A Gnoment in Time, Part 3

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Log Info

  • Title: A Gnoment in Time, Part 3
  • Emitter: Whirlpool
  • Characters: Lyme, Paenitia, Ravenstongue, Skielstregar, Vaera, Zyla
  • Place: Inside Farland's Mage's Magnificent Mansion
  • Time: Thursday, September 29, 2022, 10:09 PM
  • Summary: Inside Farland's Mage's Magnificent Mansion, a struggle continues between the party and some invisible entity that attacked Paenitia. With Cor'lana's glitterdust only partially revealing it, Skielstregar and others attack, but miss. Paenitia manages to bag it with a bedsheet, allowing Cor'lana to get her glitterdust spell to stick, but it escapes into the sauna. Everyone follows, and the steam is obscuring things, and once more the party struggles to land blows that will stun it. Paenitia grabs it again, successfully holding it, allowing Zyla to beat it completely into submission. It's restrained, for now, but that won't last.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Lyme         7'2"     435 Lb     Orc               Butch     Black-skinned oruch of suitable stature
Paenitia     3'0"     34 Lb      Halfling          Female    A Lucht knight, dark skinned in bold feathery finery.
Ravenstongue 5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.
Skielstregar 7'2"     330 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A brilliantly silver scale with fangs and empty eyes.
Vaera        7'0"     262 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A tall, dark red Makari with a metallic leg.
Zyla         7'5"     310 Lb     Giantborn         Female    Massive woman in simple clothing and robes.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Asleep  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Dirk         4'11"    295 Lb     Mountain Dwarf    Male      A rugged old dwarf, dressed for the outdoors.
Farland                          Gnome             Male      Associate of Griva, Resurrectionist, Wizard

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Whirlpool                        Otyugh                      I am stinky!

Last time, on A GNOMENT IN TIME:

As you reach the hallway towards Paenitia's room, the door opens again and the cavalier is thrown out, smashing into a wall. There's no sign of whatever did this to them. If it's still there, one can't see it. It seems to have abandoned it's assault of Paenitia, however.

The lucht felt it let go and, well, it threw her through the door. Literally threw it. It's strong.

Smashing the door right open.

Paenitia hits the far wall with a solid thump that knocks the air out of her. Still, the little knight is focused, and gasps in a weak voice, "glitterdust... invisible..."

DEFINITELY invisible.

She gestures at her room, "... strong."

Vaera turned around and was running back with the rest of the group, only to find the lucht being tossed out of the room.

"Whatever it is, we know it is in the room for the moment." Vaera chuffs. "So, we deal with it now. If you need healing Paenitia, let me know, and I will do what I can."

Cor'lana doesn't have time to investigate. She just unleashes her glittery magic at Paenitia's command, hoping to the gods that it works...!

Skielstregar flinches at the small knight crashes against the wall, him sliding to a stop between the door and her. He gives a chuff to Vaera, and a nod, him tense as Lana flings her magic.

Everything in front of Cor'lana is covered in glitter. It does not seem to have quite reached the creature itself, if there even *is* a physical creature...

... that is until there's a subtle distortion of the glitter. Something above. A small gust of air, disturbing it after it settles...

And NOW:

There's something there, the glitterdust didn't quite touch it, but it's constrained to some extent by its presence.

The little lucht lies there for a moment, her night clothes crumpled over her form, her sleeping mask turned to the side. She reaches, pulling the eyeholes around so she might see as her other hand gropes for her sleeping hammer.

Her words are breathless, a little pained, "It is not the good paramour. If you can see the beast, grab it."

Zyla shakes her head, "I am not sure we can see it, we can try to grab it." she looks at some of the others and is glad that robes are easy to sleep in and she is always armed, the one nice thing about fighting with no weapons. She tries to see if she can get anymore idea of what they are facing or exactly where it might be to try to do something to it.

