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About My Character

Physical stats:

Height: 7' Weight: 398 lbs. Scales: Silver

Taught by the lead shaman of his clan, Durrankar has a bit of a gift for shamanism. He knows there is no exact 'formula' for prayers or even what he does, he just does....by instinct. As a result, rather than following a certain deity, he follows all of nature's deities: Dana, Gilead and Vardama.....Birth, Life, Death and Renewal. All of nature, he follows along with the raw elemental force of nature, as such, his nature's bond is not to have an animal companion, but he controls the weather itself, to an extent. He prefers slightly colder weather than normal however, due to his natural resistance to cold.

My character.jpg

Roleplay Hooks

  • Roleplay hook
  • Roleplay hook

Sith-makar Information

Caste: Shaman
Faith: Green Word
Draconic Ancestry: Silver and white draconic, frost affinity
Tribe: Name of your tribe. Feel free to make up some details.
Politics: Supportive of the Silver Empress