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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: Something New and Wonderful *Emitter: Ravenstongue *Characters: Ravenstongue, Telamon *Place: Ravenstongue and Telamon's house *Summary: Ravenstongue and Telamon are taking a much-needed rest and relaxation break after coming face-to-face with horrors in the Alexandrian sewers. They discuss explosive happenings at the Shining Chalice and their eventual last name once they tie the knot...")
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Lúpecyll-Atlon home, late morning.
:: ''Lúpecyll-Atlon home, late morning.''
The world is grey and misty outside--still and silent, the sort of morning, even if it's almost to turn to mid-day, that inspires a certain sleepiness.
The world is grey and misty outside--still and silent, the sort of morning, even if it's almost to turn to mid-day, that inspires a certain sleepiness.

Latest revision as of 06:33, 14 April 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Something New and Wonderful
  • Emitter: Ravenstongue
  • Place: Ravenstongue and Telamon's house
  • Summary: Ravenstongue and Telamon are taking a much-needed rest and relaxation break after coming face-to-face with horrors in the Alexandrian sewers. They discuss explosive happenings at the Shining Chalice and their eventual last name once they tie the knot before they discuss Luthel, the former adventuring companion and lover to Ravenstongue's mother, Nadina Branfeax. The two half-elves inquire with Pothy about Luthel and resolve to find him--but not before Ravenstongue engages in some feytouched mischief.
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Dramatis Personae =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-    
Ravenstongue         5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.                       
Telamon              5'6"     140 Lb     Half-Elf          Male      A platinum-blond half-sil man with dancing dark eyes
Lúpecyll-Atlon home, late morning.

The world is grey and misty outside--still and silent, the sort of morning, even if it's almost to turn to mid-day, that inspires a certain sleepiness.

And, well, it's working. Cor'lana yawns as she sits down on the couch with a cup of hot mint-lavender tea, rubbing her violet eyes as she tries to shake off the sleepiness. She's dressed in a short-sleeved lilac nightgown with little ruffles where it ends at the knees--and, of course, her matching bear slippers to Telamon's pair. "Sleeping in late was the right call," she groans after a moment, "but wow, I'm having a hard time waking up."

Except for Pothy. Pothy's wide awake and already going about the business of cracking open peanuts on the table. At least he's not screaming in anyone's ear.

The other day was... not the best. Well, it could have been worse. But the two of them had gone to the bathhouses. And scrubbed, until the stink of the sewers was thankfully just a memory. Clothing laundered, professionally. Telamon had paid out for it without balking, either.

But, time heals wounds both physical and mental, and a good night's sleep is very, very effective. He's clad in a loose-fitting tunic, trousers, and his own bear slippers as he slouches on the couch. "We both needed it," he agrees, his fingers wrapped around a mug of coffee. "Sometimes, you need that chance to rest." Taking a sip, he smiles at her. "How're you doing, love?"

Cor'lana leans into Telamon almost as soon as he sits down. It's sort of second nature at this point--just like the bird knows where the nest is to rest, Cor'lana just knows where to rest, too, and that's against her fiance. She closes her eyes and sighs a little, smiling. "I'm okay," she says. "Just being here with you is healing."

Crack. Pothy's unearthed more peanuts from their shell. Cor'lana can't help but give a tiny snicker. "Well, you and Pothy. But that's a given."

Telamon is more than happy to snuggle with Cor'lana, setting his mug down for the opportunity to wrap his arms around her. "Mmm. Right back at you, darling. I can't think of a better way to relax than right here. Watch Pothy demonstrate his peanut-splitting technique, chat with you about inconsequential things and the latest news."

Once she's been properly hugged, he reclaims his coffee, although his free arm remains around her shoulders. "Anything on your mind in particular? Or shall I start randomly recounting all I've heard lately?"

"Well, I've been working on poetry again recently," Cor'lana offers, smiling from having been hugged so thoroughly. "I don't have anything new to present, and I'm afraid it's not as... Inspiring, as some of your work recently," she says, a little blush on her cheeks as she's referring to some of Telamon's poems, "but I think I'm onto something."

