The Brothers Irla

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It's an unusual request. The people who are hiring you have requested to meet in person before you perform their job, and will only divulge the details of the mission once you are before them. So you make your way to the small cabin in the woods that the two men call home. It doesn't seem terribly welcoming from the outside. Looking more like a shack than anything, but inside it's cozy. The two men stand against one wall, looking uncomfortable with you being in their home, the door to the one other room in this small cabin closed. You've be welcomed to take seats.

"You see, we were hired to guard an item, but a group of adventurers stole it from us." The man looks upset as he begins to explain the situation. "They wouldn't listen when we said it was ours but instead ran off with it. So we wanted to meet you and make sure that you'll actually bring it back if you find it."

"Which isn't to say that we don't trust you." The second man waves a hand and tries to soothe the other man at the same time. "It's just... We need to be sure that we /can/ trust you."

"Wouldn't be in this fix if you hadn't had that good old rub against tha south wall." The speaker, a khazadi of medium stature, stumps alongside a miniature bulette. The stonebeast warbles, rumbles her direction.

Actual words? Miniature earthquake? Inconveniently rolled marbles?

"Yeah, yeah. Say that ta sommat who cares. Could be eatin' calzones. You know that," she snarks. Then, slams the door in the creature's face, and stumps over to the...

She looks at the proffered hand, then at the man moving his yapper. "Depends on why they stole it, I guess. Can ya explain it in ten words or fewer?"

Klaus nods gravely, and wonders, "Those who stole it still have it, then? Or they gave it to someone?" And then he wonders, "What exactly is it we're looking for?

Shin shakes his head, "Ah, while I can understand your distrust, there surely had to be a good reason. Plus, we can report this to the Guild once we get back as well if you will give us their names?" Shin is trying to be the diplomatic one here. Yep. Really hard. His tigress companion is seated by his side, too, and the Xian human looks to be at least trying to make sure there's no bad blood or blows to be had at the moment. "If you do not mind as well, can you explain the events as well as the theft of what you would like returned?"

GAME: Shin rolls Diplomacy: (20)+11: 31

The two seem hesitant at first, but Shin's gentle insistance seems to reassure them. "We were camping out in the mountains when we were beset by a group of adventurers intent on taking it from us. It's a flail. A magical flail." The first man shakes his head, he's clearly the more upset of the two. "We've been guarding that flail for... a very long time and they just... STOLE it. Attacked us and took it!"

The second man lays a hand on the other's shoulder and nods sadly. "They didn't stop to give their names, save one who called himself Victor. The rest we don't know. But we assume that they took the flail back to your adventurer's guild. If you can track down what happened to it from there, we're willing to pay to get it back again."

"Well, adventurer's are usually tha hotheaded sort. I figure they thought they had a reason for it. Right, wrong, they had a reason. We go after it--then we've got hotheads on our tail." Khogh invites herself to a seat, and props a boot up. One dainty ankle over the other.

"I mean--if they took it to tha Guild. Well, you want us ta intercede with ya there? Sila here can use words," Khogh says. She gestures vaguely towards Shin's direction.

GAME: Shin rolls Sense Motive: (20)+0: 20

Klaus looks worried about going up against guild adventurers, but says, "If you fellows have a case against the guild, we'll absolutely help you out. But we'll need more to go on than your testimony, I'm afraid. It may be as simple as saying so in front of a priest, but I don't know how it's done in Alexandria. There are spells to reveal the truth in words."

Shin seems to consider, "If you will lead us to where the theft took place, I would like to look for more evidence." He says simply, shrugging. "I... am shocked, really, that Victor would do such a thing. I have heard good things about him. Perhaps there is some reason behind this madness, or the weapon is cursed or the like. Or he is. I do not know, but for now... can you take us to the site of the theft so that we may gather evidence if there is any to be had?"

"Huh," the khazadi says. She looks narrow-eyed at Shin, and then at Klaus. She recrosses her boots, then, and leans back in the chair. "Don't look at me. I ain't no sil to have pretty words. We khazadi just hit stuff, amiright?" she says, with a small quirk at a smile.

