That Wild way you Play

From Tenebrae
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The heat and humidity are slightly less out in the woods, protected by ancient trees and brush. In a clearing near a small tributary to the Tornmawr river, a small figure in a black dress moves slowly about. She appears to be collecting mushrooms, herbs and berries, and putting them inside a small, leather bag. Nearby, on the lower branches of a tree, a small Grey owl watches her. Occasionally, it offers a cheerful hoot, which she laughs at and nods to. "Yes, I saw that one. Yes you may go hunting." After a bit more hoots and whoooos, it flies off, presumably to hunt.

Through the heat of the day comes the sound of a violin in oddly beautiful discordance with the nature around them. This is not the sweetly soft music which might have fit in well with these surroundings, but rather something wild. It is a swaying, rocking tune that sounds like metal and something alien caught out here. In spite of the disharmony of it, it picks up the heart and carries it, making the forest seem more alive. This is fae music, the music of the Wild Hunt. Of combat in the wilds as only fae creatures know it. It comes through the trees, and is indeed played by a creature of the wilds - of a sort.

At first it looks like the green-haired Gnome wasn't sure if she heard something. She canted her head one way and then another. As it got closer, though, she began to look in earnest, moving to hide by the side of a large tree. She waits for the discordant player to make an appearance.

Enter the player does, but slowly, rockingly. The music proceeding every step. It is a beautiful Syldanyar with midnight blue hair shading to white at the ends wearing blue robes that are delicately embroidered. The player is as lovely as the music being played, and every step is a light dancing movement which complements the playing in a way that lets it known that this music has them totally embroiled. This is music pulled straight from the heart and let loose in the wilds where only nature - and those made lucky enough by chance - could hear.

The Gnome's eyebrows lift as the Elf makes his way into the little clearing she'd been gathering herms and such from. She remains silent, but watches with interest the procession of the player. The hair draws her eye the most, it being as odd a colour as hers for hair. The robes also draw her eye, her face growing thoughtful even as the music distracts her further from her original tasks.

The dawn elf, for clearly that is what this player is, paused here and plays, bending over the bow as the music grows quicker and more urgent. Calling for action. It was music for the imagination, bringing to mind dryads and other wildlings of the natural world dancing in quicker and quicker steps. The music rose in pitch and speed the player's eyes closed in intense concentration as the music reached its apex. Now rings could be seen on delicate pale fingers. Each the color of gunmetal as they flash over the bowstrings and smack the edges of the bow to create a tempo that could only have been done in such a fashion. So quick and light those fingers and then the music was winding down. Fading away and the elf seems to finally breathe as it comes to an end.

Xasany stands up straight and claps. "Bravo, bravo! Well played, well played!", she calls out. She keeps her distance but offers her brightest smile to the player. "That was enthralling. I forget what it was I was doing before you arrived."

The elf startles, one hand flying to the chest before dawn-colored eyes fall on Xasany. Then the player relaxes and bows, tucking the instrument away. "Thank you." Shizin's voice is just deep enough to offer up that he is male, which was much harder to determine given the loose robes and long hair.

"I do apologize for sneaking up on you, but I was gathering herbs here when you approached. I did not wish to interrupt, such was the nature of your playing." She reaches up to push her bangs out of her face, and chuckles. "Then you stopped and I was trapped. Any moment you would have turned around. So I said hello. My name's Xasany. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"I do apologize for sneaking up on you, but I was gathering herbs here when you approached. I did not wish to interrupt, such was the nature of your playing." She reaches up to push her bangs out of her face, and chuckles. "Then you stopped and I was trapped. Any moment you would have turned around. So I said hello. My name's Xasany. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Gently Xansay is offered a smile which forgives entirely and the elf bows once more, this time a little lower and almost apologetic. "I am Shizin." The dawn elf rises up again and meets Xansay's gaze steadily in spite of what seems to be embarrassment. "I apologize for interrupting."

"Goodness.", she says with a laugh, "You could interrupt my journey to my final rest with music like that. It made everything seem so alive, all around me. You do not need to apologize one bit, sir." She waves a hand as if to dismiss the very suggestion of such. "No, I will not accept your apology." Grinning, she gestures to him with a hand. "So are you out here to practice? Far from the distractions of your home or city?"

If anything the elf seems to grow more embarrassed a light blush rising up to color the blue tattoos on either cheek with a stain that turns them almost purple. "More, to play such music." Shizin glances down to both hands and folds them away as if they have done something that they should not. Yet there is hope in those dawn eyes when they rise to meet Xasany's gaze. "You really liked it?"

