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'''PrP: Wight-out'''
'''Emitted by''': [[Ga'Elian Faravanilas|Ga'Elian]]
'''Emitted by''': [[Ga'Elian Faravanilas|Ga'Elian]]

Latest revision as of 23:35, 21 November 2016

Emitted by: Ga'Elian

Players: Bitr (Bbn4), Andrion (Pal2), Jessa (Clr10), Astaren (Clr1/Wiz3), Kai (Ftr2), Kira (Mnk4/Pal5). APL: 5

Enemy: An inexhaustible supply of standard Wights

Location: Rune

Scene Teaser: The Sovereign City of Rune has been vanished into the mists of... Nowhere. As it disappeared from the world, it took with it urban rubble, Runish warrior-wizards, Dranei soldiers, and Adventurers brought in for the final battle. But thanks to the spontaneous appearance of Heth himself, a horde of wights came along with it. How many wights can you take out?

Here in the Sovereign City of Rune the chaos of the prior couple days has settled somewhat as the various forces that came together to battle have withdrawn to lick their wounds. Many buildings had been reduced to rubble by the attacks, but most notably by the buffetings of the semi-divine, undead dragon Heth. As the archmages of Rune had transported the entire city away from not only Heth, but the Prime Material Plane itself, teleportation magics, have ceased functioning, and the gods have become distant. Regardless of where one is in the City, though, hordes of those slain in battle, from both sides, have been raised as wights, and they amble throughout Rune seeking to satiate their lust for the energies of the living. Congratulations. You are being targeted.

GAME: Astaren refreshes spells.

"I hate the Mists, I hate the Mists," Jessa is muttering as she makes her way through the streets nearest where she had been hunkering down. There are a few bits and signs of blood on her scarlet robes but her skin and hair are clean and up in a rough knot at the base of her neck. "Oh Glorious Ceinara, I still feel you, I still praise and seek your guidance." Her voice lowers as she peeks around a corner. "Barely. I hate the damned Mists." It is easy enough for someone to be tagging along with the little cleric.

One moment Kira was tending Dranei wounded and ill in a makeshift Dran hospital. Arendt seemed genuinely concerned and feeling loss. Then he got mad and claimed he was actually holding all the fleeding Rune people.

Then they were in Rune. And then, all Heth broke loose. The dead rising as wights. And now the whole city is ... somewhere else. As if the war wasn't already terrible and horrible already!

Now Kira does her best to protect and tend to the wounded, and there's far too many.

Andrion's first assignment as a newly minted Paladin of Serriel has proved to be...intense. With the city temporarily saved and in much more powerful hands than his own, he has assigned himself the task of helping to clean up the streets of those wights that remain. And so, he has set up a patrol for himself, and posted the details near the inn where he is staying in case others wish to join him. He enjoys organization, even if it is self-imposed, and there is a kind of grimly satisfied look on his young face as he walks cautiously down Rune's streets and alleyways to the place appointed for the start of his patrol, greatsword drawn, eyes seeking the undead. A red and angry line cuts across his forehead, a wound from the battle that brought them here.

And tagging along she is! For beside Jessa roams another Lucht - BITR THE MIGHTY! Grinning from ear to ear, toothsome and battered, she none the less looks more excited than fearful. Then again, she's a bloody mouthed barbie, so perhaps she doesn't really understand just how dangerous things can get? Bare feet patter along side the cleric, even as she's speaking.

"Ho, what hatred hast thou for Mists? Surely, glory and gold await! Mine father's father's bones shall dance a jig when word of mine exploits comes forth!" Yes, her common is archaic and flowery. Yes, she did learn it from someone who read old stories.

Whatcha gonna do?

Astaren has been hanging around the temple of Eluna since the fight. Trying to help console what refugee's have made there way there, and probably trying to help the other clerics optimistic with his boundless optimisim. For the moment he has stepped outside to watch the streets and the mists, "Sureal..." then smiles faintly as he pulls up his book and takes a few notes.

