Shade Part 9

From Tenebrae
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GAME: Floofystink rolls 10d6: (44): 44

GAME: Floofystink damaged you for -44 points. 153 HP remaining.

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 1: aliased to 20: (19)+20: 39

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 2: aliased to 15: (20)+15: 35

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 3: aliased to 10: (11)+10: 21

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 2: aliased to 15: (12)+15: 27

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA D: aliased to 2d4+20: (6)+20: 26

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA D: aliased to 2d4+20: (3)+20: 23

GAME: Kisaiya rolls 8d4+80: (18)+80: 98

Kisa breaths out as the scythe starts to move. The whip of it out and the slash cuts in deep with a push of the haft up to parry the Wight's attack. She gives a light smile, a cant of her head as she moves again, a plant of a foot, a pivot and she moves the scythe though a half-rotation before cutting low. The blade lashes out, cutting deeply into the wight's leg, forcing it down to a knee as she steps once more.

A Step back from Kisa with the haft resting along the back of the wight's neck, the blade pointed toward the ground and she simply... pulls. A twist of her spine, a jerk with her arms, and with a thump, the head falls free from the body and it slumps down kneeling as if in prayer to the head now rolling about.

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+16: (16)+16: 32

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+165: (17)+165: 182

GAME: Kisaiya rolls fort: (17)+11: 28

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+8: (10)+8: 18

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+8: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+8: (10)+8: 18

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22

GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+18: (10)+18: 28

GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+18: (17)+18: 35

GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+18: (2)+18: 20

GAME: Astaren rolls 1d20+18: (18)+18: 36

GAME: Astaren rolls 1d6+4: (2)+4: 6

Several of the wights break through. Just enough of them to be dangerous. Many others are caught in the entangle, others still blocked by the wall of force and others STILL grabbed by teh tentacles, screaming loudly and flailing wildly.

But still, though that could fly have more easily bypassed these challenges. Flying wights? Yes, it's true.

And they are grimly assaulting Kisa, these wights, even if most of them are still getting into position. One of them did strike her.

GAME: Stirling activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str,+4 Dex

GAME: Stirling rolls 25: (18)+25: 43

GAME: Stirling spends ONE use of CHARGE POOL.

GAME: Stirling rolls 4d6+16: (16)+16: 32

The artificer known as Stirling is now a 24ft tall monstrosity in a large mechanical suit, a stout pipe on the back blows exhaust at an alarming rate as a light blue glow suffuses the armor. His steps crunch across the floor as he walks up to one of the wights, the mechanisms in the arm creek and whir as he pulls back and delivers a jaw-shattering punch its face.

GAME: Kravar rolls 26: (7)+26: 33

GAME: Kravar rolls 26: (16)+26: 42

GAME: Kravar rolls 21: (9)+21: 30

GAME: Kravar rolls 26: (11)+26: 37

GAME: Kravar rolls 21: (1)+21: 22 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d6+7+1d6: (2)+7+(3): 12

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d6+7+1d6: (4)+7+(4): 15

Kravar is floating slowly to the ground. Only this is no gentle feather-like descent. It's full of pain and flashing dragon claws courtesy of a creature that shouldn't be able to fly so fast for something so large. Kravar grimaces and then sends arrows streaking one after another at the monster, each missile leaving a brief trail of faint glowing blue. The ones that strike true not only dig into scales, but leave a patch of frost where they strike. Taking a brief break, Kravar looks down to see how far he has to land. His grimace only deepens.

GAME: Durrankar casts Greater Flaming Sphere. Caster Level: 13 DC: 20

GAME: Durrankar rolls 6d6: (14): 14

Durrankar keeps back, and making sure he stays away from Kisa with her murderscythe. He puffs out a little fireball and puts it in front of one of the it either has to go around, or get burned.....

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+31: (12)+31: 43

GAME: Floofystink rolls 2d8+18: (10)+18: 28

GAME: Floofystink damaged you for 28 points. 125 HP remaining.

GAME: Kravar rolls perception: (1)+19: 20 (EPIC FAIL)

The dragon zips by Kravar again, raking him with its claws. It hardly seeems hurt by the arrows and its wounds are indeed healing. Below, Kravar and the rest of you can see, well...

...well, remember this used to be a big city. That's a LOT of wights.

"THE MASTER KNOWS," roars the dragon. "THE END OF ALL ENDS."

