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Revision as of 23:23, 4 September 2015

  • Title: Sickness in Village
  • Emitter: Yngvild
  • Characters: |Silmeria, Corra, Latenat, Kira, Lothos, Kiroth
  • Place: Outside Alexandria
  • Time: September 3, 2015
  • Summary: A curse/sickness has a trade township/village cutting itself off from outside contact
  • APL: 7
  • Encounter 1: Village Guards
  • Encounter 2: Druid and Otyugh (CR 9)

The church functionary who comes into the antechamber where the party was guided to looks rather hassled, hair and robes messy and bags under his eyes. He looks tiredly at the assembled adventurers and lets out a slow breath "Thank you for coming" he says as he takes a seat "There have been reports of vanishing people and some type of plague in a nearby village. They have sealed it off and are not letting anyone we have sent in, but we need the timber they provide, and the fur traders are screaming as well. I am hoping that you can convince them to let you in and find out just what in the hells this is all about"

"It won't be a problem, Father," Silmeria says, giving the functionary a gentle, reassuring smile. "Between the lot of us, we'll get to the bottom of what's happening, one way or another."

Kiroth nods his head politely to the church functionary as he is dressed in his full armor and shield. "Understood I'd be happy to help. Is there any medicine that we can bring to help these people out. I regret that I am not blessed with the ability to heal the disease I can only offer relief from the symptoms."

Corra nods, "I will help as best as I can." she offers. She dips her head to the others.

People in need? Ill? That is a tragedy that Kira can't ignore. The worry shows through her smile to the clergyman. "We'll find out what's wrong, get everyone better." Which to her is way more important than merchant goods.

Lothos shuffles a deck of tarot cards he holds in his hands, nodding as he listens, the shuffling seems to be some absentminded nervous tic or something. The others seem to have things in hand for now, so he doesn't offer any queries or comments.

The village in question verges on a small township and is downriver from a logging camp and also where a lot of the local hunters go to trade furs and hides. Not a key part of the local economy but still important. It is about a half days ride or so away. The harassed looking functionary throws up his hands a little helplessly "We haven't been able to examine any of them. However we will cure any of you who become sick during the course of this. Any more questions?" he asks

Latenat is busy paring his nails with a parrying dagger, only looking up occasionally at key words so he doesnt miss too much of import. What, rogues need to keep their hands in good shape to ply their craft damnit! the half-sil scoundrel is here largely due to markers being called in for his service, venturing out of Alexandria to comport himself to a plague hotspot usually isnt his cup of tea, but one can rely on turning his talents wholly to the task when the time is nigh.

"When did this start? And, was anyone strange reported passing through the day or so proior" is all Silmeria can think of to ask, it seems.

Kiroth nods, "Understood, thank you for the information you've provided. We'll endeavor to find out what's going on and if we can put a stop to it. If we need more assistance we'll send word." He looks over towards the others and he waits for the answer to Silmeria's question.

Kira starts to ask more, but Silmeria has a good question. Maybe similar to what she was going to ask, so she quiets to let the flustered man answer.

"They have sealed the village and only say they are cursed and won't let anyone approach" the functionary replies with a bit of asperity in his voice "It was reported about week ago by a fur trader when he went there for his usual round" he says then starts to hunt through some papers "Yes, the temple of Althea were the first to send a delegation, then Eluna. Both were turned away rather agressively"

Corra hmms, "Any details remembered? Visual signs?" she is worried that it might be something else.

the rogue grunts and looks up at mention of villagers fending off the church envoys, his lips pressing togeather slightly at the mention of curses. THAT is as far out of his balliwick and rumoured plagues, and the slender figure flickers a look at the other gathered folk, seems like he is in good company for this 'venture.

"They're probably scared," Kira purses her lips, "and worried it will spread...." She looks to the others. "We can learn more when we get there."

Corra shakes her head, "Seems more like hiding something than scared." she nods.

The funtionary lets out a long-suffering sounding sigh. He opens his mouth to speak with a faint look of irritation verging on anger in his gaze then stops to take a deep breath and repeats carefully "The village is sealed, no-one has been allowed in to examine any of the victims. All we know is that the guards talk about curses and plagues and won't let anyone in so far"

Kiroth nods, "At least they are being thoughtful not to hurt anyone, but still why turn away the healers. They could be, but let's go find out."

Lothos shrugs, "Unless there is actually evidence of this whole curse or plague....it could be the village is doing something they don't want others to know. Maybe they found some secret kulthian relics or whatever. Could be anything, but...only thing we can do is go check it out." He puts away his tarot cards.

"Then we won't tarry any longer," Silmeria says, her voice cooling faintly as she rises from her chair. "We're sorry for wasting your time, and we'll send word of what we find. Well enough?" Dipping her head at the functionary, she turns, drawing in a deep breath. "So. Let's be off, then."

"The gods blessings be on you all" the clergy member responds as he gets to his feet and offers a tired smile before bustling off to attend to the next crises.

The road is well maintained, as a far bit of trade goes back and forth. The day is pleasant, the travel easy. There is a small hilltop that grants people view of a small township or large village depending on your point of view. A river flows around one side, leading back into the logged forest a few further miles back. There are some outlying farms but they look to be abandoned. The village is indeed walled and the two gates are sealed with what look to be some kind of guards in the somewhat crude towers that guard them.

Lothos travels along, likely using a magical mount that he summoned. When he spots the village he smirks, "Impressive, though...I don't know, not many villages are all fired up to lock everyone inside....this really seems like they are keeping folks out."

Kiroth hmms as he looks around as they walk occasionally using his banesight to watch out for anything that might befall them. Once they are at the gate he will use his banesight again to look around at the guards. He looks towards his companions, "Well shall we try to talk to them first?"

"It does," Silmeria agrees, frowning. "I think that would probably be best," she says to Kiroth, adjusting her spectacles. "It could be a quarantine, after all... But we won't know for sure until we find out."

"Of course we need to talk to them," Kira speeds up her walk when the gate comes into view. "They need our help...." She walks more, and waves a hand at the gates. "Hello? Please, open the gate. We're here to help!"

The guards watch the approaching party carefully and as they move to about a bowshot's distance away one of them raises his bow and lets lose an arrow. It thuds into the dirt at the front of the foremost adventurer as the other yells out "Come no closer, we are cursed." To those sensing such things there is no sign of evil from the archers in the towers, but they are all aiming at those below.

Lothos mutters, "Someone ask them what kind of curse, and why would they not want us to come closer cause of it."

Kiroth moves up behind Kira and he has his shield out and ready to defend against the arrows, "We understand that. I am Sunblade Kiroth, we are here to help. What has cursed you? What form does this curse take?"

