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[[Category:Mama Bula's Kids]]

Latest revision as of 00:24, 21 October 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Suspect Donations
  • Emitter: Jinks
  • Characters: Khepri, Sora, Rocky, Gramarye, Knightmare, Jay
  • Place: The Society for Progressive Arcanists
  • Time: Sunday, June 19, 2022, 5:52 PM
  • Summary: Six interesting individuals meet for the collecting of donations at the Society for Progressive Arcanists. Most are there for guard duty but there are outliers. Jay is driving the third wagon. Gramarye offers herself as a donation, the butt of a joke she didn't understand. Donations slow and the wagons are nearly loaded when many take note of a somewhat out-of-place quartet. When Khepri challenges one of their number, anothers drops a spell to hinder some of the other guards. Battle is joined and quikcly escalates to a lethal fervor. When the youngest of the thieves falls, two others make their escape. A dark-hearted Khazadi holyman stays behind and does his best to kill any within his reach. Once the threat is handled, the fallen are stabilized and secured and their belongings are inspected. The site is held until the authorities arrive.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Khepri       6'10"    300 Lb     War Golem         Male      A tall, gangly war-golem draped in religious charms.
Sora         4'8"     110 Lb     Human             Female    Young small woman with a big sword.
Rocky        6'8"     460 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A grey Sith in armor, bit like a statue.
Gramarye     6'10"    320 Lb     War Golem         Female    A golem girl with obsidian eyes and bronze plating.
Knightmare   6'4"     294 Lb     War Golem         Female    A knightly construct on the hoof bearing heraldry of lost Dragonier.
Jaytalker    5'9"     145 Lb     Eaglefolk         Male      A perky male Blue Jay with a discerning eye.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Jinks        3'4"     39 Lb      Gnome             Male      A gnomish fellow in fancy garb and jewelry.

The Society for Progressive Arcanists

Well-meaning members of the society got it into their heads to have a donation drive for the growing number of refugees hiding within the safety of the city's walls. Many of those that can attend such an institution come from wealth and have grown up watching their parents make philanthropic gestures both token and genuine. Others are just the compassionate sort. A handful see this as a handy opportunity to get rid of junk cluttering their dormitory rooms and offices.

What is a homeless arvek nar with three children going to do with a broken sextent and outdated copy Haelthwile's Definitive Geopolitical Atlas (printed 981), anyway?

Regardless of the handful of questionable donations, the event IS going well. One wagon is already full of useful goods, a second is being loaded from the sorting piles, and a third is on standby.

Pragmatic members of the society have arranged for guards to escort the wagons. The small caravan only has to cross the river and reach the lower wards to be distributed but it's a big city and not every citizen appreciates their social oglibations to those less fortunate.

The city watch is too busy doing other things, apparently. There's probably a new pastry shop opening somewhere they have to keep an eye on. Gotta make sure the calissons are up to snuff.

At least half the current guard detail is unlikely to be lured astray by something as provincial as pastries. The bizarre, beak-faced golem inquisitor known as Khepri is standing next to the loaded wagon, checking the requested route. Spidery digits hold the sheet of parchment paper, as its yellow-eyed stare reviews it.

Looking up, Khepri intones flatly, "Some of this material seems ill suited for charitable donation." It picks up the manifest, paging through it. "Forty-two cloaks, stained but serviceable and without holes, yes. I fail to see the utility of a..." The golem pauses. "...'A thing my aunt gave me but I don't know what it is'?"

Sora doesn't mind getting guard work, it is something to do while she is waiting for time to go to another mission and so she finds herself here to provide such. Her mithral armor shines a bit as she glances around. She flexes her artifice arm about that point and checks the hangars for her greatsword to make sure it is going to be easy to pull if needed.

Rocky is a good guard. He can stand there and look official, without crossing the line into threatening, for long periods. This is usually done by falling asleep, but today the sith is awake and attentive... or doing a great job of sleep walking.

There's a very tall bronze mannequin and/or doll here. She is, however, a moving machine, and has to keep telling people moving up to her to touch her mage's robes, arms, or legs (as some people insist on doing with inanimate objects that model clothing) that she is not here to be touched--but she doesn't seem to have any particular reason for being here.

She sees Khepri, her head pivoting in the fellow golem's direction, and walks up to the inquisitor. Her dark eyes flare to life with a white light that flares with every syllable. "Excuse me. I was informed by a passerby that I ought to attend this event for donation purposes in order to make children happy."

Anyone with a certain sense of humor and a head can quickly deduce that the golem woman has interpreted a sarcastic remark about her doll-like appearance--perhaps something along the lines of "could make a child happy if you donated a doll like yourself to the donation drive"--literally.

There is a powerful snort.

Then a whicker.

The coal fur of the russet maned Dragoneiri monster responsible receives a smooth stroke from the articulated fingers of another of the guard, whose "Gently, old friend, we move soon." emanates from the morbid lines of her faceplate with a soft, hollow tone. A placation that is answered by the flick of an ear and a tap of the massive destrier's forehoof against the cobbles.

That guard, a bizarre war golem in Dragonieri heraldry turns the dark slats of her visor across the gathering, donors, guards porters and companions, all.

A look toward the beaked kin, and anew the cavernous voice comes forth, "Perhaps as trade against the value of food, or shelter." in speculation.

The arrival of this newer construct then draws the mememnto mori's gaze.

The cant of the Knightmare's head.

"No! I am certified! See? See?" There's a cacophony, a low chirping, an energetic flapping of wings. A bluejay eglarin is waving a scroll at one of the organizers. "It says that I, Integrity C Truefeather, esquire, the C is for 'Coachman', am a certified coach driver."