<OOC> Skielstregar gets mad briefly for a +2 and get ghost touch just in case its incorporeal
GAME: Skielstregar RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 16 temporary HP
GAME: Skielstregar rolls cmb+2: (3)+13+2: 18

The brief encouragement of others saying to grab it, Skiel's features leak an inky ichor as he drops his halberd, it clanging to the ground. A half-Forgotten maraki suddenly pounces at the air, snarling.

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Skiel is unable to get a hold on it with his grab, and thus we're in rounds. It goes first."
GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (7)+12: 19
GAME: Skielstregar rolls melee: (7)+15: 22 (AOO)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls 1d100: (23): 23 (High - Miss)

There's a faint ripple as it sends plumes of glitter up. Some cling to it faintly as it darts along the ceiling. Not enough to get much more than an almost kind of look at it. Skiel, on account of proximity, reaches out to smack it, to delay it as it goes by, but it manages to evade his grasp.

Skielstregar whirls around, whiffing a back hand through it air. "Get back here, coward!"

<OOC> Lyme ums, swing non-lethal at the last known location. Flatomastrong!
GAME: Lyme rolls 1d100: (34): 34 (High - Miss)

Lyme steps forwards, swinging his sword two-handed like a bat. It just goes through the air -- nothing doing.

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "We're going with high for everyone, just let Skiel pick :)
GAME: Zyla rolls 1d100: (12): 12 (High - Miss)
GAME: Zyla spends ONE use of STUNNING FIST.

Zyla can see the ripple and so she thinks she has guessed where the creature is. She knows they need some info from it, so decides trying to attempt to stun it. She moves just a little and pulls back her fist and throws it, but she picked the wrong spot to aim at and doesn't connect with anything, her hand moving through empty air.

GAME: Vaera rolls 1d100: (36): 36 (High - miss)

Vaera tries to get a decent shot on the creature, but when it seems to be either invisible, or air, it's impossible to do so.

Poor Farland. If everything else didn't wake them up, the sound of a thunderbelcher in the hallway certainly might. There is a flash of light, and the splintering of wood as it breaks a large section of the wall.

...there's snoring. Loud snoring from his room.

He really did turn off the sound after all that racket.

GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d100: (55): 55 (High - Chance to hit)
GAME: Paenitia rolls ranged-4: (7)+14+-4: 17

"Dance!" Paenitia shouts, diving between the legs of everyone: Lyme, Vaera, Zyla, Skielstregar, it is like a forest for the little Lucht. She runs back into her room, tearing a sheet from the bed. She jumps up on that, then off the headboard while flinging the sheet wide and holding on with both hands.

It is a terribly unweildly weapon.

Yet, Paenitia successfully scoops the air holding the entity, and envelopes it in the sheet as she lands, "Ole! I have the bull!"

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Ok. I would like to Glitterdust Paenitia's invible bull (Orale!) and hopefully not catch any of my friends in the process. Or... as few of them as possible."
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Invisible, even. Don't ask me what I was trying to type, I don't know, either."
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "You'd have to walk right up to it to do it with the way everyone ran up to it, Paenitia included."
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "This is normally an unwise decision for RT, but I'll do it if it means glitterdust removes this thing's invisibility. Casting with persistent metamagic."
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Glitterdust/Persistent. Caster Level: 10 DC: 20
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+5: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "It is blinded by GLITTER"
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "But it does get an AOO on RT."
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Can you roll defensive casting to negate it?"
<OOC> Whirlpoolshould have asked earlier!
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "I mean, almost zero chance you'll fail that one"
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+10+6: (18)+10+6: 34

Cor'lana bites her lip a little as she sees everyone rush forward for a chance to subdue the invisible thing by every means necessary. "Ok, this is... not the stupidest thing I've ever done, but it's up there," she mutters as she makes her decision--

Striding forward on quickened movement, she gathers glittery magic in her hands, and she blasts it point-blank in the unseen entity's face. She sighs in relief as she can make out the slight outline of shimmer around it, in addition to a very glittery sheet.

