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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: Piecing Together Me *GM: Aftershock *Characters: Aelwyn, Corey, Rune, Tlanexhuani *Place: Arcanist's Dungeon</div> There are times when extreme coincidence becomes a questionable thing and one begins to wonder if the hands of divinity are laughing at the mortal existence. The question of how so many people with questions for Jacob - a man once possessed by the fiend re...")
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Latest revision as of 22:40, 10 May 2024

Log Info

  • Title: Piecing Together Me
  • GM: Aftershock
  • Place: Arcanist's Dungeon

There are times when extreme coincidence becomes a questionable thing and one begins to wonder if the hands of divinity are laughing at the mortal existence. The question of how so many people with questions for Jacob - a man once possessed by the fiend responsible for the breaking out of the magic-users whom had been imprisoned in the Arcanist's Dungeon - is one such thing. Still, it is fortuitous in that Jacob is both available for such discourse, and looking far more hale than the last time that Aelwyn and Rune had seen him within the dungeon. His body still bears some of the burns from the flames that once consumed him, but these have been somewhat mitigated by the temple priests of Vardaman whom seem to have been tending not only to his fractured mind but to his body as well.

Jacob sits now comfortably on a meditation mat, wearing the robes of an initiate of Vardama. He smiles at Aelwyn when the sith enters the room and his eyes hold a trace of the fondness for the other which he can not hide. "Aelwyn... It's good to see you." He murmurs the words, but for the first time in a long time he sounds almost as Aelwyn remembers him.

Aelwyn had been vying for every chance to visit Jacob that he could - so now that he is here, he is grinning all the more brighter and wider. His cloak was washed, scales polished and he even had a few fresh red ribbons on his horns! Not to mention, he had a bundle of very delicious smelling bread in a bag with him. That mysterious baker knew their dough.

"Jacob!" The draconian greets and spreads his arms. He had to leave his glaive behind - for great shame - but now he had an extra hand. "It is good to see you more ruddy on the cheek. They are treating you well, are they not?" Then he tilts his head and clicks his tongue. "Tch, change of fashion?" He asks and kneels down in front his brother. "Trying to get into the good graces of the initiates here?"

Then the draconian turns towards the other person following him. "See? He does not bite." A wide macabre grin, and then Aelwyn turns back towards Jacob. "Is an embrace allowed?"

Corey is here today as an interested party in the matter of runaway arcanists and Jacob's connection to them. He regards Jacob's robes for a long moment, and after waiting a moment with Aelwyn's greeting, he nods a little.

"Greetings," he says gently. "I am called Cor'ethil Cari'thana--you can call me Corey for short. I am a Warden of Gilead--I've become acquainted with Rune and Aelwyn as of late. I hope that my presence is a comfort here, rather than an intrusion." It's clear he has more on the mind besides his greeting, but he's an exceedingly polite man who does not impose himself too much on the conversation. At least for now.

The last time that Rune had encountered Aelwyn's brother, the man had nearly incinerated one of her best friends. Sure, he might have reasons to excuse that action, but the rogue has never been particularly forgiving to those who hurt those that matter to her. So, she has accompanied the Makari in hopes to ensure that nothing quite so life-threatening happens again.

"Oh, so now you're telling me that your tendency to get nibbly doesn't come from somewhere?" Rune looks between the two, staying a few paces back as she stands with her arms crossed, posture closed and wary.

Her eyes look over to Corey, one brow raised. It seems more a curious look, which hardens again when she turns her attention back to Jacob. It's like she's playing at being Aelwyn's body-guard.

Tlanexhuani initially sought Aelwyn out to offer answers on another matter, though that he is here to visit his kin, the things may be related. The bluescale is still learning of and acclimating to the city, and the temples remain unfamiliar to him. This one most of all; it is more of a journey to reach and he, thankfully, has had little reason to visit previously.

He follows guidance to the room, enters and promptly greets with a thump of tail. "Friend Aelwyn, this one brings-" a moment late he realizes that there is a conversation already ongoing and he quiets, though continues to approach nearer. Probably to wait his turn.

Jacob smiles, the expression pulling at the scars on the left side of his face. They are less grievous wounds than those he bore before, but still notable. At least it seems that most of his hair is growing now, and has been cut short to a black scruff atop his head in a fairly military-style that looks good on him. In a lot of ways he is a far cry from the man in the dungeons.

