Pretty Princess

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Tenebrae - Friday, May 26, 2017, 9:00 PM

-=--=--=--=--=--=<* A07: Lower Alexandria Market District *>-=--=--=--=--=--=-

Just west of the Northern Highbridge and east of the arena, commerce blooms. Noisy and bustling, most anything may be purchased here for a price. Vendors from all cultures sell their wares from exotically colored carts, and the smells of different nations and far-off city-states mix with local ones from Alexandria and its riverbanks.

For all its commerce, visitors are advised to keep hold of their purses. Even the merchants possess a certain, cunning look. Most are positioned at carts or stalls as opposed to a formal storefront, with trade here being mobile, and visiting from all parts of the world.

Though the quality of goods suffers here compared to Upper Alexandria, the options are more diverse. Too, the oversight of the Watch is slightly less, and during times events are held at the Arena, chaos abounds. After dark, the square becomes a hangout for bards and other entrepreneurs whose business is best conducted by night; the shadows at the edges of the square often contain furtive figures engaging in their own brand of business.

A light misting rain is descending on the Alexandrian lower market. It's a busy evening, of course, as the change over from the daytime crowds to the evening into night crowds. Where once humans did their business, hobogblins, Khazadi, and others who have less issues with seeing through the night have begun to take their place, alongside a light smattering of elves.

(Really, it's always a light smattering of elves, except when it's a light splattering of them. Mikilos can attest to the ease with which elves spaltter)

In any case, it's a regular day at the market.

Night. Whatever.

Selia yawns and stretches as she exits an alleyway, nodding with casual familiarity to the business man set near the entrance as she wanders out into the market. peering around, the little lutch drifts with the crowds, gauging the moods of the night and touching base with a few familiar figures around the place.

Aya has arrived.

Of course, loving water of all sorts, Amythyst is in the marketplace. This time, however, she brings a load of fish to the fish market late. Nightime is the best time get fish.

The night is the best time for most anything, especially according to Aya. She emerges from a spot of shadow at the edge of the square, her most recent business concluded, but her evening only recently begun.

Astaren is bumbling his way through the night crowd. He pauses a moment, "Oh dear did somebody steal my wallet... oh no wait I had that stolen last week." nodding as he bumbles into somebody else, "Erp sorry!" turning to move towards a light source, "Really should pick up the darkvision spell." finding what he hopes is a safe place to stand.

A slowly rolling wagon is going through the area. It is being driven by the most terrifyingh thing ever.

It is being driven by gnomes.

Selia may disagree on the list of terrifying things, but the tiny dancer does keep an eye on the wagon. Peering about, Selia scrambles up a small stack of crates, giving herself a bit of high ground to perch upon and see. Which might be exactly why the crates were left there. No one seems to be keeping an eye on them, so must be empty or worthless.

Amythyst has no fear of gnomes. They never really bothered her, but she just watched the wagon rumble on through. "Strange that a wagon s coming through this late at night.

The wagon appears to have pulled up in front of the Prestigous Moon.

Uh oh.

Aya noted the wagon, and the gnomes. Whether she thinks it unusual or not, she doesn't reveal. She does look to Amythyst and her comment as she walks nearer, eventually suggesting, "Maybe they are late, or even early. Not everyone avoids travelling in the dark."

Astaren walks right up to the gnomes and peers up the to them on the wagon, "Hey there? can you tell me where I am, kidna got lost in this dark rainy night. No stars to follow." reaching up to rub his head.

Selia continues to watch quietly, glancing to Amy with a shrug. "Ain't so weird. Market don't sleep."

Amythyst tilts her head. "Now that's different." She says as she walks over towards the prestigious moon. She comes close to Selia....and Amythyst reeks of fish.

The gnomes are apparently deploying artifice equipment, hoses and tubes aplenty, as they do.

"Oi," says the one AStaren spoke to.

"You're... in the market? I think? We're in the market, aren't we boy s?"


"You needin' a cleanin' service, sir?"

Astaren ponders a moment, "Nope, but I think the Pristigious Moon's windows were broken recently, they might need cleaning services and all that. Is that what you are here for?"

Kisaiya has arrived.

Aya arches a brow at the gnomes. "What, exactly, do you clean?" Her glance is mildly suspicious. The cleaners in the night that she's most familiar with are the sort that probably have Astaren's coinpurse.

Amythyst says, "And if her windows have been you repair them?"

Selia mmms absently, pouring down the sides of the crates to street levels again, and strolling her way over to the wagon to have a look for herself. This promises to be amusing.

"..buildings, ma'am?" says the gnome holding the equipment to Aya. "We're the Stombroker's Cleaning Service. We do interior, exteriors, windows, gutters, and dogs!"

