Livestock Gone

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Log Info

  • Title: Livestock Gone
  • Emitter: Corra
  • Characters: Mel 5, Josselyn 3, MAC-B1G 3, Faileh 2, Jolan 4
  • Place: Alexandria - Village in the Countryside
  • Time: Aug 31, 2015
  • Summary: Hired by villagers to find what happened to missing livestock
  • APL: 4
  • Encounter 1: 2 (Young) Trolls (CR4) CR 6 Encounter

There have been lots of trouble lately with village in the Alexandria area. Maybe someone is trying to pull attention away from the Summit. Anyway, a village has been having its livestock go missing, and needs someone to see if they can find out why. You were given directions to the village by the agent that hired you, and it really doesn't take too long to get there. Once there, they give you a light meal and then take you out to the field where the livestock have vanished from, about a mile from the village.

"We do not know what has happened. Usually the livestock are good. We can let them graze and go for meals without any worries, occasionally a stray, but lately they are just gone, and...sometimes there is blood." the elder that has led you to the pasture says.

<OOC> Mel says, "Can I get any meaningful info with Knowledge/Local?" <OOC> Corra says, "you can try" GAME: Mel rolls knowledge/local: (19)+10: 29 GAME: Josselyn rolls knowledge/local: (19)+6: 25

Picking the yum yums from his teeth from the meal they were served. Faileh's brow furrows as if disturbed over something. "This cannot stand." he says, in a very serious voice.

You paged (Mel, Josselyn) with 'it is a quite village, usually no problems, known for its cattle which it primarily raises for butchering. No real problems from here lately, though you know other villages in area have run into troubles.'

Mel has stayed back in the city, rather than spending all his time campaigning like many adventurers. This is why he left the army - travel and marching suck. He nods to the fellow. "A couple other villages having similar issues. Maybe related? We can't say either way." He adds confidently, "But we'll put a stop to it."

Josselyn looks around in the field, a bit uncomfortable with the open space and the smell associated with farms. "And you didn't see anything? No clues?" she says sort of grimly as she eyes the horrizon, waiting for some monstrosity to come over the nearby hill. "Probably just thieves or wolves."

"Then we shouldn't sit on this problem," Jolan grins, nodding to Faileh. "Whatever is causing this problem won't be able to stand up to our skill!"

<OOC> Faileh says, "Any sort of tracks or anything that I can pick up?" <OOC> Corra says, "you can look for some" GAME: Faileh rolls survival: (20)+5: 25 GAME: Josselyn rolls survival: (8)+7: 15 <OOC> Corra says, "need preception to actually find tracks first but will be able to follow them once you do" GAME: Mel rolls perception: (19)+11: 30 GAME: Faileh rolls perception: (20)+6: 26 GAME: Jolan rolls Perception: (2)+8: 10

MAC-B1G travels where its appendages and others take it. Generally, this is within one city or another. In this instance, it is to a much smaller population center. It does not require sustenance, thus its burden on local resources is nonexistant.

You paged (Mel, Faileh) with 'you both find tracks, they are off to one side. Not as deep coming into the pasture, but deeper leaving as if they were carrying something. Two sets of the tracks look roughly human sized, though clawed, one set, looks much bigger.' <OOC> Corra says, "still free posing. pages out to those that notice"

Mel notices some tracks around the edge of the clearing and points the out to our tracker, or begins to, but it looks like he's found then closeby as well. So he just says, "Looks like they were carried off this way." Mel says that to the others, that is.

Going from the usually quiet and dumb warrior type to expert tracker, Faileh roams around the pasture. After a few moments he drops to the ground to examine something more closely. Looking over to Mel he nods, "Yes, you are correct."

With that, the elder wishes you the best and turns to head back to the village. The pasture is empty except for you as they have taken the cattle back to the village already.

MAC-B1G scans the surroundings as others examine the ground. "Domesticated livestock detected: Zero. Threats detected: Zero." When other units parse some indication of migration, it steps towards, then beyond in the direction indicated.

Faileh now begins to follow the tracks and relates to the others, "Looks like men carried the livestock away. Large clawed men." His voice trails off on the last sentence as he leads the way while carefully following the tracks.

Mel asks Faileh, "Can you follow them?" He's looking off into the distance to see where that direction leads. He loosens his shortsword in his scabbard and checks his equipment to make sure he's ready, just in case. He shoulders a heavy mithral shield, blacked with tar to avoid glare that would give our presence away, and pulls a javelin from a quiver at his hip. He'll follow along as Faileh leads the way.

