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Ravenstongue perks up a little at that, terribly curious and terribly impressed both at once. The glittering implication of adventure shines in her eyes, a nice contrast to the put-upon look that had been in them prior to the tea. "That would be nice, Mikilos," she says. "I think I would like that indeed."
Ravenstongue perks up a little at that, terribly curious and terribly impressed both at once. The glittering implication of adventure shines in her eyes, a nice contrast to the put-upon look that had been in them prior to the tea. "That would be nice, Mikilos," she says. "I think I would like that indeed."

Latest revision as of 05:04, 24 April 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Name the Divine
  • Emitter: Ravenstongue
  • Place: Ravenstongue and Telamon's house
  • Summary: Mikilos locates Ravenstongue's house. Ravenstongue lets him in to talk about the shared dream and the implications. Mikilos makes them both a cup of tea to help with sleep, and he departs into the night to visit other people.
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Dramatis Personae =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- 
Mikilos              6'8"     180 Lb     Dawn Elf          Male      Tall male dawn elf, rosey blonde and handsome.
Ravenstongue         5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair. 

Evening in the University District is accompanied with a cold wind and a darkened sky, the stars and Eluna overhead hidden by thick dark clouds.

There's a little house in the University District that is familiar to some, but there are evidently new occupants. The clearest symbol is, of course, a little wreath of feathers that hands from the front door with a wooden heart in the center, the letters 'C&T' carved in.

Mikilos tends to be up all hours, but usually stays home during the dark. Still, he's quite familiar with the darkened streets, though this particular area slightly less so. Still, oddly familiar... pretty sure hasn't visited Raventongues house before, and yet?? Bah, not important now. Strideing to the door, the tall elf knocks firmly.

It takes a moment, but Ravenstongue opens the door, dressed in a long-sleeved nightgown that drapes to the floor. Her hair looks somewhat sloppily braided, as though it's been rushed into a presentable style. "Archmage Mikilos," she says. There's dark circles under her violet eyes.

"You're here to talk about the dream, I take it." Not the plural 'dreams'. The singular. She opens the door. "Come on in. Not a lot of sleep going on right now. Grandfather's supposed to arrive tomorrow with a special tea blend to help."

She sounds surprisingly put together considering she was booped on the forehead by a dragon. Granted, it was in a dream, but...

Mikilos nods. "Just Mikilos is fine, and mostly to make sure you're alright. You seemed rather distraught as the Vision ended. Though if you're in need of tea, I carry some options. Reagents are wonderfully multi-purpose."

Ravenstongue leads Mikilos inside the house and into the kitchen. A familiar layout, but devoid of any furniture that Mikilos might recognize--except for the kitchen table and chairs. Those apparently have been kept. Everything else is gone.

The half-elf takes a seat at the kitchen table. Her mouth turns into a thin line for a moment. Her hands roll together into a fist in her lap.

"Yes," she says. "It showed me the truth about my mother. She's dead, and I killed her. Pothy confirmed it was true."

Her words are heavy, her violet eyes now hollow. But she doesn't cry. The ache in her voice suggests that she's already done a lot of it since that dream ended.

Mikilos takes a seat across, frowning mildly. "Chromatic dragons are not known for their honesty, but if there is confirmation..." The elf frowns mildly before shruging off his pack, fishing a moment before pulling out a ceramic plate covered in runes, a kettle, waterskin, and few pouches of herbs. A murmured phrase sets the runes glowing softly, and soon a tea mix is heating. "Rosehip, lemongrass, willow, and berry for taste. Soothing and should help with a restful sleep."

Ravenstongue observes the ceramic plate doing its work with a bit of fascination in her gaze. It's not the usual Ravenstongue who tends to stare at everything in Mithralla Merchandise with the mesmerized gaze of awe, but at least there's something.

She gives him a little smile. "Thank you. It's... Difficult. But I know it's not my fault, and I've talked about it and cried to both Telamon and Grandfather."

Ravenstongue rubs her eyes again. She's tired, but clearly this is more important. "I remember Mother explained that there was a ritual to transfer the power of her bloodline to me. Only one person at a time can inherit Pothy, and it was time that I had it. I just didn't realize that the ritual would kill her until halfway through when..."

She takes a little sharp breath. "When she started disintegrating. But she said I couldn't wait for her to pass away naturally. It had to be this way."