"I guess." Latenat grouses lightly, peering down at the uncommonly fortified village, one would suspect such things to be seen far closer to the edge of Alexandros. The half sil flares out his shabby cloak and moves forward with the party as it moves ahead simultaneously in that unspoken way that people do. The half sil clears his throat somewhat, being somewhat miserly of words on the trip here something not improved by the sight of arroows pointed at them,"Is it not obvious? Apparently they've been cursed with bad manners."

Watch System: Fayde has disconnected.

"So it might seem," Silmeria murmurs in answer to Latenat, as she steps up next to Kiroth and Kira. "The Temples have seen fit to send a team to try to break your curse, Guardsman," she calls up to the tower, silver-rimmed spectacles glittering. "And you honestly needn't shoot at us. But unless we know why we're to turn away, we really can't help but be all the more concerned."

Kira's smile dips some, but doesn't leave. She keeps herself as non-threatening as possible... which isn't all that difficult for someone without arms, armor, or much in the way of belongings. "Please. You're all very kind to worry about others, very brave and strong to try and fight this by yourselves... but you don't need to do this alone."

Corra moves just back out of that bow range and looks at the other, "My range is by far more than thiers." she doesn't pull her bow though. "Just to keep in mind." she is also thinking about the history of the area and she looks over the fortifications as well.

As Kiroth moves forward a younger looking archer loses an arrow nervously that runs out of distance before it hits anyone. The older archer gives him a cuff around the head then looks back "We told the Altheans and whatever the ones in blue and white were we don't need help" he calls back to the party "We can handle it ourselves" the younger one adds in nervous defiance.

Lothos looks at Corra and grins, "Best not to shoot villagers around our holy friends here." he gestures to the paladins in the group, "Until you prove they are evil or something similar." He then looks back to the village and shakes his head. "I think..." he says quietly, "We may need to pretend to leave, and come back and sneak in."

GAME: Lothos rolls Knowledge/Engineering: (20)+8: 28

GAME: Lothos rolls Knowledge/Local: Trained Use Only: 0

GAME: Lothos rolls intelligence+2: (8)+7+2: 17

GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16

GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17

You paged Silmeria with 'They seem very nervous for some reason, and yeah they want you to go away.'

GAME: Latenat rolls know/local: (3)+know/local: 3

GAME: Latenat rolls knowledge/local: (7)+14: 21

You paged Latenat with 'Prior to that the woods were avoided as they were apparently under druidic protection'

"Last question, then," Silmeria says, taking off her spectacles and tapping them against her lip. "Is the curse killing people?"

Kiroth inclines his head politely, "I can understand the wish to be self-reliant and not have to depend on anyone else, certainly not do gooders like ourselves." He says with a self-deprecating chuckle. "We have no wish to harm you or anyone else in the village. We only wish to help. Being cursed is nothing to be ashamed of. Can you at least tell is if children are being cursed as well and if we could not at least help them."

Corra looks at the others, "Find out symptoms if they will tell that."

You paged Kiroth with 'Glad someone thought of it, I was about to drop a HINT :P Wait to see what Lat does with the info I paged him then feel free'

"You know, it might well have something to do with the druids that used to protect the area. Most folk used to avoid this place, 'twould explain the fortifications, really." Latenat says musingly, scritching his chin whilst keeping an eye apon the array of weaponry trained apon them.

You paged Kiroth with 'Alrighty roll away'

GAME: Kiroth rolls diplomacy: (13)+18: 31

"What are the symptoms? When did it start? How many are sick?" Kira now has many questions, echoing the others' concerns. "We respect your wishes, but is there anything we can do to help without coming in? Supplies? Food? Medicines? Blankets?"

Kiroth hmms softly as he hears Latenat and he turns towards him, "Do you know what happened to the Druids here?" He asks and looks back to the guards, "Do you know of what happened to the druids that used to live here/"

As Latenants words reach the keen eared guardsman the younger one blanches. The older one sets his jaw and pauses briefly. He lets go of the bowstring to scratch his stubbled face "We had some go missing from the camp up river" he admits reluctantly "But the plague ain't killed anyone yet"

Latenat looks from side to side at his erstwhile comrades in arms.... or to date words, grey eyes now glittering with wicked interest,"Shall we request entrance to see the headman or follow the river towards the encampment. I favor the latter msyelf, but I'd wager these goodfolk would help once good sense wins the day."

Kira's smile brightens at the update. "That's good news! Everyone could recover." She looks towards the river and back. "How far to the camp? We can look there. Maybe we'll find something that will help us cure this quickly." And without pushing themselves on the villagers. She turns to look at the others questioningly.

Lothos chills, pulling out his tarot cards and shuffling them again, drawing some now and then so he can just see one and and see if its his fate. He has no real skills in talking to folks, though he does have quite a bit of knowledge on curses, so he does pay attention.

You paged Silmeria with 'Well he wasn't lying at all :)'

Kiroth nods to the older guardsman, "Thank you for the information sir. Hopefully we can find out what's going on and perhaps come back to help if you would like it. Can you please take out offer to your village elders or mayor or whoever is in charge."

Silmeria tilts her head to one side, then looks to Kira, Kiroth, then back to the others. "The encampment does sound like a place to start," she muses, and replaces her spectacles. Nodding her agreement with Kiroth, she turns a dazzling smile on the younger guardsman. "Take care of yourselves, then, and the Lady's peace be with you."

Corra nods, "I could find the camp," she says softly. She pulls a bright ribbon from her pack and goes to pick up the arrow they had shot and ties the ribbon on it then sticks it point first back in the ground, "Good arrows can be hard to find." She then moves back with the others, "Ready when you all are."

"Ain't no-one in the camp no more" the younger guard offers to the party beneath. The older guard casts him a look but they seem a little more inclined towards the adventurers beneath "The disappearances stopped when we sent guards, few days later people started getting sick. Nothing there no more save some cabins"

Corra adds "I am a good tracker."

The half sil drinks the information up like a sponge does water as he retreats from the visibly friendlier villagers, though trust is earned so he remains on his guard,"Excellent, we shall need good trackers once we reach the encampment." white teeth are flashed at Corra briefly, there and gone again so quickly one might imagine it is ones imagination,"Thankfully, I've found it easy to follow streams in the past."

Lothos yawns, and nods, "Ok, a direction. Let us depart, find this camp and what information we can find there. No point sitting here at the moment."

Kiroth nods to the younger guard, "Thank you for the information. There is no harm in looking." He nods to the others, "I'm ready to go."

