No Sympathy

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No Sympathy

Overview: Children in a small village have gone missing, the call has gone out to the adventurers guild for heroes. What they get...

PCs: Spike, War Golem Barbarian 5 Jinks, Gnome Bard 6 Otto, Dwarven Ranger 4 Zahd, Human Barbarian 4

Monsters: Attic Whisperer x2 (CR 4 each)

<OOC> Otto says, "Room for one more?" <OOC> Otto says, "Spike is down. :D" <OOC> Clanga could yes Spike has arrived. <OOC> Zahd cheers. <OOC> Otto says, "Hmm. Any chance this will take more than 4 hours?" <OOC> Clanga doesn't think so. <OOC> Otto says, "I might switch out to Oz, but I do have him scheduled for a plot with Thunder at 7:30." <OOC> Zahd will be here and active so waits on him will not be long. <OOC> Clanga will get started soon, but is planning on it being fairly short.

The call has gone out from the adventurer's guild about a small villiage a few hours north of the City. The priest of Althea is

desperate for assistance and offering a reward.

GAME: Spike rolls disguise: (20)+2: 22

"Reward for assistance," mutters Zahd as he hefts his sword off of his back and onto his shoulder. "Sounds good to me." He heads to

the office of the adventurer's guild with a grin on his face and love for Spike's zany disguises in his heart.

[RPOne] Clanga says, "Quick question. Do we want to use the shiney new Death Concent?" [RPOne] Zahd is up for it. [RPOne] Jinks is immortal. doesn't care either way.

Today, Spike has gone to an exceptionally (for her) elaborate length for her disguise. She put on a set of overalls, grabbed her

scythe, and stuck a blade of hay in her mouth. Assistance? Sounds like a chance to hit things. Pretending like she is in fact NOT

Spike, and that she is 'obviously' not Spike, she even introduces herself to Zahd,"Hi! I'm Mike. I'm a farmer! I farm things."

<OOC> Spike says, "<---Totally not Spike."

GAME: Otto rolls Perception: (3)+9: 12 GAME: Zahd rolls perception: (19)+8: 27

Otto isn't much of Althean, but it's not entirely heathen deity and it's cold hard coin to spend, so why not? Otto scratches at his

beard through the cloud of thick pipe smoke that lingers around him, the stem of his pipe clenched between his teeth. He glances

around and in some major lapse of judgement or attention, doesn't notice Mike was in fact, Old Man Spike all along. Maybe it ain't

tobacco he's smoking. "It's paying work. At least we won't have to put up with that shithouse crazy golem this time around."

In seeing Spike in the overalls and cleverly placed straw shoot, Zahd looks to her and says with a sly grin on his face, "Hello Mike,

that's a mighty big scythe you have there."

Spike grins at Zahd and Otto,"'S like I say. I'm Mike, and I came teh scythe. We farmers use scythes a lot, you see." She sniffs a

little bit. "I plan ter fix them thar problems with some ancient farmalatin' techniquers. Ever hear the sayin' 'stronger 'n an ox'? Well, we farmers is stronger 'n oxes, yeh see."

Zahd looks over at Otto and looks at him as if he is joking or not. He has a mixed look on his face as if he is supposed to laugh or

is confused. He asks Otto, "So do you think it'll be just the three of us?"

The adventure's guild doesn't have much information, just directions and a some silver for simply taking the walk up the road. The

day is partially overcast, the sun making only occassional appearances to warm the cold day. You arrive at the hamlet of Baybridge

just before noon, and while only a few villages come out to see you, those that do look both frightened and hopeful. An young acolyte

takes you to a small building on the church grounds and offers you lunch while 'Mother Lytia' finishes her prayers.