You paged Faileh with 'you would have no problem following, at least to start with' From afar, Faileh nods and says, "Going to keep posing doing so until you tell me otherwise." :D

Josselyn clutches her crossbow close to her chest. "Oh, so not common robbers then... not sure if thats good or bad. Still could be wolves maybe?" she says a little apprehensively as she follows the others.

"Sounds like they need their nails trimmed," Jolan remarks. "Well, we do have steel and leather enough to blunt their claws; let's find these scoundrels and show them what we're made of!" Her stride is filled with confidence.

<OOC> Corra says, "mel and Faileh knowledge/nature if you have it." GAME: Faileh rolls Knowledge/nature: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Faileh says, "OH NOES!" <OOC> Mel does not have it. <OOC> Corra says, "so no clue what they might be, but can still follow"

Faileh shrugs and says, "Not anything I've seen before. Maybe a pack of wild geese, clawed geese." A dumb grin crosses his face as his true self shows through a little. He goes back to following the tracks to wherever, to whatever.

You start to follow the tracks, now and again there are signs of blood, but the tracks are heading up into the hills, one hill in particular that seems taller than the rest.

Mel shrugs to Faileh. "No idea, either. Probably safest to assume bandits of some kind, and be ready for a fight." That's his military side coming back out. "Looks like a good place for a hideout," he opines later as the track leads upwards.

"Additional elevation grants several tactical advantages, including increased line of sight," the construct advises as they ascend the geographical feature.

"Makes for a better stage for their eventual defeat, too," points out Jolan. "Climatic fights should take place in climatic settings, and the highest hill around makes a decent contender for that title." She's still keeping an eye out, her whip in her hand.

Glancing up from the tracks to see where they're headed, Faileh says, "Probably." But even though his statement was one of doubt, he begins strapping his shield to his arm in preparation of a pending fight.

Josselyn nods to MAC and Jolan "Right... better to shoot the bad guys from safety up high... or be caught in a trap." she adds the last part under her breath.

<OOC> Corra says, "Perception" GAME: Jolan rolls Perception: (2)+8: 10 GAME: Faileh rolls perception: (12)+6: 18 GAME: Mel rolls perception: (2)+11: 13 GAME: MAC-B1G rolls perception: (11)+7: 18 <OOC> Corra says, "and how are you all approaching the hill at the moment?" <OOC> Faileh says, "Whichever way the tracks went up it." <OOC> Mel is just moving normally atm. <OOC> Corra says, "more meant, trudging along, trying to be quiet, etc." <OOC> Faileh is more focused on the tracks than being quiet. <OOC> MAC-B1G is not quiet. <OOC> Mel isn't kicking everything around, no, so I guess trying to be quiet, since we're moving half speed to track anyhow? <OOC> Josselyn is not particularly quiet. <OOC> Jolan says, "I'm not being actively stealthy, but I'm still pretty lightfooted."

Mel says to the others, "Hopefully we can creep up quietly and take them by surprise." He seems to be anticipating trouble, anyhow, or perhaps it's his time on campaign, but he's actually attempting to move fairly quietly. "If we can jump them, that's our best chance to take them out without getting hurt, ourselves." You paged (Faileh, MAC-B1G) with 'you hear some distant growls and and something sounding like arguing'

From the front of the pack, Faileh stops cold in his tracks and quickly unsheathes his sword. Both his sword and shield create a barrier appearance. He then slowly gestures in a direction a bit ahead of him.

Mel pauses in his advabce as Faileh gestures, but he doesn't see anything. He slowly moves up to see if he can see past some of the underbrush. Holding a hand to the party palm out, he then points to himself and towarsd the direction they'd been moving. He advances slowly, keeping close to the bush he'd been behind.

<OOC> Mel would like to stealth forward for a closer look?

MAC-B1G halts when the lead unit halts. It observes forward briefly. "Possible threats detected," is announced.

<OOC> Corra says, "go ahead and roll stealth Mel" GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10

Taking a knee, Faileh pulls the hood up over his head. He watches as Mel moves past. From his crouched position, he double checks his armor and tries to make as little noise, or light reflection, as possible.

GAME: Mel rolls stealth: (17)+17: 34 You paged Mel with 'you are able to get up and see that there are two smallish ugly looking creatures with rough green hides. They look humaniod with tusked mouths, and wicked looking claws. They are fighting over a cow carcass.' From afar, Mel will creep back and let everyone know. Another roll, or just pose returning? You paged Mel with 'you rolled good head, just pose'

Mel reappears from the brush, rising close to the party. "Just two," he whispers, guessing that everyone might not follow the hand talk and abberviations. "Humanoid, green, not sure /what/. Busy fighting over a cow. If we can't sneak, rushing them might get us the advantage of surprise."

