Logger's Peril, part 7

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Log Info

  • Title: Logger's Peril, part 7
  • Emitter: Whirlpool
  • Characters: Aimarra, Jozi, Randolf, Rumbo, Smuldur, Vespasian
  • Place: Alexandros - Somewhere in Mythwood
  • Time: Thursday, November 5th, 2020 11:00AM
  • Summary: After Aimarra managed to discover that the group, led by an elf of the forest, had been following a false trail and showed where the real trail was the group approached a camp. Unfortunately the Gobber, Rumbo, managed to have his nose tickled and in a fit of sneezing fired off his dragonspitter early.
  • APL: 2-5
  • Encounter 1: Discovering the real trail and following it to the camp where the loggers are believed to be held.
-=-=-=-=-=-=  At a glance around Staff: Room of DoooOOooooOoom!  =-=-=-=-=-=-=
Aimarra      2m      5'1"     128 Lb     Half-Elf          Female    
    Brown hair and eyes, breastplate, leathers, pointed ears.                  
Jozi         12m     5'8"     148 Lb     Half-Orc          Female    
    A brunette half-orcess with a sunny disposition.                           
Naut-Laguz   2m      6'2"     220 Lb     War Golem         Male      
    A brick-colored war golem stands before you, sharp edges glinting in the   
Rumbo        0s      3'2"     35 Lb      Goblin            Male      
    A gun-toting gobber with a wooden peg-leg.                                 
Whirlpool    4s                Lb        Otyugh                      
    I am stinky!                                                              

"What?" says IVy, glancing back towards AImarra. The elf is cvaught off guard and then moves over to see what Aimarar's talking about. "How did you... how did I..."

There is a frown, of course, and they kneel down to have themselves a look, tracing lines in the earth as they see what Aimarra's looking atq.

"Damn, you're right. That's.."

"...clever?" interrupts the dryad. "I did not sense them either."

Jozi blinks and looks between their trackers, stepping a little closer, "Don't beat yerself up on it, y'all. We're after shady folk, doubtless gonna try an cover their tracks, we just gotta be extra cautious is all." She's less up on how well elves and Dryads can track, so she's probably less paranoid than she should be, but, even still, she renocks her arrow and starts to look about for movement.

Rumbo checks at the brass compass in his hand as the track is pointed out to everyone and then begins to pace along it before he peeks down at the compass in his hand. "Follow and shoot?" He asks in his harsh version of tradespeak.

"Whoever they are, they're _good_. We'd better be careful." So saying, Aimarra pulls the bow from her back and nocks an arrow, carrying it with her as she begins to follow the new trail.

"I agree," says Ivy.

The elf frowns, rubbing their face before nodding towards the path.

"You take point. We'll bring up the rear. I'll try to cover our tracks now in turn. Who knows if there's more than one?"

They frown, kneeling down and pulling a branch from a tree to begin destroying their tracks behind you.

The dryad peers at the elf, then shrugs. They don't *leave* any tracks, themselves.

Rumbo is the sort of Gobber who fires dragonspitters and thunderbelchers randomly in the air, sings jaunty songs loudly and leaves behind broken hearts and scorch marks in his wake so the idea of covering tracks is just as alien to him as it appears to be for the Dryad... but he's far too grumpy at the moment to comment on it and just trudges along with his compass in one hand and dragonspitter in the other.

Jozi frowns a bit, considering the question for a moment, then nods back to the goblin, "Just be sure we know what we're shootin is hostile, ok?" That said, the half-orc tries to keep pace.

Nodding, Aimarra takes point as directed, moving slowly, her eyes on the ground, peeled for those elusive traces that will tell her where her quarry _really_ went. She says nothing further, entirely focused on her task.

GAME: Aimarra rolls perception: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Jozi rolls perception: (16)+8: 24

GAME: Aimarra rolls survival: (3)+11: 14

GAME: Rumbo rolls perception: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)

Several times, you lose the trail. It's not that you're not making progress, it's just that its taking *time* because of the counter-tracking skill levels involved. Someone didn't want to be noticed.

Still, eventually, it starts with Jozi smelling something. Camp-smoke, near to you. Someone's got a fire going, but it's a small and well protected one. Once the rest of you are turned to the scent, you begin to fo close on it more actively and it becomes more apparent.

The dryad combs her fingers through her leave-strewn hair and sniffs.

"Do not like this," she mutters.

Ivy nods, casually, in her agreement.

Rumbo sniffs as well as they approach the campsite, his nose wrinkling up and his body shaking. He then sneezes loudly, "Ahh.. Ahh.. AHCHEW!" Who knew a little gobber could sneeze so loud with smoke tickling the hairs of his nose.

That was probably bad enough for creeping up on a hostile camp but a Gobber often has a dragonspitter in hand and, as usual, Rumbo had his out and the sneezing caused a spasm that led to his trigger finger squeezing tight and KABLAAM! the dragonspitter barks loudly into the air.

GAME: Jozi rolls perception: (7)+8: 15

GAME: Aimarra rolls perception: (12)+10: 22

About to whirl on Rumbo, the blackest of infuriated scowls on her face, Aimarra stops suddenly, looks around, and immediately covers nose and mouth with the inside of her cloak, gesturing with her free hand for the others to do the same. "There is dust in the air, it's an alarm!" <handspeech>

GAME: Aimarra rolls fortitude: (8)+5: 13

GAME: Jozi rolls fortitude: (12)+7: 19

GAME: Rumbo rolls fortitude: (14)+0: 14