Tense Introductions

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The fountain in the Temple Square is the site of many a rendezvous, and right now, despite the heat of the day, it's a busy place. Students and Temple folk of every description criss-cross the square. The one thing that one doesn't see is vendors, since the Temples provide most of what a vendor might offer here. Seldan has decided to sit perched on its edge, eyes closed amid the hubbub, apparently engaged in some sort of meditation.

Kaydin had gotten his gear back and he was walking along when he saw the vendors and everyone being busy! He goes to join the crowds when he finds Seldan and he decides to approach the man, reaching to pat him on the shoulder. "Hey you were the paladin who said Delilah was innocent!" He says with a friendly smile.

Isaac is not here to pray. Though he is a follower of the Gidael due to his status as a hunter, but the Tall Aesir warrior is dressed in nice armor (see desc) with two swords sheathed on his back and multiple other weapons. Armed to the teeth. He just finished putting his silver hair into a warrior's ponytail as he walks. While he's really just passing through, he looks over to Seldan and Kaydin after the latter identified him. Isaac doesn't speak, but he is intrigued at what the Paladin may say.

Mikilos wanders and mutters. He does that a lot, really. Usually with a book or two in front of his face. Really the deepest sort of magic, learning how to walk around reading a book without bumping into anything. Of course, remembring just where you're going is a whole other matter, and the wizard pauses in his travels, peering around vaguely to learn just where his feet have carried him this time.

Oh Gods, there's a Gobber in the square. What is she going to blow up! Who is she going to explode! What blasphemy is this! The blasphemer is Skribbles and those who are familiar with her know that she is a Forge of Reos and is...somewhat...safe to be around. She walks through the square with some books in her hand and she grins widely to those around her, showing off her lovely fangs and sharpy-like teeth. She spies a familiar face in Mikilos and walks over, "You alright?"

Seldan looks up after a moment, blinking owlishly as something pulls him out of his meditation. "Hm?" he says to Kaydin. "Oh, yes. How could I not? She had done no wrong, and the guard simply wished for someone to arrest. That is not justice, that is corruption. Yes, I feel much better, thank you," he adds, his gaze going to Erendriel. It's still a trifle unfocused, though, as if the yank from his meditations had been abrupt.

Kaydin smiles at the woman as she arrives to talk to Seldan. He then nods. "I agree it is corruption. I am unused to how things are done in the cities....my mother raised me in the wilderness and told me very little about people." He says as he looks around at all the people. "I am so unused to how loud cities are."

Being that it is a busy day, Karasu has opted to move slowly about the temple district. Many people are gathering here and there, forming groups to talk amid themselves. Others move onwards to various tasks. The moderately tall man makes his way toward the temple of Vardama, pausing now and again to observe the people about their business. The raven on his shoulder observes those that pass by Karasu with a keen eye that is perhaps too intelligent to be entirely comfortable. Then quite suddenly the bird takes off and begins to hover over the small group that is made up of Mikilos and Skribbles.

Karasu picks up his pace somewhat, moving toward them as the raven begins to descend. Even as the raven lands on the ground, hopping about as though it's found something interesting Karasu arrives as well. Up close he is clearly a man of Xian decent, his tilted eyes and dark hair marks him as such as much as his clothing does. As does the very polite bow which he gives to Skribbles and then Mikilos. "Wuya." This is not said toward either one of them, but to the raven with a slightly displeased tone. "If you please, pardon Wuya."

The raven ignores Karasu and hops belligerently toward Mikilos' foot.

Isaac seems to keep moving through the temple grounds, though he seems to almost run directly into Karasu. "Pardon." He says softly. Though he seems to now be making his way to Seldan. "Congratulations on your innocence."

Mikilos smiles vaguely, nodding to Skribbles. "Oh I'm fine. Just got caught up in my readings and lost track of where I'd walked off to." And then there's a bird. And a man, talking to the bird. This is by no means unusual by the elf's standards. Still smiling, he nods politely to each. "Hello. May I be of assistance?" Addressing the raven as much as the man.

