Warning the Mislead

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Thoth is hard at work at the Artificer's shop. Gathering various little trinkets, baubles, bits and bobs. When Rune and the now nameless goblin might find them, the avian War Golem is near the central hall, standing on what looks to be a wooden board, that is hovering about 5 inches above the ground.

The avian is managing to remain on the board rather well, all things considered. Its arms out wide, as it uses one clawed foot to make the plank slooooowly move a few inches forward, before it slowly drops to the ground, as if under a feather fall effect.

The avian then chirps, and lifts it off of the floor, revealing what looks like four rings, of which three are slowly rotating around a central black orb.

GAME: Thoth rolls Reflex: (19)+6: 25

After recent events at the Temple of Daeus, Rune was quick to turn her attention to the automaton which seems to be at the center of the strange occurances. She shakes a bit of rain from her hair as she steps in, not wanting to cause any issues with the workings of the guild.

It doesn't take her long to spot the avian form of the War Golem, but there is a surprised look when Thoth drops to the ground. She may have quickened her pace to get there, but slows agani when it seems that Thoth is quite alright. "Is... everything okay?" She asks, looking from what they are building, back to the smaller automaton.

"What in the world is it...?" She can't help but ask, momentarily distracted from her task.

GAME: Nameless casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17
GAME: Nameless rolls spellcraft+4: (19)+20+4: 43

A nameless goblin had followed Rune when the elfin lass had said she was going to check in on Thoth, it seemed like a logical next step in solving the problem, though the goblin's heart wasn't fully in it, the recent events weighing heavily on her. But even in her near-fugue state, the goblin couldn't let a question like that go unanswered. She immediately makes a few gestures of a detect magic spell, but flubs the casting, and has to do it again with a tired frown. It works the second time, despite the distractions. "Good question Rune, some kind of transmutation effect, similar to a Floating Disc. But not quite that, since it wouldn't be able to carry a person, something about the person's spirit interferes with the floating effect. It's a neat trick." she says, finding a semi-clean surface to sit on nearby and lean against the wall with her eyes closed.

Thoth is lifting the plank with some measure of difficulty. It seems to be a rather heavy piece of wood.

Its eyes loudly close and open again as Rune approaches all wet, before clicking its beak. Ra, which has been hiding in a little cubbyhole nearby, quickly flutters up and moves to land on Rune's shoulder - careful to keep its claws to her heavier leather cloth. It coos a few times, and then a rush of magic, as all the moisture drains from Rune's clothing and within moments, she is dry again.

"This one believes fleshlings prefer not to be wet." Thoth chirps as it finally manages to put the wooden plank against a nearby pillar. "Where this one comes from, the cities floated. This one is applying the magics of the cities on a smaller scale to this plank. This one is attempting to make a cart that won't have its wheels break." It explains to them.

The bird then tilts its head to Fidget, considering the goblin for a moment. Then manages a; "This one believes it remembers this gobbo. But this one cannot remember its name. This one worries for its own memory." Thoth declares.

This isn't the first time that a familiar has perched on Rune. In fact, she had reinforced the shoulders of her armor for just such occassions. The brush of magic has the water seemingly flitter away in wisps of shadowy smoke. "My thanks, little one." Rune nods a response to Thoth as well.

Then, the magic from the Nameless Goblin gets her attention briefly as she nods her head. Thoth's own response adds to under understanding, but one ear twitches in that way that suggests she may not fully 'get' magic. "Interesting. though.. I'll admit that I'm more than happy to have my cities on the ground, thanks."

When Thoth seems to realize the problem, it draws her attention back to the task at hand. "And that, my friend, is the problem. The Goblin here did have a name, at least as of a short while ago. It isn't your memory that's the problem, though. They lost their name to a Fey, one which you are very familiar with, I'm afraid."

The goblin might not have realized she'd gotten wet, she glances down at her sleeves and does the same thing as Thoth, whisking away the water until her outfit regains its bounce and stops looking half-drowned. "Yeah. I ran into that Fae who seemed obsessed with you getting certain memories. He tricked me into stealing my name, and then wanted to bind me to serving him and helping you with the memory hunt forever. We didn't really agree on it. And today, when I tried to get some answers on the asshole and what he's up to, he appeared, killed someone in the way, and stripped me of my name." The goblin relays the tale in a tired voice. "He said it'd... kill me over time. So... do you know why he's doing this? Who he is?"

Ra chirps at the thanks, remaining in place as the nameless Goblin takes care of her own moisture-wicking.

"This one understands that feeling." Thoth in the meantime remarks to Rune speaking of prefering her cities on the ground, before turning that attention back to the Gobbo.

"This one was told not to give one's name to Fey." It first finds important to state, looking to Rune. After all, she had been the very one to warn it. And at the allusion of the Fey it is familiar with, it clicks its long beak in a frustrated and anxious manner.

It then shakes its head. "This one is an unreliable source. This one's memories say that Fey is its master. But this one is... uncertain, as those memories have come from those very orbs. This one believed the orbs to be infallible. Perhaps, this one is wrong?" It chirps.

"This Fey must know it though. This one cannot understand how it would be otherwise. And in turn, this one should know him." There's confusion there. A paradox.

"This one doesn't understand. But this one can perhaps talk to Master?" It asks in a questioning manner. It clicks its beak. "Master was never violent. Master was kind."

