Singular pt 4

From Tenebrae
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When last we left our heroes, they were had been exploring the confinees of the wizard's constructed puzzle.

The puzzles seem to involve doors, portcullis', and chests! The wizard seems to be watching, observing, and communicating with you. So far, you've been through two rooms. You've gone from one with a portcullis and a chest, to another with two portcullis, two chests, and two doors, and now the one you're in now has /eight/ portcullis with chests behind them and eight doors.

All in all, it's a bit confusing. Chests, portcullis' and doors, though.

Especially doors.

They're the worst.

Melora groans a bit. "Really......What is it with Wizard's and doors...."

"Mmhmm. Questioning their fate," murmurs the wizard. You can hear him. He's definitely very curious about yuour reactions, Sreraphine's attempts at reverse psychology nonwithstanding.

Melora says, "Actually...some of the worst and deadliest traps are usually on doors.....What IS your name anyways?"

"Timarys," he says. Wasn't it different earlier?

Either way, he's contiuing to him audibly, waiting. "Yes, well. That'd make sense, wouldn't it? Deadly trapped doors, I mean."

Tirr blinks and look sfrom one thing to the other... "Soooo, guys, what have you in mind for solving this physical riddle?" She asks curiously... She looks around at the various doors, and ummms... "Yah lots of dangerous traps, probably not so dangerou sones, and maybe one or two possible ways to solve this?" She then calls out "Hey Mr Wizaaarrrd.... There some kind of ridle or clue to solve this place? Or is this to be a test of trial and error?"

Melora says, "well.....the best we can do, I just search every door and room..."

"...dangerous...scones," the wizard can be heard. There's a sound that's brief, like a parchment being quill-written on.

Melora says, "all right. Lets get started." She says starting to head over to the first door. "Get these done and over with....""

Granit heads in the direction of the cat. He points with his chin. "Maybe we should check this direction?"

Tirr tilts her head, and shrugs, moving to follow after Granit now... "Suuuure, why not, lets do what the clockwork cat suggests." she says with a slight smirk.. She's happy she has Mage armor up and is ready to cut loose with Shield as need be too...

Melora says, "It's as good a place to check as any." She says as she heads over...."

Granit nods. "It's probably a trap, but at least it's a cute trap, instead of a creepy mimic trap."

Headbutt! Headbutt!

The cat is headbutting the door. It makes a little mecahnical sounding 'meow'.

But the door remains.

Melora says, "Mmm...lets open that door, shall we?" She says going for the door handle."

Granit nods. He grasps his polearm, curling around out of the forward-cone of the door. Just in case.

Melora opens the door and steps back....just like that.

The door...

... OPENS.

Behind it is what appears to be a brick wall.

Only the bricks are... swirling. Moving. It's enough to drive the eyes crazy since they very much look like they /shouldn't/ be.

Tirr stares at the back of the wall briefly, blinks her eyes and looks away "That's ummm... disturbing." she mutters.... "sooo what do we do with this wall?"

Granit gives it a poke with the butt of his guisarme. "I don't think that's real."

Melora whistles for a moment before looking away. "That's enough fo give you a headache. And....likely not. Likely a spell..." She then looks down. "Wonder why the cat wanted in."

The cat is done headbutting the door. And then pases through the 'swirling bricks' like they're not even there.

Granit takes a cue, and follows. Because the truth is out there.

And then Granit walks into a wall.

Granit staggers back, holding his forehead. "Fuck."

Melora tries to tap her rifle where the cat walked through.

/That/ works.

The lower half is more passable than the upper half, apparently.

Melora says, "Well then. Wanna give a try to the lower half then?" She says to Granit."

Granit gets on his knees, and follows. "Well, that'll learn me about thinking like a biped."

Into the next room.

Granit, and soon enough the others, can see it's not unlike the others. /This/ room has /sixteen seperate doors/. ANd another sixteen portculli with chests between them.

POrecisely double the previous room.

The previous rooms had 8, 2 and 1.

Tirr follows along behind the others, hands and knees time... She blinks as she looks around curiously... "Umm yah think there's enough doors here?" she asks curiously and sighs before rubbing at the back of her neck... "Soo we let the cat choose again? Or do we try and figure this out for our selves?"

Granit waves his hand. "This is doubling. This is going to go nowhere fast."

Melora says, "It's doubling each time. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16....At least in the last one we had a guide. Well...most of them we had a guide." She says as she starts to poke around. "hmmm.....""

The cat is in the middle of the room. It's stopped moving there.

Granit paueses. "Not four, though." He heads over to the cat. "In the middle? What do you see?"

