Unfathomable Farmwork, part 1

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Log Info

  • Title: Unfathomable Farmwork, part 1
  • Emitter: Seyardu
  • Characters: Culix, Randolf, Skielstregar, Venom, Paenitia
  • Place: Alexandrian farmlands
  • Time: Thursday, October 07, 2021, 3:51 PM
  • Summary: Across several farms in the land outside Alexandrian walls, there is a recurring problem being reported. Farmers are waking up to their lands tilled, plowed and watered, even animals being fed. While not an unwelcome surprise, many are concerned about the reasons behind these actions, and have enlisted the help of the adventurer's guild to track down the identities of those responsible. Skielstregar, Paenitia, Culix and Venom attempt to do so. They speak with the farmer who posted the task, explore a field and find some suspicious tracks but are unable to follow them. They decide to question some 'lovebirds' who were witnesses, and head across town to do so.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Skielstregar 7'2"     330 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A tarnished bronze scale with fangs and empty eyes.                        
Paenitia     3'0"     34 Lb      Halfling          Female    A Lucht knight, dark skinned in bold feathery finery.                      
Culix        3'2"     36 Lb      Goblin            Female    Beady-eyed goblin female in leathers and hood.                             
Venom        5'6"     130 Lb     Human             Female    A woman(?) about 5'6" in a ragged black veil and poncho.                  

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Seyardu      5'6"     150 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.                      

The adventurer's guild had a rather small and unimportant seeming listing on one of it's many boards, written in plain script that seemed to take quite a bit of time to write out neatly, with a few mispellings scratched out.

To those who could look into this, in our small community north east of Alexandria city, there have been numerous farms that their owners have woken up to being completely tended, soil tilled and plowed, plants watered, even animals fed and brought out to pasture, my own included. Even brushed the dirt out of my sheep's wool. No one has owned up to this, and we have brought together a small fund to determine the person responsible, and what they want. For those interested, please seek out my farmstead, a half hour walk off the path leading to our village, first one on your right.

The path to the village is uneventful. It is rough, but well used, pounded down into a clear trail from the steady passage of various carts, carriages, and the animals pulling them. The forests surrounding the city clear out into open plains, with several worked fields being seen in the distance. And after some time on the path, they come to the location mentioned, a much smaller trail leading off through the fields, and disappearing over a hill.

Among the band that arrives is a towering, tarnished bronze-scale in a two-patched up cloak. A pair of fangs jutting from his maw, talons too long, and a dead, empty look in his eyes. Though, such imposing features do nothing for how he carries himself. Careful movements, trying to stay out of the others' way.

Having introduced himself ealier, he clears his throat as they across the path, him tilting his head to the side to the normal looking cultivated fields. "Sssso... there isss a good fortune bandit...? Isss thisss some kind of prank?" he asks.

A small knight, a Lucht Siuil in busted armour and a wide brimmed hat, answers the call. She rides out astride an Ivory Steed, a peacock-hippogryph of absurd plumage. She takes with her the ticket describing the task and location.

As she rocks in the saddle, she brings an oversized up to her ever smiling mask. With a straw slipped under, she sips away at some fruit juice. This is shared with her mount by her leaning and squirting it into his mouth.

"Yes. It is the mysterious thing." The Red Knight says, "perhap the nightguant has been give community service and performs it without notice."

"Trap." Is the first thing Culix says upon reading the sign. She sighs, tapping her foot, hand on her hips. Pickings were thin on the board today, and her landlord has been breathing down her neck about paying rent. "Fine." she says, apparently concluding whatever internal monologue had been going on as she decides to take the job.

She meets the others on the road, introducing herself as Culix. "Should be an easy job. We hide somewhere, watch for the night, see what's going on. Easy." she insists as they head along.

Another soul on the job is shrouded in oilcloth, veils and leather. Her introduction to the unfamiliar was articulated with a well scribed note reading simply:


She waves to the group, shooting a thumbs up to the little Knight of more familiarity, as well as the Goblin from their dockside adventure some weeks back.

Skielstregar scratches the top of his head with his too long talons. He glances to each member of the group, the only one that was at or above eye with him was the Lucht Knight atop their steed. "Thisss one thinksss that isss a good idea, Culixsss. If only it were sssuch a thing as you sssay," he comments to the juice drinker.

"Well, we shall see! I have met many the strange things in my quests." The Red Knight says cheerfully, the clucks at her mount, "Come! Let us see to the man."

With a nudge from her knees, her peacock-andalusian breaks into an odd trot that only a half bird, half horse could manage and they approach the destination. She calls out loudly, "Hola the Farm! I am Sister Paenitia Snapdragon del Haranna, Knight of the Pillar and Paladina of Tarien. I am here to save you from completed chores and tended fields, so that the backbreaking remain your own!"