Xasany smiles still and nods her head in response. "Indeed, I did. I cannot make musical instruments make the sounds they were intended to make, so I very greatly appreciate someone who can do such things. My talents lie in witchery and pottery, but making music is much more grand a thing, I think."

Shizin smiles as well, the elf's growing on hers. Gracefully the violinist sits down and motions for Xasany to come closer.

"And speaking as one who has oddly colourful hair.", she says as she approaches when beckoned. "Yours is quite an intriguing colour. Now, I am not meaning any insult, it matters not... but, is your hair its real colour? I mean, if it is, that is very neat, if not... you've done a fantastic job with it."

Shizin lets out a little laugh that sounds like bells ringing in the forest and motions for Xasany to sit down. "I dye it." And what a feat that must be. Standing the hair falls all the way to the ground, and sitting it curls around Shizin's body like a familiar pet. The elf motions to the top of the head, and then to a point in the hair that was about a third from the bottom. "From here to here." Which meant that Shizin was naturally a platinum blonde.

Xasany slips out of her sandals, and settles down, pulling her feet in to sit cross-legged. "Hmm, that is one heck of a deeply coloured dye. Do you manage it yourself, or do you get help for that? It must get messy, yes? And so you're naturally that blonde colour at the tips?"

The elf smiles helplessly at all the questions and seems totally at a loss as how to answer. Finally Shizin shrugs. "I do it myself." One hand runs softly over a length of the pale hair that Xasany seems so interested in, and the elf offers it up. "Never dyed."

Xasany smiles and reaches out gently stroke the hair. "It's very soft. Softer than mine." She runs a hand through her hair to compare. "And I am awfully sorry for pestering you. We Gnomes do talk a lot."

For a moment Shizin is silent, considering the words spoken. The soft touch Xasany gives the elf's hair makes Shizin smile again however. "I do not mind." Smoothly the bard pulls a harp out and settles it somewhat between them, but a little closer to Xasany than to Shizin. "Here."

The Gnome considers the harp curiously, and leans in closer to inspect it. She reaches out her hand to gently run her fingers along the back of it, and then she does one, quick strum of the strings. "Did you make this yourself?", she wonders.

Shizin shakes dark midnight locks and watches Xasany touch the harp with the sort of respect that it deserved. It is clearly a masterly crafted harp. Something as lovely as the violin which Shizin had been playing before. "I only play." Shizin reaches out to take Xasany's hand and lead it back to the harp, to touch the strings gently. "So can you."

Xasany goes very still when her hand is taken and lead back to the strings. "But I don't know how.", she says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Will you show me, then?"

"Yes." Shizin helps Xasany touch the strings, plucking one with delicate fingers and leading the gnome to do the same. The elf leds the way, showing three notes and how they should be played with the patience of a saint and a sort of soft determination. "Good."

The Gnome is a quick learner, playing as shown after only a few demonstrations. "It is a ethereal sound, isn't it?"

Shizin nods, pleased and relaxed now with the music being played. While the gnome plucks the strings, Shizin strums part of the strings higher up, making the vibrations trill alongside those three notes. It is really music now, those soft plucked chords and the strumming. After a moment Shizin stops and smiles. "You can play." The dawn elf seems immensely pleased.

Xasany smiles brightly at the Elf and nods. "It appears I can. Though, it is a simple arrangement on my part. You, obviously, are doing most of the work." She continues to play, even if he stops, plucking the strings delicately. "What else would you show me?"

The dawn elf strums the strings again lightly, and shows how this is done. "You can play it." The whole song alone. Perhaps not as adeptly as Shizin, but it was a song nonetheless.

Xasany watches intently, the curiosity obvious in her eyes. And after a few tries, she manages to get the song down. Any mistakes get smoothed out in the next go around. The Gnome seems pleased as punch about this. "I would return the favour, though my art is a bit more physical. But I would show you the ways of pottery, if you were interested some day? You are good with your hands, so you should be quite adept at it."

"I would like that." The soft spoken Shizin may not say much, but the joy of Xasany's learning is clear in the features of the elf's face. And the offer only makes the smile grow. "Very much."

Xasany nods. "Some time, when you're in Alexandria, I can show you." She gestures to the harp. "What else would you show me? Now I am quite curious to learn. You have given me some confidence."

Shizin is happy to show more. Another song more complicated, this time quietly explaining the names of the notes one at a time. Shizin speaks of them as if they are children whom are dear. As if their names are sacred things passed just between the two of them in this quiet place. With dexterious quick fingers, it is not so hard, but it is a skill unknown. By the time this one is played Shizin seems totally relaxed at last, laughing gently at the learning of new things. "And you thought you could not."