Melora tilts her head and looks about. "Maybe it ran out of power....or it's done guiding us...."

Tirr swivels her head around, looking at the various portcullis and doors and stuff... "Sooo we just open doors? Also, which door was it we went through last time?" She asks curiously.... Maybe there's a pattern?:

Melora says, "We went through a swirly last time.""

GAME: Granit rolls perception: (11)+18: 29

GAME: Tirrynelth rolls perception: (8)+6: 14

Granit pauses. "They're the same. Totally the same. Exactly the same. Maybe it just doesn't matter which one we choose."


The voice of the wizard can be heard. He's taking notes again.

Melora ponders....and shrugs...then opens a nearby door. "Give it a try...."

Nothing happens. The odor is locked. Melora is unable to open one.

Tirr blinks and approaches a random portcullis after spinning a circle... She goes to a nother one, rather dizzily and tries to tug at the portcullis and maybe open it... Or the door or both, whichever she can... "Sooo we gotta get past the portcullis first right?"

Granit searches where the cat is standing. Not for odors. It has no digestive system.

The cat is on the floor. There is nothing of interest there, apparently.

GAME: Tirrynelth rolls strength: (2)+1: 3

Granit looks around the cat, but shakes his head. He looks up. "How are you making ou-- oh." He nods to Melora. "Want help?"

Melora makes a bit of a face. "Try other dorrs then?" And she goes to open another door nearby.

Melora says, "Right. Come on....let's give it a whirl."

GAME: Granit rolls strength: (6)+3: 9

GAME: Melora rolls strength: (20)+2: 22

Granit "helps" by putting his hands on the portcullis -- but Melora does all of the work. Typical.

Soo Tirr is trying her heart out trying to lift the portcullis, tugging pulling liftin gtrying to tug it off the wall etc... however well she doesn't even budge it, but her claws make a nice scraping noise on the ground below her!!!

GAME: Melora rolls 1d16: (12): 12

That portcullis opens easiyl enough, leaving you a ches to get to. This chest is like every other chest. They're all completely identicial in form. ^r

Very simple forms, of course.

Melora drops the portcullis as soon as Granit's back through. "Can ya open it?'

Granit checks the chest. Can he?

GAME: Granit rolls perception: (9)+18: 27

Granit tries to open the chest, patting the cat idly with his free hand.

Curious to see what kinda thingie the cat is, Tirr studies it, then lacking aything better to do, she pulls a bit of jerky from her pocket and offers it to the mechanical cat... "umm ya eat stuff?" she asks curiously.

The cat doesn't move.

T he chest opens. It reveals a... fork? A metal fork with three ends. It's about a foot long. Like an oversized turning fork.

Melora says, "Welp....we're forked...." She says going to open another door."

Granit pauses. "Wait. Why is it in threes? Four was the missing number. Try the twelfth door or something."

Melora says, "Uhm....which is the twelfth door?"

Granit says, "Start at the open one and count?""

Granit is good at being arbitrary. He looks down at the cat. "I hope you don't eat idiots."

Melora says, "in which direction?"

Granit points left for no good reason.

Tirr tilts her head, tail whipping back and forth as she leaves the treat for the cat.. She glances back at the doors and sighs "Well i can't really lift these doors I might add... Also we'd have to know which way to count..." She then starts studying the doors, the frames, the floor around them, etc, trying to see if there's some marking that numbers said doors....

Melora nods. "Fine by me." And she starts to count....

Granit said all that arbitrary stuff while holding this weird, three-pronged tuning fork.

IT begins to vibrate as he moves around the room in varying levels of strength.

Granit systematically starts to find the area of greatest vibration.

It seems to be pointing at the fourth door. The one directly opposite, more or less.

Granit walks over to the fourth door. Well, the door that is the fourth.

Melora stops counting and watches Granit...

Tirr watches the tuning fork with interest and then umms "Soo issit pointing us at the 4th door? Or the one we want, what if we ask it to help us find the door to get out of here?"

Melora says, "go for it, Granit. I'm at a loss as to what's going on here." She says shouldering her rifle..."

Granit shakes his head, then tries the fourth door.

...and when Granit goes to open the door, it promptly screeches a high piched 'SKREE' and begins to melt. /Melt/. Like a wax candle.

...screaming all the while.

Melora covers her ears immediately....

Tirr blinks "Back away from the door with it?" she calls out "it might not wanna use that door!"

Granit considers the melting door. "Well, it's opening."

Melora says, "WHAT!?"

Tirr blinks "Well there you have it..." she says to her self while covering her ear holes and such so as not to go deaf.... "Sooo we go through it after it goes away?" she asks curiously.

Melora says, "WHAT!?"