Tinier Problems pt5

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Having recently had a brush with some hideous mold creatures within the odd structure that's been revealed to be beneath the farm, you're soon able to get some extra help while guards are posted outside. The GUild seems...concerned about 'plant monsters', as if that's been a thing lately.

(It has.)

Thus, the ALexandrian militia has arrived with some fresh faces for you to secure the farm, and let you return to exploring it after a short rest.

The poor farmer can't be happy about thuis.

Razen grins at the others, a little vague on the details, but happy to be here. The half orc offers a wave to those that he recognizes and his name to the other with the offer of a handshake then, he stays to the back for now; willing for the moment to follow the others with greater experiance into what had been detailed only as a 'pest problem'.

Tamrielo returns the next morning, quietly fresh-faced as ever. Especially now that the city is involved and this is more than a simple investigation, he's definitely excited. This is An Adventure and he is Here For It.

He's washed the tunic and boots, though, and is sporting different pants. Probably will never wear those other pants again after what they've been through.

He spends a lot of time idly sketching while waiting for others to catch up, and has availed himself of an apple from somewhere.

Lorik wasn't sure about how the crossbow would work. But for the record? He is very happy with it. Now that he's back. With reinforcements even, the shadow elf looks quite pleased actually.

"...this is strange. Is there really an upsurge of /plant/ monsters lately?" He asks no one in perticular as he glances at the notes from the Guild.

Iskandar does indeed recognize Razen. "Good to have you with us!" he booms. Then his gaze is drawn to the half-orc's feet. "Hope you're not too fond of those boots!" he repeats. Iskandar's own sandalled feet - and probably most if not all of the rest the party - are covered in bits of crushed bugs.

Kaelthilas seems pleased by the opportunity for respite. His pleasure expressed by a terse debriefing with the ranking officer and then time spent away from the bulk of the reinforcements. When the movement of the sun has properly demarked the appointed hour, he returns.

Dressed in burnished scale and plate the dawn elf musters with the rest of the group.

Kaelthilas accepts Razen's hand in a gloved shake though quickly withdraws his appendage, "The area beneath the farm is infested," the elf explains to any whom make themselves present, "Roaches. A giant spider, and," looking to Lorik for confirmation, "Some creature comprised of mold. The militia has arrived because this matter has gone beyond the simple slaughter of cattle by insects. The spread of corruption throughout this region would be tantamount to salting the farmland and bringing starvation to the populace who depends upon its fertile crop."

"That's right," replies one of the guardsmen to Lorik. "Been a bunch of them in Alexandria. Always with a coin left behind with the face of the Witch Queen."

/You/ did fine old coins inside the workshop below and they DID have an image of a rather scary lookin' lady on them.

Tamrielo flips back a few pages in his sketchbook/tome, holding up a drawing of one of the interior room tables with a small stack of coins on it. "These coins? Witch Queen?"

Razen stares at the gardsman who spoke intently for a moment, then at the sketch which Tamrielo provides. No sharp teeth. No wicked grin. He relaxes and rubs his hand over the hilt of his heavy flail. "Whatever that is, I say we avoid it and kill what we can. I have no interest in those... coins."

You say, "So this farm is connected to something even bigger?" His face lights up. "Then maybe it's up to us to put a stop to it!"

"It seems so," replies a guardsman to Iskandar, the one who'd spoken before.

"At the very least you might put us a step closer.'

He nods to Tamrielo! "Yeah, I'd say. Looks like the coins." He adjusts his ill fitting mail shirt.

BAck down you go. Back through the barn and down through a space where you've lifted the wooden floor up to find an earthen (and squishy. And bug filled) pasage to a door, a door 2which you go through which leads you down a narrow tunnel to whqat appears to be another room full of bugs, dead ones, artifice, a metal platform where those who were here peviously fought the weird light-spider thing, and then through that to the workshop where you fought the mold things ands found the coins. There is another door here that you need to get past, of course.

GAME: Tamrielo rolls Perception: (7)+9: 16

GAME: Lorik rolls perception: (9)+10: 19

GAME: Razen rolls Perception: (4)+6: 10

GAME: Kaelthilas rolls perception: (4)+10: 14

To our eyes, this door seems less trapped than the last! This, of course, is never reassuring. You may simply not be seeing the runes.

Hesitantly Razen moves forward. "Looks safe enough. We could open it." He's more cautious about just opening doors these days.

Back into the pit.

Kaelthilas trudges with the group through the bugs, muck, and mire back to the workshop. As it had previously been picked through he seemingly ignores the bric-a-brac and finds himself with the rest of the group before a door.

"Hrm," the elf intones thoughtfully standing guard nearby as the other pair make their inspection. He is otherwise quiet for their inspection but predicts that a third set of eyes moving over the door in detail would be without great help. So instead he says things like, "What about the hinges," or, "I once encountered a door jam that was trapped."

Without having helped them to find a thing. This seems to satisfy the elf whom pushes into their midst and then reaches for the handle. He gives it a try but the thing seems locked to which he helpfully observes, "It's locked," to them all, "With time I can break the lock," the dawn elf says no doubt going to make use of the enchanted blade he carries, "but if anyone else has the delicate skill needed to force it open."

