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Tenebrae - Friday, February 07, 2014, 6:11 PM

-=--=--=--=--=--=<* A07: Local Alexandria Market District *>-=--=--=--=--=--=-

Just west of the Northern Highbridge and east of the arena, commerce blooms. Noisy and bustling, most anything may be purchased here for a price. Vendors from all cultures sell their wares from exotically colored carts, and the smells of different nations and far-off city-states mix with local ones from Alexandria and its riverbanks.

For all its commerce, visitors are advised to keep hold of their purses. Even the merchants possess a certain, cunning look. Most are positioned at carts or stalls as opposed to a formal storefront, with trade here being mobile, and visiting from all parts of the world.

Though the quality of goods suffers here compared to Upper Alexandria, the options are more diverse. Too, the oversight of the Watch is slightly less, and during times events are held at the Arena, chaos abounds. After dark, the square becomes a hangout for bards and other entrepreneurs whose business is best conducted by night; the shadows at the edges of the square often contain furtive figures engaging in their own brand of business.

Cold. FREEZING. The air is clear and the day winds on towards evening. The weather, of course, is why certain merchants are making a killing.

Hot cider, hot cocoa, hot, mulled spices and hot, mulled drinks tinge the air despite the cold, or because of it. Kerbasy holds one of these very beverages as he makes his way through. He stops occasionally to nod, but doesn't seem looking for anythng in particular.

Massive figures loom above the rooftops, wageing battle against horrible monsters. Some hold bright weapons of arcane power, cleaving though beasts with relitive ease. Others wear enchanted armors, shrugging off blows taht could elsewise kill. A few heros demonstrate clever items of wonderous power, their boots clinging to walls, or rings that render them invisible. All this and more, advailible at the newly reopened Mithralla Merchandise, offering quality magical products at reasonable prices!

Below the slightly transparent illusionary advertisement, Mikilos sits at an outdoor cafe, occasionally glancing to the simple spell, but more attention given to the mug of hot cider, and the reactions of those who pass by.

Kerbasy watches the illusions a while, then has to dodge a hurried woman as she rushes by with kids in tow. He grips his drink, holding it high as number one, two, then four dashes by.

Mikilos mmms, and smiles. "Kerbasy! Over here! How are you? Havn't seen you in a while." The wizard offers a seat at the simple cafe table, not that are many other patrons about, given the weather. Still, it's out of the wind, and there's plenty of vendors about for whatever one might care to enjoy.

Thunder thunder thunder. At the end of the line, the oldest near trips over some of the Market debris before hurrying on to catch up with the flock. Kerbasy watches them go, then turns and raises his mug in a hello to Mikilos. "Th' weather gettin to you, too?" he asks, as he wanders that way. "Lady's blessing."

Verna is attired for the weather and her duties, the drab layers decidedly not for fashion. Her head and face are shielded from the chill air by the swallowing hood of her cloak. Fortunately, it does not block her view of the tome she carries, which she browses as she walks. Until the large illusory advertisements pull her hood and gaz upwards.

Mikilos watches the kids a moment to assure himself the stumble caused no harm before smileing to the Mourner. "Some, I suppose. I don't mind the weather too much, but do favor the warmer seasons." The elf falls quiet a moment, watching with professional intrest the reaction of another passerby. It's one thing to make ads, it's quite another to talior and update them according to the reactions of those who see them.

"Heh." Kerbasy says. He takes a drink, then turns, following the look. He breaks out into a smile, "Mourner! It's good to see you out. I was afraid we'd buried you with paperwork."

"The armor coverage of the female warrior is rather dubious," Verna opines briefly on the virtual demonstration, "though I expect that is intentional." Her hood lowers and pans at Kerbasy's greeting. "Hello, and, no, I was not completely buried. I find the minutiae of record-keeping to be rather soothing, at times.

Mikilos blinks, peering at the image a moment before glancing to Verna. "Actually, no... not by me anyway. The design is the new line from Llyranost. I was focused on the arcane properties, hadn't paid so much attention to the modesty... maybe a light cloak over top..." The wizard squints at the image, offering a few minor changes.

