Gate Gypsies

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Tenebrae - Tuesday, March 22, 2016, 9:18 AM

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A01: Western Gates *>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The western gates of the city are also called the Phoenix Gates for the carved, marble phoenix whose wings stretch down to form a grand arch wide enough to accommodate several wagon teams at once. The phoenix has been carefully carved. Though age has obscured some of the details, it's clear that at one point it was possible to make out the vanes running down each individual feather. Its fiery eyes appear to follow onlookers and while it seems to welcome travelers inside, there's an implicit warning in its stern gaze to those who might wish the city harm. Overhead, the fiery flag of Alexandria, dubbed Phoenix Rising, flies proudly.

At the base of the gates there's a small lodge to house the members of the Watch who stand guard here, who watch people as they enter and exit and occasionally ask for identification papers.

Inside the gates the ancient facade suddenly looks more modern; a complicated series of pulleys, levers, mana-powered rune plates and the like are attached to huge gates which, rumor has it, can close faster than the gates of any other city thanks to the incorporation of artificer technology.

Josselyn is on duty today at the phoenix gate, crossbow slung over the shoulder she watches the people go in and out, occasionally asking for papers or identifcations of suspicious folks. Although thats not too often and she seems more interested in small talk than really looking too hard.

Iadoth arrives from outside the city, on horseback. She travels with one of the Tsurai, the 'Faring Folk' of the Vast. Colourful acrobats with a somewhat liberal approach to personal possessions. As they approach the Phoenix Gate, they pull the horses to a stop, and dismount, leading the beasts through the gates by the reins.

Munch is not a suspicious folk. By his own standards, at least. Which to be fair, are almost nothing like anyone else standards. Today, the metal man approaches the city, dragging a large branch behind him, about as thick as the man's arm, some 10 feet long, and shiney black.

Josselyn looks up and approaches Munch, cutting Iadoth off as she does so "Sir.. er sir. I am afraid you cannot bring that branch into the city according to city ordanance 7 dash... wait are you named Munch by chance? Work with adventurers guild?" she says casting a weary glance at the golem.

Munch blinks with a soft click, metal lids snaping over magicite eyes, peering at the guard. "What sort of ordanace is that? Anyway, not a branch. And yes, I'm Munch TerrorMaw." He nods politely to Iadoth.

Josselyn grins frome ear to ear "Well I say! Let me tell you it is a pleasure to meet you! If you could, what was it like facing the creatures of Thul in that mine? Was it as scary as it sounds?" she says before leaning in the direction of Iadoth "You know he's practicaly a hero! I heard he even ate a dragon once!" she notes as a matter of fact.

Iadoth turns to her companion, who begins to translate the words into Sildanyari. Eventually she nods in return, and murmurs something back to the Tsurai. "She says that she has met Munch before," Iadoth curtsies slightly to Munch at this point. "And that she hopes he is well. She also wonders what the branch is, if branch it is not."

Munch blinks again, his eyes shifting from green to a more blueish. "Didn't know the mine story was out, still some troubles to clear up. Owner of the mine not wanting rumors of undead around. Anyway, was an odd one. We sorta knew what we were getting into, so had all sorts of magical wards laid on us before hand. Most of the ghosts couldn't even touch us, and the ones that could were... weird. Like, nightmare stuff taken shape. Anyway, killed a couple dragons, but never ate all of one. Always someone else wanting the skin or bones or something." Nodding to Iadoth again, he peers a moment at the companion, trying to place them... but really, all fleshies kinda look alike, and shifting clothing around doesn't help matters. "It's a beetle horn. Some loggers near the shore were having troubles with it as I past by."

Josselyn grins broadly "Well I always try and catch news of the latest thing at the Guild. You know I do some work for it to in my free time. If its not too much to ask..." she fumbles around in her pocket and produces a small leather bound booklet "Can you sign your name inside?"

The brightly-dressed Tsurai translates this to Iadoth, who looks in wonder at the beetle horn. She says something to the Tsurai, and the two of them seem to have a small argument. Still, she responds to Munch through her companion: "/She/ would like to know, what kind of a beetle does that come from? Neither of us have ever seen such a creature."

Munch blinks at the booklet a few times. This is obviously a new situation for the metal man. "Ah... okay, I guess?" The golem peers a moment more before fumbelign around with his leathery 'dreadlocks', sorting though the ropy tendrils before selecting one. Rubbery skin pulls back from the tip of his finger, exposing pointed metal bone below, the spike driven into the leather, only to be pulled out again, covered with a thick black ichor. Not quite a quill and ink, but it'll work. "Uh, and what name should I sign it to, miss?"

Glancing to Iadoth and company, he shrugs. "Big one. Think they're called 'stag beetles'? See the small ones around a lot, man sized ones in the deep woods. This one was bigger than most of those, but not really stronger."

Josselyn grins "Josselyn please, sir. I am a big fan of the way you hit things with your axe. Although I must inform you not leave the horn laying around in any public areas where it will likely be considered refuse and disposed of." she notes in a more serious tone. She does give Iadoth's companion a sideways look though. "And if I may, where do you two come from?"

Iadoth, a sildanyari, stands with a brightly-dressed, olive-skinned man --- a Tsurai, of the Vast. They are engaged in conversation with Josselyn, a member of the city guard, and, most unusually of all, Munch, a war golem pulling an enormous beetle horn through the city gates.