He flaps some more, the certificate is not long for this world. "I tested in the lower market district. They said accidents were common and not to worry about it, also that I'd learned everything they could possibly get me to understand. It was a long hour!"

There's a big difference between everything possible to know, and everything that it's possible for Integrity to konw, after an hour.

Still, the document seems legitimate.

Khepri tilts its head and stares blankly at Gramarye. All the charm of a conjured magical sensor, as it responds, "Slavery is illegal within the Alexandria kingdom, ma'am. People are not legal trade. Is there anything you wish to donate as a charitable offering?"

The golem catches sight of Jay declaring he's the wagon driver. Long stare. Then a shrug, before the manifest and route are passed to the egalrin. "Greetings. Please do not let any more gnomes punch you in the crotch while you are driving. That would be disruptive." Pause, and then it turns back to Gramarye. "May I be of any further assistance?"

"Huh, what? That never happened, allegedly!" The bluejay whips his head around, focusing on Khepri. "Good point though." He whips out a piece of paper and makes a little sign.

'Do not distract the drivrr'. He corrects the very skinny 'e' which looks like an 'r', to be an 'e'. "There!"

There's a 'blink' of light in Gramarye's eyes before she speaks again. "I did not mean to donate myself. I am aware slavery is illegal. I was simply informed I should be here for donation purposes. Given that I have nothing to donate, I could provide guarding service to make sure the items are safely donated."

The weather is unpleasant (for most) today; it's hot, the air is close and humid, and the utter lack of the slightest breeze may conjure images of the Halls of Waiting. Most of the greybeards adhere to tradition with their robes and hats and stoles but the younger academics and fresh-eyed students have fallen to lighter, more comfortable street clothes today. A few shirts are unbuttoned mighty low. You might even see some ankles or (the scandal!) a knee.

It would seem Jay is expected: there are two drivers on hand and a third cart unaccounted for. The light-skinned, smooth-pated mul'niessa and pink-haired gobber both look over at the egalrin's squawking and grimace. They're clearly part of some teamster's union; they've got the cross-armed, waiting-begrudgingly-with-a-sour-look-on-their-face down pat. The elf spits. The gobber takes a draw on her pipe and grunts agreement.

Khepri gets another few papers from a busybody Khazadi woman wtih brown curls. More inventory. She doesn't wait to talk after shoving the parchment into his hands and instead goes back to her recording of the released items.

About a half-dozen folks move about the piles, coming and going. The crowd seems to be tapering off. The Dragonieri golem may be correct; it might be time to leave shortly.

GAME: Khepri rolls perception: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Knightmare rolls perception: (10)+9: 19
GAME: Sora rolls perception: (14)+7: 21
GAME: Gramarye rolls perception: (7)+2: 9
GAME: Rocky rolls perception: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Jay rolls sense motive: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Jay says, "The dice deliver no matter the mod"

Rocky enjoys the lovely weather. Still a bit dry, but at least it's warm. Soothing. Good nap weather... BUT NOT WHILE ON DUTY! ...which is why Rocky isn't napping. Not are all. Wide awake.

The skull face dips in a nod with a soft, "Well met." to the volunteer, having no particular reason to distrust them. The construct Knight's equine companion whickers once and smites a fly with his tail beside her.

With the niceties so offered, she sweeps her gaze about the area once more, while volunteer and donor join in noble purpose.

"Oh, hey, hello. Hi, hi!" Integrity approaches the other two drivers, instinctively angling away from the mul'niessa and closer to the goblin. To fit in, he spits, which is unpleasant when a bird does it. He doesn't have a pipe but does stare at it for a while.

He crosses his arms, physically unable to put any sort of expression on his beak, but his slouch implies the same begrudging-waiting that the other two embody. He's fitting in! He's flocking together.

"Was there a hat I should have? So they know I'm the driver? Or they'll know, because I'm driving."

Sora keeps seeming to just be watching, but she is alert as she seems to notice a few things that seem...odd. She does seem to shift and move a bit, trying to keep an eye on a specific group of students without trying to make it obvious.

Khepri stares at the papers shoved into its hand, trying to put them into some kind of order. "Fourteen pairs of wool socks... six Tsuran-style hats... eleven jars of 'Grandpa's Top-quality Moonshine'?" The golem looks for the khazadi for an explanation, but she's long gone. Its eyes turn back to the list. "Twenty two volume set of... 'Crimson Pen' novels."

Khepri lifts its head and looks around. "Truly, the generosity of Alexandria knows no bounds." Impossible to tell if it's being sarcastic or not.

Rocky perks slight at the mention of moonshine and Crimson Pen. Some refugees are gonna forget all their problems for a while... and have new ones in the morning.

"Do the organic lifeforms require moonshine and erotic fiction to live?" Gramarye inquires. Her voice is pleasant enough, but given that her faceplate doesn't move--only the light blinking in her eyes as she speaks--it's also difficult to glean any particular emotion. "I had not been informed about these necessary parameters for sentient life to live from Father. I will have to inquire elsewhere."

"Yes! It's vital to reproduction. Allegedly." Jay chirps. He's at least well informed on the birds part of the birds'n'bees.

"Be mindful." the Dragonier construct intones in a low tone, "That new quartet have something on their minds."

Despite a hand drifting subtly closer to the hilt of her longsword, "It may be nothing."

The crowd is all-but-gone. The dwarven woman with the curly-hair is hard at work with her cataloguing, happy to use her sandaled feet to shove and kick things about to see what might be below or behind an obstructing sack. Anyone foolish enough to get in her path is summarily shoved aside as she can't seem to be bothered to look up from her task as she goes. Her occasional grumbling about demerits (and her general attitude) seems to indicate she doesn't want to be here.

