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Latest revision as of 07:43, 9 November 2015

Log Info

  • Title: Shrine Evacuation
  • Emitter: Yngvild
  • Characters: Valadhiel, Kira, Stirling, Schneider, Latenat
  • Place: Dun Mordren
  • Time: November 8, 2015
  • Summary: Lieutenant Axel assigns some adventures to help in the evacuation of a shrine. Things don't quite go simply.
  • APL: 7
  • Encounter 1: 2 Bulette's CR 9
  • Encounter 2: Many, many Mercenaries, solved with diplomacy.

Lieutenant Axel is getting very sick of this civil war. Of course no-one asked for his opinion. He is behind a table that has been converted into a makeshift desk, inside the makeshift Royalist headquarters. He has a rough map covered in notations in khazad, that seems to be of part of the city. He waits until everyone is inside before speaking "Right. As ever we have a fuck ton of work, and fuckall professional soldiers to handle it. Which is where you lot come in. Reos help us" with that he points a stubby finger at a mark on the map some distance away "Speaking of Himself there is a temple here that needs evacuating before either side starts a push though here.." he says pointing to a main thoroughfare "Problem is both sides have the main road fortified to the hells and back. Well we do, not sure on the traitors. So you could try to push through, but I wouldn't recommend it, as there are side streets and tunnels that might be safer, although only Reos knows what has been stirred up in the depths"

Valadhiel nods, "So our options are definite bad news or possibly bad news, so we should take the possible as opposed to the definite. Makes sense." She hrmms and glances around at the others, tilting her head slightly.

Stirling lighs up a cigar, the thin smoke adding the smoke already trailing from the furnace on his armor. "So... how accurate is the map of the place? Do we have any reports of what is being encountered in that area?" Stirling asks with a grimace. "Also do we have backup once we secure the temple?" he asks, brisk and to the point.

Kira is never one to not respond to a call for aid, whatever it might be. Now she listens, though her smile flinches and strains some at the harsh language. Her lips purse at mention of the temple in trouble. "Does anyone have maps of these tunnels or side streets? It sounds like we need to be quick."

Schneider is here, and looks vaguely amused. At the sight of the poor Lieutenant, he laughs. "We will solve your problem," he says confidently. "Have no fear." However he leaves the how to the others.

Valadhiel hmms, "Well, who do we have that's good at stealth... besides me, that is?" She smiles a little wryly, looking at the others, "But it sounds like we just get in, evacuate it, and get out, probably..." She looks at the map, trying to figure out the best route.

Stirling looks at Valadhiel, standing in chrome armor with a furance spewing smoke on it. "Hrm... good piont. I vote we do it hard and fast but a little forward scouting will help tremendously."

Axel eyes Schneider then shrugs his broad shoulders "If we had backup we would be sending them" he says bluntly "We want the temple evacuated, bring the clergy back here. We could use the healers" He looks down at the map and points to a spot about a third of the way to end point "That is our perimeter, beyond that we can't give you any decent information. We gave up sending scouts as they weren't coming back" he says ominously. With that he pulls out a smaller map of the immediate environs of the temple "This is one from before the coup, if they have blocked any parts off we cannot tell" the map shows several narrow streets and tunnels, some barely wide enough for a dwarf. Which is not that narrow when it comes to humans and the like at least.

Manicuring, that is what is important here. Thus Latenat is busy cleaning his fingernails with a paring-knife as the Khazad lieutenant explains the situation. Having been reluctantly bought in as a problem solving consultant he still half-listens with a subtly pointed ear, grey eyes lifting from time to time just to make sure he doesnt miss much,"Side streets and tunnels? I would have thought they were taken care of just as well as the thouroughfares." he notes meaningfully, peering at the rather dwarven-themed surrounds before turning his attention to the map,"I can be unobtrusive if I have to, might be we can come to an understanding with either side mayhaps though for free passage." he flutters a hand vaugely in Valadhiel's direction being that he was replying to her comment

"I could help find a clear path," Kira speaks up in offering. "I am not an expert, but I can move quickly and I travel lightly."

Schneider adds, "I can /make/ a clear path." He chuckles a little. "But that's not what we're here for. Yes," he agrees, "Let's go through as hard and fast as we can, that should leave the enemy with the minimum time to react."

Valadhiel nods to Kira, "As do I, but yes, I think speed outweighs stealth in this situation. Let's break in, get what we need, and break out." She looks to Schneider in agreement, "Not exactly the time for subtlety, yes?"

Stirling nods "Sounds like a plan." he points to Kira, Val and Latenat. "You three scout a path and blondie and I.." he jabs a chrome finger at Schneider "..will provide the backup and artillary." he says with a toothy grin, pulling the enormous black deathray from the back of his armor. "We know how to make an explosive entrance."

"Well our side will let you through or they will find my boot firmly imposing on their arse. But in case" Axel trails off as he finds a scrap of parchment and scrawls down some writing in Khazad, then after a moments though ass a Tradespeak translation, that pretty much says what he said 'Under order of Lieutenant Axel the following party is to be allowed through, under penalty of my foot up your arse. This applies from (current time and date) until (current time plus 5 hours, same date) and a messy signature. That done he looks at Schneider and Valadhiel "Your funeral, leave me the details of your kin if you want to go up against several fortifications filled with the Traitors troops and fuck knows what else. I would take the side route, but at least we won't have to pay you if you do a direct assault" he says with a faint smile.

Schneider wouldn't know subtlety if it hit him with a big hammer. But it wouldn't be subtlety at that point anyhow, would it? He grins at Stirling's plan and draws his greatsword. Flames lick up and down the blade. "I like it."

Valadhiel smirks and looks at Schneider, "Side paths. Hopefully the opposition there will be lighter. If nothing else, we can't get bogged down." She then looks at Axel, "I'm saying, we take the side paths and get in and out as quick as we can."

"Not entirely sure that going in all blood and thunder is nessesary, mind. Not that I have deep philosphical objections to it, just that being fortified means they are already /prepared/." the half-sil scoundrel smiles wrily, his tone dry,"Got a name to the loyalists and coup forces in the area? Just in case, pays to be prepared." Latenat says thoughtfully, though he sheathes his dagger and behins fingering the pommels of his twin blades.

Kira's lips purse again. "If we only need to evacuate them, we don't need to fight anyone. If all goes well, the other side won't even know we were there."

"Right you are..." Axel replies a little vaguely. He takes in a deep breath and points to the checkpoint at the perimenter "Word has gone ahead we are sending a party in. Sergeant Helga Stonesmasher is in command here. She can guide you to a side tunnel here.." he says pointing to something on the smaller map "Should start you along the path. Or you -could- cross the square and go down the main tunnel, but they are pretty well dug in to the best of our knowledge"

Valadhiel nods at Kira, "Exactly my thought, but I think it was... misinterpreted." She looks a bit wryly at the others, "As much fun as I'm some of us would have in a drawn out fight, we don't have the time for such things."

Kira nods and commits Helga Stonesmasher to memory. "Yes, that would be wonderful, thank you." She turns her smile to Valadhiel. "I'm sorry if I misunderstood. I just don't want to see anyone hurt."

