Tiny Toys

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Rumor had it that several young people had gone missing on the road betrween Alexandria and the village of Persolk, a farming village of no particular specialiness or interest. Until now, anyway.

That's why the adventurers are on the /way/ to Parsolk at the moment, having been dispatched by the Guild of Explorers to inverstigate the disappearances and see if there's some kind of trouble that needs to be shot/stabbed/murdered efficiently. It's about evening, now, and the sun is beginning its early, wintertime descent.

Grush is walking along at a brisk pace despite her heavy armor and large pack. She's softly humming under her breath and looks quite at ease though her eyes continue to dart across the terrain

Lido is one of the adventures, the tiny, leather armor-clad humanoid quiet and attentive. Following along side her is her dire corgi, Pupperillo von Barksalot, who is likewise paying attention to their surroundings. Using her quarterstaff like a walking stick, her free hand is rubbed along the large (to her) dog's side, soothing to her as much as it is to the canine.

Walking along with, Foxx has a rather nasty looking scowl on his face as he walks behind Lido and her dog. "Mmmmm....blasted disappearin' folk. But ah reckon bandits gotta be bandits." he says as he puts the cigar back in his mouth. No, he doesn't look happy.

Valkea has reconnected.

"So we have one guess for bandits." Albain speaks up, after hearing Foxx grumble. The pistoleer's gear has long since been cleaned thoroughly on the way here, and now it's back in his holster as he walks along with the group. "What does everyone else thing it will be?"

Deak walks along, too, softly humming a light tune, and stealing frequent glances at a particular point in the sky.

Sarcis moves along with the rest of the group with a smile sliding along her lips. Not exactly your typical looking Oruch with the more slender build to her she waited until they got outside of town before stringing her bow and nocking an arrow. "Well, possibly bandits." She says to Foxx, "Maybe just more /plants/." A sigh with a shake to her head. "I really just hope that it's interesting." She reaches a hand up to sweep some of her thick mane back behind a pointed green ear.

Grush says, "Perhaps some kind of ferocious Boar. Lot of muscle, with a nice thick marbling of fat. If we can fight them in an apple orchard that would be best""

Valkea has partially disconnected.

"I bet it is something super.... spooky," comes a quipped response from Lido. "Maybe it's giant spiders. Or giant bears. Or..." She trails off as Pupper bumps against her, trying to stop his mistress' rambling before it can get too far. Clearing her throat, she blushes and adds quickly, "Not that they're spooky, of course."

GAME: Sarcis rolls perception: (19)+10: 29

GAME: Foxx rolls perception: (18)+2: 20

Deak muses, "Maybe they just got lost and need help finding their way back."

GAME: Grush rolls perception: (8)+3: 11

GAME: Deak rolls perception: (12)+5: 17

Valkea has reconnected.

GAME: Lido rolls perception: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Albain rolls perception: (9)+6: 15

GAME: Valkea rolls perception: (4)+8: 12

The half-elf with the big crossbow has mostly been keeping quiet. Valkea keeping an amused smirk on her lips while keeping blue eyes and pointy ears peels for anything they might come across.

Keeping a bolt nocked in her weapon she levels the crossbow to keep her sights at the ready to aim as needed. Though it is aimed down so it can fire into the ground away from peoples feet. Hand no where near the trigger. Crossbow safety.

Grush is still walking casually, seemingly still distracted at the thought of a roast

Valkea has partially disconnected.

Foxx says, "Did ye hear somethin'?" Foxx says as he starts to walk his way forward, towards the side of the road....."

The smaller female Oruch whips her head off to the side with her smile slipping for a moment. A glance toward the others in the group and she lets one of her well crafted eyebrows dip, a frown creasing along her lips. "Anyone else hear that?" She nods to Foxx, they seemed to have said about the same thing simultaneously. "Like a cry for help?" She asks, her hand reaching up to tuck her hair back again and her eyes turning down to the ground just off the road.

Lido darts a look towards Foxx. "Hear what?" Pupper is likewise stymmied, the normally-attentive dog distracted by an itch behind an ear that he has paused to get rid of. Frowning at him in mock-disapproval, she whispers to him, "Now is not the time to become useless. Come here." The dog whines a bit but does as he's told, returning to his place at her side.

Albain shakes his head but stops and turns to face Grush regardless. "If you think you heard a cry, then we should investigate it. Where was it coming from?" he asks.

Grush Looks around confused "Huh? I didn't hear anything" she places a hand on her hammer and looks around

GAME: Grush rolls survival: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Valkea rolls survival: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Deak rolls survival: (3)+3: 6

GAME: Albain rolls survival: (2)+8: 10

GAME: Lido rolls survival: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Foxx rolls survival: (17)+7: 24

Grush squints around, the failing evening light playing havoc on her night vision

Deak turns attentively to look where indicated. "I didn't either, but let's be sure all the same."

