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==Current Status==
==Current Status==
=== '''The Missing Wizard''' (Wednesday, December 10, 2014) ===
"No room for subtlety here, Aldean..."
Destroyed by Heth, the death-eater. A place that once stood as the last bastion of peace between nations, turned into a breeding ground for the undead. Somewhere in the ruins of this country, a researcher from Rune has gone missing. Godwyn, Aldean, Constantin, and several others are sent to find and recover him, or confirm his death.
Signs of his passing are non-exsistant until the team reaches the servant's quarters, when they heard noises other than their own footsteps. Godwyn moves the team to investigate, feeling it better to be safe than sorry. Lo and behold, there's trouble...
=== '''Find Caldor (Completed)''' ===
=== '''Find Caldor (Completed)''' ===

Revision as of 16:02, 11 December 2014

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I am a Sentinel, Champion of Althea.
I am her exemplar and her conduit, the executor of her will.
I carry her banner on my armor, on my shield, in my heart.
I shall do all in my power to confirm her confidence.

Althea wills me to live, and defend the right to live.
I do so with a gentle heart and ready hands.
I am first to heal the sick in body and spirit.
I am the guide of the lost and the beacon in the darkness.

My fellow Sentinels are more than comrades, they are family.
Thus shall I treat them, with love and understanding.
My fellow creatures are threads in the grand tapestry.
Thus shall I keep them interwoven as best I can.

Evil exists, and I do fight it, through Negotiation.
Pain exists, and I do fight it, through Restoration.
Yet if it cannot be restored, and if negotiations fail,
I am prepared to make the Last Resort.

All creatures have a destiny, and I guard it thus.
I am a Sentinel. Forward Unto Destiny!

Godwyn Sylvan and Sophia Lightbringer, “The Sentinel's Creed"


Name: Godwyn Sylvan
Age: 19
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 120
Alignment: Lawful Good
Aliases: None


What Was

The daughter of Charnese nobles, Godwyn's life was shifted from its downward spiral by a monk of Eluna, Goddess of the Silver Moon. After realizing the fate that befell victims of her nation's schemes, she ran away at age sixteen upon the announcement of a marriage proposal that would have bound her to the will of Thul for eternity and beyond. Six months of hard travel found her at the gates of Alexandria, exhausted of stamina and supplies.

Had it not been for the charity of a passing Hearthguard one night, she would have resorted to stealing before the end of the first week, no better than the robber barons she'd escaped from.

Fascinated by this act, she followed him around the city, determined to discover why he'd done it. After several hours without coming to a conclusion, she decided to ask him herself. When the conversation ended, she asked to be led to the Temple of Althea, eager to leave her past and country behind her.

What Is

Three years of training in the ways of the Great Mother saw her put the skills learned from her parents since she could walk to a nobler purpose. Once indifferent, she could no longer ignore the suffering of others. Once callous and blunt, she now sought to be subtle and kind with her words. Diplomacy above manipulation, mercy before battle. Open hands first, closed fist second, drawn sword when all else failed.

With her Trial completed and her Sentinel status confirmed, Godwyn prepares for the induction ceremony known as the Hearth's Embrace, a celebration of a new addition to Althea's family. During the celebration, an assassin tries to take her life before it even starts. Strangely enough, the attempt is made by none other than her long lost brother, once thought to be dead.

Fortunately it fails, but that isn't the point. The voice that does not belong to the young man is of her father, who informs her that there is no true escape from the Sylvani clan. Now forced to face the past she left behind, Godwyn is more determined than ever to serve Althea and sever ties with her family, once and for all.

Argent Fire

Godwyn has recently received a great boon from Althea in the form of a white Isobaran stallion, sixteen hands tall with silver mane and tail, and blue eyes. The result is a striking, noble figure that seems to have an intelligence beyond what normal horses possess, almost as if he can understand what you're saying. At the very least, Argent understands Godwyn on a level that few are able to.

