But there was Beer

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Morgan comes out of the Eluna temple saying to the people in side "If I need it I will use the lamp and thank you for the use." She then looks around and says, "wow it’s thinck today."

A tall human mercenary warrior swathed in a black fur-lined and hooded cloak that covers his faintly glowing armor and huge greatsword that similarly glows on his back. He isn't all that comfortable here, that's readily apparent as he glances at the temples a bit reproachfully.

The cold day has Rhyn's cloak wrapped even more tightly than usual as the elf walks down the street. Everything is obscured, and so when someone appears out of nowhere stepping out of one of the temples Rhyn is almost not surprised. Deftly she steps around Morgan, using the light as a guide around the other woman. "Pardon." She offers politely. Which is when she notices Darius standing not too far away. She stops dead in her tracks and quickly pulls her cowl down lower.

Morgan haply moves off to the side to let Rhyn to walk by and gives her a polite nod.

Malik makes his way out of Tarien's Temple, hood down despite the chill in the air. He moves at an easy clip, not seeming to be in a great hurry, though he does catch that flash of red hair as Rhyn pulls her hood down. He gives the others gathered in the Temple Plaza polite nods in passing, a look of mischief in his eyes as he makes his way over to the elven woman.

Darius doesn't seem to notice Rhyn as he's too busy trying to stay far away from each temple, enough so that he actually passes her by without saying anything.

Rhyn watches Darius go by with hooded eyes, and as he passes steps quietly away. She's cautious as she does so, trying not to draw attention to herself.

Kaj washes his armpits in the fountain, his mass perhaps dissuading acolytes from giving him hell over it. He then turns and starts heading towards the bridge, his head difficult to see in the soupy mist unless one is above six feet in height.

Morgan hears the clerics in the area complaining about someone washing in the fountain and she gives a chuckle about that and notices it's one of the half giants but is not sure who it is.

"Hello, Rhyn," Malik says, approaching the woman. Despite the mist, the hood and the hair were a dead giveaway. So much for not drawing attention to herself. Way to go, wizard. "I thought you weren't the religious type?" Though he does glance around at all the people gathered, despite the fog. "Or is there some kind of holiday I'm missing?"

That name! Darius freezes and slowly turns then, now his attention was grabbed by Malik saying THAT name, he searches for who was being addressed…

As suggested Rhyn isn't invisible despite her hooded figure. She jumps a little at Malik's sudden - due to the mist - appearance and offers him the quick flash of a smile as she lifts a hand in a sort of half wave - half gentling motion. Even as her blue eyes flicker toward Darius she knows that she's not going to be able to hide herself. "Hello Malik." Her voice is soft and wry. "I am not, but I was walking this way toward the gardens. Still getting roaming a bit to get to know the city."

Kaj stretches massively.

When that is done, he digs in a satchel at his waist and produces a beautiful mithril shirt which he shakes out, then dons, muttering something about the undead.

Darius frowns, now that he looks, yep, definitely Rhyn and says, "Why do you always try and hide when I'm around?"

Malik lowers his voice a little at the gesture from Rhyn, whispering, "Who are we hi--" But the answer to the question becomes apparent before he even asks it. Turning to greet Darius' approach, he offers the man a nod and an easy smile, looking amused at whatever thoughts are running through his head at the revelation. "The gardens aren't that far. Over the bridge, through the Warehouse District. But you could be wandering there for a while. It can be a confusing place, given that all the buildings look the same." Though the giant with the mythril shirt seems to have caught his attention for the moment, the smile widening at the giant's lack of social graces. And the horrified look of the Acolytes standing around him.

Rhyn nods to Malik, then turns her gaze upon Darius. "Hello Darius. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm usually trying not to draw attention to myself." She flashes her teeth at him and makes a motion from Malik to Darius, stopping halfway through at the rumble of the giantborn. "They're talking about me hiding." She sighs. "Malik this is Darus. I believe I mentioned something to you about him yesterday? Ah... and I am Rhyn." She offers this last politely if not particularly articulately to the giantborn.

Morgan notices the mithral shirt and makes her way to him "Hello Kaj." The female voice can be heard before she can be seen. "Okay this fog is getting annoying." She says a few words in the arcane language as the wind in the area picks up a bit thinning the mist in the area to half its strength "This will last about 10 to 20 minutes."