He beams at her. The wagon being unloaded of artifice cleaning equipment is sittin i nfronty of the Prestigous Moon.

Astaren ahhs and nods, "Well you should probably move a building or two down. you are in front of an orphanage, and the owner is known for her temper. She is also quiet the powerful spell caster, and I really don't want to have to call a clearning service to clean up what she leaves of you."

Amythyst says, "Yeah, lady Sandiel does seem to have a bit of a temper on her."

Selia mmms. "Dogs, eh? Just da male ones?" Don't answer little gnome, it's a trap!

"It's a clothing store, not an orphanage. Did yuo say Lady Sandiel? Her wife hired us."

Uh oh.

Astaren ahhs and nods, "I suppose the marital bliss also comes with its marital hells. Well you are at the right place, I do hope you make it out alive." motioning over to the store.

Aya rolls one shoulder. "That could be why they clean at night, when the owner is asleep, or elsewhere. Less annoyance for the shopkeeper, less maimed gnomes for the rest to clean up?"

"Pretty much, ma'am," says the gnome to Aya. "The Moon is closed in the vening -- ahahahaha that's hilarious, the Moon is closed at night! Ahahaha. Ahem. Anyway, the Moon is closed so we're going to clean it now. Alexandria never really goes to sleep but it's a better time for our service than others!" A beaming smile at AStaren is given, then.

"Ms. Myrana is really quite nice! She gave us cakes."

Selia tsks to Astaren. "Now now, Sandy ain't killed anyone in... um... let's see, after 10 now... nah, dat guy lived... well, been hours, at least!"

"Oooh. WE're not a window repair service," adds the gnome to Amythyst, "We just clean the things."

Speaking of which, they're applying their hoses to the windows and spraying them with some sort of foamy soapy substance.

Astaren nods as he steps back, to avoid being close to any of the cleaning, "Well enjoy then, I will not be here shoudl things go wrong."

Selia steps well back from the spray. Maybe it's just soap. Maybe it just cleans stuff. But.... gnomes. Best not to get any on ya.

Amythyst makes a bit of a face. "Wouldn't you want to repair the windows before you cleaned them?"

Well, Kisa was not used to this sort of outfit. It was something quite different indeed than her usual and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not. The corset pulled snug, but not overly tight. A top of leather to go over that with a square-neckline and something that couldn't really be called sleeves. The skirt was more her speed, except that the material was lighter than she was used to, with a band of leather belts wrapped about her middle. To finish it all off a wrap of fabric around her shoulders with a swathe over her torso and a hood currently pulled back to show her hair still. All the colors seemed to highlight a deeper purple with an accent of red to spice it up and embellished lines in a coppery-gold hue.

Behold, an almost princess like attire, and wearing it was someone who felt very much like a llama in sheep's clothing. Not that it totally showed with how her shoulders were a bit stiff and arms held a little high to keep the cloth from reaching the ground. Nope, she looked completely natural in it. Yeah. Her eyes pan around, trying to find the one who put her up to this outfit. "Where are you, you elf..." She says in a muttered tone.

There's no sign of the elf at the momenmt but the gnomes are outside her shop as they clean the exterior windows and then...

Krick... krick...KRSSSHHHHHHHH.

Glass goes everywhere.

The gnomes all kind of stare at the window that just shattered for a moment.

"Uh.. that wasn't supposed to happen."|

Selia tsks from her perch atop the crates... when did she move back up there? "Knew didn't want none o dat on me."

Astaren sighs and shake shis head, "This is bad, but lucky for you I am here." walking over to the window he snaps his fingers and whispers a few words as he touches one of the pieces of broken glass. Which quickly starts to reform and repair itself. Looking back to the gnomes, "Turn down the pressure on that thing."

GAME: Astaren casts Mending. Caster Level: 8 DC: 15

Amythyst winces. "Good thing you're here." She says stepping back. "yeesh..."

Another sort of step and she pauses to look over toward the shop which is... "Oh c'mon. It's closed?! But... my... She said." A sigh starts from Kisa. It starts with a breath drawn in, as much as she can in the corset, held then... S-i-i-i-igh. Kisaiya looks at the shop when the glass shatters. A hop-stumble back even through she's nowhere near the falling shards and she watches as another person walks up and mends the window.

"Where is she!? Sandy!" She calls out toward the building, as if the woman was simply holed up inside the structure. "Sandy! You give me my old clothes back!"

Selia says, "Oh Sandy don't keep dat ol' clothes, regular like. Nay after wot 'appened wit Jibbom. She burn's 'em."

