Godwyn Sylvan

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Name: Godwyn Sylvan
Age: 19
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120
Alignment: Lawful Good
Aliases: None


What Was

The daughter of Charnese nobles, Godwyn's life was shifted from its downward spiral by a monk of Eluna, Goddess of the Silver Moon. After realizing the fate that befell victims of her nation's schemes, she ran away at age sixteen upon the announcement of a marriage proposal that would have bound her to the will of Thul for eternity and beyond. Six months of hard travel found her at the gates of Alexandria, exhausted of stamina and supplies.

Had it not been for the charity of a passing Hearthguard one night, she would have resorted to stealing before the end of the first week, no better than the robber barons she'd escaped from.

Fascinated by this act, she followed him around the city, determined to discover why he'd done it. After several hours without coming to a conclusion, she decided to ask him herself. When the conversation ended, she asked to be led to the Temple of Althea, eager to leave her past and country behind her.

What Is

Three years of training in the ways of the Great Mother saw her put the skills learned from her parents since she could walk to a nobler purpose. Once indifferent, she could no longer ignore the suffering of others. Once callous and blunt, she now sought to be subtle and kind with her words. Diplomacy above manipulation, mercy before battle. Open hands first, closed fist second, drawn sword when all else failed.

With her Trial completed and her Sentinel status confirmed, Godwyn prepares for the induction ceremony known as the Hearth's Embrace, a celebration of a new addition to Althea's family. During the celebration, an assassin tries to take her life before it even starts. Strangely enough, the attempt is made by none other than her long lost brother, once thought to be dead.

Fortunately it fails, but that isn't the point. The voice that does not belong to the young man is of her father, who informs her that there is no true escape from the Sylvani clan. Now forced to face the past she left behind, Godwyn is more determined than ever to serve Althea and sever ties with her family, once and for all.

Current Status

Murder at the Temple District (Thursday, September 18th, 2014)

"I guess the merciful option is out, then."

A brawl breaks out at the Ox Strength Tavern after several rough individuals enter, asking for Terrence. With their only lead to the case being in danger, Godwyn and the others she brought with her prepare to defend themselves. With the battle nearly ending in defeat, they manage to extract information from one of the thugs, and manage to get themselves a name. Who this is and what their stake is in the case, only time will tell.

A Sentinel's Journey, Chapter 1

Godwyn has a dream one night in the Temple of Althea.

In the dream, a hooded figure leads her to a white horse, majestic and powerful. The creature seems to have an intelligence that defies normal convention, and as he levels his gaze at her, she cannot look away. It almost sees through her, and before she can say a word to either the cloaked figure or the stallion, the dream ends. Unable to forget the events, she seeks the audience of her mentor, Sophia Lightbringer, to determine what this dream may mean... if the Hearthguard can even interpret it, that is.

Traits and Skills

Diplomacy (Lv. 3)

The usual definition of Diplomacy is to shift attitudes toward a favorable result for one's own self, to reach a deal that benefits one party without insulting the other. Yet Godwyn has come to learn of a different definition for the term: to resolve differences, defuse tensions, and encourage cooperation.

Thanks to further training from the Temple of Althea, Godwyn has a more optimistic mindset behind her diplomatic efforts. She now has a reasonable chance at stopping problems, disagreements, and conflicts before they occur, but still needs time to learn all the nuances. Still, it is a marked improvement.

Sense Motive (Lv. 3)

To aid in the above, Godwyn's intuition has sharpened from her interactions with others. She has begun to get a sense of what is true and what is not, a vital trait for any defender of justice. This includes getting a general sense of the mood of a room, discerning the climate of a social situation, and deciphering hidden messages in words and gestures. She can more readily tell when a situation is odd or off-kilter, though she is not fully capable yet.

Ride (Lv. 5)

One of Godwyn's few joys lie in horses. She understands these animals on a level few may reach, and learning how to ride one has been one of her biggest challenges, yet her greatest pleasures. With the aid of the Temple, she now has adequate command of her mount without having to worry about her armor making things awkward. Further training will reward her with further capabilities, but for now she can at least guide a horse with her knees in reliable fashion.

Handle Animal (Lv. 4)

In addition to the above, Godwyn has advanced her studies in how to teach a horse new things. Certain tricks and maneuvers will be available to her mount in due time, provided she puts enough time and effort into the act. She is now confident enough to train a mount for full Combat Training!

