Rescue Mission, part 1

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Log Info

  • Title: Rescue Mission, part 1
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia
  • Characters: Landau, Dax, Seyardu, Jinks, Rocky
  • Place: Explorer's Guild, Western Gates, Eldwyn Road
  • Time: Saturday, July 03, 2021, 7:59 PM
  • Summary: A group of high level adventurers went out on an Explorer's Guild mission and didn't return. A rescue party was sent, and came back with minimal information. This is the second party sent to investigate. They are given a briefing, some documents, and told to speak to the Alexandrian Guard who commissioned the original mission. The Guard, a Lt. Trygve of the Western Gate, is abusive and dismissive, saying the earlier adventurers should have been able to kill a bunch of Kobolds and insists the rescue team finish the mission. He describes where they were sent, and the party sets out. Seyardu is suspicious, there are contradictions between the guard and guild's account. Dax is easy going and willing to kill anything to protect the group. Landau is encouraged by the 'research' aspect of their mission, which may involve some monster spotting. Jink wants to stop the lizard uprising, and Rocky is another lizard along to help out. They find some Kobolds at the Brandywine River Bridge, with a toll station, as described. Speaking with them, the kobolds confirm they are protecting the area, and that adventurers did come through and went to speak with their leader. A misunderstanding brings all the other Kobolds out of hiding, and they are numerous.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing in Order  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Landau       5'9"     140 Lb     Human             Male      A Cerenzan with a quarterstaff, wide-brimmed hat.
Dax          5'0"     110 Lb     Human             Female    A 5' tall red haired human with piercings and tats.
Seyardu      5'6"     150 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint
Jinks        3'4"     39 Lb      Gnome             Male      A gnomish fellow in fancy garb and jewelry.
Rocky        6'8"     460 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A grey Sith in armor, bit like a statue.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  NPCs of Note  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Sunny                            Gnome             Female    An energetic quest-giver with crazy eyes.
Lt. Trygve                       Human             Male      A supervising Alexandrian Guard of the Western Gate.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Spectating  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Galidor      6'9"     265 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      Sith-makar with golden claws.
Aryia        4'8"     110 Lb     Shadow Elf        Female    A heavily scarred mul with a tired look about her.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Cryosanthia  6'9"     291 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A dashingly tall, elegant white-scaled lizard woman.

The Explorer's Guild

-=--=--=--=--=--=<* A05: Adventurer's Council, Great Hall *>-=--=--=--=--=--=-

As the phoenix is Alexandria's national symbol, so too has its Explorer's Council, often called the Adventurer's Council, risen from the ashes of its destruction.

Guards and mercenaries fill the interior of this huge building, one of the largest in its immediate area. Strong, metal walls divide its interior, crafting halls, briefing rooms and offices. A large space near the front has been set aside for mingling and stocked with comfortable chairs to wait in.

This area is catered by one of the Society of Arcanists' more famous chefs, a small lucht with a predilection for otherworldly cuisine and tentacle soup. Security here is as tight as it is anywhere in Alexandria, even more so now after its recent destruction. Sharp eyed sentinels and guards are ever-watchful and all manner of security contraption is said to be residing within the walls of the building. The walls are pristine for now, though not for long, and artfully decorated with murals depicting heroic adventure by members of all communities and races of the region.

The windows to the Council Hall are now stained glass, artfully decorated to depict famous moments in Alexandrian history, ranging from the death of Altima at the hands of the Phalanx Falcis at the end of the Sorceress Wars, to the city triumphantly emerging from the Mists to a changed world. Many spaces have been set aside for new stories to be added, with numerous tale yet to be written.

No matter how many times the Hall has been rebuilt, the statue in the front remains the same: a lone warrior facing off against what is presumably thought to be 'Cuddles the Otyugh Queen', with the Council's motto, below: Anything for the right price.


These kinds of missions are occasionally offered by the Explorer's Guild. Unsettlingly often, for many, it's still a comfort that they exist.

"So!" The gnome guildy who is presenting the briefing today jumps right into it. She's three and a half feet of energy in a yellow khakis with a blouse and pith helmet. "This is a R&R mission! Research and Retrieve. A guild group hasn't returned from a sanctioned mission, and you are being sent to find out what happened to them."

The gnome smiles brightly, leaning forward, "This is why you keep your membership dues paid up! Now, the group you're going to look for was significantly more experienced and better equiped. So, you aren't expected to engange and complete their mission. Whatever it was."

She waves at Jinks, and continues to address the group, "You're actually the second R&R team we've sent out. The first one came back... they really didn't try too hard. We need you to come back with better intel so we can send a more experienced team with directions."

"Any questions?"

A bald man sits at a table nearby the briefing desk, a wide brimmed hat resting on his knee as he lazily smokes a pipe. the bookish figure (though tall for one of that breed) is idily watching the flickering light dapple across the surface of his ale behind hooded lids, "Research?" the deeper than expected bass tones of the Cerenzan's voice come unsuspected, not the least to himself as well as the word piques his interest.

"Now theres a word I have not heard in some time. What esotery does this regard?" Landau pauses as the redheaded woman speaks, more that content to observe the initial information-gathering with languorous meanderings whilst the beleaguered goblin fields a fusillade of questions. The magic user takes his foot of the chair adjacent to him and retrieves his hat, the shiny pate concealed in due course.

The redheaded human with her tightly braided locks sort of chews on some jerky a moment. She's thinking about the job and then she offers, "I got me a question. Fer sure. What if we find'em all dead? Jus' come back and tell ya?" Dax pulls out her flask and downs a quick sip before putting it away again and looking around at who showed up for this... R&R.

The explorer's guild often worked together with the adventurer's guild, and it was by a passing mention from there that Seyardu heard about the potential work that was to be done. And so it was that the silver sith-makar found herself at the entrance to the explorer's guild, with the gathering group, listening intently to the explanation from their guide.

"So they have not come back, and a group was not capable of discovering what happened previously. I would ask, what is the frame of time for which this has happened? And where will the search be beginning?"

"Great question and no!" The happy gnome smiles, focusing her pearly whites on Dax, "Bring the bodies and gear back! Some of our members have paid for after-death assistance and we need as much of them as we can to do it. Best case scenario they wake up in a hospital bed with a hunk of a nurse nearby wondering what happened."

"Worst case, when whatever killed them is still around and too protective. Get as many details as you can, what did it, why it seems to be there, the location. Something we can send a high rolling kick-ass team out for."

She coughs lightly, rolling her eyes to the side, "They usually turn down jobs 'beneath them' which are detail light. They want to know what they're getting into."

The gnome turns to face the Silverscale, "That's lovely question! They went out a week ago, the first R&R team was sent 2 days ago, and came back yesterday."

"The search will begin at the Western Gates. Tomorrow morning. You're to speak to a Leftennant Trygve, he'll be on duty then. He's the one that posted the original mission, and... well, he paid for the 'surprise' package. Which means he didn't include any details in his posting and the adventurers would have to speak to him directly."

Finally, she turns to Landau, "Well, the 'Research' part is to observe and determine why the first team didn't come back. So, it's investigation, monster spotting, that sort of thing."

