The Statues

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-=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A12: Memorial Gardens District *>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Among the gardens, scents mingle: green, loam and subtle sweetness, wafting from the meticulously groomed grounds. The lawns are richly green, dense and close-cropped, bordered with polished pale marble stones the size of a human man's fist. The pathways are smoothly cobbled in muted tones that subtly echo and contrast with the surrounding greenery, shaded by the lush canopies of tall, straight trees whose branches arch over the walkways to form open, airy tunnels. Elegantly ornate, tall mana-lamps of wrought black iron keep the paths softly lit in the evenings; they are often situated near benches of matching material and style. It is peaceful, here. Somber. It is also curiously warm and green no matter the time of year; leaves do change color in fall but remain on the trees until spring comes again.

At the heart of the park where the paths converge are large marble pedestals supporting bronze or marble statuary, chiseled letters upon the heavy bases naming the subject of each piece. The previous sculpture celebrating the union of Alexandros with Myrddion has been removed from the center of the garden and replaced with a gorgeous statue of the Crown Princess Lianna Rena and a marble walkway that leads to the Monument of Heroes - a newly-raised edifice celebrating those who fought and died on behalf of others. Tribute is still given to the friendship between Myrddion and Alexandros in the form of the paired standards mounted above the entrance to the Monument of Heroes: one from each nation. The flagstaffs are crossed and held by a Myrrish Knight and an Old-Alexandros Miner.

EXTRAS: +view

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Eleia A plain-looking woman relying on a walking stick. 3m 1h
Kerbasy A young priest, cheerful despite his somber garb. 4s 3d
Boshter An arvek nar in robes. Oh no! 0s 2d
Selia A sleek halfling lass, quick and nimble. 3s 2h

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

North <N> South < S > East <E>
Bridge <W>


"Well, given his general physical condition at a glance, I'd wager he does more than just run," Eleia posits, shrugging slightly as she shifts her weight slightly. "I am impressed, though."

It's Tariday, Rhaltaas 16 22:15:27 1014. The full moon isn't up. The tide is low and slack.

A chilly wind blows from the west, driving dark clouds before it and blotting out the stars in patches overhead. The air is clear and elsewhere they glitter brightly in the dark sapphire sky.

Selia has disconnected.

A figure in grays stands near one of the statues. The statue is broad; he is thin. Long arms and long fingers reach up to brush an oil over the placid and unmoving features. In contrast, the priest smiles. It's a quick smile, full of Life, another way he stands odds with the silent monument. Kerbasy pauses as he lifts his fingers away, then brushes those same fingers against the sleeve of his robes.

Boshter straightens up after that happens and then turns towards Eleia with a cheerful smile. "I am Boshter! Of Blar! We have not met before so I have to introduce myself. Hello, Kerbasy!" That person over there, in the grays, is waved at cheerfully too.

The smile...flinches. Kerbasy slides his hands into his sleeves and rubs at his arms as though chilly. "Evenin, Chord, uh, miss," he says. He looks at the statue, its face still and fixed, before turning around. He stands near the statue of one of the knights, one of /Alexandria's/ knights, a member of the city's forces during the Reign of Terror. The knight looks out on the gardens, his face stern, the features altered from life to give him, doubtless, more of a 'patrician of the City' look and feel to him. "Is there a thing I might do for y'?"

"Eleia Farrens, of the Vast," returns the woman, as she turns and tilts her staff out of the way to take a look at the grey-robed priest. She dips her head slightly in greeting to him as well. "Not for me, I am afraid. Unless you know who tends these gardens, perhaps. Maybe our friend here has something more known."

Bouncing back onto the balls of his feet, Boshter moves towards Eleia. "Indeed, the vast is very...vast. Hello!" He moves closr to her, yes, aiming to...give her a hug. Really. Presuming she does not manage to avoid it. "HELLO."

Kerbasy grins at the question, and it makes him look years younger than he is. Too young for his line of work. The expression settles naturally on his features, as though it spends a lot of time there. "The faith does some work in the Monuments, Miss Farrens." He coughs once, raising his sleeve-covered hands to cover it. "In fact, some of us used t'give tours. ...when I was a pair of khazad-aul who tended th' works. I don't know if they're still here. Many of th' khazad left to build roads after th' Mists, or join merchant houses. ...not that th' houses are in good shape, these days." He glances at the arvek, then, and, "Watch th' cane, Chord. Please?"

