The Dark Temple of Ages

From Tenebrae
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<OOC> Leonis is okay being the small fish.
<OOC> Iadoth starts the log, can you repose Leonis?

Out in the Vast, there's been a landslide. Normally this would go unnoticed, but the Vast's a place of history, and magic, and thin planar walls. It's a little dangerous, hence, that there's been a dark tunnel uncovered. Nearby villagers alert nearby guardsmen, and these in turn alert the Guild. So, you're here.

"Come to the city they said. It'd be wonderful they said." Leonis' mocking spoken more to himself as he creeps up on the tunnel that has had the villagers curiosity. "It feels more like the same grunt work, different locale." a smile finally breaking to his lips. Even if no one is listening, he seems to feel the need to talk.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Many fanks."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Raethon, are you going to pose in?"
<OOC> Raethon says, "Sure."

The staff taps on the ground as they travel along the ground. "You get used to the grunt work. Make yourself better. Make yourself better, greater challenges come your way. Make yourself better. Like a diamond from coal." he then chuckles to Leonis. "You shouldn't underestimate yourself."

The gap in the hillside yawns ahead of you. Inside, it's dark. Dark, and hot. Like, /really/ hot. It'd be quite a nice break from the cold winter air, if it didn't feel so uncomfortable.

Leonis feels the heat of the air that escapes from that tunnel. "While I don't particularly like the cold, this just screams of a metaphor of walking in to someones mouth." he jokes, a moment taken to take out his everburning torch. That would be his offhand, a light mace taken in the other as he motions in to the darkness. "I would say I could take a quiet peak, but I would be fumbling without light."

"this is disturbing. Uncomfortably hot usually means more danger than normal." Rae says as he falls in step behind Leonis. "You don't mind taking the lead, do you?" he says casting light on Leonis' weapon.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Cantrip?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Ignore that."

Almost as soon as you enter the tunnel, you've a choice to make. The lit light mace illuminates a door ahead, made from what looks like bone. Or, there's a tunnel off to the left.

Raethon says, "No...tht's not disturbing....""

Leonis sighs as he falls silent, his gaze going down as he only brielfly glanced at the door and other passage. He's looking for tracks, kneeling and using the lit mace to aid him in signs of tracks that might show if something has recently been here. "I don't like this." he whispers, having taken the lead.

<OOC> Leonis says, "Wish me to roll survival?"

"believe me, I like this less than you do." Rae says looking at both passages. "bone, or no bone. How annoying."

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it."
GAME: Leonis rolls survival: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Raethon says, "We're off to a wonderful start. XD"

It's hot in here, hot and sweaty, and coming into it from the outside has made you woozy. You don't spot anything on the hard flagstones, although that doesn't necessarily imply that there's nothing here.

"I got nothing. I can't see if anything's been here recently, but I can't imagine leaving the door unchecked." Leonis admits. "We're here to investigate, so I say let us take a peak." moving closer to the door and positioning himself, but not opening it yet. "I really don't like this." he says as that shiver hits his spine.

"You and me both. Don't worry, I've got your back." Rae wipes his brow. "Mmmmm.....might stand to reason that whatever's in here, may be fire based. Lead the way, Leonis. I'm right behind you."

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Whatcha gonna do?"
<OOC> Leonis says, "I am going to open the door, because while it seems like a bad idea, it's his job to check this out. XD"

As Leonis pushes the door, it doesn't budge. It's completely stuck. There's no keyhole, so you guess --- it's actually jammed in the frame.

<OOC> Raethon says, "probably from the heat expanding the door."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hey, that's plausible."
<OOC> Iadoth totally isn't using a random dungeon generator :P
<OOC> Raethon had it happen at his old house.
<OOC> Raethon says, "The back door, during one summer....was stuck shut until he kicked it open."

"The heat must've made the door swell shut. Wanna keep going and kick it down? or head the other way?" Rae says quietly.

Leonis eyes the door of bone, his strength was always his weakness, but this is just kind of embarrassing. "A stuck door... made of remains of something. I'm at a loss." he admits. "I am not the forceful type. If it's stuck, we know where it is, and can get back here on our way out. there might be another way in, so let's go wandering first."

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Great plan."

Raethon says, "Don't feel bad. I'm not exactly the strongest of my people either. Lead the way, Leonis." Rae says. "that doorway of bone wasn't forboding though.""

The side passage winds around a few feet before revealing an antechamber. At either side of a thick column are two more doors; the north, iron, and the south, another of bone.

<OOC> Raethon is casting mage armor.
<OOC> Raethon says, "If we can't compelte the plot in that time frame....well.....yeah."
GAME: Raethon refreshes spells.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What's the time frame?"
GAME: Raethon casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 6 DC: 16
<OOC> Raethon says, "6 hours."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, you'll be alright then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I'll be in bed by then."
<OOC> You say, "What's the plan, then?"
<OOC> Raethon points to Leonis.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay!"

"As if this isn't getting ominous enough. Iron or bone." Leonis sighs. "Should we toss a coin?" his glance roaming the chamber, and his eyes focusing for a time on the columns. "Iron." deciding as he begins to take cautious steps.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Going to try opening it again?"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Yes, but first he's going to test the door for heat in the chance it is too hot."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Smart thinking. Let's try a Perception roll, then/"
GAME: Raethon rolls perception: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Leonis rolls perception: (13)+3: 16

The door certainly isn't too hot. Maybe it's just the air in here, but the door doesn't seem any hotter for sure. That's postive news. The bad news is that there's definitely some kind of creature on the other side of that door. You can hear it moving around.