From afar, Faileh notes we're making a plan on the channel.

"Larcenous green humanoids," MAC-B1G collates and parses. "Gobbers," it determines, based on gathered data and criteria. "The creatures are responsible for all trouble."

Josselyn loads a bolt in her crossbow "Ok, ready to go. They should shootable right? No matter what? We could also try and arrest them?" she offers.

Jolan grins. "I will walk as lightly as the breeze and interrupt their meal before they know what hit them," she declares, keeping her voice down so it doesn't carry. No need to spoil the surprise, after all.

<OOC> Corra says, "keep posing I will jump in as you head up."

Mel can only shrug to the war golem. "Dunno, I didn't take /that/ close a look. But I'm pretty sure it was just two, and they're busy, though I dunno for how much longer." To Josselyn, he says, "I don't think anyone's gonna complain if we stab them -first-. Then we can arrest them after." He nods to Jolan. "All right." He'll sneak closer again, so he can spring out when the party bursts on the scene.

<OOC> Jolan says, "I'll sneak forward on a different approach than Mel."

Faileh nods and says, "If they surrender, sure." A grim smile crosses his lips as he starts to stand up. He motions a hit on his shield but does not make contact before briskly pacing towards the noise. Perhaps signaling a charge? Who knows.

<OOC> Corra says, "those sneaking stealth rolls" GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+9: (6)+9: 15 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23 GAME: Jolan rolls Stealth: (19)+5: 24 GAME: Mel rolls stealth: (13)+17: 30 <OOC> Corra says, "perception" GAME: Jolan rolls Perception: (3)+8: 11 GAME: Mel rolls perception: (8)+11: 19 <OOC> Corra says, "everyone" GAME: Faileh rolls perception: (19)+6: 25 GAME: MAC-B1G rolls perception: (3)+7: 10 GAME: Josselyn rolls perception: (20)+4: 24 You paged (Mel, Faileh, Josselyn) with 'the growling has stopped'

Josselyn turns to her fellow loud companions who are not sneaking. "I think they heard us, time to rush in!"

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
       Corra has dropped a TIMESTOP!
       Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Corra to instruct you further.
       For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- GAME: Jolan rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 21 <OOC> Faileh needs a bit of healing :D GAME: You roll initiative for Greenie1: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 8 GAME: Mel rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 21 GAME: You roll initiative for Greenie2: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 23 GAME: MAC-B1G rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 18 <OOC> Jolan says, "And I get a +2 on init due to swashbuckler stuff." GAME: Faileh rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 19 GAME: Jolan's initiative total changed to 23. GAME: Josselyn rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 22 GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 23.
     It is now Greenie2's turn! Jolan is next!

GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 23.
     It is now Jolan's turn! Josselyn is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Jolan ended. <OOC> Corra says, "Jolan" <OOC> Jolan says, "Move within 15' of one of the greenies and whip it. If it hits, I can attempt to demoralize it as a swift action." <OOC> Corra says, "can't quite reach, you can move and ready for if one of them come close enough" <OOC> Jolan says, "How far away are they?" <OOC> Corra says, "roughly 100' they know most of you are there, you know they are there, just don't exactly see each other unless you get at least 30' closer but then that puts at 70'" <OOC> Jolan says, "That far, huh? In that case, I'll move forward and ready to strike if they come within whip reach." <OOC> Jolan says, "Also, now AFK for dinner." <OOC> Corra says, "ok.pose" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 22.
     It is now Josselyn's turn! Mel is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Josselyn ended. <OOC> Corra says, "josselyn...same 100' at least, 30' to be able to see them" <OOC> Josselyn will move up 30ft and shoot one then. <OOC> Corra says, "what weapon?" <OOC> Josselyn has a heavy crossbow. <OOC> Corra says, "okay. roll" GAME: Josselyn rolls ranged+1: (15)+7+1: 23 <OOC> Corra says, "hit" GAME: Josselyn rolls 1d10+1+3: (4)+1+3: 8 <OOC> Corra says, "damages it...pose" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 21.
     It is now Mel's turn! Faileh is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mel you are still in stealth 100' off" <OOC> Mel says, "Stealth closer, double move?"

Josselyn rushes forward through the brush, putting her heavy crossbow to her shoulder and aiming at the bandits. "Down on the ground!" she yells in her more commanding voice.