"I suppose expecting the other sort of 'R&R' to be 'the job' was too good to be true," Jinks mutters, glancing heavenward and offering a squint at whatever celestial patron he might be silently cursing. After hearing the description of the failed first reconnaissance team he offers a "probably gobbers" to no one in particular and smooths down his goatee thoughtfully. He regards each of the tallfolk in turn, filling the idle moments listening with long pulls from a dusty bottle half-full of some variety of amber-colored libation.

"Well, that's the only question I had. I ain't too sneaky sorts but I can at least keep the lil' fellas an' the wigglin' finger witches alive long enough ta get away." Dax looks around the group, and then brings her jerky back up to her mouth, tears off another bites worth and starts chewing. She lets the thinkers do more of the talking, but she does add, "I'm hopin' we don't need to ride no horses to get there. My arse is still hurtin' from the last time..."

"Wonderful!" The happy gnome says, "Any follow up questions?"

"The leutnant," Jinks speaks up, "a tallman? What flavor?"

"Well, I can not say that I would blame them, with what we may be walking into without much information." Seyardu notes, pausing a moment and looking around the group slowly, squinting, before turning back to the gnome. "A week is not too long to consider them still being alright perhaps, though no contact is concerning, unless the previous group simply could not find any signs. Regardless, I hope that we will be able to figure out what happened, and come to a conclusion safely."

"If that is the case, then it seems after this meeting, we will have time to prepare."

"Oh, fer cryin' out loud. Does it matter? Are ya plannin' on eatin' him?" Dax asks, immediately as she just kind of shakes her head at Jinks, "I swear ta Rada 'imself. If I 'ave ta talk to another person about how yer not 'spose ta eat another person... intentionally... ever." She takes in a breath and then swigs from her flask again before putting out a hand, "Sorry, for yellin' lil' one. Jus', its a bit of a triggerin' topic. To each their own, I 'spose. Jus' don't do it while I'm around. Can't even begin to think about it."

Jinks' gaze swims Daxwards when she has her outburst, his grin spreading. "'What sort of being,'" he clarifies. He sways a bit and his shoulders give a subtle jump of a hiccup, tilting his head to acknowledge their handler's answer. It's probably best there's some prep-time before they set out.

"Mmmrf." Landau's eloquent reply could fill volumes as he samples another puff of the ashen remnants of plant corpses, leaning back in his chair,"Questions we can ask of the Leftennant Trygve I beleive would retrieve fuller replies. Thank you." the brim of his head is tilted in deference to the goblin til his eyes are nearly concealed as he reached for the travelling stick leaning up against the table beside him, using it to help stand, "The morning then." he says as if it were scriven in stone more than a simple statement of fact, capping off the declaration with a long slow completion of his ale. Waste not, want not.

"Human! Not that tall as humans go. Maybe five feet." The gnome says, "Dirty blond hair, big aristocratic nose, watery grey eyes. Has armour with the muscles molded on it. He's in charge of the gate, he'll be hard to miss."

She halts suddenly, smiles extremely cheerfully, "Eating is not part of the R&R package so... moving on."

She faces Seyardu, "It was registered as a very short mission, so we were expecting them back. The Leftennant will be able to answer the detail questions."

"Oh! Oh! No! The previous group found signs! I forgot." The guildie laughs at herself, her eyes wide, "Yes. Their report was succinct. Kobolds."

"That's why we need a better report from Team 2, that's you."

She claps her hands together, "Good luck!"

"Yes, it seems that most of our questions should be asked to the person in charge tomorrow. But thank you for remembering that information, it may help us go back in prepared, especially if the previous group did not tell the person at the gates." The silverscale replies, giving a sharp toothed smile to the gnome. "If there is anything else you can remember before most of us take our leave for the day, it would be greatly appreciated.

She turns to Jinks and Dax, squinting more at the two. "I am sorry, was there something that came up I am unaware of? I understand though, as it does seem to be a sensitive topic to make you react so suddenly to, Dax. I would make sure everything is alright before preparing for tomorrow."

Prep-time, Dax shakes her head at Jinks and just takes another bite out of her jerky... then she pauses, and looks at it, spitting it out quickly and tossing it on the ground. Squinting a moment at no one in particular, she just gets up, "Well, I'm headed to the western gate then, probably some kind of inn or tavern that away." To the person giving them all the information from the Explorer's guild she offers a quick nod of her head and says, "We'll come back wit' yer information, an' I'll do what I can ta prevent them from showin' up in the bellies of these fine folk." And with that, she'll head off to gather up some supplies, more alcohol, and then head to the Western Gate to find a place to stay at till it is time to go. To the silverscale, she just shakes her head, "A story fer another day, wit' a lot more ale."

GAME: Dax rolls perception: (4)+0: 4

The overdressed peacock of a gnome lingers as the others depart to make at least a token pass at the issuer of quests before moving on with the evening's debauchery. There are probably more tactically-sound ways to spend a night before a task but, well, Jinks already started in on one bottle and it wouldn't do to leave it alone. Alone or accompanied he'll hum his way through the city's streets and find a gaming table at the Fernwood, relishing his solvency and daring the gods to spoil it. Then a shadowy corner table for a late meal and a rude awakening when he begins to doze. He'll stumble back to a rented room for a few scant hours of rest only to sit bolt upright what seems a moment later to the sound of bells. Eyelids fighting him the whole way, he'll splash cold water across his face, secure his neglected adventuring supplies from a footlocker, and secure some manner of sustenance as he half-hustles westwards to the gates.

The chipper and cheerful gnome smiles at Seyardu and shakes her head, "Well, the team that went out was the classic four-pair. Close-in Fighter, Long-range sneaky Fighter, a mage and a healer. Mostly human, I think, might have been some elves or half-elves. Oop! Here's their folder."

She hops down and rushes over to hand a small booklet to the silverscale. She points at a similar looking booklet near the door, "Everyone remember to sign in on the mission so we know if we have to send a team after you!"

She laughs again, with crazy eyes, "I'm kidding. A rag tag group like yourself should be just fine!"

The briefing is over. The pass seems appreciated but not indulged, athough there is a wink, "I want to hear all about it when you get back."

There's a few hours of rest and preparation, whatever form that might take. There are Inns near the gate, and even stores for provisioning for expeditions. It's easy to get a room and mundane equipment.

The sun goes down, the stars come out. The night progresses.

The next day - The Western Gates

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A01: Western Gates *>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The western gates of the city are also called the Phoenix Gates for the carved, marble phoenix whose wings stretch down to form a grand arch wide enough to accommodate several wagon teams at once. The phoenix has been carefully carved. Though age has obscured some of the details, it's clear that at one point it was possible to make out the vanes running down each individual feather. Its fiery eyes appear to follow onlookers and while it seems to welcome travelers inside, there's an implicit warning in its stern gaze to those who might wish the city harm. Overhead, the fiery flag of Alexandria, dubbed Phoenix Rising, flies proudly.

At the base of the gates there's a small lodge to house the members of the Watch who stand guard here, who watch people as they enter and exit and occasionally ask for identification papers.