Skribbles laughs and nods her head, "I understand the feeling." Being all of 3 feet, she's looking up at Mikilos and this causes her to spy the bird. Oh, if it poops on her..she's going to be eating bird for dinner. It lands, however, and starts heading towards Mikilos but her eyes are turning towards Karasu and she waves, "Hi there. What he said."

Erendriel looks to Seldan. "That's weird. It looked like you were trancing, now that i Think about it. Which I didn't think was possible." Then looking to Kaydin. "This city is much larger than where I am from. It can be loud, yes."

Karasu attempts to neatly sidestep Isaac, but finds his shoulder bumped into just the same. He glanced toward the man, but after that brief moment dismisses him entirely not even bothering to offer a word in passing. Instead he focuses on the bird who gives Mikilos a loud caw that is clearly confirmation that the crow wants /something/, but what is anyone's guess. Unless they can speak crow. "Not at all, I will be on my way shortly. Wuya." He says the crows name again, but the crow ignores him smoothly, in spite of this Karasu shows no sign of irritation with the creature. He seems satisfied to wait out the animal until it returns to him. The crow lets out another loud noise and eyes Mikilos as though trying to have a conversation with the mage.

"Why is that weird?" Seldan cocks his head at Erendriel. His accent is strong Myrrish. "I am not so expert at meditation as that, but it is possible. No, the innocence was not mine. I came upon a guard making a false arrest some days back, and took it upon myself to learn the truth," he explains to Isaac, his lips setting in a thin line. "She was freed and acquitted on all charges. I can ask little more, save the removal of the guard responsible for false arrest."

He shakes his head at Kaydin. "I hail from Bryn Myridorn, much bigger than here, but such a thing would not have been tolerated."

"Hnnrh." is all Isaac says, more like a grunt than anything. But he nods lightly. "Good for you. People usually refuse to notice or don't do anything." It was nice to meet someone lawful, though Isaac has typically spent his time exploring the darker parts of the world where lawful was pretty much the same as chaotic. He crosses his arms, and he continues to listen. His eyes fall on Karasu a moment, before he moves on, looking at Erendriel.

"My mother told me too many people in cities are corrupt and care more about wealth then they do about nature." Kaydin says as he looks around. "I was shocked to learn someone in power abusing their position." He says as he watches the paladin. He then turns to Erendriel. "I am from the wilderness outside the city. My mother is a druid who lives in the woods. Occasionally flirting with a human passerby and thats how I came to be." He says as he shrugs.

Mikilos frowns mildly, and kneels down, both for the benefit of Wuya and Skribbles. "I'm sorry, I don't understand. I speak many languages, but Raven is not one of them. But I'm happy to try."

Skribbles gives a wave to Mikilos as she realizes there is about to be a conversation between animals and people. "You all have fun. Temple duties and whatnot. Take it easy and try not to get too lost, Mikilos." She gives a wave again and heads out of the square, singing loudly at the top of her lungs.

Wuya seems... pleased with himself that he has garnered the attention of the mage, preening slightly. This includes a moment to clean a feather and then with its eyes keenly on Mikilos hops a bit closer and nudges Mikilos's book. He doesn't try to make off with it, but rather bumps his head against the book and then peers at Mikilos with a sage expression.

Karasu watches all of this without remark until the raven nudges the book and then peers himself at the book with interest. "If I may, what book are you reading?" It is clear that he is much more interested in the mage now than he had been a moment ago.

Erendriel nods to Kaydin, and snickers at his comments. Folding her arms, she shrugs. "I don't think cities are corrupt any more than anything else is. It just seems worse since with more people there are, you know, more evil people. And Seldan, you actually solved that? That's fire. That guard was definitely lying?"

"Say that his truth was ... flexible," Seldan answers Erendriel, nodding agreement with her statement. "There are many who are good and helpful people in a city, just as there are many who are selfish and destructive. It is the latter we remember more vividly. But yes. The necklaces she had were not the ones that went missing from the shop, and other items went missing from the shop that were not in her possession. She was not the thief. It was clear to me that he had something against her, and was derelict in his duty to investigate thoroughly and fairly as well."

He nods to Isaac. "I could do no less. Watching injustice unfold before me is not something that I will stand for."