<OOC> Corra says, "two stealth rolls at -5 unless you have something that lets you move at full speed with no penalty." GAME: Mel rolls stealth-5: (7)+17+-5: 19 GAME: Mel rolls stealth-5: (9)+17+-5: 21 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25 <OOC> Corra says, "the injured one sees you though you make it 60' still so 40' from it" <OOC> Corra says, "go ahead and pose" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 19.
     It is now Faileh's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

Mel draws his sword. His cloak swirls in the forest, and then he's lost in the brush. He'll hurry toward the bandits, whatever they may be, and move in under cover in hopes of retaining the advantage of surprise. Moving through the brush quickly, but as quietly as he can, he makes some progress a bit off to the side of our main advance of non-stealthy people. Not the bravest advance in military history, but Mel's not a soldier anymore, either.

<OOC> Corra says, "Faileh same...100' 30' to see." <OOC> Faileh is going to rush up next to our archer and go into total defense with a few choice words. <OOC> Corra says, "okay. pose" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 18.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Greenie1 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on MAC-B1G ended. <OOC> Corra says, "mac" <OOC> MAC-B1G will move closer, draw death ray, and fire after moving.

Using those big barbarian tree trunks, Faileh rushes forward with his shield poised to take any incoming fire. Positioning himself in front of Josselyn to act as her shield in case of return fire, he shouts, "Surrender now or be freed of your mortal bonds!"

<OOC> Corra says, "have far shot?" <OOC> MAC-B1G does not. <OOC> Corra says, "so roll to hit at -4" GAME: MAC-B1G rolls ranged-4: (1)+4+-4: 1 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Corra says, "uninjured or the injured one?" <OOC> Corra says, "misses...go ahead and pose" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 8.
     It is now Greenie1's turn! Greenie2 is next!


     Corra advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 23.
     It is now Greenie2's turn! Jolan is next!

GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 23.
     It is now Jolan's turn! Josselyn is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "you back jolan?"

MAC-B1G continues up the rise, the cylindrical weapon on its scapular plate articulating over its shoulder. The tip of the weapon glows cyan briefly before discharing a bolt... into the ground near the green arguers.

The two green creatures move forward, they are a bit tenative seeing how many, but they are drooling a bit. The one that was shot, the bolt pushes itself out of the wound and it heals up slightly. They both are about 40' out now. 10' for Mel.

<OOC> Corra says, "will come back to Jolan" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 22.
     It is now Josselyn's turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "josselyn" <OOC> Josselyn will shoot the one she shot again. <OOC> Corra says, "okay" GAME: Josselyn rolls ranged+1: (10)+7+1: 18 <OOC> Corra says, "hit" GAME: Josselyn rolls 1d10+1+3: (1)+1+3: 5 <OOC> Corra says, "pings it." GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 21.
     It is now Mel's turn! Faileh is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mel you have 2 in 10' roughly from you" <OOC> Mel says, "Do I know I've been spotted?" <OOC> Corra says, "yes, one of them is looking at you while it drools." <OOC> Mel says, "I will move back to the line with the others, forgetting stealth, and ready an action to attack if it gets close enough." <OOC> Corra says, "alright" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 19.
     It is now Faileh's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "faileh"

Mel finds out with a glance to the side that he's actually outpaced his allies. So he's withing spitting distance unsupported! So much for charging in! He'll scramble back to stay even with them, maybe joining the fighting line that's sort of informally forming up. He hefts his blacked-out shield and his shortsword and stands like he means business. No really. Also, the bolt pushing itself out and healing up? That sounds like ... "Trolls!?" Well, that's not good!

<OOC> Jolan returns from dinner. <OOC> Faileh felt the presence, "Shoud you grab Jolan now?" <OOC> Corra says, "okay...jolan you can go. they are at 40'" <OOC> Corra says, "you can do your action too faileh." <OOC> Jolan says, "Move up, whip. Intimidate as swift if it hits." <OOC> Corra says, "okay..roll" GAME: Jolan rolls WhipAtk: aliased to Finesse+2: (2)+9+2: 13 <OOC> Corra says, "damaged one or undamaged?" <OOC> Corra says, "miss" <OOC> Faileh is going to move forward again to the 10' range, and total defense. <OOC> Corra says, "Faileh.ok" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 18.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Greenie1 is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mac they are at 40' now, 10' lets you shoot deathray with no penalties." <OOC> Corra says, "10' move forward that is"

Jolan lashes out with her whip. "Bigger than I expected," she muses. "Just makes for a better story afterwards!"