Heal (Lv. 3)

During her training as a Sentinel, Godwyn learned how to perform First Aid, use Healer's Kits, and other methods of keeping others alive. She's improved herself in this regard, and can take on the task of more long term care, albeit with some hesitance. She's become more proficient at First Aid, however.

Perception (Lv. 3)

A Paladin of any faith must have trained senses. While hers are not the best quite yet, they have served her well in recent times, pointing out issues before they can become threats. Her senses have improved to the point where she is efficient at discerning further dangers, but they are not quite at the level they should be.

Linguistics (Lv. 1)

After witnessing a Veyshanti woman talk to an eglarin, Godwyn became fascinated with their means of communication. Her studies have borne fruit, as she now knows Auran, the language of the mighty and majestic avian race. How many more tongues she understands will only come with further study.

Perform/Sing (Lv. 3)

Godwyn has a talent for song. She hasn't truly used it in quite some time, besides to whittle away the lonely hours in the Temple. With further development of this talent, she could be capable of some great and inspiring things. In fact, she's put in some time to practice the finer points of projecting her voice and making it sound somewhat good.

Profession/Cook (Lv. 2)

Thanks to the Hearthguards in the temple, Godwyn knows a few more of the particulars about cooking a decent meal. How much this improves and whether she can benefit from it will come with time.

Eldanar Heritage

Born of Highborn parents, her legacy is great, though tainted. Godwyn seeks to remove this taint from herself with every action she takes, but such a task may take a lifetime. She has a natural affinity for the language of the Gods, and has a beautiful voice to match, though she hasn't sung in years...

Improved Sunder

The doctrine of Althea speaks of mercy and compassion. These two things rarely exist on the battlefield, yet Godwyn has taken them to heart in her fighting style. She seeks not to merely incapacitate an enemy, but remove entirely their means of both offense and defense. This mindset has made her more skilled in attempts to destroy weapons, shields, and armor, thus removing an enemy's means of battle.


Having spent an adequate amount of time in a metropolitan area such as Alexandria, Godwyn has picked up a few tricks that have expanded her knowledge of certain subjects, such as languages. Yet this reaches even further with her having studied at the Temple of Serriel on the art of conducting honorable and profitable battles, as well as learning survival techniques from several sources.

RP Hooks

  • Healing: Need some First Aid? A quick Lay On Hands? This is your girl!
  • Charn: She does her best to forget all about her home. But when she realizes you're from there too, she'll lend you an ear.
  • Eluna: Grateful to Moonshadow for rescuing her, she considers the clergy of the Moon Goddess as kin.
  • Althea: If you need some assistance and are of the Temple of Althea, or just follow her faith, look to Godwyn for help.
  • Daeus: Godwyn appears to be making more and more connections to the Temple of Daeus.
  • Slavers: Godwyn has taken a particular dislike for slavery. Point her at a slave ring or trafficking operation, and she will shut it down.
  • Thul: Godwyn directly opposes Thul and his ilk. Point her at a place where they congregate, and she will deal with them.
  • Strategy: Trained in the ways of strategy, particularly that of warfare, any sort of talk about this will interest her.
  • Horses: She loves them. Talk about them, and she'll enthusiastically join in. Show one to her, and she'll fawn over it.
  • Unarmed Combat: She's started to learn how to fight with her body as a weapon, thanks to Moonshadow. Only time will tell if she's any good...

Allies and Rivals

  • Fiore (Ally) - "Thanks for helping us out! You are proving to be a stalwart and resourceful friend. Althea keep you!"
  • Moonshadow (Mentor) - "Train in my armor. Well it's not going to be pleasant, but I'll do what I have to."
  • Kerbasy (Ally) - "You're quite amicable for a Mourner. A curious little creature who's more nervous than a field mouse around a horse."
  • Namira (Ally) - "Indomitable and frightening, yet warm and compassionate. We've both suffered, and we've both survived."
  • Solace (Ally) - "Thank you for clearing that up. And I was serious... if you need anything at all, ask me."
  • Benthus (Ally) - "We'll get to the bottom of this together. Gods watch over us..."
  • Sophia (Mentor) - "All right, let's go find us that beautiful horse! Maybe I'll see that hooded person again..."
  • Irime (Ally) - "It's good to have another faithful of Althea! You shouldn't be so hesitant around me anymore."