"Well....there's something there all right. Probably the source of this heat." Rae says softly. "Hmmm......Either there's another way around, or we could knock...."

"I like that idea. Let us knock, and see if it comes to us." Leonis quickly agrees, taking a step back, and tossing his torch to the ground. Since the weapon he has is lit, the everburning torch will be uses as a stationary light for whatever comes out the door, if anything. He then adjust the buckler on his arm, nodding. "Shall I then?"

"Go for it, Leonis." Rae says stepping back.

Leonis raises his mace, knocking loudly three times, and then stepping back, clear of the door.

The knock, loud as it is, doesn't yield much for a few moments. The door barely shakes, in fact. Maybe it's stuck too. At any rate, a few moments later there's a reply: A scritching, scratching sound from the other side of the door. Kinda sounds like teeth scratching against iron.

"Huh, that's kind of amusing." Leonis says with a faint smile. Should we try and open it, or go for bone?" looking to Rae with a shrug.

<OOC> Iadoth wonders if either Leonis or Raethon would be able to make a strength check against the doors.
<OOC> Raethon says, "you're.....kidding right?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "A little."
<OOC> Raethon is a wizard.
<OOC> Leonis flexes his mighty 10.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, yikes."
<OOC> Raethon is 10 as well.
<OOC> Raethon says, "the only thing strong on me is my gas."
<OOC> Raethon says, "and my mind."
<OOC> Raethon could probably use open/close, but I don't want to waste my bonded spell.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Open/Close doesn't work on stuck doors."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What kind of weapons do either of you have?"
<OOC> Raethon says, "then we're at an empasse."
<OOC> Leonis says, "light Mace, starknife, and lightcrossbow."
<OOC> Raethon has a staff and a bow
<OOC> Leonis says, "Can I tie a rope to the door handle, and use the pillar as leverage? Eh, eh?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a solid plan."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Your alternatives are just kicking the crap out of the bone door. It would take about 2 minutes to break it down."
<OOC> Leonis says, "I am down for either!"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Welcome back."
<OOC> Raethon says, "thanks."
<OOC> Raethon says, "Library wifi is getting wonky again"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I think using the rope-and-lever plan would basically let you use Rae's strength check as an Aid Another check."
<OOC> Leonis nods. "If not, we can kick down a bone door. It's just amusing."
GAME: Raethon rolls strength: (8)+0: 8
GAME: Leonis rolls strength: (7)+0: 7
<OOC> Raethon has slowed to a crawl here....
<OOC> Iadoth checks, "... which still wouldn't let you get through the DC23 stuck door."
<OOC> Leonis awws. :/
<OOC> Raethon says, "The other way it is."
<OOC> Leonis says, "So kicking the bone door down. Let's do that then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, which bone door do you wanna smash up? Either the first or the second."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Whichever you choose, pose it up!"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Well the second one /is/ right here."

Leonis sighs and moves to the bone door, his rope idea having failed. "We're going to have to try and break through, but that will leave the iron one for another time. I don't think there is much else." moving to use force, which is not his favorite.

Raethon follows along with Leonis. "DOn't feel bad. When you need my strength, you're pretty much boned."

The Inquisitor has call to use his mace again, but this time in anger. Raethon, too, can join in with his quarterstaff, both making an effort to wreck the bone door. After a couple of minutes, the thing yields, revealing on the other side a 15 ft. square room, with a sloped pit lined with iron spikes in the center of the room. Too, a group of demonic faces have been carved into the north wall.

Oh, and a snake. Made from adamantine. Looking pissed.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
       Iadoth has dropped a TIMESTOP!
       Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Iadoth to instruct you further.
       For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


GAME: You roll initiative for Adamantine Cobra: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 12
GAME: Leonis rolls initiative: 12 + 6 = 18
GAME: Raethon rolls initiative: 3 + 7 = 10
<OOC> Raethon says, "figures"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "If you have Knowledge/Engineering, you can find out what it is."
<OOC> Raethon does not.
<OOC> Raethon can't even fake it.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Cool beans."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 18.
     It is now Leonis' turn! Adamantine Cobra is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Leonis ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Alright! Smash it!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "They are horrible creatures."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Alright, I assume I can move to engage, and avoid the spikey pit?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The snake is next to the other door, so you only have to move 10 ft. to achieve that."
<OOC> Raethon says, "test"

Leonis slips in to the room, his buckler brought up as he moves to take the thing's attention as it's so close. He's not wasting time, the depictions of chaos are here, and this is not a conductive environment for trust. So his mace is brought to bare with a swing at the adamantine serpent.

GAME: Leonis rolls 1d20+5: (10)+5: 15
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not enough, I'm afraid."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Oh, I figured."

Leonis misses the metallic beast, and stands ready for what is to come.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 12.
     It is now Adamantine Cobra's turn! Raethon is next!
<OOC> Raethon warns that he heads home in a couple of minutes.
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Leonis    |HUMAN     |Inq        |  2  | 16  | 16  | 18 | 15 | 5  | 3  | 6  |
|Raethon   |DAWN_ELF  |Wiz        |  6  | 36  | 36  | 15 | 16 | 4  | 5  | 7  |
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, Rae."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Will you connect again when you're back?"
<OOC> Raethon says, "Naturally."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+3: (6)+3: 9
<OOC> Leonis is here for many hours, and a moon. "So see you when you get back!"
<OOC> Raethon imagines the turns will go quickly.