GAME: Sarcis rolls Survival: (12)+11: 23

Before too long, Sar cis, Foxx and Lido realize that there aren't too many tracks to follow but it isn't long before a second call for help can be heard, more audibly. Someone from deeper in the woods is definitely calling for it, but it's not evident they were from the road.

Grush immediatly starts running towards the noise, hefting her hammer over one shoulder and grabbing one of the hatchets on her belt in the other hand

The half-elven Ranger makes a mental not that Puppers need to be petted later on. With everyone else picking stuff up such as sounds and other signs of trouble, being distracted by adorable animals is not the state you want your party members to be in. It might be too late though.

"Wait... no, don't..." But it's too late as Grush is rushing off ahead, leaving a bewildered Lido to watch after her. "Well." Sighing, she looks at the others present while pointing in the direction the sound came from. "We better hurry so she won't wind up running headlong into trouble alone." Pupper barks once as if in agreement with that and then a second time as if telling the rest of them to hurry.

-=-=-=-=-=-= At a glance around Staff: Room of DoooOOooooOoom! =-=-=-=-=-=-=
Albain 6m 6'0" 170 Lb Human Male 
Dark-haired blue-eyed young man 

Deak 25s 6'1" 180 Lb Human/Aesir Male 
Blonde man w/a breastplate, blue cape, & a bill hook 

Foxx 49s 6'5" 280 Lb Human Male 
Brown haired man w/a 5-o'clock shadow 

Grush 1m 7'6" 250 Lb Orc Female 
A large, imposing female Oruch 

Lido 58s 3'0" 57 Lb Halfling Female 
A 3' tall halfling druid. 

Sarcis 2m 6'4" 160 Lb Orc Female 
Thin, pale green skin, black hair, and black eyes. 

Valkea 1m 4'6" 100 Lb Half-Elf Female 
Blonde Half-Sil with a heavy crossbow. 

Whirlpool 2m Lb Otyugh 
I am stinky! 

Foxx makes a face.....and draws his pistol as he moves. "Ah don't lahk this..."

Deak, seeing Grush run on ahead, and runs after her, "Althea grant us success."

Albain draws his own dragonspitter as well and takes off after the imposingly tall Oruch. "Let's go!" he announces as he rushes over to try and catch up.

Sarcis lets out a sigh and continues off after the group as well. Her head shaking from side-to-side in a mild bit of annoyance. "Well... Hope it's not a trap. Who wants to bet it's a trap?"

There's a figure! Tied to a tree.

"HEEEELP," they yell until you show up.

"Oh thank the gods," he says, "Thank you, thank yoiu, thank you. Untie me? Please?" He sounds petrified, eyes wide, skin clammy and sweaty.

Sarcis has reconnected.

Lido whispers to Pupperillo, "Sniff around, make sure there isn't anything or anyone lurking around at the edge." Once he does that she steps towards the bound person, her eyes holding to theirs. "Who did this to you?" She's careful not to get too close to the tree.

GAME: Sarcis rolls sense motive: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Deak casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 4 DC: 13

Grush rushes up to the person, looking them over for injuries and cutting the ropes with her axe

Grush says, "Are you okay? Who did this to you?""

Deak calls to the party, "Hey, guys? I'm picking up some transmutation, but a heavy dose of illusion magic. Be careful, alright?" He then attempts to climb the tree to get into position to cut or untie the rope.

"Something's wrong here." Sarcis says even as Grush starts rushing toward the person. She raises the bow, pulling back on the string. "Hey! Get back from them... I don't like this! Where'd they come from? We didn't see tracks on the way in."

GAME: Deak rolls athletics: (3)+0: 3

While she hasn't been too successfull in spotting anything, Valkea still keeps her senses peeled as the others cut the person down. The perpetrators could still be around, it could even be a ruse. Still, no need to be complacent. It does get a more nervous look on the ranger's features as Deak further adds a warning.

"Illu-" Albain begins before snapping his dragonspitter onto the captive that the others are helping down. "Step away from him quickly, he may not be what he appears to be!" he shouts out, using his other hand to wave off the others from approaching him.

"...what?!" he looks horrified, that human man, tied to teh tree. "You can't just leave me like this! Please!" He sounds frantic. "Please, please help me!"

Somewhere off to the side comes a series of barks, barks that Lido immediately understand as Pupper trying to call attention to the fact that he has discovered something. Frowning, she holds up a hand, asking the rest to wait while she goes to investigate what it is the canine has found. "Keep your eyes open," she suggests, "and prepare for a fight." Hopefully it will be a fight that'll never come.