"Of course, embraces are encouraged." Jacob smiles warmly at Aelwyn, and nods politely to the others. "Though... I am sure that these others with you have many... questions for me. They are not unwarranted."

Aelwyn turns towards Rune, twisting his lips. "This one does not gnaw that much." He protests - then flashes his teeth. "It is not this one's fault if one's ears are filled with tempting piercings." His tail makes a playful swish and he then takes in stock the others in the room.

It was a surprise, to say the least, to see both Corey and Tlanexhuani here - but he rolls his shoulders in good grace, bowing instead. "Mouthful, Thunder." He greets in turn, then gestures towards Jacob. "This one's Brother." He introduces, before he returns his attention towards Jacob. He gives another glances at the others in the room - then drops his bag of bread and hoists Jacob up in the air and against his arms in a tight hold. Damned if he was smaller. "Tch, life is filled with questions - yet life only has one of these moments."

Corey flushes a little at the nickname he's given again, but he clears his throat. "Jacob, I was curious about your knowledge of the situation with the escaped arcanists," he says. "Forgive me if I am asking you to retread information you have already given, but I was rather briefly informed of your possible connection, so... I am working with scant details here."

He offers an apologetic smile. "I hope that your time with the Vardamans has been well," he says. "It was not long ago that the Archmage Telamon and I found... infiltrators in the Temple. I dearly hope that none remain in their ranks." It occurs to him that he should give the area a bit of a sweep, so his eyes look lost in concentration for a moment.

As if in respones to Aelwyn's comment, one of Rune's ears twitches, taking those piercings with it. She doesn't seem to dignify his words with a response, though, only a small quirk of the corner of her lips.

Instead, her cold eyes eye Jacob for a long moment. His appearance alone might be enough to soften some peoples' demeanor, but for Rune, it takes until he smiles and is drawn up into Aelwyn's embrace that she seems to ease off a little, letting out a soft sigh.

Then, with a look to Corey and Tlanexhuani, she asks, "Seems questions may very well be in order. Seems like one event has had ripples of consequences that impact many others." Rune rotates her finger in ever widening circles. "I only got bits of the story from Aelwyn. Something about some presence controlling you?" She asks, dubious.

"Peace on your nests," Tlanexhuani acknowledges all, brother included. The embrace and hoisting by Aelwyn made the introduction a bit redundant, but the bluescale doesn't mind. In fact, he relaxes at the display of affection. Until the others begin their questions, prompting a return to more worriesome things, like, "Things controlling others... maybe are still in Alesssandria."

Jacob offers a rough laugh as he is gathered up, warmly clasping his brother on the back and offering an amused chuckle. When he is set down again he turns his attention on the others and looks at them more seriously. "The robes are to hide me here, less because I have devoted myself to Vardama. I am grateful to the faithful here but I find it hard to share their faith..."

He trails off a moment and shudders before gathering himself internally and explaining a bit. "Ko... Koz'gon was a fiend who nearly killed me. He offered me revenge instead of death and I took it to save my fellow performers. He inscribed a magic circle inside my body and... He helped those prisoners escape using me somehow. I don't understand the details well. I simply don't have the knowledge of magic. I know he was after something. Using me to get it all along. I was so hurt that I didn't care."

His blue eyes turn down and the shame in his features is a deep thing. "He controlled me for so long that I had trouble determining what thoughts were his and which ones were truly mine. I thought... I thought he was me for a while. I couldn't separate us out. The priests have been helping me figure it all out. I wish I could offer them more than my gratitude..."

Aelwyn lowers Jacob down reluctantly. "Tch, those robes do not suit you as well as your usual outfit hugs." He teases with another rib, before gestures towards Rune. "Twin - she..." This was a difficult sentence to say, but he grits his teeth and just smiles at Jacob warmly instead. "She saved many people during our last performance." He then knocks his head lightly against Jacob's. "Should not be so... extragavant next time."

As the questioning begins, the Dragoon falls silent - he did not know all the details himself either, but merely holds his arm around Jacob's shoulder as he answers, being a warm, perhaps even comforting, presence. Still, he gestures Tlanexhuani over. "Thunder wished to speak to this one?"