GAME: Astaren casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

After hastily leaving the wall when the god-dragon appeared, Kai managed to escape the portion of the city that... disappeared... but with all the newly-raised undead about, she really doesn't want to be alone. This is why she's headed towards one of the few temples that survived, for being outside the area that is now nothing but mists... and how she's come to be near the temple of Eluna. "Thank the gods", she mutters in goblin-talk, before switching to the trade tongue to call out, "Hello! I seek shelter!" to the man she sees outside the place, lifting a hand to wave.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Ga'Elian has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Ga'Elian to instruct you further.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


<OOC> Ga'Elian isn't going to +jinit any of the wights. I'll just assume you're all being thronged by an endless supply of them. ;

<OOC> Ga'Elian will throw them at you as you take your turns.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 18.
     It is now Kai's turn! Jessa is next!

Kai hurries over towards the temple, hoping the man is a priest. She's seen undead near-abouts and managed to evade them, but isn't sure that'll last. Bow in hand with arrow nocked, she asks, "Anyone else around?"

<OOC> Ga'Elian assumes at least three within 50 feet of each of you, 1 within easy melee range. Kai, feel free to fire upon your target. (I'm letting each of you go 'first' against your own undead. ;)

As she hurries over to the man she hopes is a cleric of some sort, Kai glances back and sees a wight closing, turning, she looses her arrow... which misses the undead thing. "Undead!", she calls out.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (16)+4: 20

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "I'm afraid you've been hit. Please +roll fortitude"

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Kai rolls fortitude: (10)+6: 16

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "You successfully saved against the energy drain."

While the wight nearest Kai dodged her shot, it did smack her in return, drawing blood, but her fortitude was effective against its draining attempt. It moans at its failure.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 15.
     It is now Jessa's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Jessa says, "OK. who is near me besides Bitr?"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "You have a wight within melee range and three more a little farther off (as does Bitr)."

<OOC> Jessa says, "cause I am about to cast Prayer and I want people to get the benefit. Okiedokie. Being a good minder of my flock and casting Prayer first. +1 to attack, damage, saves, abilities for me and Bitr and -1 for all those naughty wights."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Perfect"

GAME: Jessa casts Prayer. Caster Level: 10 DC: 19

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Noted. You can pose, as I attack."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d20+4-1: (16)+4+-1: 19

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "It missed you."

"It is a LOT harder to feel the presence of my beloved Ceinara through these damned Mists," Jessa hisses back to the barbarian behind her. Seeing the trio of wights nearby, she mutters to herself a bit then raises her hands. She at least /sounds/ confident as she calls upon her goddess to send her blessing. A wash of reddish gold flames go out for forty feet in a ring around her, invigorating Bitr and impacting the wight. "Bless Ceinara, that worked at least. All right you, go to it!"

It did, indeed, impact the wight, rendering it impossible, barring phenominal luck, for it to strike the priestess. Even so, it's hunger compels it to try--and fail.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 11.
     It is now Kira's turn! Astaren is next!

It's terrible that so many have died. Even worse that now they're bodies are defiled as unliving. Not so great that they're going after those who haven't died. She's not about to leave the wounded in her charge to the incoming undead and helps the ambulatory up and moving before grabbing those not and backing towards whatever shelter she can see. "I'm sorry this happened, but stay back!" She doesn't expect the wights to be polite, but it can't hurt to try? Also, it's easier to talk with arms and hands full than alot of other things.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (19)+4: 23

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (11)+4: 15

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (19)+4: 23

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (11)+4: 15

Four wights push their way inside the hospital tent and move toward the people, especially those with the most grievous wounds. Two of them succeed in touching people, the other two blocked by furniture. Both touched patients collapse upon their stretchers, unconscious at best.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d4: (2): 2

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 7.
     It is now Astaren's turn! Andrion is next!

Astaren holds up his hand ready to start casting a spell when he notices Kai, and starts to relax, only to notice there are some wights following after, "Well then..." he offers and steps back with a shake of his head, "This is going to get rough, and kinda a priest?" He offers glancing to Kai, "More apprentice wizard and novice cleric at best. Nice to meet you, I would off you some tea, but perhaps after? If we can find some hot water." His hand coming up before him as he starts to weave a bubble into the air and trace some arcane symboles, "Astaren by the way. Nice to meet you, name please? No reason not to be civilized now." grinning a moment.

GAME: Astaren casts Shield. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Noted."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (2)+4: 6

<OOC> Kira says, "Hospital tent. Guess that's where I should head."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "As Astaren casts his spell, another wight turns a corner and tries to touch him. It misses by a mile."

