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(Created page with "It's Korday, Callem 25 14:26:34 1018. The full moon isn't up. The tide is high and rising. Everything is pale grey, veiled by mist. It's warm, humid, and still. A10: Temple o...")
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It's Korday, Callem 25 14:26:34 1018. The full moon isn't up. The tide is high and rising.
It's Korday, Callem 25 14:26:34 1018. The full moon isn't up. The tide is high and rising.
Everything is pale grey, veiled by mist. It's warm, humid, and still.
Everything is pale grey, veiled by mist. It's warm, humid, and still.

Revision as of 20:39, 25 August 2016

It's Korday, Callem 25 14:26:34 1018. The full moon isn't up. The tide is high and rising.

Everything is pale grey, veiled by mist. It's warm, humid, and still.

A10: Temple of Daeus

Ga'Elian is in the main entryway, gazing around at the archiecture and looking somewhere between dazzled and like a fish out of water. He moves slowly, so as to not collide with people or things as he stares all around himself, taking it all in.

Halena pauses as another Sunblade comes out and commands Svarshan's attention as the pair reach the top of the stairs. She looks after him a moment and moves to turn away, food and drink still in hand, but pauses as she spots a young man wandering around in apparent confusion. "Can I help you?" she asks, kindly enough.

Ga'Elian looks at the woman offering help, and says with a look of relief, "Good day, mistress. I am Ga'Elian, and principally follow the Silver Huntress and her brother the Hunter, but today, I have an errand with the Father of Light. 'Twas told me that herein may be found a wondrous book. I come seeking greater wisdom in mine ongoing battle with the creatures of the hells and the bottomless pit."

Svarshan begins to respond to Halena, when the other Sunblade comes forward. The two go down the hall to talk.

"Really?" Halena gestures for Ga'Elian to follow her to a set of benches out of the main area of the temple, taking her plate and drink with her. "You've been involved with the demon incursions in the city, then? I'd hear about your experiences, then."

Ga'Elian happily follows along, and says, "Well, a few, yes. There was a time when a mixture of demons from hell and daemons of oblivion simultaneously attacked the Adventurers Guild. I happened to walk right into that conflict while it was in progress. Apart from that, there was a time when a friend and I turned a corner in the theater district just in time to finish off a wounded demon that had only just defeated a pair of brave city-folk, may they rest in peace."

The other Sunblade gestures, before looking towards the sith's mug. A wry grin follows, and the conversation continues a while longer before the reptile can make his way back. When he does, "They are moving ssword practisse an hour earlier next week, due to. The heat," he says by way of explanation. Then, "Peasse to your nesst, hunter."

"So you have had a few encounters with them, and it is this that draws you to fight them, or do you simply seek to learn more about them?" Halena rests the plate on her robed lap and sets the drink down on the bench next to her. There's still a frown on her brows, though.

Before she can do anything else, though, Svarshan returns, and she looks up. "Oh good. I was afraid that all the extra flesh on me would melt off, and I'd be tragically mistaken for a skeleton."

Ga'Elian responds with a bow to Svarshan saying, "And to your, my lord." Then asks, "Sword practice? Might I participate, too? My specialty is archery, but there are times when ranged combat is simply not the best choice. 'Tis for that that I have acquired this." He unsheaths a cold iron MW bastard sword, forged to resemble an angel with outspread wings forming the hilt guard. He continues, "I hope that one day this blade shall end the sorrow wrought by many demons."

Then, responding to Halena, "That is a big part of why I chose to specialize my hunting to fiends, yes."

The reptile binks for a moment--the inner lids flickering, then laughs out loud. "You put ssome of them on. Their backs," he says proudly. A solid tail-thump follows. Then, a movement of the hand, the one that holds the mug. It smells of smoke, spice, and ale.

Then, "It iss wonderful. Outsside," the jungle-dweller says reverently. He is giving her a hard time. "Perhapss the Dragonfather will bless uss with. A sswim-pit of. Lava. ...it would be nisse."

Reverent sigh.

To Ga'Elian, "It iss an open practisse. Arrange with the local sswordmaster." Then with what could be sympathy, "That would be. Greta McBane."

The sith'makar's words draw a look from Halena, one that mingles curiosity and warning. "You may have my share of that lava pit and more, Brightblade. There is warmth, and there is like being wrapped whole in a wet wool blanket and shoved into a forge." She pauses a moment. "Our friend here seeks a book that may offer him wisdom in his battle with fiends, and he was just telling me of some of his exploits. He is known to you, then?"

