains of the operation, and most often, the voice of reason.
  • Alaistair: A new male voice, rich, deep, and resonant. He and Kanian are close contemporaries and may well have been relatives. He seems to be the one all the other voices obey, in the rare occasions when he commands.
  • Tisa: A younger woman with a contralto voice. Her comments mark her an experienced and practical warrior.
  • Golain: A middle-aged male voice with a definite khazadi sound to it. He seems to have spent time living in the Sky Curtain, in life, but also seems to be a smith.
  • Zee: Seldom appears, but a lighter, young man's voice. Subservient to the others.


(RPP) Ancestral Weapon
Weapon Name: Reunion
Alignment: NG
Purpose: Demonbane
History: There is a legend within the Padaryn family, that an ancient blade, now passed down as a wall ornament, will awaken for the right person. Gifted to Seldan by his mother when he took ill, in recognition of his interest in ancestral matters, it exploded to life in spectacular fashion, with unfortunate consequences, but in the months since, he has mastered it, learned more of it, and enchanted it to be worthy of the noble lineage from which it springs. That it occasionally is the source of his headaches is another matter entirely, and its name sprung from a moment of exasperation.
Abilities: (abilities in italics are future abilities) +4/Guidance - at will/Int:10 Wis:12 Cha:12/Magic: Cleric/Protection from Evil 3xDay

His Views of Others

This section is evolving. If you are not included, I probably haven't gotten there yet. Bear with me!``


  • Griva Brassbringer: That you do not drive us to any particular action tells me of your patience and your wisdom. Let us learn what we may of these Shards, and in the meantime, secure them from those who would misuse them.


  • Malik: The path of the adventurer is not for you, and you will never understand mine. It is mine to shield you from it, and if that means we must be apart, then so be it.
  • Acedia: At times a nuisance, but a true companion, steadfast and strong. May all the gods bless you for your help and your joy, and grant that one day you will stop chewing on me.
  • Zeke: My blood-brother and kin, who has stood by me when all others forsook me. You are deserving of all the happy years that remain to you, and I shall see to it that you get them.
  • Cuemoni: My kin deserves to be happy, and you offer him that. For that alone do you have my blessing, and what you have offered me is much more.
  • Ravenstongue: Lady Lupecyll-Atlon has sharp eyes. Few have cared to ask, but what lies behind apparent kindness?
  • Telamon: A steadfast, wise, and ethical mage, who occasionally talks too much. Such can I accept, in the name of steadfast allies.
  • Verna: You have stood by me through much. You have not always made the wisest decisions, but your intentions are good, and you are deserving of all happiness - and quiet.


  • Aya: Good luck, wherever you journey. I shall not forget your deeds, and will be well pleased, do we never meet again.
  • Lady Akorinil Belvade: I will never not oppose you, and yet is the problem you presented to me real. I shall see it through.
  • Mikilos: Not to be trusted, in word or in deed. Your loyalties lie not with Alexandria, nor with the Light.
  • Merek: Truly is Her patience and wisdom far greater than mine. How She has not yet turned Her face from you is a mystery to me.