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 6.
     It is now Andrion's turn! Bitr is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed ended.

<OOC> Andrion says, "I would like to spend a swift action to smite evil on the closest wight"

<OOC> Ga'Elian thought you were already there, Kira.

<OOC> Andrion says, "Then attack it with my greatsword"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Go for it."

GAME: Andrion rolls weapon1 + 4: (15)+5+4: 24

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Hit. Please roll damage."

<OOC> Andrion says, "Trying to figure out what it is...one sec..."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "+csheet tells you what the weapon's normal damage is, then add your smite bonus."

<OOC> Andrion says, "Thank you!"

GAME: Andrion rolls 2d6+4+4: (2)+4+4: 10

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "A solid hit. It isn't quite resting in pieces yet, though. Pose it."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (16)+4: 20

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5

Andrion draws up short as the suddenly senses movement out of the corner of his eye, three wights emerging from the shadows of a dank alleyway. He squares his shoulders for the encounter, then calls out to the heavens, "Serriel, goddess, an abomination comes. I invoke your name and ask your blessing in smiting its offensive existence from Rune!" And, with a mighty swing of his greatsword, he cuts heavily into the advancing undead creature, the blade sliding across its torso in a deep cut.

GAME: Ga'Elian damaged you for 5 points. 14 HP remaining.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Andrion, please +roll fortitude, and roll high!"

<OOC> Andrion says, "Does it auto add divine grace or do I need to add that?"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Check +breakdown fortitude. That'll tell you."

<OOC> Andrion says, "Looks like it! Thanks!"

GAME: Andrion rolls fortitude: (19)+9: 28

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "NICE! No negative level for you. ;)"

<OOC> Andrion phews. :)

As Andrion's sword slices the wight's torso, it lands a punch against him, dealing a wound, but nothing more sinister... this time.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 5.
     It is now Bitr's turn! Kai is next!

<OOC> Bitr giggles. Gonna RAAAGE, then use animal fury and beast totem. :3 Can't switch to reckless stance, because I'm going to full offense and need that move action.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Okay."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Attacking one or spreading the attacks to multiple targets?"

<OOC> Bitr says, "Attacking the one in melee range."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Got it."

<OOC> Bitr says, "normal breakdown melee is +7, +2 for rage, +1 for blessing."

GAME: Bitr RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 8 temporary HP

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Don't forget your prayer bonus"

<OOC> Bitr nods. Three rolls. Bite, claw, claw, all natural.

Bitr straightens up as the other lucht - a god botherer at that! - invokes some words and otherwise complains about lack of gods. But the barbie blinks down at herself as she feels... curiously stronger somehow? And when she's ordered to 'go to it', she smiles.

That smile has nothing to do with happiness. Eyes crack, blood red veins spilling across the whites of her eyes. Froth forming at the corner of her mouth. Fingers curl, flex; Claws, quite suddenly, even as she snarls and -leaps- for the closest wight. Rabid Halfling, hooo!

GAME: Bitr rolls 10: (13)+10: 23

GAME: Bitr rolls 10: (2)+10: 12

GAME: Bitr rolls 10: (19)+10: 29

<OOC> Jessa says, "haaha nice"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "2 hits. ;)"

<OOC> Bitr giggles.

GAME: Bitr rolls 1d3+4+2+1: (3)+4+2+1: 10

GAME: Bitr rolls 1d4+4+2+1: (2)+4+2+1: 9

<OOC> Bitr says, "That's strength, rage, and blessing."

<OOC> Bitr says, "Bite and claw"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Severely hurt, not destroyed yet."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (14)+4-1: 17

<OOC> Bitr is struck! :D

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Please roll fort"

GAME: Bitr rolls fort: (14)+8+1: 23

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "no sweat"

<OOC> Bitr says, "Wight no eat Bitr. BITR EAT WIGHT. :|"

<OOC> Kira says, "So we're all blessed?"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "only jessa and bitr"

<OOC> Kira says, "Okie."

The wight that the berserking halfling nearly drops, does strike back, but it's merely a flesh wound.


     Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 18.
     It is now Kai's turn! Jessa is next!

<OOC> Kai will drop her bow, draw her short swords, and two-weapon attack the wight. weapon finesse + weapon focus = +7 to hit -2 for two-weapon fighting (with the feat)... +5 on each, right? should i just roll that flat for both attacks?