She takes a sip of her tea and says, "That's probably not as exciting as what you've been doing out in the city lately, though. Have they been up to anything silly at the Chalice meetings recently?"

Telamon mulls the comments over. "I'm sure you're better than I am. I've turned my attentions back to more... practical studies, I'm sorry to say. Still, at least it helps ensure I'll be around to tell you how good your poems are." He winks, sipping his coffee.

At the mention of the Chalice, his expression becomes wry. "Well, the last meeting we ejected that ass Kelev. He managed to offend everyone there with this absolutely atrocious lecture on 'proper breeding' and... you know, if you're in a room with three half-elves, you'd think talking about 'mongrel bloodlines' wouldn't go down well." He sips his coffee again, dark eyes glittering. "Ass."

Cor'lana blinks as she looks at Telamon with concern and, well, shock. Sure, Cor'lana's had to endure similar comments, but her Telamon? "He said what? Seriously? In a room with three half-elves and everyone there is a sorcerer of some sort? I can't imagine Master Stiger was happy about that," she says. "Did I meet Kelev that one time? --No, wait, that was the man you mentioned at the end of the meeting. You said his name so distastefully... I'm guessing he's been a problem for a while and it just took him finally pulling his pants down and showing his ass, huh."

"Ass," Pothy says, mimicking Cor'lana's voice. He breaks another peanut.

"You said it, Pothy," Cor'lana agrees. "Gods. I would have loved to be there and to have torn him a new one verbally."

Telamon snorts and grins. "Lots of competition. You may remember a veiled half-elf there, Daneira -- Stiger had to grab her to keep her from knifing Kelev. Which," he tries to look abashed but fails utterly, "meant I was able to punch him in his stupid face before Tomas grabbed me. The lad is growing like a weed -- I was actually a little surprised."

Tel shrugs, and grins. "In any case, Kelev is no longer a member of the Chalice. Stiger conferred with Mistress Julica, and she agreed he wasn't a good fit. They refunded his membership fee and told him he might want to reconsider these notions about breeding." He smirks. "Especially as he's yet to reach the second circle, while some of us are past that."

That actually gets a little snicker and a grin--and a kiss on the cheek, too. "Aww, Tel... Is it weird to admit I like seeing you get mad, sometimes?" Cor'lana asks, drawing back just a tad. "Your sense of righteousness is... Well, it means you care. You really care. And that means a lot when I get upset and I'm just too lost in my tears to do much of anything..."

She trails off in thought for a moment before she leans over and puts her cup of tea down onto the table. Cor'lana then returns to Telamon's side, snuggling up even closer to him as she curls an arm around him, her hand settling down at his waist. (She only manages this feat because he's slim, as her arms, like the rest of her, are a little shorter than average.)

"I just hope I do enough to console you, too, when you're upset," she says, smiling at him, although her brows are creased in worry. "A relationship goes both ways, you know?"

Telamon responds by wrapping her up in his arms again, nestling her in nice and close. He kisses her gently, before smiling down at her. "You always do, Lana. Sometimes I both think we don't realize how much we mean to each other. With you, it's like... coming home, it's dark and cold, but there's a candle in the window and I know you're there." He nuzzles her happily, tucking her in under his chin.

"I didn't completely lose my temper," he continues. "Which was for the best. A fist in the face over offensive talk is one thing, but spells flung? No. Too much." Tel chuckles. "And you should've heard what Tomas said to me after he pulled me off. 'Master Telamon, that's beneath you as a consort to a fairy princess. Let me do that.'." He grins broadly. "With any luck that lad's going to go far."

Cor'lana leans into the kiss, too, although she lets him break it off. Too early in the day--and presumably too tired--to make it into anything else. Plus, Pothy is right there, eating peanuts and looking at them like he's some sort of chaperone. (If he is, he's failed the chaperone protocols already a long time ago.) "I feel the same way," she says as she's tucked into her happy place and nuzzles into his skin.

She snickers, too, at the fairy princess comment. "Consort, huh? Well, the pixies do keep calling you Lord Lúpecyll-to-be," she says. "I guess that is what you would be in their eyes--to them, there'd almost be no reason in keeping the name of a 'commoner mortal family'. Of course, they've never met your parents..."