"All of you will be safe here," Kira assures the guard, "while we go look. If the disappearances started there, it could be important." She nods to Lothos and the others before turning towards the river. Not to take the lead, but show her readiness.

You paged Latenat with 'Human ingenuity is AWESOME'

You paged Latenat with 'Ah cool :)'

Well a river is easy to follow upwards to the he camp. It looks is a little more settled than that word may entail, with actual cabins, and outhouse and cookhouse for the crews working.. It shows some signs of being hastily abandoned, and there are still cut logs waiting to be floated down the river to the sawmills at the town.

Corra does get her bow strung and held at this point and starts to take a good look around for signs of what may have happened

Lothos glances about, trying to find any hints that might explain a curse or something else. "Well, doesn't seem to be a lot here to work with."

Kiroth opens up his banesight as he looks around. He moves about the camp, "Any thoughts on how this disease might have started."

You paged Lothos with 'As you rolled well on engineering a clue. The river is likely the source of the towns water >.>'

You paged Silmeria with 'Roll me a sense motive if you could, now that Sil has perhaps had time to think things over'

GAME: Silmeria rolls sense motive: (3)+14: 17

Lothos looks over at the river....pausing a moment. He moves over to look at the water. "You know....this is likely where the village gets its water...perhaps we should check upstream a bit?"

Kira isn't much of investigator, but she can look around. "If it is a sickness, someone could've caught it out here and carried it to the village, bu curses don't usually work that way..." She looks to Lothos and nods, lips pursing. "It could be something in the water..."

Raising an eyebrow in Kiroth's direction Latenat shrugs somewhat after a long moment of consideration,"Who knows, I thought you folk might have some divinations under your belt to help us to that end. Me n' Corra might be able to rustle up some trails that might make more sense of this." the scoundrel is the connsumate urbanite, but the suggestion could hardly hurt as he moves into the underbrush.

"I'm not certain we'll know until we get a look at the sick," Silmeria says, loosing a sigh through her nose. "But that's not a terrible idea. Still... it's odd. A sickness *and* a curse? Something isn't quite matching..."

Kiroth nods, "True, perhaps they meant the sickness is a curse or maybe they mean a real curse sometimes it's hard to know." He looks around the camp and isn't much of an investigator either. "So where to next?" He asks the trackers.

Corra looks around a bit before looking towards Latenat, "Maybe there is information somewhere on where the crews went missing, if knew where they went missing could possibly track and find out why they went missing."

"It seems as though the camp was abandoned to check on the sick," Silmeria points out. "The problem is, I'm not sure that there's much of a trail worth speaking of, from here."

Lothos shrugs, "Lets go upstream for a while, see what we find. If we see dead animals or something, well, there we go. If we find nothing after a while, we turn back and head to the village. FAir enough?"

Kiroth nods, "Sounds like a good idea to me. Let's head upstream we can always come back if we need to."

Kira nods. "Yes, please. The quicker we find something, the quicker we can help them."

Corra nods her head and then will go along with the others, once they start moving she is watching the area like a hawk, adjusting her goggles a little not wanting to miss anything that might be a sign of what is going on.

You paged Latenat with 'Roger'

The river -looks- fine at a glance anyway. Water is clearish and there is no obvious smell at a cursory inspection anyway. It heads up towards a small mountain range, where it seems to emerge from a small cavern.

GAME: Corra rolls perception: (4)+18: 22

GAME: Silmeria rolls perception: (3)+16: 19

GAME: Latenat rolls perception: (5)+13: 18

GAME: Latenat rolls survival: (10)+11: 21

GAME: Kiroth rolls perception: (10)+2: 12

GAME: Lothos rolls perception: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Kira rolls perception: (3)+13: 16

You paged (Corra, Silmeria, Latenat) with 'Luckily it is not a hard thing to detect. Whilst downstream everything smelled fine, the closer you get to the cave where the river runs from the worse the smell gets. Rotten meat and such.'

Corra purses her lips a bit and wrinkles her nose, "Well that is not good." she says as she looks towards the cave, "Something is polluting the stream."

"But you'd think the hunters and druids would know better," SIlmeria says, brow furrowing. The smell doesn't seem to bother her *quite* as much, likely due to her habitual setting. "Still, we should certainly seek the source. It could be there's more yet to explain."

Kira finally frowns, putting her hand over her mouth. "Oh my..." She nods to Silmeria. "If it happened after they left the camp, and they avoided it, they must not know..."

Kiroth clenches his jaw as he smells the stench of rot and he moves to take his sword out. He looks around for the source of it.

The half-sil's nostrils flare, a faintly distasteful reaction,"Indeed. Smells like a body stuffed into a sewer drain." Latenat says this matter of factly, reaction to the scent nonwithstanding,"I wouldnt drink that water either." he notes as he glances over his shoulder to where it runs back down to the village.

The smell seems to be coming from the cave, or at least whatever lies within. Standing outside it is a little hard to tell precisely what is in there, but it does not smell good.

Lothos sniffs a few times, "I smell nothing, the air is sweet, and fragrant." He rubs his nose, "Maybe I'm congested, but of course, caves are always the source of all evils in the world."

Corra nods and does pull a couple arrows from her quiver even as she looks at the others, "Light?" she asks.

You paged (Latenat, Lahar) with 'This arvo sure :) atm running plottage.'

Lothos will take up the rear of the party, and of course create his own magical light, situated on the end of his hair.

"Light," Silmeria echoes, drawing sword and pistol. The hook-bladed sword is held outstretched, a murmured prayer drawing a cool gray radiance from the cold steel. "Be wary, friends... I'm not sure I'm looking forward to meeting whatever would kill something in its lair, if that's what we've found."

Kiroth moves towards the front towards the cave, "Let me go first if someone can cast a spell of light on my shield I would be happy to take point."

Latenat nods,"Light." the scoundrel replies simply, reaching into a pouch and retrieving a small glowing stone that subsequently begins orbiting the crown of his head," he moves toward the fore of the party after taking a deep breath. Once there, he brings out a knife and saws another srip of his cloak, with which he dampens with water and wraps about his mouth and nose to ablate the smell,"Lets do this." muffles somewhat, but clearly understandable through his impromteu scarf.

GAME: Corra refreshes spells.

Kira can't see any better than anyone else (and probably worse) in the dark. Unfortunately, she doesn't have any lights handy, either. None of that stops her from moving towards the front of the group and the cave.

GAME: Corra casts Light. Caster Level: 1 DC: 14

GAME: Silmeria casts Light. Caster Level: 6 DC: 12

GAME: Lothos casts Light. Caster Level: 10 DC: 17

Corra does move back towards Lothos, she can use her bow from anywhere but might need to assist in the back. She murmers and calls a light spell to one of her arrows which she can later fire if she has to.