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "roll the weapons like you did your bow, but also include the -2s. Those bonuses should already be built in."

GAME: Kai rolls weapon2-2: (7)+7+-2: 12

GAME: Kai rolls weapon2-2: (7)+7+-2: 12

<OOC> Kai says, "stupid RNG..."

<OOC> Kai says, "that was weapon2 not weapon3, but same roll."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "miss, miss. Good try, though."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (16)+4: 20

<OOC> Bitr says, "Kai, quick, come near Bitr. :| You will act as bait, and I will act as buzzsaw."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5

GAME: Kai rolls fort: (15)+6: 21

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Perfect."

Kai releases her bow, which skitters ahead to the steps of the temple, and pulls her twin blades, striking at the wight... which evades her attacks... and counters with a strike of its own, which again draws blood!

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 15.
     It is now Jessa's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Jessa says, "OK I channel against undead. Will save for them for half of 19"

GAME: Jessa rolls 7d6: (23): 23

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (11)+5: 16

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (12)+5: 17

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (19)+5: 24

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (9)+5: 14

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (1)+5: 6

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (19)+5: 24

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (15)+5: 20

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Of the 4 on you, and the 4 on Bitr, 3 take half, the others get the full force."

<OOC> Jessa says, "okie dokie. 23 damage."

<OOC> Jessa says, "Or 11."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Noted. I'll put the healthier ones in the back."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (15)+4: 19

"Good girl," Jessa says with a faint smile as her fellow halfling takes off in a rage. She, meanwhile, grasps the holy symbol hanging from around her neck and raises a hand high, invoking her goddess and sending a powerful wave of holy energy radiating out from her to wash destructively over the wights.

<OOC> Ga'Elian forgot the -1s all around. The one that tried to smack Jessa missed.

As the holy power of Ceinara washes over the unliving, the one nearest Jessa makes another feeble attempt to smack her, and fails.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Oh, the one that Bitr had attacked, falls to the holy wave."

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 11.
     It is now Kira's turn! Astaren is next!

<OOC> Bitr says, "Oo. Does that mean I get to go after the one fanning my cleric? :3"

<OOC> Jessa says, "If you like."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "certainly"

<OOC> Bitr clings to Jessa. All toothy. :E "MIIIINE"

<OOC> Kira will leave the ones she pulled back and move up into the wight's faces, between them and the rest of the wounded. She hopes. And I'll channel if I can.

<OOC> Jessa says, "oi. her husband may have issues with that"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Go ahead, Kira."

<OOC> Bitr hiss :3

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "There are 4 in range."

<OOC> Astaren keeps wanting to put Ankle in front of Bitr's name.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Have you seen her +finger?"

<OOC> Astaren falls over, "No I had not!"

<OOC> Ga'Elian ;D

<OOC> Bitr giggles madly. :D

Kira sets the ones she was dragging and quickly/gently as she can, turning back to look to the others. And gasping. "No! Leave them alone!" She darts back towards them, hoping to interpose herself between wights and wounded. The touch of Althea's grace may feel lighter here, but it isn't gone, and she calls upon it. "Let Her Grace mend your souls and put you to rest."

GAME: Kira rolls 3d6: (8): 8

<OOC> Bitr says, "Ow. :o"

<OOC> Kira isn't nearly as impressive as Jessa.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "It's all good. What's the save DC vs your channel?"

<OOC> Jessa says, "Just a few more levels...."

<OOC> Kira checks. "16, I think."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (8)+5: 13

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (2)+5: 7

<OOC> Bitr says, "Always bring a cleric to a wight fight."

<OOC> Ga'Elian agrees. 3 take 8 hp, the other takes 4.

<OOC> Astaren says, "A good cleric :P I am not a good cleric."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (11)+4: 15

<OOC> Kai says, "are you a good mage, i hope? (... i had to pick the sorta-cleric, instead of a real one... ) ;)"

<OOC> Bitr is a cleric. :| .. of teefs.

<OOC> Astaren says, "not really..."

<OOC> Kai says, "... help? someone? :)"

<OOC> Bitr says, "Hmm.. Ga?"

As the power of Althaea radiates over the abominable creatures, the one nearest Kira tries to counterattack, but misses.