"The weapon isn't cursed!" The first of the brothers looks shocked at the suggestion, and he shakes his head. "We don't really want to go into Alexandria you see, that's why we had you meet us here. We don't really trust that some adventurer won't attack us again." He looks at his brother and the larger of the two very large men looks at you contritely.

"We're not really equipped to go back out into the mountains either, but we can give you this map of where we were." He pulls a map out of his pocket and sets it on the table in front of him.

"Victor is a common enough name, I might point out," Says the quiet half-elf in the corner. How long has she been lurking? Does it matter? Davienne is a lurker and only comments when it seems prudent. Like now. "A map will help. I can certainly help find the place with a few landmarks," She adds with a nod to the pair. She leans against the wall with her arms crossed, expression serious and mis-matched eyes watching the two forlorn folk.

Klaus shrugs to Khogh, he's just here for hitting things, also. "I'm just a soldier, myself. Justice is what you get at the end of a sword, in my experience, but they've made a claim, so we should investigate it. If nothing else, we can go back to the Guild and file their claim." He will look over the map, but he wonders, "I'm not sure how much seeing the area will tell us. We know where the thing was taken, why do we not go straight there?"

"...with all the...are you two...?" the khazadi asks, and wraggles a finger between the two 'brothers.' "The whole kinship thing isn't a coverup thing, is it? I mean, Alexandria's supposed ta be a welcomin' city." And Khogh gets up and stands. Pushes the chair back. "Because there's a lot ta be learned from, seein' where a thing came from. Girl there's got a point. We throw ourselves inta this squabble; may as well have our footin'."

Shin shakes his head, "Nah, let us see this map, please. And show us where you will be staying. That way we can come find you once we need to return the flail or otherwise." He considers, then adds, "Your names as well, please? Real ones, not made up ones. If you falsify reports to the Guild, it may make it a lot worse for you."

The first of the brother's looks at the khazadi like she has two heads and the other laughs shortly. "We really are brothers. I'm Kardun Irla, and this is my brother Mordek Irla. And really we haven't found Alexandria to be all that welcoming, so we will be staying here." His dark eyes glimmer unhappily, and his brother pats his shoulder again comfortingly. They do look remarkably alike. Both being massive men who look to be of giant descent with red hair, black eyes, and tanned skin.

With that said, the majority of you have made your choice and it's to head off into the wilderness to find the location where the adventurers attacked the brothers. They wish you a somewhat reserved farewell and you make your trip to the mountains. It's a long trip and once you're into the mountains considering the time of year it becomes a treacherous journey. Thankfully you have the map, and it's given you excellent directions to a set of ruins out here where you can take shelter from the elements. This ruin seems to be the location that you're looking for as well since it does have an 'x' marked in the center of it.

GAME: Khogh-Dorahl rolls survival: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Klaus rolls survival: (19)+6: 25
GAME: Davienne rolls survival: (4)+7: 11
GAME: Shin rolls Survival: (11)+0: 11
GAME: Shin rolls 1d20+2: (12)+2: 14

The two 'brothers' get another look as they head out. A LOOK, because clearly, something just don't seem to add up in some way, to Khogh. She's still got that scowl in place (did it ever leave?) as they mount up--or take to boots.

She swings up onto the stonebeast's back, and slowly, inexorably, it swings around. And...


Really, it plods. In a vaguely forward direction. Plod. Plod plod. Thud.


Davienne asks a quiet question before they depart. Nodding her head with a 'thought so' sort of expression. As they head out she rides her horse till they get closer. Once the ruins come in sight she dismounts and lets the animal follow her. Her own expression isn't so much a scowl as 'resting bitch face' as her eyes sweep the stones for signs of the scuffle. "Be wary of snakes," She tells her companions, her voice low.

Klaus plods up into the mountains with the others, in search of this location, and he's watching the trail, but also remaining alert. He's from a pretty wild area, and when he spots the indications, he calls to the others, "Stay sharp, something's following us. I think it's a snow leopard." He will allow himself to fall back to a rearguard position in the party, clutching his long polearm warily.