03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)Teena | Name | Race | Class | E Lev| CHP | HP | AC | For | Ref | Wil | 03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)Teena |Spike |WAR_GOLE|Bbn | 5 | 37 | 61 | 19 | 7 | 3 | 1 | |Otto |MOUNTAIN|Rgr | 4 | 40 | 40 | 19 | 7 | 8 | 3 | |Jinks |GNOME |Bard | 6 | 32 | 32 | 19 | 4 | 9 | 5 | |Zahd |HUMAN |Bbn | 4 | 46 | 46 | 19 | 7 | 3 | 2 |

Jinks was just there one moment, balancing his fancy little bow on his smart little adventuring jacket as now-quartet was preparing

to leave. Where he came from is probably best left unknown and/or may have something to do with why a handful of folk have taken to

calling him 'the invisible gnome.' He busies himself with sifting through a small satchel of parchment from ponyback on the way up

the road, scoffing and sniffing and tossing away bits here and there when their contents fail to please him.

        Now at the table, he eyes the plate of food dubiously, poking its contents around before taking a small, expiremental bite. 

When it's clear that the hard bisquits aren't poison he eats like a gnome who does enjoy eating for the act of eating.

GAME: Jinks refreshes spells. Zahd eats his fill of the meal there and stuffs some bread into his breastplate. He either isn't very sneaky or doesn't really care

if someone saw him. He fills his wineskin with water and readies himself for where they must go.

Spike is still working hard at selling her 'expert disguise'. "WE FARMERS FREQUENTLY EAT CORN TO FUEL OUR FARMING ACTIVITIES. THIS IS

COMPLETELY NORMAL." Either she's gambling a dorf don't know nothin' bout no surface-dwellin' farmin'... Or she really is that

oblivious. People that know her... will probably lean towards the latter. She eyeballs Jinks,"You are very short sir. As they say big

things come in small packages, I must suspect that you in fact have a very big thing inside of you. Is it an ogre? How does it fit?"

Otto gnaws on a chicken bone absently, breaking it and sucking the marrow out. Mmmm...marrow. The dwarf has caught on to the fact

that there is no Mike, as masking personality is much harder when you are So Very Spike (Which is kind of being That's So Raven), and

has taken on his usual dour and taciturn attitude. In the mean time, he goes about maintaining his crossbow. "Maybe it's an owlbear.

I've always wanted to kill one of those. They make nice rugs."

The meal is infact quite delicious. It's clear whoever put it together (It's not delivered by an acolyte) went to some effort to keep

the quality high. You don't have to wait more than 10 minutes before the Priestess, a short matronly looking halfling, bustles in,

"Oh thank the Goddess you've arrived. I sent out the request in the middle of the night and I had no idea how long it would take

before help would arrive." She takes a seat at the head of the table, in one of several chairs designed for shorter folk,

"I am afraid we have had several children vanish. Two days ago one of the outlying farm couples reported their little boy missing. We

mounted a search, but we weren't able to find anything. Two nights ago, a number of townfolk reported hearing the sound of children

playing in the dark, but no one saw anything. Then last night our Smithwife found her own little girl missing from her bed."

Zahd nods as he picks at his teeth with his finger while the priestess talks. After she finishes he looks over at Otto and asks,

"You're good at tracking, right? Why don't we go to the house?" He doesn't seem to be one for long talks as he starts to stand up

after his question. Checking the straps on his armor he looks like he is ready to get moving.

"'Good things,'" Jinks corrects as he screws a cap back onto the tin hip flask. His rings clatter against the decorated sides of the

container as it disappears beneath the coat into one of many interior pockets. "'Good things come in small packages' and ogres are

far from good..." And then he stops talking to the wargolem in favor of sizing up the halfling and hear the Tale of Woe. "Sounds like

fair folk. I'm guessing the parents are attached to these children and don't just want to make another?" The way he's smirking he

might be joking -- it's a bit hard to tell.

Spike informs Otto,"I wrestled an owlbear once. Then I got distracted by a rocking chair and walked all over its face to save

everyone from the chair. When I turned around again, it was dead." She frowns,"I always wondered what happened to that owlbear."

Probably the other party members killed it while she was smashing the chair. Still when Jinks corrects her, she says,"Oh... So...

what good things are in you?" She pauses and her eyes widen,"I... is it... is it candy? Can I have some?" She DOES seem to ponder

something as she stands, and informs Otto,"You know... the short one is right. They CAN just make more in their tummies."