<OOC> Bitr says, "Can I roll something akin to perception to hear TROUBLE over on Kai's way? Or see trouble or .. somesuch?"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Sure."

GAME: Bitr rolls perception: (14)+9: 23

<OOC> Bitr says, "Hark. :|"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Got it."

<OOC> Kira says, "Oh. It missed me? I get to try and start a grapple on it as an immediate. :)"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Okay."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "+roll CMB"

GAME: Kira rolls cmb+7-2: (7)+13+7+-2: 25

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "You just grappled an energy-draining creature. Please +roll Fort."

GAME: Kira rolls fort: (8)+16: 24

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "No problem."

<OOC> Bitr swaps connections, be riiiight back.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 7.
     It is now Astaren's turn! Andrion is next!

Bitr has reconnected.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "WB. It's Astaren's turn."

<OOC> Astaren says, "May as well drop a flaming sphere on one of them."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "They're all within range. ;)"

<OOC> Bitr nods. On mine, I'll probably try to reach the one smacking on Kai. Could I make it on a chaaaaarge?

GAME: Astaren casts Flaming Sphere. Caster Level: 3 DC: 16

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Sure, Bitr."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 2: (3)+2: 5

<OOC> Astaren says, "The one on me needs a reflex save."

GAME: Astaren rolls 3d6+2: (6)+2: 8

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Noted."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (2)+4: 6

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Astaren, you can include that the one you lit up missed you, in your pose. Thanks. ;)"

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 6.
     It is now Andrion's turn! Bitr is next!

<OOC> Andrion says, "Another greatsword attack! :) Also, please forgive me if you are accounting for this already, but Andrion has a deflection bonus of 4 to his AC for the smited wight. I assume it's probably my responsibility to let you know things like that."

Astaren steps back from the wight that had come around the corner, "We are going to need backup. Think you can break away and run to the temple behind us? Hopefully a priest or two there is still abl eto fight. he steps to the side again as the weight attempts to touch him, "I cannot do this all day now." Glancing to the wight with a frown. Then holding up his hand and chanting. His free hand waving symboles and a bubble appearing above him and forming in to a flaming sphere which he drops on the wight. "Yea, probably best to hurry."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Thanks, Andrion. A DM can use all the reminding he gets."

GAME: Andrion rolls weapon1+4: (14)+5+4: 23

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Hit!"

GAME: Andrion rolls 2d6+(strx1.5)+2: (8)+(strx1.5)+2: 10

<OOC> Andrion thinks maybe he did that incorrectly. :)

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "How much is your Str bonus x 1.5?"

<OOC> Andrion says, "3"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Okay. Just BARELY drops."

<OOC> Andrion grins.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (19)+4: 23

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Just in time for another on its heels to smack you. Please roll fortitude"

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2

GAME: Andrion rolls fortitude: (15)+9: 24

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Safe!"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Please pose killing the one wnd getting scratched by the next."

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 5.
     It is now Bitr's turn! Kai is next!

<OOC> Bitr says, "Chaaaarge at the one bugging Kai."

<OOC> Bitr says, "Single claw swipe, alas."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Roll it."

Enemy! Enemy! Enemy!

If Bitr has any thought left in her skull, lost in the glory of her raaaaaage, that's probably it. The wound against her neck utterly forgotten, hardly seemed to notice as she rips and tears. This thing is undead! It probably has undead guts! RIP AND TEAR.

And then it's suddenly dead. She howls her frustration, before her head suddenly jerks to the side at the sound of further combat. Utterly forgetting what she was intending to do by protecting the holy healer, the enraged barbie goes padding down the street towards where Kai had her own battles. Howling like a banshee as she tries to leap at it. Sharp, nasty claws trying nothing less than to take a piece of the hated creature with her.

Oh, look, Kai. Now -you- have a rabid, snarling halfling thing.

GAME: Bitr rolls 10: (4)+10: 14

<OOC> Bitr says, "Blessing still in affect, I think?"

Andrion grunts as the wight's clawed hand slams into him, causing him to stagger half a step back and to grimace in pain. He plants that back foot, however, and, bracing himself against the cobbles of the street, allows the momentum of the greatsword to carry up and over, coming down on the shoulder of the wight in front of him. It sinks deeply into the creature and the unlife in its cold eyes fades, its body falling to the street. The paladin yanks his blade free, but not in time to block the sudden slash as another wight's claws rip into his shoulder.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "on you, yes. Your new foe wasn't penalized, though." <OOC> Bitr nods. Miss?

