The Cat's Meow

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Log Info

  • Title: The Cat's Meow
  • GM: Ravenstongue
  • Place: Lusi's Fine Cattery - Greater Alexandros
  • Summary: Lusi Prisencolinen, owner and operator of Lusi's Fine Cattery, has requested some adventurers to clear out the beasts that keep trying to attack her Cattery after she's moved back into it. The adventurers Carver, Crik, Crius, and Sable respond to the call, and the group set a trap as they lie in wait for the creatures to attack. Turns out: it's gnolls! The gnolls are defeated, and two members of the mercenary party bravely sacrifice kitten-cuddle time to hunt down one that got away.

Lusi's Fine Cattery, owned and operated by a gnomish woman by the name of Lusi Prisencolinen, is located at an address that is about an hour outside of Alexandria on horseback.

Which is to say that it's been obviously chewed on and ransacked by all manner of critters in the time that has passed since the evacuation orders went out and the undead swept the countryside. However, the little gnomish lady is quite chipper about it all as she greets all of you in front of Lusi's Fine Cattery, a very fluffy and content-looking longhaired white cat in her arms. "Well, I had some help come by yesterday and fix the windows and patch up the roof," she says, "but there's these awful /beasts/ that I keep hearing in the countryside at night. I've been able to use my collection of various 'firecracker' wands to scare them all off, but I can't keep doing it forever, and the firecrackers stress out all of my precious babies."

She sighs, her brick-red hair in a bun bobbing as she throws her head back. "That's why you're all here. If you linger here long enough, you'll run into the disgusting creatures that want to break into my home and eat all of my babies. And me, the foremost expert on the Rosalian longhair cat!"

That's right. The Guild contract did mention something about Lusi being a cat expert in addition to the pay--

"And once you're done, you can come in and play with the kittens." She knows how to sweeten the deal.

Sable laughs a little, just what a knight of peace really needs to be doing, playing with kittens. The long haired dwarven lady looks about to see whom else had showed up to help with this problem. "I am a guide - I can help get us around.. what about the rest of you?"

Carver's face is once more painted up, a splash of midnight across the nose and eyes ringed with charcoal like a mad raccoon. She smiles, charmed for the second time in as many weeks by a tiny animal-loving gnome, before looking over to Sable. "Ah, well. I knows my way aroun' the wilds an' animals. Got my bow wit' me an everytin'." In her heavy furs and leathers, she's the sterotype of any classic hunter or gatherer spread world wide. "Guess firs' step is to identify, track, and then displace the beas'. Unless forced to put them down." She clearly hopes that innit the case judging by her expression.

It was a good question what Crik was doing there. Since the journey from the Guild, he just appeared and followed the rest of the team along. With light hopping motions. The corvid looking egalrin was currently peeking around Carver's shoulder, beak twisting this way and that. A dark and looming voice asks, "Do they like _dark_ feathers?"

A long stare. "The creatures." He soon corrects himself, then tilts his head to stare at the fluffy cat instead.

Arriving along with the others of the Adventurer's Guild, Crius is dressed in all black, gray, and dark blues. The mul is dressed for camouflage and hiding, making sure his masterwork chainmail is properly padded and tied as he listens to the mission brief from Lusi.

About his person there are stashed a number of knives and daggers with two short swords at his hips and a bow and quiver on his back. "I'm good close or far in a fight. Better at flanking and striking from stealth but I think we can work well as a team here." Looking to each of the others he then asks Lusi, "Should we wait for them to come or do you know where they come from? So we can go out and strike before they head over?"

"They consistently come here every night, but I've never been able to get a good look at them," Lusi explains. "If you wait long enough, I'm sure they'll try and attack the house again."

The cat in Lusi's arms stares at Crik with glassy green eyes. She--or he--blinks slowly. And then purrs. In this moment, the cat is tranquil, serene, and unbothered.

Lusi looks down at her cat. "Lulubelle Regency Strawberry Glorymittens, you never purr for just anyone," she says, before offering the whole ragtag group a grin. "I think that means she's confident in your success. Now...."

She points off into the distance. Around the house that serves as Lusi's cattery is an obviously ruined fence, with bits of broken tree branches, logs, and stacks of bricks strewn about the place. "They tend to come from that direction," she says. "My guess is wherever they're hiding out is somewhere out there, but that field would make for an easier fight than if you were to go and search for them. I mean, look at all the junk out there. They'd have a hard time getting to you."

Then Lusi sighs, patting the prodigiously-named cat in her arms. "I was in the process of having a fence put up when the evacuation order came up, you see, and I haven't had anyone come to clean it up yet. Not that I expect you to. I ordered adventurers, not handymen!"