Kiroth starts to use his banesight again as he looks towards the entrance of the cave. He has his sword out and his shield ready.

GAME: Silmeria rolls perception: (11)+16: 27

You paged Kiroth with 'There be evil in them their caverns'

GAME: Kira rolls perception: (12)+13: 25

GAME: Corra rolls perception: (12)+18: 30

GAME: Kiroth rolls perception: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Lothos rolls perception: (20)+12: 32

GAME: Latenat rolls perception: (3)+13: 16

You paged (Kira, Silmeria, Corra, Lothos) with 'There are sounds up ahead, a human sounding voice and three gurgling type nasty voices. Lothos, Kira, Silmeria know/nature or Dungeoneering please'

GAME: Lothos rolls knowledge/Nature: (4)+15: 19

GAME: Lothos rolls Knowledge/Dungeoneering: (16)+8: 24

You paged Lothos with 'Sounds like Otyugh's speaking commong perhaps. Certain the fetid cavern would suit them'

GAME: Latenat rolls Knowledge/Dungeoneering: (15)+6: 21

Lothos tilts his head slightly, and sighs, he whispers quietly to the others. "I think we have Otyughs."

You paged Corra with 'Because I missed your roll in spam, roll away'

GAME: Corra rolls knowledge/nature: (13)+12: 25

GAME: Corra rolls knowledge/dungeoneering+1: (18)+7+1: 26

You paged Corra with 'The gurgl;ing voices sound like Otyugh, and certainly the right enviroment for them'

You paged Latenat with 'You don't hear the noises, but can confirm this Otyugh type environment'

Corra cocks her head to the side and then nods to Lothos, "That is what it sounds like, the..cave...the water..it would be the right setting." she shakes her head a bit, "It could explain a few things."

"I hear voices... I think..." Kira keeps her own low. She then blinks. "Oty what?" Seems she's not familiar with those.

"Never met one, but I dont think they will give us cuddles." Latenat proffers from behind his scarf, his hood drawn up over his head for pure aesthetic effect. the rogue has pretentions and begins to creep forward, checking for hazards that would pose danger, drawing his twin blades as he goes, making sure of his footing apon the currently stone surface.

"Should we perhaps douse the lights?" Silmeria murmurs, eyebrows drawing forward. "I've... heard of them. They tend to crop up in the sewer with alarming regularity. Which... would explain why the village's water is fouled, if they're about."

Kiroth hmms, "What are Otyughs doing out here. They are usually city dwellers." He looks around but he can't see anything. "Perhaps that is the curse...they turned into otyughs."

Corra nods, "Can put out the lights, of course not all can see in the dark." she says, at least she can't yet, she has plans in the works, just hasn't been able to see them to fruition yet.

Lothos shrugs, extinguishing his magical light. "Well." he speaks quietly, "We should likely look into this....by moving ahead and checking it out."

"Huh. I knew it smelt like a dead body in a sewer." Latenat speaks over his shoulder as a rejoinder to Kiroth,"I dont know about the rest of you but I cannot see in pitch darkness, I need /some/ light to navigate by."

Kiroth nods in agreement, "I cannot see in the dark either, but I am willing to follow those that can."

"Corra, leave yours where it is," Silmeria says quietly. "We should be able to see vaguely well enough with just that, and perhaps you can loose the arrow to make our quarry visible, when we chance upon them."

"If they have that stink on them, they might not even know they're tainting the water.." Kira suggests quietly as she moves on ahead. She's not going to let a little thing like darkness stop her.

GAME: Silmeria rolls stealth: (6)+0: 6

Corra nods her head, it does make sense, of course she is probably one of the more stealthy ones amongst them all.

GAME: Lothos rolls stealth: (13)+14: 27

GAME: Latenat rolls stealth: (18)+13: 31

GAME: Kira rolls stealth: (19)+8: 27

"I told them, I told them I did. Did they listen? The woods are sacred. Serves them right...yes yes." comes a semi-crazed but human sounding voice "They didn't take the warnings when the forest took the loggers. Serves them right..." it mutters again, with sounds of agreement coming from the gurgling voice "Soon they will know the true wrath of...wait..." there comes a sound of a strange language in the human voice. The cavern that the party heads into is lit, revealing a whole lot of filth, a rather filthy looking human who seems to be casting something else, and two Otyugh that are waving their filthy tentacle things around eagerly.

Corra puts out her light as she sees that the cavern itself is lit and gets into a position where she watch from the back, quietly and watching the others as well. Unfortunately she doesn't recognize the strange language.

Lothos tries to move up with the others quietly, but, well, group stealth is always going to be a failure unless its ateam of ninjas. So when it sounds like they are spotted, he prepares for battle, whispering an incantation.

GAME: Lothos used a Potion of Blur.

You paged Silmeria with 'Stealth Synergy is your friend ;P'

Kira is surprised to see the Otyughs. Well, surprised by what they look like. She blinks, looking to the man instead. "Hello," Yes, Kira's smiling politely. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but there is a problem with the water. It's making many people ill. Can we help clean it up?"

Kiroth hears Kira talking and he moves forward he does his best to cover his shield, "We mean you know harm. We are here to help."

GAME: Kira rolls diplomacy: (19)+16: 35

Hestiating, Latenat scopes the situation and begins sliding his rapier back into its sheath. He is a ghost in the dim shadows of the cave as he creeps forward and begins drawing a length of black wood out instead... and does a double-take when Kira speaks up, cursing most foully 'neath his breath.

As the light blooms to life in the cave, Silmeria sighs, standing up straight and tall, levelling her pistol at the druid. "*Cease your spell,* sir," she says, as a flickering silver radiance limns her form. She makes to continue, but is tripped up by Kira's solicitousness, and clears her throat, lifting the barrel of the pistol. "We'd very much like to not end this in violence, sir... Please."

GAME: Silmeria rolls diplomacy: (9)+14: 23

GAME: Kiroth rolls diplomacy: (2)+18: 20

"ASSASSINS, they send ASSASSINS!" screeches the filthy figure as something blossoms to life under the layer of muck. That said he starts to chant again, something forming in between the two otyugh, it doesn't seem that even the most convincing statements are working on the angry figure.

GAME: Corra casts Gravity Bow. Caster Level: 6 DC: 13

Corra frowns as the guy screams that and touches her bow, murmering as it glows slightly and then she is looking up and ready. She is good where she is at, but isn't going to be the one to shoot first.