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Yes."

<OOC> Bitr thumbs up :D

<OOC> Bitr says, "Well, hopefully I can distract it XD"

<OOC> Kira is worried that none of them are penalized. :(

<OOC> Bitr says, "The answer is to penalize their HP. :| RIP AND TEAR"

Bitr has partially disconnected.

Alas, Bitr's eagerness to get stuck in is her undoing, claws flashing through bare air and not a bit of flesh to show for it. Aww.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "A) Don't worry too much--not death consent. B) You're all doing fine anyway, even the lowbies. C) You'll never get through clearing the supply of wights anyway, there's just more behind them. To that end, if anyone needs to drop out, we can work it in ICly."


     Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 18.
     It is now Kai's turn! Jessa is next!

<OOC> Kira thinks she'll need to AFK for a long while after her turn. :(

<OOC> Kai will two-strike, then 5' step back and away, let Anklebitr take up the slack?

<OOC> Bitr thumbs up :3

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "That'a fine."

GAME: Kai rolls weapon2-2: (15)+7+-2: 20

GAME: Kai rolls weapon3-2: (11)+7+-2: 16

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Hit, hit"

GAME: Kai rolls weapon2+2: (20)+7+2: 29

<OOC> Bitr says, "Oo."

<OOC> Kai says, "oops. that's not damage. how do i roll damage?"

<OOC> Kai says, "just d6+whatever?"

<OOC> Bitr says, "Yeah, probably best."

GAME: Kai rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3

GAME: Kai rolls 1d6+1: (2)+1: 3

<OOC> Kai says, "... this random number generator can kiss my left check and make the right one jealous."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Noted. And... HAHA!"

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (9)+4: 13

<OOC> Bitr giggles. XD

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "It misses you. Pose, please."

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 15.
     It is now Jessa's turn! Kira is next!

<OOC> Jessa says, "How many wights are still up?"

<OOC> Bitr says, "Infinite. :3"

<OOC> Bitr says, "Time for a fighting retreat?"

<OOC> Jessa says, "Mmmkay. Well. I probably should chase after Bitr toward the others. Can we get there in time to actually do anything?"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "seven on you (your 4 + 3 of bitr's orig 4), but yes, effectively endless behind that."

The wight harassing Kai gets distracted... and she sneaks in a pair of quick stabs at it before ducking back and away from it, panting for breath... and looking over to see another one englobed in fire and the 'sorta-cleric' backing away. "Yes! Into the temple, I think! We should fall back into the temple!", she agrees.

<OOC> Jessa says, "OK, I will channel and then run either way, yes, that iwll get AoO but."

GAME: Jessa rolls 7d6: (30): 30

<OOC> Kai says, "nice roll, fire-hair."

<OOC> Bitr says, "Ooo."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d20+5-1: (9)+5+-1: 13

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d20+5-1: (10)+5+-1: 14

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d20+5-1: (1)+5+-1: 5

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d20+5-1: (8)+5+-1: 12

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d20+5-1: (9)+5+-1: 13

<OOC> Jessa says, "Well. I am a 10th level cleric with a +2d6 channeling headband so yeah. ;)"

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d20+5-1: (16)+5+-1: 20

<OOC> Kai nodnods. :) rawr.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d20+5-1: (20)+5+-1: 24

<OOC> Jessa says, "all of them take full except for that last one. >:|"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "And even it only had 15hp left. Killed all."

<OOC> Jessa says, "boom."

<OOC> Kai says, "big... big undead-a-boom."

<OOC> Bitr says, "Cleruke'd."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "None remain close enough to take AoO."

"Oh piss off," Jessa shouts in irritation, raising both hands up as she concentrates. That irritation seems to do the trick--the flash of holy light coming from the Muse is intense, felling the pack of wights on her and the barbarian halfling and leaving them slumped on the ground. "And that's how we do it. Oi! Wait up!" With that, the little cleric goes chasing after her fellow toward the others.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 11.
     It is now Kira's turn! Astaren is next!

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Kira, what's your plan? I have some help up my sleeve, too, as you're departing OOCly."