Mikilos smiles, carefully turning the text around for bird and man to view. Many of the passages are written in the common tongue, but quite a few have been charred into place with the wavering and smoky language of Ignan. There are also quite a number of small sketches and drawings. "Art of Elementals. The book has a range, but I've been reading the chapters regarding Fire."

The raven peers at the book for a moment, cocking its head in the way that birds do when they've found something interesting to them, and then seemingly satisfied the bird hops away and takes brief flight to land on Karasu's shoulder. The dark-haired man ignores the raven now that it has returned to him, and looks himself at the book though it is clear that he only recognizes some of what is written therein. "Is the common language a translation of the... other text, or is it half written in the other language?" It seems that the book is of some interest to him.

Isaac looks around for a minute before he looks at Seldan. "Truth often is flexible these days. Harsh world out there." He doesn't reply to Seldan's apparent righteousness, but he does look over at Mikilos for a moment. "Elementals, huh?" apparently attempting a conversation before he puts a hand on his chest to introduce himself. "Name's Isaac, by the way."

Erendriel nods to Seldan. "So it was good for me to try to trick him..." she nods, abruptly getting distracted. "Excuse me." She then starts wandering over to Mikilos, beaming up at him as he starts talking about his book.

Mikilos smiles and rises smoothly to his feet again before offering a polite bow. "Mikilostravia Abrioudelanarchie Mithralla, Lord of Estranillia, Archmage of the Sixth Circle, Builder Arcane.... though really, anything more than 'Mikilos Mithralla' is just being a showoff." He nods to each before turning his focus to Karasu. "Some is translation, but several of the concepts don't translate well from Ignan, the language of Fire. Most of the TradeSpeak is who documented the art piece described, where and when." He is wholly unsurprised as Erendriel wanders closer, and nods to her with a smile.

The look that Seldan shoots after Erendriel holds disbelief and impatience and could fairly be read as _are you serious?_ He shakes his head in disbelief, turning his attention instead back to Kaydin and Isaac. "Seldan Padaryn of the Silver Guard." A paladin of Eluna the Seeress, then. "That would be kind of you," he tells Kaydin. "I'm sure they'll appreciate it."

With a slight bow to Isaac that is a bit prefunctuary, the dark-haired man continues his focus on the book. "I am Karasu Himura, of the Himura clan." Wuya gives a little caw and bumps his head against Karasu's head. So prompted Karasu continues. "And this is Wuya." The dark-haired man's eyes flicker toward Erendriel and then back to Mikilos. Or more accurately Mikilos' book. As he speaks one becomes aware of the fact that he has a deep accent from his homeland of Xian, one that crops up now and again as he talks. "Is there a place where I might procure a copy of that book?"

Isaac looks at Mikilos for a moment as he seems to introduce himself in full and the Aesir man tilts his head. "...Monster Hunter." he defers to himself. Though he doesn't explain what he defines as 'monster'. Either way, he looks then to Karasu, and he returns the bow with a very short one of his own.

Erendriel giggles up to Mikilos. "Hi... and wow I need to learn their language, though. Think it'd be really hard to?" Seldan she looks back to, and winks at. "Come on I wasn't hurting anybody," she calls out to his reaction. Isaac and Karasu get a friendly wave, as does Wuya.

Mikilos frowns thoughtfully at Karasu's question. "I've only recently acquired a copy myself. I'm sure others exist, but likely in private collections, where I intend for this one to be placed. I do allow public access to the collection, if that helps. But to obtain your own copy, I'd recommend contacting Rune as the most likely source." Turning focus to Eren, he again considers a moment, and shrugs. "The basics aren't harder than any other language, though most people find some of the concepts hard to grasp for real conversational mastery. In your case, however, I don't anticipate a problem."

Seeing that his conversation has flocked off to the much more interesting elven wizard, Seldan raises his head politely at Mikilos in greeting, but only watches for a few moments.

Karasu nods, accepting Mikilos' words and watching the book prospectively for a moment. It's a very long moment. Then just as quickly Karasu straightens and with the conversation slipping into the nature of the language the book is written in Karasu quitely steps away. He moves around Issac and noticing Seldan sitting on the bench nearby offers the man a low nod. In fact, Karasu clearly has every intention of leaving when the raven once more hops off his shoulder and flies to the bench that Seldan is sitting on. This causes Karasu to stop and himself sit down on the bench. The raven hops between Karasu and Seldan, and Karasu continues to listen to the conversation which he has left.