Inside the gates the ancient facade suddenly looks more modern; a complicated series of pulleys, levers, mana-powered rune plates and the like are attached to huge gates which, rumor has it, can close faster than the gates of any other city thanks to the incorporation of artificer technology.


The city gates are closed at night. They open at dawn. When the first rays of sunlight touch the metal rim at their base, the gates crank open as two guards march out to meet early arriving travellers who may have queued up.

They seem to be average for Alexandria's finest, an older human and slow moving Sith'Makar. Neither match the Lt.'s description.

"Thank you, I hope that it will help us with these matters. Peace on your nest." The silverscale replies, taking the booklet with a nod. In addition to her own name, she wrote down those others who gathered for the 'r&r', with physical descriptions, though devoid of color being mentioned. And so she returns to her own room at the northern gates, for evening prayers and as much rest as she could manage to be up early in the day. She needed the extra time to look around the markets for a bit, picking up a few supplies. A multi part pole was one thing she was looking for, after hearing adventurers at the guild speaking of their encounters with Kobolds. Hopefully it would not be necessary.

Early in the day, the silver sith-makar was at the western gates, in leather armor with a burnished metal breastplate, where she waits for those she saw the previous day to gather, before continuing on with their briefing.

Having gotten up early in the morning, Landau's is getting off his kneed apparently having performed ritual or prayer atop a small rug before today venture. Apparently his habits tend to more asceticism for his eyes are clear and full of mindful intent. The cerenzan's appearance is much changed from the night before. Although the magic user is still wearing well broken in travellers gear and travels light, he wears a silvered circlet about his brow with a turquoise gem set within it, and carries a similarly coloured buckler affixed to his forearm... not to mention jingling faintly when he moves from time to time.

Joining the forming party as they dribble in without a word, he nonetheless touches his forehead with index and forefinger at the same time as he does eyes with each of you as you arrive.

Alexandrian Guards. Officially, they are part of the military, though not a division that ever leaves the city. Some are adventurers, retired, after taking too many arrows. Others are tough guys and butch gals with not enough grit or too much love of life who choose the much safer profession of dealing with thugs, smugglers, infiltrators, liars, cheats, thieves and organized crime.

The pair staffing the gate seem average in that regard. They have decent armour, which is both well worn and not exhibiting much battle damage. The older human seems a career guard, skilled at sitting and staring. The Sith'makar one looks a little more deadly, but moves slower than the lethargic human. He's stepping up to the first wagon. The human looks over at the group. "Oh. The Leftennant isn't here yet. If you're waiting for him. He's expecting you over there."

He points at a spot on the wall of the guardhouse.

Jinks looks a bit ghoulish the next day-- with dark rings around his onyx-black eyes-- but seems chipper enough as he rounds the block and the gates come into view. The dangling jewelry about his face has been swapped for a polished, crimson circlet and a simple trio of studs (one in his nostril and the other two an ear). He wears a high-collared leather doublet with matte steel studs as armor and is strapped with a glittering, fancy looking rapier and a gnome-sized, elaborately-tooled shortbow. He rolls a ruby-set coin over, under, and between his fingers as he walks to wake up digits abused after a night of legerdemain.

The morning isn't exactly the greatest thing in life. It is filled with bright lights, head aches, and usually some kind of stranger nearby either drunk, naked or dead. Today, just drunk. Dax picks her face up off the table or floor that she fell asleep on as the light starts to beam straight into her brain. Grumbling, and a bit angry, she's drinking water, eating a big meal, and drinking a little to get past the headache ... like one does. To the wall she goes! There she meets up with the other folks who are beginning to arrive as well, and squinting some, Dax scratches at the side of her head, "Right over there?" She points to the guardhouse, "I mean, like, right there, or just round about there?" She does have her bow strapped over her, not that she's really ever used it, and a few arrows but most important are her claws, food and flask. Check check check, she stumble-wanders to the wall by the guardhouse.

"Right there." The human guard nods, pointing again. Closer examination reveals dark circles under his eyes. The smells of the city are overwhelming so it's impossible even for those with good noses to smell him, but the dust on his armour suggests he's been on duty a little while.

The Leftennant arrives. Late for the gate opening. Perfectly on time for the sun to rise enough behind him the rays stream past, making his hair glow and throwing his face into shadows. He's briefly angelic, descending to be among mortals.

He takes a sip of his coffee. He observes the gathered group. "Excelent! The replacements! Now which of you is in charge?"

Nodding slowly, Landau accepts the cold-blooded guard's words with a simple equanimity,"Then it shall be so" his voice subtly expressive as he looks aside when the fellow human speaks,"I think it would be traditional to imply a certain amount of leeway with regards to accuracy." he responds, beginning to stride over to the place where the waiting will take place.

Having taken advantage of the wall for the duration, the magic user looks at the other party members when the Leftenant questions seemingly not behooved to action by the prompt.

With the group gathering, the sith-makar nods and turns to where the guard pointed to. "Thank you. If you are tired, I hope you can get proper rest." Seyardu replies, bowing her head slightly before taking to the area shown. Her expression was impossible to most to understand, save for perhaps the sith-makar, who would see them confused at the strangely timed entrance, intentional or not.

"We are a group sent to help with this request. As to whoever may be in charge, it has not been decided, other than that we will be working together." They state simply, squinting even more as they tried to look at the guard.

Jinks clears his throat and makes for the indicated space. A sung note, muffled and scratchy is abandoned shortly and left to die on the air. He stops and takes a long deep breath, exhaling slowly through his nose as he hums to himself. He turns and faces away from the group, waving off the question of responsibility; he can feel a rash already starting to form at the suggestion of it. He recites a few lyrics in Gnomish, finding his voice behind the scratchy soreness of the previous evening.

Seyardu read through the file she was given, seeking anything of note the previous night. There are a few details, the names are Endril, Tifa, Aseaecrnoss Shirreessie, and Qiolveylraed. They are identified as a fighter, a woodsman, a mage and a cleric. The gods they worship. As well as a physical description and distinctive gear, some previous notable missions. Seems a tight team that went on several things together.

The people are gathering up and Dax pulls herself up as she sees people arriving including the Leftennant. "Oi, yer the nfella we are 'spose ta see?" And she then quiets down as others start to engage the fellow. She stretches letting out a big sound of satisfaction as she spreads her arms wide and yawns large. "I ain't in charge, that' fer sure. Unless no one else takes the lead. Usually it be one of them fancy folk who strikes out ahead. Well, anyhow, what be the direction we should go? Information we need... it's just been a bit of a mornin' is all." She grumbles, and moves her hand like a 'out with it' kind of thing.

The two gate guards get down to the business of inspecting wagons and checking entrants to the city.

Their supervisor faces the group. "Right." He slurps hs coffee, staring at each in turn. This allows some observation of the man himself. He is short, for a human, shorter than both his underlings and even Seyardu. His armour is beautiful, carefully polished and gleaming, with muscles that he clearly doesn't have embossed in it. He has a nose that would make Egalrin chuckle with embarrassed sympathy for his small beak. Which is to say, it's large enough to clear his coffee cup. He finishes his long, noisy slurp.