"We are not assassins! We're here to help!" Kira tries to assure the man and his .. friends? "We don't wish anyone harm, please." She doesn't for certain, but she's all too familiar with rising tensions.

"Kira, I do think he's not going to cooperate," Silmeria sighs. "Can you and Latenat subdue him, d'you think? It might end up that we'll have to put down his.... pets, but questioning him would likely draw more answers than slaying him."

"Yes, I can," Kira is quick to answer Silmeria. Subdued is not harmed, so it's in everyone's best interests.

Lothos finishes pouring a small vial into a pouch on his vest, and shakes his head, drawing out a rod. "I don't think this is going to end too nicely."

Kiroth looks to the others, "Let Kira try. We will be here to stop him if need be, but let Kira try the most non-violent way first."

As the party quickly discuss actions and plead the swirling between the two Otyugh resolves into a massive leonine figure, much to the delight of the cackling filthy human.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Yngvild has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Yngvild to instruct you further.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.

GAME: Lothos rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 15

GAME: Silmeria rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 14

GAME: Latenat rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 22

GAME: You roll initiative for Druid: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 16

GAME: Kiroth rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 4

GAME: You roll initiative for Ot1: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 1

GAME: You roll initiative for Ot2: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 18

GAME: Kira rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 22

GAME: You roll initiative for Dl1: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 17

GAME: Corra rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 10

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 22.

It is now Latenat's turn! Kira is next!

GAME: You damaged Corra for -100 points. 52 remaining.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 22.

It is now Kira's turn! Ot2 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kira ended.

Not wasting any time with words after the scattererbrained druids flips out Latenat moves forward, paired weaponry held en guarde in a defensive posture as he places himself between the ranged party members and the beastly lineup.

GAME: Kira rolls acrobatics: (2)+12: 14

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+12: (4)+12: 16

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d6+2: (5)+2: 7

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d6+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Kira rolls cmb+2+2+2+1: (5)+11+2+2+2+1: 23

You have left channel TPK.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now Ot2's turn! Dl1 is next!

Kira said she'd get him, so she'll get him. Even if she has to dodge oty-ewws and tentacles. She dashes forward, trying to keep low under the waggling things, but she doesn't get quite low enough. Lucky for her, she's still nible enough to duck, bob, weave, or (lightly) bat them away. When she runs the gauntlet to the man, she frowns. "I'm sorry, but I can't let anyone get hurt." Which includes him, as she grabs for him. Hurt, no, but he might be a little uncomfortable if he doesn't cooperate.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (3)+7: 10

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+3: (7)+3: 10

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+3: (16)+3: 19

Watch System: Miruan has disconnected.

You paged Latenat with 'I presume with total defense a 19 misses :P'

"Assassins, assasins!" the Otyugh burbles, picking up on its alley or perhaps master's screetching. It lashes out at Lat with both tentacles and even tries a bite, but the sillpery human neatly avoids them all.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 17.

It is now Dl1's turn! Druid is next!

You paged Kira with 'To save some time, what is the effect of a third party attacking someone in a grapple?'

You paged Kira with 'I meant an attack, not helping the druid get free'

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+12: (3)+12: 15

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 16.

It is now Druid's turn! Lothos is next!

Big kitty comes to the rescue, or at least tries to. It manages to miss Kira entirely and lets lose a low growl of frustration. The rather fragrant druid does something perhaps unexpected. He cackles in laughter "Stoopid assassin" he says as his form begins to grow and grow and cahnge hape. Soon he is far too big for Kira to hold, bursting forth from the grapple as he turns into a Stegsarus, giving voice to a bellow of anger.

Big kitty comes to the rescue, or at least tries to. It manages to miss Kira entirely and lets lose a low growl of frustration. The rather fragrant druid does something perhaps unexpected. He cackles in laughter "Stoopid assassin" he says as his form begins to grow and grow and change shape. He grows and his skin grows rougher as he continues to grow up into the form of a huge Stegosarus.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 15.

It is now Lothos' turn! Silmeria is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Lothos ended.

You paged Kiroth with 'All good, thanks'

GAME: Lothos casts Wandering Star Motes. Caster Level: 10 DC: 21

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 14.

It is now Silmeria's turn! Corra is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Silmeria ended.

Lothos begins to incant a spell, pulling out a bit of powder from a pouch and tossing it into the air. It glitters and then streaks out towards the Otyugh fighting Lat. The glitter swirls a moment then moves to another Otyugh, there it seems to hover around the creature who just stares at the pretty colors.

GAME: Silmeria rolls ranged+1+2: (1)+7+1+2: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 10.

It is now Corra's turn! Kiroth is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Corra ended.

GAME: Corra rolls bow1-2-3: aliased to ranged+2+1-2-3: (19)+12+2+1+-2+-3: 29

GAME: Corra rolls bow1-2-3: aliased to ranged+2+1-2-3: (2)+12+2+1+-2+-3: 12

GAME: Corra rolls bow1-2-3-5: aliased to ranged+2+1-2-3-5: (16)+12+2+1+-2+-3+-5: 21

Skimming around to the side, Silmeria levels her pistol at the largest threat to Latenat and Kira; the huge, spiked lion. A murmured prayer brings a faint glow to the etchings swirling around the barrel, as though a light suffised the metal within... but when she pulls the trigger, the only thing heard is a flat, lifeless 'click.' "What... Oh, *no!*" Silmeria cries, her attention snapping from the myriad of threatening, filthy beasts, to her pistol.

GAME: Corra rolls dam2+6: aliased to 2d6+2+2+6: (8)+2+2+6: 18

GAME: Corra rolls dam2+6: aliased to 2d6+2+2+6: (5)+2+2+6: 15

GAME: Corra rolls dam2+6: aliased to 2d6+2+2+6: (4)+2+2+6: 14

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 4.

It is now Kiroth's turn! Ot1 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kiroth ended.

Corra takes a deep breath. They told her to try the peaceful way, there is not much she can do that does that, well look there is a summon now she feels that she can shoot that without upseting. So she notches two arrows and pulls back releasing them at the Direlion, they fly true and hit soundly, as she finds tender spots. A third arrow quickly follows but it goes wide, a fourth arrow follows as well striking almost as deep as the first two. The arrows are deep and the lion is wounded but still on its feet.

GAME: Kiroth rolls 1d20+14+2+1-4: (8)+14+2+1+-4: 21

GAME: Kiroth rolls 1d8+5+2: (3)+5+2: 10

Watch System: Miruan has connected.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 1.

It is now Ot1's turn! Latenat is next!


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 22.

It is now Latenat's turn! Kira is next!