The cobra spits and leaps forward to strike, but fails to even enter Leonis's space.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 10.
     It is now Raethon's turn! Leonis is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Raethon ended.
<OOC> Raethon says, "So.....the progression now....."
<OOC> Raethon is doing cat's grace this turn.
<OOC> Raethon says, "on Leonis"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okey dokey."
<OOC> Raethon says, "and I can do it at range."
GAME: Raethon casts S3: Cat's Grace. Caster Level: 6 DC: 18
<OOC> Raethon says, "and, since I think the turns are going to go fast, we'll be doing it like this..."
     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 18.
     It is now Leonis' turn! Adamantine Cobra is next!
<OOC> Raethon says, "next round: haste, Then protection aura, then enlarge person. THEN I will attack."
<OOC> Raethon says, "If I'm not back by then....well damn."
<OOC> Leonis laughs. XD
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Enlarge Person, eh."
<OOC> Raethon says, "yup."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "All on Leonis?"
<OOC> Raethon says, "well...I'd have to keep close to Leonis for the protection aura...."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Leonis, your move!"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Well with that +4 to dex, I am going to attack again this time with a +2 for the advantage of the spell boost."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What feat are you using?"
<OOC> Iadoth can't remember which converts Dex to BAB.
<OOC> Leonis says, "Oh no, that's from Cat's grace. I am using Weapon Finesse."
<OOC> Leonis says, "It lets me use my dex for light weapons like daggers, shortswords, and light maces."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That's the one."
GAME: Leonis rolls 1d20+7: (9)+7: 16
<OOC> Iadoth says, "D'oh."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 12.
     It is now Adamantine Cobra's turn! Raethon is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It has /ridiculous/ AC."

Leonis feels that surge of spell, his body reacting as he uses deft grace instead of power to fight. He may miss, but he is not showing signs of aggitation.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1: (17)+1: 18
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Excellent"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh wait, it's attempting to trip you, so you can take an AoO if you like."
<OOC> Leonis will.
GAME: Leonis rolls 1d20+7: (19)+7: 26
<OOC> Raethon says, "better? XD"
<OOC> Raethon says, "you can roll finesse, Leonis."
<OOC> Raethon says, "or weapon#"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Oh! Well that's Awesome."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh! That'll do."
GAME: Leonis rolls 1d6: (6): 6
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh. Yeah DR is a thing with this thing."

Leonis lands a solid hit, but as he feels his strike hit home, the weapon leaves no mark upon the serpents metallic parts. "Well.. that's not good." he mutters to himself.

Meanwhile, the snake wraps around Leonis's legs, and pulls them towards the back wall. Leonis trips, and lands prone on his back!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 10.
     It is now Raethon's turn! Leonis is next!
<OOC> Raethon says, "I'm still here....time to hurt it badly."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, good plan. Firing into melee?"
<OOC> Raethon says, "if leonis is Prone, will he get hit by a lightning bolt?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I'm gonna rule not."
<OOC> Raethon says, "good. Lightning bolt."
GAME: Raethon casts Lightning Bolt. Caster Level: 6 DC: 18
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Reflex save, right?"
<OOC> Raethon says, "yup."
GAME: Raethon rolls 6d6: (15): 15
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+2: (17)+2: 19
<OOC> Raethon says, "so...7"
<OOC> Raethon says, "ah well."

Seeing Leonis going down, Rae curls his lip. "You just knocked down the only barrier between you and me stupid." He then points his staff at it. "zaaaaaaAAAAAAAA-CAIRE!" *BOOM*

<OOC> Iadoth says, "That takes it down a fair bit."
     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 18.
     It is now Leonis' turn! Adamantine Cobra is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Leonis! You're up!"
<OOC> Leonis says, "I will provoke an AoO is I move to stand, yes?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You will. But Prone is also -4 to your attack rolls."
<OOC> Leonis says, "I will risk it, and get to my feet. Being prone is not a great idea, and I doubt enchantment works on constructs."
<OOC> Leonis will stand
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It does not."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14
<OOC> Raethon says, "dex boost also affects your AC. :D"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It does, so I do not hit. You got lucky, punk."

Leonis forces himself to stand from that sweep, the strike of the serpent missing him as he brings himself back right for the fight.

<OOC> Raethonthinks you can attack too
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You can, that's a move action."
<OOC> Raethon says, "and my ride's here."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Oh, well I will then... whoops."
<OOC> Raethon shall return shortly.
Raethon has disconnected.
<OOC> Leonis says, "I had an odd brain fart that getting unprone was my full action."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Cool. He'll be back."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not according to the CRB."
GAME: Leonis rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12
<OOC> Leonis hasn't had those in 12ish years. "Alas, I only own 5th ed right now." :/
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Unfortunately it is AC25, DR10. Which is kinda ridiculous for a CR3."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Do you have some fun buffs/debuffs?"
<OOC> Leonis laughs. "All I have is Cat's Grace that was cast on me. Raises my attack bt +2, and my AC by +2. That's it. So +7 attack and 20 AC. I am not the best to fight this. :P
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The touch AC is very manageable."
<OOC> Iadoth can't quite remember whether there are any good low level Inq spells.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You know what? Its CMD is not very good."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It got lucky with the Trip attempt."
<OOC> Leonis says, "I took mostly support spells. Healing, detection, and then Daze and Ear-Piercing Scream, which it's immune to. :P"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh gods, yes it is immune to that. That sucks."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 12.
     It is now Adamantine Cobra's turn! Raethon is next!

The cobra coils back, avoiding the attack, before springing forward effortlessly in an attempt to grapple Leonis.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "AoO to you, though."
GAME: Leonis rolls weapon2+2: (12)+4+2: 18
<OOC> Leonis says, "Well it's actually 19, but it missed. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It did :)"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1: (20)+1: 21
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Wish I'd kept that for an attack now."
<OOC> Leonis laughs.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, you're grappled now."