"You should be in charge." He points at Jinks. "Good, solid, sane gnome. Got your head screwed on right."

"Not her," Trygve waves dismissively at the Silverscale. "This is killing kobolds, and they need to be killed. There's a whole bandit horde of them out there and they've set up an illegal toll. She'll take one look at them and think they're her babies and next thing the lying lot of them will have you bamboozled and kill you. Like the group you're replacing. Lily-livered, bleeding hearts idiots, not surprised they didn't come back."

"It's simple. Kill the kobolds. Ask the gnome how it's done. What's your name? I'm Leftennant Trygve. Or you can call me sir."

Jinks' eyes go wide when he's described thusly and the irony in his smile is obvious-- and then his eyes go even wider, his expression changing with a look askance to Seyardu. Well, it's nice not always being the most racist person in the room every once in awhile. "Smashing them while they're still in the egg is often the easiest," the gnome offers with a shrug. It's an academic observation lacking in malice but still not an entirely nice thing to say. "Jinks," he answers the officer in turn, "but you can call me 'Mr. wondering how much extra he'll get paid to do the extra bit of killing things when he was hired to just collect information.'"

"I am unsure on what basis I am not capable of dealing with this matter. I am here to help make sure everyone will be alright." Seyardu replies simply again. It was hard to tell what they were thinking still, though there was a glance to Jinks for a moment, annoyance or anger, for those who could tell. And a look back to Trygve.

"We are not here to kill Kobolds. We are here to find the previous group that went out, and told not to finish the task that you are stating. The group before us was more experienced, and if we were to try and finish their job, it is more likely it would go poorly than well."

With a furrowing brow Landau turns his attention back to the leftenant, brown eyes seeking Trygve's own,"There was talk of information gathering, about the last explorers group that undertook this, leading to their deaths. If it so proves convenient or viable to remove said kobolds then it will be so. But..." the magic user inclines his head in deference to Seyardu's point which largely had echoed his own.

"If possible we would like to survive this foray, not lead ourselves to doing what has already been attempted in the same way. The guild members are not fodder to be fed into an unrealistic goal, I beleive there would be consensus on this." Landau looks about at the gathered temprary comrades-in-arms, his lips pressing together faintly.

There's a bit of a shrug from Dax to Landau and then over to the guy who's badmouthing lizard folk. Dax speaks up, "So, yer tryin' ta have us go out and kill some folks fer ya? I ain't necessarily against that idea." She's looking around to the others, she's a noisy human with orcish claws on her for weapons. It isn't like gathering information is really her main source of income. "Though, I'm not too keen on dyin', there be witches who raise the dead an' make ya do all sorts of things. Ain't fer me, not now, not in me afterlife."

"Exactly Mr. Jinks!" Trygve smiles widely at him, "Find their nest. Smash their eggs."

He glares at Seyardu, "Exactly why you shouldn't be in charge. They're just kobolds, who cares."

The Leftennant addresses Landau next, "The last group was sent out to kill these little shits. Eliminate the bandit problem. Find the nest, kill the warriors, kill the breeders, kill the gnits."

He waves his hand, incredulous, and spills his coffee, "They're kobolds! They aren't hard to deal with. I hired a high level group because all the standard guild missions were coming back 'completed' but nothing was being killed. Had to over-pay a bunch of gosh-darn Heroes to make the roads safe and it's still not done."

"Find those 'heroes', get their heads out of their asses, and kill the kobolds. It's three hours up the road at the Brandywine River bridge. That's why they were sent. A caravan came through today, said the kobolds are still there, so they fucked off with the payment and never finished the job."

He looks over at Dax, "Sure. Kobold witches. Yeah. Yes. That's the idea. Go out and kill Bandits. BANDITS! Who are Kobolds. Easy Job."

"We are not here to do this job for you, we are here to see that the group you sent out on this task are alright." The sith-makar reiterates, now crossing her arms and looking down at the guard. "You say this casually, a callous disregard for life. They are still there, yes? And did this caravan that came in today-" She turns to the guards, who were likely there when they passed that day. "Were they forced to pay for passage through the area?"

"Those that do, and those that cant." Landau replies and proffers a lackluster shrug, its clear he has no skin in argument this mans opinion is immediately discounted through ignorance alone,"If it were so easy as all that, you would have done so yourself. In any regard, describe the area where the toll is located as we shall endeavor to meet your goals and our own at once."

Jinks has that 'get a load of this guy' expression on his face as he looks between the other three mercenaries hired for the job. Probably because the guardsman didn't bother the address the matter of additional compensation. He checks a buckle on his armor and then crosses his arms, rolling his head left and right, and already tired of looking up at tallmen. He can listen without looking up at them for the moment.

With the comment coming out about there being Kobold witches, Dax looks around for a moment, and takes a step back. "Thanks fer the information on where these fellas likely be." And she looks to the others, "Alright, we ready ta go to the bridge area, stayin' far far away from witches, an' figuring out what happened to the previous folks? If we get in a fight, we'll fight, but this idiot ain't offerin' no more pay so it's a no go fer sure." She starts walking toward the gates though, and clears her throat with a swig from her flask. "Ya'd think they'd teach leftennants a thing or two 'bout mercenaries." A pause, "Maybe that's in the righttennant's trainin'? Huh." Like a sudden realization, but she's on the move, albeit slowly.

The two gate guards are very occupied with arriving wagons. Very busy. Not close. The Sith'Makar has gone a ways down the road outside of the gate, and is speaking with each wagon driver.

Trygve sneers at his cup, "Don't speak with them, they've got enough to do with babbling adventurers. Yes, they were forced to pay. Illegal. Toll."

He glares at Landau, saying each word very slowly and clearly. "At... the... Brandywine... River... Bridge. Follow... the... road... for... three... hours... and you come to a bridge. You know what a bridge is, right?"

He snaps his fingers at the gnome, "Mr. Jinks, you're in charge, get your crew moving out. I've wasted enough time on this. The punishment for Banditry is execution. They're bandits. Figure it out."

He steps over to the guardhouse door, shoots one look back at Landau, "City Policy is Alexandria provides charity for Adventurers by hiring them to do the job soldiers should. So I could, but I can't." He takes a sip of his coffee, flips a salute of sorts towards Dax, "Make her second in command."

He goes inside.

"Alright, subordinates; who's carrying me?" Jinks points a finger between the three, his eyebrow quirking up. He gives a little laugh and winks before starting out. "Smart move having that sort of officer at the gates; Alexandria's really putting her best foot forward." He adds with no shortage of sarcasm.

Raising an eyebrow Landau allows himself the luxury of a faint smile over his shoulder at Dax's departing form, before following suit himself,"No appreciation for engineering or the lay of the land. a bridge can be set up in many ways, along with cover and surrounding terrain." he speaks, more to himself than anything,"And could change the dictates of appropriate action. As in all things, preparation is best." rich coming from a scholarly magic user, with a book satchel strapped to the centre of his back.