"Lady, pray this Servant of Undeath be put to rest. But in th' meanwhile, do you think you could see to strengthenin' our selves against its magic?" Kerbasi asks. The priest removes his glasses to rub at his eyes. Then replaces them. As he does, everyone grows a little harrier! STRENGTH OF THE BEAR! (

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 1: aliased to 20: (18)+20: 38

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 1: aliased to 20: (15)+20: 35

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 2: aliased to 15: (18)+15: 33

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 3: aliased to 10: (17)+10: 27

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA D: aliased to 2d4+20: (3)+20: 23

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA D: aliased to 2d4+20: (4)+20: 24

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA D: aliased to 2d4+20: (7)+20: 27

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA D: aliased to 2d4+20: (6)+20: 26

"HEY!" Kisa calls out as she sees one of them trying to fly over head. She thwacks it hard, yanking down and forcing it to fall down to the ground in front of her, a turn around and she cuts in deeply into the white's back as she steps over it, another hook into the shoulder to drag it into a kneeling position. "Just... DIE or something." She turns, using her heels to rotate her spine about the point in a fast motion with the whip of the haft around with it. The scythe slices in the same way it would harvest grain, and with the slice, it removes the head of the next wight.

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+16: (19)+16: 35

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+16: (4)+16: 20

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+16: (18)+16: 34

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+16: (7)+16: 23

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d6+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d6+1: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Kisaiya rolls fort: (3)+11: 14

GAME: Kisaiya rolls fort: (12)+11: 23

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+23: (2)+23: 25

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+23: (10)+23: 33

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d8+10: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d8+10: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Kravar rolls 26: (20)+26: 46

GAME: Kravar rolls 26: (19)+26: 45

GAME: Kravar rolls 21: (2)+21: 23

GAME: Kravar rolls 16: (15)+16: 31

GAME: Kravar rolls 11: (18)+11: 29

GAME: Kravar rolls 26: (20)+26: 46

GAME: Kravar rolls 2d6+14+1d6: (3)+14+(1): 18

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d6+7+1d6: (3)+7+(4): 14

GAME: Kravar rolls perception: (13)+19: 32

GAME: Thyrson rolls perception: (11)+19: 30

Kravar is knocked spinning by the dragon's latest pass. He doesn't wait until he comes to a stop, firing arrows every time he's facing the right direction. Once again he glances down to judge how long until his boots touch the ground - and then squints at what he sees.

GAME: Durrankar casts Ice Storm. Caster Level: 13 DC: 20

"Gulfure. Get ready to get out of here." Durrankar then looks towards Kisaiya. "Kisaiya! Start your withdrawal. We're leaving!" he yells as he puts a very visible cold area right in front of Kisaiya. "They'll be slowed as they move through the area. Come on, let's go."

GAME: Thyrson rolls 1d20+15+4: (14)+15+4: 33

GAME: Thyrson casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 15 DC: 20

GAME: Thyrson casts Telekinesis. Caster Level: 15 DC: 23

Thyrson's golden dragon head looks up, and his eyes glow as he tracks Kravar's falling form. Also, nearby, a cloud of golden glitter explodes around the dragon's face.

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+23: (20)+23: 43

GAME: Astaren refreshes spells.

GAME: Astaren casts Protection From Energy. Caster Level: 13 DC: 19

Astaren is quickly moving back to his feet and chanting to himself. A red glow covers him and he narrows his eyes at the situation, keeping quiet and thoughtful for the moment as he considers.

GAME: Floofystink rolls 1d20+31: (2)+31: 33

GAME: Floofystink rolls 2d8+18: (3)+18: 21

GAME: Floofystink damaged you for 21 points. 104 HP remaining.

Another savage fang bite as it lands directly near KRavar's telekinatically moving form. Smashing its teeth into his armor, Kravar can feel his bones threatening to break under the enormous pressure before it lets go of him, spitting a massive, rotten tooth from its head thereafter. It roars, black clouds of energy eminating from its mouth.

GAME: Kerbasi casts Blessing of Fervor. Caster Level: 15 DC: 21

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 1: aliased to 20: (18)+20: 38

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 1: aliased to 20: (20)+20: 40

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 2: aliased to 15: (3)+15: 18

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 3: aliased to 10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Kisaiya rolls ScythePA 1: aliased to 20: (20)+20: 40