"If that's the case, then it's even more proof that whomever this Fey being is, they aren't the 'Master' that you remember." Rune's expression has more anxiety to it than one might expect, given her own Fey connections, but that is likely driven by the unknown. "They very much used some sort of power to black out the room, drive everyone into darkness, and then killed Cuemoni, the mate of the Daeusite that was helping this one." She motions at the Goblin.

"If it wasn't for the fact that Zeke is a renownly powerful magic user, he might have lost her, forever. The Fey is a murderer." Rune says this last bit slowly, in order to make sure that this sinks in with the automaton.

She doesn't correct the Goblin as to the length of her contract, instead focusing on Thoth, instead. "Zeke performed a ritual to commune with the gods. To get us answers. First and foremost, the question that was asked was: Is the Fey intentionally misleading you. The answer was: 'Yes'."

Again, Rune quiets, giving time for this to resonate with the automaton.

"Is it possible that the memories are true, but carefully chosen to tell a story that is not true?" the goblin says, sitting up a bit as the puzzle draws her attention. "It's also possible the orbs are purely fabrication. Though I don't know how exactly you'd figure that out. It's not like you can put a ball in a zone of truth." Fidget sighs, "And if you're right that your master is kind, then that isn't your master. Or something horrible happened to them to make them this way."

It is difficult to read the 'emotions' upon Thoth's expression. It is a Wargolem after all. It doesn't have the smooth muscles that the most fleshy folk have. Its broken wings strain a bit in frustration, and it begins pacing a bit however. There are other hints at what it's thinking, or perhaps, not thinking.

"This one is... distraught by this news." It declares. "This one does not understand the way of your Gods. But this one isn't one to disbelieve Other-Rune." It chirps in frustration.

It then lifts its clawed hands slightly, almost like a shrug. "This one... does not know. This one does not have the answers. But this one does know where to find them." It then notes. "This one can reach out to Fey-Master."

Rune's lips press into a thin line, "The problem with reaching out to your Fey-Master, is that it's already been confirmed that they are intentionally misleading you. If someone is already lying to you, they aren't going to start telling the truth just because you ask them nicely." The rogue leans a little against one of the nearby workbenches, careful not to disrupt anything being assembled there.

"The commune also confirmed that what the Fey fears the most, is the truth being discovered. If he fears it, he certainly isn't going to go telling it to you." She bites at her lower lip, looking pensive about the whole situation.

"I hate to point out someone's flaws, but you're too naive for your own good, Thoth. You're too quick to believe people, and this Fey is using it to their advantage." She looks over towards the Goblin, then, "Then again, we all have our flaws, don't we?" Running a hand through her hair, "Mine is getting involved in things I probably should have kept my fool nose out of. That, and a love of a good story."

"Yeah, sorry, Thoth. This is a lot to deal with for you too." the nameless goblin sympathises, "But hey, at least they're not trying to kill you... obviously... yet." That might not be as encouraging as she'd intended it.

"Not me, I'm perfect just the way I am. Though perhaps not having a big enough fireball to solve this problem is a flaw." the goblin chuckles, but it trails off to quiet.

"This one understands this. But this one would bring... allies." Thoth answers Rune, with a frustrated shift of its wings. "Perhaps bring someone capable of casting a Truth spell." It then adds to this. "It fears truth, then it will fear the spell." It points out.

It then clicks its beak, and nods its head. "Perhaps. But this one also has been given memories. This one... has a hard time telling true memories from false memories. Because this one believes they are its memories. This one lost many, corrupted, broken." It adds.

"This one is ready and willing to assist fopish-Gobbo regain name."

"Yet." Rune responds, feeling like it is only a matter of time before others start to become targts of this murderous Fey. "Though, Thoth seems to be key to whatever it is they are trying to accomplish. So they may be the only one that's safe."

Her lip quirks, likely amused by the Goblin's way of looking at things. "Not a big enough fireball, nor enough blades." Her hands rest on her weapons for a moment.

Then, looking over to Thoth, "If you do seek out the Fey, make sure that anyone that comes with is aware of just what kind of danger he presents. That we've already had one death at his hands. It... might be worth talking to Zeke, as they were the one in the commune spell at the time." She suggests.

Then, looking over at the Goblin, Rune nods her head, "I'm not sure what we can do, but we'll do whatever we can to help you."

"Yes, these seem like reasonable plans. I think we should also stock up on cold iron, too. It's still one of his weaknesses - even if the god said that killing him wouldn't solve my problems. It did say he could be killed 'with effort'." the goblin suggests, "And I read about this cool spell that can blast metal shards (like cold iron), might be fun to use on him. And will hurt Rune less if she's in the way. Sorry about that by the way."

"I'm apt to believe the gods, but there are other avenues we can try in order to find more information." Rune seems thoughtful at that. "I'd try reaching out to Cor'lana Lupecyll-Atlon if you can get a hold of her. She's the most knowledable person I know when it comes to the Fey. She may have some suggestions on how to handle the name issue."

Shifting her weight, Rune looks to the Goblin, first. "Just... be careful. She has her own ties to the Fey, another good one who has helped me a fair bit. Just watch your words. No names, no saying thank you, no oaths." It's all things she's warned of before.

Then, turning to Thoth, "In the mean time, be watchful and wary. Look into what you can of your own past, and don't accept anything that your 'Master' says at face value. If you can, maybe see if there are memories of yours out there that /he/ isn't the one pointing you at. Ones that might not be corrupted yet."

It's a thought, and a place to start. "In the mean time, we should all look for allies. We're going to need them."