"I hope you all are alright, but please wait a moment, but even I am not inclined to trust this mans account, given they only just arrived, and are speaking of things happening today. And they left before they could even tell us more about what was going on." Seyardu says, turning back to the group. "We are not to fight unless absolutely necessary, and it should be to ensure we are able to retreat base upon the reports given to us."

She walked down to the road with them, but she stopped near the sith guard, waving to get their attention. "Peace on your nest, and please excuse me for interrupting your work. We are heading out to investigate the camp, and I would like to confirm what the leftenant has just told us. The caravan that came through today, were they stopped by the group of Kobolds we have been told about?" They ask if they are able to get their attention.

GAME: Seyardu rolls sense motive: (16)+3: 19

The Sith'makar guard's scents become fearful when Seyardu addresses him.

Jinks slows at the sith's request, patting the different pouches on his belt before finding and extracting a hipflask. "Maybe it's a suspension bridge," he offers Landau, drly, "and he didn't tell because... you know. Suspense." He sniffs and has a swig.

Everyone's taking their time, stopping, talking, confirming things. Dax waits as people catch up, she's just chewing on jerky and sipping her flask. As Jinks asks his question though she grumbles and sighs, "Are ya that short ya kinnit walk? Look, if yer lil' legs get tired ..." A deep inhale then an exhausted exhale, "I'll carry ya. Alright? Ya don't look like ya could weigh more than an oruch child. An' I'm sure I've carried a few of them."

The other two gate guards are very busy. So very busy. Everything in their body language indicates they are completely occupied with talking with the arriving travelers and caravans.

When Seyardu speaks to the Sith'Makar guard, he doesn't react. He straightens, a little. He looks at the guardhouse, at the silverscale, at the guardhouse again.

"Peace. Peace. Peace. On your Nessst." He hisses in his native tongue, the harsh words drawn out and sibilant. He looks directly at Seyardu the whole time, his head moving slowly from side to side. Then he switches to tradespeak, 'Asssk. Leffft Trygve. Busssy.'

He turns his back on her. <draconic>

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+2: (10)+2: 12

There was a message, something he was trying to convey, but it was too obscure. His body language clearly projects, 'no, danger, leave me alone.'

"On your nest." Landau echoes to the guard as he passes Seyardu, settling into an obviously practiced long distance travelers walk, his traveling stick used as an assistance tool as it begins to bneat a rythmic cadence into the earth as he settles into his own thoughts in his unique method of preparation.

"It was a joke," Jinks chuckles at Dax. "Mostly." He thinks for a moment and offers a sniff. "I'll let you know." Sloth is a powerful motivator. He checks the straps and belts of his gear and then continues on once the silver-scaled tallman is finished with their hissing dialogue.

GAME: Landau rolls Knowledge/Geography: (17)+14: 31

"Peace on your nest, I understand if you are busy." <Draconic> Seyardu replies and nods. Whatever she picked up on was hard to discern at a glance, and they continued on. Though once they were quite clear of the gates, and the guardhouse, well out of sight of it, she gestures to the group, and off of the road, heading there herself.

The sky is grey-black, moonless and starless. It's hard for human eyes to see anything in the deep shadows round about, without a light. It's warm, still, and humid.

Rocky is built wide and low, and tends towards heavy armor. But once he gets moving, the sith is quite quick on his feet. Sometimes distressingly so, for those he's moving towards. But the greyscales blade is sheathed, and his shield at his side, running merely to catch up, not to mow down. Not yet, anyway. Catching up with the group, the warrior rumbles to a halt, flanks heaving for breath. "Saaa. This, rescue group, yes? This One is late."

It's a warm, still, humid day. A nice summer's day. Hot, strong sunlight, bees and bugs exploring the flowers at the edge of the road.

"Oh, a joke?" Dax questions and squints, looking down at Jinks as she walks, her squint one of distrust and then it just... washes away. "Well, next time yer jokin' best do it wit' some words that are witty." She then pauses a moment, "Anyone know which way we're 'spose ta be going?" She asks, looking back at the people who were likely behind her since she was one of the first people to genuinely start walking. Yep, heading out, not a clue where to go.

Seyardu is gesturing to everyone and already walked off of the road, into the forest a bit.

Then Dax sees Sey gesturing, and heads in that direction!

"I know a bit about the lands described." Landau replies to Dax as he as a matter of course steers himself on the road at Seyardu's direction, nodding at the newcomer and gesturing rocky forward with his buckler-draped arm,"Bridge is cleared of trees and foliage, area is prone to flooding. Nearby forest has appropriate geography for cove complexes. Although I am not from the area so I couldnt say where they are." the scholars slender shoulders shrug,"As for a rescue, it will be attempted by not likely."

Jinks narrows his eyes at Seyardu-- and now Rocky's conspicuous late arrival. There's a suspicion to the squint. He's distracted enough that he doesn't rebut Dax's critique of his humor. Kobold brigands interfering with the roads. All the sith-makar in the city since his return. He stands on the path a bit longer than the rest, finally giving a subtle shrug and plucking a scroll from a pouch and tucking it into his sleeve. If this is to be the lizard uprising he'll be prepared.

The gnome follows the others off the road.

Once they are off the road, the sith-makar looks around herself, just to make sure no one was nearby hopefully, with a nod to Rocky as he arrived. Once she was mostly sure it was clear, they sigh, and speak.

"So, there is something amiss with the task being asked of us, and likely the leader of that guardhouse. There is more to this than is being let on clearly, and I would not trust the leftenant's assurances of an easy job of killing a bandit camp."

Off on the side of the road, they stop. Dax gives a confused look, before she looks around some more. Her pierced eyebrow rises up in a questioning look, "I'm not too certain what yer gettin' at. Killin' people is pretty easy, an entire camp of people. Harder. Every person in charge of somethin' is a downright filthy liar. Can't trust no one ta be sayin' what's on their mind. No one but meself, really. Don't one of ya tailed wiggly finger witches have some kind of explosion or the like ya can summon from your nether regions? That'd make this camp problem a lot easier, if we end up needin' ta fight them ta begin with. I mean, I'm gettin' paid ta babysit y'all, not murderize. I will, if that's what it takes, but ain't on my top list of things to do today."

Rocky chuffs softly and blinks slowly. "Killing? Camp? This One missed more briefing than thought."

"Likely a deferral of responsibility whilst hangling for all of the credit. And frustrated for the reality of it thwarting his will. The fact this task has already been attempted is witness to this fact." Landau says in a musing tone, navigating a patch of sodden earth letting the outside voices impinge apon his stream of consciousness dialogue,"I am a student of magics wide and sundry, but earth shaking? Less aligned with my interest than one would think, I specialize in the mysteries of the past." the scholar admits, reaching into his vest and pulling out a holy symbol in the shape of the silver moon

Looking over at the Grey Sith-Makar the magic user nods simply.