'The quartet' are three humans and another Khazad-aul. The dwarf's red ears stick out through slots in a snug, grey skullcap and his black beard is a wild bush around pudgy lips. Two of the humans stick close to each other: a man and a woman, both with short brown hair. They might be members of the faculty or late-bloomers. They certainly don't have that youthful look of the average student. The last does, however, and her red hair is sloppily cut to box in her freckled face.

All of them have limp packs and a carried bundle of clothes or blankets or a bedroll. They wander through the packs search out where to drop their loads. The talk of pornography draws a surprised look from the young woman and she stumbles into the arcanist taking inventory.

The two drivers just scowl harder at Jay.

"Gotta EARN that hat," the mul challenges the bluejay, beyond dubious.

"Can't just go to no cobbler'n buy it, dummy," the gobber sneers.

"Milliners," the elf corrects.

"But when you earn it, you have to buy it, right? Or it wouldn't fit?" Jay asks eagerly. "What do I have to do to earn it?"

The egalrin is completely oblivious to the four, the guards, the donations. He's killing time with his new friends.

Who don't seem to like him much.

Gramarye looks over at the quartet, head pivoting to inspect them--the young redhead in particular. "You," she says, addressing the woman. "Are you here to donate items?"

It's a simple question. Theoretically. Who knows if it has a simple answer, however.

Rocky yawns and stretches, fangs gleaming and armor popping as the sith rouses himself for travel. Not that he couldn't have burst into motion had the situation needed it, but it didn't, and a good slow stretch is ever so much more enjoyable.

Knightmare shifts her footing slightly, with the soft scrape of her shoe against the cobbles, as she watches the four, trying to discern if she is chasing shadows, but remaining alert just in case she isn't.

Cysgodawyr, her enormous horse, snorts and flicks his tail, awaiting a cue of which way his energy should be directed.

Sora isn't sure if there is anything going on but she is watching and keeping an eyes out especially when the one girl stumbles into the arcanist.

"Ye-- ack!" Freckles answers mid-shove form the Khazad, blinking and looking away from Jay. Finding her feet, she turns back to Gramarye. She considers the construct and tosses a bedroll down onto a pile of outerwear where it clearly doesn't belong, grabbing the strap of her pack and kicking out her butt to shrug the parcel's weight higher on her shoulders. "... yore bib'n brace don't move when yer talk," she observes with narrowed eyes.

The dark-haired Khazadi kneels, reaching into his pack to withdraw a parcel carefully and set it with some dried goods and jarred preserves. He frowns and looks at the back of Freckle's head, scowling.

The couple have taken their packs off and are bent over near some of the more questionable donations, huddled close together.

"Ploud made the run to Wilderness Pointe on icy roads in high winds sufferin' stones knowin' his lady was cuckoldin' him back home," the gobber says as she jabs her pipe stem at the mul.

"Hey! I told you that last bit in confidence."

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+11: (4)+11: 15

Khepri turns and just stares at the two other wagon drivers. For a long moment. Then it says, "Jay, it is close to time. You will have time to speak to your new friends afterward." Pause. "Also, do not forget to fill out your last will documents as well as next-of-kin notifications. The Mourners instructed me to spread the good word about that sort of thing."

<OOC> Jinks says, "Sense Motive if you like, Grammy."
GAME: Gramarye rolls Sense Motive: (16)+-2: 14
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (20)+9: 29, "Perception checks for all"
GAME: Gramarye rolls Perception: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Khepri rolls perception: (17)+8: 25
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (15)+8: 23
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Knightmare rolls perception: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Rocky rolls perception: (7)+12: 19
GAME: Jay rolls perception+4: (1)+14+4: 19 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Jay says, "I am really into this conversation."
<OOC> Khepri laughs helplessly.
<OOC> Khepri says, "Jay, I unironically love you, buddy :D"
GAME: Sora rolls perception: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

"Oh! Oh! I'm sorry. I know all about cuckolds." Jay squawks, attempting to sound sympathetic. He may be referring to the type of avian, which might not represent itself among the egalrin. "I always ask permission before sleeping with someone's wife."

Or, might.

"Or husband. Or good friend. Y'know!" He says, hoping they 'know'. He sounds chipper about it.

"Well, I stopped a runaway cart down at the docks while under fire." He attempts, his beak partly open, "It was before my certification though, so does that count?"

<OOC> Khepri says, "Move to 9,7."

Khepri is trying to remember if its instructors ever covered this sort of thing, but it's pretty sure that wasn't the case. As it turns, its yellow eyes slide past the man and woman...

Then stop, and move back. All the chilling regard of a tomb guardian, and possibly less warmth.

Then the inquisitor is in motion, raising a hand to point at the couple. "You. Stop right there. I wish to speak with you."

GAME: Khepri rolls spellcraft: (9)+7: 16
GAME: Gramarye rolls Spellcraft: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Rocky rolls reflex: (13)+4: 17
GAME: Sora rolls reflex: (11)+7: 18

At the beak-nosed construct's shout, the brown-haired woman looks up in alarm. She draws a small bundle from inside her voluminous sleeve and steps back. She claps her hands together and smears the item between them. "Slippums!" she shouts, and the ground between two of the guards takes in a greasy sheen.

Both Rocky and Sora manage to keep their feet on the greasy grimey ground!

GAME: Gramarye casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15, "Can I use magic missile on the one at 12,9?"
GAME: Gramarye rolls 2d4+2: (7)+2: 9

"Grease spell cast by enemy," Gramarye states, her last word dropping an octave. Her obsidian eyes turn a crimson red. "Initiating combat module. Objective: subdue the enemy until enemy surrenders. Resistance is futile, so please surrender immediately. Activating magic missile."