Kaj nods, failing to hide his disappointment but trying to be serene.

"Why are you hiding?" he asks, dropping down to his haunches so his head is just above 5' in height, making it more comfortable to interact with him. His worn hand is splayed on the cobblestone, acting as a third point of support.

Darius simply shakes his head at Rhyn, clicking his tongue, he then nods to Malik, "Malik... I'd ask what she told you, but I'm not sure I'd want to know... somehow I get the belief that she really doesn't like me much..." He side-eyes Rhyn as he says that with a lopsided smile.

Rhyn smiles softly at Kaj, who's name she gets from Morgan as she joins them. "That, is a surprisingly personal question. Leave it to say that I have a lot fewer complications when I keep my hood low." Darius's comment draws her attention again and she shakes her head. "I swear I said nothing untrue."

"I'm sure you can win her over," Malik answers to Darius. "Just let her get to know the -real- you." He can barely contain the growing smile there, covering his mouth with a hand as he glances over to Rhyn, just in case she tries to hit him.

As the fog clears, it reveals an elderly priest of Daeus standing by the fountain, adjusting his classes as he reads from a holy book to the Acolytes. Except it sounds less like a sermon, and more like a series of strict rules of conduct. "So," he wheezes, "the fountain will need to be cleansed. Again. For a third time this week, in accordance with the wishes of the gods." The Acolytes just sigh at him, but not too deeply, already starting to get to work as the elderly man turns, making his way toward the now-far-more-visible giant. "Thank you, my dear," he tells Morgan in passing. "Blessings of Daeus upon you."

Morgan gives a nod to her tanks and the blessing that was given "I wish it could last longer and the area is not that great."

Darius raises an eyebrow first at Rhyn and says, "That's what I was afraid of..." He then looks at Malik and blinks, "I'd love to, but something tells me she'd much rather punch me in the face than kiss me... at least that was how we left things the last time we... met." He looks again at Rhyn askance, "You still owe me a drink at the tavern together..."

From the look in Rhyn's eyes it's a close thing, but she manages to resist the temptation to punch Malik. Instead she levels her gaze at Darius and shrugs a shoulder. "I have not seen you since we fought at the arena." She grins at the memory and lifts a hand to push back a wayward lock of red hair. "I suppose I do owe you that drink, but I still do not understand the purpose of it."

Darius sighs and puts his head in his hands and mutters, "She doesn't understand the purpose of having a drink together..." He shakes his head sadly and then replies, "It's called a 'date'... I am attempting to get you to 'let your hair down' as it were and relax and get to know you better and give you the opportunity to do the same with me..." He mutters, "Preferably without violence being a part of it..."

Rhyn's eyes widen and she stares at Darius. "Look we might get along, but I don't want to date you. I prefer my men to have a little more ass." She smiles and clasps Malik on the shoulder a little more firmly than is strictly necessary. "Like Malik here."

Kaj scratches at his head, vigorously, then looks at his hand, "Hallo!" he says, to the tarantula that has made its way onto it.

He holds it up in the best light, admiring its beauty, then lets it down gently onto his blue mane.

He then looks down about to say something to Rhyn, but frowns. "And commenting on his ass is not personal?"

Malik finally manages to regain his composure a little, glancing between the two of them, though he nearly chokes as Rhyn makes her comment about his ass. This time, it's his turn to be caught off guard. "I mean, I don't know about the rest of you, but -I- could sure use a drink." Though he's already glancing around the giant as the little old man approaches, looking determined. "And I think that we're probably all gonna need one sooner or later."

The priest walks up behind Kaj, clearing his throat firmly. Trying to keep his voice as civil as possible, and clearly straining to do so, he begins in that overly sing-song way that speaks of annoyance. "While I am -sure- that you were simply trying to observe the holy cleansing rituals," he croons to Kaj, "I am afraid I must -insist- that you refrain from doing so in the holy fountain." He opens the book that he's holding, opening it to a bookmarked page -- which spills out into many, many folded pages, practically a scroll. "Cleansing rituals must be observed in strict accordance with the mandates laid down by the gods, as Divined by the Holy Director-General Superior. As you can see."

Kaj turns and smiles at the priest then stands, inhaling deep and pensively, which translates to his chest expanding to about warhorse-size.

Rhyn seems /quite/ pleased with herself. "It's not personal at all. After all I'm not commenting on his personality. Or his hygiene." She glares at the priest as he begins his proclamation.