Landau says "Another party was formed to quell a kobold toll both, they have not been heard of since. our goal it to find out about the situation, our stated job is to solve the problem. preferably through violence, this may not be possible" <draconic>

Jinks muses for a moment, clicking his tongue in thought and remaining a step back from the general assembly, closer to Dax and Landau than the others. Then Landau starts speaking sith and he sidles a subtle step closer to Dax. "Perhaps the watchmen were running the grift; employing the brigands to supplement their own pay and shielding them from repercussions. The kobolds go rogue and now Trigby wants them dead before the dirty Alexandrians can be implicated." He tilts his head, wearing the idea for a moment and trying to decide if he enjoys the cut. "It's a fun idea at least... though I imagine we won't be able to reach any conclusions until we know more. Ultimately, we answer to the guild in this matter and not the watch; we can stick to our initial mission and remain alert for perfidy as we go?" A suggestion and query in one.

"Aye, I agree wit' the lil' one. I wouldn't trust 'im with my gold, but in this he's speakin' clear." Dax comments with a couple nods as if it is all settled. Then she looks down to Jinks, "Jus' stay behind me an' you'll be alright. Not to worry." Perhaps mistaking the sidling up closer to her, but she does reach out to comfort the gnome by patting him on the head - that is, if he doesn't move - just like you might a child.

"It is the fact that the previous group should have had less problems with this matter than we might face that concerns me partly." The silver sith-makar continues once she has listened to what the others have had to say. "It is a group of Kobolds, which should not have caused them too much trouble, and their insistence on killing them being the solution. The guard should be able to manage this on their own, should they not?"

They pause, clearly weighing something on their mind. "I do not trust them, and it is not just my own stance on what they are asking us to do. The guard I spoke to, they were fearful of the leftenant when we spoke, would not elaborate further. And I cannot help but wonder why that would be the case."

Rocky considers a long moment. "Well, if the funds are being used to maintain the infrastructure, seems reasonable to have a toll. But I think maintenance is paid by a tariff on traded goods. Best to find out what the kobolds are doing... and how many of them there are... before trying to make a plan." He considers. "Though the primary goal is finding the original group, yes? Maybe they took a nap at the side of the road and overslept." He chuffs. 'Both way, best continue and learn more.' <draconic>

Jinks flinches back from Dax's pat and has to take a wider stance to keep from falling on his rump. He's nimble but out of practice. "The leutnant had a certain self-importance about him... even if his judgement wasn't entirely flawed. Your fellow might just not like his boss or there might be something sinister at play." He nods, and seems ready to move on, duly suspicious.

"It was not of someone disliking their boss. Regardless, I would act that you not mention it if you see the Leftenant again." The silverscale responds, but she nods, the conversation exhausted for the moment, and hopefully her point reaching the group. So she readjusted her gear, beginning to walk again.

It's several hours walk. The three hours provided by Lt. Trygve is roughly accurate. It's slower going in the heat. It's hard to get lost, very hard. There's an obvious paved road with occasional dirt tracks leading off it, to homesteads or farms or some other feature in the forest.

There's been a lot of traffic coming and going, easily the day before. A week's worth has obliterated any tracks made by the original party. Unless they had some reason to leave the road, there's only one place they would go. Forward.

The Bridge

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* H03: Eldwyn Road *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The Eldwyn Road meanders continuously around hills, wilderness, and farmland, though it is occasionally broken by fingerlets from the great Tornmawr. At one point, the road crosses the Tornmawr itself, which takes place by use of a ferry.

Further east and past the ferry are the great Redridge Mountains. These mountains, which run mostly north and south, charge through the landscape, and even through the eastern end of the Lord's City of Alexandria.

Towards the south is the city, with its flags rising far above the walls. The fiery Rising Phoenix almost glows in the sunlight and airships may be seen both in flight and in dock, as they make use of a carefully sculpted section of the Redridge.

Towards the north, the landscape of rolling hills and farmland breaks into denser forest.


Eventually, the bend in the road appears. The forest pulls back, a wide scrub area separating it from the road and providing good visibility. There's the bridge, a stone affair that arches over the river. It's a good eighty feet away.

And closer, sixty feet away, are three kobolds. Two on one side of the road, one on the other. Two of them are sitting on the ground, and all three look well equipped. At this distance it's clear they have at least long-spears and some kind of metal armour. They don't seem particulary alert and haven't noticed the adventurers approaching.

Seyardu found the travel easy enough, but there was still concern on her mind, as they continue, and she is looking around, despite not being the best for it. Finally, they reach the clearing for the river, and she pauses, looking to the group and holding a hand up.

"So, there are in fact Kobolds here at the bridge. They appear as guards of some sort. I still do not believe we should engage them, though I am unsure if we should attempt to speak with them, at the moment." They say quietly to the group.

Area Overview -Each row/col 20'
* trees 'scrub .clear ~water
************|************ Tree
************|************ Line
'''''''''''.|.''''''''''' Scrub
''''~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~ River
************\-X---------- Road

To everyone else, Dax mentions, "Why don't we go up to them, jus' a few of us, an' ask them if they've seen anyone come through here? Not a caravan, jus' the handful of folks we be lookin' fer? If they try an' make us pay a toll, we get that there outta the way. An' worse case we be havin' ta fight our way back." She offers and gives a bit of a shrug. "Worst case they know someone is out 'ere looking for folks. If they go wanderin' back ta tell someone, we follow'em."

Rocky chuffs thoughtfully. "This One could try. If demand toll, swim instead. Then have them surrounded."

"The little vermin are quite famous for being fond of traps," Jinks offers, not at all soothed by the relatively small band of lizard things sitting in the open. "I've left the finest of my things at Alexandria if we'd like for me to have a quick look around; I've quite a far amount of practice going unnoticed by parents and spouses." It's hard to imagine the gnome being unobtrusive but he is dressed in a surprisingly muted manner for today's event.

"It would be a good thing to gain as much information as we can before we choose a course of action." Landau agrees with Jinks, having spent a moment to mull over the ideas being floated about. The magic user adjusts his hat slightly, taking it off to wipe a small sheen of sweat from his forhead before replacing it,"But asking about the fate of those we seek would be a good followup foray. As for surrounding them...." he pauses, trying to sum up the pros and cons as his eyes unfocus for a moment before he returns to the present,"We cannot hazard how many they have abhout the bridge, nor reinforcements in the forest."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "So. If you are looking for more kobolds, roll perception."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Note that every 10' adds a +1, so it's already effectively a +6 to the stealth of the ones you can see,"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "and further away they have a better chance."
Cryosanthia pages: DC is 10+5 (stealth) +2 (scrub) +6 (distance): 23

Jinks reaches to his hip and withdraws an unmistakably mithral rapier. The basket hilt is the form of a cavorting coyote with an eye of emerald and ruby. He makes a salute with the blade and starts off into the trees but--!

"Before you go in there, please, at least let us try speaking with them. If you are caught, it will make any chances of us speaking peacefully to them that much more difficult, if not impossible." The sith-makar says with a glare to the gnome. Loud enough for them to hear, but not be overheard, hopefully. And a few steps forward to where they were looking to leave. "And with weapon drawn already, it is as if you are asking for conflict, truly."

GAME: Landau casts Detect Thoughts. Caster Level: 6 DC: 17

Landau will maintain the spell via concentration, focused on the ones in front, directing the sweep to the surrounds.