Her hands go up in a spellcaster's position and unleash two arcane darts that sink into one half of the couple over by the documents. "Arcane ordnance distributed," Gramarye states flatly. "Please return stolen goods immediately or the assault will continue."

<OOC> Jay says, "since I was otherwise oblivious, I don't think Jay would leap into action"
<OOC> Jay says, "Right, and sure, take cover/sneak closer"
<OOC> Jinks says, "Gimme a square and Stealth."
<OOC> Jay says, "like 8,16 is 1/2 move for me"
GAME: Jay rolls stealth+4: (16)+11+4: 31

"Of course I have a will prepared and contact information for my sisters filed. I'm a lawyer, I do that before coffee." Integrity C Truefeather, esquire, says, glancing in Khepri's direction before returning his attention to the mul'niessa and the goblin.

Only to have it yanked away again, as spells go off. He hears the sounds of Grease, which he doesn't recognize, and Magic Missile, which he does. "Ah! Get down! We're under attack!" He tells the other two drivers as he ducks down.

This is followed by a quick whisper, "I'll go check it out. Don't stab me." He makes a special point to tell the mul'niessa that. Mul'niessans have an inclination for stabbing, he's noticed. Especially him for some reason.

Crouched low, he sticks his wings out behind for balance and moves up beside one of the wagons, staying under cover and watching what is going on.

<OOC> Khepri says, "OK, I will cast Bless. 50' burst, should get all the friendlies."
<OOC> Khepri says, "Followed by drawing my khopesh while stepping over to stand next to staff and glare at him."
<OOC> Khepri says, "The dwarf is still flat footed so none of this should draw AoO."
<OOC> Khepri says, "(Specifically 11,8 for move)"
<OOC> Khepri says, "Oh, also, activating Judgement: Destruction, +1 damage."
GAME: Khepri casts Bless. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

Khepri could say it expected this, but honestly... no. But, there's a difference between 'unexpected' and 'less expected'. The war golem raises its hand to the sky, and there's a flicker of light that flashes outward, touching the other guards. "Peace be with you," it intones.

Then, smoothly, it draws its khopesh and advances on the couple. "Stand down. Nothing here is worth dying for." Its yellow eyes glow steadily as it stalks forward, the charms around its neck and the bells attached to the khopesh pommel jingling.

"Fuckin' 'course," the gobber sighs through her clenched teeth holding the pipe. "Water break?"

"Water break!" the mul'niessa agrees. Both glance over their shoulder and leave the area at a rapidly-increasing pace. There's some hand-fighting as each tries to push the other behind them for cover on the way.

"What the hay!?" the dwarven woman asks as spells begin to fly, her eyes bulging. "Teacher! Teacher, teacher, teacher!" She's waving her arms and running towards one of the Academy buildings as fast as her little legs will carry her.

<OOC> Jinks says, "Dwarf draws a cudgel from under his robe and casts a spell."
GAME: Khepri rolls spellcraft: (6)+7: 13
GAME: Gramarye rolls Spellcraft: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Jay rolls spellcraft: Trained Use Only: 0
<OOC> Khepri looks wry. He hadn't acted, and I didn't notice him specifically, so...
<OOC> Jinks says, "You get Khepri's +1 from Bless and the dwarf offers you all a -1 to hit, damage rolls, and skill checks."

The dwarf reaches under his robes as Khepri moves away, producing a dull black disk in one hand and a leather-wrapped club with the other. He chants something in a guttural Khazdul and a gravechill washes over the guards.

<OOC> Jinks says, "Unarmed atack on Khep from Robes. He has prof."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9+1: (16)+9+1: 26
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d3+5: (3)+5: 8

"Away from my woman, golem," the brown-haired human man grunts, kicking through the piled donations and punching Khepri solidly in the center of his breast plating. He settles back into a boxing stance, lifting up both hands in front of his face.

<OOC> Jinks says, "If you leave the Grease with your first 5' you won't need a check/save."
<OOC> Jinks says, "If you walk through you will need to Acrobatics to move half speed."
<OOC> Jinks says, "If you don't move and make ranged attacks there's no check."
<OOC> Sora says, "question you can use a lethal weapon to do non lethal its just a penalty to hit yes?"
<OOC> Jinks says, "Correct. -4"
<OOC> Sora says, "move to 9,11 and hit flower pot with non lethal power attack (flat of blade)"
GAME: Sora rolls strike+1-4: aliased to finesse+3+1-4: (6)+11+3+1+-4: 17
GAME: Sora rolls powdam: aliased to 2d6+3+2+1+1+6: (6)+3+2+1+1+6: 19
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+14: (4)+14: 18 (Woman acrobatics to escape - Fail)
GAME: Sora rolls strike+1-4-2: aliased to finesse+3+1-4-2: (20)+11+3+1+-4+-2: 29 (THREAT) (AOO)
GAME: Sora rolls strike+1-4-2: aliased to finesse+3+1-4-2: (18)+11+3+1+-4+-2: 27 (Confirmed)
GAME: Sora rolls 4d6+6+4+2+2+12: (20)+6+4+2+2+12: 46
<OOC> Jinks says, "She's dying."
<OOC> Jinks says, "KOed her off non-lethal and then damage wrapped around to put her in negatives with lethal damage."
<OOC> Sora says, "eeps"
<OOC> Khepri says, "Good lord. LOL."
<OOC> Jinks says, "So go ahead and include that in your pose, please. :D"

Sora shakes her head, "Should have really thought this through a little better." she says and then glances down at the grease under her, "WEll that wasn't bad idea, but not good enough." she says as her artifice arm reaches up and grips the hilt of her mithral greatsword and pulls it from her back with a shink as she is moving towards the woman closest to her. She starts to dance with her greatsword. The blade is almost bigger than she is but she moves it like it was a rapier or something as she dances with it. As she nears the woman it turns from movements that seem more towards power than accuracy, but she does hit the woman with the flat of the blade, a heavy thunk, but the woman tries to move away and right into Sora's blade and while she hits her again with the flat of the blade, this time bones for sure can be heard cracking and blood leaking from various places as the woman hits the ground and looks much worse than just unconscious. "Damn," Sora shakes her head and sighs a bit.