The priestess gives Jinks 'that look', but then she turns on her most Beific smile. "May the goddess bless you with the Joy of

parenthood that you might understand." she says sweetly to Jinks. Her gaze turns to Spike, then shakes her head. "My acolyte will

lead you to the Smith's house. We've tried to keep the area around there clear so that you might be able to follow any tracks. Otto sighs so hard one might think he sprained whatever muscle is responsible for it. "Reos grant me patience." He prays to himself,

his right forefinger pressing down the bulging vein in his temple. "Good, ma'am. We can set out presently." He says, throwing himself

into his work to escape the horrors of being in proximity to Spike. "We'll be back when we have someting to report. Shall we?"

Zahd nods to Otto and seems to position himself to follow along. He seems in good spirits as everytime Spike says something he

stifles a small bit of laughter as his glance generally leads to Otto to see his reaction to the chatter.

Spike taps her chin a little bit,"We also may be back with the head of a decapitated monster if something happens to be eating the

children." Yep. Way to reassure the priestess and the villagers.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Otto, can I get a survival role" <OOC> Clanga says, "With your ranger bonus" GAME: Otto rolls Survival+2: (2)+9+2: 13 <OOC> Otto says, "Stupid dirt. Why can't they be on something firm like rock." <OOC> Spike says, "Can has aid?" <OOC> Otto says, "No." <OOC> Otto says, "You can't. You wait in the wagon." <OOC> Spike says, "Fail."

Otto says, "Welp, I can't find nuffin. Better luck next time. L8r"

<OOC> Zahd takes Otto's ranger card away and returns him to being an honorary Mul'rogue.

"Might be a fairly small head..." Jinks says with a little sniff, hardly sparing a glance at the ambulatory machine after the last

wave of shenanigans. He's glad for Otto's presence, at least, as he seems to be setting the pace and has legs that aren't much longer

than the gnome's. He snatches up the bow and cinches it deftly into the buckle'n clasp webbing on his back. Arrows rattle in covered

quivers and he jingle-jangles with coins and jewelry. He hums quietly to himself and looks through another handful of papers while

Otto inspects the ground.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Who said that were a fail?" <OOC> Spike says, "They're children, not master woodsmen."

The blacksmith turns out to be a young mountain dwarf named Jorl, maybe in his 40s. He and his wife are waiting near the doorway. The

smith tells you that his daughter Olia is barely four years old, and only started walking a bit within the last month. He points to

her window at the side of the house, with it's sil higher than Jink's head. There's a disturbance in the snowpile beneath the sil,

then small tracks leading away. SOme of the tracks are of a babe walking, while others are of it crawling... there appears to be only

the childs tracks for a several hundred yards leading out of town, though they occasionally vanish for a bit here and there they

aren't /too/ hard to find again.. then they appear to simply stop.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay, you will need to make another roll now. You can have another person attempt an aid roll, or if someone else

has another idea to assist." <OOC> Otto says, "I can roll above a 2. :D" GAME: Otto rolls Survival+2: (16)+9+2: 27 GAME: Spike rolls survival: (11)+0: 11 <OOC> Zahd is a survivalist and has knowledge/nature :D <OOC> Spike says, "<---Aid." <OOC> Zahd laughs at Spike's Aid. <OOC> Spike says, "You aid too, Zahd!" <OOC> Zahd says, "Which one?" <OOC> Spike says, "Survival!" GAME: Zahd rolls survival: (9)+6: 15 <OOC> Clanga says, "Actually Spike's is enough" <OOC> Spike says, "We can get over a thirty." <OOC> Spike :D :D <OOC> Clanga said another person. Not everyone. ;) <OOC> Spike says, "Now Otto is all like: Okay, here's what happened-(Explanation like on monk.)" <OOC> Zahd nods. <OOC> Spike says, "Oh. Sorries Clanga." <OOC> Zahd waits for poses cause he thinks it will be funny with Spike's aid. [RPOne] Spike says, "Spike's aid: Hey, look at that! Otto: That's nothing. I'm trying to concentrate. Spike: What about that. Otto:

That's a tree. Stop interrupting my concentration. Spike: What about that? Otto: I said- Oh, wait. Yeah. That might be something." <OOC> Clanga says, "So feel free to pose looking around, then I will continue"

Jinks glances between Spike and Zahd briefly, eyes narrowing subtly, and then he takes a few steps and folds his arm. In the

barbarian's shadow, he's not forced to squint! He smooths at his goatee and watches as khazad and construct go to work. "You folks

have any gnomish girls in this village?" He non sequiturs the distraught dwarven couple with a glance askance.