The grappler grabs the inquisitor, wrapping head and tail around his arms to keep them at his sides.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 10.
     It is now Raethon's turn! Leonis is next!
     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 18.
     It is now Leonis' turn! Adamantine Cobra is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Rae can cast a spell if he wants, then."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "And, you can attack, if you want."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Wouldn't I have to make an escape check?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I totally forgot that you were grappled."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You can attack with your light weapon, at -2."
<OOC> Leonis laughs. "But I would do no damage. I think I will try and escape the grapple. It would be for the best."
<OOC> Iadoth agrees.
GAME: Leonis rolls escape artist+2: (5)+1+2: 8
<OOC> Leonis says, "Nope."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Actually, you could damage on a crit."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh well."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 12.
     It is now Adamantine Cobra's turn! Raethon is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "To maintain the grapple"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1+5: (3)+1+5: 9
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, right."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Hmm? What is the opposing check? A melee attack roll with str?"

The cobra attempts to bind Leonis's arms, but to no avail --- he springs free from the grasp as the snake slithers over his armour. Irked, the thing attempts just to bite.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11

Naturally, the teeth just bounce off the armour. Lucky, that.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 10.
     It is now Raethon's turn! Leonis is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Two spells to Rae, then."
     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 18.
     It is now Leonis' turn! Adamantine Cobra is next!
<OOC> Leonis is going to attempt to escape once again! Muahaha! No bitey!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh no, you're free now."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Oh, nice."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "He failed his maintain roll."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "... aaaaand now I see why you were confused."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry about that; misread the rules."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Hey, I am still relearning them! So no apologies!"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Just let me know what the call is. I will roll accordingly, attack or escape. :P"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "If you want to attack, go for it :)"
GAME: Leonis rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I... honestly can't think of a good way to slay this thing."
<OOC> Leonis laughs. "I must rely on this mage of awesome when he returns. For I am.... so screwed." XD
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 12.
     It is now Adamantine Cobra's turn! Raethon is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Just assume the attack from last round counts."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 10.
     It is now Raethon's turn! Leonis is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Three spells to Raethon."
     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 18.
     It is now Leonis' turn! Adamantine Cobra is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "This is a completely non-fight at the moment. The thing can barely beat your AC."
<OOC> Leonis says, "And I can't hit it either. It's like the worlds most dangerous spoon-fight."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "In theory you could damage it. It's just not very easy."
<OOC> Leonis says, "So you said there was a pit with spikes, yes?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, there is."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's the central square in the room."
<OOC> Leonis says, "I am going to attack it, then take a 5ft step back. I am going to slowly lead it towards the pit while fighting."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Remember, the room is only 3x3 squares."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're in the northeast corner, at the minute."
<OOC> Leonis says, "So one square down, and the pit would be behind me."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The pit is immediately to your west at the moment."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You could try to grapple it; maintain the grapple, then move the thing over the pit."
<OOC> Leonis says, "I will just pray for a crit, and the return of the backup"
GAME: Leonis rolls weapon2+1+2: (3)+4+1+2: 10
<OOC> Iadoth laughs!
<OOC> Leonis laughs
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 12.
     It is now Adamantine Cobra's turn! Raethon is next!
<OOC> Leonis says, "Oh man, this is amusing. I love it."

Once again the thing coils back, avoiding Leonis's attacks. Then, it springs forward, attempting to move through Leonis's space into that behind!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Overrun action, so AoO!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I'm messing with CMs to give you a few more attempts at hitting the thing."
GAME: Leonis rolls weapon2+1+2: (16)+4+1+2: 23
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh well."
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1: (10)+1: 11

It can't see a way through, and remains in place.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 10.
     It is now Raethon's turn! Leonis is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Four attacks to Rae!"
     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 18.
     It is now Leonis' turn! Adamantine Cobra is next!
<OOC> Leonis says, "Is the room barren?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Apart from the previously described features."
<OOC> Leonis says, "I have a really bad idea. Let me do some reading. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Anything I can help look for?"
Raethon has connected.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The cavalry!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "This fight is locked at the moment."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You have a whole four rounds of things to do, if you like."
<OOC> Raethon says, "that good?"
<OOC> Leonis says, "I was seeing the time delay on using a goblin army knife. Three rounds is what I came up with. I was gonna use the tent to try and get the fabric over it's head."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, that's wonderful."
<OOC> Raethon says, " I use three spells or whatever?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Four if you like."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Look, I am running out of options, lol. I'm being Mcguyver. >.>"
<OOC> Leonis lets Rae do his magic.
<OOC> Raethon says, "Haste, Scorching Ray, Scorching ray, Lightning Bolt if I must."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Rack it up."
GAME: Raethon casts Haste. Caster Level: 6 DC: 18
GAME: Raethon casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
GAME: Raethon rolls ranged: (13)+6: 19
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That's a hit on Touch AC."
GAME: Raethon rolls 4d6: (15): 15
GAME: Raethon casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17
GAME: Raethon rolls ranged: (14)+6: 20
GAME: Raethon rolls 4d6: (16): 16
<OOC> Iadoth says, "SR13 to overcome."
<OOC> Raethon says, "which is....d20+caster level?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "'Tis!"
GAME: Raethon rolls 1d20+6: (8)+6: 14
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d10+15: (4)+15: 19
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The first ray was enough to melt it... sorry. I'll let you cast it again later, if necessary."
<OOC> Raethon says, "okie"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's destroyed, at any rate, so... pose it!"