<OOC> Rocky says, "ic I move to 12-10 will I have flanking on Staff? If not, 13-10 and attack"
<OOC> Jinks says, "13,10 is flank. Go ahead and roll it."
GAME: Rocky rolls weapon9+2: (6)+11+2: 19 (+2 Flanking)
GAME: Rocky rolls damage9: aliased to 1d10+5: (2)+5: 7

Rocky flexes his well oiled pecs... well, greased... and moves towards the caster, drawing his large sword. The cold iron blade hits hard, but not overly deep. "If you wish pain and punishment, I'm told there's a place in GoblinTown."

<OOC> Jay says, "KM says, "jic i'm not back on my turn, gonna mount up and draw my lance, and move cysgodawyr to 11,7, reach lets me threaten out of 4 i think. if Jinks rules i'm already mounted, share paired oppurtunists, otherwise same plan"
<OOC> Jinks says, "I'd assumed she was mounted."
<OOC> Knightmare says, "so, for the next couple rounds, everyone gets this Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attacks of opportunity against creatures that you both threaten. Enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you so long as you threaten them (even if the situation or an ability would normally deny you the attack of opportunity). This does not allow you to take more than one attack of opportunity against a creature for a given action."

As the Vardamech moves to confront the quartet who promptly reveal themselves for the blaggards they are, with spells and violence erupting, Knightmare wheels Cysgodawyr about with a call of, "Mind their mobility, hem them between you!"

As the massive Destrier, whinnies with new cheer at the outset of the festivities and thunders to a point the Knight chooses to bring her quickly readies lance to lay threat upon them.

<OOC> Jinks says, "Crook will withdraw. She won't provoke until leaving 12,10."
<OOC> Jinks says, "Which means Rocky gets an AoO and she'll be beyond the reach of others."
GAME: Rocky rolls weapon9: (12)+11: 23 (AOO - Success)
GAME: Rocky rolls damage9: aliased to 1d10+5-1: (9)+5-1: 13

Chasing shadows she isn't.

The brown-haired woman looks on in horror as the girl falls, broken and bleeding. "You fuckin' psychopaths!" she spits, wide-eyed and horrified at the looming monstrosity of metal on horseback. She hikes up her robes and backs away a few steps. She's dropped her backpack and begins to run, accepting a shot from the well-armored sith-makar and cursing as she goes.

<OOC> Gramarye says, "I think I can reach crook from where I am (magic missile has a range of 130 ft)"
<OOC> Jinks says, "I count 80' away. So you're good."
<OOC> Gramarye says, "Move me to 6,13."
GAME: Gramarye casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Gramarye rolls 2d4+2: (3)+2: 5

"Your prayer spell will not save you," Gramarye informs the dwarf, but her red eyes are focused on the matter of the fleeing woman. She lifts her hands.

"Activating magic missile," Gramarye intones, followed by an incantation. Arcane darts fire out of her hands and they sink into the fleeing woman.

"Target fleeing," the golem observes. "Switching objective to search and neutralize."

<OOC> Jay says, "oh, the staff? Oh, okay, E-Bolas on her, ranged trip"
GAME: Jay rolls bab+4+1: (1)+3+4+1: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Jay says, "SUCCESS!"
<OOC> Jay says, "I miss again!"
<OOC> Khepri says, "Reroll it!"
<OOC> Jay says, "nah"
<OOC> Jinks says, "You got a reroll, bub. And this'll end very soon."
<OOC> Khepri says, "Poor Jay."
<OOC> Jay says, "but I'd ruin my streak of always missing."
<OOC> Jay says, "I'll trip myself instead."
<OOC> Jinks says, "You don't have that streak! You saved the day getting the faerie cloak."
<OOC> Jay says, "okay, I'll re-roll"
GAME: Jay rolls bab+4+1: (14)+3+4+1: 22


Things are happening, confusing things, and violence. Some of the blows seem pulled, others aren't. "Wait, are we killing people? What's going on?"

The situation does not resolve itself in a meaningful way in his eyes. However, the woman runs by, and he's attracted to movement.

Not that kind of attracted.

Pulling his silvery balls from his belt, he whirls his hunting bolas and flings them. As usual, they bounce early. This time, the bounce catches the woman in the ankles. The weapon wraps around, stopping her flight and taking her down.

Jay immediately flaps over. "Hey, hey! You should stay down. Don't do anything dangerous. I know First Aid!"

<OOC> Khepri says, "Welp, can't -go- anywhere, so might as well try to whale on knuckles."
GAME: Khepri rolls weapon1: (2)+4: 6
<OOC> Khepri rerolls.
GAME: Khepri rolls weapon1: (5)+4: 9
<OOC> Khepri says, "12,8. I can't move back because Knightmare's right behind me, and moving NW just stands me next to the dwarf."