Foxx, at hearing the warning, levels his pistol where Pupper is barking. "right...." That word is said in a growl...

...as Lido starts barking, that's when they dolls begin pouring out of the trees. Articulate dolls, a dozen of them, all subtly... off in some, creepy way. Eyes that blink a little too fast. Eyes tht don't blink at all. Smooth featur4es. They're definitely expensive /looking/.

...and moving o ntheir own. Also, they hve tiny knives.

Uh oh.

GAME: Celeste ends her rage.

GAME: Whirlpool removes the timestop.

Timestop by HighPool has left.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Whirlpool has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Whirlpool to instruct you further.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.

Albain has disconnected.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 24.

It is now Sarcis' turn! Grush is next!

Albain has connected.

GAME: Sarcis rolls weapon5: (19)+8: 27

GAME: Sarcis rolls 1d8+7: (3)+7: 10

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 22.

It is now Grush's turn! Lido is next!

GAME: Grush rolls weapon1 -1: (3)+6+-1: 8

Sarcis already had her bow up and pointed in the direction that the dolls suddenly started flooding from. "Oh this isn't good. Wait..." She shakes her head, dismissing it for a second and picking a doll that she can see at random. A little further pull back of the bowstring, a shift of her aim, and she shoots. The arrow smacks into the doll's head, making it spin end over end... and then it gets back up.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now Lido's turn! Valkea is next!

"DRUNKEN GODS!" Grush shrieks in a rather unwarriorlike manner, swinging wildly over the toys heads, a look of pure horror on her face

GAME: Lido rolls 2: (8)+2: 10

GAME: Lido rolls weapon2: (8)+4: 12

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 17.

It is now Valkea's turn! Tiny Dolls 7-9 is next!

Pupper growls as Lido gets sight of a close by toy, the sight of which shocks her. So much so, in fact, that she misses when she takes a swing at it with her quarterstaff. "What the..." The question gets cut off short as she doesn't even have the words.

GAME: Valkea rolls ranged+1: (3)+6+1: 10

The Ranger steels her grips on the crossbow. A quick check the bolt is still primed to fire before blue eyes focus down along the length of the weapon.

With so many dolls coming out of hiding, Valkea shudders and then steels herself. "This is why I preferred something plush when I was a littler girl." Spotting one in a clear line of fire she hmms and takes aim to fire, clicking the trigger and letting the bolt fly. Already she's kick stomping the weapon to reload faster than the handwinch would normally allow. Maybe if she took a little more time she'd hit something.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 16.

It is now Tiny Dolls 7-9's turn! Foxx is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (18)+2: 20

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (16)+2: 18

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d2: (1): 1

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d2: (1): 1

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 16.

It is now Foxx's turn! TINY DOLLS 1-3 is next!

In response to having been shot at, the tiny dolls swarm towards Valkea, drawling onto her boots and stabbing at her ankles, her feet. They actually pinrpick her a couple times and start /twisting/ their tiny knives in her flesh.

GAME: Foxx rolls ranged: (18)+5: 23

GAME: Foxx rolls 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 15.

It is now TINY DOLLS 1-3's turn! Tiny Dolls 10-12 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (18)+2: 20

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d2: (2): 2

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 12.

It is now Tiny Dolls 10-12's turn! Albain is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (14)+2: 16

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (16)+2: 18

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (19)+2: 21

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d2: (1): 1

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d2: (2): 2

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 11.

It is now Albain's turn! Tiny Dolls 4-6 is next!

The dolls, well, being the tiny dolls they are, swarm over Sarcis and Foxx now as well, trying to stab them with their equally tiny knives. They can at leqast move fast, it seems.

GAME: Albain casts Web. Caster Level: 4 DC: 16

Foxx levels his pistol and blasts it right between the eyes. It only knocks it down though. By then, the other two are on him. "damn..."

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (20)+1: 21

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (20)+1: 21

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (5)+1: 6

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 8.

It is now Tiny Dolls 4-6's turn! Deak is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 3.

It is now Deak's turn! Sarcis is next!


Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 24.

It is now Sarcis' turn! Grush is next!

GAME: Deak casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

Deak calls out, "Lady Mother, bless us as we fight to protect thy children!"

Albain looks a little bit confused when the captives don't turn into ravenous horrors. After all, that's what he had in mind when the word 'Illusion' was mentioned. It takes him a moment to react to it all, but when he does it's to load a spell cartridge into his dragonspitter and - with the right Eldritch words spoken to activate the spell - he pulls the trigger and launches a sticky mess of webbing at several of them. Unfortunately the nasty little things mostly manage to avoid it, getting only indirectly covered and leaving only one of them firmly stuck.