As the line moves foward, so does Faileh. Does that mean Faileh is the line or something else? Who knows. His legs carry him forward and he takes up a defensive position in front of the ugly, drooling and unresponsive creatures in front of him.

<OOC> MAC-B1G will move forward and try again. <OOC> Corra says, "ok" GAME: MAC-B1G activates its Titan Armor, gaining: +2 Str,+2 Dex <OOC> Corra says, "no penalty this time" GAME: MAC-B1G rolls ranged+1: (3)+5+1: 9 <OOC> Corra says, "still miss" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 8.
     It is now Greenie1's turn! Greenie2 is next!

GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (8)+7: 15 GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Corra advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 23.
     It is now Greenie2's turn! Jolan is next!

GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 23.
     It is now Jolan's turn! Josselyn is next!

They both move up as the one heals again and swipe a claw at Faileh after all he is in the way. They miss though as the barbarian is on the defensive.

<OOC> Corra says, "jolan"

MAC-B1G continues its approach, though slows as it nears. "Relinquish the livestock and stand down." Another energy burst is loosed from its pules projector cannon. This one burns through a small tree behind a creature. Perhaps its targetting system is in need of re-calibration.

<OOC> Jolan says, "More whipping and such." <OOC> Corra says, "roll" GAME: Jolan rolls WhipAtk: aliased to Finesse+2: (9)+9+2: 20 <OOC> Corra says, "hit" GAME: Jolan rolls WhipDmg+Precise: aliased to 1d3+Dexterity+1+Swashbuckler: (1)+5+1+4: 11 <OOC> Jolan says, "And now the swift Intimidate to demoralize:" GAME: Jolan rolls Intimidate: (16)+10: 26 <OOC> Corra says, "it is shaken, barely" <OOC> Corra says, "though for the moment it shrugs off the damage" Huh? (Type "help" for help.) GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 22.
     It is now Josselyn's turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "josselyn" [TyChan] Smythly says, "Hm" [TyChan] Smythly says, "Ty is late. xD" <OOC> Josselyn will reload, 5 foot back and shoot again. [TyChan] Smythly says, "I imagine work has her held up" You have left channel TyChan. [TyChan] Corra has left this channel. <OOC> Corra says, "roll" GAME: Josselyn rolls ranged+1+1: (14)+7+1+1: 23 <OOC> Corra says, "hit" GAME: Josselyn rolls 1d10+1+3: (3)+1+3: 7 <OOC> Corra says, "hurts a little" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 21.
     It is now Mel's turn! Faileh is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mel"

Jolan lashes the troll again, this time leaving a noticeable cut in its hide (although it does start healing up, as troll wounds are wont to do). "Not as easy of a target as you thought, huh?" she grins defiantly.

<OOC> Mel says, "How many of us are in melee with them?"

Josselyn takes a step back and continues shooting her targets "I said stand down!" she yells as she fires another bolt from her sturdy guard-issue crossbow.

<OOC> Mel says, "How many threaten, I should ask." <OOC> Corra says, "Just faileh, jolan has huge reach" <OOC> Mel says, "If only one threatening, I need to flank, I guess. Can I move around behind him without taking an AoO?" <OOC> Corra says, "with a double move." <OOC> Mel says, "Can I do it with a single move and risk an AOO?" <OOC> Corra says, "not and get in flank, unless you have more than 30'. they are 30' from you with Faileh right in front of them" <OOC> Mel says, "I'll double move for the flank, then." <OOC> Corra says, "ok" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 19.
     It is now Faileh's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "Faileh, they are in your face" <OOC> Faileh is switching from Total Defense to fight Defensively and taking a swing at the one in front of me that's hurt. Do I get a flanking bonus because of Mel moving into position? <OOC> Corra says, "yes"

Mel sees things breaking up and grimaces. "They're /trolls/, people," he grumbles. "Talking to the wall's gonna be more productive." As he says this, he hustles up to the line and then around the enemy position, tromping through the brush to come at the enemy from the back, surrounding them in a very cursory way.

GAME: Faileh rolls 1d20+4: (15)+4: 19 GAME: Faileh rolls 1d8+4: (3)+4: 7 <OOC> Corra says, "it is starting to look hurt." GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 18.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Greenie1 is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mac"

From behind a shield, Faileh can be deadly. He still appears to be focusing on holding the two monsters back, but he has begun more counter swings than before. The longsword in his hand flicks out and cuts a gash into the one that was previously injurred from the others. A smile crosses his lips as he seems to be enjoying himself.