Basic Information

Name: Argent Fire
Animal Type: Horse
Size: Large
Init: 2
Senses: Low-light Vision, Smell
Granted From: Paladin


Armor Class: 27 (+12 Natural Armor, +3 Barding, +3 DEX, -1 size)
Hit Points: 85 (9d8 +4 CON, +9 Toughness)
Saves: Reflex 9, Fortitude 10, Will 4 (8 vs. Enchantments)
Additional: Evasion, Devotion


Speed: 50 ft.
Melee: Bite (1d4), Hooves x2 (1d6)
Reach: 5 ft.
Special Attacks: N/A
Additional: Combat-Trained


Stats: 22 STR, 16 DEX, 18 CON, 12 WIS, 6 INT, 6 CHA
Base Attack: 6
CMB: 13
CMD: 21
Feats: Run, Toughness, Light Armor Proficiency, Improved Natural Armor (x2)
Skills: Acrobatics Lv. 4 (10), Perception Lv. 5 (9)
Additional: N/A


Studded Leather Barding (AC +3)

Current Status

The Missing Wizard (Wednesday, December 10, 2014)

"No room for subtlety here, Aldean..."


Destroyed by Heth, the death-eater. A place that once stood as the last bastion of peace between nations, turned into a breeding ground for the undead. Somewhere in the ruins of this country, a researcher from Rune has gone missing. Godwyn, Aldean, Constantin, and several others are sent to find and recover him, or confirm his death.

Signs of his passing are non-exsistant until the team reaches the servant's quarters, when they heard noises other than their own footsteps. Godwyn moves the team to investigate, feeling it better to be safe than sorry. Lo and behold, there's trouble...

Find Caldor (Completed)

"Fine, then. Witness the power of Althea!"


The one place Godwyn never wanted to return to again. And she'd been tasked with entering the Dark Empire along with several others, to retrieve a member of the Alexandrian High Council by the name of Caldor. Upon reaching Bludgun, it was clear that he'd been sent into enemy territory on orders of the Fireborn Council. His objective: locate and recover a Soulforge Engine, ancient Kulthian technology that harnessed the power of living souls and turned them into energy. They planned on using it against Heth. Others planned on using it for Thul.

The truth behind the engine was far more sinister, as the party encountered a dragon allied with the Death-Eater, with the aim of claiming the engine for Heth himself. Battle ensued, and as the creature made a threat against the gods themselves, Godwyn lost her temper for the first time. With an emphatic blow against the dragon struck by the efforts of the team, he made his escape, but not before attempting to bury alive those within the ruins.

The councilman was returned safe and sound... yet now, another creature is loose, bent on destroying everything that lives and turning all to the torture of the undead.

Murder at the Temple District (Tuesday, November 25th, 2014)

"I made a vow to Althea that I'd either bring him in, or send him to the Harpist."

Godwyn's suspicions are confirmed as a simple trace attempt leads to the location of the kidnapped children... in the slums of Goblin Town. The entrance to the sewers below is guarded by three blood constructs, formed from those that lost their lives in the attack on the Temple District. Even that staged distraction was part of his scheme, and it sets her divine fury to blazing once again. Now they head into the depths of the earth, to settle things with Terrence Fold once and for all...

The Eternal Chant, Chapter 1

After a meeting with Svarshan concerning a demonic cult in Alexandria, Godwyn takes an exhausted Aldean back home to the Temple District.

Watching him work on his memorial to the fallen brings up her personal doubts about where exactly her talents come from. The fact that her singing sprung up naturally without any sort of technical training is no longer considered mere luck, and she expresses such to the bard. In response, he speaks of the Eidolon Hymn, something that is a part of every living creature. Ceinara, the Muse, is said to be its guardian.

Everyone hears the Hymn differently, and some not at all. Bards are the most receptive to its tune.

Godwyn is no bard. And yet her skill in performance with her voice is nearly unerring.

She has learned that there are no coincidences in a world filled with magic, where the Gods are very much real...

A Sentinel's Journey, Chapter 2


Godwyn has come across a new weapon made of the rare element known as Adamantine, a metal so durable that it is nigh-impossible to break, and tears through lesser materials with terrifying ease when sharpened into a blade. This great-sword however has given her no small amount of trepidation, for there is only one place she knows of that has this element in abundance.

The last time she checked, it was all being used to fortify the Black Gates.

How did something this rare, this unique, escape unscathed?