There don't seem to be any hidden minds closer. Only the visible three , and concentrating a bit the mage can read surface thoughts. The thoughts seem to be coming up with words that will come out its mouth. One of them is talking about a bug it ate. A big bug, with a horn, with a lot of legs, and wings, and it pulled the wings off, then the legs. Another, is thinking the ground is nice and warm, and the armour is heavy. The third one is tired of hearing about bugs but can't think of anything else to interrupt with. The thoughts are of course, in Draconic.

"A moment." Tis is all that is said as Landau closes his eyes, murmuring a prayer to his goddess for her aid,"There." he states as he opens his eyes again whilst others make preparations, a focused look of intent upon his features, "I may have the ability to read surface thoughts for some time to come within our immediate locale if I concentrate for long enough. At the moment it is naught but miscellaneous frivolities but that may change depending on our questions."

The Kobolds don't appear to have noticed the party. The standing one remains standing and holding onto its spear. The two sitting ones remain sitting, one seems to be talking. The other listening.

The one with the spear is glancing around, but doesn't seem alert.

Dax just leans up against the nearest tree and hangs out. She's not really looking at the kobols, she's not very stealthy, but they are a bit away and off the road, so there she leans. Looking at her Orcish claws she does turn them back and forth a bit, just checking their weight and tightness, adjusting the straps that hold them on her arms, and then looks at the group she's with. "Such a busy body group o'folks."

Jinks sighs heavily. Exasperated. He slides the rapier back into its loop on his belt and holds up his hands. "I can have a look around without my weapon out if it makes you feel better," he says in hushed tones, only mildly annoyed. "If they find me I'm just some drunk gnome stumbling through the woods." He's holding his flask and shaking it. "Little bandy-legged pitfall-loving so'n so's will never suspect a thing."

Rocky keeps still. he has a plan, but even he knows it's not a good one. Let one of the thinky magic types come up with something better. Or get bored and do something stupid, both work.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+5: (14)+5: 19 (Kobold perception)

And then the Kobolds notice the party. One of them. The standing Kobold continues to lean on the spear and look around, eventually all the way down the road. It makes a 'rrrrp' noise, a reptilian alarm. It's startled.

Oddly, the other two clearly heard, look at the spear carrier, look down the road, and stay seated.

Their thoughts: Ahh! How did I miss that. Adventurers! The other two; they're not close enough

"We aren't close enough." Landau's voice is heard at a conversational volume, calm and unhurried, "Not only have they spotted us..." Well, duh, like that wasn't blindingly obvious, "They want us to come closer for some purpose. 'ware their designs." The magic user tugs on the buckler strapped to his forearm to see if it is, or it has been shifted in their long march.

Dax pushes off of the tree and starts walking, "Very well then. We're goin'?" She just starts walking in the direction of the kobolds. She's snorting a bit, and then spitting to the side as she walks, but it seems unrelated other than to just be gross. There's no hiding her claws, and her saunter, though she waves out to the kobolds and shouts, "Hey. Don't start attackin' an' I won't start killin'. Deal?" She's walking closer regardless of their answer.

Rocky chuffs, shrugs, double checks the draw of his blade, and starts towards the bridge.

The standing kobold watches as Dax approaches. Watches her claws. Watches her saunter. When she gets around twenty feet away, a good spear throwing distance, the kobold hisses and the other two stand up.

Up close, their armour is chain-mail, and it may have started out originally for a goblin, but has been modified to fit them. In addition to the spear, they have shortswords, and three darts in their belts.

One of them has a Door Shield. A shield, literally made from a door. These are notoriously frightening things for adventurers, doors.

Scale-wise, they're predominantly a lime-greenish colour, with some brown stripes, and yellow stripes, somewhat resembling garter snakes. "Ok," the always standing one says. They watch as Dax, then Rocky get closer.

At their feet is a basket. Very roughly panted on a sign attached to it is. "Donate Pay Toll", with "Plees", "Plz", "Plaes", and "Plff" surrounding the main text.

The silver sith-makar was turning back to the group, and Dax was already walking, and speaking. So they followed suit, jogging more to get past the human, and offering a wave of her own.

Jinks drops the hipflask into its shaped pouch as a point of emphasis when the kobold reveals the group has been discovered. He quirks an eyebrow at Seyardu and places his hands on his hips. He waits until the bulk of the group starts towards the toll-collecting trio before stepping back off the road and into the treeline. The watch put him in charge, after all.

GAME: Jinks rolls Stealth+2: (12)+11+2: 25
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+5: (19)+5: 24 (Kobold Perception)
GAME: Jinks rolls Perception: (14)+6: 20
GAME: Jinks rolls Perform/Sing: (16)+9: 25

Once the gnome is up close to them. It's clear there are a lot more kobolds around. At least eight more down along the road and on the bridge'

The words that are written go right over Dax's head. She can't make anymore sense of them if they were written in Draconic, but Seyardu starts running forward and Dax gives a look to them before turning back to the kobolds, "Great, sounds like a deal then. I don't want ta be killin' no one today, had myself a sleep on a table last night an' it just weren't so great. Now, I'm gonna let these other fine folk start talkin' ta ya. An' explain why were 'ere. My deal stands... I don't start killin' no one if you don't, we're jus' having ourselves a friendly lil' chat. Or else." It's been Dax's experience, if you end any conversation with 'or else' it generally goes your way.

From somewhere beyond the treeline there's an odd bird-call, throaty and high-pitched. "Eight!" A pause and the call floats away on the breeze. "Eight more!" Comes the cry again. <Kulthian>

The kobolds stare at Dax, who is closest. They are crotch height, so they are looking up. Looking across has gone badly for them in the past. So the always standing one says, "You talkss fasst."

It's not clear who is in charge. That was raised earlier by the guard. The Kobolds don't know where to look so they're looking at everyone's faces, and so far only one of them is talking. Perhaps he or she is in charge.

The Sith'Makar can easily tell, two of the Kobolds are female, one is male. The standing one, with the spear who has been always standing, is female and speaking.

Their thoughts, mostly panicked thoughts at the big scary female.

"Eight more?" Landau's tone sounds slightly confused from where he stands behind Dax, having walked out distractedly when the core of the party left their hiding place. Apparently he has alot on his mind.

Rocky could tell that the silver sith-makar was getting increasingly angry at the monk even if it was not shown. Thankfully, it was not, at least.

"I apologize for the way the person I am here with is speaking." Seyardu says to the small group. "Could you explain what is going on here? You are looking for donations passing the bridge?" <Draconic>

Seyardu asks, curious and relatively relaxed.

Rocky looks over the small group of tiny lizard cousins, eyes the scribbled sign, and chuffs in quiet approval. "Is good to ask please."

"Yes." "Yes!" All three little lizard heads turn towards Seyardu, the other two answering almost automatically. The other, the one that's been standing and holding the spear the whole time, says a little more, "Speak Draconic, or speak softskin for softskins? I stop if you say." <draconic>

It continues, switching to tradespeak, "For protecting from bandits. Give money, protects."