<OOC> MAC-B1G will adjust targetting system and attempt to fire once more. <OOC> Corra says, "ok" GAME: MAC-B1G rolls ranged+1: (9)+5+1: 15 <OOC> Corra says, "hit" GAME: MAC-B1G rolls 2d6+2+1: (9)+2+1: 12 <OOC> Corra says, "and its basic deathray?" <OOC> MAC-B1G says, "Affirmative." <OOC> Corra says, "it is looking pretty hurt" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 8.
     It is now Greenie1's turn! Greenie2 is next!

<OOC> MAC-B1G says, "No additional effects, if that is the question." GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (7)+7: 14 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (4)+7: 11 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (12)+7: 19 GAME: Corra rolls 1d6+3: (4)+3: 7 GAME: You damaged Faileh for 7 points. 19 remaining. GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Corra advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 23.
     It is now Greenie2's turn! Jolan is next!

GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 23.
     It is now Jolan's turn! Josselyn is next!

The two keep trying to attack Faileh, ripping into it with bites and claws, but only one manages to bite and get a small chunk.

<OOC> Corra says, "jolan"

MAC-B1G adjusts aim and, this time, the bolt of energy strikes one of the green creatures.

<OOC> Jolan says, "More slashing and such." <OOC> Corra says, "ok" GAME: Jolan rolls WhipAtk: aliased to Finesse+2: (14)+9+2: 25 <OOC> Corra says, "hit" GAME: Jolan rolls WhipDmg+Precise: aliased to 1d3+Dexterity+1+Swashbuckler: (2)+5+1+4: 12 <OOC> Corra says, "it looks really bad" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 22.
     It is now Josselyn's turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Josselyn will continue shooting! And 5 foot back.

Jolan keeps slashing away on the wounded troll. "There's no escape for you!" she grins, pressing her advantage.

GAME: Josselyn rolls ranged+1+1: (1)+7+1+1: 10 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Josselyn says, "Or you know, not." <OOC> Corra says, "miss" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 21.
     It is now Mel's turn! Faileh is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mel" <OOC> Mel says, "I finally get to attack. And with flanking?" <OOC> Corra says, "yep" GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10 <OOC> Corra says, "miss" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 19.
     It is now Faileh's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "faileh" <OOC> Faileh does the same as last round. Flanking attack behind fighting defensively. GAME: Faileh rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18 <OOC> Corra says, "barely hit" GAME: Faileh rolls 1d8+4: (7)+4: 11 <OOC> Corra says, "it falls" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 18.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Greenie1 is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mac"

Mel is finally, after some effort, in position to really put a hurting on this enemy. Rising up out of his crouch, he lunges forward with his shortsword. And totally doesn't connect with an enemy. Well, he keeps saying he's not a soldier - looks like that's very true.

<OOC> MAC-B1G will repeat fire. GAME: MAC-B1G rolls ranged+1: (1)+5+1: 7 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Corra says, "miss" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 8.
     It is now Greenie1's turn! Greenie2 is next!


     Corra advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 23.
     It is now Greenie2's turn! Jolan is next!

GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (12)+7: 19 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (8)+7: 15 GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 23.
     It is now Jolan's turn! Josselyn is next!

<OOC> Jolan says, "Still slashing away on the injured one."

Faileh gets a chunk taken out of his arm as he defends the barrage of attacks being thrown at him. His eyes grow wide at the sight of his own blood and breathing becomes a bit heavier. In spite of that, he continues to fight on and the monster which has been taking the assault from the others finally falls under his blade. The death of a thousand cuts, so it were.

<OOC> Jolan says, "Er, or the one that's left, apparently."

MAC-B1G fires another burst of energy, yet the ongoing melee causes targets to shift. The weapon articulates upwards and to the rear to stow itself as the construct begins to approach.

<OOC> Corra says, "ok" GAME: Jolan rolls WhipAtk: aliased to Finesse+2: (7)+9+2: 18

The one standing keeps trying to get Faileh and doesn't have any success.

<OOC> Corra says, "hit" GAME: Jolan rolls WhipDmg+Precise: aliased to 1d3+Dexterity+1+Swashbuckler: (1)+5+1+4: 11 <OOC> Corra says, "good hit" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 22.
     It is now Josselyn's turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Josselyn will 5 foot back and keep shooting! GAME: Josselyn rolls ranged+1+1: (14)+7+1+1: 23 <OOC> Corra says, "hit" GAME: Josselyn rolls 1d10+1+3: (4)+1+3: 8 <OOC> Corra says, "hurt" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 21.
     It is now Mel's turn! Faileh is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mel. you can5" <OOC> Corra says, "you can 5' and flank with this one"

With one troll down, Jolan whips the other one, drawing a decent slash on it. "You *will* be defeated by our skillful team!" she declares.