Kaydin watches the various people and listens in. "I am afraid I don't have much book learning. I like to read but my mom trained me to survive in the wilderness." He says as he watches them. "I often act as a guide for people wanting to pass through the forest unharmed."

Seldan inclines his head politely to Karasu as well as the latter seats himself, but does not immediately speak. It's the raven who gets his attention as it hops over, and he watches it carefully. "I have nothing for you," he tells it.

Erendriel giggles to Mikilos. "Yeah... I should be able to speak their language, once I speak their language." Then Seldan she looks to again, with the raven. "I guess after last time I won't try to impress that familiar."

Mikilos nods, and returns the book in question to his pack before bowing once more to those present. "Nice meeting you all, but I likely should be going. Fare well."

Karasu responds to Seldan's nod with a half-bow to Seldan. Which is as much as he can given that he's currently seated. "Do not mind Wuya, he is simply keeping me from the temple I think. Or perhaps he merely likes you." Karasu peers at Seldan with mild interest in his dark eyes. Wuya meanwhile cocks his head at Seldan and looks at the paladin prospectively as though the man /is/ carrying something of value to the bird. Something that caught its eye. Erendriel's words capture Karasu's attention, and also Wuya who stops staring at Seldan long enough to preen. Only for a second though. "Wuya is unlikely to harm you." This is said to both her and Seldan. It sounds less than comforting really. Particularly said as dryly as Karasu speaks.

"Why would he wish to keep you from the Temple?" Seldan is momentarily distracted from watching the bird by Karasu's observation. "And which Temple is it that you would seek?"

"Probably because Wuya isn't devout?" Kaydin asks as he watches the bird. He goes through his satchel and pulls out a piece of jerky and offers it to the bird. "I make this myself. Dried meats last for a long time, if I don't pig out and eat it all." He says as he offers the treat to the bird.

Erendriel Waves to Mikilos, and wanders back over to Seldan, from whom she was distracted by fire. Though now she's mostly watching the bird. "Unlikely? If he tries something I'll pop him in the face with fire."

"I am headed to the temple of Vardama, who is my patron." Karasu's dark gaze falls on Wuya who is more than happy to hop forward and steal the bit of food from Kaydin, cawing once before accepting it and then putting it down on the bench to be savagely picked at by the bird. By bits and pieces it is disappeared down the raven's hungry maw. "He does not enjoy being indoors, and is... conveniently distracted by everything on the way to places that are covered." Erendriel's comment draws his attention however, and there's suddenly something very dangerous in his gaze. A swimming leviathan shifting in the darkness. "You would not want to do that."

Seldan looks up as Erendriel returns, but it is a momentary distraction only, and he nods understanding to Karasu. "The Grey Lady's temple is up the hill yet a ways," he nods towards the road leading sharply uphill. "He is intelligent, then, and if he harms none, then there will be no trouble." He eyes Erendriel.

"Do you blame it? A bird is use to open sky. Walls and a ceiling probably annoys them to no end." Kaydin says calmly as he offers more jerky. He then smiles. "Such a good bird. Protecting your friend from the evil indoors." He says with a smirk.

Erendriel folds her arms and looks right at Karasu. Eyes glinting. "And he would not want to try to poke my eyes or whatever it is ravens do. I use my eyes!" She then points to Seldan for emphasis. "What he said!"

Wuya caws emphatically, accepting the gift of more food. He at least seems totally unconcerned with the general threat from Erendriel, but Karasu continues to stare at her with that look that says something unpleasant just might happen. Thankfully the bird remains peaceful and nothing need happen at all. "No, I can not blame Wuya for being true to his nature. He is very intelligent, and I have never seen him attack anyone unworthy of it." Which again sounds somehow less comforting than it could. Karasu is clearly not very good at that. Wuya cocks his head at Karasu and with a chortle hops closer to Kaydin, clearly hoping for more jerky.