Leonis was having a tough time against this rather strong adamantite snake. he put up a haste spell for him, at least to help him out, but when he withdrew, he just cast another ray from his staff. the ray hit a little resistance, but ultimately burned through the delicate circuitry underneath. "You okay, Leonis?" More worried about his comrade than the discovery. the path of the abjurer.

<OOC> Raethon says, "that was me, BTW"

Leonis pants, his running having worked up a sweat in these conditions. "That was not nice! That thing was made of harder stuff than oruch's head." His smile still on his face.

The snake melted, the room seems otherwise empty. There's the iron door, the wrecked bone door, and on the other side of the room, yet another bone door. This place is getting predictable now.

"Adamantine, actually." Rae says tapping the snake. "Strange that it was made into a snake though. You'd think that whoever made it would make it into a more.....solid construct." he says as it melts. "nd it melted. Definitely weird." he then looks to Leonis. "think you can handle whatever is beyond here?"

<OOC> Iadoth says, "What's the next move?"
<OOC> Raethon is still leaving it up to Leonis. If he wants to leave, I'm for it too.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."

"This is like a trial... choose a door, and keep going. I'm all for continuing, but that was a little rough." Leonis muses. "I can carry on, but we might want to requisition help from the guild." his thoughts wavering. "That adamantine... THING... was a bit of a match. Who knows what lays ahead."

<OOC> Iadoth says, "If you want to call it a day, that'd be okay. It'd not be a tremendous amount of XP for either of you, though."
<OOC> Raethon says, "I'm still leaving it up to Leonis. I still have a good deal of my spells but there's no more buffs."
<OOC> Leonis says, "I don't mind continuing. This has been fun. I am not adverse to a challenege. How is your time looking, Rae?"
<OOC> Raethon is good now.
<OOC> Raethon is home...with dinner.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Alright, which door?"
<OOC> Raethon gestures to Leonis.
<OOC> Leonis says, "Check iron to see if it's stuck. If so, onward to bonedoor."

The iron door is, naturally, stuck on this side, as on the other. Presumably that's why the snake couldn't get out. The bone door, on the other hand...

Leonis laughs hesitantly. "Alright, let's break this one down. I didn't like the chaotic scene we saw in the last room. I can't really let this place go without seeing it's purpose." words followed with a shake of his head. "My curiosity is peaked, and that's not always a good thing." his mace rising to crash against the bone door.

A couple of minutes later, the door is broken through, but not before a javelin is spat out of one of the demon carving's mouths, straight towards Leonis!

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+15: (15)+15: 30
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d6+6: (6)+6: 12

"I'm with ya. I still have a good deal of spells ready too." Rae says walking in behind him.

GAME: You damaged Leonis for -1000 points. 16 remaining.
GAME: You damaged Leonis for 12 points. 4 remaining.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "IT'S A TRAP."
<OOC> Raethon says, "You're not meant to Ackbar us."
<OOC> Leonis laughs.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I massively am."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Kabobed."
<OOC> Raethon is giving Leonis a potion of Haste too....
<OOC> Raethon says, "Prolly could've given it to him last time. XD"
<OOC> Raethon has a few things he forgot about

Outside the room, there's a short corridor, with a door at the other end. It's made from stone, which is cool to the touch. It's also shut, but not stuck. Locked, this time.

<OOC> Leonis says, "Casting cure light wounds? >.>"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it."
<OOC> Raethon thinks you'll need it.

Leonis winces, the protrusion from his back causing him to go to a knee as he gasps. "That, that wasn't nice!" he whines, working the Javelin out of the wound, and taking a moment to gather his composure. "I am going.... to need.... to take a moment." he gets out, his weapon set down near his feet, and closing his eyes. "Oh, I got cocky there." admonishing himself as he begins to pray to his god, and place a hand as near to the wound as tolerance would allow. "Divine blessings, mend the efforts of my stupidity."

GAME: Leonis casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
GAME: Leonis rolls 1d8+2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: You damaged Leonis for -8 points. 12 remaining.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "So you're at a locked door, any clues?"
<OOC> Leonis asks this because sometimes it's relevant. Locked with a key, or locked with a bolt. If so, is it locked from this side?

Raethon says, "You weren't stupid. You didn't know it was there." he says as he looks in the door. "Mmmmm....must be a trap." he then rolls his eyes at himself. "I won't hold it against you if you want to head back Leonis. But I'm pretty sure that the snake was an appetizer."

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d2: (1): 1
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d2: (2): 2
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It is locked with a key, from the other side :)"

Leonis sighs, and looks to the stone door. "I don't like letting it stand either. Damn.. it's two aspects of my nature fighting with one another. My desire to know, versus my cowardice." he reasons as he has put some life back in to himself. "This one door. Let's see if things go better. If not, we turn back and get some others. Compromise!" even if it's with himself.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Disable Device?"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Nope...."
<OOC> Leonis hides.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Try knocking?"

Raethon says, "it's not cowardice if you came out here in the first place." he says softly. "Plus, if you were truly a coward, You wouldn't be here at all. you'd be at home peeing yourself." he then smirks. "If the door doesn't open....does this mean we're....boned?""

Leonis laughs. "Well we can see if anything behind this is smarter than the serpent." raising his mace and tapping on the door with a few knocks. "I imagine something of intellect had to of been here once, right?" stepping away and waiting. "And yeah, it's not really cowardice. I just... was that a pun?" thinking of the bone doors they crashed through.

Raethon smirks at leonis. "yup. totally blows away your 'stuffy old wizard' theory, doesn't it?"