Schneider shrugs broadly. "Just say where you want the fireballs," he offers. Apparently, he's willing to go with whatever is being put together.

"In the wrong damn place if you don't want to see people hurt" Axel says with a faint grim smile "Saying that, they may be fucking idiot traitors, but they are still Khazad, so do you best to leave them alive if you can. The surfacer mercs you can kill all you like" he says with a snort "Fucking slavers. Anyway any other questions?"

Stirling nods "No need to engage in unnecisary combat. Now if you three will lead the way we can be off and do not engage without the rest of the team. We need to overwhelm and be fast."

"Regardless, we still will have to get to the Temple no matter the means." Latenat's slender shoulders shrug in general before he peers at Kira,"Truth be told, our purpose is best served by the subtle approach. But we dont always get to choose if there will be conflict, I know you oppose such and have made leeway on contracts with you before... but this is a civil war. Passivity in the face of hasty actions may just lead to deaths anyway... ours."

Kira turns her smile to Latenat and firms it. "I don't want to see anyone harmed, and that includes all of us. I will do whatever I can to protect lives." She turns back to Axel. "Don't worry, I won't harm any of the khazad, either, in the process."

Axel hands over the rather obscenely written temporary pass before offering a nod and heading off himself. The pass smooths the party's passage through the various checkpoints manned by rather suspicious Khazad, and even gets a chuckle or two. You even get a ride on a supply convoy to speed your way to the final checkpoint, the sergeant coming out. Short even by Kahazad standards she bears something of a resemblance to Arnora Stonesmasher "You the party Axel sent?" she calls out with one hand on her axe.

Stirling apporaches with his massive firearm pointed up at the ceiling. "Thats us, point us in the right direction and we will see things done." he says around his cigar.

"Indeed we are." Latenat replies smoothly to the seargent with nary a hesitation and resisting employing the wry sarcasm as is usually his wont. There is a time and a place for such, and with the current civil action humour of the military types is in short supply,"Non khazad adventuring party to assist in the evacuation of the temple of Reos. I guess we were chosen because we can make claim to some measure of neutrality."

Kira nods to the inquiry and offers Ms. Stonesmasher a smile. "Hello. Yes, we are. You must be Arnora Stonesmasher? It's nice to meet you, though I wish it were under better circumstances."

Valadhiel glances at Latenat, "I don't know about /that/, but yes, we are here to help with that, as quickly and preferably as quietly as possible."

You paged Kira with 'Sorry I may have been unclear, she looks a bit like Arnora the PC(Cousin) she is Helga though :) I can go with your pose if you prefer though, could be funny'

Schneider doesn't say anything at this point. He just gives the dwarf his winningest smile and looks fabulous.

Helga eyes Latenat for several moments, her face setting in hard lines "Every Khazad is doing what they can where they can. We don't breed like fucking rabbits like you surfacers do" with that she looks to Kira and snorts once "That'll be Helga, Arnora is a cousin. Got a mouth on her that can strip chrome from a Gobber" she says with a faint smile. That said she is still suspicous holds out a hand "Let me see your papers and we can guide you to one of the side tunnels"

Valadhiel extends the papers towards Helga, "Here you go." She glances around at the others, absently fiddling with the hem of her cloak.

Yngvild glances over it briefly, then cackles in laughter. She shakes her head as she hands it back "That is Axel alright, tell him this when you get back" she says then slowly says a phrase in Khazad, then repeats it just in case "Right lets get going" she says, hand moving from the haf of her axe and guides them through the checkpoint to a side tunnel nearby.

Pursing his lips in a neutral smile as deep as a wading pool Latenat lets the confrontational language pass without ruffling an eyebrow, his eyes following the papers as they are conveyed to the unproper authorities. Too many cooks and a shitty stew and all that. Regardless the rogue awaits their permissions patiently, to be escorted to a side tunnel and follows in the Sargeants wake.

Stirling follows along, firearm ready. He's not the one leading here and instead focuses on being fire support. "Right, lets get moving to the tunnel and get on with this."

Schneider is actually fairly flexible as far as the getting to the fight goes. He's not really bothered about the formalities, but it all seems to be working out without him having to do much other than follow along and not blow anything up. That's a /bit/ of a challenge, but he's willing to go with that in order to get in some very cool explosions soon. Oh, very soon. He cackles, but just a bit.

Valadhiel gathers her cloak around her, moving briskly down the side tunnel in question, "Sooner we get there, sooner we get back." She does, as a precaution, get her bow out. No arrow is nocked, but she just has it ready, in case.

Kira nods and gets moving to follow their guide. She has no weapon to ready, shield to raise, no armor to adjust. It makes her always ready to go. So she goes!

GAME: Schneider rolls perception: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Kira rolls perception: (10)+13: 23

GAME: Latenat rolls perception+2: (2)+13+2: 17

GAME: Valadhiel rolls perception: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Stirling rolls perception: (20)+12: 32

The various tunnels and side streets are something of a maze, but the map is accurate at least. It is mostly dark however, but with some form of light source the party makes good time in getting closer to the Shrine, a few blocks away and heading towards one of the larger side streets.

You paged (Kira, Latenat, Stirling) with 'You hearing marching sounds, armored boots hitting the ground in time with each other. Some distance away, enough time to move out of sight. Stirling you can tell it is a large patrol, probably dwarves from the sounds. Pose away'

You paged (Kira, Latenat, Stirling) with 'Also y'all are in traitor territory now :) or the fringes thereof'

Stirling gestures to Schneider to lower his sword and holds a chrome finger to his lips. "Trouble coming, large patrol. Lets see if we can just let it pass by." he says stepping back, his artificial eye a small red dot piercing the darkness ahead of him. "At the very least, get the suprise."

Kira cocks her head at sounds and points, calling out a quiet warning, though Stirling seems to have heard it, too. She motions to others to hurry. "We should keep moving and maybe we can avoid them?"

A thin humorless smile appears apon Latenat's lips. The half-sil has a tendency to see the authorities as benign hinderances whom serve their purposes, and the military aspect is no better being more rabid so the name of the game is avoidance without having needing to say a thing and he wastes no time in making himself scarce, his hands flickering in rapid hand speech at the party as he goes.

Valadhiel nods slightly to Stirling, gathering her cloak around her as she seeks to blend into the shadows, preferably behind some convenient crates as she holds her bow close, just in case you understand.

Schneider doesn't pay much attention, but that's OK, he doesn't have much skill at hiding, either. Reluctantly, he quells the flames licking up and down his greatsword and ducks into a doorway so he can't be seen from the end of the alley. "Ought to just ambush them," he grumbles quietly.

Kira delays to make sure others can get clear or to cover before she ducks behind something, herself to wait out the patrol's passing.

Stirling backs up, hiding behind a dumbster as he levels his firearm at the end of the allyway, just in case.

Kira also gives Schneider a frown, but it's hard to see in the dark. She can't make it burst into flames.

Tromp, tromp, tromp. For those looking a very large patrol is passing. Hard to guage numbers but the Khazad look heavily armored and armed, and professional as they move past and down the road. Fortunately there is a smaller street that runs paralell.