Cor'ethil frowns deeply, looking at Jacob in the explanation of the awful tale. "I am so sorry," he says. "It must have been harrowing in a way that very few other people can know. I can tell that you've been touched deeply by evil... But that you are not evil yourself. Evil has not changed who you are."

He smiles softly, just a little. "You are fortunate to have people who care about you, Jacob. Never forget all the things that you do have. Koz'gon did not take them from you. You are still you--the man loved by others. What happened was a tragedy, but you are not the tragedy."

Then the paladin looks contemplative. "He has a good point," he says, gesturing broadly in the direction of Tlanexhuani. "A fiend is often attempting to blend in. Can you tell us more about Koz'gon? Any particular things that he's inclined to--habits, activities, preferences?"

For a moment, Rune seems to consider responding to Jacob's commentary about the faithful of Vardama, but one look at Aelwyn has her biting her tongue. It comes less from wanting to defend the Vardamites, and more from wanting to pick at Jacob, and she knows that isn't a good thing.

Instead, she listens, and tries her best not to judge him too harshly. "It makes me wonder if the escape was part of the plan all along, and you were just a convenient vessel." With a shift of her weight, Rune adds, "In my experience, creatures like that... they can play on the smallest angers, doubts, fears. It's quite possible the base thoughts were your own, but the creature's presence expanded on them until they went from spark to fire."

Then, it is Corey that she is watching, though it is just another flick of her eyes. Clearly, he'd had some sort of insight, but it seems beyond what she can see at face value. "You're on the trail of the escapees?"

Tlanexhuani listens as Jacob explains, providing much information and answering many questions that the bluescale didn't even realize he had. There are probably more spawned, but they are vague and unhatched for asking. Aelwyn's prompt brings Tlanexhuani from that musing. "Ssa. The one you asked to be watched is ... something. Controlling or pretending, this one not know, but iss not ...normal?"

He pauses to find the words. "Attacked a female. Weakened. Steal life? This one not see attack, only after." He makes a vague gesture with his claws. "Maybe iss demon? Maybe iss something set free? This one not know much of these things." He knows enough to reassure Jacob, after, "You are strong. You fight off demon. Are yourself."

In spite of Aelwyn's joking, the words make Jacob's expression become quite troubled. It's harder for him to joke about such things clearly though he offers a somewhat strained smile to his brother anyways. "He uses human bodies to hide his evil. He... He drives you insane from the inside. Making you think that you are the evil that he is."

Jacob looks at Corey with an expression that is hard to read. "I will take comfort from your words, but know that it is no easy thing knowing you've hunted someone you care deeply for." He glances at Rune and nods again. "He is as you say. He played off my fears, my hate, my want for petty things and made me feel consumed by those thoughts. He would make me go days without sleep preying upon my thoughts. Filling my dreams with thoughts of harming what I love."

Jacob shakes his head. "He was... all he thought about was consuming souls. Consuming *life*. He wanted to eat the world, and setting Alexandria against itself was the method he wanted to use to make his dream a reality. I... just don't know how he intended to do that."

Aelwyn leans his head lightly against Jacob's. "You may have done such, but every fire burns once. It matters not, for it still spreads warmth." He tells his brother. "And you and I are still here - and that demon shall not be long for this world."

But the talk about Alexandria makes him click his teeth again. "... a wonder, how did you find me here? Why the obsession with Alexandria?"

He turns his head towards Tlanexhuani with a sudden snap. "Devours life? Drains them from life and leaves them ask husks in alley?" His slit pupils were wide open, and he clicks his tongue in a slow fashion. That was new. That was shocking. "... this was the person this one sent out the notice for?" He asks, slowly, to make sure."

Corey frowns, nodding with Aelwyn. "Alexandria is an odd fixation," he agrees, "considering all the places in the world that exist. It is a beautiful city, but... Why not Silvermoon in Llyranost? Or Bryn Myridron in Myrddion? Not to mention..."

He clears his throat again. Best not to get too ahead of himself. "Perhaps he was drawn to Alexandria because of past issues with fiends in the city?" he asks. "I have heard there have been some past incidents in Alexandria. It is the reason why the Archmage Telamon teaches magic ethics courses."