Shin looks thoughtful on the walk/ride there. Mirai keeps up. Then he comments to the others a bit quietly, "They were hiding something. It was... off the way they were telling somehow. I hope this gives more clues as to what is going on." After getting there, he dismounts the horse and begins to walk around, looking carefully.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+12: (7)+12: 19
GAME: Shin rolls Perception: (1)+0: 1 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Davienne rolls perception: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Klaus rolls perception: (6)+1: 7
GAME: Shin rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22

"...damn snakes," Khogh says, when Davienne speaks up. The khazadi looks at the ground.

"Whelp. That settles th' whole debate I was havin' about gettin' down there and joining you-all." She kicks her feet back in the stirrups, and grasps a bow in hand. " no shit. Somethin' didn't seem right. An' if they weren't lovers, then their family life is as creepy as--"

Ahem. "Their family tree might could use a few more branches, all I'm sayin'."

GAME: Shin rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20
GAME: Shin rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4

While Shin is musing of the situation, Mirai suddenly turns and takes off at what might be a danger. /That/ has Shin's attention pretty quick as the tiger gives a roar before swiping at the snow leopard.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+7: (3)+7: 10
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d4+5: (2)+5: 7

The scuffle that ensues reveals the location of a massively sized snow leopard. The creature looks... haggard and thin. Like it hasn't been eating properly. Likely what had led it to attack such a large group in the first place. Now it's engaged with Mirari, and dealing a heavy blow to the feline that found it out.

GAME: Khogh-Dorahl rolls 1d20+9: (19)+9: 28
GAME: Khogh-Dorahl rolls 1d20+9: (14)+9: 23
GAME: Davienne rolls 1d100: (7): 7

" that just idn't right. Hey, cat." And the khazadi shoves the bow behind her. Rips out a spear, instead. As she does, she presses a leg against the stone beast's side. It rumbles rock-noises, and remaneuvers--to a smart flank across from Klaus.

Jab, snap--inbetween the emaciated legs, and then, twist. The poor leopard topples, tripped by a soldier's training. "I ain't proud of that. She don't look like she's eaten in a while. Anyone here able t'knock'er out? Girl's starvin' to death, or she wouldn't've chanced a group this big."

GAME: Shin rolls weapon7: (11)+8: 19
GAME: Shin rolls 2d6+8: (5)+8: 13

Shin advances quickly, sticking his glaive in the ground once he gets close to yank out his green steel greatsword. And swinging for a mighty, hard swing on the snow leopard itself that doesn't look nice when it hits at all. "Back off! Leave Mirai alone!" Yes, the human is yelling at a massive snow leopard.

GAME: Davienne rolls handle animal: (14)+6: 20

"A snow leopard?" That has Davienne's attention quickly. That has her turning on a heal. "That's unusual. They don't usually stalk such big prey or a big group," There is concern in her voice and now she is frowning. "It might be sick," She doesn't need to say the word Rabies or Lycanthropy. Hopefully.

Khogh is given the briefest of thoughtful looks as Davienne passes by. "Different regions families treat each other differently," She quips with a shrug of shoulders. But her attention is focused towards where Shin indicated and she reluctantly draws her own bow.

"Fuck," It isn't said with any urgency as the cat leaps out. More like she stepped in cat puke than has one leaping at the party. With reluctance she fires near to one paw in an attempt to scare off the creature. "SHOO! GO!" And she advances and flares out her cloak to make herself seem bigger and scarier.

Weakly the snow leopard gets to its feet, clearly cowed by the attacks and the big scary thing in its face. It twists and turns tail, running away as quickly as its feet can carry it in the other direction.

GAME: Shin rolls Perception: (9)+0: 9
GAME: Khogh-Dorahl rolls perception: (19)+9: 28
GAME: Shin rolls 1d20+7: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Davienne rolls perception: (19)+9: 28
GAME: Klaus rolls perception: (1)+1: 2 (EPIC FAIL)

Shin, after all is said and done, waits to make sure the snow leopard is gone, moving a hand to Mirai to keep her still. Once he is sure the larger cat is gone, he sheathes the greatsword and moves to retrieve his glaive. He looks at Mirai's injury on the way, commenting to the others, "Does anyone have bandages or the like? Mirai is a bit hurt from that other cat."