A moment later, the elf has appeared! Has Kisaiya mastered the art of Sandy summoning?! More likely, it's an awareness that SOMETHING HAPPENED to her shop.


They are mending, sure, but...

Amythyst says, "annnnnd......there's the alarm." She says softly. "I shall be moving to a safe distance from the blast radius.....""

"Gnomes" is all Astaren offers to Sandy as he glances up. Then moves to another window to start mending it. "You love lovely" over to Kisaiya, "but that does not look comfortable."

There's that voice! Ah HAH! Elf located! Kisaiya offers Astaren a thin smile before turning to look over toward the newly approaching woman. "WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CLOTHES?!" She says in response to Sandy, "You said to try them out and now your shop is closed up?!" The eyebrows arch up higher on her forehead as she stares at the other woman.

Selia says, "Ale break. She'd be back in 15... hours, or so."

"It's NIGHT TIME, Kisaiya! I thought you'd run off to a date with Serra with them or something!" Sandy gives her a glare. "The shop does close eventually. What, you think I spend all day waiting around here?!" She glowers at her and then glowers at the gnomes.

"...your wife hired us to clean your shop, we--,"

".../Myrana/. I should have known."

Aya has disconnected.

Amythyst is across the damned street. when this explodes...she's going underwater.

Amythyst notes the river is right over there ------>

Selia feels safe enough upon her perch. At least, she isn't moving back further. Then again, short step to place the solid barrier between her and Sandy. Wouldn't stop her, but might slow thigns down enough for the little lutch to flee.

"Well you didn't exactly tell me that, did you?!" She says back, putting her hands on her hips as she glares back at her. Then she glances back over toward Selia before she disappears and calls out, "You better be wrong about burning them!"

She turns back to Sandy and the eyebrow stays arches perilously high on her forehead, "I'm hearing a whole lot of excuses and not a lot of where the clothes are I actually like! I've been trying to weasel my way back here for about two hours! TWO HOURS! I can barely move in this corsage thing!"

Astaren has left.

"Well, they DID smell pretty bad," says Sandy as the gnomes are hurrying into the building to get it done before Sandy's wrath intensifies. AStaren's repair of her windows is not going unnoticed but she seems preoccupied.

Selia says, "Ya know, I ain't never been sure... ya gots a waste disposal furnace or sumthin, or ya just magic 'em away?"

"Liar! They did not smell bad!" Kisaiya says with a fling of her arm to one side that makes her stumble to the same side from the motion. It does seem like the clothes are offsetting her balance. She glares at the elf as she regains her balance with another flail of her arms.

"I just washed them! They were freakin' clean! And now I look like... I don't even know! People keep saying I look nice and giving me weird looks!" Kisa says with a stomp of a foot.

Selia says, "....ya look like a respectable member o' society?"

Amythyst says, "at least you don't smell like fish. Oh wait, that's me." She then giggles."

"Did too!" says Sandy, "I smelled them!" Wait, that sounds weird.

".. I mean... I could smell them. That just sounds awkward." She sighs.

"...yes, you do look nice. They're nice clothes. But I GUESS I can give you your old ones back. MAYBE."

A fling of an arm in Selia's direction, "See?! What ever happened to the whole look like the princess you are nonsense! They just think I look nice! If Lady 'f Blar catches me in these, she'll probably figure I'm just trying to woo her!" A sigh as Kisa puts her hands on her hips and glares still at Sandy.

"I'm not supposed to smell like fish! I'm a Princess, damn it!!" She glares at Sandy, then points a finger at her from a hand no longer on her hip, "You better!"

Selia says, "Ya look like a dog on it's hind legs. Awkward an' off balence. Ain't the clothes fault though, is 'ow ya feel in 'em. Wear 'em fer a while, learn ta relax, and ya'll look fine."

"Dear, you're a princess of VANDALHEIM. That's a city of THIEVES. If you want to look like an acttual Myurrish prencess, we can do that instead. You'll be a lot less comfortable, though." That smile on her face is absolutely dangerous, is Sandy's.

Amythyst says, "oh...dear." She says with a shake of her head."

Selia says, "Bull. Be two sorta o' princess. Da pretty sort, and da practical sort. Pretty sort wear fancy stuff and look all awkward and political. Pratical sort wear wot dey want and kill anyone wot argues wit 'em."

"I don't look like a Princess of anything!" Kisa says with a toss of her arms out to either side. She glares over at Selia for a moment, "You're not helping!" Then a look back to Sandy as her hands grip her own hips once more.

"Yeah, and clearly a princess of thieves dresses /nice/? Gimme my old clothes back, at least I was comfortable in those!" another glare over at Selia and a furrow of one brow for a moment before looking back to Sandy.