After a few moments, there's the sound of clicking and turning keys on the other side of the metallic lock. The door yawns open slowly. Very slowly. On the other side, there's a gobber, standing inside a 3x5 foot room. Whilst alone, there's a shallow pit in the north-west corner of the room, as well as two other doors. There's also a ragged tapestry of legendary monsters; otyughs, owlbears and oozes feature prominently.

<OOC> Iadoth corrects, 15x25ft room.
<OOC> Raethon says, "brb"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Inquisitor! Do you have 'Detect' spells as constant, or am I thinking of Paladins?"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Oh, I have, but I have to cyce through them."
<OOC> Leonis says, "cycle* I am detecting evil usually, but can switch to chaos or good on a standard action."
<OOC> Leonis says, "I think... let me verify."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Yes, at will. I can use any of them, but only one at a time."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "(That might have been a hint)"
<OOC> Leonis will wait to see the goblin's reaction, but switch between evil and chaos, and see if he gets a ding.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, it's evil alright."
<OOC> Leonis says, "See, that would of been his first, detect evil. At-will as an action. Is it close enough to attack in the doorway? Or can I move and get in the way in case it tries to close the door?"

"Hullo," the gobber says. "Crikey, I'm glad to see you. I've been stuck here for weeks. Trying to escape this group of mul'niessa who wandered in after me. Chased me good. Come in. Have you got any food? I'm hungry. /Really/ hungry." He opens the door a little wider.

GAME: Iadoth removes the timestop.
Timestop by Iadoth has left.
GAME: You remove the timestop.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
       Iadoth has dropped a TIMESTOP!
       Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Iadoth to instruct you further.
       For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


GAME: Leonis rolls initiative: 10 + 6 = 16
<OOC> Leonis says, "Can I sense motive?"
GAME: You roll initiative for Barghest: Roll: 15 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 21
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You could attack it in the doorway, but it has cover at the moment (using the door)."
<OOC> Leonis says, "I am going to sense motive, and tell it I do indeed have food, and ask it to let us in."
<OOC> Leonis says, "When all is settled... and we have actions set up."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Actually, forget that about the Detect Evil thing."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Okay,"

You paged Leonis with 'On concentrating on the gobber, you get the sense it has the same alignment as your companion the wizard.' Leonis pages: And that is more evil aligned? Can I tell? You paged Leonis with 'No, it's aura and alignment is as per Raethon's.' From afar, Leonis nods. "Ah this is confusing. It's a gobber, and it's like Raethon. He's going to use sense motive, but then give it the benefit of the doubt, saying he does have food for it. He's only suspicious because it's race, so he wouldn't attack.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. Sense Motive away!"

From afar, Leonis laughs. "Thank you for this scene. It's fun."

GAME: Leonis rolls sense motive: (6)+9: 15

Insofar as you can tell, the gobber isn't lying about being hungry. When you tell him you have food, his eyes open wide with delight, and he lets you both into the room, which is torchlit.

"I'll have to lock the door, though." He says, turning the key in the lock behind him. "Those mul'niessa --- they might work out how to get out of the bone-room."

You paged Leonis with 'You're welcome.'

Leonis enters the room, taking a moment to look in to his pack, and dig around for some of the stores he brought. He doesn't seem to fully trust the goblin, but his story seems to check out. He takes the provisions, tossing them lightly towards the goblin as he stays vigilant. "You can escape through the pathway we came. You don't have to stay locked in here."

<OOC> Raethon says, "well that took longer than expected."
<OOC> Iadoth laughs!
GAME: Raethon rolls initiative: 5 + 7 = 12
<OOC> Leonis says, "Fiber."
<OOC> Leonis realizes that was a poor joke. XD
<OOC> Iadoth giggles.
<OOC> Raethon says, "No, I think I passed out from it. XD"
<OOC> Leonis laughs.

The gobber looks over the supplies with clear disdain. "Oh," he says. "Don't you have any fresh meat?" He looks at you both oddly. "Fressssh... meeeeat..."

"i swear those goblins are nutty." Rae says before looking at the goblin. "gobbers are different, but goblins have a real....odd way of thinking." He says pointing his staff at the goblin. "We're not for eating. So don't look at us like that."

Leonis eyes the gobber, and then Raethen as he makes his comment. "Yeah, what this man says. You would not do well to eat us." his grip on his light mace shifting with a flex of his hand.

The gobber, goblin-/thing/ utters something which certainly sounds like a rather canine growl. "But I'm so hungry." The goblin definitely just barked. "Just... just a little nibble?" Bark, bark.

"This is your third warning, shorty. Back off n....did he just bark?" Rae says glancing to Leonis.

The thing growls, and moans, and doubles over onto the floor, dropping the provisions. As he does so, his form changes, grows, becoming a canine thing about the size of a lucht riding dog. Except snarling, and with hands instead of paws. Oh, god.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Anyone have Knowledge/The Planes?"
<OOC> Raethon should. lemme check
GAME: Raethon rolls knowledge/The planes: (10)+14: 24
<OOC> Leonis says, "Nope!"
<OOC> Raethon says, "damn."
<OOC> Leonis says, "I meant I don't have that skill. XD"
<OOC> Raethon says, "well....can I yell something for Leonis to do, then drop something behind me?"
<OOC> Raethon imagines the thing is closer than 30 feet.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Rae, that will do nicely. It's a Barghest. It's got a little bit of resistance against non-magic physical attacks, and it can do nasty things like a blink dog."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 21.
     It is now Barghest's turn! Leonis is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's about 15 ft from you."

Rae says something particularly sharp in elven. "Leonis, put some distance between us and it." He then turns himself. "DO IT!"