GAME: Sarcis rolls perception: (11)+10: 21

GAME: Sarcis rolls weapon5 +1: (19)+8+1: 28

GAME: Sarcis rolls 1d8+7: (6)+7: 13

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 22.

It is now Grush's turn! Lido is next!

Sarcis draws another arrow, her hand flyinh back to the quiver, grabbing it and knocking it in one smooth motion. She draws it back, angling it upward into the trees. She pauses with it for a moment, exhales and releases it to send the arrow shaft flying up into it.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 18.

It is now Lido's turn! Valkea is next!

GAME: Lido rolls companionmelee: (5)+-3: 2

GAME: Lido rolls CompanionMelee: (8)+-3: 5

GAME: Lido rolls 1d20+2: (13)+2: 15

GAME: Lido rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2

GAME: Lido rolls 1d20+1: (6)+1: 7

GAME: Lido rolls weapon2: (17)+4: 21

GAME: Lido rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5

Foxx hugs.

GAME: Grush rolls weapon1 -1: (8)+6+-1: 13

Pupper decides to get in on the combat, finally, and tries to snap at one that is distracted. He grabs ahold of it and starts to growl, his ears pinned back as instinct takes hold. On Lido's part, she swings again, this time making contact with one. She doesn't pay attention to how much damage either of them has done as she's now busy trying to keep from getting swarmed herself.

Sarcis has partially disconnected.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 17.

It is now Valkea's turn! Tiny Dolls 7-9 is next!

GAME: Valkea rolls ranged +1+1: (10)+6+1+1: 18

Grush takes heart from Deaks cries, gritting her teeth and pushing down the shivers running up her spine "Be unmade by righteous hands! FUCKING PUPPETS" She swings her Earthbreaker with all her strength, slamming directly into the ground. She lets out a bellow of fustration as the puppets dance out of the way of her strike

GAME: Valkea rolls 1d10: (1): 1

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 16.

It is now Tiny Dolls 7-9's turn! Foxx is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (16)+2: 18

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (12)+2: 14

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d2: (2): 2

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 16.

It is now Foxx's turn! TINY DOLLS 1-3 is next!

Meanwhile, ther's a sound, a cry from above, as a creature falls from the tree and lands on the ground, apparently having been unmorred from its perch. Looking a bit like an elf, the furry, mawed creature hisses. "You won't end my game!" It's bleeding from the gunshot wound, but seems mostly unhurt.

"Murder them all, my pretties!"

The shot just seems to draw the dolls towards her and when Valkea feels blades digging into ger ankles she yelps and jumps about on the spot once she'd finished reloading the next shot. Steadying herself again though it's a fight to stay standing as blood drips into her boots and soaks her stockings. Aiming downward with a pained snarl, the trigger pulled and the bolt shoots down, glancing one of the dolls on it's path to th ground, Hopefully the stomp load hits one but they're quick little sods.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 15.

It is now TINY DOLLS 1-3's turn! Tiny Dolls 10-12 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (16)+2: 18

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (8)+2: 10

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (5)+2: 7

GAME: Sarcis rolls knowledge/nature +3: (16)+8+3: 27

GAME: Foxx rolls ranged+1+1: (9)+5+1+1: 16

GAME: Foxx rolls 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (17)+2: 19

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (12)+2: 14

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d2: (2): 2

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d2: (1): 1

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 12.

It is now Tiny Dolls 10-12's turn! Albain is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 11.

It is now Albain's turn! Tiny Dolls 4-6 is next!

"Lahk HELL we ain't!" Foxx yells before he turns his pistol on the furry elf and pulls the trigger. *CRACK* and there's another bullet wound it has to endure.

GAME: Albain casts Flaming Sphere. Caster Level: 4 DC: 16

GAME: Albain rolls 3d6+2: (10)+2: 12

GAME: Albain rolls 2d4: (7): 7

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 8.

It is now Tiny Dolls 4-6's turn! Deak is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (10)+2: 12

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (19)+2: 21

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d2: (1): 1

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 3.

It is now Deak's turn! Sarcis is next!

Albain is still a bit annoyed that two of the dolls were nimble enough to evade his web. As he sees the third struggle in futility within the sticky strands, he casually loads another spell cartridge and takes aim. After the requisite Eldritch, this trigger pull sends a fiery ball that expands rapidly once in mid-air and lands onto the hapless doll. The web incinerates in seconds, adding to the flames, and crisping the murderous little doll. Is that satisfaction on his face? Quite possibly!

The dolls, well... they are still using their tiny knives!

Albain has two lunge at his legs, st icking and stabbing at him. One scores a hit and a trickle of blood begins to painfully fall down his leg.