Spike is walking around as the window is shown. Seeing a disturbance, she begins running around back and forth and in circles,

pointing at things and calling out to the others,"Hey, look at that! and that! And that! What about that? Or that? Oh, wow! What's

that! Ew, gross! I think I saw a dog poop- Oh, neat, a stick!"

Zahd crosses his arms over his chest as he watches Spike and Otto work in harmony. As Jinks makes his comment he stiffles another

chuckle. It appears he is having a grand ol time in this company.

Otto goes increasingly more pissed off and frustrated with Spike continues to generate a dire need for alchemical ritalin, teeth


he stalks forward ahead of Spike to look at the ground before she tramples it. But splitting one's attention and turning your head

back while walking forward can be dangerous. Especially in a forest. Mid-sentence, he smashes his head into a low hanging branch hard

enough to send his helmet flying. A scream of dwarven obscenities flow from his mouth as he drops to his knees, one hand holding his

head while he digs through the underbrush to find his helmet, only to find....

At the end of the trail it is clear that the small child just sat down. It takes several minutes of searching the area to find

anything that might lead onwards. The trail is not much, just a whisp of disturbance in the snow, like someone drawing a feather

along it lightly here and there. The only reason it's a trail is that the disturbances are in a straight line. They are not

consistent enough to be footprints. You notice that there's a farmhouse off to your right through the woods, but the trail leads

'behind' it.

Spike cringes like a kicked puppy and starts sniffling like a small child about to cry.

"... may the pillars of your hall... Wait. What? That can't be literal. How would you... with false metal...?" Jinks is looking at

his hands and pantomiming acts you wouldn't normally pantomime in mixed company. Apparently, his Khazdul accent is flawless but the

colloquialisms can still stump even the bard.

Zahd can't stiffle this laughter as it pours from his large overmuscled frame like a torrent bursting through a damn. He grasps at

his midsection trying to keep his wind as he follows along behind Otto and Spike in their routine.

Otto seethes, the torrent of hate slowing to a crawl once he finally finds his helmet. Once his vision stops swimming, the farmhouse

comes into view. "Cease your damned jackassery! I see a farmhouse up ahead!" He hisses, pulling some brush out of the way to clear a

trail and give off a better view. His helmet is slowly slid back on, twitching as the cold metal slaps against the swollen bump on

his head.

Spike spits back at Otto,"I'm not talking to you! You're a poopy head meany face."

Otto says, "Okay."

Zahd tries hard to get his laughter under control as the farmhouse comes into view. Unstrapping the sword across his back seems to

bring him into focus as he begins stepping a whole lot lighter than he had up to this point.

"With sufficient coin and the right connections I believe you can subject constructs to alterations of their normal operating

procedures." Jinks offers conversationally, creeping up closer to the dwarf and peering across the way. He has his bow loose and in

hand and the rings have vanished in favor of a pair of black, tooled leather gloves. So fashionable. "Attitude adjustment," he adds

in a whisper, canting his head subtly back at Spike. "Coyote laughs; did anyone want to place a wager as to our kidnappers racial

orientation? I have a Dragonieri platinum that says it's fae."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Perception checks from everyone as you continue to follow the trail."

Otto calms just a little, given the nearness of the percieved goal and the relative silence of Spike. He shoots a dirty look at Zahd,

but remains quiet and unslings his crossbow. With a quick, smooth motion the weapon is cocked and loaded and the dwarf stalks along

the trail, taking point as they move forward. "If they are? What do you know of those things?"