Klaus will return to port arms and resume the trek we're trekking on, though he's mainly watching the direction the leopard scarpered off in, in case it tries to sneak back.

"Huh. Nice maneuver, there." Khogh shoves the spear back into place--and then goes to retriever her bow. "Real good call on tha' cape. But let's not talk about those two. I get ya, differences an' all that. But. Them's differences and there's actin' like two softbois out of th' Queen's damn romance novels."

Come to think of it, the khazadi Queen is somewhat infamous for holding Writer's Circles. Same with Myrddion, really.

Seems Khogh remembers that, too. Her features go ashen.

"Cuss it. After this, I'm buyin' us all drinks. Honor to tha' queen and all that." Then, "Yeah, I got it. Used ta be a vet before goin' into whatever."

Davienne watches the injured animal flee with worry on her face. "I'll need to track that one down and see if I can't help or end it's misery," She says sadly. For a minute she waits, watching where it has fled too, before turning to Shin. "Thank you," She says before turning back to the ruins themselves. "I doubt it'll be back." Then the tiger herself gets Davi's attention. "I got ya, girl," She says gently as she inspects the injury. "I don't have a healers kit with me though..." She glances at Khogh and nods her thanks. Letting the other take over as she moves away to start looking.

"Ah! Found the campsite..." Davi calls as she begins to move around an area that seems to have been inhabited for quite awhile. "Huh...weird."

"Well, you got smarted up, eh?" Khogh looks thoughtfully where Davienne points, and seems to nod. Then, if she receives notice from Shin that it's safe to approach, she crouches (being khazadi, she doesn't have far to crouch), and begins tending to the creature. It's...been a while.

So, she's a bit slow. Old skills, and all that. The stonebeast sits there, looking...well. Like a stonebeast. It could be asleep, for all anyone knows. The lids over the eyes drift shut, somewhat. Klaus is nearby, but it doesn't seem to see him.

Nodding at the help, Shin does his best to soothe his tigress as she lays there on the ground carefully. A small 'mreow' of slight pain is given now that the fight is over, too! Poor kitty? Shin sighs as he looks at Khogh, "Thank you..." He looks to Davienne, "Ah... that is one skill I've been meaning to pick up. To patch us both up." ‘ Klaus looks around, huhs? He missed something? "What's going on, exactly?" he wonders aloud, "we're looking for where the adventurers jumped the people that hired us, right?" He starts to peer around.

"It seems someone was living here. There was a scuffle...seems the story we got told holds up," Davienne says as she stands atop a fallen bit of wall, staring down at the camp. "I think we can probably track where the group went after the attack," She says before hopping down from her rock. Moving to begin trying to distinguish what remains of foot prints. Knowing how big the brothers should help differentiate between the attackers and them. She points to the ground where there are scuff marks as Klaus speaks up. "And we to find where our attackers went after."

There is unfortunately no way to track the adventurer's or even the brothers back down the mountain. Too much time has passed on a mountain seeing snow every day. Still, you /do/ have some idea where the adventurer's went. - The guild as the brother's suggested. You might even be able to find them elsewhere in Alexandria if you were to search for them.

"It ain't too hard." Khogh is paying way too much attention to the bandages though, for that to be completely true. Still, she seems a bit chuffed at the compliment.

"Somethin' like that," to Klaus. "And drinkin' after." Because it's not an adventure if it's not drinking.

"...huh," then, to Davienne. "You-all make some good points. Lemmie finish this up, and I'll take a look around. Unless one of you-all can sense evil, chaos, that kinda thing?"

GAME: Khogh-Dorahl rolls spellcraft: (9)+6: 15

The khazadi finishes up the bandage--then up, steps quickly away from the cat. Cats are kind of like that, you know. Unpredictable! So, she gets out of the way, and after a look at what the others are up to--has a look around.

Eventually... "Well, whatever it was, if there were traces, it wasn't strong enough t'linger this long. Or, wasn't here at all. There was some magic, but."

"None of this is helpful, I'm afraid. It's just t'old. I propose gettin' drunk."