The paladin regards Jacob for a moment. "How did you come to meet Koz'gon?" he asks.

Yet another guarded wall that Rune has built against this man falls under his acknowledgement of his own part to play in matters. There are many who would be quick to deny or dismiss the role their own emotions played in falling prey to dark thoughts. "It's good you acknowledge it. Many don't."

She hesitates for a moment, before adding, "Just know, that while Aelwyn forgives easily, I don't. Don't hurt him again." Rune leaves her words as a not-so-subtle threat.

Then, it is on to matters of the demon. "Alexandria seems to have some sort of draw to fiends, demons, monsters and plots of all kinds. As if the city, itself, were some sort of beacon." At least, that is what she has come to believe. "It seems that wherever power accumulates, so too do creatures wanting that power." She shrugs.

"I'm sure one of the mages could articulate it better. I'm sure there's some metaphysical bullshit that explains it." Rune waves a hand.

"Ssa, the same from guild notice." Tlanexhuani confirms for Aelwyn. "The female called him Auggie. He did not like this." After Jacob speaks furth of the demon, the bluescale looses a low hiss. "Man was rude. Cruel. This one not know of man, before... but could be demon insside making think evil?" He pauses to think a moment. "What would do? How prove if demon or not?"

Jacob looks at Aelwyn with a trace of embarrassment. "We hunted for you. The fiend promised me revenge and he aided our attempt to locate you. Though I'm uncertain of some of his means I know he used some divination magic. He used... me to do some of it." Here Jacob looks even more uncomfortable before returning his attention to Corey.

"I do not know his reasoning, but I think it had something to do with the dungeon? Something about how Alexandria was already fractured and that a small action might be all it took to bring it to the point where Koz'gon could feast freely." Jacob shrugs and then glances at Aelwyn. "When Aelwyn left us we were doing a job for a noble who was trafficking with Koz'gon. When we arrived Koz'gon slaughtered some of the troupe and also the noble. I always assumed that he got free of his summoning somehow and took revenge. The truth is though that it could have been planned. He's... very clever."

Here he looks at Rune, a subtle pain in his eyes. "I am very aware that my own greed and weakness are the reason that the fiend was able to find such fertile ground to plant his seeds of evil inside. If I had been stronger... I might be dead, but so many others would be unharmed. I am grateful that my brother has forgiven me, but I did not expect it from him or any other. I deserve to be treated with caution. I do not even trust myself. If Kaz'gon returns to me I... I fear what he might do through me yet again."

"Auggie?" Jacob's eyebrows furrow. "Auggie..." He seems deep in thought and uncertain of what exists there.

Aelwyn twists his lips at Rune then, and then steps away from Jacob a moment. "Tch, this one feels we should simply go to TarRaCe and have a decent, long and wet family dinner." He says, nearly threateningly, mostly ravenously to the both of them. "And then soak the aggression away." He wriggles his tongue out, giving both Jacob and Rune a hip bump.

But the discussions were grim and serious, and the Dragoon was not particularly happy about it either. He then pushes at Jacob's chest lightly with his fingers. "There is nothing wrong with greed - nor with the passion wrought desire. You should know that." He chastises gently. "But you won't be taken by the fiend again. Never, again."

As far as the Auggie goes, Aelwyn helpfully leans towards Jacob, explaining. "Augustus Alexandros." He could remember noble names! Sometimes."

Cor'ethil looks at Tlanexhuani with a small amount of confusion. "Auggie--Augustus Alexandros?" he asks, completely unaware of the name and its provenance. At least at first. He thinks. And then there's wide silver eyes.

"Alexandros, as in... the region Alexandros, which this fair city belongs to?" Corey looks between the entire group. "I'm not from here. Is he someone important, or am I jumping at shadows? Either way... Physical description? When was he last seen? Where?"

He looks positively intent on carrying out the work of a paladin now, his surprise giving way to that grim focus. "Anything and everything might help me locate him, if he's being possessed by a fiend himself."

GAME: Rune rolls knowledge/local: (7)+12: 19
GAME: Rune rolls knowledge/local: (14)+12: 26

The name being passed about on many lips has Rune looking between individuals momentarily, biting at her lower lip. "Under normal circumstances, I'd say Augustus isn't the sort to be associating with fiends, but..."

