Siege on Gnomagedon (Part 3)

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A deal has been struck, with the skeletal mage Zombie Maker to help him get revenge against his master a real lich. In turn he will guide you to the phlyactory of said lich, and then let Arisha get satisfaction in killing him. The tower is made of wood, and the enemy approaching are some burning undead.

"So maybe fight outside? I know I am evil and all, but I would really hate to lose all my Lady Sandial and Lord Svarshan memorabilia." the zombie making walking outside, "Remember to keep me alive!"

Morgan takes a moment and wonders "Will there be memorabilia of me when I cast 9th circle spells, and if so will I be able to fireball that factory." She then finds a nice area to get some spells ready.

"Why do you not stay inside then." Offers Razen to the skeletal mage, one heavy hand clasping and drawing his heavy flail. "You will be in less danger in here." With those words of wisdom he heads out of the room and outside to face the burning undead that await him. It's clear to see how eager he is, a broad grin on his face.

Helmet down, it's Ork Skull face grinning to the world, Baz stomps out of the tower to the field beyond. His shield and scimitar ready as he takes up a stance and places his weapon's hilt against the center of his chest. As the celestial energy gathers forth he wills it into his armor adding just that more protection to his form. "Right, time ta kill more stuff dat is already dead. Dis I don't mind, dey so fun ta kill ya just want ta do it again. Hah? HAh!"

GAME: Baz da Ork casts Shield of Faith. Caster Level: 6 DC: 14

Arisha takes a breath and rises from her meditation kneel. "Remember our deal..." She says to the Zombie maker, and loads a cartridge into her pistol. "And these flaming skeletons.....I imagine they're immune to fire, correct?"

The Zombie Maker looks to Morgan, "Not yet, just some fan fiction and art. The normal stuff for when an adventurer gets to your caliber. Give it time. Got a few pieces of the fan fiction if you want to read them. Though they were by a goblin." Then he glances to Razen, "They were ordered to kill me, they might focus fire me in the tower. I have a few collectable Plushies in there." heading out into the field.

The field is very open and off in the distance you see one very large creature flying your way, and it is clearly on fire.

The Zombie Maker glances to Arisha, "Yep I remember the deal. Not like I could escape if I wanted to. Never got to Teleport or Plane shift."

Razen stares up at the sky with clear clear irritation. He looks at his flail a touch dispondantly and then yells as loudly as he possibly can - which is notably loud. "COME DOWN HERE AND FIGHT ME!!!"

The zombie maker notices the flying creature coming in and turns around and runs back towards the tower, "That is Frosty, I am staying in inside! Watch out for the ice!"

The scimitar goes back in his belt and a tap at his hip summons the massive black bow to his hand. "Oy, fly'n food eh? Let me get a good shot at'em. We'll just 'ave something ta eat for later. Maybe cook it on a pile of da burning corpses ya?" The big Ork raises the bow and fixes an arrow as he starts to take aim.

Morgan mutters to herself about how short spells last and is thinking of tricks as Liches are a pain to fight. "Well that helps me, and if I fail I teleport home."

GAME: Morgan casts Bull's Strength. Caster Level: 10 DC: 19

Morgan walks up to Baz and says "Mister Baz use this to hit them as hard as you can." she says a few words in a arcane language that makes his body look more defined.

The burning flies in closer, at a very fast speed. As it approaches you can clearly see it is a burning skeletal dragon, and a large one. The burning blue eyes turning towards the group as it shifts direction from the tower to the group, flying in to a 100 feet away.

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls weapon17: (17)+7: 24

Knocking the arrow, Baz turns his head to nod at Morgan. "Yeah, gonna hit him good!" Then he turns and aims carefully, letting loose a single shot. Which flies wide of the monsterous undead creature zooming in.

GAME: Arisha casts Deadly Juggernaut. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17
GAME: Arisha casts Flames of the Faithful. Caster Level: 8 DC: 16

Arisha quietly watches the dragon as it comes in. "This is going to get messy." She says as she closes her eyes to mutter a couple of prayers to Vardama. She's pretty sure she's going to need it against an undead dragon.