Sarcis and Valkea are both scored on as well, bleeding from very minor and shallow wounds as the dolls try to KEEP stabbing them. Grush as well is wounded, but either way, these are largely insignificant cuts and scrapes.

GAME: Deak casts Shield Other. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

Deak steps alongside Grush and touches her arm with one hand while he puts his other hand on his holy symbol, and muttering a prayer.


Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 24.

It is now Sarcis' turn! Grush is next!

GAME: Sarcis casts Wrath. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 22.

It is now Grush's turn! Lido is next!

Sarcis lets out a laugh as she sees the thing fall from the tree from where she shot, she draws out another arrow, taking a five foot step back and using the arrow's thorny barb as her focus. She waves it through a gesture in the air, mumuring words and points right at it with a wicked grin sliding along her deep-red painted lips. She crinkles her nose as she looks at it, "I know you now. Fey! Normal weapons aren't going to be very effective. Iron or magic!" She laughs, a cold edge to it as the arrow she used to cast knocks on the string. "Your fun /will end."

GAME: Grush rolls weapon1 +1: (11)+6+1: 18

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (7)+2: 9

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (11)+2: 13

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 18.

It is now Lido's turn! Valkea is next!

GAME: Grush rolls 2d6+5: (5)+5: 10

GAME: Lido rolls companionmelee: (14)+3: 17

GAME: Lido rolls weapon2: (20)+4: 24 (THREAT)

GAME: Lido rolls weapon2: (14)+4: 18

Grush takes a deep breath as the protection spell surrounds her, muttering a prayer under her breath as she takes a careful, deliberate strike, shattering the Dolls head. She cant help but let out a small whoop of triumph

GAME: Lido rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2

GAME: Lido rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Lido rolls 1d4+4: (3)+4: 7

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 17.

It is now Valkea's turn! Tiny Dolls 7-9 is next!

GAME: Valkea rolls ranged +1+1: (16)+6+1+1: 24

GAME: Valkea rolls 1d10: (8): 8

Between the dog and his friend, they take out another one, adding to the number of deceased playthings. Once done the halfling pauses to rub Pupper's ears, smiling. "This is fun, isn't it," she asks quietly, the question responded to with a bark.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 16.

It is now Tiny Dolls 7-9's turn! Foxx is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 16.

It is now Foxx's turn! TINY DOLLS 1-3 is next!

"Ye gerroffit ya little sods!" the half elf curses without actualy cursing in her anger. New bolt, loaded with a solid kachunk then shot. This time there's a satisfying hit but untill they're all done, Valkea has no smiles for anyone. Bad enough she's going to hate walking back to the guild when things are dead.

GAME: Foxx rolls ranged+1+1: (15)+5+1+1: 22

GAME: Foxx rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 15.

It is now TINY DOLLS 1-3's turn! Tiny Dolls 10-12 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (15)+2: 17

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (9)+2: 11

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 12.

It is now Tiny Dolls 10-12's turn! Albain is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 11.

It is now Albain's turn! Fuzzy Elf is next!

Foxx shoots the fuzzy one again, but the thing doesn't seem all that bothered by it. "Hmm....that could be a problem...."

The dolls have been thinned a little but there's still too many of them. Sarcis, Grush and Lido all have dolls trying to stab them mindlessly though all of them fail to do more than draw a little blood this go around.

If that.

GAME: Albain rolls ranged+1+1+1: (11)+6+1+1+1: 20

GAME: Albain rolls 1d8+2: (5)+2: 7

GAME: Albain rolls 3d6+2: (12)+2: 14

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+1: (13)+1: 14

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 9.

It is now Fuzzy Elf's turn! Tiny Dolls 4-6 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+10: (7)+10: 17

"That's for shooting me!"

The 'fuzzy elf' with sharp teeth lunges towards Sarics, crashing powerfully into her and trying to bite into her flesh. To no avail for the moment, actually.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 8.

It is now Tiny Dolls 4-6's turn! Deak is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (11)+2: 13

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 3.

It is now Deak's turn! Sarcis is next!

The remaining doll by Albain, damaged and splintered as it is, tries to stab him again. It does not succeed.

"Ow hey!" Albain shouts as a doll's knife stabs at his thigh. As he tries to shake the damnable thing off, he reloads his dragonspitter, but this time with a live round. The sharp crack of gunfire is heard as he blasts a hole in the creepy assailant, but without stopping it. Meanwhile the flaming sphere is on the move, chasing after another doll, but failing to catch it.

GAME: Deak casts Spear of Purity. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

GAME: Deak rolls ranged: (7)+4: 11


Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 24.

It is now Sarcis' turn! Grush is next!

Deak tries to unleash Althea's mama bear fury against the elf, but the elf neatly avoids the holy effect.