You paged Latenat with 'Heading away'

Stirling is warry, a single red glowing eye watching the passing troops from cover but not willing to engage unless engaged upon. With any luck they can avoid a fight all together.

Schneider remains in hiding, reluctantly. He really wants to toss a fireball into that formation. But we're not getting paid to goof off or have fun, so he reluctantly restrains himself. For the moment.

Valadhiel stays hidden in the shadows until she's quite certain that the patrol has passed, then glances at the others, remaining silent for the moment.

Kira also stays quiet and hidden as best as she's able. She looks over the others more than the passing patrol.

Like a mouse Latenat creeps out of the niche he had sequestered himself within, the sound of the retreating formation a soothing one for all of its hards metallic martial overtones. For the most part, ALL is in shadow so he reaches into his pouch and graps a stone... clearly glowing from the dull red light that passes through the flesh of his hand. Forward cautiously he advances, and when reaching what looks to be a mere alleyway compared to the thouroughfare the merchers uses, he looks behind him and gestures a 'come hither before dissapearing into the way.

As the tromping sounds fade into the distance the party can follow Latenant through side streets and tunnels. Nearing the Shrine sounds of humanoids in pain drift clearly towards the group, screaming and moaning and prayers for mercy grow louder with each step taken towards the temple.

Schneider will follow along after the way is clear, trusting the scouts to lead them once the way is clear. His ears perk as he hears the sound of screaming and pain. "I think we must be close to our destination," he guesses.

Stirling follows Lat down the side street, heavy boots crunching under the weight of his armor and munitions. "Getting there..." he responds to Schneider.

Once th patrol passes, Kira is moving again. There is a need to hurry. The sounds of voices are heartening... until she hears the pain in them. She can't stifle a gasp and starts moving faster. This may have moved from evacuation to rescue. It sounds like they're in trouble!

Valadhiel nods, "Sounds like it, we'll need to be careful here, it sounds rather busy." She follows Lat down the chosen pathway, keeping her bow in hand.

Seeing no need to speak just to hear himself talk the half-sil scoundrel looks over his shoulder at Stirling, and considering the summation nods simply. Moving cautiously now he makes himself difficult for Kira to move past whilst he checks the way for dangers, not too difficult considering the breadth of the side tunnel but it pays to be careful as they close apon their goal.

There's careful, and then there's people in pain. Kira realizes, deep down, that Stirling is being prudent, but that doesn't stop her from trying to at least LOOK around him to see what's going on. "What is happening? Are they alright?"

Most of the speech is Khazad, but even then the sounds of pain and begging are clear. Of course screams sound much the same in any language. For those who are dashing foward there is a fair amount of blood on the stairs leading up to the shrine, and the doors are opened wide.

"Clearly not." Latenat replies evenly, though it is clear he has a heart he isnt letting it overpower his head at this time as he begins to ascend the temple steps his forward advance returning to normal,"But it isnt the sounds of battle we hear. No need to be hasty, the temple is merely open to those whom need it."

Schneider points out, "Well, it's a temple. Maybe they're caring for more wounded and hurt than usual?" He grins widely. "Oh, who am I kidding, this has got to be a fight. Getting here was far too easy." He laughs with amusement as he follows along with the group.

Stirling racks the slide on his deathray and nods to Schneider "Get ready for trouble..." he produces a disc and attaches it to the center of his chest armor where it clicks in place, making a shimmer appear around him.

GAME: Stirling casts Shield. Caster Level: 9 DC: 15

GAME: Valadhiel casts Shield. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17

GAME: Schneider casts False Life. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15

Valadhiel murmurs a few words, gesturing with her free hand as an azure shield pops in front of her for a few moments, before fading almost completely out of sight. Then she looks at the others, "Time to go in, I think."

Schneider murmurs a spell as we get ready to fight. His skin bulges and flexes grotesquely for a moment as if something rather large was struggling underneath, but then his appearance returns to normal.

Schneider pauses on his way in for one more spell he expects to use.

GAME: Schneider casts Spectral Hand. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15

Kira doesn't need to do anything to prepare for fight, and she still hopes they won't need to... but she can't deny the pained cries. She calls upon her inner reserves, training, and even a whispered prayer to Althea and works to finagle her way past Stirling to dash forward at... a very very quick pace through the doors.

Kira adds a semi-courteous, if dopplered "I'm sorry..." to the friend and allies she passes in her dash.

Stirling grunts and shake shis head but follows Kira in. "Together... " he calls out, although not too loud.

Making sure his footing is firm with the life-fluid apon the steps Latnat wrinkles his nose but continues on, and doesn't deign to block Kira's heedless flight towards the victims of the civil war and steps within the threshold just after Stirling (although he has to press himself closer to the rock wall as the Giantborne presses past)

Valadhiel blinks, "Oh for..." She moves quickly after Kira, not too fast, but close enough to back her up against whatever is going on in the Temple proper.

Schneider will follow after everyone else, since they're all in such a hurry. He's eager, but there'll be plenty of things to blow up when he does arrive, he's confident of that.

The blood makes the footing up the stairs a little tricky, and within the party comes across a sight of horror. Blood smeared and splattered walls, bodies stacked in a corner and kahzad and surfacers alike screaming in pain...

...as they are attended too by the priests and laypersons of the shrine. One of which looks at the heavily armed folks entering in, peering somewhat quizzically over the top of his glasses, an eyebrow arising in silent question.

You paged Latenat with 'They should have listened to you ;)'

Schneider grumbles sourly, "Looks like we missed all the fun." With no one to blow up, he falls silent and a bit sullen, and he'll keep a watch out now, in case people who need to be blown up arrive after, while the others are left to talk to the priests.

Stirling looks at all the people and without saying anything turns around to cover the entrance. Best let other handle the explaining.

Valadhiel glances at Kira, and smiles wryly, "Do you have a knack for diplomacy, because I don't, to be honest." She looks around the temple, "This could be a bit more complicated than I thought."

Latenat shoots Schneider a weighing look, before he turns to the Khazad and makes his way around the party... noticibly unarmed,"I should be able to work something out." he says as he passes Valadhiel and Kira,"Do what you can here until we're ready to depart. We could be carrying relics in addition to the wounded if need be." the dwarven priest giving them he eye catches the half-sils attention and his advance closes in on the khazad.

The dwarven woman who seems to be in charge peers up at Latenant as the half-sil approaches "Who are you with?" she asks bluntly, pausing to bark some orders at someone not moving swiftly enough for her liking, then resting a no-nonsense gaze on Lat again.

Kira is surprised by the scene. It's definitely not all that better than she feared, but is different. She slows down, but still veers to those in need. A nods to Valadhiel. "I can try. These people still need our help." Kira looks to the nearest priest as she closes on them and the injured. "We came to help, but we need to evacuate the temple soon." She looks apologetic to the clergy; she can understand reluctance to leave. She continues to the wounded to do what she can for whom she can.

"Does it matter?" Latenat replies, adjusting to the female Khazad's tone,"We have been tasked to evacuate the temple to safety, and that is the important bit. But we were given the task to escort those here and have papers from the loyalists to do so and have passage through the checkpoints."