Kiroth doesn't want to hurt the otyugh but it's attacking Latenat. He moves up towards the one otyugh and he turns his blade to the side to hit it with the intent of knocking it out rather then killing it.

GAME: Latenat rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 22.

It is now Kira's turn! Ot2 is next!

GAME: Kira rolls cmb+7+5: (2)+11+7+5: 25

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 18.

It is now Ot2's turn! Dl1 is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6

GAME: Kira rolls cmb+7+5: (1)+11+7+5: 24 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 17.

It is now Dl1's turn! Druid is next!

Latenat dodges 'neath the whipping tentacles and gnashing of teeth of the Otugh, rolling in one smooth action like an acrobat unhinged as he comes up running, the wooden length of his shaft aimed at the back of the stegasaurus's head. like water really, flowing around the obstruction He manages to do so, running past the lion to attack. The bony frill however thwarts his most devious of machinations, the wrasslin match causing the armor to deflect the strike glancing upwards.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+12: (11)+12: 23

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d8+7: (7)+7: 14

GAME: You damaged Corra for 14 points. 38 remaining.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+18: (9)+18: 27

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+13: (8)+13: 21

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+13: (11)+13: 24

Wrasslin match. Is that what it's called? To most, it probably just looks like Kira trying to hold on for dear life. For her, it's... frustrating. "Please, stop! We can talk about this! We're not assassins!"

You paged Corra with 'Any special defenses against a grapple?'

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d6+7: (6)+7: 13

GAME: You damaged Corra for 13 points. 25 remaining.

For it's part the non spacey Otyugh goes an all out attack on the annoying Kiroth. Singing is gurgling warsong it lashes out with tentacles, and bites but nothing gets through his armor. The Dire Lion fixes angry eyes on the archer Corra. It shifts a little and with a road launches itself in a pounce that lands atop her. Jaws dig in and take a hold, allowing the back legs to claw down her, one skitters off her armor but the other digs in to leave a bloodied mess.

You paged Kira with 'No worries'

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 16.

It is now Druid's turn! Lothos is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+12: (5)+12: 17

The dinosaur replies with a bellow of anger that shakes the ceiling, dust motes falling down as it struggles powerfully but somehow cannot escape Kira's grip.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 15.

It is now Lothos' turn! Silmeria is next!

GAME: Lothos casts Wandering Star Motes. Caster Level: 10 DC: 21

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+3: (10)+3: 13

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 14.

It is now Silmeria's turn! Corra is next!

Lothos incants again, this time, it appears to be the same spell, once more a burst of glitter flies out and starts swirling around the head of the lion, who appears to have a lot of trouble not staring at the light.

GAME: Silmeria rolls craft/gunsmithing: (2)+11: 13

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 10.

It is now Corra's turn! Kiroth is next!

"Just... hang on! Almost..." Snapping a small, circular wire brush from a pouch on her bandoleer, Silmeria snaps open her gun, poking viciously at the bullet stuck inside. Much frantic jabbing and muttering and prayers ensue, before the bullet plonks onto the ground, and the Inquisitor laughs brightly. "There! That's go-- oh. Oh dear." Only now, does she see what's happened to the battle in the last few seconds, and it is not good.

GAME: Corra rolls bow+1: (13)+bow+1: 14

GAME: Corra rolls bow+1-5: (9)+bow+1+-5: 5

GAME: Corra rolls bow1+1: aliased to ranged+2+1+1: (4)+12+2+1+1: 20

GAME: Corra rolls bow1+1-5: aliased to ranged+2+1+1-5: (14)+12+2+1+1+-5: 25

GAME: Corra rolls dam2+4+1: aliased to 2d6+2+2+4+1: (2)+2+2+4+1: 11

GAME: Corra rolls dam2+4+1: aliased to 2d6+2+2+4+1: (5)+2+2+4+1: 14

GAME: Corra rolls dam2+4+1: aliased to 2d6+2+2+4+1: (7)+2+2+4+1: 16

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 4.

It is now Kiroth's turn! Ot1 is next!

Corra is glad that the lion let go of her. She quickly looses two arrows with her first shot at the lion which sink deep followed by a third. The lion collapses and vanishes as summoned creatures are wont to do, though the signs of its presence are all over the archer.

GAME: Kiroth rolls 1d20+14+2+1-4-2: (13)+14+2+1+-4+-2: 24

GAME: Dl1 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Kiroth rolls 2d8+5+6: (7)+5+6: 18

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 1.

It is now Ot1's turn! Latenat is next!

Kiroth looks over as Corra's attacked, but she's able to handle the summoned dire lion. He looks down at the Otuygh, "I'm sorry about this." He says as he keeps his blade turned and he hits the Otuygh with the flat of his blade. "If you stop attacking me I'll stop attacking you."


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 22.

It is now Latenat's turn! Kira is next!

GAME: Latenat rolls 1d20+6: (6)+6: 12

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 22.

It is now Kira's turn! Ot2 is next!

GAME: Kira rolls cmb+7+5: (10)+11+7+5: 33

You paged Kira with 'Does the rope automaticaly constrict or otherwise change shape?'

Kira is keeping the giant reptile occupied much more by grace than might. Wind a tail through there, tuck a leg under here... Now she starts pulling hemp from her rough robe like string from a sweater, but it keeps coming. She wraos it around and around, and around s'more. "Did you summon these things here? If you did, send them back! If they don't belong here, they won't be happy, and they're spoiling the water!"

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 18.

It is now Ot2's turn! Druid is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+3: (7)+3: 10

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17

You paged Kira with 'I am going to presume that if he changes to a smaller shape the bonds will slip off'

Otyughs might be slightly brighter than they appear, but they aren't going to win any prizes on oratory or logic "ASSASINS!" the remaining one burbles in its appaling voice, paying no mind to Kiroth's words it continues to fruitlessly lash at him.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 16.

It is now Druid's turn! Lothos is next!

The dinosaur's form shifts and changes again, turning back into the skinny and filthy form of the human druid. The ropes were wonderful for the huge sized dinosaur, but not a skinny human "Assassins! Are you going to replant the trees, heal the forest, bring the dead animals back to life. They MUST SUFFER IN TURN! That is justice for all the have killed" he screetches in furious anger as he skitters back away.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 15.

It is now Lothos' turn! Silmeria is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+6: (3)+6: 9

GAME: Lothos casts Bestow Curse. Caster Level: 10 DC: 20

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+11: (5)+11: 16

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 14.

It is now Silmeria's turn! Corra is next!

Lothos holds out his rod, incanting another spell, this time a surge of black energy fires forth to wash over the druid. "Annnnd, I curse theeee! Cause your kinda stupid and really out of control here."

