Lunch Interrupted

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The puddles from the previous night's rain have dried up for the most part, banished by the sunny and warm morning. Lunch hour has rolled around, and the Lower Market is full of people seeking sales, deals and food.

Through these crowds moves a small person, who wears the copper and blue robes of a Temperance, one of Navos' priests. At times, she runs, though the crowds are such that she is often forced to a modest pace, at best. The frustration of it is slowly etched into her expression.

But then the motley of colours is briefly visible. Now the albino is forced to go against the current, the flow of people, and being smaller is not helpful in this regard. But eventually, she reaches the Gnome. "Magpie!!", she calls out, from a short distance away. Which causes a portion of the people surrounding the two of them to stare. "Uh eheh." Simony's expression becomes one of embarrassment, and she closes the last few steps in silence.

Few things are guaranteed to get a researcher's attention, quite like her name being called over the din of a busy lunching crowd. Usually, this is a bad thing.

That would explain why there *is* a terrified look on the gnome's face as her head rises from a small pile of pocket-pie wrappers, books, and a single empty pewter mug. The moment she spots Simony headed toward her, however, the fear melts quickly away into genuine pleasure. "Over here!" she yells pointlessly, waving an arm raised high enough that her robe falls back down to smack her in the face.

What follows is spitting, frustrated noises, and no small amount of flailing, as she attempts to put herself back to rights before the goblin can get close. When she finally manages it, she gives the cleric a sheepish grin, and offers a pocket pie -- still steaming -- gloriously browned and sprinkled with herbs.

The grin of the Gobbo's face is genuine, cheeky and also knowing. Robe wearers unite! The pocket-pie is quickly eaten, Simony simply shoving it into her mouth, her cheeks puffing out. For several long moments, she chews. Then an awkward swallow follows. Licking at the corners of her lips, she grins again. "Thanks very much, that was tasty."

Brushing a few crumbs from her robes, she leans in a little closer, her voice lowering.

"Okay, so... I didn't want to bother you yet with the research I've found. Found some fairly generic information about uh... Jay-Gee's type. General capabilities and the like. Nothing spectacular, honestly. The Archmage, yes you can probably guess who, said that they are a hard fight. However... he had more information regarding uhm potentially doing something that is supposed to be impossible inside the city."

The moment Simony leans over the table, Magpie stands up on her chair, leaning forward to catch the goblin's lowered voice. The moment 'J-G' is mentioned, her ear tips start quivering as she pays as *much attention as possible.*

Subtlety is not in Magpie's makeup.

"....Okay," she says, finally, leaning back just a bit, and glancing down at her mug. "You wanna drink? I'm'a get some more drink. Feels like there's gonna be a lot of talking soon, I'll be right back."

And she does, without actually waiting for an answer. When she returns, her mug is full again, and the gnome *also* lugs a second pint-mug, which is set in front of Simony. The liquid inside smells sharp and citrusy, but is closer to purple, and has seeds floating in.

"One of the stalls here is for a fruit orchard," Magpie explains as she summits her own chair. "Lemon juice, with water and honey in so it doesn't turn your face inside out, but she also likes to muddle blackberries. Says it's a great way to get a use out of the brambles she'd have to fight anyway."

Simony did attempt to get the Gnome's attention before she disappears, and when Magpie returns, the Goblin has her notebook out, where a sketch of Magpie is in progress. This is quickly covered up, as the Gobbo thumbs a few pages back, where copious amounts of notes are taken.

She sniffs at the drink for some time, her nose wrinkling at the sour smell of the lemons. Shrugging, Simony chugs down the pint-mug without stopping. Setting down the mug, she licks her lips. "That was surprisingly delicious. Thank you very much! Which stall, if you'd be so kind to point out. The lady has a new customer." Her smile is broad, and perhaps a little too toothy.

"You're not wrong about the talking, though, are you ready? I can wait til you're done with your food and rink, I didn't want to interrupt, but, I feel that it is necessary."

"Oh, uh..." Magpie stands up again, turning around and gesturing vaguely in the direction of over there. "...Ranni's, by that cursed spot the witch sometimes uses. You can't miss it, it's stall space *no one ever uses.* They say the woman's absolutely out of her mind, and nobody wants to chance that she might *not* have put a curse on the place to claim it."

Turning back, she plops down on her chair, waving the goblin on. "No no no, if it's important enough you had to search the market for me, I ain't gonna make you wait longer. What's up?"

She stands and squints, flipping past the sketch of the Gnome to another blank page, where the name is quickly jotted down. Also writes, "NOT cursed?".

Settling back down, Simony lets out a breath. "Okay. I'll start at the beginning. I went to Lord Telamon Lupecyll-Atlon to see what he might know about... our target. Specifically, the frosty sort of you know..? I'd already found the generally known information about them, but I was trying to see if there was anything more, something special we should know about, or could use. I also asked about Jay-Gee's cult. What were they doing, etc. I have some info, but I will get back to it."

