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About Flaws
Spend Type Rpp limited.gif
About Even Superman had Kryptonite. Our Flaws spend gives you benefits instead of costing them, just for developing your Kryptonite over time. You may select as many Flaws as you wish, but will only be rewarded for one. Flaws may alter and change over time. In addition, combine them with your character-focused stories for added rewards.

Nobody is perfect, and that's a good thing. Think about how dull the world would be if everyone was perfect--there wouldn't be any "I ate an ice cube whole and I haven't pooped it out yet, I'm scared" in the world for us to laugh at. RP's no different--much of the entertainment value in RP comes from imperfect people behaving imperfectly. Flaws provide a way to tap into that fact and provide a reward for being willing to take a chance.

In that same vein, flaws may not be used to kill a character. Instead, they're meant as a tool for roleplay and fun. It lets us reward you for those things.

Rpp limited.gif Flaws
Reward Benefit Cost
Flaws Even Superman had Kryptonite. Our Flaws spend gives you benefits instead of costing them, just for developing your Kryptonite over time. You may select as many Flaws as you wish, but will only be rewarded for one. Flaws may alter and change over time. In addition, combine them with your character-focused stories for added rewards. Gain +5 RPP if flaw is in play at L4 or higher, and again at later levels

Flaw Rewards

Flaws are a Limited spend, though they are treated as a reward for furthering your character's development and do not actually cost any points at all. They are Limited in the sense that while any number of flaws may be given to any character at any given time during their lifecycle, we only award for one flaw per PC, once the PC has reached L4 or higher.

Flaws may develop and change over time, as appropriate to your story. Flaws also reward you when they impact your play and further the development of your character. Rewards occur:

  • 5 bonus RPP for the Flaw being in play at L4
  • 10 bonus RPP for a Flaw being in play at L12 or higher (you're welcome to alter, develop flaws at any time and are not required to overcome them; the L12 reward is meant as a thank-you)
  • Additional gold and xp, addition to normal plot rewards if a Flaw hindered the PC at any time during during a DM'd scene. These are awarded via +req, just as anything else. In the +req, describe the situation and how it hindered your PC. Rewardable once per scene.
  • Additional rewards come from developing the flaw through small stories, roleplay, and so on, which gain you gold, XP, and additional RPPs.

To claim any of these rewards, just send in a +request, with a summary.

Flaw Examples

Some examples are below. You're also welcome to craft your own, with staff approval. Flaws should affect the character: they may not be a means to otherwise hilight perfection. It must impact roleplay.

Intolerance: Your character is unreasonably intolerant of a group or specific type of thing.
Phobia: Unreasonable fear of a group or specific type of thing. This can include superstitions.
Hatred: Unreasonable hatred of a group or a specific type of thing.
Low Self-esteem: May lead to overcompensation, nervous tics, etc.
Bad Sight, Hard of Hearing, etc.: You have bad sight, hearing, or so on. Pick one and develop it.
Infamous Family: You come from an infamous family. They are infamous in a way where you wouldn't want to bring them up in conversation, etc. They're an embarrassment and it would be incredibly socially awkward were this to come to light in any way.
Lack of Common Sense: What is obvious to everyone else...
Lack of Focus or Concentration: Absent-minded or preoccupied to the extent of being unaware of one's immediate surroundings. The character might be described as abstracted, daydreaming, inattentive, oblivious, or forgetful.
Compulsive: You have a compulsion of some kind, usually mental but it might be physical as well. This is similar in ways to OCD. Ideas might be for perfection, bragging, cleanliness, exaggeration, gambling, and so on.
Overconfident: You posses a remarkable opinion of your own self-worth and abilities. While this lends you confidence in the face of danger, if you do fail, you'll be quick to blame something or someone else for the fault.
Driving Goal: A goal that directs, compels your actions and is rarely far from your mind.
Physically Inept: You've a difficulty with physical adeptness. In common parlance, you're a clutz.
Uneducated: You're absolutely uneducated, and would possess none to very few knowledge skills (beyond knowledge/local). You may choose to be illiterate as well.
Tactless: Nom nom foot! Please note, this flaw is not an excuse to be a fart.
Gullible: Easily fooled or perhaps too trusting. While you're inclined to believe others unless proven otherwise, on the other hand you may possess a big heart.
Coddling: Over-protective to the point of coddling or being somewhat overbearing.
Other...? Develop your own! Contact staff to work out ideas.


Sven the paladin tends to be kind to the poor, but has a traditionalist mindset that makes him unaccepting of other cultures and newer ideas.

Dres the paladin is resentful of her role and bitter towards others. Take this blessing and shove it.

Gori the rogue is afraid of short people and lets it affect his interactions and temperament.

Gamma the gnome is addicted to perfection, which means it takes him longer to make decisions, and he can be distracted by the need to perform occasional rituals (such as turning around three times to clear the 'badness' from his brain).

Landing the wizard possesses low self-esteem about his own strength, and overcompensates by going to the gym constantly and in secret and making his magic as flashy as possible to prove "how strength isn't just the body".