"Yes. It does. We have stories surfacer slavers in the area" The Khazad growls back to Latenat, his reply deepending her distrust. Reacting to her tone some of the harder looking attendants look up from their work on the wounded and dying. At mention of papers she holds out a hand wordlessly.

Stirling eyes the entrance and then back at Kira "Can we hurry this up? I don't fancy being caught here by a patrol."

Valadhiel hmms, pulling out the papers that she showed to the other patrolling dwarf, and smirks a bit, "My apologies for the... colorful metaphors." She shrugs, "Hopefully we can get everyone out of here without too much trouble."

"Kira, would you hand over the papers to the elder?" Latenat says over his shoulder, turning somewhat to keep the elder in front of him as well as allowing the grappler ingress,"My apologies, I hight Latenat Denai of Alexandria." the scoundrel bows shallowly, though smoothly enough,"We avoided a sizable rebel patrol on the way in here." he adds to Stirling's comment

"I'm sorry, I'm a little busy..." Kira is trying to stop the bleeding of a man's abdominal wound. Assuming the the khazadi clerics allow her to help. As one of Althea's, her robes at least suggest that she's probably not a slaver.

Schneider is just sort of standing there, watching the way we came in, in case bad guys show up.

Waiting a moment for Kira's reply Latenat turns his head to look questioningly towards Kira... whom is most decidedly distracted with tending to the wounded. A vexed expression crosses the half sil's features as he pats himself down frantically and thankfully he secured the papers after the Seargent inspected them but ubnfortunatle has so many compartments in his vest he forgot it utterly,"Sorry about that, is there any way we might help asist to prepare the movement of the peoples here, Elder....?" he trails off meaningfully

Valadhiel gives the papers to the priest, "Here you are, and again, apologies for the colorful metaphors but the guardsman that sent us has a deplorable excess of personality in some ways."

The khazad glances down over the papers and snorts once "That's Axel alright" she says with a shake of her head "He came out bloodied and cursing and hasn't stopped since. Right, well their is a cart house nearby. If you can bring the carts over we will get about preparing the wounded to be moved"

Latenat shoots a glance at Schneider, Stirling and Valadhiel,"Methinks we can handle that." he says slowly, mulling over the request in his mind before giving a sharp nod and turning back to the Elder,"Well, we wont waste any time then. Can we grab some quick directions and we shall be on our way then." he says, turning towards the entrance although he still faces the Khazad woman.

Stirling nods to the rest of them. "Right, carts. Lets get on that." he says walking out in the indicated direction.

Valadhiel takes the papers back, tucking them away as she moves out with the others, "Let's get those carts and get moving. Don't really want to be loitering here, that's for certain."

Schneider grumbles about the carts, but will help along with the others. He actually knows a bit about the task, having grown up on a farm, but he does it sullenly, because there's nothing to blow up.

"Out the back entrance, turn left, take the third right and you will get to the back of the house. If you meet any Khazad patrols tell them Elder Forge Mistrel Truehammer will kick them in the (something in Khazad)" at that word some of those listening in snicker whilst others look horrified. At her gaze however they quickly get to the task of stabilising the wounded.

You paged Latenat with 'In other words every day but Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday our time :)'

After sneaking through the back streets and tunnels and dodging patrols along the way the party came to the bloodstained temple. Most charged in only to find the priests they were sent to rescue are busy attending to wounded. The party were told by the Elder Forge to get some carts whilst the members of the temple prepared the wounded for movement. Directions to a nearby carthouse were given, taking some more of the back passages just in case.

Valadhiel helps with the carts as best she can, though she spends most of her time keeping an eye out for trouble really. She frowns a little, "Not a big fan of the time this is going to end up taking, to be honest..." But she shrugs, realizing there's not much of a choice, either.

Stirling grumbles and nods to Val "Right, extraction with carts in tow? Not going to be easy." his red artificial eye scanning the shadows as they move, deathray cocked, locked and ready to go.

Schneider will take the back ways recommended to get the carts. This way lies pay.

Taking these tunnels are all well and good with directions... but they are unfammilar, and landmarks become less sure under those conditions. Nonetheless Latenat moves quietly, his neutral-toned clothing blending in with the stone that surrounds them for miles apon end... for whom knows in this environment how far a sound will carry? And the skill of those Khazad in being able to tell where it originates.

Kira isn't much at moving carts, and didn't go with them. She does what she can to help tend the wounded, stabilize them for transport, and ease their pain. She isn't blessed with Althea's gifts like the clerics, but she does know a few things about bandaging wounds.

It may be something of a backroute, or at least off the main thoroughfare but the streets, such as they are, are fairly wide although not paved very well, dirty with some stones in part. Still the directions were entirely accurate and soon you can see the large building that hopefully contains the carts, there is at least some animal noise from there.

GAME: Valadhiel rolls perception: (11)+12: 23

GAME: Latenat rolls perception+2: (16)+13+2: 31

GAME: Stirling rolls perception: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Schneider rolls perception: (19)+6: 25

You paged (Schneider, Latenat, Valadhiel) with 'You can all see through time! or more precisely there seems to be some kind of disturance in the earth up ahead, almost like a fin that is circling the carthouse much like a shark and a swimmer.'

GAME: Latenat rolls knowledge/nature: Trained Use Only: 0

GAME: Valadhiel rolls knowledge/nature: (7)+13: 20

Latenat says "<something you don't understand in handspeech>"Possible danger ahead."<something you don't understand in handspeech>"

GAME: Schneider rolls knowledge/arcana: (3)+6: 9

Latenat crosses from tunnel to tunnel with a modicum of movement and time spent, the sound and scent of animal presense giving way to something else,"<something you don't understand in handspeech>" he flickers with agile fingers before one delibrately reaches to grasp the hilt of his rapier.

You paged Valadhiel with 'Landsharks, aka Bulette. Nasty predators eat pretty much anything except elves.'

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+11: (19)+11: 30

Stirling holds up his hand, clearly not understanding the singals Latenat is using but otherwise stays quiet and loads a shell in his deathray, ready for trouble.

You paged Valadhiel with 'Ayup. Doesn't mean they won't attack :P'

Valadhiel raises a hand, whispering softly, "Hold up. We have a landshark ahead. Or a bulette, if you prefer." She glances back, keeping her voice low, "Apparently it's decided to make a hunting ground here. Do we have a way around, or can we take it out fast?"

The fin becomes more obvious once pointed out by members of the party, ominously on this circle it pauses at the point closest to the party and after a moment starts to shift in their direction.

Schneider pauses, peers. "Well, that's no good," he grumbles to Valadhiel. "I could fireball it if that would cheer you up?" he says, brightening. He strikes a pose.

Stirling raises his gun "Well lets deal with it and move in if it attacks us."

Valadhiel raises her bow, not bothering just yet with magic as she says, "Think we've got problems regardless, let's just do this quick and be on the way."

GAME: Schneider rolls 7d6: (26): 26

GAME: Schneider casts Lightning Bolt. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16

Schneider sees the enemy, and he has ... well, he's got one solution for everything. Fire. In this case, he channels spirits of fire and a bolt of fire strikes at the creature with a thundrous crash.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+10: (11)+10: 21

Watch System: Cesran has connected.