Traits and Skills

Diplomacy (Lv. 5)

The usual definition of Diplomacy is to shift attitudes toward a favorable result for one's own self, to reach a deal that benefits one party without insulting the other. Yet Godwyn has come to learn of a different definition for the term: to resolve differences, defuse tensions, and encourage cooperation.

After a successful negotiation that stopped the attack of a company-sized force of kobolds in the ruins of an ancient city, Godwyn's confidence in her ability to talk her way out of trouble and get others to cooperate has soared. She can now act and speak with a good amount of tact, provided others do not interfere with her overtures.

Sense Motive (Lv. 10)

To aid in the above, Godwyn's intuition has sharpened from her interactions with others. She can see past the obvious and get right down to the heart of a matter with reasonable accuracy. This skill will come in handy in her attempts to discern true intentions and whether to trust a person implicitly or not.

Ride (Lv. 6)

One of Godwyn's few joys lie in horses. She understands these animals on a level few may reach, and learning how to ride one has been one of her biggest challenges, yet her greatest pleasures. She is now an accomplished rider, and can make the most basic of attempts seem easy. More complex maneuvers will require further study in the art of handling her companion.

Handle Animal (Lv. 4)

In addition to the above, Godwyn has advanced her studies in how to teach a horse new things. Certain tricks and maneuvers will be available to her mount in due time, provided she puts enough time and effort into the act. She is now confident enough to train a mount for full Combat Training!

Heal (Lv. 5)

During her training as a Sentinel, Godwyn learned how to perform First Aid, use Healer's Kits, and other methods of keeping others alive. She's improved herself in this regard, and can take on the task of more long term care, albeit with some hesitance. She's become more proficient at First Aid, however.

Perception (Lv. 6)

A Paladin of any faith must have trained senses. Godwyn's have improved to the point where she can notice finer details than she used to. They still aren't up to snuff as much as others, but she gets along well enough.

Linguistics (Lv. 1)

After witnessing a Veyshanti woman talk to an eglarin, Godwyn became fascinated with their means of communication. Her studies have borne fruit, as she now knows Auran, the language of the mighty and majestic avian race. How many more tongues she understands will only come with further study.

Perform/Sing (Lv. 7)

Godwyn has a talent for song. She hasn't truly used it in quite some time, besides to whittle away the lonely hours in the Temple. Yet she has recently come to love singing for an audience, especially after her first public display of her skills. Under the mentor-ship of Aldean, her level of technique has reached the point where she can execute a Routine Performance (DC 10) without incident.

Profession/Cook (Lv. 6)

The Harvest Festival's opening ceremony, known as the Great Feast, has taught Godwyn much about cooking. In the space of the two days of preparation, she learned more about preparing a large-scale meal than most would have learned in months. With so many techniques and methods flying around, it was inevitable that she'd pick up a few tricks. She's actually somewhat adept at it now.

Knowledge/Military Theory (Lv. 10)

From the time she could speak and walk, Godwyn's parents taught her the means and methods of settling conflict via strength of arms, but on a grand scale. Growing up, she saw their ruse for what it was, and shunned the idea of using this knowledge. But with a war going on, she has found it necessary to brush up on the basics. She now feels that she can adequately prepare for tactical situations with a greater degree of subtlety and flexibility.

Knowledge/Nobility (Lv. 10)

If there is anything useful and truly good her parents taught her however, it was how to act in the halls of high society. Godwyn not only minds her manners, she minds the proper manners for a given culture or situation. Godwyn is supremely confident in this regard, and has no trouble among the elite of any given social structure.

Eldanar Heritage

Born of Highborn parents, her legacy is great, though tainted. Godwyn seeks to remove this taint from herself with every action she takes, but such a task may take a lifetime. She has a natural affinity for the language of the Gods, and has a beautiful voice to match, one which is just now coming into its own. With little training, yet a great amount of courage, Godwyn has found she has a talent for song. In fact, singing seems to come to her far too easily...

Improved Sunder

The doctrine of Althea speaks of mercy and compassion. These two things rarely exist on the battlefield, yet Godwyn has taken them to heart in her fighting style. She seeks not to merely incapacitate an enemy, but remove entirely their means of both offense and defense. This mindset has made her more skilled in attempts to destroy weapons, shields, and armor, thus removing an enemy's means of battle.