<OOC> Mel says, "Flank the injured one? Sure." GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+8: (7)+8: 15 <OOC> Corra says, "miss" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 19.
     It is now Faileh's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "faileh, one down one hurt in front of you with flanking" <OOC> Faileh continues his assault from behind his shield. GAME: Faileh rolls 1d20+4: (7)+4: 11 <OOC> Corra says, "miss" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 18.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Greenie1 is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mac"

Mel sees that the one he's not fighting is looking injured, and he decides maybe he can finish it off. Or at least hurt it some more, so he leans in and stabs, but his sword-thrust is not true. It's false, in fact, and his strike is sufficiently off-balance that he can't injure the troll.

As all heros do, they eventually fail. Faileh is no exception to this rule, as he continues defending aggainst the assault from the remaining monster. And while his defense is solid, so is the monsters.

<OOC> Corra says, "mac?" <OOC> Corra says, "will come back" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 8.
     It is now Greenie1's turn! Greenie2 is next!


     Corra advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 23.
     It is now Greenie2's turn! Jolan is next!

GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (4)+7: 11 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (9)+7: 16 GAME: Corra rolls 1d20+7: (6)+7: 13 GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 23.
     It is now Jolan's turn! Josselyn is next!

<OOC> Jolan says, "Still whipping."

The wounds heal up a bit on the one standing and it fails still to hit Faileh.

<OOC> Corra says, "ok" GAME: Jolan rolls WhipAtk: aliased to Finesse+2: (18)+9+2: 29

Josselyn concentrates and reload her crossbow, fingers moving the string in the long practiced movements. She fires another bolt and hits her target, one shot after another.

<OOC> Corra says, "hit" GAME: Jolan rolls WhipDmg+Precise: aliased to 1d3+Dexterity+1+Swashbuckler: (1)+5+1+4: 11 <OOC> Corra says, "damaged" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 22.
     It is now Josselyn's turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "josselyn" <OOC> Josselyn back up and shoot. GAME: Josselyn rolls ranged+1+1: (8)+7+1+1: 17 <OOC> Corra says, "hit" GAME: Josselyn rolls 1d10+1+3: (4)+1+3: 8 <OOC> Corra says, "pose" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 21.
     It is now Mel's turn! Faileh is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mel"

Another lash of the whip, another wound on the troll. "Well, this is certainly good exercise," she mutters.

<OOC> Mel says, "ATtack again,." You paged Mel with 'roll intelligence for me' GAME: Mel rolls intelligence: (6)+2: 8 <OOC> Corra says, "okay...go ahead with attack" GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13 <OOC> Corra says, "your rolls are as good as mine today" <OOC> Corra says, "miss" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 19.
     It is now Faileh's turn! MAC-B1G is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "faileh" <OOC> Faileh continues his previous :D GAME: Faileh rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23 <OOC> Faileh says, "threat" GAME: Faileh rolls 1d20+4: (12)+4: 16 <OOC> Faileh says, "poop."

Mel is just not getting in with the fighting thing today. He wheels away from a feint and lunges, but the troll is already backing away, and his short sword is unable to reach its target.

<OOC> Faileh says, "16 is a non-confirm, right?" <OOC> Corra says, "correct" GAME: Faileh rolls 1d8+4: (7)+4: 11 <OOC> Corra says, "looking really hurt" <OOC> Corra says, "back yet mac?" <OOC> MAC-B1G is present. <OOC> Corra says, "your action" <OOC> MAC-B1G is just awaiting its turn. GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 18.
     It is now MAC-B1G's turn! Greenie1 is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "one standing pretty hurt" <OOC> MAC-B1G will step in the remaining distance to strike the one standing. <OOC> Corra says, "okay."

Dance of the blade, Faileh is in the zone. His shield guards him like the walls of ancient cities protect their people. He seems to have gotten into a rythym with the troll as he holds back the assault of the troll while forming his own. Another block, another strike and bodily fluids, blood or not, fall to the ground below. The monster is looking worse for wear as Faileh's mood seems to be in high spirits.

GAME: MAC-B1G rolls melee+1: (9)+7+1: 17 GAME: MAC-B1G rolls melee+1: (15)+7+1: 23 <OOC> Corra says, "hit hit" GAME: MAC-B1G rolls 1d8+1+5: (5)+1+5: 11 GAME: MAC-B1G rolls 1d8+1+5: (8)+1+5: 14 <OOC> Corra says, "drops. pose." GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 8.
     It is now Greenie1's turn! Greenie2 is next!