The Barghest tilts its head upwards and howls, filling Raethon and Leonis with feelings of great despair!

<OOC> Raethon knows he jumped......
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Will saves, please!"
GAME: Raethon rolls will: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Leonis rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Jolly good, Raethon. Leonis, not so good."
<OOC> Raethon says, "can he still move?"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Well..... my dice are horrid."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "-2 on everything for the next 6 minutes"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's Crushing Despair, so negated by Good Hope, maybe Rae has that."
<OOC> Raethon says, "Nope."
<OOC> Raethon says, "Wizard, not bard."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh! I assumed GH would be a wizard spell too, like CD is."

After howling, the barghest bounds across the room and crouches in the shallow pit, from where he is slightly covered.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 16.
     It is now Leonis' turn! Raethon is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Leonis ended.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're up, Leonis!"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Oh, I am going to get the hell back, and drop my mace. And draw my crossbow. Dropping is a free action, drawing is my standard and I am backing off as with that horrible howl I am not going in to melee."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "If your BAB is +1 or greater you can draw as part of a move action, so you can still shoot if you like."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Oh, I will. I'll shoot with the -1. Is Cat's Grace still in effect?"
<OOC> Leonis says, "-2 whoops."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Let's say it is."
<OOC> Raethon says, "add haste too then."
<OOC> Iadoth nodnods.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "... not that that's much use on this occasion."
<OOC> Raethon says, "it is."
<OOC> Raethon says, "it sorta nullifies creeping doom. :D"
<OOC> Raethon says, "sorta"
GAME: Leonis rolls weapon3-2+2+1: (6)+4+-2+2+1: 11
<OOC> Leonis laughs. XD
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, despite that, it's not quite good enough :)"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round One - Init 12.
     It is now Raethon's turn! Barghest is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Raethon ended.
<OOC> Raethon says, "well....yeah."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go on then Rae, do your worst."
<OOC> Raethon says, "How close is it?"
<OOC> Raethon says, "meh. I can adjust the blast to where it doesn't hit me, I think."

Leonis is startled, that fear, the feeling that washes over his body. He is trained enough not to fully panic, but his weapon is dropped as he staggers back. His light crossbow is drawn, but even though he was able to get off a shot, his hands were shaking a bit too badly to hit their mark.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're at the doorway, it's about 25 ft. away including diagonals."
<OOC> Raethon says, "I'm getting back too...and using a charge from my necklace of fireballs."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay!"
GAME: Raethon used a Necklace of Fireballs I.
GAME: Raethon rolls 3d6: (9): 9
GAME: Iadoth rolls 6d10+12: (26)+12: 38
<OOC> Raethon says, "the heck?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay! 29 hp left on the Barghest."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I was just rolling its HD."
<OOC> Raethon says, "oh okie."
     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 21.
     It is now Barghest's turn! Leonis is next!

Rae turns to run as well, but something jingles on his neck that catches his attention. "Huh. I forgot I had this." He says sliding to a stop, turning and hucking a gold ball at the hiding place of the barghest. *BOOM* "Teach me not to forget stuff."

Yelping from the firey explosion, the barghest nonetheless stands its ground, and leaps forward, charging towards the offending abjruer!

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+10+2: (18)+10+2: 30
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+10+2: (5)+10+2: 17

One set of weird hand-like appendages tears through Raethon's mystical armour.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d4+4: (4)+4: 8
GAME: You damaged Raethon for 8 points. 28 remaining.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 16.
     It is now Leonis' turn! Raethon is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Leonis. Now the wolf is right next to both you and Raethon."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Ear-Piercing Scream..."
<OOC> Iadoth oyikes
GAME: Leonis casts Ear-Piercing Scream. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
<OOC> Leonis says, "It's a fort save. :/"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Halves."
<OOC> Leonis says, "No daze, and half damage. So sad."
GAME: Leonis rolls 1d8: (3): 3
<OOC> Iadoth says, "28 hp left on that, then :)"
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 12.
     It is now Raethon's turn! Barghest is next!
<OOC> Raethon says, "5' step back....toss another golden fireball"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're a little short on space, you'll have to go out into the corridor. You might also catch Leonis in the blast?"

Leonis lets loose a divine spell of... screaming loudly. It's only heard by his target, and though it didn't have the desired effect, it at least does something.

<OOC> Raethon can't toss it far enough away to get just the barghest in it?
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yeah, you can do that. Hadn't thought of that."
<OOC> Raethon nods.
GAME: Raethon used a Necklace of Fireballs I.
GAME: Raethon rolls 3d6: (9): 9
<OOC> Raethon is seeing a pattern.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "19 hp left, then."

Rae jumps at the swipe to his leg, but he still manages to step back a few steps.....and toss another golden ball...but far behind the barghest. it explodes, but falls short of hitting Leonis or himself. "Keep yourself back Leonis."

The barghest yelps, patting its flank with its shabby tail. It's a horrible creature. Frantically it tries to scratch and bite Raethon again.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+10: (13)+10: 23
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+10: (17)+10: 27
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+10: (20)+10: 30
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d4+4: (1)+4: 5
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d4+4: (3)+4: 7
GAME: You damaged Raethon for 17 points. 11 remaining.
<OOC> Raethon says, "ow"
     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 21.
     It is now Barghest's turn! Leonis is next!
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 16.
     It is now Leonis' turn! Raethon is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "How'd'ya like them apples?"
<OOC> Leonis says, "I am going to back off next to Rae, and use cure light wounds...."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
GAME: Leonis casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
GAME: Leonis rolls 1d8+2: (8)+2: 10
<OOC> Iadoth says, "On who?"
<OOC> Leonis says, "Rae."
GAME: You damaged Raethon for -10 points. 21 remaining.
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 12.
     It is now Raethon's turn! Barghest is next!
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Lovely!"
<OOC> Raethon says, "5' step back and use my bonded item ability to use lightning bolt."
<OOC> Iadoth carp.