Culix, for her part, returns the thumbs up with a nod of her head and makes her way along in relative quiet. "Well, you know what they say, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. So I get why the farmers are suspicious. Still, though, I got a bad feeling about it." she says as she lets the more boisterous folks handle the introductions.

Venom repeats her thumbs up as the talk seems to unanimously back the idea of staking out the place to identify the culprit/helper. Her head pivots like a turret as the Paladina begins her hail of the household before transoming about to survey the area around them for the kind of eyes they're getting. It cocks birdlike at the Knight pledge to return the rightfully demanded labors before her poncho rises and falls in a shrug.

GAME: Paenitia rolls knowledge/local: (9)+10: 19
GAME: Paenitia rolls knowledge/military theory: (14)+9: 23
GAME: Culix rolls knowledge/local: (16)+9: 25

This is a small village, much like many in the area surrounding Alexandria. The events of last year had led to a poor harvest, which cause many families to struggle. And this was compounded by many of the younger folk seeking out work elsewhere due to the drought, leaving even less to tend to the fields afterwards.

There is a window on the second floor of the barn with a window looking out the front gate of it, and likely one on the other side. Between the two of them, there is a wide view of the farmland which allows a fairly concealed position.

Skiel pulls a hood over his head to hide some of the more imposing features as the masked Paladina garners attention. His eyes trail over the crops, and puts his hands into the pockets of his clothes to hide his talons.

"So. I hear of this place. The sons and daughters talk when they are in the markets of Alexandria." Paenitia says, "It is the small village, like the many there are. The magic corruption and plague last year, and the weather make the poor harvest. Families struggle, the sons and daughters leave during the drought to work in the city."

"So there less common folk to work the fields. They suffer much hardship."

The little knight stands in her saddle, peering around, the wide brim of her had shading her eyes. She points, "Aha! The window at the second floor on the barn. See the front gate window too. This give wide view of the farmland. We maintain the concealment. It is a good position for the skulk and watch."

"We should meet the owner first, before we sneak in the barn to roll in the hay. Do anyone see him or her?" She looks around some more.

Culix nods her head in agreement with Paenitia's assessment. "Heard things haven't been going too good round here lately, an all. Makes you wonder how they scraped together coin for adventurers, if they're barely making ends meet." she says, ever the suspicious one.

GAME: Culix rolls knowledge/nature: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Skielstregar rolls knowledge/nature: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Venom rolls perception: (7)+10: 17

Venom nods, her hands framing a reply of, "That tracks with what I've heard." between her hands before she turns to scan the other directions. Someone might know the signs.

The enigma's signing resumes with a short burst of, "They will probably pay in crops, which can be useful."

There is a quick snap of her fingers, and the shrouded one points toward a farmhouse a ways off before bringing a hand up as if to shield her eyes. <handspeech>

Cresting the hill, the farmstead in question comes into view. In the midst of fall, many plants are almost ready for harvest, gourds growing in size on the ground, trellis heavy with beanstalks laden with produce. There were several different fields, and all seem to be in good condition. A barn could be seen nearby with several sheep grazing happily in a fenced in pasture, who look up at the group as they pass by, before returning to their lunch. And at the end of the path was a two story farmhouse.

The farm in question has no response to the Paladina of Tarien, but seems indifferent to the situation. One of the sheep does look up again from their grazing, to bleat at the lucht.

Out on the patio was an older looking man, beard greying with years. A straw hat hid most of their face until they looked up from where they were whittling, a block of wood being made into a single unbroken chain link.

"Are you the adventuring folk from the guild? I thought the listing would just end up getting ignored to be honest. What can I do for you all?" They ask, as they looked between the eclectic group.

Having walked for a bit, Skielstregar tilts his head at the bleating animals and the crops. His stomach growled. Some vegetable stew sounded grand right now. He raises a hand to the older looking man. "Peassse on your nessst," he simply greets, letting the expressive palidina take the reins. He didn't want to spook the common man.

"Hola grizzled man!" Paenitia says cheerfully, as Ramirez maneuvers her close without completely hiding the others with his tail. "We are them. Yes. Here to watch for the tilling in the night. Friend Dragon there is Skielstregar, that is Culix, that is Venom of the confusing fingers."

Her mask remains grinning. Ramirez looks at the gentleman with a large eye. Paenitia turns to face the party, then back to ask, "There are the things we should know? Tracks you find, portals in the sky? Dogs that go missing, the very large rose bushes or Towers that appear overnight?"

Culix turns to watch Venom handsigning, and furrows her brow as she tries to follow along with what's being said, silently mouthing a few words. Clearly- no expert at handspeech, but a student of it at least. "Crops? How are we meant to take 'em back?" she wonders, mostly to herself. She falls quiet as the grizzled old farmer appears. She nods her head a bit, "Or any unusual folks. Traders or merchants come though recently you wouldn't normally expect?" she adds on the toe Lucht's words.