     Corra advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 23.
     It is now Greenie2's turn! Jolan is next!

GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 23.
     It is now Jolan's turn! Josselyn is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "jolan both of them are down what are you doing?"

MAC-B1G closes to the remaining creature with a step and brings its reinforced forearms to play. It slams one, then the other, into flesh and bone. The creature falls to the ground before it.

<OOC> Corra says, "jolan?" <OOC> Jolan says, "Sorry, had RL stuff." <OOC> Corra says, "is okay. both are down, doing anything?" <OOC> Jolan says, "Hmmm... are torches part of the assumed adventuring kit?" <OOC> Corra says, "ya know I don't know" [Public] Corra has joined this channel. [Public] Anrok waves. [Public] Corra says, "is a torch a part of assumed adventuring kit, ie most everyone could come up with a torch?" <OOC> Mel says, "I think it is. Basic stuff." [Public] Witchy Woman Merle has left this channel. <OOC> Mel says, "Even if not, it should contain flint and steel and we can gather up tinder." <OOC> Corra says, "alright will say it does, takes a round to get it out and get it lit. pose." GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 22.
     It is now Josselyn's turn! Mel is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "josselyn you are a bit back now. they are down, Jolan is working on lighting a torch. action if any?" <OOC> Josselyn hrms, yeah I will just keep my crossbow trained on them in case they get up before the fire is lit. So ready action? <OOC> Corra says, "okay" GAME: Corra advances the initiative order.

     Round Seven - Init 21.
     It is now Mel's turn! Faileh is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "mel"

Jolan rummages through her pack, pulling out a torch and some flint and steel. "Best to scorch what you don't want to regrow," she murmurs, working on igniting the torch.

<OOC> Mel says, "I will hack them up to keep them from getting up while my allies prepare fire." <OOC> Corra says, "roll intel" GAME: Mel rolls intelligence: (12)+2: 14 <OOC> Corra says, "you decide to hit the one that was downed first...roll to hit." GAME: Mel rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13 <OOC> Mel says, "Plus whatever for it being helpess?" <OOC> Corra says, "not helpless just prone. that one was faking, waiting to catch everyone off guard as it healed up...but you hit. roll damage" GAME: Mel rolls 1d6+2+3d6: (4)+2+(8): 14 <OOC> Corra says, "it goes down again, and with that you are able to keep them down till you can burn them.." GAME: Corra removes the timestop. Timestop by Corra has left. GAME: You remove the timestop. <OOC> Corra says, "free posing. you can pose getting the torch lit Jolan and setting them on fire while Mel makes sure they stay down..." <OOC> Corra says, "it was about to get up and attack, it was almost at 10hp again."

Faileh hums as they are destroying the corpses of the monsters they just fought. Instead, he goes to look for the victims of the beasts and see if he can save or tend to them. "Anyone hear anything?" he asks.

Mel is the careful one, and he knows the best time to hit an enemy is when he's down, so he take the opportunity to stab the troll even more. Surprisingly, the fellow was just faking, it seems. Surpising to him, Mel's attack strikes true finally, and his cheap shot actually sends it down into unconsciousness.

Jolan jabs the lit torch firmly into the two trolls, preventing them from ever standing back up. "Well, that was a nice warm-up," she remarks. "I wonder what the main event will be?"

That seems to be the problem that was caused. This pair of trolls, young probably by thier size, were staking territory and eating whatever they could grab. You do find about four cattle that are tied up, and scared. They were dinner.

<OOC> Faileh wants to try to calm them. <OOC> Faileh has handle animal.

Josselyn keeps her eyes on the trolls and her crossbow carefully aimed until they are burned "Well then... suppose thats done then right?"

<OOC> Corra says, "that actually took a little longer than I was expecting. so going to have to call it there. after some posing. I have to get ready for work." <OOC> Corra says, "you can pose getting them to calm though it takes a bit."

"Woah there." Faileh says to the cows. Sliding his sword back into its sheath and unstrapping his shield, he approaches them like someone who knows how to handle the meat. Before untying them to be lead back to civilization, he gives them a good check over and bandaging if any of them are wounded. A gentle hand and soothing voice to calm their nerves, which have been hit hard by these beasts.

You manage to get the remaining cattle back to the village and let them know you took care of the problem. They get you all paid and give you much thanks and see you on your way with a full belly.