GAME: Sarcis rolls BowPBSWra: aliased to Weapon5 +3: (19)+8+3: 30

GAME: Sarcis rolls 1d8+9: (7)+9: 16

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 22.

It is now Grush's turn! Lido is next!

GAME: Grush rolls weapon1 +1: (13)+6+1: 20

Sarcis stares at the creature in front of her that just bit at her, a turn to the side so that the teeth scrape off of her chain shirt and she lets out a half-laugh at it. Her feet carrying her backward away from the creature as her hand on the already knocked arrow pulls back that little bit farther. "This is for trying to bite me." A whispered word, a slow pull up of her aim and the arrow releases, striking it hard.

GAME: Grush rolls 2d6+5: (8)+5: 13

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 18.

It is now Lido's turn! Valkea is next!

GAME: Lido rolls companionmelee: (9)+3: 12

"Pupper, sic." Lido points to the apparent source of all the problems but the corgi misses in his excitement to make the druid happy with him. With as close as he is to the enemey he might cause something of a distraction, though, so maybe he will be of some help regardless of the failed attack.

"Blessed are the weak, Broken are the sinful!" Grush brings her hammer down on another puppet, crushing it into the ground before spinnign around to face the FeyElfThing

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 17.

It is now Valkea's turn! Tiny Dolls 7-9 is next!

GAME: Valkea rolls ranged +1+1: (3)+6+1+1: 11

Valkea grumbles again when another shot misses, her brow scrunched up in a frown while she tries to dance and weave around the little dolls stabbing at her legs. If anyone asks it was kittens. At least they're adorable when legs get shredded.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 16.

It is now Tiny Dolls 7-9's turn! Foxx is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (7)+2: 9

A doll tries to slice at Sarcis but does not manage it succesfully.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 16.

It is now Foxx's turn! TINY DOLLS 1-3 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (7)+2: 9

GAME: Foxx rolls ranged+1+1: (7)+5+1+1: 14

GAME: Foxx rolls 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 15.

It is now TINY DOLLS 1-3's turn! Tiny Dolls 10-12 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (12)+2: 14

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1+ninit: (7)+1+ninit: 8

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 12.

It is now Tiny Dolls 10-12's turn! Albain is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (13)+2: 15

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 11.

It is now Albain's turn! Fuzzy Elf is next!

Foxx turns his pistol to another doll and blasts it with his pistol.....

GAME: Albain rolls ranged+3: (7)+6+3: 16

GAME: Albain rolls 1d8+2: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Albain rolls 3d6+2: (9)+2: 11

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 9.

It is now Fuzzy Elf's turn! Tiny Dolls 4-6 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 8.

It is now Tiny Dolls 4-6's turn! Deak is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 3.

It is now Deak's turn! Sarcis is next!

"I had ONE JOB. ONE! Snaring travellers for the boss, and you're going to RUIN it."

He is so annoyed, that fuzzy elf.

SO. VERY. ANNOYED. He lunghes at SArcis again -- annoyed at her for knocking him from the tree -- but the elf is able to avoid it.

GAME: Deak rolls Bill: aliased to Weapon1: (14)+5: 19

GAME: Deak rolls BillDmg: aliased to Damage1: (13)+(3+1): 17

The spongey ball of fiery death has so far only incinerated one doll and blazed a trail of singed earth and grass, but finally manages to corner and roll over a doll, ending its hideous little existence. This gives Albain no real satisfaction as there are still dolls stabbing at his flesh, and despite putting another bullet hole in one of them they remain persistent and animate!

GAME: Deak rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4


Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 24.

It is now Sarcis' turn! Grush is next!

GAME: Sarcis rolls BowPBSWra: aliased to Weapon5 +3: (7)+8+3: 18

Deak glances at his fellows and chooses to strike the elf rather than project healing energy, which would likely work just as well to the enemy's advantage as to that of the adventurers. He slashes with his bill hook, and bloodies the weapon.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 22.

It is now Grush's turn! Lido is next!

GAME: Grush rolls weapon1: (6)+6: 12

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 18.

It is now Lido's turn! Valkea is next!

GAME: Lido rolls companionmelee: (8)+3: 11

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 17.

It is now Valkea's turn! Tiny Dolls 7-9 is next!

Grush is breathing heavily, limping a little from the stab wounds to her shins. She turns to face the Elf-thing and hefts her weapon onto her shoulder "By Altheas grace! Go quietly" She yells, running forwards and sweeping her Hammer into a huge overhead arc. This is of course dreadfully telegraphed and the Elf-thing has no problem stepping aside and letting Grush nearly knock herself over

Pupper is usually better at this kind of thing but it has been a while since they last had to fight anything, perhaps, and it shows in how he's once again unable to find purchase on the fuzzy elf man... whatever it is. Whimpering, he moves to the elf's other side, perhaps hoping to find a better angle of attack from there.

