Unboxing it All

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Log Info

  • Title: Unboxing it Al
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia
  • Characters: Cryosanthia, Seldan
  • Place: A10: Temple of Eluna
  • Time: Monday, June 15, 2020, 5:47 PM
  • Summary: Cryosanthia awaits Seldan in the Temple of Eluna, and the Silver Guard returns from an unfruitful search for Mourner Verna. The whitescale sith indicates she would say words, requests he listen, and he concedes to do so. She apologizes, referencing her friends and how they have helped her understand both him and what she did wrong. Faran, the strength of his vows and her lack of respect for them; Kira, his devotion to helping others and her improper impatience with his slowness; Ezil, that all paladins and friendships are not the same; Sabina, her humour but mostly the egotism she shared with her familiar peacock; Zeke, who speaks to her soul and perils she invited Seldan towards; Svarshan, with his knowledge of the Iron Book he gave her, that she forgot; and Auranar and Braelnoir, advising her on body and mind and ways to move forward. She asks forgiveness now that she has had time to think, and understands both she and Zeke are not well. Also, that more words are due others even if she's not ready at this time. Mourner Verna's absence is touched upon, and Seldan sets a task for Cryosanthia. She is to appeal to the Gods of Light, whose attention is on Alexandria, and perhaps they will remove Salina's mark. She promises to do so and will bring friends for thoughts and guidance.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A10: Temple of Eluna *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Eluna's temple stands near her brother's, and trees of the grove often wander their vines that way, only to be chased away by the priests--much as two children might battle in the back of a cart. Eluna's temple is composed of solemn, alabaster pillars and marble, as ancient as Her brother's though more austerely kept. Each pillar represents a phase of the moon, over which She has dominion. Their surface is scribed with the words of ancient dreams, those first recorded in the known world, when mankind was first awakening to their significance.

In the center of the temple lies a grand pool. Serene in its surface, it reflects the open sky overhead, though the temple is covered by an arched ceiling. At all times within the surface may the stars be seen. Surrounding this pool are a number of tasseled rugs, on which petitioners sit and meditate, or seek counsel for interpretation of their dreams.

Warriors of Daeus are often found here, providing guards where the wards of Eluna prefer introspection and contemplation. These fighters bear dual symbols, signifying the tie between divine father and divine daughter. They and the priests here speak in quiet voices, reminiscent of Eluna's place as the Dreaming Goddess.

To the north of the temple is a modest library, its function primarily in the way of records--recording of dreams, of meditation, of theories of the proper use of magic--teachings directly opposed by the Shadow Goddess, Taara. It is this last shift that has seen an increase in the number of guards among the temple, and the increased adoption of the Star of Tears among the belts of Seers.


-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=  Appearing, in Order--=--=--=
Cryosanthia  6'9"     267 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.
Seldan       5'11"    187 Lb     Human             Male      Ginger-blonde human in armor wearing Eluna's symbol.

The heat of a summer day in Alexandria makes one lazy, at times. Or contemplative. Yes, of course, contemplative, but when Seldan strides through the door of the Temple of Eluna as sunset nears over the great sea wall, he is anything but lazy. Full armor, all weapons, dirty and dusty in traveler's boots and smelling of the trail, although magic sees to it that the fair features are not overly flushed, nor the blonde hair overly sweaty, and the armor beneath his open-front robe is curiously pristine.

A white sith-makar has been awaiting the paladin, standing inside to stay in the shade and moving with the sun as the bands of light that come in shift through the day. She has been out of the way of traffic, which is not the same has hiding, but still lends itself to being overlooked. Her choice of clothing is unusual, white leathers, almost tight to her skin, which enhance her reptilian features with ridges, and around her shoulders, small horns. A split collar arches behind her, as high as her head horns hanging two small capes or banners which give the impression of wings and makes her seem a little taller.

"Silver Guard," She calls out, her voice recognizeable and calm, "This one would say words to you. It is not necessary you respond but I would appreciate you allowing me to."

At first, Seldan doesn't respond, but it's the voice that catches him off-guard, and he draws up, clearly startled to see the white sith-makar. He turns his head towards her, regarding her impassively at first - and yet, assessingly. "I would hear your words, Cryosanthia," he answers, the Myrrish-accented words a touch wary - but listening.

