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===Korday, Eatonis 17, 1013===
Gurin Ashvine hasn't been seen. At least, that's according to the rumor mill. Building whispers in the adventurers' quarters suggest he was kidnapped on his way to the most holy of holies, the Eidolon Court.
Whether he survived or not, or whether the events are true remains debatable--and officials aren't talking. Tensions build, however, as mercenaries within the city prepare for potential contracts. Those in the religious orders see their superiors worried and muttering. And some of them--well, it's hard to explain the mysterious absences. Or--the whispers of Gunakhar's stirring.
''For more information and news, +bbread 7 ingame.''
===Ceriday, Eatonis 12, 1013===
The Red Ridge Mountains have always been a place from which greater Alexandros draws considerable mineral wealth. With the advent of airships, the process of bringing ore from the mines to refineries within Alexandria has become even easier, providing a not inconsiderable source of wealth for Alexandrians and a rugged community of mining towns along the mountains themselves.
Before the advent of airships, though, there were numerous passes through which transit had to be arranged and tolls paid. A network of forts, towers, and outposts were necessary to secure them against the various threats of bandits, raiders, and monsters and to ensure the orderly transfer of goods and secure trade. Many of these are no longer manned but that doesn't mean the passes that are still mapped aren't used.
One particular pass known as the Crumbled Tower has recently come under scrutiny. Merchants passing through claim to've seen strange things--shadowy figures moving through the night and stranger sounds along the roadsides. It has rapidly developed a reputation as being haunted.
Worse, some men claim to've seen a great winged beast in the sky, giving rise to fears that a dragon may've taken up residence in the Red Ridge Mountains for the first time in some years. Alexandrian military airships are already being diverted to the mountains, indicating enough reports of the beast have been seen to encourage a show of force by the local governments.
Further rumors indicate that bands of adventurers may be hired to ensure that there is nothing to these stories than frightened merchants.
''For more information and news, +bbread 7 ingame.''
===Tariday, Pryntar 22, 1013===
===Tariday, Pryntar 22, 1013===
As light falls over Alexandria, it illuminates a city in turmoil. Members long-established hustle about with bowed shoulders and hold conversations in whispers. The governing houses stand flush with faces old and new, with politicians visiting from different lands. Traders, many of them dwarven and others eager for news and renewed ties, begin their initial forays.
As light falls over Alexandria, it illuminates a city in turmoil. Members long-established hustle about with bowed shoulders and hold conversations in whispers. The governing houses stand flush with faces old and new, with politicians visiting from different lands. Traders, many of them dwarven and others eager for news and renewed ties, begin their initial forays.

Revision as of 12:48, 9 April 2011

Korday, Eatonis 17, 1013

Gurin Ashvine hasn't been seen. At least, that's according to the rumor mill. Building whispers in the adventurers' quarters suggest he was kidnapped on his way to the most holy of holies, the Eidolon Court.

Whether he survived or not, or whether the events are true remains debatable--and officials aren't talking. Tensions build, however, as mercenaries within the city prepare for potential contracts. Those in the religious orders see their superiors worried and muttering. And some of them--well, it's hard to explain the mysterious absences. Or--the whispers of Gunakhar's stirring.

For more information and news, +bbread 7 ingame.

Ceriday, Eatonis 12, 1013

The Red Ridge Mountains have always been a place from which greater Alexandros draws considerable mineral wealth. With the advent of airships, the process of bringing ore from the mines to refineries within Alexandria has become even easier, providing a not inconsiderable source of wealth for Alexandrians and a rugged community of mining towns along the mountains themselves.

Before the advent of airships, though, there were numerous passes through which transit had to be arranged and tolls paid. A network of forts, towers, and outposts were necessary to secure them against the various threats of bandits, raiders, and monsters and to ensure the orderly transfer of goods and secure trade. Many of these are no longer manned but that doesn't mean the passes that are still mapped aren't used.

One particular pass known as the Crumbled Tower has recently come under scrutiny. Merchants passing through claim to've seen strange things--shadowy figures moving through the night and stranger sounds along the roadsides. It has rapidly developed a reputation as being haunted.

Worse, some men claim to've seen a great winged beast in the sky, giving rise to fears that a dragon may've taken up residence in the Red Ridge Mountains for the first time in some years. Alexandrian military airships are already being diverted to the mountains, indicating enough reports of the beast have been seen to encourage a show of force by the local governments.

Further rumors indicate that bands of adventurers may be hired to ensure that there is nothing to these stories than frightened merchants.

For more information and news, +bbread 7 ingame.

Tariday, Pryntar 22, 1013

As light falls over Alexandria, it illuminates a city in turmoil. Members long-established hustle about with bowed shoulders and hold conversations in whispers. The governing houses stand flush with faces old and new, with politicians visiting from different lands. Traders, many of them dwarven and others eager for news and renewed ties, begin their initial forays.

When Alexandria vanished, rumors now hold that its underside did not, and creatures and horrors unknown settled beneath the once-familiar landscape. City workers complain of species never known before. The City stuggles to contain the problem: priests are called in daily for exorcisms, and adventurers with their swords. Racial tensions rise in some areas, and adventurers are asked to defend even kobolds.

As Alexandria adjusts to the changed world around it, news continues to arrive on the feet of tradesmen and family letters. Dragonier lies in ruins, rumors say, its carcass watched over by some dread overlord. Traders claim him to be ten stories tall, others larger--while some suggest he wears the guise of a hobgoblin. Even Charn does not seem immune; no few travelers draw the Sign of Triangles over their breast when speaking of it, in order to ward away Thul's Eye. Other rumors persist of a demonic sorceress from the mists and an unknown tyrant.

For more information and news, +bbread 7 ingame.

Gilday, Pryntar 2, 1013

Recently, a pair of Myrrish Magistrates have been seen nosing around the city of Alexandria. The Magistrates are leading the charge in attempting to locate the missing Myrrish King on behalf of the feuding, royal brothers who now contend for his throne. King Serenas, who vanished when Alexandria was plunged into the mists, has not yet been located.

It is rumored that their meeting with the ruling council did not go well but that they were granted sanction to continue their investigations.

They have already taken to questioning those who witnessed the event at the Eidolon Court and no doubt have other things on their agenda.

For more information and news, +bbread 7 ingame.