The tradespeaker's thoughts: Ah words! words, what it saying? what words are for protect. Answer only the scaled?

The other two: Let Loci handle.

GAME: Seyardu rolls sense motive: (17)+3: 20

They seem surprisingly non threatening. Also, Kobolds don't like bigger things that can kill them this close, generally speaking. If they were planning to be hostile, they would have gone hostile sooner. Or, they're really really skilled. They don't look skilled though.

Jinks sits tight for time after uncupping the hands from his mouth and settling low to the ground. He listens to the conversation from the road but can't make sense of the chortling yip-yap of would-be drangons. He makes a little snear and keeps the spotted kobolds in his eyeline as he pushes closer towards the river trying to find some sign of the missing party.

GAME: Jinks rolls Perception: (18)+6: 24

There are more kobolds on the other side of the river. The gnome doesn't find the missing party off on his side of the road. The river is kind of murky, it's hard to see, bodies could be weighted down in it, you'd have to swim.

"Lots of bandits, very bad" The bulkier of the once-sitting Kobolds answers Rocky, nodding, sounding confident and proud, "We good job." <draconic>

"I understand, if it is easier for you to speak in Draconic, then this one will translate to tradespeak, as I am quite capable of it." They offer, turning to the group behind her. "They are asking if they should speak in tradespeak or draconic. I can translate if need be, and it will be clearer.

She turns back to the Kobolds. "So, we are free to pass the bridge, but you are defending this bridge and area from bandits, you are saying? Could you tell us more about this? And why you need donations?" <Draconic>

The tradespeaker's thougths: So fast speaking. Big lizard accented Draconic. Ok. Ok. Thoughts is yes.

"Yes. Can pass." Their tradespeaker says, before it switches into draconic again. Even in the shared language, the little lizard appears to be struggling. Draconic has dialects, and Kobods haven't socialized as much, they have different words for things that don't interest dragons.

"Yes. Defend area, bridge, from bandits. Lots of Bandits. Sssnake Seeeelia, other of tribe. Need money for food and stuff. Do work, get paid." <draconic>

GAME: Jinks rolls Athletics: (15)+5: 20

Jinks takes his time keeping low to the ground and moving between the bushes as the nearly-dozen kobolds pay attention to the group on the road. Nearing the edge of the southside he peers over and slides a scroll from his sleeve. He places it back into the pouch and then packs the flap with wax. He takes a moment to tether his bow and rapier with twine and then takes a long, deep breath and rolls over the edge into the water.

Patience patience. That is the key, right now Landau is dealing with the thoughts of a half dozen creatures as well as comprehending two different languages in his brainpan,"The status of the bridge seems to be determined. Shall we ask the questions that get to the heart of the matter?" the magic user inquires idly, glancing at the treeline with a casual look.

Rocky chuffs approval again. "Bandit hunting. Good work. Hard work, but good. Not always good pay."

The water is warm. The gnome dives down and it has a rock and mud bottom. There aren't any visible bodies, at the water entry point, but it's a short time and a big river, searching could take a while. It's easy enough to swim across.

"We are free to pass." Seyardu relays back once they finish. "I am curious about many things now. But I feel their asking for donations is genuine."

The silver scale reaches into a small pouch on her bag, taking out several gold coins, and dropping them into the basket. And she reaches again, this time to pull out several strips of jerky which she offers to the Kobolds. "Some of your kin are working with the bandits? By the way, did you see a group of four travelers passing through this bridge area? We are here to look for some." asks after offering the food.

Their thoughts: yes yes food yes yes!

Jinks surfaces with one hand holding his little crimson crown in place, nose just above the waterline. He grips the far side of the shoreline, steadying himself and blinking away the water trying to listen for what-- if anything-- has changed since he submerged.

"Food!" "Yes!" "Yes!" "Gimme!" The other two Kobolds immediately grab for the jerky and start biting at it. "Quit it!" The first one, the tradespeaking spear-leaner hisses angrily, and loudly. <draconic>

The hiss is a loud trilling noise. The Sith'Makar in the party recognize it as a sort of frustrated curse noise. It's good for getting attention, and it carries.

Then it echoes. It doesn't usually do that. The echo is two more Kobolds, roughly twenty feet away, standing up out of the scrub. One of them whistle-trills the alarm noise. Another twenty feet away, on the bridge, another pair pops out. Another trilling. Another pair stand up.

Like a row of toppling Dominos in reverse, two pairs of Kobolds stand, and stand, and stand. Across the bridge. Down the road. Around the corner. The corner which is three hundred feet away. The trilling can be heard through the trees.

That's a whole lot of Kobolds.

"Ooops," says the tradespeaker, grinning very awkwardly at Seyardu. Then, "Yess. Don't kills. Four Adventurers come, talk me, I take leaders."

Ghoulish cp line.png


<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Thanks, well, hopefully this is fun and interesting."
<OOC> Seyardu says, "Going off the past, I'm sure it will be!"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "it may be a bit more RP heavy than I usually run plots, hence why it might have continues."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "So, showing up at the start, and to combat the insane dice roller we have, everyone gets a free re-roll. Please keep track I probably won't"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Out of combat, generally free pose and I may ask you to hold so I can do an emit, but pose as you will."
<OOC> Seyardu says, "Will keep it in mind!"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "in Combat, if your turn comes up and after 5 minutes we aren't talking and working on it, in the interest of keeping things going, I'll skip to the next, and your init will move lower, or you'll end up skipping a turn if we cycle round to you again and haven't heard."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "I'm ok with the rules, so corrections and clarifications are invited if it looks like I'm getting something wrong."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "So, if there are no more questions we can do a transition from afternoon of one day to morning of the next. You have the option of going to the gate early tonight, there may or may not be something to do. Technically, you have the option of going to the Fernwood and getting drunk, which ... would be another log. :) Or doing something else. Essentially, pose your evening prep and then the next morning arriving at the Western Gate. Unless you want to, as a group go early."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "sooooo......"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "I apologize ahead of time for this guy, he will somewhat sexist and prejudiced and let me know if that goes too far for your comfort levels."

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Also, just to highlight it since it can get confusing in plots sometimes. The Explorer's Guild hired you to find another group. Trygve is acting as if they sent you to do his mission, which is not the case. So, there is a discrepancy that's deliberately there."
<OOC> Seyardu says, "I was thinking about that, it's definitely weird."
<OOC> Seyardu says, "writing a pose, but someone else can go ahead"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "incidentally, Gnomes do get a racial hatred bonus against reptilian humanoids to attack rolls. Do not step over a gnome, they know where to poke lizard folk."

[RPOne] Jinks says, "The greentext when you don't speak Sith is absolutely killing me."
[RPOne] Jinks says, "Especially when it's bracketed by serious narration."
[RPOne] Jinks says, "'growl sizzle growl growl hiss sizzle roar roar rainbow sizzle roar chomp'"
[RPOne] Cryosanthia says, "please include that in your pose somehow for posterity."
[RPOne] Rocky said want he meant and meant what he said.
[RPOne] Cryosanthia says, "sizzle rainbow growl roar roar rawr x2"