Godwyn Sylvan

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Name: Godwyn Sylvan
Age: 19
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120
Alignment: Lawful Good
Aliases: None


What Was

The daughter of Charnese nobles, Godwyn's life was shifted from its downward spiral by a monk of Eluna, Goddess of the Silver Moon. After realizing the fate that befell victims of her nation's schemes, she ran away at age sixteen upon the announcement of a marriage proposal that would have bound her to the will of Thul for eternity and beyond. Six months of hard travel found her at the gates of Alexandria, exhausted of stamina and supplies.

Had it not been for the charity of a passing Hearthguard one night, she would have resorted to stealing before the end of the first week, no better than the robber barons she'd escaped from.

Fascinated by this act, she followed him around the city, determined to discover why he'd done it. After several hours without coming to a conclusion, she decided to ask him herself. When the conversation ended, she asked to be led to the Temple of Althea, eager to leave her past and country behind her.

What Is

Three years of training in the ways of the Great Mother saw her put the skills learned from her parents since she could walk to a nobler purpose. Once indifferent, she could no longer ignore the suffering of others. Once callous and blunt, she now sought to be subtle and kind with her words. Diplomacy above manipulation, mercy before battle. Open hands first, closed fist second, drawn sword when all else failed.

Now on the cusp of becoming a Sentinel, she faces her final trial, two weeks of service in the Soldier's Defense. Yet this seemingly simple task is more difficult than she realized. But to earn the Argent Rose emblem, she is determined to see the task to its end...

Current Status

With her Trial completed and her Sentinel status confirmed, Godwyn prepares for the induction ceremony known as the Hearth's Embrace, a celebration of a new addition to Althea's family. A chaotic world awaits, and the difficult path she must follow is fraught with strife. Yet thanks to her new-found friends and the guidance of Absolution Namira, she gains the strength to persevere.

RP Hooks

  • Healing: Need some First Aid? A quick Lay On Hands? This is your girl!
  • Charn: She does her best to forget all about her home. But when she realizes you're from there too, she'll lend you an ear.
  • Eluna: Grateful to Moonshadow for rescuing her, she considers the clergy of the Moon Goddess as kin.
  • Althea: If you need some assistance and are of the Temple of Althea, or just follow her faith, look to Godwyn for help.
  • Slavers: Godwyn has taken a particular dislike for slavery. Point her at a slave ring or trafficking operation, and she will shut it down.
  • Thul: Godwyn directly opposes Thul and his ilk. Point her at a place where they congregate, and she will deal with them.
  • Strategy: Trained in the ways of strategy, particularly that of warfare, any sort of talk about this will interest her.
  • Cooking: Lately, Godwyn has shown interest on how to make the tasty meals that the Hearthguard are skilled at. Looking for a teacher!
  • Horses: She loves them. Talk about them, and she'll enthusiastically join in. Show one to her, and she'll fawn over it.

Allies and Rivals

  • Fiore (Ally) - "My first friend! She's just like me, learning the ropes. I certainly hope we can get along like this all the time..."
  • Moonshadow (Ally) - "I will never forget your kindness. Any time you need me, I am there."
  • Kerbasy (Ally) - "You're quite amicable for a Mourner. A curious little creature who's more nervous than a field mouse around a horse."
  • Namira (Ally) - "Indomitable and frightening, yet warm and compassionate. We've both suffered, and we've both survived."