Moving fast underground the creature manages to avoid the worst of the fire bolt, but it lets out a nasty sound animalistic scream as it dashes towards the party, breaking ground to reveal it's full nasty form.

GAME: Schneider rolls initiative: 16 + 3 = 19

GAME: You roll initiative for B1: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 15

GAME: You roll initiative for B2: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 24

GAME: Latenat rolls initiative: 13 + 4 + +2 = 19

GAME: Stirling rolls initiative: 20 + 3 = 23

GAME: Valadhiel rolls initiative: 18 + 4 = 22

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 24.

It is now B2's turn! Stirling is next!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 23.

It is now Stirling's turn! Valadhiel is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Stirling ended.

GAME: Stirling rolls ranged+1: (12)+9+1: 22

GAME: Stirling rolls ranged+1: (8)+9+1: 18

GAME: Stirling rolls 8d6: (31): 31

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 22.

It is now Valadhiel's turn! Latenat is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Valadhiel ended.

Stirling doesn't hesitate when the creature breaks the surface and loads a pair of bright red shells into his firearm, blasting the beast with twin red searing rays of energy as he moves forward. "Come to pappa little thing, lets see how you are in a fist fight."

GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 19.

It is now Latenat's turn! Schneider is next!

Valadhiel fires off a quick pair of arrows, both bouncing harmlessly off the bulette as she moves back a step, letting Stirling get the creature's notice first. Hey, it might not eat her, but she doesn't want to get chewed up and spat out either!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 19.

It is now Schneider's turn! B1 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Schneider ended.

GAME: Schneider casts Lightning Bolt. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16

GAME: Schneider rolls 7d6: (24): 24

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19

Schneider isn't much of a strategist; as the thing advances, he casts the same one more time, a bolt of fire crackling past the enemy very closely and melting the earth where it hits. "Hah, take that!" he shouts.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+17: (19)+17: 36

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+12: (5)+12: 17

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+12: (4)+12: 16

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+12: (16)+12: 28

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+12: (18)+12: 30

Needle and cat's claw flicker into the half-sil scoundrel's hands with a flourish as Latenat moves forward and to the side of the tunnel as far as he possibly can. No augmented adventurer he but still he positions himself to take advantage of opportunity getting ready to react at the slightest hint of danger heading his way..

GAME: Schneider rolls 1d10+7: (3)+7: 10

GAME: You damaged Schneider for -100 points. 70 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Stirling for -100 points. 103 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Valadhiel for -100 points. 39 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Latenat for -100 points. 35 remaining.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 8d6+24: (32)+24: 56

GAME: You damaged Schneider for 46 points. 24 remaining.

A ground shattering roar escapes the land shark as it feels multiple firey strikes lash across it's hide. Eyes swing around and fixate on the major source of its' pain. Schneider. It seems to shrink down a bit on its stubby legs then it explodes in a jump that carries all the way to Giantborn, allowing all four claws to rip, shred and tear.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 15.

It is now B1's turn! B2 is next!


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 24.

It is now B2's turn! Stirling is next!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 23.

It is now Stirling's turn! Valadhiel is next!

GAME: Stirling rolls ranged+1: (17)+9+1: 27

GAME: Stirling rolls 5d6+4+1: (18)+4+1: 23

GAME: B2's initiative total changed to 23

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 22.

It is now Valadhiel's turn! Latenat is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+13: (19)+13: 32

Stirling has taken the front of the group but even as one pops up in front of Schneider he racks the slide and pumps a shot of lightning from his firearm into the creature. "Come fight someone your own size." he call out to the creature.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+13: (17)+13: 30

GAME: Yngvild rolls 4d8+18: (11)+18: 29

GAME: You damaged Stirling for 29 points. 74 remaining.

Erupting from the earth is another of these nasty creatures. It seems a little smaller perhaps, but it makes up for it in precise and huge freakin jaws. These sink deep into Stirling, ripping and tearing as it pulls itself from the dirt.

GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d20+10: (17)+10: 27

GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d20+10: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Valadhiel rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9

Valadhiel fires another pair of arrows at the wounded bulette. One deflects off again, but the other sinks into a crack in the creature's head armor, killing it rather quickly thanks to everything else.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 19.

It is now Latenat's turn! Schneider is next!

GAME: Latenat rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 19.

It is now Schneider's turn! B1 is next!

GAME: b1 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Stirling casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16

GAME: Schneider rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12

GAME: Schneider rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19

Summing up his chances of getting in underneath the exotic creatures reach, Latenat curses silently, dropping his melee weapons to the ground and reaching into his belt. For all of his speed however in reading the strip of leather and ammo, the slingshot patters off thick carapace. It appears the scoundrel's rock attack is Ineffective.

GAME: Schneider rolls 4d6: (17): 17

GAME: Schneider rolls 4d6: (20): 20


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 23.

It is now B2's turn! Stirling is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+13: (20)+13: 33

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+13: (8)+13: 21

Schneider yowches as the thing goes after him. "Argh," he complains, backpedalling quickly, though it gets finished off by someone else. That was easy. But there's another one! He considers that it's a little too agile for the spell he's using and goes with another one, shouting, "Lances! Of! Fire!" He holds up his hand and a flaming lance appears, which he casts at the creature. A second lance appears and he hurls that as well. Two good hits, but this thing is tough.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+12: (7)+12: 19

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+12: (14)+12: 26

You paged Stirling with 'Any additional armor?'

GAME: Yngvild rolls 2d8+9: (11)+9: 20

You paged Stirling with 'Oh? my book has it at 1 min a level? Ah cool'

GAME: You damaged Stirling for 20 points. 54 remaining.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 23.

It is now Stirling's turn! Valadhiel is next!

GAME: Stirling activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str

GAME: Stirling rolls melee+1: (14)+12+1: 27

GAME: Stirling rolls melee+1: (9)+12+1: 22

GAME: Stirling rolls 2d6+stength+1+1d6 frost: (9)+stength+1+(6 frost): 16

GAME: Stirling rolls 2d6+strength+1+1d6 shocking: (5)+6+1+(2 shocking): 14

GAME: Stirling deactivates his Titan Armor.

GAME: Yngvild removes the timestop.

Timestop by Yngvild has left.

GAME: You remove the timestop.

Stirling grins at the creature assaulting him, dropping his deathray to the ground as he clenches his titanfist, black smoke billowing from the furnace on his back as the cables to his titanfists surge with power. Frost crackling on his knuckles he lays into the bullet with his first punch and follows up with an electrified second swing that turns its face into something not even its mother could love.

Valadhiel shakes her head, "Well, that was pleasantly quick, if loud. Hopefully the other fighting will mask the sounds we made here." She glances at the others, "Anyone hurt?"

"Buy two expensive blades and I'm always deliberately dropping them on the ground, bloody shame really." Latenat goes down on one knee and retreives his weapons, lifting his head to watch the party's response to Valadhiel

Schneider winces as he stretches his arms over his head. "Yeah, the thing nearly tore me in half," he complains, looking over the remains. "We ought to hurry and get the carts, though, before anyone comes looking."