Something seems to occur to her. "What names are we taking, anyway?" she asks. "After we make it official. I admit I do like the idea of Lúpecyll-Atlon for me... But I don't expect you to do the same. It's not exactly custom, is it? Although you did say you're a fan of doing something new..."

Telamon gives Pothy an impish grin at his baleful stare, but seems content to simply cuddle up for now. At the mention of names, he furrows his brow a bit. "Honestly... yes. I think combining them is best. Lúpecyll-Atlon. I'm not asking you to give up your name -- gods know, you've gone a long way to show you're a Lúpecyll. But I would like to add mine to yours." He shrugs. "Maybe it'll be unwieldy for some, but I don't care. I do want to build something new, and wonderful, with you. Something that, hopefully, our children's children will look back on and say 'This is where it started. With two young half-sil who found each other'."

He leans his head, his cheek against her head. "So yes. I will be happy to be 'Telamon Lúpecyll-Atlon' if you'll be 'Cor'lana Lúpecyll-Atlon'. A sapling that will grow into a beautiful new tree."

"A new family name, then," Cor'lana says, grinning, giving him another playful nuzzle of her head. "Lúpecyll-Atlon--a name for Grandfather to be happy and to acknowledge the forebears of my beloved one, too. I think it's... perfect. Much like this love is for us."

Pothy makes a sighing noise. He's had enough of this. He flies off into the study, where presumably, he returns to his book nest.

Cor'lana pulls back from Telamon and looks at him, a curious expression on her face. "Oh, speaking of names, that reminded me... Remember that ring Pothy had the other day? The one that he'd been hiding? I was thinking... If we do a dream walk again--like the one we did to enter Pothy's library--we could probably find out more about Luthel. The man who gave my mom that ring."

Tel can't help but snicker as Pothy flies off. "How the hell did he survive with your mother? We're downright tame. Oh sure, we're lovebirds, but come on." He rolls his eyes at the bird's delicate sensibilities.

At Cor'lana's mention, he nods. "I... well, we'll probably need Pothy's cooperation to get into the library. But... I guess it depends on how curious we are." He looks thoughtful, a little solemn. "This Luthel... he must've been in love with your mother, very deeply. That inscription's a translation from an elven poem -- beseeching a paramour to return your affections."

"Somehow I got the impression that she probably broke a lot of people's hearts like that," Cor'lana says, giving Telamon a sad smile. "But I also don't think she ever led people on to believe that she'd settle down and dedicate herself to one person. She was a free spirit..."

She shakes her head. "Well, I guess she sort of did. It's not the same kind of love, but love nonetheless. She stayed in one place for me."

Nadina had said something similar to Telamon, in fact, back in the Library of Apotheosis: that the greatest love of her life was her daughter and no one else.

"I wonder if Luthel is still around," Cor'lana says. "Maybe we could talk to him and... I don't know. Give him the news. I probably would want to know, too."

There was also what Pothy said, echoing a memory from a time past... "I could be the father your child needs."

"Maybe. Part of me wonders how kind it would be. The other... well, I think I'd want to know. If somehow we'd become separated, and you died, I'd... at least want that closure." Telamon hugs her close again, nuzzling the top of her head. He lets the worry drain out of him, that momentary spike of fear for loss.

"I guess the first step is learning who Luthel was, or is. I don't know how common a name that is. We'll have to rummage through Nadina's memories, see if he had a homeland. Also his appearance, because neither of us have any idea what he looks like." He smiles a bit. "I don't trust Pothy's artistic skills to give us a picture."

Cor'lana, of course, notices that little bit of fear and worry. She returns that hug, squeezing him just a tad. "I'd like to bring that closure to him--and to let him know that my mother lives on, in a way, in me, and that I am happy--and, of course, you're a large part of that happiness."

There's a moment of fey whimsy where she grins--and, well, she's being kept under his chin, so... might as well for the closest target, really. She leans in and kisses him on the neck. Just a little peck. It's followed by a little giggle.

"I don't trust Pothy's art skills, either," she says. "So we'll have to make plans for another dream walk. I certainly don't mind the idea of seeing mom again... maybe she'll point us to the relevant memories. Avoid the red pages."