"Mandates, rituals, cleansing." He nods. "Blood is good for cleansing rituals," he says, scratching his watermelon-sized biceps with his thick nails as he philosophises with the priest.

GAME: Kaj rolls intimidate: (2)+12: 14

Darius simply shakes his head and says, "If you say so... you don't sound too convincing when you say that though..." He shrugs then, "If it's so, then it's so, but somehow I doubt it."

GAME: Malik rolls 1d20+2: (19)+2: 21

Malik just takes a step away from the priest, letting him and the giant handle their own affairs. But as Darius adds his response to the fray, he frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. "Are you saying you doubt that I have a nice ass? Because I'll have you know, sir, many people find it to be among my better assets." He doesn't even sound remotely serious.

The priest, for his part, just sighs at the giant longsufferingly, clearly unintimidated by the other's size. "Blood is -not- a proper medium for a cleansing ritual, as you can see here in Section 4, Paragraph 3, Subsection 17-A-Four-Point-Two." He shoves the book at the giant, showing him the clearly delineated list. "Though as Holy Advisers, we would be happy to provide guidance on what methods and materials would be an appropriate substitute."

Morgan is watching the priest trying to berate and bully someone twice his size and wonders what Kaj will do... this amuses her.

Rhyn laughs at Malik's proclamation. "I think you're right. Between... everything I am /more/ than ready for that drink now." She glances at Darius and then clasps Malik on the shoulder once again. "Come, let us leave this priest to his... cleansing rituals."

Kaj drops down to fist-on-ground pose to, in fact, peruse the text.

"That it does, that it does," he says, nodding and frowning even deeper, "I stand corrected, Cleric," he adds, "Forgive me," he says, starting to remove his mithril shirt which he puts back in the satchel.

"I shall take the cane as is tradition," he says, invoking some gods-know-wherefrom tradition.

Darius gives Malik a withering glance, "What? Are you telling me she's dating you instead?" He's trying not to be jealous, really he's not, yeah good luck with that. He then says, "Yeah, I hate religion... and all these priests and priestesses give me the creeps. I could use that drink myself." He also glares at the Priest.

Rhyn gapes a little at Darius. "I'm not dating anyone." She says this as clearly as possible. "I /really/ need that drink." The elf glances toward Kaj and winces. Clearly hoping that the priest isn't going to take the giantborn up on his offer.

Kaj notices Rhyn. Winks at her.

Malik looks like he is about to object, but Rhyn does it for him. He seems to consider getting involved further, but mostly just takes a step back, letting the two quarreling not-lovers work out the details amongst themselves, showing more discretion than he usually does in these situations.

The priest, on the other hand, nods, closing the book with one hand in that thunderous, booming way that marks the victory of the Rule of Law. "Daeus is a patient and forgiving god, unlike some of his counterparts. Given that no harm has come to anyone for this transgression, he is willing to extend his benevolent atonement toward you. But please, do be more careful in the future. Ignorant transgression is a wholly different matter from willful blasphemy." And with that, he turns back toward the acolytes, who have already paused in their work, perhaps waiting for the giant to smash the tiny man under fist.

Kaj looks serene, then bows. "Daeus is great and benevolent!" he booms, some spittle flying out towards the priest given his enthusiasm and lung capacity.

He then stands up, dons the Mithril again and looks around. He points at Darius.

Darius then visibly looks relieved when Rhyn denies that she's dating anyone, and a clip from "Dumber and Dumber" (whatever play appropriate for the setting) runs through his head of Lloyd saying, "So you're telling me there's a chance............. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!" He doesn't even seem to notice Kaj pointing at him, lost in his own world like that.

Morgan listens to the people talking about dating and feels bad about her own sex life and wonders off.

The warrior's expression causes one of exasperation to steal over Rhyn's face. Her eyes fall on Malik and her eyes say clearly without words that this is /his/ fault.

Kaj continues to point at Darius. "You have birdshit on your armour," he offers, helpfully.

A raven appears to have made the deposit.

Kaj looks sheepish.

Malik looks to Rhyn, shrugging innocently. "What? I -warned- you to avoid the Temple District." As if that were explanation and defense all in one. He looks at Darius then, trying to get a feel for the man's demeanor and the rapid shifts in it, asking, "Are you -sure- you didn't just - come- from a tavern?" And then, over to Kaj, "Given that Daeus has spared you, you should do something charitable for your fellows. Like buy them a drink!"