GAME: Silmeria rolls melee-1: (13)+5+-1: 17

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17

GAME: Silmeria rolls ranged-1: (16)+7+-1: 22

GAME: Silmeria rolls 1d6+1+1: (4)+1+1: 6

GAME: Silmeria rolls 1d4: (3): 3

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 10.

It is now Corra's turn! Kiroth is next!

GAME: Corra casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 1 DC: 15

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+1: (2)+1: 3

GAME: You damaged Corra for -3 points. 28 remaining.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 4.

It is now Kiroth's turn! Ot1 is next!

"Stand *down!*" Silmeria cries, the Vardaman a blur as she charges forward, sliding under flailing tentacles to bring a wide, sweeping slash of her sword across the foul creature's midsection, following up with a gunshot to the base of the tentacles. "We can *find a way!*"

Is pretty torn up is Corra and so she focuses for a moment and sings a little ditty her wounds at least not openly bleeding as she barely heals herself at all.

GAME: Kiroth rolls 1d20+14+2+1-4-2: (8)+14+2+1+-4+-2: 19

GAME: Kiroth rolls 2d8+5+6: (11)+5+6: 22

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 1.

It is now Ot1's turn! Latenat is next!

The remaining Otyugh seems oblivous to the fate of all those around, the giant filthy scavenger distract to pretty shiny lights. Shiiiiny


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 22.

It is now Latenat's turn! Kira is next!

GAME: Latenat rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

Kiroth shakes his head as he fends off the attacks and he hits the otyugh on the head. He watches it flop down, "Sorry about that." HE looks towards the Druid, "Stop this we are not going to hurt you don't attack us and talk to us."

GAME: Latenat rolls 1d6+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 22.

It is now Kira's turn! Ot2 is next!

"Yes!" Kira answers the druid easily, and earnestly. "I will help you replant, rebuild." She gestures to those with her. "So will they. I think the villagers would, too... we just need you to help show us how. I'm sorry, but I can't bring anyone or anything back to life. That doesn't mean we can't help."

GAME: Latenat rolls 3d6: (10): 10

You paged Latenat with 'Okay a bit more rattled.'

GAME: Kira rolls diplomacy: (6)+16: 22

GAME: ot2 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 16.

It is now Druid's turn! Lothos is next!

With the druid's rapidly diminishing homeground advantage and human form, Latenat is better equipped to deal with the situation... diplomacy nonwithstanding. Diplomacy in this case takes the form of a truncheon to the base of the skull with targeted prescision, the druid's legs going momentarily wobbly under the blow.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (12)+7: 19

You paged Latenat with 'Anything against acid or ranged touch?'

GAME: Yngvild rolls 4d4: (11): 11

GAME: You damaged Latenat for 11 points. 24 remaining.

"Assassins must think I am stupider than the Otyugh. You serve those who despoil the forest, and must pay!" the Druid says as he takes a small step back and fixes his maddened eyes on the one who hurt him. He raises his hand and chants, a acid green arrow streaking out to slam into Latenat, accompanied by a cackle of laughter "Pay!"

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 15.

It is now Lothos' turn! Silmeria is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+6: (20)+6: 26

GAME: Lothos casts Blindness-Deafness. Caster Level: 10 DC: 19

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+8-4: (17)+8+-4: 21

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+8-4: (13)+8+-4: 17

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 14.

It is now Silmeria's turn! Corra is next!

Lothos grins and holds out a second rod, "See, now this, this is going to show you the error of your ways." He chants quickly and gestures, and another black shadow fires out at the druid...and he cannot see.

GAME: Silmeria rolls melee-1: (9)+5+-1: 13

GAME: Silmeria rolls ranged-1: (12)+7+-1: 18

GAME: Silmeria rolls 1d4: (3): 3

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 10.

It is now Corra's turn! Kiroth is next!

Pushing back from her position, Silmeria whirls toward the currently untouched Otyugh, her sword slashing wide, and her gun chewing a small divot out of the side of one of its tentacles. "We're not *assassins!* We just want the sickness to end! If you *want* help replanting, we can *talk to the villagers!*"

You paged Kira with 'Fair enough, not too far from the end hopefully. Will let you know what happens.'

GAME: Corra rolls bow1+1-2-3: aliased to ranged+2+1+1-2-3: (15)+12+2+1+1+-2+-3: 26

GAME: Corra rolls bow1+1-2-3: aliased to ranged+2+1+1-2-3: (20)+12+2+1+1+-2+-3: 31 (THREAT)

GAME: Corra rolls bow1+1-2-3-5: aliased to ranged+2+1+1-2-3-5: (5)+12+2+1+1+-2+-3+-5: 11

GAME: Corra rolls bow1+1-2-3: aliased to ranged+2+1+1-2-3: (8)+12+2+1+1+-2+-3: 19

GAME: Lahar took your Full Plate.

GAME: Lahar gave you her Full Plate.

GAME: Corra rolls dam2+1+6: aliased to 2d6+2+2+1+6: (10)+2+2+1+6: 21

GAME: Corra rolls dam2+1+6: aliased to 2d6+2+2+1+6: (7)+2+2+1+6: 18

GAME: Corra rolls 6d6+33: (22)+33: 55

Kira has disconnected.

Corra growls a bit, "You are still trying to talk when I was almost ripped to shred by its pet?" she takes a deep breath and then pulls back two arrows which fly sinking into the nasty Otyugh that Silmeria started fighting. The arrows sink deep and obviously kill it even as she pulls back and looses a third arrow, now this arrow flies straight and hits the creature and knocks it back into a wall, pinning it like some kind of trophy, it might be why her last shot misses.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 4.

It is now Kiroth's turn! Ot1 is next!

GAME: Kiroth refreshes spells.

GAME: ot1 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Kiroth rolls 1d20+14+2+1-3+4: (10)+14+2+1+-3+4: 28

GAME: Kiroth rolls 2d8+5+6+9: (8)+5+6+9: 28


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 22.

It is now Latenat's turn! Kira is next!

GAME: Latenat rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 22.

It is now Kira's turn! Druid is next!

Kiroth turns his attention towards the Druid, "In the name of the Shining Knight you will stop now!" He says as he strides up towards the druid and he slashes hard at the now blind Druid.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 2d4: (6): 6

Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

GAME: No valid players found.

GAME: You damaged Latenat for 6 points. 18 remaining.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 16.

It is now Druid's turn! Lothos is next!

"ARGH" cries out the druid as he is struck blind "Where is the justice!" he demands as he stumbles about and almost falls over. Umable to quite locate his assaliants he swings blindly with his club as the acide from his spell continues to burn Latenat.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 15.