Sable calls her mount to come beside her, for those who have never seen a baby giant mantis it might be a fright, the bug is actually larger then the dwarf herself and still a young one. It clicks its mandibles in an eerie way, click.... click... click... Sable looks to Crik and the others as a tactician, she is able to help the others get into position before she herself finds a place to stand.

Crik looks at the Glowingmittens Waytoo Longname, before he hops off along the field. His cloak with the geometric shapes flutters as the corvid fellow makes long strides - and occasionally hops, before disappearing from sight somewhere into the field.

"Pull the creatures away from here." A voice calls out from the field after a pause. "... and no bugs." Crik adds, followed by some quiet cawing.

Carver throws her quiver up before her, then pretty agile despite her lanky height, scrambles up them as well. She only gives a wary look in passing at the strange mount, seeing that it responds to the dwarf knight's commands; like any trusty steed would. "Ah, well... I think me an' Sable are the most obvious so I'm hoping that'll be enough for you two sneaks to be sneakin'. Havin' said that, I'm stickin' to my bow. Much better with't than my handaxe." She pats the trusty hatchet, hoping she wouldn't need her sidearm before reaching to string her bow.

"I'm Carver by the way, ya lot. Nice t'meetcha."

Crius draws his twin short swords and gives each a testing swing before twirling through a few motions with them to limber up a bit. Nodding his head he replies to the group, "I think that works best. We hide on either side, the creatures are drawn to Sable and Carver, we move in behind and circle them to finish them off." Smiling in approval the mul slips away to take up position hiding near a pile of stone and debris.

The positions are set. The 'trap' is laid. The noble knight and her mantis are afield, and the archer above the bricks--well, that's a sight that can't be missed. And of course, Lusi is back inside Lusi's Fine Cattery, with Lulubelle taking up residence in a window that overlooks your battlefield. It seems you have a spectator. Or a judge. No, wait, she's purred herself into a nice, long catnap.

The hours churn by. Your group arrived here mid-afternoon, and now it's sunset. Thankfully, however, it seems that you will not have to wait for night to fall, as you hear hyena-like laughter coming--

And then they arrive. Three humanoid creatures, resembling hyenas but walking upright, leap over the fences. They gnash their teeth and growl.

<OOC> Crik says, "I'm going to sneaky hop over 9,5. And then uh, stare murder. ._."
GAME: Crik rolls stealth: (10)+10: 20
<OOC> Crik says, "I think Stealthy gives +2 on that?"
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Ok! Let me roll perception for these gnollies."
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+2: (14)+2: 16
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+2: (12)+2: 14
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+2: (7)+2: 9

Crik was very patient sitting still. And staring at a spot for good long hours at a time. His beak occasionally opens and he twists his head this way and that - but he was very still and quiet. Up until the gnoll creatures appear - then the corvid just hops along the field as if nothing's business. Then he walks with the wind - wings spread. Hopping over behind debris, he lays low and stares at the gnolls rush in.

Two of the gnolls charge in, growling and gnashing their teeth. One makes it up to the knight Sable and her mantis friend, and the other makes it up to the brick wall.

GAME: Sable rolls weapon1-4+5: (17)+4+-4+5: 22
GAME: Sable rolls damage1: aliased to 1d8+0: (4)+0: 4
GAME: Sable rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22

Sable aims at the gnoll infront of her and shoots her gun, causing it to step backwards, she uses her move action to give combat advice to Carver "shoot it!" well thats good enough advice. The knight seems to have some power to her words however "you know how." great advice Sable. Well weither it is good advice or not her words do aid her.

GAME: Crius rolls 1d20+1+4+2-1-2: (16)+1+4+2+-1+-2: 20
GAME: Crius rolls 1d20+1+4+2-1-2: (20)+1+4+2+-1+-2: 24
GAME: Crius rolls 2d6+1: (10)+1: 11
GAME: Crius rolls 2d6: (6): 6

Crius lays in wait for the creatures to move in and once combat begins he acts. Stealthy without trying the mul moves into position as the gnoll makes it to the brick wall Carver is positioned on. Before the creature can act the elf strikes from behind with a vicious barrage of sword slashes and stabs that take it down quickly.

Whipping his blades out to the side the gnolls plod fans out on the ground before him as he looks to the next, waiting for the time to strike.

GAME: Carver rolls ranged+4: (5)+7+4: 16
GAME: Carver rolls ranged+4: (17)+7+4: 28
GAME: Carver rolls 1d8+4: (1)+4: 5
GAME: Carver rolls 1d8+4: (1)+4: 5

Carver is cool, composed, hair streaming back in the evening breeze as she stands tall and proud on her throne of want. Which, frankly, is just a bunch of crumpled bricks that slightly elevate her for a better view. A better view to SHOOT YOU WITH.