She turns to Corey, as if putting together puzzle pieces, "There's been a few rumors about him as of late. I didn't think anything of it, because people talk, and most of it is bullshit." Then, stroking a finger along the side of her chin, she explains, "Rumors of him being in multiple places at once, or being in unusual locales for someone of his status."

Then, she is bumped in the hip by Aelwyn, which is enough to draw her from her recollection of local rumormills. "You can wash it away all you like, but it'll just come back." Thankfully, her words are light-hearted, though.

The name does not mean anything to Tlanexhuani. Not until Corey points out the similarity in name and region. He blinks slowly, though cannot answer the question of whether that is significant. He can answer other questions, though. "Was in noble district, near castle. Some days ago. That is where this one watched him. Where attack happened." A pause. "This one think other, Harshad, shared words with the female attacked. Maybe he learn more."

The name has Jacob frowning. "Alexanderos..." He says it and his eyes go dark with some memory in his mind. "He's the key. My key. Through him I will feed on the world. Starting with this place where so many are turned to good...."

Jacob trails off and grasps his own hair in his hands, huddling where he stands in horror or the words that had passed his lips. "No... it's not me. It's Koz'gon. Not me! Not ME!" He shudders and falls to the ground, horrified and trembling.

GAME: Corey rolls Heal: (13)+16: 29

Aelwyn just puts his hand on his hip. "Tch, it will simmer and then bloom once those tempting ears get nips upon." He jokes to Rune, but then he turns towards the rest of the talk. "Alexandros... this one did not make the connection either," He tells Tlanexhuani. He tilts his head in thought, tail whipping behind him.

It is then that Jacob starts to say those words. Then screams. Then he is already around Jacob, holding him in his hands. "Jacob! JACOB!" He shouts, ever increase panic and rage. "Get off him! GET OFF HIM COWARDLY FUCK!" He shouts in unbridled fury - even the quills at the back of his neck raise as he seethes at Jacob. But while there was tension, aggression and preparedness carved into every inch of his body -

All he really felt was futile frustration and fear. Terrible fear.

So the name is significant, now confirmed by Jacob. Tlanexhuani has no time for contentment at that as everything changes from wisdom to screaming. He blinks and starts to move towards Jacob and Aelwyn, then pauses; it is not his place and the Dragoon surely knows his own kin better than the old blue. So instead his eyes flick around the room, not knowing whether it is some foul memory or this Koz'gon is somehow present and suddenly manifest.

"Shhh!" Corey is gentle in his hushing. "You've got it wrong, Aelwyn. The fiend's not in him. I don't detect anything. He's remembering what it was like to harbor the fiend in his mind. The name brought him back to the past."

He takes a deep breath. "He needs comfort. And love."

Another moment, and Corey begins to... sing? In a tongue that he's only somewhat certain Rune knows:

"The sun's going down in the deep blue sea
So close your eyes, go to sleep
I will wrap all the milk stars around you
So dream and your dreams will come true
A nightingale's lullaby bends in the wind
Messing your hair, drinks the tears from your pillow
So sleep now--sweet dreams, my love" <Sildanyari>

It's a traditional Sildanyari lullaby, the sleepy sort of melody that anyone can tell, regardless of language, what it's supposed to be.

In some ways, Jacob's attitude had caused Rune to let her guard down, at least a little bit. So, when he starts to mutter those words that are not his own and then sets off to screaming, her ears twitch slightly downward and her hands reach back, as if ready to grab for a weapon.

However, Aelwyn nearly wrapped around his brother has her thinking better of it. Her eyes instantly go to Corey, knowing that the Paladin would have more knowledge of matters of Evil than the others gathered. The calm tones from the Sildanyari man seeming to ease that tension as she lowers her hands to her sides.

The sound of the lullaby draws a dull ache in her own chest, one that she swallows down. Someone had sung that to her once. Someone who has a chance to sing it again, perhaps. So instead, she takes a small breath and joins in, offering a harmony to Corey's tones.

Jacob curls into himself, huddling against what is indeed a foul memory. The words of the song - though he understands them not - soothe his soul, and he slowly eases his breathing to the rhythm and himself as well. "I'm sorry." He whispers the words. "I fear his influence upon me will never cease. I will never be free."