Rhyn brightens at the prospect of actually getting her drink. "Yes friend Kaj. Let's retire to a bar and share a drink or three!" She watches Darius stalk off to wash the bird leavings off his armor with a small pleased smile.

Kaj punches.....his fist into his palm! "Drinks!" he says, and like the pied piper leads them down to the....river.

Kaj makes his way down to the bank in leaps and strides with not one but seventeen ravens circling above him, chattering and cawing.

He marches with purpose and as he gets close to the river, he digs into a satchel and produces a mini-keg of beer, which he throws behind himself and up into the air, sending it in an arc in Malik's general direction.

"To the river!" he repeats in a chant-like manner, over and over again.

Malik rushes to keep up with the giant, given that he has a much longer stride than the human. Though the wizard loses significant ground as he has to catch the mini-keg the giant lobs his way, not exactly a light then. Especially when thrown by a giant. Tossing it up on one shoulder, he hustles after the tall man, panting, "Years of studying magic, and I still get stuck doing manual labor."

As they arrive at the edge of the river Rhyn has a moment of despair before Kaj pulls out a mini-keg of beer. Then she follows him like he is indeed the pied piper. "At least he's in a mood to share!" Rhyn seems quite at ease now that Darius is gone and there's alcohol on the way.

"So that was your boyfriend, huh?" Malik might be laboring under the weight of a keg, but it seems he hasn't lost his sense of humor any. "Real charmer, that one. I can see what you find so appealing about him. You'll surely have hundreds of happy children."

The hooded figure of Ga'Elian emerges from the fog, looking from the neck down like a classic Robin Hood, but the sleek purple goggles on his face and the three Ioun Stones orbiting his hatless head diverge considerably from the stereotype.

He says, "What's all this? You all are having a party?" He pats Kaj on the arm (as the shoulder is a bit too high for convenience), then bows to Rhyn, and grabs Malik around the shoulders in a one-armed hug.

Kaj looks up at the ravens while he rummages some more in the satchels at his waist.

"Ahoy!" he says, and produces another mini-keg which he lobs at Rhyn ere rummaging some more to produce a personal mini-keg.

"Cheers!!!" he says, and drinks long and deep.

...then he notice Ga'Elian. "Ga'Elian! Well met!" Transferring the keg to his palm, he digs and produces yet another one. "Served!" he says, holding it out to the ranger. Ga'Elian has partially disconnected.

Rhyn groans at Malik. "Don't joke or I /will/ tell him that we are dating. Maybe then he'll bug you constantly rather than me." She rolls her eyes and suddenly finds a cask thrown at her. She manages to catch it easily enough, but stumbles under the weight provided both by the throw and the cask itself. She waves to Ga'Elian as he joins them, settling her keg on the ground. "Hello again Ga'Elian! If we are celebrating anything it is liberation. From priests and from those that weary the soul with their stubborn block-headedness."

Malik almost drops the keg as Ga'Elian takes him around the shoulders. "Balance, balance is not currently a thing!" he laughs, trying not to fall over. But he manages to stay on his feet nonetheless as Kaj passes out those mini-kegs, quirking an eyebrow as they just keep appearing from the satchel as if by some strange magic. "I like you already, bigun." Though as Rhyn makes her threat, he just flashes the woman a wink. "You could always tell him that he's welcome to join. Might make him back off. Might make him pant harder. Coin toss, really."

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Acrobatics: 38

Kaj glances at Malik, then up at the Raven. "Do not shoot them, they are family." He must be speaking of the bow.

Ga'Elian snatches the small keg from mid-air and sets it down where he follows it by sitting cross-legged, all in a fluid motion. He says, "Your murder seems to be increasing, Kaj."

The elvish woman considers Malik's proposal for a few seconds before sitting down beside her keg much like Ga'Elian had but lacking something of his grace. "Perhaps I should tell him that." She smiles a little to herself and glances toward the raven in question cautiously. Rhyn doesn't believe that Kaj means a bow for a second. "How have you been Ga'Elian?"