Stirling picks up his deathray, pulling out several syringes which he jabs himself with in the thigh in a crack in his armor. "I can take care of myself. Those were fiersome, more teeth than brains."

GAME: Stirling casts Cure Moderate Wounds. Caster Level: 9 DC: 16

GAME: Stirling rolls 2d8+9: (4)+9: 13

GAME: Stirling casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 9 DC: 15

GAME: Stirling rolls 1d8+5: (6)+5: 11

Stirling finishes jabbing himself twice and takes a deep breath. "OK, onward shall we?" he says to the rest of the group, asking the rest of the group as he loads another shell into the deathray. "Keep me posted if you see more of them."

GAME: Valadhiel used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Valadhiel used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

Valadhiel hmms, "Honestly don't think we'd see more of them, but glad we're keeping an eye out for unusual things." With that, she moves off, keeping her bow out as she glances around for possible trouble.

Schneider looks a bit better after getting magically cured, and he'll move on to the place we're going. To get carts, right?

Getting their post-combat ministrations out of the way Latenat soon takes up their path again, following the sound of distressed beasts of burden to the pace where their carts are. Shooting a glance back at the party he smiles privately and avaunts!

GAME: Latenat rolls survival+2: (15)+11+2: 28

GAME: Latenat rolls perception: (18)+13: 31

You paged Kira with 'Healing perhaps :)'

You paged Latenat with 'Human, cart, digger and pony tracks. Nothing recent.'

You paged Kira with 'Roll a few for me now'

When they arrive Latenat goes down on one knee again, splaying his hands as he inspects the local area,"Apart from those beast you took out, nobody has been here in a while." the dust has started to layer apon the stone, and with that the rogue delves within the underground structure... the party not having much time to waste.

GAME: Kira rolls healing: (15)+healing: 15 to yngvild

GAME: Kira rolls heal: (8)+11: 19 to yngvild

GAME: Kira rolls heal: (9)+11: 20 to yngvild

Within is a selection of carts of various quality, as well as stables for both diggers and ponys, all of which seem fairly tame. One problem presents itself however. All the carts are too large for some of the narrower tunnels the party took. But there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of other options.

Valadhiel nods, "Alright, then let's get going, before we get found out." She frowns at the size of the carts, "And we might need to figure out some alternative route to get back from the temple."

Schneider will begin by getting the horses out of the stalls, and getting the bridles and hitchings and such on them, to prepare them for hitching up.

Stirling helps with the horses and carts, being raised an Arvek makes his familiar with them. "Lets get them moving, we may have to fight our way back."

You paged Kira with 'You do a great job of stabilising and readying folks for transport, Intimidating head Forge woman even smiles at you :)'

Kira has been doing a good job stabilising the wounded, and preparing them for transport. The Elder Forge even gives her a nod and a faint smile. The animals are all easily harnessed, seeming keen to get out of their pens. As the others pull up with the carts the Elder starts organising the loading of the patients in her rather brisk manner.

Valadhiel keeps an eye out for any patrols by the Temple, just in case the evacuation is spotted. In this situation, she figures being in a position to warn the others would be best.

Kira came here to help, and she's pleased that she could. Especially to ease pain and suffering. There were others to get the carts, and she felt she'd be more help aiding the overloaded clergy. When they return with the carts, she's thrilled. "I think we're as ready as we're going to be..." She then helps with loading the wounded, but does ask, "Were there any problems?"

Schneider doesn't know much about injured people, but he knows a little about carts and animals, so he'll keep them moving and keep things organized such as he can. He's put hay from the stabled in as many carts as he can get to, so the patients can be put in there more comfortably, though all the time he's keeping an eye out for danger.

GAME: Schneider takes ten on handle animal: (10)+8: 18

Thankfully there were some beasts of burden left alive, and fed enough that they can be put to work. Otherwise it probably would have been Giantborne in the harnesses,"A little." the scoundrel replies to Kira on the way past, finding his way to the Elder cleric to inform her of their success.

Stirling helps rigs up the animals and load people in efficently, perhaps even making a few minor repairs to otherwise well sued carts. "Anyone who can walk is better of walking, it may be chaotic if a fight erupts."

If there is one thing Khazad are it is efficient. That and stubborn. And often cranky. Either way the Elder Forge makes sure everything and everyone is organised to within an inch of their lives. So to speak. Soon enough everyone who cannot walk is loaded up and those fit are armed as escorts. The elder herself takes a seat shotgun in the lead wagon. Considering the carts she purses her lips and frowns "Well, I think I can talk us past the checkpoints. As we are not getting these through the back roads"

Stirling nods "Lets get going then." he pulls out another disc and reataches it to his chest.

GAME: Stirling casts Shield. Caster Level: 9 DC: 15

As everyone gets ready, Schneider prepares himself as well. Chanting to whatever spirits are listening, he exhorts them to provide him with some of their strength. His body bulges as it seems like forces move around beneath his skin, but then all is calm.

GAME: Schneider casts False Life. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15

GAME: Schneider rolls 1d10+7: (6)+7: 13

Latenat glances ascance at the Elder Forge, whom speaks Common obviously for their benefit. A nod is his answer,"Best be you to do so. We'll scout ahead to screen the wagons, then." with that the rogue glances at the Adventurer's in turn and waves them forward with a single hand, held horizontal to the floor abeit the motion is but a formality as they were going to do that anyway as he himself moves toward the steps decorated with Khazadi blood. Civil war is never pretty.

GAME: Valadhiel rolls stealth: (20)+14: 34

"Don't worry," Kira assures the head Forge and the wounded. She walks with the carts as they move out.

GAME: Latenat rolls stealth+2: (20)+13+2: 35

They do guide the caravan through as many of the back roads as they can. But there comes a time the only way through for the carts is the main thoroughfare. And the scouts find not too long afterwards a checkpoint, well within the 'traitors' area. It is a fairly solid checkpoint, looking like it was made before the attempted coup. Two stockades and a gate, and an unknown number of Khazad, but likely a lot.

Valadhiel reappears from sneaking ahead close to the lead cart, and ahems, "We have a problem. Checkpoint, heavily fortified." She glances at the caravan of carts, "I'd suggest parley, at least to get the wounded through. We might be able to take them, but they're dug in and that would put the wounded under a lot of risk."

You paged Latenat with 'Elder might take lead on this one, but next checkpoint will be more problematic :)'

The elder hrumphs and adjusts her robes a little to make her holy symbol even more prominent as she nods to Valadhiel "If they dare fire on me I will make sure they regret it" she says whilst drawing herself upright and nodding to the driver "They wouldn't dare" she adds as her cart at least starts to move off, the others being a little more cautious stay in cover

Having moved through the tunnels like a wraith Latenat's nerves are on edge, having seen Valadhiel go back to warn the escorts the half-sil makes a desicion and steps into view, right in front of the khazadi checkpoint just about the time the wagons' presence becomes obvious. Arms crossed, he awaits their reaction.