Eleia doesn't particularly move to stop Boshter, but that might just be resignation that she doesn't like to move too quickly if she can help it. There might be a bit of a grunt if Boshter's a hard hugger. "Thank you, all the same. Kerbasy, I believe it was? I'll have to look into it myself, perhaps. You would be a statue tender, then?"

And he so hugs Eleia hard enough to make her grunt, yes. "It is very nice to meet you." Then he turns towards Kerbasy and says, "Do not worry. I know what I am doing!" The hug lets go, then, and he says, "You look like you need adjustment! I am very good at adjusting spines." YEs, yes he is.

"I uh...heh. Well, I suppose I could, but. I'm a servant of th' Lady. Mourner Kerbasy d'Bahjat at your service, heh." He smiles self-consciously at that. "She uh, Called me a few years ago, and I've been in Alexandria since. We have a temple up in the mountains. ...bit south an' east of here." He ducks his head after that, glances at Boshter again and then frowns a bit.

"I assure you that my spine is not my issue," Eleia answers of Boshter, shaking her head. "Though I thank you for your concern." She looks to Kerbasy again, brow quirking ever so slightly. "I do not often see priests act as if they are embarassed of their faith- especially The Dread Lady's. Nor can I think of a cause. This is not something you expected to turn your life towards, then?"

"Of course Kerbasy was always going to become a priest of death. That is what he is from head to toe." A nod towads Eleia, though, and then he looks briefly sad. No spinal adjustment opportunities for him.

"Uh..." Kerbasy blinks for a moment, his mouth not working. And then blinks again, the smile somewhat--it's still /shy/. It always is when he talks of the Gray Lady. It's the look of a man who's met a beautiful woman, a beautiful woman so stunning, so gifted, that one only gazes upon her from afar.

In other words.

The poor priest is besotted.

"Miss Farrens, I'm honored beyond words t'serve Her. I strive t'be worthy of it every day. Any Mourner should. Any Chord." What, Boshter? Oh, no! And just-like-that, there's a touch of tension in the air.

"Hm. A little different then," Eleia remarks mildly, head tilting a little. She looks to Boshter then, pausing a moment. "Apologies, I suppose. I should explain. My leg pains me, is my problem, and despite many long hours devoted to trying to find a treatment it is still the case. I do appreciate your willingness to help, but I am not entirely sure it would be the appropriate approach."

"Well, if you say so," says Boshter to Eleia. "I am happy to help, though! I know many remedies for pain!" One can bet they involve agoniizng pain in other parts of the body. He *is* a hobgoblin, after all. Then he turns back towards Kerbasy and just *beams* at him. Tension? what tension? Not any on *his* part.

"I'm sorry to hear of it," the Mourner replies after a time, and seems to mean it. His hands stay folded within his sleeves, though they tighten as the wind picks up. And it is cooling--summer traded places with fall long ago, and fall stands ready to make way for winter. "I would offer you a blessing, Miss, but it's likely not the one you'd want. So instead, go in good fortune." His smile is sad and fleeting though it hardens briefly, struggles underneath a...and then he drops his head forward. Blinks. And when he looks up, his smile's in place again. "It's been good to see you both. Miss Farrens. ...Boshter." No Chord?

"It would depend on the blessing I suppose," Eleia remarks evenly, shrugging slightly. "But yes, do be well Mourner d'Bahjat, should you be moving along your way," she offers simply, nodding a little. "And what might these remedies involve then, Boshter?"

Tilting his head at KErbasy for a moment, Boshter looks a trifle hurt. "You're departing already?" he asks, cautiously, seeming a bit concerned about this. Then a quicker glance back to Eleia. *Now* there's probably a bit more tension.

"Ladies' blessins, you uh. Both of y'." Kerbasy grins, and sketches the Sign of Triangles in the air in front of him. As he does, the air burns chill, winter's cool for just a moment. The space of a moment, before fall's relative warmth reclaims it. His fingers move quickly, adeptly, and when he drops them back to his side his face is flushed with a sort of cheerfulness. "And good day to y'both."

Kerbasy goes OOC.