<OOC> Astaren is standing outside a temple for a reason >.>

<OOC> Ga'Elian didn't forget. ;)

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Kira?"

<OOC> Kira hrms. "I'll Channel again, and maintain grapple as a move for damage on the one I'm holding."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Okay"

GAME: Kira rolls 3d6: (10): 10

GAME: Kira rolls cmb+7+5: (19)+13+7+5: 44

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (12)+5: 17

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (19)+5: 24

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (18)+5: 23

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 5: (15)+5: 20

<OOC> Bitr says, "Nicely done."

GAME: Kira rolls 1d8+2: (5)+2: 7

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "They all take half damage. You just wanna maintain grapple or pin?"

<OOC> Kira says, "Maintain it, and optining to deal damage."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Okay. You kill the gripped one."

<OOC> Kira would normally go for pin, but holding onto it for a long time seems like a bad idea.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Heh."

<OOC> Kai says, "it's undead, anyway... so, hurting it doesn't count. :)"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "In any case, It won't be attacking you this time."

Kira has hold of the one that attacked her, wrapping up its arm with her own. Normally, she might just pin it, or tie it up. But this isn't normally. Instead, she shifts her weight and bends more, bending the arm more. Until something snaps, making her wince. The same time, she calls on Althea's grace to heal their souls, which is good for them, even if they don't like it.

At the same time as Kira calls down the power of her goddess, a pair of Dranei clerics come forth and call upon holy power as well, blasting not only the three remaining wights to smithereens, but also a new one that was about to rise as spawn, having been killed in the first attack of these foul creatures.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Thanks, Kira. You did great."

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 7.
     It is now Astaren's turn! Andrion is next!

<OOC> Astaren says, "Droping another flaming sphere, and keeping the first on the same wright."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 2: (19)+2: 21

GAME: Astaren casts Flaming Sphere. Caster Level: 3 DC: 16

GAME: Astaren rolls 3d6+2: (11)+2: 13

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (8)+4: 12

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "The burning one nearest you missed trying to retaliate, as it took more damage. The further one evaded."

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "This closest one is only hanging on by a thread, BTW."

Astaren is slowly stepping his back towards the temple, "A little further, just a little further." he steps aside as the first one continues to get burned and motions for the sphere to continue following it. A quick side step and the wights touch slames into his force shield. "We should..." he stops and stares for a while at the raging gnome, "Well... ok." He quickly refocuses, "Gather up and form a wall, can't let them surround us now."

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 6.
     It is now Andrion's turn! Bitr is next!

<OOC> Andrion says, "I have time for this round, then I need to drive to work. I can get back on from there, but will be gone for about 45 mins in the meanwhile. Happy to attack and be attacked one more time if that is useful, and pick up the fight from the office, or happy to start a retreat here if that works better for storytelling. In either event, I'll start with a swift action of laying hands on myself. :)"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "How about we start wrapping the scene. No hurry, but I'm ready to start concluding."

GAME: Andrion rolls 1d6: (2): 2

<OOC> Andrion nods!

GAME: Ga'Elian damaged you for -2 points. 14 HP remaining.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 4: (18)+4: 22

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Please roll fort"

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Andrion rolls fortitude: (6)+9: 15

GAME: Ga'Elian damaged you for 3 points. 11 HP remaining.

<OOC> Bitr says, "That'll work. Conclude on the retreat?"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Sure. please pose."

Andrion murmurs for aid from Serriel, one hand leaving his greatsword to clamp against his shoulder. The goddess's healing light leaks from between his fingers as her blessing closes some of the wound beneath, but the respite is short lived. Another claw from the same monster cuts across the opposite shoulder this time, nearly spinning the paladin and almost causing him to lose his grip on his weapon. With a third shambling closer, he decides to retreat for this day, swining his blade in a great arc to build distance between himself and the wights, and backing away. There will be one less wight on the streets, at least, and with luck and a bit of time, he will be back to kill more in Serriel's name.

GAME: Ga'Elian advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 5.
     It is now Bitr's turn! Kai is next!