Kira agrees wholeheartedly with Valadhiel. "Yes, they should let us through. We are no threat to them, and neither are the wounded. They wouldn't let their own people die, even if they don't all agree. " She moves up ahead on the road, towards the checkpoint. She is probably a much less threatening sight than most of the others.

A heavy crossbow bolt streaks out from an arrow slit to land right in front of Latenat as a head appears over the top of the small tower "Far enough surfacer, or the next one will be high enough to make sure you don't breed any more" he calls out, as some of the mostly hidden dwarves start laughing.

Schneider snorts. "No threat? That's a laugh. We're a huge threat, that's why we were sent. We can broil them in their skins or smash them bloody. They'd be saving their skins to let us through without a fight, but they may be feeling froggy."

GAME: Latenat rolls diplomacy: (17)+16: 33

GAME: Latenat rolls diplomacy: (11)+16: 27

Valadhiel shakes her head, "We don't want this to come to a fight now, if we can avoid it. The wounded are the priority here, and getting them through safely." She draws her cloak's hood up and over her head. "Latenat stayed back there, hopefully he won't do anything too rash." Not that she thinks he would, but she's not as familiar with the group as she'd like to be.

Kira frowns at Schneider. "I'm sorry that you enjoy murder. Fortunately, most don't." She approaches the checkpoint with her hands open and lifted, calling out. "I'm not armed. We are not here to fight, just carry wounded to be treated. Please, may we pass?"

GAME: Kira rolls diplomacy: (10)+16: 26

Stirling stays quiet, lets the others do the talking but if a fight were to break out he already has a micro rocket loaded into his deathray, ready to blow the enemy up.

Schneider grumbles, "Hey, I'm no murderer. It's not murder to kill people that are trying to kill you. I know the rules." But he stays quiet in back while the talky people are talking. He doesn't want to get blamed when things go south.

"Who says I breed anyway, Khazad." Latenat notes drily, his feathers hardly ruffled although the cold heat of the precarious situation runs 'neath his skin like a river of adrenaline,"Refugees from the Temple of Reos, moving to safety. Elder Forge will be with us in just a moment to ask permission for passage." the half-sil sniffs and smiles wryly, as if this were all going to plan.

Valadhiel murmurs to Schneider, "For the record, I agree, this is war... but, we also have our priorities." She smiles wryly, "Let them talk."

"Shush" the elder says to Schneider, her eyes narrowing "You harm my people and you will answer to me" with that she nods her driver closer and they emerge out to head towards Latenat. Once within visual range she stands up and launches into a tirade in Khazad. The words may be unclear but the tone is that of an exasperated mother scolding her children. Already softened up by the humans diplomacy the visible Khazad hand their heads, scuff their boots, the hardened soldiers soon reduced to schoolboys as they wilt under her scolding. With one final word the gates open wide. She pats Kira on the head as she sits back down "You are a good girl lass" she praises then calls back to the convoy in khazad and the convoy moves through, the ashamed commander even giving them an escort of a half dozen dwarves.

Schneider nods silently to Valadhiel. He won't draw attention by holding a conversation back here, but he's glad at least someone agrees with him. He does manage a silent glower at the Elder. He grits his teeth to hold back a tirade of irateness. His hair seems to stand up on its own from the pressure of him holding his tongue.

Valadhiel walks alongside the carts as they go through, keeping her hood drawn just to avoid any possible unpleasantness based on the fact she's an elf. She keeps quiet while the Khazad are nearby, not wanting to provoke anything until the coast is clear.

Kira's cheeks redden at the compliment... or possibly the manner it was given. Though it's still a compliment. "Thank you." She offers her thanks also to the khazad at the checkpoint. They helped saved many lives, and should be proud of that.

Stirling keeps his peace when Latenat and Kira talk, once again not very good at it. His red glowing chrome eye is focused on the enemy Khazad, unblinking and constant. There is no hidding who he is but perhaps the dwarves will at least have an appreciation for artifice.

Smiling benificently Latenat shows white teeth that are only sarcastic if you consider the context as he leads the convoy forward once more through the checkpoint, he doesnt waste words here. For all that is productive has been done, that too is diplomacy. Knowing what words NOT to say and the time to shut ones yapper when things are going well, and your goal is acheived.

The escort, and the Elder manage to get them through another few checkpoints, the convoy making better time being able to follow the straight main road. However the leader of the escort heads over to the Elder, even taking his helmet off to hold between his hands "This is past our territory Elder, there is a checkpoint ahead but it is manned by surfacer mercenaries. And er I don't think they will show your station the proper respect er elder" he says, the veteran stumbling over his words a little.

For her part she considers with a frown, then lets out a soft breath "I wouldn't mind wiping these surfacers from the holy underground but too much of a risk...you" she says pointing to Latenat "You have a smooth tongue, see what you can do. And you..." she adds with a nod to Kira then Valadhiel "Go with him to make sure he doesn't give away the Altar silver" she adds with a deep earth chuckle

Valadhiel curtsies respectfully to the Elder, "By your command." With that, she looks over at Latenat, arching a brow at him as she smirks beneath her hood.

Kira nods to the directions. "Of course. If they're from the Guild, they should let us through..." She could bring up the matter of them not being a threat again, but doesn't as she moves ahead.

Schneider just sort of glowers. He's a teamster here more than a sorcerer, but that's probably just as well. If there's any resistance, he should be able to lob a fireball out of the blue. For now, though, he simply drives the cart and glowers.

Stirling nudges Schneider in the ribs "Imagine what a few well placed fireballs would do to those baricades, could carpet bomb the ever living heck out of it and the use of wood..." he says in a hushed tone to Schneider. "Don't worry, this war is not over yet."

"I'm better when I'm on my own turf, but sure." What the half-sil gets up to on the streets of Alexandria is a matter of conjecture for the main part, and he offers a shrug in Valadhiel's direction and begins to draw further away from the wagon train even as he shoots an approving smirk at the Giantborne pair as they conspire preparing his thoughts beforehand before they hit the mercenary line.

These barricades is rather more makeshift, but theya re centured on a well fortified dwarven building. Showing a distinct lack of originality as Latenant approaches a missile streaks out to land at his feet "Far enough I think" drawls a rather coloufull looking human from the roof of the building. Unlike most of the mercs he is well dressed, and even clean shaven.

Schneider smirks to Stirling, and nods, a grin on his lips. He leans down to whisper, "That'd be a cheery bonfire they wouldn't put out in a hurry." He nods about the war not being over. "Not by a long shot. I'm just afraid it's being run by timid little children." He can only shrug.

By comparison Latenat is clean cut but shabbily dressed, leather armor nonwithstanding though to tell by his composure he might as well be assured as any self important dandy as he slows to a halt and looks upward to the building they must bypass and the forces apon and around it,"Latenat Denai of the Explorers Guild escorting dwarven refugees to safety." he states, as if it were merely a formality whilst informing the mercs of their purpose here.

Kira once more lifts her hands to show they're empty and calls out. "My name is Kira, a Sentinel in service to Althea. I'm not armed and we're not here to fight. We have wounded that need to pass to receive aid!"