Khepri definitely did not expect the man to suddenly charge him and slam a fist into his chestpiece. The breastplate actually dents inward and there's a cracking sound, as the golem staggers. "Warning. Damaged." The yellow eyes narrow, staring back at the robed boxer. "You cannot escape. There is nowhere to go." The khopesh sweeps out, whistling past the man as Khepri staggers again. Evidently that hit damaged something important.

GAME: Khepri rolls will: (14)+6: 20
GAME: Knightmare rolls will: (19)+3: 22
GAME: Knightmare rolls 1d20+1: (6)+1: 7, "that was Cys's save"
GAME: Gramarye rolls Will: (15)+5: 20
GAME: Rocky rolls will: (12)+3: 15
GAME: Sora rolls will: (16)+3: 19
GAME: Jay rolls will: (19)+5: 24
GAME: Jinks rolls 3d6: (7): 7
GAME: Jinks damaged you for 3 points. 31 HP remaining.
GAME: Jinks damaged you for 4 points. 27 HP remaining.
GAME: Jinks damaged you for -4 points. 31 HP remaining.
<OOC> Jinks says, "Dwarf channels negative energy (poorly)."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+0: (11)+0: 11
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23
GAME: Knightmare rolls weapon3+1: (15)+7+1: 23 (AOO)
GAME: Knightmare rolls 1d8+4: (7)+4: 11

The flurry of combat has Knightmare's cognitive channels flowing freely, as it seems the ambitious ne'er do wells are starting to suffer a loss of morale.

As her allies quell the spirits of their foes, and one close to hand starts to withdraw, perhaps to cast anew, she twists in the saddle and draws back the lance, only to jab it forcefully forward in them and landing a telling blow.

The Khazadi man stops speaking Khazdul. Now he's chanting in another, fouler language. The tips of his fingers turn a black to match his profane symbol and the bitter gravechill spills out from him again.

The robed man with brown hair winces and looks at the dwarf in horror. The fallen girl chokes up dark blood. Three of the donkeys drop dead. Preserves blacken and flowers wilt.

Shaking his head, the unarmed man begins his own retreat, taking a speartip from the mounted golem. "Black-hearted... keep your crowns, double-crossing bastard!" And then he's dashing across the grounds and disappearing inside one of the Academy buildings.

<OOC> Sora says, "move to 8,9 and whallop dwarf powerfully with the flat of my blade"
GAME: Sora rolls strike+1-4: aliased to finesse+3+1-4: (18)+11+3+1+-4: 29
GAME: Sora rolls powdam-1: aliased to 2d6+3+2+1+1+6-1: (11)+3+2+1+1+6+-1: 23

Sora shakes her head and then blinks as she feels the wave of negative energy flow over her. "Well can't have that now. She moves a little more carefully cause of the piles of donations but moves and dances with her greatsword and with a powerful spin slams the flat of the blade into the dwarf, definitely a solid hit, but dwarves are made of stone after all.

GAME: Rocky rolls weapon9+2: (18)+11+2: 31 (+2 Charge)
GAME: Rocky rolls damage9-1: aliased to 1d10+5-1: (2)+5+-1: 6

Rocky is very fast for his size. This is not the same as being fast. So as the foes run away, the armored sith goes after the dwarf who remains, his iron blade drawing a trickle of blood.

<OOC> Knightmare says, "i'll move to 8,7 and power attack (spiked gauntlet) him,"
<OOC> Knightmare says, "and cys will give him a kick/bite i've never attack with him need to dbl chck"
GAME: Knightmare rolls weapon2-2+1: (4)+7+-2+1: 10
GAME: Knightmare rolls 1d20+3: (6)+3: 9, "cyssy's bite"
<OOC> Knightmare says, "i'm gonna reroll that one, poor warhorse never gets a piece of anyone"
GAME: Knightmare rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6
<OOC> Knightmare says, "..."
<OOC> Khepri pats KM.
<OOC> Knightmare says, "I'm on brand!"

Not entirely sure that otherwise singularly offensive remark was directed at her, Dame Betrys of Dragonier allows the fleet footed blaggard his flight, turning her attention instead toward making sure that font of foul energies does not continue much longer. With a snap of the reigns she guides Cysgodawyr closer to the fray, inside her lance's engagement range to instead use a forceful backhand that harmlessly sunders the air over his head.

Cysgodawyr, hiself stirred to gleeful action, does neigh his bloodlust and his teeth click forcefully together into empty ear by his opposing ear as the squirrely villain does prove himself most evasive.

<OOC> Jinks says, "Crook is Combat Casting."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (16)+9: 25

The woman spits out grass and rolls to one side, blinking up at Jay. "You people killed her!" She accuses, one hand fiddling with the pouches on her belt. "Nowyouseeum!" She intones and then vanishes with the sound of a bubble popping quietly.

<OOC> Gramarye says, "I'm magic missiling on the dwarf now."
GAME: Gramarye casts Magic Missile/A1. Caster Level: 3 DC: 16
GAME: Gramarye rolls 2d4+2: (5)+2: 7

The one that Gramarye's tracking disappears. The golem makes no sound of irritation, but her eyes do 'blink' for a moment before she turns back to the dwarf. "Rerouting. Activating magic missile."

More darts are formed and blasted at the dwarf, finding their mark. "Arcane ordnance distributed," Gramarye announces. "Please stand down."

GAME: Jay rolls perception+4: (16)+14+4: 34
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+27: (11)+27: 38

The bluejay feels a negative surge wash over him, draining the colour and vibrancy of life. He shivers, hearing what might be a death moan. It calls to mind a recent experience. Wights!

Not as intense, and he never suffered one of their touches, but the aura and atmosphere is the same. As the accusation flies, that -he- killed -her-, the l-eagle egalrin retorts. "No! I had nothing to do with that! I'm with the drivers, not the wights!"

