RP: Union Letter and Un'eth's Offspring

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It's Korday, Quintoos 17 11:34:11 1018. The full moon isn't up. The tide is low and ebbing. The sky is grey and cloudy, and nothing casts a shadow. The northwest wind is chilly.

A08: Northern Banks of the Tornmawr

Today, Ga'Elian is sitting on the riverbank staring transfixed at a piece of birch bark. It bears runic inscriptions.

Once more, Un'eth makes use of the mighty Tornmawr superhighway to make the day's journey from Mictlan in far less time. She is hardly surprised to find the sil hunter present and thumps her tail in greetings once it, and the rest of her, are clear of the water and upon dry bank.

Kaj seems to be on a mission of some sort. He's picking up gigantic rocks and stacking them into a tower. As usual, there are ravens, cats, stray dogs, some gulls, and a few rats orbiting around him, some closer than others.

Erithamiel, lays near to his companion, picking with his mithral beak at the carcase of a smallish mammal, now difficult to identify in its current state. His tail wags when he sees the shaman approach.

Meanwhile, the ranger slowly lowers the bark, his face strained with deep contemplation, until the tail thump brings him out of it. He smiles and says, "Good day, Un'eth." Then observing Kaj's efforts with he rock pile and his animal entourage, says, "You might find this interesting. A week or so ago, the Ygdrassil Union approached me to say that they'd like me to consider taking an apprentice, seeing as how I've been so active in the group lately. I took some time to consider it and told them I'd consent, if the right match could be found, and now they say they have someone specific in mind. I'm to return to the Grove to meet this prospective apprentice."

"They would thrust one upon you?" Un'eth tilts her head at the sil with mild surprise. "Such a thing should be your choice, and that of any who wish to learn from you."

Kaj heaves a goblin-sized rock onto the pile, "Well met, both of you!" he says, still not sure how to interact with the much transformed Un'eth, at least that's what his body language might indicate. "It is surely just a candidate, no?" he asks, bending down to start digging out another rock of indeterminate size from the sands along the bank.

Ga'Elian nods, "Well, that's part of what I've been pondering. They never say that it's an assignment or requirement, but their request does have a rather emphatic tone. Perhaps the candidate asked for me. I don't suppose I'll know until I go meet them, though. Now I'm all for sharing the Union's views, but I also value my freedom to come and go where I will, when I will, and I'm not looking to be constrained with someone to look after."

Un'eth snorts. "That is why I was not quick to join the Union. They would protect Ea, and for that I praise them, but many are as timid or demanding as softskins from the city. I commune with and serve Ea by my choice and the will of Ea, not the whims of another."

Kaj stares at Un'eth for a while. "You are you, aren't you?" he offers, inanely, finally figuring out that it's the 'ole wolf lady' (well, Ga'Elian did use her name!).

Ga'Elian sets the bark down and looks from Kaj to Un'eth. "So, you know each other?"

"Ssa," Uneth dips her snout to both. "I am myself and, yes, we met some time before." She answers both questions in the same breath. "Much has changed since then."

Kaj stands up and crosses his arms. "Very much, aye," he offers. "Well met, once again. And your...pups?" he asks, unable to hold back. Or is he confused again?

Ga'Elian looks on with interest as he had, despite knowing of the shaman's transformation, never considered whether she might have had offspring previous to it. He says, "That never occurred to me before."

Un'eth's tail thumps the ground in acknowledgement and she hisses with fond pride. "The pups grew, left the den, and then left Mictlan to find or make their own packs." Following a pause in recollection, she adds, "My nest stands where the den once did. Come spring, there will be hatchlings."

The giantborn looks at Un'eth for a few heartbeats, then nods. "Perhaps I will meet them some day, both of them." He smiles, then looks to Ga'Elian. "Apologies, I interrupted your line of inquiry regarding the Union..."

Ga'Elian smiles, "Not at all, Kaj. Or, at any rate, it was a welcome distraction. I had met Un'eth before her transformation, but had not known her then. I think she had already taken cihuaa when we first met."

"I had," Un'eth confirms to Ga'elian. "I took in the pups the winter prior." snout and eyes return to Kaj. "My nest, brothers, cihuaa and I can easily be found at Mictlan and you are welcome there."

Ga'Elian asks, "So, Kaj, what's with the boulder pile?"

Kaj smiles, "I must keep it secret until it is finished. And to it I return."

Ga'Elian nods to Kaj. "Alright then. I should probably go meet this 'candidate' anyway." He looks at his companion, the snowy white griffon beside him, and says, "How you comin' with that meat, buddy?"