Ga'Elian grins then says, "Mistress, I am afraid that I must agree with thee. Although I do enjoy swimming, and this weather makes it even mire pleasant."

"We have met a few timess in ssocial occasions." Svarshan pretends he doesn't see the look. Totally pretends. "The Dragonfather iss god of the Ssun. It could be conssidered an act of. Worsship," he suggests. His horrible sense of humor will continue until she thumps him. It is absolutely terrible. Of course, local gossip in Daeus' temple would have also told her that he used to be one of Greta's favorite potato peelers. Mountains and mountains of them.

To Ga'Elian, "We ssuspect the Binder may move again. ...ssometime in the next few monthss. Some within hiss forses are beginning to doubt. Hiss leadership. He employss both devilss and demonss, equally. Though the devilss are more the. ...organized. Generals." He makes a motion here or there, with his hand.

"Then I shall wish you both joy of it and seek the Sunlord's cooler halls for my worship." Halena's rejoinder is tart, at odds with the smile she wears. The smile, though, fades at the mention of the BInder. "Would that we could get the demons fighting among themselves," she muses. "That ought to occupy the devils' time, enough that they might just leave good folk alone." 

Ga'Elian smiles, then says, "That would be good. Sadly, methinks that they are only too willing to wreak their violence here, whether fighting each other or the children of Ea. Anyway, my purpose in coming was to learn such lore of those fiends as would add to mine effectiveness against them. Might I ask thee to lead me to it, perhaps help me find whither to study it?"

"Ow," Svarshan says agreeably, just as though he had been swatted. Then, "I am ssore missused," he says solemnly to Ga'Elian. With mirth. The tail flicks, and he remembers to place a hand over her forearm to show he is joking. Wary of the scales, of course. Then, "It would be. Good," he says of the second topic. These words carry with them a hunter's satisfaction, as though one could taste the words and they tasted of the sweetest delicacy.

"...ass for weapons, cold iron, mithril and blessed weaponss. Ssome require jusst one. Otherss a mixture of two. General equipment, a vial of holy water, to pour over. Curssed wounds that will heal no other. Way. ..."

And then. ...an idea appears. Halena can see it. Pinpoint exactly when this happens. Oh no. He takes another, slow drink of the demons' brew. Here is the priest's chance to swat him before he says something dumb. Or smart. Thrice-damned paladins. He looks about to say something.

Apparently, she caught the joke, and waggles a finger at him without rancor. "You poor thing. Misused, my foot." She's grinning as she scolds him, though. "Do you see how we abuse him so? Did we inflict half that abuse on the fiends of hell, we'd have none. " She snorts. "Are you going downstairs, then?" A meaningful look accompanies that question.

Ga'Elian merely shifts his glance between the two, following the volley of their banter. He smiles.

"I do not think sso. I think we need a general. Class...the Fallen Brother's forsses are everywhere. We may ssee the fall out for ssome time," Svarshan says slowly. Sorrow accompanies the words, and it's a moment before he looks back between the two of them. This time, it is with some pride. "Ssunguard Halena is good with our acolytess, and with words. She would make an excellent teacher. ...I think the High Father would be glad to have you. You are very good at what you. Do," Svarshan says to Halena, then. To Ga'Elian, "You could ssign up for her. Class."

To Halena, "...I would sseend my young oness when they are. Old enough. And ssupply the candiess." Because chomping off Maugrim's head in chocolate form is the best thing ever. He looks so happy.

So happy. "Ssso abused," he agrees. THIS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA.


"I..." Halena stops, short, about to take a bite of the bread and jam on her plate. "A class?" She pauses. "That might actually not be so bad, in these times ... have you spoken to the highfather about this?"

"I will sspeak with. Him," the Sunblade says happily. Of course, this is to help out Ga'Elian. It is also to hunt demons. And hunting demons is the best, most wonderful thing in the world. Well, almost.

Ga'Elian says, "I would be glad of it. Lord Svarshan's deeds are reknowned and inspiring, and though I would fain learn from him, I wot that book lore might cost him dearly to convey in words."

Halena gives Ga'Elian an odd look, but nods. "Yes. I'm not unfamiliar with demons and their natures, although I am sure he has plenty of wisdom to share with me." There's a look, and it reads: I'm not doing this alone.

The reptile looks over to Halena for a moment, and smiles. Then looks back to Ga'Elian, "We can both be found. Within the temple. I think you will find that. Ssunblade Halena iss a sskilled teacher and. Knowledgeable as well." To Halena, "There iss no need to me to approach the. High Father. But I am there ass another ssoldier of the. Light."