Telamon blushes a little bit, at the warmth and the nearness and the kiss of course. He returns the squeeze, and relaxes. "Um," he says, thinking. "What if your mother doesn't want us to tell Luthel? I'm pretty sure she could complicate things from inside the dream. Any ideas?"

He idly strokes Lana's hair, contemplating. "I mean, she didn't even seem to care about her family -- not trying to throw stones here but she seemed kind of disinterested -- but they know her and care about her. That might be the way to convince her."

Thankfully, Cor'lana doesn't see how Telamon blushes, or she might follow up on the fey whimsy with more of them--or worse, give him a hickey. Imagine him going to the Shining Chalice with one of those. She's just content to stay right where she is. Cuddles and conversation.

However, she does stop to think about Telamon's words. "Yeah," she says after a moment. "I kind of wonder... She was a free spirit, but she had her cousin, right? Addy's father. And it sounds like he cared about her a lot. She didn't return the favor... Or Luthel's feelings, either."

Another pause. "I can't really say for certain without asking her, but it sounds like... maybe she was afraid of being attached to other people, or just didn't like it. You heard how she talked about my father in the memories, after all. But I was the one thing she couldn't just deny."

"Seems like it. She didn't want to be tied down, or 'kept'... but you were of her flesh, you'd slumbered under her heart, to be poetic about it." Tel smiles gently down at Lana. "Hard to deny that kind of bond. And so... not really a choice at all."

He heaves a sigh. "I just... have a feeling she'll be stubborn about it at least at first. Not unlike her daughter." A smile, gentle and warm. "Hopefully we can get her to see it our way."

Cor'lana lifts up her head and grins at Telamon. "Look at you, saying you've been pursuing more practical things and then you go and say lines like those. Although they would sound better in Sylvan, of course, consort." Of course she had to be cheeky with the Sylvan at the end. "Maybe talking in poetry is proper behavior for the consort of a 'fairy princess'."

She reaches up and pats his cheek reassuringly. "Sure, it might take a bit of effort," she says, "but I'm her daughter, and you also have an amazing silvertongue. She also likes you an awful lot--which, well, I'm biased, but most people do--so I'm not worried."

Telamon looks mildly affronted. "I said I'd been pursuing more practical things. I didn't say I'd forgotten all the poetry." He nuzzles her happily, before settling back. "At some point, I'd like to head down to the temples and check on... Milksop. See if they were able to help him."

He heaves a sigh. "That... was rough. Not because of the fight but because of what happened to him."

And there's the subject, of course, of what happened. Cor'lana's hand goes to cup Telamon's face, gently, and she brings herself so that she's now fully sitting in his lap--not in a suggestive manner, simply in a close one. "I know," she says quietly. "I know. It was... difficult. That was easily one of the worst things I've ever seen... happen to someone."

She pauses for a long moment, biting her lip.

"I just was glad that, once it was confirmed that he could be treated... we were able to convince him to say yes to get help. I can't imagine being trapped in a body like that... But I can imagine being trapped in a house, and that wasn't great for me, either."

She offers Telamon a smile, however, and she leans in, giving him a little kiss. She draws back and says, "And like I said, I chose to live--and I left that home, and I came to Alexandria... and I met you."

His arms go around her, and he just nestles her in his lap. The two of them finding comfort there, from the harsh world outside. "I've seen something like it, but... yeah, that was bad. I'd be happy if I never saw something like that again."

Tel takes a deep breath. "But like I said, that's why we do these things sometimes. To bring light into dark places." He wrinkles his nose. "Could do without the smell, but needs must. And, well... there are side benefits." He grins at her, and kisses her back. "A home, a bride, a place of refuge."

Cor'lana's violet eyes twinkle a little as he calls her his bride. It's the truth, of course, but one gets the impression it's a moniker that brings her grey joy by the way her eyes sparkle. "I also am fond of the side benefits," she says. "A groom, a house, a place of refuge... Hmm... We must be talking about the same house, funny that."

She can't help but grin and giggle. "And, well, the place of refuge gets pretty crowded. Pixies in the garden and a fey lord of a grandfather... Not to mention the raven familiar in the other room... We have a life here that we've built together. And I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Pothy flies back into the room at this moment--perhaps he's been summoned by the raven familiar comment?