"Conspiracy," Malik corrects. "Or an Unkindness if they're being dicks about it. Constable if they're watching you too closely and quietly. Murder is for crows." Leave it to the wizard to have useless knowledge. But he can't help but laugh. "Don't worry, Kaj. Your birds are perfectly safe from me." Though when Rhyn makes her comment, he says, "Should I wear something revealing? I haven't even had time to do my hair."

Ga'Elian says with mild annoyance tempered by a smirk, "Murder, conspiracy... FLOCK!" Then adds, "Confusing Tradespeak!". He takes a drink. <sildanyari>

Rhyn laughs. "Yes, wear something that shows off your ass!" She picks up a clod of dirt and throws it accurately at Malik's head. With that done she taps her keg and takes a grateful drink.

Kaj smiles as he thinks of something, then shouts up, "Shard! WHITE RAIN!"

The ravens caw and start going mad, circling around everyone, then the crap storm starts, targeting Ga'Elian, Rhyn and Malik, but of course not Kaj, who is laughing so hard the ale is coming out of his nose

Malik hasn't opened his keg yet. Which is probably lucky for him, given what the birds are preparing to do. He frowns up at the sky, putting his hood up and his head down, grumbling something under his breath. Rhyn's comment will have to wait until the bombardment is done, but his fingers are already moving in strange ways.

Ga'Elian says, "Nice move, friend, but really... you shouldn't have gone to the trouble." It's a good thing that cantrips can be repeated indefinitely... He uses his magical gloves to prestidigitate away all the 'White Rain', little by little.

Kaj laughs some more, giving Ga'Elian a squeeze of the neck that would send most people to the temple of Althea.

"Cheers!" he says, raising the mini-keg before standing up. "Well, friends, I promised to help someone tow his barge up the river, so that is where I go!"

Then he turns and walks across the river.

The elvish woman hides beneath her cloak until the storm passes, and smiles gratefully at Ga'Elian when he begins to use his magic to clean the mess away. Rhyn shakes her head at the giantborn's leaving. "That was a poor joke." She shakes her head again and takes another drink (from a different cup) of her keg to soothe herself.

As Ga'Elian seems to have beaten him to the magic, Malik just leaves him to it. "Poor joke, maybe, but he left us a ton of beer. Which is perfectly fine by me. Cheaper to do laundry than buy a keg." He finally opens his, finding a glass outside of the Circle of Filth that Ga'Elian is working on. "Besides, it'll make for a good story later. Provided that we change some parts for dramatic effect."

Ga'Elian says, "Well, you two are welcome to mine. I don't mind a little beer once in a while, but usually when I'm in the mood to carouse with oruchs, and let me assure you... that isn't often. Anyway, do I gather that someone has been propositioning Rhyn recently?"

"Ah! Thank you!" Rhyn is clearly as grateful for the lack of bird leavings on her clothes as she is the alcohol. Hers is still mostly full however so she doesn't steal into his just yet. "And you would be right; rather stubbornly as well. He professed his love to me after merely..."

Rhyn trails off and a sad expression crosses what can be seen of her face beneath her cowl.

"Apparently they got all physical, and then he decided to get all emotional," Malik starts, scooting a bit away from Rhyn so as to not get punched. "But fighters are like that. One good bout in the Arena and they just can't help themselves. Not enough blood to work both brains at once."

Ga'Elian laughs, and says, "Fighters are emotional onions. The surface is all stinky, but underneath, they bury their hearts under so many layers it'll bring tears to your eyes."

"I wish that this one would keep his emotions under his surface." Rhyn huffs and clasps both her hands around her cup. Her silence has left her speaking without the harshness that she has been speaking with until now. "I dare not even beat him down again lest he think I'm flirting or something."

Morgan comes dropping from the bridge but lands on the ground like it was a small skip. She then notices other people and gives a hello wave to the ones around here.

"You hope he takes it as flirting. He might take it as foreplay. Then you're -really- ..." Though the thought cuts off short as Morgan drops down from the bridge, giving her greeting. "Is -everyone- in this town a fan of dramatic entrances? Whatever happened to just -walking-?" Malik sighs, clearly the outsider among the group of elves.

Ga'Elian chuckles, "Hunting is so much easier than being hunted isn't it?" When Morgan floats down, he says to Malik, "Bro, Alexandria is full of adventurers and other folks with magic. Dramatic entrances are a silver a dozen."