Her shots are true, though not precisely in the vital areas she wanted, and not enough to kill the farthest gnoll. Just enough to put it into a frenzy perhaps. She spats out a curse, breaking some of the allure of her posing. "Righ' furry bastard, cackle at tha'!"

GAME: Crik rolls weapon2+5: (13)+5+5: 23
GAME: Crik rolls damage2: aliased to 1d4+0: (3)+0: 3

Crik moved up a touch, but the gnolls just rushed past him. Promptly cleaved down, as well. So the corvid tilts his head up, down, sideways, before hopping closer. Seeing the badly wounded gnoll still struggling, he quietly pulls out a hand crossbow and lets go a 'thwip'. Thwip of a bolt. Not deadly, but now the gnoll has a bolt to go with his worries.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+3: (10)+3: 13

The grievously injured gnoll from Carver's strikes runs away to live another day, whimpering. Meanwhile, the other gnoll remaining on the battlefield tries to poke at Sable with its spear.


The gnoll stares in wild bewilderment at his spear and then at Sable. And then at the mantis. Uh-oh.

GAME: Sable rolls weapon1-4+5: (18)+4+-4+5: 23
GAME: Sable rolls damage1: aliased to 1d8+0: (1)+0: 1
GAME: Sable rolls 1d20+3+3: (14)+3+3: 20
GAME: Sable rolls 1d20+3+3: (17)+3+3: 23
GAME: Sable rolls 1d6+3: (1)+3: 4
GAME: Sable rolls 1d6+3: (3)+3: 6

Sable aims and shoots the gnoll thats on its back. It groans slightly, but its not the firearm that did the cavellier any good, it was her mount, who like any good mindless bug chomps at its victim. chomp, after bloody chomp. Mantis food.

Sable pats the mantis on its head "good boy." she says to it before she looks about "is everyone alright?" asks the young knight.

Crius looks around with his swords at the ready but finds they've killed or scared off the creatures. Nodding he leans down to clean his blades on the fur of the downed creature before him. "We could chase down that one that got away. Track it. I'm guessing it's bleeding from the arrows and the attack from Crik. Make sure it can't come back to bother this place."

Checking his blades he slips them away then waits for the group to gather back up, checking over the corpses to see if they hold anything of value.

"I am well." Carver says with a faint smile, sliding down from her elevated position. She reaches to a small knife on her belt, and drives the sharp point into the throat of each to make certain that they are not playing at death or simply unconscious. An adventurer's lifestyle can make you both cynical and cruel. "We shoul' probably hunt it down but at leas' one should stay behind. To keep an eye on the little sweet old lady and her kittens."

Crik also hops over the corpses. Carefully, he leans down with his feet and prods at them. Then leans down to pull at their belongings. "Hmm. Canines and felines. Odd intruders." The corvid tilts his head this way and that.

Wings spread wide open and he flexes them outwards a moment, before they flatten back down. "... good hunt." There's a weird clicking sound, before he gets back on his feet again. "I can stay behind." A moment's pause, then he looks at the gnoll corpses. "... with the kittens."

Sable mmms a little and she licks her lips "if you would like, I doubt its coming back anytime soon".. she says. Her eyes look to Crius "his blades need some blood at least." she says nodding her head to the corvid. "I do not think I am needed either." she looks to the bird "no eatting my bug."

Carver's sharp look suggest a rousing game of rock, paper, scissors is coming cause SHE wanted to stay with the kittens.

Lusi steps outside of the house as the metaphorical dust settles, holding...

Oh no. That's an awful lot of mewing kittens in that basket. They're in all sorts of colors, and their long hair is adorably fluffy on them.

"Thank you all for your hard work! Now come on over for some precious babies who REALLY want to meet you!"

She puts the basket down... And the kittens climb out. The true menace is upon the group of adventurers: ten fluffy kittens who really, really, /really/ love you.

Sheathing both of his swords once they are cleaned, the mul pulls his bow from where it rests on his back and quickly strings it. Crius knocks an arrow then grins as he adds, "I'll run it down and make sure it's dead. I'll meet back up here with the group." Nodding to Carver at the offer to join him the pair make off at a jog to follow the trail of blood and other clues the gnoll left behind to make sure it won't bother the kittens or Lusi anymore.

Carver's face is set in a mask of a hunter; cold, primal, angry. "Stupid ass hyena-head making me kiss Kitten kisses. Let's get this over with quickly." Her knife, still wet with blood, gleams cruelly in the moonlight. Tonight... the hunters become the hunted.


<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Map: Raven icon is Crik, Knight icon is Sable, Archer icon is Carver, Elf icon is Crius. I can position you anywhere on this map at your request or switch out your icon to something else if you'd prefer."