GAME: Valkea rolls ranged+1+1: (7)+6+1+1: 15

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 16.

It is now Tiny Dolls 7-9's turn! Foxx is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (14)+2: 16

A doll chases after Sarcis. Still trying to stab her in the boot !

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 16.

It is now Foxx's turn! TINY DOLLS 1-3 is next!

GAME: Foxx rolls ranged+1+1: (7)+5+1+1: 14

Valkea grrs as the little things just keep getting out of the way. Shots miss again and again with no end of frustration showing on Valkea. Reloads are made after each one and even the stomp load seems to yeield any luck.

GAME: Foxx rolls 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 15.

It is now TINY DOLLS 1-3's turn! Tiny Dolls 10-12 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (5)+2: 7

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 12.

It is now Tiny Dolls 10-12's turn! Albain is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 11.

It is now Albain's turn! Fuzzy Elf is next!

The dolls numbers have been tconsiderably thinned, at this point.

That's good, at lreast, given those dagger wounds are starting to burn...

Another shot at the doll near Sarcis rings out from Foxx's pistol...

Sarcis dances back again from the constant attack, sliding from one side to the other and a yank of her foot back away from the small dolls. She reaches back to her quiver, nocks, and looses. Her aim was off though, that damn Fey threw her off with its rather fierce attack that nearly hit. "Stay will, would you?!" She says to the Fey.

GAME: Albain rolls ranged+3: (6)+6+3: 15

GAME: Albain rolls 1d8+2: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Albain rolls 3d6+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+5: (15)+5: 20

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 9.

It is now Fuzzy Elf's turn! Tiny Dolls 4-6 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d6+5: (6)+5: 11

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 8.

It is now Tiny Dolls 4-6's turn! Deak is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 3.

It is now Deak's turn! Sarcis is next!

The crack of live gunfire heralds the final end of a doll - not a very impressive kill, but then it was tenaciously clinging to existence through supernatural means. "Why is it that they're so difficult to destroy, anyways?!" he asks in exasperation. Meanwhile the flaming sphere detours from the dolls and makes a beeline for the culprit behind this all, but gets dodged before it winks out of existence a few seconds later.


Finally, he draws blood on Sarcis and seems satisified by that.

He whirls around towrads ALbain, thereafter, leaping through the fire towards him and snarling. "You next."

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22


Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 24.

It is now Sarcis' turn! Grush is next!

GAME: Sarcis rolls BowPBSWra: aliased to Weapon5 +3: (7)+8+3: 18

GAME: Deak casts Forbid Action. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

GAME: Sarcis rolls 1d8+9: (2)+9: 11

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 22.

It is now Grush's turn! Lido is next!

GAME: Grush rolls weapon1: (9)+6: 15

Deak clutches his holy symbol and calls out, "Elf! In the holy name of Althea, I forbid you to attack!" but, he must be an infidel, for he denies the injunction.

Foxx has disconnected.

GAME: Grush rolls 2d6+8: (6)+8: 14

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 18.

It is now Lido's turn! Valkea is next!

GAME: Lido rolls comanionmelee: (15)+comanionmelee: 15

GAME: Lido rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Lido rolls companionmelee: (5)+3: 8

Grush swings wildly at the things head, letting out an angry bellow as her blows fail to land. At least shes keeping its attention

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 17.

It is now Valkea's turn! Tiny Dolls 7-9 is next!

GAME: Valkea rolls ranged+1+1: (6)+6+1+1: 14

And this time Pupperillo is able to sink his teeth into a fleshy bit of calf. He doesn't seem like he's going to be letting go anytime soon, not unless Lido gives the command do, which she does not.

Albain has disconnected.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 16.

It is now Tiny Dolls 7-9's turn! Foxx is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 16.

It is now Foxx's turn! TINY DOLLS 1-3 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 15.

It is now TINY DOLLS 1-3's turn! Tiny Dolls 10-12 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 12.

It is now Tiny Dolls 10-12's turn! Albain is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 11.

It is now Albain's turn! Fuzzy Elf is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 9.

It is now Fuzzy Elf's turn! Tiny Dolls 4-6 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (5)+2: 7

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 8.

It is now Tiny Dolls 4-6's turn! Deak is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+10: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 3.

It is now Deak's turn! Sarcis is next!

GAME: Deak rolls 2d8+4: (3)+4: 7

If anything, at least Valkea's trying. But even with training at the the supremely close ranges she still misses. The dolls are too quick to hit as she tries to line up a shot.