GAME: Razen RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 12 temporary HP         
GAME: Razen rolls weapon11: (16)+8: 24
GAME: Morgan casts Haste. Caster Level: 10 DC: 20
GAME: Arisha rolls reflex: (3)+5: 8
GAME: Razen rolls reflex: (19)+4: 23
GAME: Astaren rolls 6d6: (14): 14

Morgan says a few arcane words that makes her companions to move faster. Then in a second later she flys up in the air with good speed to avoid a uncoming spell.

Frosty, turns out to be well named as the dragon flies around and breaths a line of ice across the party. "Where... is the traitor..." as the dragon continues to circle around looking over the group. Eyes turning to focus on Morgan for a moment.

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls reflex: (20)+3: 23 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Baz da Ork rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24
GAME: Baz da Ork rolls 3d8: (13): 13
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20

Frowning, Baz wills away the bow and holds up his right hand. "KOR! Let me strike at this creature! Let your hate bring it to ground so it must do battle!" Then the Ork turns on his heel as a celestial spear of energy forms in his hand, and he hurls it into the large dragon with a roar.

GAME: Arisha rolls ranged+2+1: (20)+8+2+1: 31 (THREAT)
GAME: Arisha rolls ranged+2+1: (18)+8+2+1: 29
GAME: Razen rolls weapon11: (9)+8: 17
GAME: Arisha rolls 4d8+8d6+4: (14)+(36)+4: 54

Razen pulls back the bowstring for a second time, sending another arrow arching into... nowhere. It's clear that he hasn't exactly been using a bow for very long.

"Baz....if you have the spell, try Searing Light." Arisha says before she fires a shot at the dragon. The fire in the bullet doesn't burn the dragon at all. "Damn. It's immune to fire!" She calls out to everyone.

GAME: Morgan casts Detonate. Caster Level: 10 DC: 21
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+17: (9)+17: 26
GAME: Astaren rolls 2d6+7: (11)+7: 18

Morgan is learning about this dragon as a ball of acid beautifully explodes but it makes what scales is still left shine even more.

GAME: Baz da Ork rolls weapon21-2+4: (9)+11+-2+4: 22

The big Ork starts to center on the spell, Arisha suggested to him. Then he sees the creature come down to the Earth and his scimitar is soon at hand. With a throaty yell he charges across the space between to swing a mighty miss against it's skeletal form!

GAME: Astaren rolls 1d6: (5): 5
GAME: Arisha rolls weapon1+2+1: (2)+11+2+1: 16
GAME: Arisha rolls weapon1+2+1-5: (8)+11+2+1+-5: 17

Simply taking the flame damage, Arisha just weathers the burns to try and attack the dragon directly. Sadly, the heat is intense enough to make her close her eyes...and whiff.

GAME: Razen rolls weapon7: (2)+13: 15

Now that it's out of the sky Razen happily discards his bow in favor of his flail, but the swing he takes at the thing is wide by a mile. He growls in frustration. The first two misses have put him into a full-on rage and now he's just swinging wildly.

GAME: Morgan casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 10 DC: 18
GAME: Morgan casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 10 DC: 18
GAME: Morgan rolls 10d4+10: (25)+10: 35
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+17: (14)+17: 31
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+16: (20)+16: 36
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+16: (9)+16: 25
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+16: (16)+16: 32
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+16: (11)+16: 27
GAME: Astaren rolls 2d6+7: (6)+7: 13
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d8+4: (3)+4: 7
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d8+7: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d6+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d6+3: (2)+3: 5

Morgan never done this before as she looks in to her memories as she both hands make a strange hand movement as ten blue glowing bolts come flying out slamming right into the dragon. "I must do that again in the future."

The dragon bites down on Arisha, then claws her a couple of times, and wing slaps her for good measure watching the woman go down. Then turns slaps Razen with the other wing and pieces him with his tail leaving a nasty hole in Razen. "You... are next."

GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+11-2+4: (7)+11+-2+4: 20
GAME: Arisha rolls 1d20+2: (8)+2: 10
GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+17: (12)+17: 29
GAME: Astaren rolls 2d6+7: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Astaren advances the initiative order.
GAME: Morgan casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 10 DC: 18

Seeing Arisha go down Razen feels the edge of his rage leave him. He rolls along the ground, grabbing her body and rolling them both further away from the beast.