"Sorry about the sheet, Paenitia, but hopefully being shiny tomorrow's worth it--if you want the sheet back after this, that is!" Cor'lana calls over the melee.

"Ha ha! I will sleep in the Bright Kingdom tonight." The little Knight laughs.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls cmb: (11)+13: 24

Skielstregar squints his crimson eyes as the glittery goes off again, him chuffing I approval at Paenitia's actions as he leaps forth once again, dropping his three thirty pound scaly hide right on top of the invisible being. "Got you!" he lavishes victoriously.

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "The glittermonster is gonna try to get out of the grasp of Skiel."
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+14: (12)+14: 26
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Success! Barely! It runs down the hallway. Skiel, Paen: take AOOs."
GAME: Skielstregar uses an AoO! 0 remaining.
GAME: Skielstregar rolls melee+1: (9)+15+1: 25
GAME: Skielstregar rolls 1d3+7: (3)+7: 10, "10 ghost touch bludgeoning"
GAME: Zyla uses an AoO! 2 remaining.
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed: aliased to Melee+1+1: (13)+14+1+1: 29
GAME: Zyla rolls first: aliased to 2d8+10+1: (5)+10+1: 16
GAME: Paenitia uses an AoO! 0 remaining.
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon2: (11)+13: 24
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage2: aliased to 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4

It runs down the hallway, trying to get some distance between it and you. It moves fast, darts around the corner in a trail of glitter and a little green blood.

It's not human, okay?

Lyme takes off running after the glitter-trail, sword corralled in a half-sword as he goes. He follows it around the corner, and curses: "It's in 'nother room!"

Zyla moves fast as well, but not quite as fast as the creature as rounds the corner and gets close to the room it went into. She mutters to herself and wishes she could use some of her other talents, but corners don't make that work right.

The lucht pads off after the jotun, even with magical haste her short legs can't keep up. She balls up the sheet as she does, in may be needed again. "Are we sure this the only one? There is much damage."

Not that small things aren't capable of great destruction.

With the hallway erupting into horrible chaos, and everyone chasing down a living bedsheet ghost, Vaera follows suit, thankful she stopped to stick her leg back on. The red makari chases them down the hall, launching around the corner and reloading her thunderbelcher in the same motion.

The sorceress takes advantage of the fact her quickened magic is still active and advances towards the door that everyone else is trying to reach. Pothy murmurs a little in Cor'lana's ear, "I'm going to be sick," in her voice.

"Pothy, please, not /now/," Cor'lana urges Pothy, her focus purely on the task at hand. Thankfully, the familiar appears to be holding in more of that bright rainbow upchuck.

"NO!" Forgotten Skiel barks as the thing just barely wiggles free of his grasp. He snarls, getting on all fours before reaching a hand out for his weapon. "Come here, NOW."

It doesn't budge.

Talons scrape into the wood of the wall he's clutching on to. Necrotic power pounding in the back of his skull. "Grrrr... PLEASE?"

His halberd complies, melting into a pool of ink once more before reforming into his hand. He blasts off into a hellish sprint with the others.

...steam starts to pour out of the room. Misty and thick. It's a bathroom.

... no, it's a sauna. Farland put a sauna in this thing.

Of course he did.

<OOC> Lyme plunges into the sauna to try to find it and smite it. :)
GAME: Lyme rolls 1d20+15: (17)+15: 32
GAME: Lyme rolls 1d10+9+3: (3)+9+3: 15

Lyme rushes into the steam, seeing telltale swirls as he targets it. He just half-swords the shape, sending it reeling back from the point.

<OOC> Zyla says, "will enter as well and moves over to get from the side where others can come in, trying to leave room, should have enough move for it. and will throw a normal stunning fist strike."
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1: aliased to Melee+1+1+1: (9)+14+1+1+1: 26
GAME: Zyla spends ONE use of STUNNING FIST.
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+14: (11)+14: 25 (vs DC18 - not stunned)
GAME: Zyla rolls first: aliased to 2d8+10+1: (12)+10+1: 23

Zyla makes her way into the sauna and shakes her head at the rising heat and steam. She glances around and moves around so others can get in. She tries to focus a bit so that she can try to stun the creature and lays into it with her fist. It is a powerful blow and while it hurts the creature, it doesn't seem to leave it stunned, unfortunately.