He leaps to conclusions, "That dwarf! He's one of those Heth Agents I heard about! He's responsible, he killed them."

And then the woman is gone, popping like a bubble before his eyes. His head pans, he scans the cobbles for signs of her passage, and though he counts 25 weeds in the first 8 feet of cobblestones in front of him, none of them are disturbed. "She vanished!"

<OOC> Khepri says, "Move to 10,9. Does Freckles still live?"
GAME: Khepri rolls heal: (13)+3: 16
<OOC> Jinks says, "You ascertain she is alive and stabilize her with first aid!"

Khepri staggers as the wave of negative energy hits. It's not -as- effective, but its armor tarnishes, and a shower of sparks shoots from its damaged chest. Still... it endures. No visible targets, so it stalks over towards the sprawled, dying woman, and... drops its khopesh, pulling out a bandage and starting to work on binding the woman's more grievous injuries. "...My apologies, Grey Lady, but I do not believe it is this woman's time yet."

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (8)+13: 21
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+11: (15)+11: 26
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4+4: (2)+4: 6
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+11: (12)+11: 23 (Touch attack on Rocky - Hits)
GAME: Rocky rolls fort: (4)+9: 13
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4: (2): 2
GAME: Khepri rolls spellcraft: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Gramarye rolls Spellcraft: (17)+10: 27

The dwarf is bloodied and bruised, one eye beginning to swell shut. He doesn't seem fit to speak with any of his attackers. He raises up the bludgeon to ward off the various melee combatants and chants again, dark spittle flecking on his blackened lips. Suddenly, he lunges forward brushing the disc against the grey-toned sith-makar.

Rocky feels a fever come on suddenly. His face feels aflame and his vision blurs. The strength begins to leave his limbs.

<OOC> Sora says, "play whack a dwarf again"
GAME: Sora rolls strike+1-4: aliased to finesse+3+1-4: (2)+11+3+1+-4: 13
<OOC> Jinks says, "Have you used your reroll yet, Sora?"
GAME: Sora rolls strike+1-4: aliased to finesse+3+1-4: (12)+11+3+1+-4: 23
GAME: Sora rolls powdam-1: aliased to 2d6+3+2+1+1+6-1: (5)+3+2+1+1+6+-1: 17
<OOC> Jinks says, "He does down. Dying."

Sora dances as she watches the dwarf move back, "Not getting away," she says and whips the flat of her blade at the dwarf again and solidly smacks the dwarf, and watches him go down. She glances around to see if there is another target.

<OOC> Rocky says, "Just take his disc thing away?"
GAME: Rocky rolls knowledge/religion: (7)+2: 9
<OOC> Jinks says, "It's definitely a disc of some kind."

Rocky wobbles as strength leaves his limbs, but rallies back, raising his blade and... lowering it again. Stepping forward, the greyscale grabs the black disc away from the dwarf. "Bo more from you." He's not entirely sure what the disc means, but is pretty sure it's not an angelic sort of Holy Symbol.

The civvies were smart enough to move out. There are three dead donkeys. The only two combatants visible are unconscious. The dwarf is also in the process of dying.

<OOC> Khepri says, "Stabilize. Bind and gag. Deliver to temples. Burn at stake. Problem solved."
<OOC> Knightmare says, "I'll dismount and dig round for some rope to get ready to tie these guys up"
<OOC> Jinks says, "KM can be a cowboy with some rope looped bup by the saddle. I can live with that. Tie him up!"

For haste's sake, as it seems the skirmish is over, the Knightmare drops her lance and swings her leg over the saddle to set a hoof soundly against the stone.

Watching the other construct handle the female, she snatches the coiled rope from her saddle and strides toward the sinister surpine swine, to begin securing him, "This one has much to answer for, I expect." she intones hollowly.

A look up toward the warrior and, "Well struck, friend!"

GAME: Jay rolls sense motive: (7)+10: 17

"I could set your whole world on fire..." Jay hears the voice come from thin air, trembling. He can't quite see the brown-haired woman but he gets the impression that she's fighting back tears. "Animals," she curses.

And then she's gone.

Sora shakes her head, "Anyone able to stabilize this one so we can turn him in? How about the girl I crushed?" she glances back towards where the other girl was. She didn't mean to hit them that hard.

<OOC> Khepri checks Heal first.
GAME: Khepri rolls heal: (12)+3: 15

Once Khepri is sure the girl's not going to die on the ground, the golem slowly lumbers to its feet again, and stalks over to stand over the dwarf. Yellow eyes flicker, but once again, the bandages come out, and the inquisitor starts the painstaking work of making sure the villain will survive to see his execution. "That seemed... odd," it notes. "At first I thought it was merely theft, but the use of negative energy was... quite the escalation."

Rocky chuffs and flexes his leadened limbs. "Attacking a donation drive is stupid. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." He heard that somewhere.

"No, I'm not an animal, I'm a bird-person. There's a big difference." Jay squawks, seeking the voice, failing to find it.

He does hear Sora's confession. "Hey! Uh! You don't want to admit to anything that could be used against you in a court of law. If she's dead, that would be really bad. Allegedly."

He snatches up his hunting bolas and puts them back on his belt. Next, he takes cover behind the wagon and contemplates the dead donky.

He's not feeling very heroic. He is in fact, feeling a little chicken, and heads off in the direction the other two drivers went.

Gramarye's crimson eyes return to obsidian. "Exiting combat mode..."

She surveys the surroundings. "The girl has been stabilized," she says in regards to Sora's inquiry.