<OOC> Bitr says, "Murder. :3 The one that's in melee with me and stabbed by Kai!"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Okay"

GAME: Bitr rolls 10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Bitr rolls 10: (9)+10: 19

GAME: Bitr rolls 10: (1)+10: 11

<OOC> Bitr says, "Oo, last one stunk. Bite and a claw?"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "hit, hit, miss"

GAME: Bitr rolls 1d3+7: (2)+7: 9

GAME: Bitr rolls 1d4+7: (4)+7: 11

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Dead"

<OOC> Bitr poses~

Bitr the Rapid twists as Kai slices two neat cuts along the Wight; So skillful! .. And then Bitr just starts ripping into the undead monstrosity, splattering gore hither and thither as she snarls. Spreading her claws wide and screaming her hate, eyes still broken with blood veins crawling across her temples. Frothy!

Her head snaps aside when Jessa runs by, before she goes back to focusing on the things that hurt her before. BITR KILL. But at least she's got a nice corridor opened behind her for the retreat?

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "I'm gonna drop the timestop here, but will leave the event open for free RP for at least a round each of poses."

GAME: Bitr ends her rage.

GAME: Ga'Elian removes the timestop.

Timestop by Ga'Elian has left.

<OOC> Jessa says, "no one has taken damage!"

<OOC> Bitr says, "Kai needs fixing, ICly! :D"

<OOC> Jessa says, "Say no more!"

<OOC> Astaren is already on it!

"Coming through!" Jessa pushes past those milling around and/or vaguely panicking to look for those needing healing at the current time. Spying the various sorts who had been hurt, she leans toward and starts with the healing, murmuring reassurance to a few of those on stretches as her holy energy pours into them.

<OOC> Jessa says, "OK! I'll get npcs."

<OOC> Astaren nod nods!

Kai turns and heads for the temple, slashing the on-fire wight as she goes, cutting it down from behind. Sheathing one of her blades, she uses that free hand to scoop up her bow from where it lays, as she falls back to and into the temple with everyone else. Good thing she chose to come this way... else she likely wouldn't have survived much longer. Talk about being on the wrong side... the wight side? ... of the fight.

<OOC> Ga'Elian :D

<OOC> Kai couldn't resist a lil punishment. :)

<OOC> Kai's next alt: "a cleric of the god of punishment... who misunderstood the word 'punishment'. whatcha think?"

<OOC> Bitr says, "A cleric of pun-ishment"

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Hmm."

<OOC> Jessa :(

<OOC> Kai heehee's.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Anyone else working on poses? If not, I'll wrap with a final @emit."

The dimunitive barbie, splattered with the viscera of her undead dancing partners, twists again as other people are running up towards the temple. She tilts her head, then smiles - slow and wicked.

Suredly, they are running for MORE BATTLE?!

She lopes up after them, her tiny legs moving impressively fast for her size. Then pauses on the inside, seeing nothing that looks like glory to kill. Slowly, her eyes go white, and she wipes the froth from her lips even as claws disappear once more to fingers.

"... Ho, what a rampage!"

Astaren glances to Jessa as she passes, and a bow of his head, "Priestess." He offers respectfully and glances around, "You miss, pull back, lets keep rotating the lines. These cannot be endless." He offers and with a motion throws the ball of fire onto the hurt wight so it can burn down. Then moving over to Kai, "Come lets get to safty and people heald up." His hands starting to glow with some blue energy. "There are more coming..." glancing to the rabid gnome, "Umm... miss... we really should pull back." Hoping it gets through to the raging gnome.

<OOC> Bitr says, "Halfing. X3"

<OOC> Astaren says, "Oh well :P"

<OOC> Bitr shakes tiny fist. Speciest!

<OOC> Astaren is the master race after all!

<OOC> Bitr giggles. :D ALSO, swapping connection.

<OOC> Jessa Gasp!

Bitr has reconnected.

<OOC> Bitr says, "Aaaand back."

<OOC> Kai welcomebites.

<OOC> Bitr thankyegnaws

<OOC> Kai rawrs.

<OOC> Jessa says, "Thanks for running this! :D"

<OOC> Kai waves. bai bai. :)

<OOC> Bitr waaaaves

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "My pleasure."

Jessa has disconnected.

Well, what a morning. Skirmishes like these are repeated all throughout the Mist-enshrouded City, and the numbers of Heth's wights are dwindling. These adventurers live to pick up the fight elsewhere or otherwise continue their ministrations to the needy, heroes all.

<OOC> Ga'Elian says, "Finis."