GAME: Vaera rolls 1d20+11+1+1-3: (1)+11+1+1+-3: 11 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Vaera says, "I will jam"
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Steam is a problem."

Vaera ducks into the room, thunderbelcher loaded and at the ready-

Only for the air to instead be filled with an unpleasant grinding of gears as the weapon ejects even more hot steam into the air.

"Oh of all the times to decide not to work, you choose now, when I left my other gear in the room?" The red makari grumbles to herself. No tools meant the hunter was left trying to use a claw instead to pry at the offending parts.

<OOC> Paenitia says, "can I get in the room and grab it?"
GAME: Paenitia rolls cmb: (17)+10: 27
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Success! You have grappled it."

Paenitia rushes headlong into the steam. It instantly soaks her clothes and sticks them to her skin, her hair and fetlocks frizz as she looks around for a hint of motion. There! She spots something, glittering sparkles and a trace of blood. She leaps, catching it in her clutches and holding on tight. "I have you! The escaping ends!"

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 10 DC: 17
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 5d4+5: (11)+5: 16

Right off the heels of Paenitia securing the entity, Cor'lana comes forward with arcane magic gathering in her hands. She throws out her hand and the magic splits off into five darts that fly into the air and lock onto the invisible enemy, dealing a small but certain strike.

<OOC> Whirlpool says, "It's pretty packed with everyone in there."
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "I think i will take the tactical decision of ready action SMACC after doing arcane strike as a swift action. Trigger is that it slips out!"
<OOC> Skielstregar says, "move to be in front of door"

Skielstregar snarls as his bounding steps come to a skidding halt, talons making lines in the floor. He readies his halberd before the packed room, his weapon teeming with brackish energy. "THIS ONE ISSS READY TO KIL-"

The weapon bonks him slightly on the head.


GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+14: (3)+14: 17
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Paen still has a grip."

The steam is getting more intense from the braziers in the sauna. Very intense. The sauna is working *just* fine and it won't be long before it starts to provide a different kind of obscuring mist for it to hide in.

But at the moment, Paenitia still has a grip on it and you can still see. Sure is hot in here, however.

The little Lucht has wrestled Jotuns and won. She's hard to shake; she holds on.

<OOC> Lyme will try to slug it non-lethal again.
GAME: Lyme rolls 1d20+15-4: (1)+15+-4: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Lyme rolls 1d20+10-4: (15)+10+-4: 21
GAME: Lyme rolls 1d10+13: (6)+13: 19

Lyme gets to work with the pommel. His first step almost beans Paenitia -- he pulls it though -- but the second one hits Invisible Thing solidly!

<OOC> Zyla says, "well will go with the flow...full attack flurry of blows. Will do non lethal strikes.
<OOC> Zyla says, "First attack of the flurry will be a style strike, hammerblow,"
<OOC> Zyla says, "A ki spent for the extra attack. all nonlethal"
GAME: Zyla spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1: aliased to Melee+1+1+1: (20)+14+1+1+1: 37 (THREAT)
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1: aliased to Melee+1+1+1: (12)+14+1+1+1: 29 (Confirmed)
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1: aliased to Melee+1+1+1: (14)+14+1+1+1: 31
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1: aliased to Melee+1+1+1: (7)+14+1+1+1: 24
GAME: Zyla rolls unarmed+1-5: aliased to Melee+1+1+1-5: (14)+14+1+1+1+-5: 26
GAME: Zyla rolls hammer1+2d8+10+1: aliased to 4d8+10+1+2d8+10+1: (23)+10+1+(6)+10+1: 51
GAME: Zyla rolls rest: aliased to 2d8+7+1: (4)+7+1: 12
GAME: Zyla rolls rest: aliased to 2d8+7+1: (13)+7+1: 21
GAME: Zyla rolls rest: aliased to 2d8+7+1: (12)+7+1: 20
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "Goodness that's a lot." (Total damage: 104 hp)
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "That'll do it."
<OOC> Whirlpool says, "It's out."