No, he glares at Cor'lana and Telamon before he starts... Oh. He's collecting peanuts from the bowl. One... Two... Three... Four... Oh. Oh dear. That's a lot of peanuts.

"Pothy's apparently taking his nuts to-go," Cor'lana remarks, turning a little to watch him. "Relax, birdbrain. I can sit in Tel's lap and we can both behave."

Telamon grins. "It IS crowded. But that's a good thing, Lana. I didn't have any siblings but I have a fair number of cousins, not to mention family friends. But it's nice to know there's someone to talk to, all the time." He gives her another squeeze.

"In any case, it's a life I'm happy to have as well." When Pothy comes back in and gives them the dirty look, Tel rolls his eyes. "Oh my gods, Pothy. Settle down. Part of the deal is having to suffer Lana and I making kissy faces at each other. How did you deal with Nadina, anyways?" He shakes his head. "In any case, Pothy, stick around. We could use some counsel."

"Closest thing I had to a sibling was Pothy," Cor'lana says with a snicker. "It's... So weird. I didn't remember him at all before the ritual of inheritance--but ever since my memories started coming back, I remember playing with him. He loved playing with me when I was little and I used to sneak him some of my food if I didn't feel like eating it. I think part of the reason I used to have so many of my memories missing is because those were all memories I had with Pothy in them."

Pothy pauses mid-peanut grab and looks over at Telamon and Cor'lana. He... lets all of the peanuts fall from his mouth, back into the bowl in a rather comedic fashion. Pothy sighs, and then whistles.

"I don't like it when you get frisky with Telamon because I had to see Nadi do it all the time. It got old to see her hit on anyone and anything who was an adult and piqued her interest," Cor'lana translates, and then pouts. "Come on, Pothy, it's just me and Tel. I've never flirted with anyone--"

She pauses. "Okay. I've never flirted with anyone and meant it besides Tel."

Telamon frowns. "I wish she hadn't done that. It... left you vulnerable, in my opinion. No memory, no past." He sighs. "Well, it's done now and over, no point in rehashing it." Cocking his head at Pothy, he smirks, and collects his thoughts for a moment.

"Pothy, I appreciate you getting... well, annoyed. I know we're in love but after Nadina it probably IS a little tiresome for you. Although I can't believe you didn't work this out after how many Inheritors in your past. They couldn't all have been ascetic, passion-denying academics."

"In any case, Pothy, we're going to need your help." He regards the raven with an inscrutable expression. "We'd like to learn more about Luthel."

Pothy considers Telamon's words for a moment, and then he whistles for quite a bit.

"Wow, Pothy, you're making me work," Cor'lana complains with an eyeroll. "I really should learn that spell that makes it so Telamon can understand you already..."

She clears her throat. "Oh, sure, I had inheritors in the past that were 'passionate', as you put it, but only a couple approached Nadi's level. Nadi's father was a bit of a rake--really, it's amazing he didn't have more children besides Nadi, but he eventually caught feelings for the baker girl that kept giving him yearning looks behind the counter every time he stepped in with his latest date he'd found between delving in dungeons for obscure and forgotten knowledge." Cor'lana blinks. "That's... Really cute, actually. I mean, sucks for the girl to have yearned for him all that time, but--"

She shakes her head. "Luthel, Pothy? That's what Telamon was asking about.

Pothy whistles again, and Cor'lana translates: "Luthel was Nadi's longest adventuring partner. She ran away from home when she was fifteen years old, much to my protests, but she decided she had enough of home and decided to start off early. She'd already been adventuring for five years but never settled on a crew for very long... And then she met Luthel and his crew. His full name is Luthel Peranus--a sylvanori from Marniar'nir, in the Mythwood--and he was a sellsword. Really good with a sword and shield--he fought and defended Nadina with his life so fervently, which resulted in them... you know... and then he caught feelings for her."

Pothy pauses. "He found and visited Nadina--how, I don't really know, and neither did she, but that was the kind of guy he was. When you were a baby, actually, Cor'lana--he held you for a bit. He..."