Having spent an adequate amount of time in a metropolitan area such as Alexandria, Godwyn has picked up a few tricks that have expanded her knowledge of certain subjects, such as languages. Yet this reaches even further with her having studied at the Temple of Serriel on the art of conducting honorable and profitable battles, as well as learning survival techniques from several sources.

Power Attack

For someone who stands just past five feet, Godwyn is able to put significant momentum and leverage behind her weapon. This trait has surprised many of her foes, putting them off-guard. Coupled with the fact that she is armed with a great-sword, this makes Godwyn a fearsome opponent when diplomacy and kindness are no longer options.

Furious Focus

To aid with the above, Godwyn has enough training to make the first strike count during a vicious attack, due to her intense focus. After that however, precision goes out the window due to the increased momentum behind each additional swing.

Human Improvisation

Godwyn has found herself talented at a great many things as of late, and she now believes it is no coincidence. She has a better chance of success at something she knows nothing about if she puts her full will behind the attempt, and this has proven itself time and time again.

Skill Focus/Ride

Frustration with her progress in learning how to properly ride while using armor has only pushed Godwyn further into her quest to get it right. The results have paid off, and with her new armor upgrade, she has improved her command of Argent Fire. This will only improve with further study into the art of mounted combat.

Improved Unarmed Strike

With Moonshadow temporarily on retreat, Godwyn has been instructed to turn to other sources in order to complete her training. It fell to one of her new friends, Fiore, to finish the job, and facing against a far larger foe was not the most pleasant experience. Still, it seemed to do the trick. While she is no monk, and nowhere near as fast or able to execute multiple strikes with as much precision, Godwyn is now able to deliver lethal blows without a weapon equipped.

Coming Soon...

Cleave (Lv. 11)

Great Cleave (Lv. 13)

Mounted Combat (Lv. 15)

Ride-By Attack (Lv. 17)

Spirited Charge (Lv. 19)

RP Hooks

  • Healing: Need some First Aid? A quick Lay On Hands? This is your girl!
  • Charn: She does her best to forget all about her home. But when she realizes you're from there too, she'll lend you an ear.
  • Eluna: Grateful to Moonshadow for rescuing her, she considers the clergy of the Moon Goddess as kin.
  • Althea: If you need some assistance and are of the Temple of Althea, or just follow her faith, look to Godwyn for help.
  • Daeus: Godwyn appears to be making more and more connections to the Temple of Daeus.
  • Slavers: Godwyn has taken a particular dislike for slavery. Point her at a slave ring or trafficking operation, and she will shut it down.
  • Thul: Godwyn directly opposes Thul and his ilk. Point her at a place where they congregate, and she will deal with them.
  • Strategy: Trained in the ways of strategy, particularly that of warfare, any sort of talk about this will interest her.
  • Horses: She loves them. Talk about them, and she'll enthusiastically join in. Show one to her, and she'll fawn over it.
  • Unarmed Combat: She's started to learn how to fight with her body as a weapon, thanks to Moonshadow. Only time will tell if she's any good...

Allies and Rivals

  • Fiore (Ally) - "Thanks for helping us out! You are proving to be a stalwart and resourceful friend. Althea keep you!"
  • Moonshadow (Mentor) - "Okay... maybe that wasn't so pleasant. But I needed that."
  • Kerbasy (Ally) - "You're quite amicable for a Mourner. A curious little creature who's more nervous than a field mouse around a horse."
  • Namira (Ally) - "It's thanks to you that I realized who that figure in my dreams was. Shame she's not Althea, but a messenger is just as good."
  • Solace (Ally) - "You... you're barking mad, aren't you. Be fortunate we're still friends."
  • Benthus (Ally) - "It's time to finish this, once and for all... my vow shall be fulfilled."
  • Sophia (Mentor) - "It's good to have your wisdom at my behest. Perhaps next time I'll have less trepidation around divine wrath."
  • Irime (Ally) - "It's good to have another faithful of Althea! You shouldn't be so hesitant around me anymore."