"I have been speaking to my friends, as much like you, they are smarter and wiser and have a scaleless mind." She hesitates, inhaling a slow and careful breath. She sounds very formal. She is standing straight and still, her hands clasped in front of her. There was some scraping and fiddling of fingers and nails with each other while she waited, which ceased. Her tail is straight out behind her, at a precise slope, and rests on the ground. Her neck is straight, her head held high. While she is gazing in Seldan's direction, it is not clear if she is looking at him, or at everything.

She continues, "Faran shared with me her memory of taking her oath. I love her and know her vows are important to her, but I experienced them through this. Felt the grandeur and gravity of it, her joy at taking them, being a part of something, the pride she felt and saw from her father." The white sith touches her cheek, "The slap she received for making them. It felt as if I had myself. It was wrong of me to make light of yours, not pay attention and appreciate the meaning the have and the strength they give you."

Seldan listens in silence, blinking slowly as the sense of those words settle on him. His shoulders relax, just a little. "Those were not easy words for you to say, I think." He sounds - impressed? and tilts his head just slightly. "I think you give yourself less credit than you ought, for your _cihuaa_ knows Draco Solis - whom the People know as the Dragonfather, even as I serve the Dreamer. There are those of the People who know the gods, and serve the gods, and serve them well. Yours is a different path, and Faranmidahn has my gratitude for sharing that, that you might know a path different from yours."

A very slight smile, tentative and diffident. "I would accept that apology, but call to mind what befell Zeke, after he slew Menel. You will recall that the Dragonfather forsook him, do you not?"

"This one... has a lot more words to say. I have wronged you in further ways." Cryosanthia says, her eyes shifting a tiny bit in her sockets. She is looking at Seldan for sure, this is apparent. She makes the slightest of nods. "Faran has been... one of many holding me together. I recall what happened with Zeke, why he was forsaken... and how his deeds came from my affliction..."

"Had I done as you asked, the same would have befallen me, and unlike with him, there would have been no forgiveness." Seldan's gaze now goes up to hers, his entire demeanor simple, open, and direct. There is no anger, although worry and sadness are both visible. "My vows are as Faranmidahn's, only stricter still, and they are tied to Her grace that I use to keep all of us alive. I ... would have you know that." He trails off, a little lamely. "I am glad that she has done so, and I would hear the rest of your words."

"I... know. About what it would have done." She says, with a sound of guilt, her nose dipping further. "Faran walks a similar path as you, Kira walks a more parallel one. Kira has done more for me than can be repaid. She has been kind, generous, and taking on... things at terrible cost to herself. So much so. She used Paladin's Sacrifice when I tried to remove my hand. I nearly took hers. The shock, that I had bitten her, the smell and taste of her blood, halted my runaway thoughts. The shock of having bitten another close to me. She has the same willingness to throw herself in harms way for innocents as you do. And for not so innocents as well. I yelled at you because I thought you weren't doing enough, acting urgent enough, when I should have known nothing would sway you. That the slow movement is from the weights you pull and carry."

She exhales carefully, closing her eyes, "Thinking these words was hard. They are not difficult to say once I believed them."

Seldan listens in silence to this, making no attempt to interrupt the words, considering each one as they are spoken. "You, and this city, have no better friend and defender than Sentinel Kira. I would only see her learn that at times is withdrawing the wiser action. She and I have spoken of such, and it is mended between us." He lets out a breath. "I am not without movement, nor without plans, nor without hope, and do I move slowly, it is also to ensure that I do not bring harm with rash and foolish actions. I would see no more hurt." Now do his shoulders slump a little, his eyes lowering.

That lasts only a few breaths, though, and he raises his head again. "I would offer you hope, and a task, Cryosanthia, if you would act against Her."

"Of course, Sir Seldan, anything you ask. I would be free of her, I would stop her threat. You saw what she has done to me and I will never be fully free, fully whole if I don't take some of that back." The white sith raises her head, her hands become more tightly clasped with each other. "I harbour doubts from the ease with which she spins my mind, but I would act against her. What is this task?"

"The gods watch us, Cryosanthia, more closely than I had guessed," Seldan begins, watching her intently and pushing that unruly, now dusty and dirty, lock of hair away from his eyes. "It would seem they take something of an interest in this matter, and are willing to help. Seek the counsel and grace of the Gods of Light, for they have proven capable of and willing to remove Salina's marks. I know of one removed by the Draco Solis' grace, and was witness to the Dreamer's removal of another, through Her servant." The last words are colored by reverence and awe.

The white sith nods slowly, her words hesitant. "I follow... Ceinara... and... she was silent on my appeals when I was in Charnath, and the Miss Taker did not allow worship in the Tower. I have doubts she would hear me and there is no Temple for her here, though I have not looked hard for shrines."