Sarcis dances back again, even as the creature starts off away, but she wasn't fast enough this time, the cut took her in the leg. Enough to make her buckle under the step and gasp in pain with a wince, she reaches back all the same as she sinks to her knee. The arrow nocks, the bow drawn, and the Oruch looses the shot which hits it hard enough to hurt it. "I hate you, Fey. I hate you with every part of my being, and I will kill you if one of the others don't first."

Deak strides handily toward Sarcis and says, "The healing grace of the White Lady be upon you."

"Blah, blah, blah. You have more to worry about than /me/. Don't you feel those burning wounds?" He's grinning ferally. The toymaker is going to have his fun with you yet. These are HIS woods."

A slash at Albain is taken but the wizard is able to avoid it. The toys are ineffective.


Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 24.

It is now Sarcis' turn! Grush is next!

GAME: Sarcis rolls BowPBSWra: aliased to Weapon5 +3: (9)+8+3: 20

GAME: Deak casts Consecrate. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

GAME: Sarcis rolls 1d8+9: (5)+9: 14

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 22.

It is now Grush's turn! Lido is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Grush rolls 1d20+5: (20)+5: 25

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 18.

It is now Lido's turn! Valkea is next!

GAME: Lido rolls weapon2: (8)+4: 12

Grush tosses down her hammer and lunges at the Elf, throwing all her weight into it, narrowly avoiding the retalitory strike more by luck than design "Surrender now you Idiot!" she shouts directly into its ear

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 17.

It is now Valkea's turn! Tiny Dolls 7-9 is next!

GAME: Lido rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3

GAME: Valkea rolls ranged+1+1: (15)+6+1+1: 23

GAME: Valkea rolls 1d10: (10): 10

Sarcis pulls out another arrow, not having to move further back, she instead starts to close a bit closer to it - limping from the cut even with the healing granted her. Trying to keep it just out of reach of her. She knocks the arrow, pulling it back and shakes her head, "Whoever this toymaker is, we'll deal with him next, /Fey/." Spitting out the last word like a curse.

Valkea stomploads again, the winch on the side of her crossbow whirring fast before the strink is latched into place and another bolt is slid into place. Accuracy has been eluding Valkea for much of the encounter, keeping her angry while at least not much more damage has been done to her already sashed ankles, feet and shins. any more misses and she's gonna have to just start kicking the dolls around.

  • THUNK* goes the hit of Lido's staff to the back of the elf's head. She's being extra careful because she doesn't want to hit anyone else by mistake, but she does manage to add injury to insult.

Finally there's a decent hit and the doll she was aiming at is pinned to the ground from the head down. No longer going anywhere. Some small satisfaction crosses Valkea's face. Two left. No small task the way they move.

Lido has disconnected.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 16.

It is now Tiny Dolls 7-9's turn! Foxx is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+2: (12)+2: 14

The remaining doll on VAlkea does try to stab her. It does not succeed.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 16.

It is now Foxx's turn! TINY DOLLS 1-3 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 15.

It is now TINY DOLLS 1-3's turn! Tiny Dolls 10-12 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 12.

It is now Tiny Dolls 10-12's turn! Albain is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 11.

It is now Albain's turn! Fuzzy Elf is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 9.

It is now Fuzzy Elf's turn! Tiny Dolls 4-6 is next!

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+10: (15)+10: 25

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d6+5: (4)+5: 9

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 8.

It is now Tiny Dolls 4-6's turn! Deak is next!

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Seven - Init 3.

It is now Deak's turn! Sarcis is next!


Whirlpool advances the initiative order.

Round Eight - Init 24.

It is now Sarcis' turn! Grush is next!

GAME: Deak rolls Punch: aliased to Weapon0: (19)+4: 23

Slashing at Grusdh in a last-ditch effort to drive her off, the fuzzy elf looking thing roars in outrage and draws the Oruch's blood in copious qamounts.

GAME: Deak rolls 1d3+1 nonlethal: (1)+1 nonlethal: 2

Deak, not wanting to jeooardize Grush, punches the elf. He smiles from the raw physicality of the act.

GAME: Sarcis rolls BowPBSWra: aliased to Weapon5 +3: (5)+8+3: 16

GAME: Sarcis rolls 1d8+9: (8)+9: 17

GAME: Whirlpool removes the timestop.

Timestop by Whirlpool has left.

Grush suplexes the corpse

JUDGE: Whirlpool sends Deak back to his former location.

Deak has left.

JUDGE: Whirlpool sends Grush back to her former location.

Grush has left.

JUDGE: Whirlpool sends Sarcis back to her former location.

Sarcis has left.

JUDGE: Whirlpool sends Valkea back to her former location.

Valkea has left.