The elegant mercenaries initially replies to Latenent by carefully examining his manicure. After several long moments he looks up, seemingly rather disinterested "I'm sorry am I supposed to -care- about wounded Khazad?" he drawls in reply with an artfully fake smile "I suppose we could cut you the clergymans special price, say 15 percent of the healthier ones or the equivalent in gold?" he says glancing to Kira with a faint smirk "Good for you, now pipe down and let the menfolk talk. There's a dear"

GAME: Kira rolls diplomacy: (13)+16: 29

GAME: Latenat rolls diplomacy+2: (14)+16+2: 32

GAME: Latenat rolls diplomacy+2: (16)+16+2: 34

You paged Schneider with 'If you need to sleep feel free, with those diplomacy rolls very unlikely to be a fight :)'

Kira's brows arch upward at the response, which is... unexpected. "Are you sure that is wise?" She gestures back towards some of the others with the wagons, including the khazadi clergy. "Thos khazad you do not care for are their kin, and some of the men- and women-folk there would rather incinerate or shatter your skulls than speak with you. I know none of us want that to happen, so maybe you could let us pass, please?"

Latenat's smile by comparison is not quite so artificial as he hooks his thumbs into his belt, one might say a smile with teeth in it,"I aint no clergyman I'm afraid nor do I deal in the flesh trade. So you can take my cut out of /that/ which is nil. No doubt you are getting paid for manning this point, and skimming off the top wont exactly be in your contract." slender shoulders shrug as he eyes the numbers of mercs arrayed against them,"The Khazadi checkpoint we just passed through certainly didn't, they defered to our company in fact. Still, I wouldnt say no to parting with a little gold. Say in the realms of 100 peices?" an eyebrow is risen archly as he plays the deal for all it is worth.

The elegant merc tilts his head to one side as his smile turns lascivious "The lady has quite a mouth on her. Throw her in and I -might- drop it down to ten percent" he says, blowing a kiss at Kira before looking back to Latenat "Or as I am feeling charitable, her and six hundred in gold"

You paged Latenat with 'Another rool if you will :)'

GAME: Latenat rolls diplomacy: (14)+16: 30

Schneider whispers down to Stirling, "I could launch a fireball right down his shorts. I wonder what he'd think of that." He glowers at the fellow and says, "They keep trying to be nice to these scumwaffles. Just tell them we're going through, and they can try and stop us if they want. I'm pretty sure they don't want. And if they do, I can make them regret it."

Valadhiel looks at the mercenaries with an air of disdain, and looks over at Schneider and Stirling as Kira is talked down at, "Personally, I'm all for sending them to their maker, and I don't particularly care which faction they are with."

Stirling shrugs at Schneider "Perhaps letting them know what kind of heat we are packing might help? Let them know the complexities of my BE-9 high heat rocket." he says with an encouraging smile.

"See, I /am/ feeling rather charitable myself. Unfortunately I cannot tithe what I do not own, especially since I'm under contract presently to escort these fine people. 50 gold and my most gracious benevolence, goodsir." Latenat's smile is nothing short of jaunty as he bows magnimously for his audience, well versed in dealing with -if not liking- human scum wherever it may be found.

Kira attempts to keep her composure and smile, though to say it's strained is putting it politely. "If you wish me to stay here so they can pass, I will do so. You can have all the coin I have, as well. Simply let them pass."

"Your benevolence and a few copper might get me a mug of ale in one of the cheaper taverns" the merc with the mouth replies with a faint smile, he waves a hand and a few more mercenaries appear in some of the buildings overlooking the crossroads "I do dislike unnecessary bloodshed. Especially when I am not getting paid for it. Of course I doubt it would last long if you were foolish enough to attack. Five hundred and you can proceed with my blessing. I can't say fairer than that"

Valadhiel looks like she'd just want to put a few arrows into the mercenary spokesman, glaring from underneath her hood, muttering something about making sure he died first under her breath.

"Copper, who said anything about copper?" Latenat inclines his head thoughtfully as if hearing something distant, keeping track of the interplay between the two parties,"I know how far exactly coin will travel in a decent tavern. I recently had to pick up a bar tab for noble house servantry and it was not near 50 gold. This way you have our silence, goodsir. And your employer doesnt take it out of your contract nor hides, and certainly you might be able to overpower us, but it will cost you more than a few coin to do so." the half sil shrugs dismissively,"Your call."

GAME: Latenat rolls diplomacy: (12)+16: 28

GAME: Latenat rolls sense motive: (16)+11: 27

"I have a rather large and terribly thirsty crew, and honestly if a few of them die the more money for the rest of us. Two fifty and we can call it a deal" the commander offers, his face hardening as it seems he may well has reached his limit, the hardness having reached his eyes.

You paged Latenat with 'He seems very unwilling to go lower, having the upper hand and all. Also he has men who are greedy and trecherous :)'

Kira is appalled by many of the things going on: the civil war, the eagerness to inflict harm, and now the haggling of putting a price on life. She exhales, but holds her tongue, so as not to interrupt the "men folk" again. Instead, she pulls a pouch from her satchel and begins counting coins. In plain view of Latenat and the spokesmanfolk. She then holds out a handful of coins, even if it might be somewhere between 250 and 500. She didn't count precisely.

"One moment, I think we have a deal but I have to confirm it with the elder." the half-sil scoundrel holds a hand up as he goes back to the lead wagon where the elder resides to inform her of the measure of bribery required.

"I will make a note to mention this to the command of both sides. Hopefully we can wipe these people out...but" the elder says with a sigh "...we canot afford a fight with the wounded. I will guantee the five hundred if needed" she adds then makes an effort to hide the signs of her rank, just in case.

"Agreed, my apologies that we couldnt do it otherwise but the captain is proving rather... intractable. I shall keep my word to him but that doesnt bind you, it will give a measure of satisfaction to hear word has gone out" Latenat replies with a pursed smile before he retreats to deal with the realities of handing Kira's purse over.

"Reos's justice will fall upon him. Most heavily" the elder assures Latenat, her eyes narrowing as she pulls a hood up over her face.

For his part the Mercenary leader is quite happy to accept the gold, and cross enough to count it out carefully before waving them through with a blow kiss for Kira.

Valadhiel mutters to the elder, "I'd settle for an arrow to the sword he values too highly." She keeps her eyes narrowed, refraining from putting a few spells into the mercenary with great difficulty.

After the currency is handed over Latenat ignores the mercenaries as befits his role, although he keeps a surreptitious eye apon the last wagon until the last of the convoy has passed through the waypoint unmolested. His hands not straying far from his belt until they are all out of sight safely.

Kira gives the mercenary leader only a nod after he opens up the checkpoint. She stays there with him until the caravan passes through before moving on herself. His blown kiss is returned with an odd look follwed by a frown. Her attention then returns to the important ones: the wounded and their escort.

That unpleasantness dealt with the rest of the way 'home' is rather more smooth and speedy. Soon enough the convoy reaches the makeshift HQ and more importantly the infirmary. Luckily one of the Royalist checkpoints sent a message ahead so they are ready for the wounded, walking and otherwise. With that done the Elder blesses the party and offers thanks before bustling off to terrifying the local healers.