Cor'lana hesitates for a moment. "He really wanted to be my father."

Telamon can't help but smirk at Pothy. "Alright, look... I'm not going to become a bloody prude just because you were annoyed by Nadina. I'll try and give you some space here but considering we are wearing rings, well..."

He lets it drop, and listens to more of Lana's translation. His face softens a little, and he looks thoughtful. "Luthel Peranus. If he's in the Mythwood... chances are pretty good someone knows him. I admit I don't know everyone in the Mythwood, but I bet I can find someone who does." His eyes are a little sad. "I hope he's still there."

Cor'lana nods, sharing Telamon's sad look as she turns to look back at him. "I hope so, too," she says. "Maybe your father can help? I mean, I know he has important work as a diplomat and all... But he knows people."

She taps her chin in thought. "What does he look like, Pothy? I mean, we'll get a better picture of him once we can do the dream walk again, but at least we'd have a description to give to your father..."

Pothy whistles again. "He's Telamon's height. Sandy-blond hair. Green eyes. Very, very athletic. I think Nadi described him as having some of the biggest pecs she'd ever seen on an elf and--"

Cor'lana blanches. "Pothy, don't tell me that--"

Angry whistling.

"What do you mean, it's payback! Telamon and I are getting married! This is natural!" Cor'lana sighs.

Telamon nods. "Remember what I said about family? That's more than just father, you know. And if Luthel is a fighter... remember cousin Algar? I'll bet he'd know him. Or be able to find someone who does."

He listens to Lana's translation, before covering his mouth to stifle laughter at her appalled expression. "Well, you did ask... I guess Nadina WOULD notice things like that," he says, clearly trying to not fall over laughing. "Although I admit, my pecs are probably not near as impressive..."

"I didn't want to know about the size of his other p-word!" Cor'lana retorts back, faceplaming hard as she groans for a moment. "I could do with the pecs, but not the other thing!"

Pothy laughs his usual little nobleman's laugh, which just makes Cor'lana groan harder. "Tel, I don't care about your pecs so long as they're my pecs to... have and to hold... gods, that sounds so stupid. I'm going to end up writing the next Crimson Pen at this rate."

The tips of Cor'lana's ears are turning red. She's very clearly blushing underneath that facepalm. Presumably from thinking about Telamon's 'pecs'.

Telamon just shakes his head, taking a deep breath. "Alright Pothy, we get the idea. Big, sandy haired, green eyes, Luthel Peranus. It's a start, at any rate. I'll get word to Algar and ask him to poke around a bit. If Luthel went home, he may have joined the militia, and they ALL cross-train with other elements to get a 'feel' for each other."

He gives Lana a sly grin. "Switching over from poetry to cheap smut, eh? Well, you'll make a LITTLE money that way."

Cor'lana pulls her hands off her face, revealing she does, in fact, have quite the pair of rosy-red cheeks. "I won't sell out," she declares. "I have maintain my decorum and the dedication to my craft as a poet."

She eyes Pothy over her shoulder... and then she grins. She looks back at Telamon with the most dangerous look of all: mischief, fueled by her feytouched nature. "But I don't mind using the kind of words used in smut to get you excited," she says to Telamon, and she leans in and whispers a choice phrase often only kept to the comfort of their bed.

Pothy whistles manically, probably to express his disgust, and he flies out of the room in disgust.

But Cor'lana gets up from her spot on the couch--and she pulls Telamon up with her in somewhat of an usually forward move. "I meant what I said, though. Come on," she says, and she walks briskly to the bedroom. It appears she's graduated to non-soup-based techniques.

Telamon just grins at Lana, enjoying the rosy blush. She just looks so adorable like that. And it's so easy to get her blushing too! But... he's forgotten something.

Namely, that she's been working quite hard to catch up with him in the worldly view of things.

When she leans in and whispers to him, he blinks hard, eyes widening a bit. And -- for once -- he has nothing to say in response. Just staring back at her fey, mischievious smile. He follows when she gets up, letting her pull him up from the couch. He's trying to assemble some insouciant, witty comeback, but this turn has kind of left him mentally flatfooted, so all he can say is, "As you wish." Not the best reply, but... sometimes you're just caught off guard.