Gramarye looks down at Khepri, particularly at the damage that Khepri has sustained, as it tends to the downed dwarf. There's a blink in her eyes before she speaks again. "I can help you with the damage you have sustained to your framework," she says. "Please visit the Ilife Smithy at your latest convenience. I am also available to create magic items according to your exact specifications."

Probably not the right time to advertise Bob's smithy, but no one hired Gramarye for her PR strategies.

Sora nods her head, "Yes, Not sure what they were thinking." she looks up and shakes her head, "Not really, they were committing a theft, and they attacked first, if they were dead, they were dead, but I would rather not." she nods and sighs, "I was worried I cracked her skull open." She cocks her head to the side, "Think that is all that was planned or something else?" she asks as she does glance around a bit.

Rocky rumbles in his chest, considering. "...sometimes being good is just being nice to people. So, sometimes being evil is just being a jerk?"

"Agreed. Something dire may be afoot." the Knightmare replies as the Executor stabilizes this prisoner as well.

She stands, then, and moves to fetch a red vial from her saddlebags for her somewhat haggard looking mount, "Easy, old friend, this will help."

Over her shoulder, she remarks, "Cysgodawyr and I can carry them to the place of judgement, though we would need a guide."

Khepri finishes patching the dwarf up to make sure he'll survive. "If they had died it would have been something they brought on themselves. Particularly this one." It gets to its feet, picking up its khopesh and checking the blade before resheathing it. "The temples may have questions for the dwarf, but we can bring the girl to the Soldier's Defense. Once she has recovered the city guard will take her into custody."

The golem turns to stare blankly at Gramarye, before another sputtering creak comes from its chest. Then it replies, "So noted."

GAME: Gramarye rolls Knowledge/Local: (4)+10: 14
<OOC> Khepri will look at the dwarf's disc though.
GAME: Khepri rolls knowledge/religion: (16)+7: 23
<OOC> Knightmare says, "KM and Cysgodawyr will hang around and carry the prisoners to their destinations.

The bronze mannequin gives a curtsy. "Initiating introduction protocol. I am Grace Reason Amity Miracle August Revelry Young Earnest--designation GRAMARYE. It is a pleasure to meet you." The last sentence is said with a measure of faux cheer that's been clearly dictated to her.

She inspects the freckled girl. "The girl is not native to Alexandria and has a tattoo on the inside of her right arm that's recent. I do not recognize its purpose nor meaning."

Sora nods, "Probably best to let the guards handle it." she says and then cocks her head to the side, "I am Sora." she says softly and dips her head. Her artifice arm brings her greatsword up and lays it over her shoulder.

Khepri turns the dwarf's unholy symbol over in its metallic fingers. "It is of Thulite origin," the Executor states flatly. "However, there is variance. The temples must be made aware of it." At the introductions, it intones, "I am called Khepri." Evidently it doesn't have near the introductory skills of the others. Or the winning personality for that matter.

Jay comes upon the mul'niessa and the gobber woman crouching in the shadow behind one of the Society's outbuildings. The bald elf holds a tin cup and the goblin has a battered old flask in the hand not occupied with her pipe.

The pair consider the egalrin after tensing a half-beat and looking like they might bolt.

"... ain't drinkin' on the job if there's magic," the mul'niessa finally offers Integrity as something of a non sequitur.

"Rules say we get a breat," adds the gobber.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, I remember that." Jay says, looking over his shoulder from whence he came, in case combat is following him, or the woman who vanished. He looks back at them, recites, "Breaks for bolts."

His beak opens and closes a few times, his eyes focusing on the mug and the flash, "do I have to earn a mug too?"

"I only know a couple of those, not too well. Um. Usually we're outside of the city, or under it." His wings flutter in a helpless shrug. "I think it's done, but a few more minutes of break wouldn't hurt."

Sora slips her greatsword back into its holders and then nods a bit. She stretches just a bit, "This should be wrapping up in a bit." she shrugs and shakes her head a bit.

The mannequin nods satisfactorily. "Khepri. I am adding this name to my memory banks. I will now depart, as I do not see any further purpose in my being here. I must return to the Smithy to aid the artificer in his work."

She curtsies again, that strange and stiff motion on such a tall frame. "Goodbye," she intones, and off she walks to confuse more people.

Khepri remains behind to assist in removing the prisoners to their proper places. Then, hopefully, repairs. "The material for donation should be inspected as well. Exposure to negative energy can have deleterious side effects on both living and unliving material. Side effects include blackening of flesh, numbness, malaise, nausea, loss of hair or nails, unconsciousness, or death."

The gobber and mul'niessa exchange a look. The gobber squints and the mul'niessa tilts his head left and right, then left and right again. Finally, the pink-haired woman smiles wide and grins a "Sounds like overtime to me!"

The mul'niessa offers Jay a drink from his cup.

Shortly, established members of the society begin to arrive. A gnome speeds along the grounds in a blur, an yrchblooded geezer flies overhead, and a small handful huff-and-puff as they run into view. There's an assortment of staves, wands, and orbs freshly pondered. The site is secured.

There's no sign of the brown-haired man and woman. Even the punch-happy fellow that'd ducked deeper into the grounds seems to've made his escape. Perhaps he upgraded his disguise passing through the dorms?

The prisoners will be seen to and shipped off to the appropriate locations. What can be salvaged of the donations will be.

And-- most importantly-- the teamsters will get their overtime!

Ghoulish cp line.png



 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
     25   Crook               
     25   Gramarye         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     22   Jay              1  
     20   Drive And Dwarf     
     14   Khepri           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     13   Blackbeard          
     12   Robe                
     11   Sora             1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     10   Freckles            
     4    Rocky            3  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     2    Knightmare       1  