The Gobbo flips through a few pages of her notebook.

"So I started thinking, how are they getting into the city? They're good at disguise, and can look like other people. Walking past the guards might be easy. However, you risk the guards having already seen the person you look like elsewhere... raise suspicions. I think they are getting into the city through the sewers, somehow. Or were, anyways."

She leans her hand on her chin. "Telamon suggested I go talk to Verna, and the Archmage Mithralla."

"...Ranni isn't the cursed one by the way," Magpie hurriedly explains. "Just the next spot over might be. Anyway. Yes."

Cramming a bun into her mouth to allow Simony time to speak, the gnome listens, nodding where appropriate. "I've been wondering about that," she says, once her face is clear. "Because by now you'd assume there's freaking *paladins* at the gates, and there's werewolves infiltrating Temples, what the hells right? So what'd they have to say?"

"Oh, right right." The Goblin updates her notes regarding the juice stall not being cursed, but one over. Witch?

"I went looking for the Archmage first. Found him in a smithy, cornered him and pestered him with questions. He didn't have much to add about ice demons, or Jay-Gee's cultists.

"But then he dropped a bomb into my lap. Now hear me out... The Archmage said that there is a gigantic summoning circle under the city. How GIANT, I asked. CITY-sized. Needless to say I was astounded. How could this be? Apparently, someone used it to summon a balor. A balor. And in part was responsible for the decision to put up the wards. In part, I wonder what the other reason was?"

She rubs at her cheek. "It gets better. Er... worse, I mean. The circle was damaged so that it could not be used, however the Archmage Mithralla said that because the circle was so powerful and large, and since the sewers and caverns below are labyrinthine... it's entirely possible that parts of the circle are still active, still usable, and could potentially bypass the city's ward."

the Goblin tries very hard to keep her voice low, leaning in closely to Magpie.

"...Uh, wow," Magpie says. "*He's* part of the other reason, he probably just didn't want the embarrassment of admitting it. *That* I remember, and... Huh. I need to study up on summoning circles."

The gnome is practically bumping foreheads with the goblin, putting off 'ABSOLUTELY SOOPER SEEKRIT CONVERSATION' vibes like crazy, but the gnome is entirely focused on the implications of a partially-active summoning circle under the city.

"Y'know," she says after a moment, "I hate sewer jobs. *Nobody* likes sewer jobs. But what about sewer field research...?"

"... ..... ....... ..... ...Nope. Still hate the idea. Think I'm gonna have to organize one though."

The Goblin does not seem to mind such closeness, it does allow one to whisper and still be heard.

"Honestly, I want to call bullshit on this. I refuse to believe that they would leave this thing active. That someone decided, eh, good enough, let's knock off for the day, and then never followed up? Also, how casually he would admit this, yet... does it not cross the minds of the powerful that maybe if they know that it is possible for a dangerous thing to still be active... they'd should do something about it? Tell someone?" Simony lets out a huff of breath, keeping her voice from rising too much.

"I don't like it, but it needs to be addressed. If the cult can summon J-G into the city... or if they can teleport into the city... We can't ignore it, even if this is a distraction from actually finding this jerk and taking him out."

"So, wizards," Magpie sighs. "I don't... think you've ever been to Rune. It's... annoying. Don't get me wrong, living there was loads better than touring the Myrrish Orphanage Circuit, but like... Do you know *just how much magic* can get used for pure convenience's sake?! I've seen footpaths get space-folding portals slapped on them because someone *had* to put a building right over it! Dimensional pockets so someone can stuff *maintenance supplies* somewhere, and then some other genius made animated mops a thing so now there's warehouses of soap on the other side of a door people *paint over* because they forgot what it's for and just went 'welp don't need that now.'"

Realizing she's raised voice *and* arms, and that both are flailing a bit, she clears he throat. "...Point is, don't ascribe to malice, what you can ascribe to absolute blinkered obliviousness. And the smarter the wizard, the *more* they're gonna forget they ought to know. *Count on it.*"

"You know, the upside to clerics is that if they get uppity, their God or Goddess can slap some sense into them, or simply /turn off their powers/. Perhaps someone should talk to Eluna about these wizards?" Simony huffs, and leans her chin on both hands. "The other interesting tidbit that Telamon had is that it is entirely likely, and probably actually happening... that the different cults involved in Alexandria's problems are working together. Helping each other out, though, not necessarily allied. I mean... werewolves sneaking in, demons doing the same, infiltrating with disguises and other people's faces. How much is it happening now, though? Do you have any updates on what's going on regarding things inside the city?"

"Not off the top of my head," Magpie admits. "I've been dipping myself up to my ankles in that soul binding ritual stuff, just in case. I know Dolan and Critias were trying to nail down Jagger's cultists, though! And if you see him before I do, tell him I've got a request? Because I want to look into that summoning circle, and if I'm not absolutely out of my mind... *We* might be able to use that. But first I have to see if I'm not out of my mind. And I have to delve into the poopways to do it."