"Err... What she said.... I think. I dunno, it's kinda hard to understand her."

"Yes, dear," says Sandy to Kisaiya, mocking her, "And yes, /they do/. What kind of princess of thieves doesn't have money to wear what they want? Besides, /Serra/ will love it." She resists, if barely, bursting out laughing.

Selia smirks "....oh, was I supposed ta be 'elpin?"

A looks from Sandy to Selia, then a toss of her hands up in the air as she lets out a long sigh that started from an attempted deep breath... so instead it comes out a little raspy. "That's not what I mean! I meant they don't just say You look nice they know they're a freakin' princess!!"

A pull of her mouth off to the side and she starts making little grumbling noises with her hands returning to her hips. There's a glance in the direction of Amythyst, "What? You don't wanna add your two copper to the peanut gallery?! Right, mock the princess." A turn to glare at Sandy with a look akin to See?!

"Princesses don't complain. They demand," says Sandy, cheerfully.

An open and close of her mouth as she rebuttals, "THEN GIMME MY CLOTHES!"

Selia fehs, and waves vaugely. "So yer a princess. 'o cares? Means yer parents did sumthin, don't say nuthin 'bout you."

"Eh. You can do better than that, Kisaiya," says Sandy, taunting her. She's finding this /hilarious/.

Amythyst says, "Honestly? I think this is funny. I haven't seen anyone flail that much in a while.....and I've seen epeople who can't swim."

Amythyst has reconnected.

"My parents," She says back to Selia, "Were just a couple of elders in a caravan." Kisaiya rebuttals to Selia before looks back at Sandy, a narrowing of her eyes as she stares scythes at the woman. Kisa, after all, doesn't care for daggers.

"You just love making a mockery out of this. You really /were/ planning on tossing me to that Blar-head!" She takes a step toward Sandy, pointing a finger at her then and going to poke her in the chest, "You little conniver!"

Selia says, "She's not that little..."

"Why, I never," says Sandy to Kisaiya, "I am hurt and offended that you would think I'd do such a thing."

"Actually, I was hoping she'd run into you on her own."

Amythyst takes a deep breath. "Ah me. SO torn. To watch the train wreck or actually leave and sleep. I think I'll sleep..."

Looks over at Selia, and tries not to let her mouth contort into a smile before she glances back at Sandy and gives a hugely arched eyebrow. A slow look of Sandy up and down, "No... I suppose she /isn't/." What do you think of /them/ apples, Sandy?! HAH!

She crosses her arms, then furrows a brow down. Wait... No, princess like. She unfurrows the brow, lets them perch a bit higher on her forehead and tilts her chin up so she can look down her nose at Sandy. Then she makes a tut sound and turns her head away from the elf.

Amythyst has partially disconnected.

Selia mehs. "Sleep? Is still early. Sun ain't rising for hours yet.

Now Sandy gives Selia a dirty look.

She points a finger at her and utters a few magic words.

GAME: Sandy casts Maze. Caster Level: 20 DC: 31

Selia dives for cover the moment Sandy points her finger. But while Selia is quick, she's not quite that quick.

And that's when Selia is gone! Sandy just smiiiiles.

Amythyst has disconnected.

Selia plots to put something squishy in Sandy's shoe as she explores the extra-dimensional space.

A look over in the direction of Selia, to... well, no longer see her as she lets her eyebrow arch again. "Hm." She turns her head back to Serra and looks down her nose at her once more. Then she stops and give a snort with a shake of her head, "Seriously... what the hell? Isn't there an easier way to do this crap then to act haughty and were nonsense like this?! They all just think I look nice, not like a princess! How will I ever convince Serra if she doesn't just look and /see/ Princess?"

"Ahahahahahahahaha," says Sandy, "Well, okay. We can try a more elaborate princess get up. Come back tomorrow and I'll have a dress ready. Okay?"

She smiiiiiles at her.

A push of a hand onto her own hip as she stares hard at Sandy, "I didn't say more elaborate! I mean, it is Vandalheim after all. I can't exactly be like... wearing something that's so gaudy everyone thinks I'm an Alexandrite Princess or something."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll work it out," says Sandy. Wicked gleam. WICKED. GLEAM.

Kisaiya shakes her head from side to side, then points a finder at Sandy with another arch of an eyebrow, "I hope you're right, because I swear that lady is going to be the death of me otherwise."

Selia pokes Sandy in the hip. It's as high as she can reach. And yes, apparently she's back. "Dat weren't nice."

"Nope," says Sandy.

And then there are more magics.

GAME: Sandy casts Maze. Caster Level: 20 DC: 31

Kisaiya has left.