Venom looks toward the greeting bleat of the fluffy animal, but otherwise more or less seems content to keep an eye out for potential surprises before they spring.

As they end up at the patio with the welcoming fellow, she gives him a nod and a thumbs up, but seems content to let others handle the public relations.

As Culix wonders about her meaning, she shrugs again and answers, "We aren't. They'll pay the Guild. The Guild pays us." <handspeech>

"And uh, peace on your nest, Lizardman?" The man greets the hooded figure, before they curse under their breath. "That isn't right to say, don't think. Sith-makar, right? Sorry bout that."

The farmer turns their attention to, and nods to the small knight. "Good day, but you introduced everyone but yourself. Name's Alan. As for what you should know? Well, we aren't paying you in crops, that's for certain. Whole village pitched together a bit of gold for the work, what with the free time we've had to pursue other things. Course you're welcome to a couple jars of Steph's pickled beans if you really want, They're real popular in the village, and even in Alexandria."

"Anyways, actual important information. Tracks found, there's a few folk it seems in the fields, boot marks of a few different folk that no one's been able to recognize." They turn now to the goblin before they continue. "Merchants come and go, but there's been more than usual with the crop this season, which has been real good for things, and partly why we were able to scrape together a fund."

The farmer scratches their beard for a moment. "There was the business between that boy Frankie and Jane. Two lovebirds were snuck out a few night ago, but something seems to have spooked the two of them."

Skielstregar chuffs, a cloud of frozen favor rolling out from under his hood. "Correct. It isss no trouble."

His head cants sideways like a dog's. "And where can we find thessse birdsss? Wouldn't they have flown away...?"

"Yes!" Paenitia says gleefully, her grinning mask adding an ominous aspect to her words, "We should question them for daring to love, for following their hearts and opening themselves to joy! This cannot stand!"

At which point, she laughs, "it is a jest, but the frightening adventurers question them about their midnight escapes may be the cruel thing. We must take much care."

Twisting in the saddle, she looks at Skielstregar, then Venom, "Friend Dragon, Veiled one, can you follow the tracks? You think it time spent well to take the look at them?"

A look back at the man, a dip of her head and a touch to her hat, "I am Sister Paenitia Snapdragon del Haranna, Knight of the Pillar, and mistress of the great peacock horse, Ramirez."

'Ruaaaah!' Ramirez agrees. Yes.

Culix scratches her nose, "Got spooked? Up and fled the town or still hanging around?" she pipes up to wonder. "Askin 'em what they saw might be an idea, yeah. And looking into the tracks. But I still reckon we ought to just stake the place out tonight, if we haven't turned anything up by then." Venom gives a little shrug as the farmer answers the question, signing, "Or that."

'Lovebirds'? Consult the book, later.

She turns to Paenitia on her outburst, reaching out to bump a knuckle to her arm, but holds off as it seems she's having fun with their client.

With the question put to her, and Skie, she looks his way and nods, "We can try." <handspeech>

"Ah, it's no problem." The farmer responds with a chuckle. "Frankie is at the farm to the north, and Jane is on the other side of the village. It's not a problem, figured it was a matter of time, to be completely honest."

The farmer sighs. "You can talk to them, don't see why not. Good to see you, miss Haranna."

He turns back to Culix. "Not sure, they don't want to talk about it and the like. Maybe if you went over they'd be willing to talk. Or you could just take a look at where they were gonna meet up. Yer call, you adventuring folk know how best to deal with these things."

GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (2)+4: 6
GAME: Culix rolls perception: (7)+8: 15
GAME: Venom rolls perception: (5)+10: 15

"Haha, it is Sister Paenitia, or Dame Snapdragon," the little Lucht in the Smiling Man's mask laughs, "Haranna is the town I am from."

She looks around to her fellow adventurers, "Let us seek clues in the field. If we do not find a lead, we can march across the town to hunt the lovebirds in the bush!"

Though the little knight's search will prove fruitless.

Culix nods her head, and she makes her way into the fields keeping her eyes peeled- mostly to avoid stepping in cow pats. But she does spy something a bit more useful, "Footprints here." she calls to the others. "Not that recent, I don't reckon, though I'm no Ranger."

Venom snaps her fingers to get her partner's attention, then points out some prints. Her hands dip under her poncho and she scribbles out a quick note, "Someone was work here. Watering. The tracks are days old."

GAME: Paenitia rolls survival: (7)+2: 9
GAME: Venom rolls survival: (13)+3: 16
GAME: Skielstregar rolls survival: (9)+6: 15
GAME: Culix rolls survival: (10)+0: 10
<OOC> Culix also sux at survival.