GAME: Morgan rolls 5d4+5: (14)+5: 19

Frost takes the magic missiles and lets out a sigh, "Thank you..." and explodes in a glorius display of fire. Leaving behind a skeletal dragon corpse, a silver one. Then the bones break down into dust leaving nothing behind.

Morgan thinks to herself the skeleton mage is going to have a talking two. But she needs to kill a lich as she sends 5 more bolts at it but is surprised as it destroyed it. "WHERE IS THAT STUPID UNDEAD CASTER, THAT WAS DRACO LICH NOT A NORMAL ONE."

GAME: Razen rolls heal: (15)+0: 15

"uuuuuugh..." Arisha lets out a groan as she's stabilized by Razen....but the left side of her face looks a little worse...

Baz Dah Orc calls upon the glory of Kor to heal Arisha.

Razen steps back from Arisha to let Baz do his healing; not wanting to interfere in it. His gray-green eyes stay on the woman; ignoring his own wounds. "Are you all right?"

Arisha, once healed by Kor's might, rolls over onto her front and starts up to her knees. "I certainly don't want to do that again." Her left eye, not there, even with Baz's healing. "I can't see anything to my left....the hell is going on?"

The half-ourch rushes to Arisha's side, curiously peering at her face. "Your eye! It's gone!"

The Zombie Maker appears next to Morgan, dropping his invisibility spell, "Well you see, it was not a lich. But a skeletal champion, with burning applied to it. Kept its racial immunity to cold, acid, and gained fire. Frosty, my masters most powerful pet. He is a lower ranking lich, but still a lich."

Arisha says, "Well....shit." She closes both of her eyes then. "Looks like I'm going to need a new eye before I can hunt down this lich." She then looks to the Zombie Maker. "Can you handle continuing to walk until this is fixed?""

Morgan looks to the Maker "Any other things you would like to inform us?"

The Zombie Maker shrugs, "You didn't ask. I told you it would send one its burning minions, didn't think it would send that one. He must really be pissed at me." then glances to Arisha, "Go get your eye fixed, not like I can go anywhere anyways. Kinda bound here." Something else it seems he forgot to mention, "Could go back and get more allies to and all if you want."

"Perhaps that is for the best... for now." Razen seems worried about Arisha's eye more than he's letting on.

Morgan nods "yes please get near me you three, I will teleport us home to restock and mostly to get you looked after Arisha." the later part she seems concerned about the most.

"Well....Next time...and there will be....give us all information to what we're facing. Consider the questions asked, okay?" Arisha actually pats the Zombie maker on the shoulder. "Stay hidden...we'll be back." She has her left hand over her eye. "Also....Did the dragon crumble to dust?"

The Zombie Maker lets out a girlish shriek and jumps back from Arisha's pat. Then feels himself over, "Am I not... ok I am still here." looking a bit paler as he glances to Arisha, "Don't do that, I know how you people are. You can kill by a touch!" then cracks his knuckles, "Ok so map of the keep, got it. Been a long time since I was there, somethings may of changed, still will draw out what I remember. Dungeon mapping time!" turning to saunter off to his tower, "Oh can I get a copy of the latest Crimson Pen?"

Arisha taps the Khopesh. "It focuses through the Khopesh. Not my hand." He then looks over everyone else. "Can someone get me a full bag of the Dragon's dust or ashes please?"

"No problem. I got it." Razen offers with a raised hand. Quickly he jogs over to the pile, pulling off his cloak and shoving fist-fulls of ash into the center. When there's a goodly amount there he folds it up and carries it back to her. "There we are. Ready to go!"

Morgan gets some ash ready her self "I am ready to take you all when you are ready."

Arisha holds out a bag for Razen. "in here. I'm taking it to Mictlan when I'm bandaged up." She then looks to the Zombie maker. "Sure. Just make sure you have all the info we need."

Razen doesn't hesitate to put his whole cloak in the bag, shoving it in with a little jerky motion and offering her a grin. "Goodbye." He offers a half-wave to the Zombie maker. "We will see you soon!"

Morgan gets the people going near her as she says "I will send a message spell when we can come back." She gives a few arcane words as she leaves the zombie maker a audio pop sound as she takes them to her houses living room. "Lets get Arisha to a temple for a regen spell."