She inhales, "still, that is hope, so I shall search and make appeals. Thank you for letting me know."

Cryo lowers her nose again, "Ezil also, has been on my mind. I have not seen him, but he is the first Holy Warrior I met. He has been casual in his representation of self, even on important subjects, but no less dedicated to his cause and oaths. He has been understanding of and forgiving of me and I tested his limits often, never provoking anger. I should not have assumed a similar level of friendship with you, a similar nature. It was presumptuous."

"I in turn have been less good-humored of late," Seldan admits, eyes lowering. "I lost control, and should not have. It was childish and ill-disciplined of me, and I would ask your forgiveness for it. I was taught better than that." The blue eyes raise again, searching for those of the sith-makar.

"Of course Seldan. It is forgiven. I am dismayed it took so many days for my feelings to stop being hot. It should have happened sooner. My friends pulled me back, I needed them to. I would not have reached these conclusions without them." Cryo blinks, looking up, outside at the distance, then down at the paladin again. "I know they spoke with you, though not what. Sabina..."

She makes a small laugh and grins, "Sabina offered companionship and distraction more than advice, although she did suggest I cut off my hand and send it to you as apology. After all of Kira, Faran and Auranar's efforts to convince me off that path, it was funny even if it was not a joke. She suggested a way to free my mind. Along with her companionship, I observed her familiar, Lord Emperor Entitled. I saw him strut proudly and self-assured, take without thanks, expect devotion and act egotistical. I saw some of myself in that."

The mention of chopping off a hand and sending it - does not go over well. Immediately, Seldan's ease and budding openness vanishes, and he draws a deep breath. "I ... am grateful that you did no such thing. I ... have seen enough of blood, of late." Another deep breath, and he seems to steady himself. "Then those that stood by you have my gratitude, that they could help you to see. I would have you seek the grace of the Gods of Light, that they might free you from Salina's yoke. Zeke mourns you."

"Zeke... wrote wonderful things. I wish he had..." Cryo's voice trails off. She starts again. "It was good to hear his thoughts. He explained how wrong my suggestion was. I act on impulse, without thinking. I have not been in proper combat in a long time, before the Tower I would charge at what I imagined the biggest threat to be. I would get... involved in the fighting, and need to be called out of it. Waiting is hard. Not acting is hard. I should have thought more. I knew on a level what I suggested was risky and dangerous, which is why I would not ask it of Zeke. I did not explore those thoughts. You were right to point out it was wrong, and as both Salina's experiment and of Ice Dragon blood, it is a trap I should be more wary of. So, I understand why you have doubts about me, why my... Zeke, is safer apart from me. And to be truthful I have doubts about what she has left in my mind. It was wrong of me to have such strong feelings about necessary precautions." She exhales, looking at the ground.

Again, Seldan listens, letting Cryosanthia finish entirely before speaking. "If you would assuage those doubts, Cryosanthia, do as I have asked of you. The mark she placed upon you is far more than mere scrying. It is used for control, and it may be why I cannot cure the plague in my mother." The Myrrish-tinted words are clear and level, but his demeanor and bearing still hold some of that impassivity. "To free yourself of Her yoke, you must see the mark gone, and forsake her ways. Do you do that ... it is my hope that you will find healing, for some do you seem to have found already."

"That was why my second curing was so painful? I would not wish that on anyone. It allows control... that explains much. I will seek that. I am sorry your nest-mother still suffers. I was curious but felt it private and best not to inquire." Cryosanthia says, "I stole a chalice from a minion of the Demon Duke, a chalice that was from a temple of light. Svarshan took it to the Iron Book where it was encased in lead. I should have known an effigy of him to be worse. Much worse. I should not have given it back to Verna after what happened, I wish I had been more thoughtful in why you came to mind in regards it. I have had to make up a lot of not thinking these last few days. It needed to be safely contained, or destroyed, not used."

"Mourner Verna had an effigy of Eclavdran?" The tone of _oh no please tell me you are joking_ sings through Seldan's pained response. "Truly did I warn her not to make another attempt." His shoulders slump in the way of one hurt - or grieving - in the moment before he tenses, fists clenched. Slowly, very slowly, he breathes deeply, and his fists unclench. Very, very slowly, but he regathers himself, and looks up. "Forgive me. I ... only just returned from tracing her whereabouts, after twice she missed our meeting. I pray that she is fortunate enough to be merely dead."