The party is able to follow the tracks out a side of the field, then some more searching is needed.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls survival: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Paenitia rolls survival: (10)+2: 12
GAME: Culix rolls survival: (12)+0: 12
GAME: Seyardu rolls 1d20+3: (6)+3: 9 (Venom Survival)

With the guidance of Skielstregar and Venom, you are able to follow the still visible footprints. They entered and left the field at the same area, and there are signs of boots travelling all around the field as well as a faint depression in the grass where they congregated outside of the field. Something, or several somethings heavy set down. There are more splashes of mud around the area, perhaps water barrels?

As Skiel goes along the trail, his scaled brows knit at the sight before him. "Thisss... isss a staging ground?" he suggests.

Paenitia follows the others. She is not able to follow the tracks at all, her mask, the mass of Ramirez beneath her, and the Lucht's height off the ground conspire. She is practically blind and useless.

She fiddles, deciding on her large shield, and making sure her lances are secure and easy to grab, should she need them. "Ramirez, keep the eye out."

'Ruaaah.' The hippogryph squawks. He looks around with peacock eyes. Not as good as eagle eyes, but they shall have to do.

Culix follows behind- she'd spied the footprints, but as she said she's no tracker, and she struggles to follow them so she lets Venom and Skiel lead the path on that. "Could be." she says to Skiel. A glance back to Paenitia, and then the window she pointed out earlier. "Reckon we'd have a decent view of this spot from that window?" she wonders. "I'm getting curious, now, why them lovebirds are so spooked about it."

Unfortunately, due to ground becoming firmer out of the fields and the days passed, the trail is lost in the growing grass.

The veiled woman also finds nothing but frustration in the long grass and hard ground. She signs, "I've lost it." <Handspeech>

Skiel gives a grumble of a sigh as he, too, loses the trail. He turns his large head to the group. "Thisss one thinksss we should speak with the birdsss. The sssoil here isss hard to follow. How doesss one even speak with birdsss..?" he questions aloud, not having picked up on the meaning just yet.

"It is simple, Friend Dragon, you speak loud and clear, and sometimes you chirp." Paenitia says, her words amiable and amused. She demonstrates. "Ramirez! To town!"

Ramirez wickers then turns to trot. Of course, he has no idea where the town is. The little knight's knees give him cues. He dramatically prances through the fields, his long tail sweeping behind him.

"Ha ha! Catch up! He is the wild horse. I cannot hold him." She's playing around.

Culix nods her head, "Speak to the lovebirds, stake out on the night, then try to pick up the trail?" She suggests as her plan of action. "We can take it in shifts to watch the spot." she adds a moment later, if they do end up spending the night.

The group seems to be decided in seeking out the nest of one of the two lovebirds in question, and the farmer of the land waves them off, wishing them luck in their search. Passing to the north, the farmland gives way to more plains, and several patches of forest, with the occasional well dotted around. And after another half hour of travel, you reach the start of more fields.

These were filled with golden stalks of wheat, and grape vines. All seemed to be doing well, and there was another farmhouse , among other buildings near the center. This one was a single story, but much wider spread than the previous.

Skielstregar gives a nod to the farmer as they pass, him walking through the fields with a bit of worry. He does his best to not trample the crops, sticking to the rows of grapevines as it have less collateral damage. Once they get to the farmhouse, he clears his throat and calls out, "Hello?"

Paenitia likewise, gives a wild wave to the farmer and encourages Ramirez to do the same. A wing-flapping is his salute of farewell.

They follow, through the golden stalks of wheat. The great bird-horse snaps at a few bugs on the top of shafts, creating an avian breakfast mix. He also demonstrates great delicacy, plucking a grape from a vine without crushing it, doing so in his beak.

As they approach the house, Paenitia looks at her companions. "I make the approach. I have the deceptively nonthreatening appearance." So said, she dismounts by sliding down Ramirez's wing and clanks up to the door. She adjusts her shifting armour, then knocks and calls out. "Hola the House! I am Sister Paenitia, I wish to speak."

Culix plods along the farm path, unaccustomed to roads not cobbled, she keeps a vigilant eye out for manure to avoid as she heads along. As others break the silence, she sticks to her expertise and keeps her trap shut letting them do the speaking for now, stuffing her hands into her pockets and looking around idly.

GAME: Paenitia rolls diplomacy: (14)+8: 22

There is a shifting from the other side of the door, the sounds of movement. After a minute, a man speaks from the other side.

"O-one moment! Did Jane send for a sister of the church?" They ask before the door opens. They were a young man, around their twenties or perhaps a bit younger, and they look down to the grinning knight.

"Wait, you are not a cleric I don't think. What can I do for you, miss Paenitia?"

Venom for her part, remains quiet on the affairs of farming, looking about while the Knight with the friendly face handles the locals. She keeps her hands visible, as she throws enough mystery out there to unsettle folk without people wondering what her hands are busying themselves with and acquits herself as a sentry while those better equipped negotiate for the information they need.

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