Iadoth turns to the Tsurai, who sighs and translates the exchange obliquely. Following this, he shifts his weight onto the other leg and begins to argue quickly and angrily with the sila. Eventually she holds her hands up, relentingly, and the Tsurai turns back to his companions. "My partner, a river gypsy, was arrested last night for drunken behaviour. My companion here---" he motions to Iadoth. "---/informed/ me that we could go to the city gaol and arrange for his release. But she insists on being distracted." Iadoth's eyebrows raise in apology.

Munch signs the book with a slight flourish, the 'ink' leeching into the paper a little to add a greeish highlight as distinct as the actual writing. Handing the autograph back, he nods. "Of course. I'd meant to have it finished before I reached the gates, but got distracted with some brewers along the way." The golems face splits open, row upon row of adamantine nightmare fangs shifting to position before snapping off a few inches of giant beetle horn, the insect shell standing no chance against the metal. A moment chewing, a moment grinding, and the material disappears down the golems maw.

Turning to the Tsurai, he blinks. "Drunken arrest? Likely out by now. They tend to clear out the drunk tank at first light. Unless he blacked out, then might have let him sleep it off if they've room in the cells."

Approaching, and standing off to the side, Shagara quietly listens to all of what's going on with her arms crossed. She doesn't say anything as she listens, but she does wonder, partly, how one can get that drunk...

Josselyn shrugs as she takes her notebook back "Well if your friend was causing trouble while drunk they may have arrested him, mostly for his own safety. The only way they would keep him longer than overnight is if he hurt someone or causes some significant property damage." she notes as a matter of fact, well versed in dealing with drunks.

The Tsurai growls, and as the other three look on, the pair argue for almost a minute in Sildanyari. As the argument heats up, the brightly-dressed man gives Iadoth a shove in the chest, and she falls back a little. Angrily he walks away, and she calls out after him, but he does not turn around. She sighs. "I have apologising for behaviour, his." she says to the others. "His is anger at judging his peoples."

Munch watches the exchange passively, the arugement having nothing to do with him. Another foot or so of horn disappears as the golem nibbles. Glancing to Shagara, he nods politely.

Josselyn watches the person go and shrugs "Drunk is drunk, don't know what their problem is, perhaps they have been drinking too much?" she says casting a suspicious look Iadoth's way.

"She apparently made a promise to get his partner out of the tank today, and he's angry because she's not fulfilling her promise." Shagara says as she pushes off of the wall. She walks over towards the group and watches the exchange herself.

"That are the cases," Iadoth says, unsure of her words again, thrown by the switch from fast-talk sildanyari to a more clumsy tradespeak. "I have not drunkard."

Munch shrugs. "If it was just public drunkeness, he's already out. Promise filled, no troubles. I'm not sure the trouble, around here they're pretty nice cells, even the high security ones." Someone might have some personal experience with the inside of the local cells.

Looking over towards Iadoth and tilts her head, making her hair sway a little. "What exactly did you promise?"

Iadoth looks at the tall Oruchi with distrust, but opens up to her in her own tongue. "<something you don't understand in sildanyari>" She tilts her head from side to side. "<something you don't understand in sildanyari>" Alexandria "<something you don't understand in sildanyari>" Here she trails off. "<something you don't understand in sildanyari>"

Shagara tilts her head and listens for a bit, before saying "<something you don't understand in sildanyari>" She then looks to Munch and Joss. 'I don't think there's much this woman can do at the moment. if his friend has gone, unless we can track him, there's little we can do.'

Josselyn shakes her head "Unlikely, in any case I have a duty to return to, I will let you know if something comes up." She says returning to the guard station.

Munch nods, and shrugs. "Either he's out, or he's easy to find and about to be out. I don't see a problem."

Iadoth shrugs as well. "I am of agreement, Master Hunter. The Tsurai are winded tightsome, like bow string. Sometimes they snap, maybe-perhaps." She looks over at Shagara, and curtsies. "Thanks to yourself, Mistress Oruchi."

Shagara bends at the waist, slides one foot behind her and lets her hands flutter out like wings towards Iadoth. "You are welcome. I am Acolyte Shagara, of the Order of the Thinning Veil. it is a pleasure to meet you."

Munch offers another polite nod to go with his introduction. "Munch TerrorMaw, the Golem Who Eats."

To Shagara, Iadoth says, "I am Iadoth, of the Vast. Pleasing, accepting of apologies for behaving of companion, and for not being trustful of you, Mistress Acolyte."

Shagara smirks at Iadoth a moment. "it's all right. Not many expect an Oruch to be a monk, let alone follow the White Disc.' She says bowing to Munch as well.

Munch blinks, and shrugs. "Not too weird around here. Boshter is sort of a local feature." The golem considers. "Though I guess he is pretty weird."

The sila nods, thinking back to her own encounters with Boshter. "Such strangeling city, this one." Iadoth looks out of the city gates again. "I am of search for horse-seller, horse-hire, maybe perhaps lend. Any knowing, your two?"

Shagara shakes her head. "No. Sorry. I barely know the temple here, and have been training since I got here." She then sighs a bit. "If you need a horse, I would suggest the local druids though. The horses they can bring you are stunning, provided you can tame it."

Munch shakes his head. "Not I. Horses as I don't tend to mix well, and prefer my own feet anyway."

Iadoth smiles at the pair, lifting her head, but not quite meeting the eye of either creature. "I am of gratefulitude," she tells them. "To carrying on search, then; farebye." With this final slip, she wanders away.