Rhyn nods to Morgan and then sighs with another soft nod for the words being said over her predicament. "True, and true; worse and worse. I think he's thick enough that there is nothing I can do to convince him to think I want nothing to do with him." She takes a drink, going through her keg quite quickly. "Let's talk about something else shall we?"

Malik just chuckles. "Don't worry. You seem clever. I'm sure you'll think of something." Though as the other two give their explanation about what sorts of magical antics can be expected from the other will workers in the city, he gives a long suffering sigh, shaking his head. "And people wonder why I just keep to myself." That, apparently, calls for a lot more beer than he currently has in his system, given that he finishes the entire glass.

Ga'Elian sits back and says, "So, on a brighter subject, I heard some old lady the other day complaining about some magical transformation that fell on her per cat and how he's too much for her to handle now. Said she's hoping some adventurers'll take him off her hands."

Morgan looks to Elian. ‘’Transformed how?"

Rhyn drinks down her own mug in silent agreement. She too prefered to keep her own company, but... she smiled at the small group around her. This group was a fine collection of people. "A magical cat? That sounds pretty odd."

"A magical cat sounds like easy money," Malik says, perking up at the mention of that. "Which is exactly the kind of thing I wish would happen -more-. Have I mentioned how much I hate the sewers here? Why can't monsters ever show up someplace -nice-? Someplace that doesn't smell like -- well. You get the idea."

Morgan shrugs "Magic cat does not sound to odd, I was playing checkers today with a dragon the size of one today." she gives Malik a nod in agreement she hates going in to the sewers

Ga'Elian shrugs, "We all take our turns worth the sewers. It's an ongoing problem that takes constant cleansing. As for the cat, I don't know that it was magic. It sounded more like magic happened to it. I never saw it, actually, but I gather the old lady can't pet it anymore on account of its spine growing sharp ridges or something. And not all sewers are in, or I guess under, cities, but those out in the wilderness tend to not be so riddled with the crap of, well, cityfolk--both actual crap and all the other stuff they discard. Case in point, the lady mentioned that her cat had run off into the woods and found a sparkly black oil slick or something. I tried to get more details on it, because that's a trifle worrisome, but she didn't know about it much, as I gather the adventurers that got the cat didn't take the time to check it out."

"Sparkling black oil slick? In the woods?" Rhyn looks concerned now, pushing aside her keg and quietly drawing Ga'Elian's closer. She briefly offers the keg toward Malik, but she takes the first cup off of it. At least the drink doesn't seem to have affected her much. "Sounds like some sort of corruption to me. Perhaps magical corruption. We should check it out."

"Do we know -where- we should be looking for this magical oil?" Malik looks between the gathered individuals. "There's an awful lot of wilderness out there, and I'm sure it's full of things that would love to eat us. Might wanna try to narrow that down a bit." Though he does raise an eyebrow at Ga'Elian. "And how, exactly, did this little old lady follow the cat out into the woods far enough to know that it found some kind of magic oil slick? Does nobody else find that image a bit -- unbelievable?"

Ga'Elian shakes his head. "Not her. These adventurers she hired to get her cat back must've told her about it when they brought the cat back. Anyway, I couldn't get the purported location out of her. Honestly, this is all hear-say, anyway. She might've been making the whole thing up. The most remarkable thing to me is that she both had the gold to hire adventurers and chose to spend it on having them go get her cat."

Rhyn seems a little put out but shrugs. "Shame, sounds like it would have been an adventure. Plus if there is an oil slick - magical or no - in the woods I would like to tell the druids where it is so that they can do something about it." She peers thoughtfully at Ga'Elian. "Perhaps we can ask the guild who did the mission and we can ask /them/ where it was?"

Morgan shrugs. "Adventures like that I would go on to see what caused it so I can fix or hope to fix the abuse of magic."

Malik nods. "Is there any chance that our intrepid group misfired some magic, and then created a clever cover story about magic oil to take the blame off of themselves?" A brief pause, and then "Not that I would think of doing that or anything." A quick cough, and then more beer, though he nods in agreement that they should look into it further. "Might want to bring it up with the Guild anyway. Would be nice to get paid to put our asses on the line."

Ga'Elian nods. "Oh, certainly 'tis worth asking the Guild. If this whole line is true, I'm sure at least some o' that party will want to go back and check it out, maybe bring others along with 'em."

"After we finish our drinks!" Rhyn has just gotten into the new keg so it's still quite full. "One way or another I would like to find out."