Jacob is weeping quietly, holding his sorrow, and Aelwyn where Aelwyn's arms are wrapped around him. As if Aelwyn can sheild him from his own mind. "Thank you." This to them all. For their song, for the comfort of arms and for being brave enough not to attack him when his mind fell away. "I'm so sorry."

Aelwyn looks wildly at Corey, about to slash at him, about to slash at anyone - but his wide toothed mouthed mouth opens and closes, and then he slowly relaxes, but holds Jacob tightly. <"The falling sun, burns a line - it is the road, that keeps our hearts alive."> He recites quietly to Jacob in his native - yet heavily accented - makari, lowering his snout against him. It was an old saying he repeated, from far in the deserts.

"Never say sorry." He tells his brother, orange eyes glowering up at the others from his lowered brow, tail curled possessively around the two. "One shan't tell what one can or cannot do in the future, for no fiend shall be strong enough." Even if others, or even Jacob, disagreed - the Dragoon knew that much to be true.

"You will live, and you will learn how to live," Corey says gently. "My mother... She used to have horrible nightmares. She still does, I'm sure. She's seen and done a lot of things in her life that have lingered on her mind like scars. But she's learned how to live with them--and has learned, over time, to come to peace with some things. They no longer have teeth like they once did."

He smiles benevolently. "Talk to the Vardamans. They have plenty of advice and good words on this sort of thing." Many in clerical positions do.

That fear that you are weak. You are the one that is vulnerable to those outside influences and put your friends and loved ones in danger. That is a feeling Rune knows all too well. So, once Corey completes his song and Jacob seems to return to himself, she crouches slightly, balancing on the balls of her feet.

"It feels that way, doesn't it? Like the bad things will always be there, lurking in the shadows..." With another glance to Corey, perhaps understanding all too well the sort of trauma his mother might have lived through, she looks back to Aelwyn and his brother. "But you can get stronger. Work every day on steeling your mind. Reaffirming what is you. It's... a long road, but you've got family, so you won't be on it alone."

Tlanexhuani relaxes anew, from Corey's statement (and maybe even the lullaby). His posture slouches, and the happy feeling returns as he watches the suden group hug. "You are with kin," he comments softly but certainly. "Are safe. Will be well."

It is clear that it is Aelwyn's belief in Jacob that is bolstering Jacob's spirits more than anything internal is. He manages a soft fond smile for the sith. "You have such faith in me, I wish that I were as you." Jacob shakes his head and then sighs. "I will continue here as long as is required. Be that a day, or the rest of my life. I will not return to the world a broken man, but one that I can be proud of."

There's a trace of determination in his blue eyes, but the words seem to hold an edge to them that speaks that there is someone whose attention and approval he desires more than his own. He meets Rune's gaze and offers her his hand. "You speak the truth. I must be myself once more; and stronger for the sake of those I care about." Here he gathers himself a bit, trying for the bravery necessary. "Have any of you questions that I might answer? Please... Let me help you if I can."

Aelwyn looks towards the others extremely protectively - but slowly he relaxes and nods his head. He even 'smiles' at Rune when she crouches near.

When Jacob says those words, the ruddy sith-makar lifts his fist and rubs it lightly against the side of the brother's head. "Where does one think that faith comes from? Idiot, we are family." He flickers his tongue. "This one shall do his best to bring the rest of our family to visit." And then his head lies back against Jacob's, waiting for the other's questions. Though there was still that fierce fire in his eyes - just in case someone steps out of the line.

Cor'ethil contemplates for a longer moment before he shakes his head. "No more questions from me," he says gently. "My questions now lay with someone else."

He looks at Rune, Aelwyn, and Tlanexhuani all. "Someone who's been appearing in multiple places." He smiles, but it's not the usual Corey-smile, all bright and lovely. It's one that's a little wily and dark, and maybe a little unsettling on the paladin.

That's the thing about Rune. As much as she'd like to be hard as stone, the half-sil is easily swayed by emotions. So, she offers a small smile to Aelwyn before she takes Jacob's hand. It's brief, but the grip of gloved fingers offers what little support she can for the time being.

Then, she rises and looks over to Corey. "Seems like that's our next place to look. Get some eyes on him, where we can."