Social: For Peace!

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Strolling out of the Dragon's Den, Melon is... well, staggering a bit. And giggling. It's cold and dark out, with clouds blotting out the moon, but the half-elf doesn't seem to mind. "/Hob/gobblings," she giggles to herself. "/Classic/!"

"CLASSIC," says Garrin to her, now beside her. He's just emerged from the Den as well. Perhaps they had a few drinks together. NMaybe not. But he's totally there and having another drink too.

Either way, Melon slings an arm around Garrin, leaning in and giggling. "I never... I never heard...!" She can't even finish her sentence, for her breathlessness. She's got the last little dregs of her last drink in her hand. "Hey, hey, have you ever... have you ever actually /fought/ a hobgob...gobbling... dob... /goblin/? Hobgoblin?"

"A few! I was in the war in Sendor back, you know, when there was a war in Sendor!" Garrin looks out and takes a drink. "'Course, some of them were on our side then too. It was weird. Orange to the left of me and orange to the right."

"OooOOOooo," Melon replies, taking another swig. "Stuck in the middle with...goblins?" She offers a toothy smile, and then declares, "You know, I know a hob...gobbler! He is /very/ orange. And very...huggy. Are there still wars around right now? I am /too/ drunk to remember at this moment." Well, that and her nose is in a book or blueprint most of the time. When she's not trying to earn a wage through (mis)adventuring.

"Well, there's always a war. It never changes." War. War never changes.

"Oh, well... yes I s'ppose that's true," Melon replies, face screwing up in thought as she taps her chin. "I think that maybe we should get... we should get a big ol' peace council...thing together. Oh! Or maybe... no, even /better/, we should put something in the water! Inject some kinda spell... some pacifying spell. No more war. War's /dumb/. Wouldn't that be awesome?" "Yeah, because peace councils work great and stuff except when evil goddesses go 'do ho ho ho no'. Then it alls goes to the shitter." Garrin laughs.

Melon breaks into more giggles, having to stop her unsteady gait to double over from all that laughing. "Ooh, yeah that's true..." she finally manages, as she straightens, heel of her hand scrubbing a few stray tears from her cheek. "Well, okay, mebbe something in the water...wouldn't pacify the gods. But I bet it's a good step in the right direction? Then mebbe... mebbe we can all just be drunk. And happy."

"Drunk is good!" Garrin agrees, happily. "I like getting people drunk. Tarien likes getting people drunk. Then he gets punted into soem sea by Angoron. It's *terrible*."

"Oh, yes, I bet! Reos...Reos is okay with drunk but I dunno if he's as down with it as Tarien. I kiiiinda doubt it. But y'know, I hit some of my best work when I'm a little drunk..ish, and from what I unnerstand, 'm not alone in that." Melon nods firmly there. Yes. "So I think maybe Reos...would be okay with it! And then we'll all have a big ol'...drunk...hug time, or something. Whatever's not a war. ... Bet Angoron might be a bit pissed though, eh?"

"Hell no. Angoron drinks harder than the rest of us combined! Maybe Kor might get upset if all the drinking got in the way of wargaming," replies Garrin, flailing a bit and then nearly tripping over a cobblestone.

"Whoop!" Melon lunges to catch Garrin, though she's not terribly helpful in that regard, and nearly overbalances them both. "Ack! Sorry! Haha, but you're right, Kor would be so pissed if we got ridda war. But I think... maybe if we get enough people t'gether to make the ... water...peace spell thing, majig, mebbe we can... I dunno. Y'think it'd be too hard to fight Kor if he got pissed and came down?" Artificers: too crazy to think sane, especially when drunk.

Indeed. Garrin bursts out laughing. "What the hell is war good for, anyways? Absolutely nothing, if you ask me!" He falls down after Melon overbalances him.

"Say it again!" Melon calls, though as he falls, she goes down with him. "Oof! Sorry. I didn' mean to fall down." She rolls up to a crouch, falls down again, manages to get to all fours, staggers up, overbalances, catches herself, and straightens! ... Then remembers to lean down and reach for Garrin to help him up. It's the blind leading the blind over here. "I think...I think I'm gonna stop war. Yep! I'm gonna bring magic t'the ungifted and stop war. As Reos is my witness! And also you. And this busy street." She eyes the people milling about.

"I HEAR YOU. Ending war and stuff!" Garin pauses and looks up at her, "Assumin' massive power for yourself! You must be in the right business. The Kulthians were really good at that too." Oh, shit. Yeah, he's a jerky Tarienite, all right.

Melon nods firmly a few times, then blinks. "Wha-- hey now! I'm not gonna go all... dark powers or anything! Black artifice is so not my deal. I jus' wanna...make the world a better place! Y'know? Y'know?"

"Well, That IS how it starts, isn't it?" He's grinning way more broadly now. "Ending war becomes maintaining the peace."

Melon flings her hands about emphatically, accidentally flinging her mug at some poor hapless bystander. She ducks preemptively at the 'hey!! watch it!' and then scoots behind her comrade. "ANYWAY. Don't hafta maintain the peace if I keep the water supply all...peace-y. That's all I gotta do, right? Nothing to do with raising the dead or makin'...creepy...skeleton machines."

"Yeah! Peacey. That's the way to go," says Garrin, watching the poor bystander nearly get clocked with a mug. He bursts out laughing.

"Well! Well! Look at it this way. If society... if society is to reach a...a utopian /state/, in which all individuals are contented, there should be no war. Even... even people who thrive on war would do better without war! It's like... it's like... to preserve an idealized state where the rights of man are universal... you know? It's also why I want to bring magic to the ungifted! The wonders of science and magic, married together to even the playing field for even the lowest commoner to enjoy. You know?" All through this, Melon is gesturing to get her point across. It's not working.

"Well, of COURSE you do. Becasue nothing can go wrong at all with a bunch of ungifted people casting magical spells all over the place. I like this plan. Totally!" He beams. Then gives Melon a hug.

"Exactly!" Melon clearly lacks a sarcasm detector. Especially when drunk! "You understand me, my friend!" She beams and slings a hug right back at him, giggling happily. "TO PEACE!" she cries, and extends her mug to toast. ... Except, y'know. She flung it. She blinks at her empty hand, then shrugs, and knocks knuckles with the other mug anyway. :D

"TO PEACE!" Garrin promptly gives Melon the best hug ever and squuuuuezes her.

And steals at least a couple coppers.

GAME: Garrin rolls Sleight of Hand: (15)+8: 23

Melon, oblivious, just hugs it up! Her purse is right there on her hip, with coins just /waiting/ to get purloined. She breaks into giggles once more and pulls out of the hug to give him a friendly punch on the shoulder. "You're alright, Gary! You're alright." And, slinging her arm in his, she leads him down the street. Triumphantly. And with passion! FOR PEACE!