Leonis backs off as Rae does, seeing the wounds and immediately moving to aid the hurt spellcaster. "Eluna, grant me the strength to help us pull through." he mumbles as the extended hand to imbue his teammate with healing light.

GAME: Raethon rolls 6d6: (23): 23
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What's the save DC?"
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+7: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Iadoth Never mind!
<OOC> Raethon doesn't think it matters. XD
<OOC> Iadoth says, "That's it then, the Barghest be dead."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Shoulda used Blink."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, pose that one then, Rae."

Rae winces at the different sorts of pain bearing down on his leg. Ow ow. "I will never make fun of the fighters again. not that I did in the first place." he says as he stumbles back. "Ow. I hope this works or this is really gonna sting." he then points the staff at the Barghest. 'HAVOK!" he yells, and the orb glows in the dragon's claw, and the lightning bolt lets out a ear shattering BOOM, which blasts the barghest back into the room it came from. "And they that." He then looks down again. 'ow."

<OOC> Iadoth says, "They have really good SLAs, do Barghests. I just didn't get the opportunity to use them."
<OOC> Raethon says, "it'd have been different if we had a decent sized party. but with just Leonis and me.....and me screwing the difficulty...."

Leonis nods, his magic expended and the weight of the battle and those effects still linger for a time. "This is rough going. I think it's time we withdrew. A lot about this place is bothering me." he admits, looking then to Rae and staring for a second. "I am not one to normally pick at things, but you have the same aura as that creature." not mentioning if that bothers him. "Anyways... let's see if we can find anything in the room here, and then get out."

<OOC> Leonis says, "I don't really think you threw off that fight too badly. It was still hard fought."
<OOC> Leonis says, "Amusing."

The room has a bone door, leading west, and a locked iron door at the northeast end of the room. And the locked stone door back out again. You can't see anything in the room here, apart from a slightly cooked barghest and some discarded rations. Not very appealing.

Raethon says, "yeah. Let's get out of here. That was a little too close for comfort." he says looking at his leg. "What do you mean I have the same aura?""

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, it used 'Misdirection' against 'Detect Evil', effectively mimicking your aura."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Not that Leonis would know that."

Leonis raises a finger to motion to his eyes. "I can see where a creatures heart aligns. You two share the same kind of aura." he says with a smirk. "It's given me a bit to think on." he laughs, tapping the cooked beast with his boot. "It's hard to imagine, so I can't be sure if what I saw was real. You don't seem the flesh eating monster kind of guy."

"Nope. I prefer to cook my flesh first. you know....after it's been killed." Rae then looks to Leonis. "and humans are a bit too salty for my taste. Just...blech." he then chuckles. "No. I don't eat most sentient beings."

<OOC> Iadoth laughs! "Most."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "We've come to the end of our allotted two encounters. Didja have fun?"
<OOC> Raethon says, "you freak me out Iadoth. XD"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Wat?"
<OOC> Raethon says, "More 'worry for my character' though."

"I figured. Let us withdraw then. I can't push much further and guarantee success." moving back to the doors they came through with their diminutive force. "We did good work, and we will see this done." he assures, his mace picked up on the way out. "You were a great help to me spellslinger. I'm Leonis. I am sorry if I missed you giving your name."

<OOC> Leonis is amused, greatly.
<OOC> Raethon is too.
<OOC> Raethon says, "Rae as a tank. never thought I'd see it."
<OOC> Leonis says, "He did good! He even survived!"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "4-level discrepancy at low level is... pretty killer."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I guess that's why Tier 1 works better as 2-5."

"Raethon. And I'm an Abjurer." he then looks back as they leave the cave. "Good thing I remembered the necklace I had on. That could've gotten ugly." he then taps his head. " the way. Maybe you can put these potions to better use." he says as he picks out one red and one blue potion." the red potion is haste. you felt that spell earlier. The blue is invisibility."

<OOC> Raethon says, "well...not really."
<OOC> Raethon says, "saves are a little higher, sure. but Sorcerers get access to level 3 spells at 6 and Wizards are only getting more level 3 spells."

Leonis raises a brow, his eyes moving to the potions. "I appreciate it, but I don't want to take things you might need to use yourself. I would feel bad leaving you without such tools." he admits, his lips pursing in thought.

The adventurers retrace their steps to the beginning of the dark temple, glad to be out in the cold Vastian air. It's chilly, that's for sure. They should probably report back to the Guild, let them know about this place. Maybe a full party can come back and flush this place out, make the area safe again. Probably.

<OOC> Leonis says, "Probably... maybe... someday."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Only probably."
<OOC> Leonis laughs.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Thanks guys. I'll post the log tomorrow. Probably."

Raethon waves it away. "Take them, use them. I have the spells for both."

Leonis nods, accepting the gifts. "I will remember this exchange, Master Raethon. I make sure to repay my dues."

<OOC> Leonis says, "Was a lot of fun. Thank you."
<OOC> Raethon says, "hee"
<OOC> Raethon says, "lots of fun, yes."
<OOC> Iadoth laughs. "You're welcome. See you soon, guys."
Raethon has left.
Leonis has left.
GAME: Iadoth removes the timestop.
Timestop by Iadoth has left.
GAME: You remove the timestop.