Ravenstongue stares at the tea as it's brewing. "Now that I know that, it feels like memories are returning to me. The memory modifications that were cast onto me as part of the ritual, I think, are coming undone, but I don't know if that's what's happening. I guess you could confirm that though, huh."

Mikilos sighs, checking the tea is brewed properly before adding a bit more water to dilute and cool to a drinkable level, pouring two mugs. "Such mental magics are built to not be found or tampered with, usually. I could probablly do some snooping, but as they don't seem purposefully malicious, may be best to let them disolve in their own time." Taking a sip, he flinches slightly. Didn't let it cool quite enough. "Bloodline magics tend to follow their own rules. Are general trends, but what specific exceptions your own line makes would be guesswork at this point."

"At least Pothy's started speaking to me--and I mean actually speaking to me. Not that mimicking that he usually does," Ravenstongue says. She takes the second mug in her hands but, seeing that Mikilos has just scalded his tongue a tad on the tea, doesn't immediately drink it. "Pothy's said something about being a bastion of knowledge--but all he seems to know about is food. He mentions things about my mother from time to time, at least."

She finally takes a sip. It's just right. "Thank you for the tea, Mikilos," she says. "I'm going to have to get something like that plate of yours."

Mikilos grins. "It is handy, but oddly uncommon. So much magic can do to improve day to day living, yet it all seems focused on warfare. Probably says something about our world. Anyway, Pothy's obcession was part of his charm, but a wider range of topics won't be all bad." He considers a moment. "I'm still not sure if The Tyrant planned to speak with us, or if Eluna just dropped our dreamselves nearby."

The Tyrant. Ravenstongue has to keep her grip on the mug as Mikilos mentions him and then Eluna. She places the mug down onto the table for the sake of safety.

"Mikilos, you mean to tell me that I stood completely defiant in the face of the Tyrant ?" she asks, her eyes wide. "And that was Eluna that I was demanding answers from?"

She slumps back in her chair with a deep sigh. "I'm sure that's just a casual thing for you, but that's... I don't know whether to be impressed with myself or fear for my life."

Mikilos chuckles. "I lean towards impressive. And I'm not fully certain was them, but fits with what we experienced. When we name the divine, it's a placeholder for a grand concept. When they name themselves, it's what they ARE, farmore vast than a simple word can hold, even in a dream. I'm not sure what to think of it all. How much we were specifically chosen, and how much was random happen stance."

Mikilos says, “For that matter, even if it was them, it wasn't the FULL of them. A tiny... Aspect, I suppose.”

"Mother said the reason I was drawn to Navos is because we inherited Knowledge," Ravenstongue says thoughtfully, drawing her attention back to her mug of tea. She lifts it up and takes a sip of it for a long moment. "My theory is that, generations ago, someone in my mother's side of the family was blessed by Navos or one of his subordinates with Pothy--he's said he's gone through many masters. So... Perhaps I was chosen for that. Or because of my descent from fey nobility on my father's side. Maybe we weren't chosen for a reason but just because we were the people who were 'available'."

She frowns a little. "I don't like the implication of being chosen on purpose. That feels worse to me, somehow, than being chosen at random."

Mikilos nods. "Is a tradeoff, both have concerns." He gingerly takes a sip of tea. "Have you met fey in your adventures? Are quite the range, over all."

"I have," Ravenstongue replies. "Mostly minor things. Little pixies, sprites, little faerie dragons. Nothing like Grandfather. I don't think I'd want to get on the bad side of fey nobility based on the stories he's told me."

She rubs her eyes and sighs. "I think that tea is beginning to work," she says. "I suppose we should all try and reconvene to discuss these things--I can probably find Skielstregar and Vaera. I end up getting the same jobs that they do."

Mikilos nods, packing up his teaset and rising. "I shouldn't linger anyway, other people to see. And yes, I have met some of the greater fey, typically unnerving. But the Wee Queen is generally cordial. I meet with her each season to repay a debt. Perhaps next time you might come along."

Ravenstongue perks up a little at that, terribly curious and terribly impressed both at once. The glittering implication of adventure shines in her eyes, a nice contrast to the put-upon look that had been in them prior to the tea. "That would be nice, Mikilos," she says. "I think I would like that indeed."