Xasany proves to be a decent listener, and a good learner, generally not making the same mistake more than once. She seems to enjoy the closeness and feel of their time together, and smiles at him when he laughs. "I think that's the most you've said all at once.", she says quietly, and then shrugs. "I do not think I could have done so without your tutoring and willingness to be patient."

"I enjoyed teaching you." Shizin looks embarrassed though, her comment reminding the elf of something which is usually on the forefront of the mind. "Talking like this..." The elf motioned between them, their conversation right now. "Is difficult."

"Oh? I guess that you are a very private person? Not used to personal contact?" Xasany smiles gently. "That's alright. You've been a great teacher and a good conversationalist. You say little but much meaning is inferred in what you say." The Gnome nods. "I am happy to have been a good student. I enjoy learning new things, and having new experiences."

Not for the first time Shizin feels a longing to explain. A longing that fills those dawn-colored eyes but does nothing to lend itself to words. How does one explain such things? Shizin has never found a way. Xasany's not far off though, so Shizin lets it go with a smile only slightly pained by loneliness. "Thank you for learning."

Xasany giggles brightly and looks to the man. "You needn't thank me for learning, it is I who thanks you. So where are you from er... I am sorry, your name has slipped my mind. It is on the tip of my tongue." She sticks out her tongue, partly, "Theee?"

Shizin laughs again. "Shizin. I am from Llyranost." The well-known capital of the Llyranesi, the dawn elves such as Shizin was.

Xasany smiles, her efforts bearing fruit. "Shizin of Llyranost. Are you just visiting here, then? I would say that we are better for having heard your music."

Shizin nods and flushes, looking embarrassed all over again and at a loss for words. Finally Shizin does manage a few. "And you?"

Xasany hmms. "I am Xasany. I'm from a small, hidden Gnomish village in the vast." She smiles to him. "I do apologize if I've been making you feel uncomfortable."

"It is not you." Shizin tries to find some way to explain, not wanting to leave Xasany with that impression, but the words as always seem lacking. Finally the elf finds the words in another way, and sings in a surprising soprano.

"Now we've been talking for a while, 
And you got me, 
Trying to figure out, 
I don't know what to say to you..." 

Shizin hums a few bars. "I just can't find the words." Their gaze meets. "Woo, woo, I just can't find the words."

Xasany listens as he sings, and the words only sink in near the end. She blinks a few times and looks to him. "So you just have difficulty with casual conversation? Small talk?" The Gnome rubs her cheek. "I don't know, hmm, the weather seems to be a favoured topic of humans."

Shizin laughs gently. "Yes."

Xasany hmms and spends a few moments fussing with her hair, pulling a few leaves and bits out that had fallen into it during her time in the woods. "Well, there's nothing wrong with a little silence. We could sit together and enjoy it. Or like how you showed me how to play the harp, you could show me other things that are on your mind." The Gnome gestures to the woods, "We could also walk about the woods a little, too."

"You heard the violin?" Shizin reminds Xasany of the music that had in its way brought them together, then sighs and looks away at the woods. "That is on my mind."

Xasany moves to sit right beside the Elf, and leans against him slightly. "Playing it? Or the music you were making? You could play it a bit more, yes?"

They sit together for a moment comfortably, Shizin clearly thinking out a response. "I should never have played it." The words are soft, self-accusionatory.

“Why do you say this? It was very good music. You would easily hold people in rapture while you play that." The Gnome peers at the Elf. "Has something bad happened?"

"I wrote it." Shizin says this as if it is an answer, during their playing the tattoos on either hand had shown, but they disappeared now into the folds of Shizin's robes. Hiding away the hands that had wrought that beautiful music. "My people... they would not approve."

The Gnome ahs and nods. "Ah, right, so it's something that your people would not approve of. I can understand. It was very lovely, though. Perhaps you could teach me, some time, how to play it. Then your people could disapprove of me, instead of you."

Shizin smiles suddenly, looking down at Xasany. "I would not want them to."

Xasany grins at that. "Aw, that is nice of you. But... how will you deal with this? Keep playing in seclusion, at least, when you want to play that music?" She stretches out her bare legs, and wiggles her toes. "I don't know if that is a satisfactory answer either."

The dawn elf shrugs and looks off into the woods, still smiling softly. "No one minds it here." This then was true enough. There was rarely anyone around to mind it, and Xasany had not. "This is true!", she says happily. "And I enjoyed it very much. I would happily be an audience for that whenever you wished to play."

Gently Shizin touches the top of Xasany's head, stroking the gnome's hair in the same manner Xasany had Shizin's not so long ago. "One, is enough for me."