Have at it.

GAME: Tamrielo rolls Disable Device: (6)+8: 14

GAME: Tamrielo rolls Reflex: (20)+6: 26 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

Tamrielo produces a small set of tools from... somewhere, and sets to the lock. Several moments of quiet clicking and tapping ensue, as he frowns into the small opening. This continues for a moment until a slightly different click makes him pause, a sound like a match lighting.

"Hm? Oh."

He leans to one side and drops both hands, frown deepening, as a jet of flame erupts from the lock, passing bare inches from his face. He blinks, then looks up at the group, completely deadpan.

"I think we missed one."

"Does that also mean that you have unlocked it?" Kaelthilas asks his gold-flecked eyes examining the precision lock with disdain.

Iskandar looks surprised for a moment, then smiles broadly. "Missed one. Yes! Nice one!" He gives Tam a comraderly slap on the back and then approaches the door. "Is everyone ready?" he asks before trying the door.

Kaelthilas nods to Iskandar. The elf is prepared.

Razen steps slightly to the side, wary of the door more than before. Also he pulls his bearskin from his shoulders, just in case.

With the trap dispensed, Tamrielo is able to finish the lock and Iskandar is soon able to open the door!

Frigging doors. They're the worst thing, right?

In any case, this leads down a tunnel that's about fifteen feet long before it descends into a set of stairs.

Tamrielo tucks his tools into whatever hidden pocket they came from, and folds his hands in his tunic sleeves. Because it's a little chilly down here. Not because they're shaking slightly. It's cold. They're cold. Stone carved here, those stairs, though the walls are planked with wood.

Lorik jumps as the flame jets out and his eyes widen. "Yes," He agrees as he peers around the others, eyeing the smoking traped door wairily. "It seems you did..."

But then the door seems to swing open and there is a sigh from the shadow elf, one of relief this time. "But that seems to have been the last of it." A longer pause. "And...worked stone steps? This doesn't look like gobber work I don't think..." There is a glance towards Kael and Tam before he gives a reasuring grin. Or one that he hopes is at least, before nodding firmly. "Well this is what we are here for. Lets see whats down there."

Taking the lead Razen heads down the stairs after offering to do so. Nerves put his hand on the hilt of his weapons, his eyes dark and glittering in the dimness. He keeps his eyes sharp for movement in particular, and hopes that nothing else will be trapped.

GAME: Kaelthilas rolls perception: (20)+10: 30

GAME: Tamrielo rolls Perception: (17)+9: 26

GAME: Razen rolls Perception: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Iskandar rolls perception: (11)+8: 19

GAME: Lorik rolls perception: (5)+10: 15

Iskandar has been trying to keep to the front of the group but finds himself overtaken by the newcomer. Rather than try to push forward he unslings his bow and readies an arrow. "Kael, you were right about the spider. After a fashion. What do you think we might encounter next?"

GAME: Iskandar rolls reflex: (7)+6: 13

GAME: Razen rolls Reflex: (3)+3: 6

GAME: Lorik rolls reflex: (12)+5: 17

GAME: Tamrielo rolls Strength: (7)+0: 7

GAME: Fabris rolls perception: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)

Kaelthilas holds a torch aloft so that they all can see.

Iskandar's question coaxes a response from the dawn elf. The immortal's voice a dulcet tenor in contrast to the oppression of darkness and stone which seemingly crowds them as they descend, "Roaches. Spiders. Abominations of moss and mold. Dark coin. Perversions of Dana. A follower of the Dread Wolf, Caracoroth. Perhaps of Taara who would delight in both the perversion and the coin."

"A dark priest of sorts," Kael determines, "with intellect enough to forge tunnel and trap.."


As if on cue the dawn elf's body tenses and as the stairs fold he moves with a sylvan grace. Hurling torch down into the chamber below he flattens himself against the wall allowing others to slide past as he balanced precariously upon the balls of his feet.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 2d6: (8): 8

GAME: Fabris rolls ref: (8)+6: 14

GAME: Lorik rolls strength: (4)+0: 4

Tamrielo hears the click and moves quickly, shifting his weight and recentering as the stairs tilt under his feet. It's a delicate bit of maneuvering, the small half-sil apparently possessing a dancer's grace. There's a brief, half-smile of pride as he manages not to fall and even make not-falling look good.

This is, of course, somewhat ruined by the giantborn, fully twice his size, slamming into him from behind. The sound the bard emits on impact is somewhere between a rapidly deflating balloon and a squeak, like punching a rubber duck.

GAME: Kaelthilas rolls strength: (16)+3: 19

Fabris is surprisingly graceful for a dwarf -- at least, he catches himself, or at least tries to.

A /click/ it always starts with a click.

Lorik's ears twitch as the floor smooths out and flattens. The shadow elf slips to one side, clinging to the wall with one hand as he clutches his crossbow with the other.

Once more he is very thankful for the upgrades he got...

...and then the rest of the party behind him slams into him and he shoots down the stairway regardless.