Zyla takes advantage of the creature still being held and not running away. She channels her ki into her flurry of blows and brings her hands together and slams them down in a powerful hammerblow against the creature, much stronger than her normal hits as she gets a tender spot, and then she follows it up with a left, a right and and uppercut. Each time her fists connect and hit soundly as the last hit is enough to take it out. She cracks her knuckles, "That was fun." she says and lets out a bit of a chuckle.

There's now a ... something slumped in the steaming sauna. It is hot in here. And getting steamier.

...also, Farland's snores are echoingly loud.

Lyme looks around. "We got to get out of this room. Drag it out."

It's getting hot in here. So take off all your... scales? What? The shiny makari is less shiny from all the steam gathering and freezing on his scales. "Is it sssslain?" Skiel snaps, huffing and hemming as he waits with weapon cocked and ready to swing. Dripping with vile ichor.

"Okay!" Paenitia drags the now-unconscious form outside of the sauna. Once in the hall, she winds the bedsheet around it, twisting them into rat-tails to use to tie up limbs. Invisible limbs, which she has to feel for.

"Much Success, we do the good work together. I think it stun, the giant punch like my good friend. Someone should get the sleepy-head, he can tell us why this in here too." She sounds amused, "Hopefully it not his familiar. "

The creature seems fallen, so Vaera stops fiddling with her thunderbelcher, instead tucking it under one arm to repair later with proper tools.

"It has fallen, good. Shame about the sauna, though." the red makari chuffs.

She steps out of the way of it being dragged away, and shrugs. "I don't know if it's slain or not. At the very least, some form of identification would be helpful."

Zyla shakes her head, "Should just be unconscious, I tried to temper my blows not to do killing blows though I did get it really good." she says and then shakes her head, "Thanks for holding it still, made it a bit easier."

Cor'lana looks relieved that the combat seems to be at an end, for now. At the subject of familiars, however, she just looks at Pothy and sighs. "Here's hoping it doesn't come to and demand snacks like you do, Pothy."

Pothy makes a noise like a raspberry.

Skielstregar tenses as forms come out, but his fell cleave is held off. "... thisss one knows a way to sssee what it isss..." he snarls wickedly, taking a half step towards the blanket.

His halberd, once leaking with miasma, is now gleaming silver. It clocks him on the side of the head, then plants itself into the ground, refusing to budge. He goes cross-eyed for a moment. "Why did you do that! We..."

An assessment of the situation. He sighs with a huff. Then takes a breath to let it go...

He slumps in fatigue, him panting. "... apologies. Good job everyone. And Warrior Paenitia. When did you get ssso good at the ground wrestle?"

"Tarien is the friend companion to Angoron, so I go to the Mountain to do the wrestling. There is much laughter all around," the little Lucht explains, as she demonstrates an unexpected skill at tying up the creature. "And when I win, much greater."

She chuckles herself.

"The Magic Mansion rooms are not good for being the prison, especially when the spell ends. What we are to do next with the sneaky guest?"


...the invisible creature is defeated and bound in blankets and bedsheets. It's strong. It's likely that won't prevent an insurmountable challenge to it, but until you can figure out something better to do, it'll have to do.

That means figuring out how to keep an eye on it after the glitter wears off. Unfortunately, magical glitter, unlike the real stuff, *does* evaporate.

Meanwhile, Farland's snores are echoing, the sauna is at least turned off, and you're able to figure out your next steps until Farland wakes up.

Could be a bit.

Ghoulish cp line.png


 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
     25   Lyme             1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     21   Zyla             3  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     20   Vaera            1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     16   Paenitia         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     10   Ravenstongue     1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     8    Skielstregar     1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active); Raging (2 rnd   