"Yes, we found it in the village with the statue of his consort. She entrusted it to me in case he appeared. When he did, I ran with it. I didn't think. I had to fight another party member, he wanted to burn it to summon the Demon Duke. A simple flame..." Cryosanthia sounds anxious, worried and contrite, "I've not seen her since her re-awakening. I gave it back because... it was her mission, I felt she was wiser to handle it than I... I still thought to tell you... and did it so badly. She's missed meetings? You could not find her... I... I should have... not given it back..."

She falls silent, just staring.

The silence lingers as Seldan, too, stares at the marble of the Temple floor. He breaks it, finally, looking up soberly. "The fault is not yours, Cryosanthia. She is quite capable of summoning a demon, does she so wish, with or without it. I warned her repeatedly against it. I knew no good would come of it, and yet did she persist." Grief is most definitely an undercurrent in those words, but he keeps them steady, somehow.

"I am too caught up in myself to watch out for my friends." Cryosanthia says quietly, finding the same interest in the Temple's marble floor, though she too makes an effort to meet the man's gaze, "I hate that I can't hold it together, that I have cracks, that I am a drain. Braelnoir told me I should make sure I lash out in the right way, at the right enemy, not ... lose it. She has had many troubles, terrible things, yet holds them in. Auranar told me to think about apologizing. She stopped me leaving. She's told me in the past to think better, and think more..."

"This one is sorry Seldan, and that is why, these are the things I would ask forgiveness for. I want to be heroic, not run and cower and make mistakes. I have stopped being the distraction for the enemy and become one for friends and allies. I'm cleverer than most of the people but still not much. I will try to be better, and that's what I thought I did wrong."

"To seek to better oneself ...." Seldan's words are slow, and again come only when she is done. "To seek to better oneself - to serve others - no man may ask more than that, for it is that which the gods ask of us." He regards her steadily, thoughtfully. "You have my forgiveness, if I could have yours, for the things that have been said and done that lie between us. Before us lies the true enemy, and we must lay aside our differences. I would yet have you seek the grace of the Gods of Light, that Salina be robbed of her wrongfully-gained toy and you be freed of her yoke. Will you do this thing for me, for yourself, for all of the Light?"

"I do Seldan, forgive you for what was said, and am glad and thankful you have found it to do so for me. I will seek the Grace, among the Gods of Light. I shall... and I will bring one of the others with me, for wisdom and extra thoughts." Cryosanthia says, formally, her words full of promise, "I strive to be free, I do not enjoy being her toy and under her yoke, for myself, for you, for all of the light, of course Seldan, I will do that seeking."

"Then it is well, and truly is the Dreamer's wisdom and mercy without bounds," Seldan murmurs reverently, eyes lowered. "Again do I find myself grateful for Her foresight and for Her grace, in sending such a servant to us." He remains still a moment, then looks up. "Welcome back."

"Thank you Seldan, this is more than I was expecting and perhaps deserve, it is appreciated. I am grateful too, for her mercy, and the knowledge that there might be hope for this one. I will seek it." She meets his eyes, blue to blue, "This one intends words for Malik too, but must think more and am still warm. I will try not to let it take long."

She lowers her head and looks away, "Please give my regards to Zeke. I miss him."

"That shall I do," Seldan agrees immediately. "Does it ease your mind to think on this," he offers, with one of those easy grins, "At times do I, too, find myself tempted to beat Mal senseless." The words are spoken with warmth and affection, but also with exasperation.

"It... does..." Cryo says, with a wary smile. "He has hurt my feelings... but some of his words have been thought provoking. And I have been at fault too. It is hard to put it all together. I will get there but this one needs more time."

"That do I understand. Do as you must, Cryosanthia, for as it is with Zeke, so even is it with you. You know best what it is that you need, to heal, and if it is time that you require, then time shall you have." Seldan's smile fades, but not out of anger or displeasure, merely - relaxes. "Do not begrudge yourself time, nor force yourself faster than your soul wills. Seek only the grace of the Gods of Light, for without that shall you be pulled back into her pit."

"I shall," The white sith nods her head, "Mikilos has been a great help, his Mage Mansion has allowed me to relax, know I am not watched, not a danger. Free, even if I am stuck there. The others ensure I am not thinking a dangerous path. It is working. I will go now, and wish you luck with your search for Verna and the other tasks. I will do the one you've set to me, when I feel strong."

Cryosanthia makes a small bow, then strides from the Temple into the fading sunlight, warmth and hope.

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