...so, needless to say, moving down the stairs when they suddenly turn into a sliding ramp doesn't make things easy. Razen disappears down into a pit that appears to've opened up at the bottom of the steps because there's ALWAYS a pit at the bottom of th4ese things, right?

But everyone else is being held up, aside from Fabris at this point, by Kael bracing himself against the walls.

Fabris looks at the human centipede in front of him, and asks politely. "Does anyone have any rope I can grab? I might be able to climb up and find an anchor point, then hand you the rope."

Tamrielo , sandwiched in between at least two rather larger people, is unable to communicate much other than sad rubber duck sounds.

Razen feels his feet slip out from under him, the floor suddenly no longer stairs at all. There is no chance for him to catch his footing, and he simply slides down into the darkness... And falls. And falls a bit more. Suddenly he lands heavily amid some spikes, and he can see a small circular pit full of more of them. With effort he gets to his feet, hoping that he might be able stop anyone else from joining him amid the sharp metal. "Is everyone okay up there? Hello?!?"

Iskandar slips and begins to fall, but comes to a stop. It only takes him a moment to realize why. He reaches out gingerly to try and brace himself as well. "We're okay. Mostly," he corrects a moment later. "What's down there?"

In a maneuver that would make his ancestors proud, Kaelthilas stems their descent into darkness. Long brawny arms quiver as he manages to hold their position upon the stairs the strain of the maneuver slowly presenting upon his countenance as smooth features moisten with strain. Without the torch his struggle might certainly be missed by those not adept at seeing in the dark.

"Busy," is Kael's single word reply to the call from below. Eye close and he inhales sharply and bit by bit he feels the pressure upon him slack as the others find unsteady footing upon the slope.

There he exhales, "but before the dark priest," Kaelthilas continues his earlier thought, "I predict we shall find more traps," a hint of levity to his voice.

The pit is, unfortunately, big enough that you can't just edge around if it you can right oyurself towards the bottom of the stairs. It's kinda designed to stop that kinda thing!

Fabris digs in his feet, and looks back up for an anchor. "I've got one rope, but we might need more. When I get back, I'll help untangle limbs, if you're all still cuddling."

Razen says, "Spikes and a long fall" Razen looks around for anything helpful, but there simply is not much around here. "I do not suggest you join me. I do not think there is any way out of here."

Tamrielo wheezes and exchanges a look with Lorik, the only person remotely close to his size, then looks up... and up... at Iskandar. "Remind me to teach you to dance, sometime." He grins, a bit lopsidedly.

"Your predictions are, as usual, flawless." Lorik's tone is dry and amused as he reaches out to pick out his own handholds, trying to take the pressure off of Kael as the party of adventurers unties themselves from the tangle of limbs they nearly became.

"These traps are well hidden." He adds after a moment. "I didn't see a hint of anything."

"Just hold tight Razen! We'll get a rope to you when we have something to anchor with."

<OOC> Lorik may have to go soon too

Razen is going to stand here and wait for a rescue/block anyone else from accidentily falling in.

GAME: Iskandar rolls athletics: (12)+6: 18

GAME: Fabris rolls athletics: (7)+7: 14

GAME: Lorik rolls Athletics: (11)+4: 15

GAME: Tamrielo rolls Athletics: (16)+0: 16

Iskandar readies himself and then flings himself into the air above the pit, arms windmilling slowly and legs spread as if he's in mid-stride. One sandaled foot lands on the edge of the opposite site, and he's just able to shift his weight forward and bring the other foot a step ahead, and then he's across, breathing hard from the effort. Once the others have joined him he lowers a length of rope for Razen.

Making his way down to the bottom of the slide wasn't that bad, getting across it? That is more difficult. However Lorik is game to try. It is a good thing that he left his brestplate at home this time as that might have weighed him down.

As it is though, his leap sends him across the pit, where he lands with a crouch on the other side, watchful of the others as they start the process of recovering their Barbarian.

Tamrielo eyes the pit, then heads up the stairwell a bit and lets himself slide down before leaping off the end, letting his momentum carry him over the hole. He's a touch pudgy for a half elf, but he manages to pull this off, standing almost performatively at the other side. He makes an effort to hide his own surprised look and act like he meant it.

Razen watches the others sail overhead without falling prey to the spikes he found so unfortunately. One after the other they make it safely, and when the last one finally lands, Iskandar is there with a rope to help him up the side of the walls that kept him penned in. With the other's aid it is easy for him to make it to the top where he can breathe a little easier.

Fabris leaps, stubby dwarf legs propelling him with questionable grace across the gap. He does land, though, on the other side, then makes to start anchoring the rope behind Iskandar. After all, he weighs as much as the giantborn in a smaller, denser volume.

There is another problem, of course. The stairs (which you notice now have a lightly oily sheen) have not reverted.

This could be a bit of a problem when trying to get out. Indeed, as you observe, the oily sheen is thickening and flowing over it steadily.


That leaves the way ahead. Careful for more traps -- not that you've had muhc luck finding them so far -- you proceed further down the tunnel into the increasingly older looking stone. There's another door, but...

This one ain't trapped and you're able to open it. It appears to be... a Garden.