It is now Lothos' turn! Silmeria is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+11: (14)+11: 25

"Gah!" the half-sil scoundrel throws up an arm to defend against the acidic missle that sears and bubbles away flesh. Thankfully he still wears his scarf otherwise he would be breathing it right now, but still it makes landing an attack on a blinded and cursed druid difficult if the arm you are swinging with is melting away as you do so! The pair continue to flail away ineffectually as the combat draws on.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 14.

It is now Silmeria's turn! Corra is next!

Lothos shakes his head, "You have walked down the wrong path too far, you are blinded, and now you have cursed yourself to failure." He pulls out a tarot card, tossing it towards the figure, the card flashes and burns up in the air. "Give up now."

GAME: Silmeria rolls cmb+1: (15)+5+1: 21

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 10.

It is now Corra's turn! Kiroth is next!

At the druid's shrieked demand, Silmeria's head pops up. Turning, she moves in low, hooking her curved sword aruond the druid's heel and hauling up, pitching the madman onto his back in the filth and muck. "Justice? *Justice?!* WHAT IS JUST ABOUT POISONING CHILDREN?!"

GAME: Corra casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 1 DC: 15

Silmeria has disconnected.

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2

GAME: You damaged Corra for -1 points. 29 remaining.

Silmeria has connected.

Corra seems to have been doing much better shooting than healing herself, but some of the cuts heal up a little.

GAME: Kiroth rolls diplomacy: (16)+18: 34

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 4.

It is now Kiroth's turn! Latenat is next!


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 22.

It is now Latenat's turn! Kira is next!

GAME: Latenat rolls 1d20+10: (19)+10: 29

Kiroth puts his sword to the druid's throat, "That is enough, you are beaten. Give up and let us help you. We are not here to kill you unless you continue to attack us."

GAME: Latenat rolls 4d6+2: (13)+2: 15

Corra has reconnected.

Corra has partially disconnected.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 22.

It is now Kira's turn! Druid is next!

Latenat says, "oh, plus another 2"

If anyone could see past the face covering to Latenat's face, it would be drawn back in a rictus of pain. Still, he musters up the will to stop fumbling around like a drunken sheep and cotinues hammering away at the crazy druids skull with his sap repeatedly until there is at last no more movement,"God damned nature lover. Crap is /nasty/" the half sil lets out a long shuddering breath in the rancid atmosphere and reaches for a wand apon his batman utility belt, the cheap peice of wood being dropped to the floor to do so.

You paged Silmeria with 'This may be the only time I have been internaly yelling at the PC's "just fucking kill them already" :P'

GAME: Yngvild removes the timestop.

Timestop by Yngvild has left.

GAME: You remove the timestop.

You paged Silmeria with 'Seriously, crazy evil druid and two Otyugh :P'

Lothos has avoided most of the direct battle, instead using his magics from back in the rear of the group. He sighs as they look around at the end of the battle, "You know, I wish the green would take its powers back when its followers go crazy, you know, like OTHER dieties."

GAME: Latenat used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Latenat used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Latenat rolls 1d8+1: (4)+1: 5

GAME: Latenat rolls 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2

GAME: Latenat used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Latenat rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4

Lothos brushes anyone wounded with his healing magic stretchy hair. Its great stuff.

Kiroth hmms, "Well let's bring this druid back to the village maybe they'll know who he is or perhaps at least let us in to help."

"Can you keep him unconscious until we get back to Alexandria, Latenat?" SIlmeria asks, her face tight with pain and anger. "Or to Mictlan, at least. His fellows would know what to do with him better than we. As for the creatures..." Sighing, Silmeria moves to the unconscious pilt of tentacles and filth. "Dead or alive, they'll do no favors to anyone here, and it's far too difficult to transport them. I'm sorry," she says, setting the point of her sword into its mouth, "but we can't let this continue."

Corra shakes her head a bit and then sighs. "Next time I am just shooting first." she murmers and then sighs, "Do we want to try to clean it up, or inform the villagers and have them come and do it?"

Kiroth frowns at Silmeria, "Hold, I will not let you destroy this innocent creature just because it's difficult. We don't know what this curse is for all we know this could be some transformed human. We can at least get it out of here and then help to clean it up."

Lothos moves over to the druid, "I can make him deaf as well as blind, that blindness won't wear off without a remove curse. Once he is deaf, well, he will have trouble casting spells too."

Lothos says, "I can also curse him to, like, have trouble shapeshifting...."

Lothos shrugs

"Its going to take a while until he comes to." the scoundrel looks up from his personal ministrations,"I can keep on hitting him in the head if you want but a rope and a gad would probably do just as well. It isnt an exact science." Latenat's brow is far less furrowed with lines although he looks a touch pale and a cold sweat still sheens his brow in the faint light,"Arent there druid groups whom would police this rogue? I'd be easier than sticking him in goal or letting the Villagers lynch 'im."

Lothos points to the druid, "He could turn into a rat, get out of any cell or rope we tie him up with...he already did it once."

Corra shakes her head, "Should have just let me kill him." she shakes her head a bit, "Still we clean up, or let them do it/?"

"It's true," Silmeria says, looking over the rim of her spectacles at Kiroth, one eyebrow rising. "I'd *prefer* him to live, because to be honest I've no few *hard* questions for the villagers. Unless *all* the druids that tended this wood were mad to begin with, this is not a simple situation. And the only group of druids near here that I know of, resides in Mictlan. As for the otyughs... Sunblade, do you *honestly* mean to tell me you believe they're transformed people, and not beasts he's gathered to him?"

Lothos moves over to the druid, "Alright, alright, lets keep him alive, but let me do a few curses first. Deaf, and unable to shapechange....though that one I've never tried before, should work." He kneels over the druid "Unless anyone has an issue?"

Lothos has left.

Kiroth sheaths his sword and he goes to scoop up the Otyugh to carry it out. "I don't know and I'm not going to end another creatures life because I don't now. The heat of battle is one thing, killing in cold blood is another. Maybe without the druid influencing it it could be friendly." He says as he starts out of the cave.

".....Well, all right then," Silmeria snorts, nonplussed, and looking to Corra. "We should take the dead one out, and burn it safely. Then, tell the villagers where the cave is, and to clean it out to get rid of the tainted water."

Corra nods, "Alright I am good with that." she looks to where her arrow pinned the dead one to the wall and moves over and pulls it down, using the arrow to drag it.

The party manages to talk the village out of lynching the druid, and contact the Pastoral Shapers to deal with the Druid and the Village and bring them more in harmony with nature.