Uh-oh. The geekpriest's eyes light up at that. Paperwork? Forms? Regulations? "What a marvelous thing," he says solemnly, and then smiles in a way that makes him look too-young for his role. He then looks up to the illusion to observe the chances. "Llyranost, heh? You know, I've never been."

"Perhaps," Verna admits, as her idea of fashionable attire likely differs greatly from others. "Nor have I," she now responds to Kerbasy, "though I expect to, in time. Now that I have some time for activities outside the temple and the library, I should view more of this city, foremost." It is much nearer.

Mikilos nods. "You should visit. Certainly there's plenty of bardic exageration in the tales, but much lies in truth. All else being equal, the flowers blooming in the spring is a sight to behold. But any time holds beauty." Nodding to Verna, he inquiers "Which library? There's the Academy's library, the city library, the Playwright has a vast collection of plays and musical numbers, as well as most of the temples haveing a fair collection related to their assorted intrests. Even the followers of the Coyote." The wizard frowns mildly. "More knock-knock jokes than I thought possible."

"There are. Heh, it's easy enough to get distracted, you know. I'd been reading about arvek uniforms, and then looked up t'find it evening. ...which, it's gettin' on towards that, isn't it?" He looks up, Kerbasy does. And adjusts his lenses. It's not too far off to imagine this happening to him frequently.

Verna nods to Kerbasy. "It is not difficult to lose sense of time while engrossed in a topic of interest. I often do so. The Academy library, primarily," she now speaks for Mikilo's query," though I do not disregard sources of information by location or allegiance. Knowledge is knowledge."

Mikilos grins, nodding to Kerbasy. "Eventually you'll get hungry, or thirsty, or tired. Something to indicate the passage of time." He nods to Verna. "Down in the private collection, is a wargolem reading books of Kazahd poetry. He's been there three months now. Is a running bet on how long he'll be there, and how long he thinks it's been."

Kerbasy takes off his lenses for a moment, to clean them. He finds a spot on his robes that isn't too mussed. "A war golem?" he asks after a moment. "Now that's..." he trails off, trying to find words for it.

"That is not so strange for one that neither eats nor sleeps," Verna notes. "I am envious of the freedom for more academic endeavors. Speaking of which," she gestures lightly down the road with her large tome, "I have an appointment I must keep. While I am not entombed in records."

Mikilos nods, and frowns mildly, fingering a simple ring on his finger. "There is a certain freedom, but also a disconnection. Too easy for anyone to just let time slip by, without really grasping how it will never return."

Verna goes OOC.

Kerbasy nods once, jerkily, then takes a sip of his drink. It's warm and he isn't. "I hadn't thought of it that way. ...heh. Maybe th' Lady will..." he trails off on that, too. ...and then he's set his smile back into place, and it's cold out here, with the quiet wind and the chill towards evening. "Well, enough of that, heh. Have you seen th' signs showing up here an there?"

Mikilos blinks, and frowns mildly. "Well, I've seen -my- signs, certainly. But I take it you mean the half-dragons? I inspected one moments after it was noticed, and have looked over a few others. But sadly I've no real insight into them."

"Heh. Those. I'm more concerned someone thinks they've th' right to do that. has to be upsettin the refugees." Kerbasy takes a slow drink of his cider. He looks thoughtful behind those geek lenses.

Mikilos nods. "Putting up images is one thing. Putting up images without permission is another. And putting up things that incite a violent reaction is yet something else. I look forward to finding out who or what is behind it all." The wizard has no doubt the truth will be found. Just isn't sure when.

"Yes," the word is said carefully, with a touch of chill to it. Then he smiles again, putting whatever thought it was away. "I'm sure th constables are making reports. ...but I'll offer to..." he trails off and looks at you. "Well, don't expect I'll have much time. It just happens when you keep busy and all. Though sometimes, it isn't so good t'be busy, you know?" This time, a touch of sadness strays in, though the smile stays the same. Training.

Mikilos mmms. nodding in agreement. "Is important to have a bit of free time here and there. But is also something to what you keep busy with. Some duties are a bit more agreeable than others." The elf sighs, and stands. "Any case, it was a pleasure speaking with you, but I'd best be off. Hopefully all this advertizing has sent someone up to the shop. I'd best check in to see. Fare well."

Kerbasy has left.