"I would go with you.", the Goblin says, her eyes locking with Magpie's. "Going alone is tantamount to suicide, I think, if what we fear has come to pass. If you wish for Dolan and Critias to go with us, I can pass that along." She nods. "What is your request, if not that?"

Rubbing at her cheeks briskly, Simony shrugs. "I don't think you are out of your mind, honestly. We're just in a position where we may have to do things that seem crazy. There's a difference, I think." Her hand comes up, and tentatively pats the Gnome's shoulder.

"What would you have me do?"

"If they *do* track down the cultists, and get a look at that summoning circle? I need a diagram, before they destroy it. And I need to check out this nonsense in the sewers. *Then* I need to see if, if all of that pans out, I can maybe... repurpose... the circle." Magpie shrugs. "Talking about crazy ideas? Thaaaaat's mine, right now."

"Okay, I will try to track them down and pass along your request. I hope I can find them before they go underground.", Simony says enthusiastically. "Uhm, do you know where either of them can usually be found? Favourite pubs, or maybe where they live... if you know, I mean?"

She laughs then, at Magpie's suggestion of repurposing the circle. "I uhm suggested that to Telamon, and he asked if I was crazy, and wanted him to get turned inside out and explode. I think he was being melodramatic, but I think he believes there is an untenable level of danger in doing that." Her expression goes from cheerful to concerned. "It is dangerous, isn't it?"

"*Incredibly dangerous,*" Magpie says, waving her arms over her head. "I'm calling it a crazy idea for a *reason!* But Tela doesn't have a scholar of diabolism napping on his bookshelf, so... it's still worth doing a feasibility study. And even if I wouldn't be the *only* one there, you can be darn sure I'm going to try and fix it so *I* get the worst of it if it goes wrong."

Simony squints then, and cants her head slightly. "I think everyone involved would prefer you make it out of this endeavour alive. Taking on some of it is noble but... if this is truly dangerous, you should attempt to spread out the consequences." She lets out a huff of breath, concern in her features once more. "Please be careful, and take care of yourself.

"I want to too!" Magpie says, grabbing hold of her mug and tipping it back. "But uh... I'm'a take responsibility for my own screw-ups. Only reason I'd be asking for help is cos I'm just not a Seldan or even a Mikilos; I *can't* do what I'm looking to do on my own. You think it's fair that people get hurt just cos they were silly enough to want to help me?"

If the two were close before, the Goblin makes the gap even smaller, her nose practically touching the Gnome's. "If you were to intentionally cause this to go awry, I would allow you to absorb the punishment, to a point." She wrinkles her nose a little. "You can do everything right and still lose. That's life. Anyone at your side will be making an informed decision to do so. They will know it's dangerous."

Her fist baps the table hard enough to shake it, for emphasis. "It is not silly to want to help you."

"We can agree to disagree on that," Magpie says with a crooked grin. "*I* think it's silly, and I'm lookin' at doing it anyway, but that's probably how Mikilos came to think it was a good idea to summon *another* pit fiend outside of town. So... anyway. We'll have to see what happens, this is all assuming a lot of things'll play out in its favor."

Simony nods her head, "I suppose we can agree to disagree. However, I think what you attempt is not as dangerous to the city as summoning... wait, he... he summoned ANOTHER one outside of town? Did he not... no, I suppose not else he wouldn't have done that."

Her hand pats at Magpie's arm lightly. "You can do this. We'll be there to support you and protect you. If you let us."

"Specifically, he and the other archmage... nrrrrr, what was his name, I don't remember... Anyway, that's why he's in *really bad odor* with the Arcanist's," Magpie says, shrugging. "But that's not germane, what he *knows* is solid. It's just implementation. Anyway. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I'll see what I can do, thanks a lot Simony. Hey, you still hungry? I've got ten minutes left before I have to head back to the stacks, I'll buy your lunch."

Despite scarfing down the first pocket-pie, the Goblin's stomach gurgles noisily even as she was about to answer in the negative. defeated, she nods, "I tend to forget to eat when I get my nose into books. Or sketching. Or painting. Thank you, I appreciate that. After all this is over, I shall take you out for a meal on me, anything and as much as you can eat."

"Oh man *do not* make promises you can't keep," Magpie laughs. "How about this; we'll throw a banquet. We'll be wanting something *proper* to celebrate anyway, so let's get everyone together and just stuff em as full as possible."

"I'll do that too, the banquet is a good idea.", she says quietly. "But I am taking you somewhere for a meal, me and you. Has to be in Alexandria somewhere, but can be where ever you want, as much as you can eat. It is a promise I can keep, even if I have to wash dishes for the rest of my life."

She snorts and chuckles. "I do have a few coin, it's not like we clerics have much to spend it on."