GAME: Otto rolls Perception: (11)+9: 20

Spike informs Jinks,"I think it's chairs. Or possibly a campy supervillain."

GAME: Spike rolls perception: (14)+8: 22 GAME: Zahd rolls perception: (17)+8: 25

Zahd breathes deep as he tries to keep his laughter under control. His eyes dart back and forth as he follows at the rear of the

group; sword at the relaxed ready position. He isn't much for words, but seems to be enjoying himself.

GAME: Jinks rolls Perception: (10)+10: 20

The trail definately doesn't lead to the house, though Otto detects more signs of people having been in the woods. It's clear that

you're in the area where the original child was abducted. None of the trails seem to notice the brushlike line that you are

following, though the Ranger is able to tell that the one you are following actually came after. Soon there is a sound up ahead, the

high pitched sound of young voices. It's hard to hear at first, but the tones suggest an arguement.

<OOC> Spike says, "... Time for spike to act all sneaky like. :D"

"All manner of thing... though the vary widely depending on the breed." Jinks says with a mild shrug and a glance to the quiver,

pushing arrows this way and that until he's found a set with black fletching. "Each has their own superstitions, weaknesses, and

mannerisms -- most hate the touch of cold iron."

Otto does the inevitable fist up in the air as the psuedo-tactical sign to stop and be quiet. "I hear the children. Jinks, you come

with me and we'll scout out ahead. If you hear this horn..." He picks up the small signal horn hanging from his belt as he looks

towards Zahd and Spike, "Come a'running. That sound like a plan?"

Zahd is walking with a light step. He is on high alert watching their rear and flanks as they follow along the path of anger. His

laughter is completely gone as a serious look overcomes his face when it gets real. As Otto gives out the plan, Zahd simply nods and

takes a knee trying to keep his large form low and out of view.

Spike smiles brightly and almost answers Otto... then she remembers she's not talking to him. Instead, she informs Jinks,"I also

suspect that they have a weaknesss to being murdered in the face. By being hit hard. Repeatedly."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Stealth Rolls from those who are approaching." GAME: Jinks rolls stealth: (1)+11: 12 <OOC> Jinks says, "I'd like my 'once a turn mulligan' now, please." <OOC> Clanga laughs <OOC> Spike says, "We all know that me trying to sneak up on anything is just a bad idea." GAME: Otto rolls Stealth: (12)+10: 22 <OOC> Clanga poses then.

As Jinks and Otto start forward, the arguement becomes clearer. It's of two children arguing over two toys, one wanting the others

because it's better than his... or hers... what is odd is that the voices on either side of the arguement keep changing, all young,

all very childish, but varied from sentence to sentence. Then Jinks steps on a twig with a loud crack and the voices cut off like a

pair of children caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

"Thul's shriveled cock." Jinks mutters darkly, staring daggers at the twig.

Zahd's brows rise as the little one makes a big noise. He mutters to Spike, "Perhaps there is something large in that small package."

A grin passes over his lips as he keeps a vigilant eye out.

Otto turns slowly to stare hatefully at Jinks. If Otto was every going to spontaneously develop Sorcerer powers to make someone's

head explode, it would be now. Fortunately, Otto took Cha as his dump stat, so the gnome is safe for now. Still, after that drawn out

moment of panic, Otto looks around and finds somewhere to take cover a few steps from Jinks. To leave him out in the cold. Or to use

as actual cover if there is a fire fight.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Perception for Otto and Jinks again, -4 for the other two if they want to make it."

GAME: Otto rolls Perception: (18)+9: 27 GAME: Zahd rolls perception: (5)+8: 13 GAME: Jinks rolls Perception: (13)+10: 23 GAME: Spike rolls perception-4: (2)+8+-4: 6

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+17: (20)+17: 37 GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+17: (19)+17: 36

And there is only silence, not a rustle or motion in the area.

<OOC> Jinks says, "Going to cast invis if you don't mind, Clanga." <OOC> Clanga says, "Go ahead."