"Wuya wont attack anyone." Kaydin says as he smiles at the bird. "Wuya is a sweetheart." He says as he offers as much jerky as he can spare. He then looks to the others. "Its clear he wont attack unless provoked." He says as he looks to Karasu. "When and where did you two join up? Most ravens are like this when raised by someone. Its rare that they pick a person at an older age." He says calmly.

Seldan chuckles at Karasu's statement, seemingly unperturbed. "Then there will be no trouble." He eyes Erendriel significantly, his smile disappearing. The bird leaves him alone and he leaves the bird alone, and this seems for his part to be a perfectly amicable arrangement.

Erendriel definitely accepts Karasu's particularly worded comment in as particular a way as it sounded to her. She keeps her arms folded. "It's not clear to me he won't attack. This guy won't even says he won't attack."

"Karasu. My name is Karasu Himura." Karasu nods low to Erendriel in spite of his dark look, and offers the same to Keydin. Filled practically to the bursting point Wuya finally returns to Karasu's shoulder with a little hop and flap of his wings. Karasu seems to relax minutely once the bird is resting there. "Wuya came to me some time ago, I do not know why he refused to leave. He continues to follow me, so I have made him my familiar."

"Of the two of you, I think the bird less belligerent." Seldan's tone is cool, his accent thick. "If it attacks, you are within your rights to defend yourself. I doubt that will happen." He isn't even watching the greedy bird anymore. "I do not think it means anyone harm."

"A pleasure to meet you, I am Kaydin." Kaydin says with a pat on his chest. He then nods to Karasu. "Some animals like certain people. My mother says this is because they see the soul of a person and prefers to be around them." Kaydin says as he watches the woman and then turns back to Karasu. "Familiar, so you are a wizard?" He asks curiously.

Erendriel takes a deep breath through her nose. Looking now not at the bird, but at Seldan. "Oh so this guy threatens me with a bird, and it's fine. I shoot a rock with a fire shot and it's the end of the world. I get it. Pfft." And at that, she turns around in high indignation.

"You made the first threat." Seldan doesn't appear to be particularly impressed by Erendriel's behavior, and turns away from her to watch the bird more intently. "I must admit that I know little of animals outside of horses."

"I grew up around animals and the wilderness. I can probably help train them, but I prefer to let the animal act on it's own desires." Kaydin says softly. "My mother is the real expert on nature and animals. She says because of my own training I will be able to tap into the wild's powers someday, but until then I am just a guy with a bow." He says as he pats his unstrung bow.

Karasu nods to Seldan, agreeing with his words, and then turns his attention to Kaydin. "I am not a wizard." He does not however offer what he is. Instead he motions to Wuya and entices the corvid to sit on his hand. "Wuya is not like most ravens in any case. Say thank you to Kayin for your food." Wuya obliges Karasu by letting out a loud noise.

Erendriel doesn't walk away, but chirps up RIGHT AWAY when Seldan speaks again. "I did not threaten anyone until I was threatened. I said I won't try to impress the bird, and then this guy, out of nowhere, says that the bird might harm me. Who, exactly, made a threat now?" And at that, she turns back around, arms still folded.

"I am glad to help feed you Wuya." Kaydin calls to Wuya before looking to Erendriel. "He isnt going to attack. Just dont think about attacking and they wont attack. They react to fear and anger like children." He says calmly as he watches the people.

"That was intended as a warning, I think, Erendriel." Seldan speaks patiently. "Not a threat." Before he can say more, though, a small boy runs up to him. "Seldan, you're wanted in the Temple." The little boy stares at the bird for a moment, wide-eyed, before dashing back off on another errand.

The Elunite sighs. "I had best go. Her Light be yours." He stands and takes himself in the direction of Eluna's Temple.

Karasu rises with Seldan, eyeing Erendriel one last time. He offers a low nod to Kaydin. "It was a pleasure to meet you. Perhaps we will meet again." With that he places Wuya back on his shoulder and turns to follow after Seldan. After a fashion. The temple he is headed to is in after all, a slightly different direction.

"Now he left. No harm done." Kaydin says as he reaches into his satchel for a flask and takes a drink. "Here, lets go do something fun." He says as he offers to let the woman come with him. "You strike me as the type that likes to blow stuff up." He says as he watches her.