Jinks shrugs at Otto and pulls a hand through the air like one might don a cloak. Little swirls of faint aether play as he hums a

quiet tune and pulls the magic around him -- vanishing from sight. GAME: Jinks casts Invisibility.

Otto grunts in annoyance as he's left to his own devices, but slowly pulls away from the tree he was hiding behind and starts to

creep forward once again, one hand holding his crossbow, the other holding the signal horn.

<OOC> Otto says, "and hell, if I have time, I'll load a cold iron bolt first." <OOC> Clanga says, "You can."

Zahd remains in his position as he keeps alert, waiting for the horn to signal a charge. He squeezes the handle of the blade like a

stress ball. Firm, gentle, firm, gentle.

The trail still exists, and Otto follows it in the straight line. THere's no sign of whatever was speaking, but Otto spots the edge

of an old wall foundation, lost in the undergrowth. A quick examination of the area reveals a doorway in the 'floor' of the long

abandoned structure hidden beneath some bushes.

Spike is crouched in a ready stance that more resembles a luchadore ready to pounce... but at least she's being quiet for the moment.

"Jinks, you around? Go get the other two. I think we lost the element of surprise." Otto stage whispers. His back goes against the

wall foundation while he waits for the others to get here.

Jinks isn't far from Otto, cloaked in magic and resisting the urge to hum this one tune about a fae luring a lonely sailor into a

lake and drowning him. You know the one. Poor bastard. At least he died with his sword out of its sheath. "Just send the golem down

first, it'll take the brunt of any attack..." His close returned whisper fades as he starts stalking back towards the other two.

        And then he's looking between Spike and Zahd. "This is Althea, the Khazad calls you to his aid," he offers in a soprano 

sing-song voice from nowhere.

Spike's eyes widen,"Does... Does that mean I should charge the trapdoor? I've never charged DOWN something before. I... I guess I

could... Wait a minute... If you're a goddess, why don't you do it yourself? It'd be like, way easy." Still, it does get her moving.

Zahd grins and shakes his head. He stands up and heads over to where Otto had gone off to. His sword over his shoulder. He doesn't

seem to be in much of a hurry as the battle horn did not sound. He keeps alert of the scenery about them as he makes his way forward.

Otto gestures towards himself once he catches sight of Zahd and Spike, "Heard some kids but they slipped off...Let me check this door

here and we'll head down." Otto murmurs, pushing himself off the wall to get a good look at the door for signs of use or traps or


GAME: Otto rolls Perception: (1)+9: 10 GAME: Otto rolls Survival+2: (11)+9+2: 22 <OOC> Otto says, "Either or. :D"

"I only help people who breed. Or cry a lot about how beautiful 'true love' is." Jinks offers at Spike's advancing back in that same

ladyvoice. Sniggering, he glances heavenwards and sends an invisible wink before padding along after.

GAME: You clear initiatives. GAME: Clanga has cleared initiatives. GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+17: (4)+17: 21 GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+17: (8)+17: 25 <OOC> Clanga says, "Perceptions" GAME: Zahd rolls perception: (6)+8: 14 GAME: Clanga damaged Spike for -30 points. 61 remaining. GAME: Spike rolls perception: (18)+8: 26 GAME: Otto rolls Perception: (16)+9: 25 GAME: Jinks rolls Perception: (18)+10: 28 [RPOne] Jinks says, "Dice are starting to warm up. Finally." GAME: You roll initiative for Hanzel: Roll: 14 + Bonus: +8 = Total: 22 GAME: You roll initiative for Gretel: Roll: 5 + Bonus: +8 = Total: 13 <OOC> Clanga says, "And Inititatives." GAME: Spike rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 19 GAME: Jinks rolls initiative: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 22 GAME: Zahd rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 10 <OOC> Otto says, "Are we underground or still messing around top side?" GAME: Otto rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 20 <OOC> Clanga says, "Top Side... am posing."

You are all expecting /something/ to happen, and as Otto gets to the door, a young boy's scream of 'No! They are ours!' catches only

Zahd off guard. Two small figures, each about the size of an adult halfling, burst out of the bushes to attack. The air is filled

with the sound of childlike sobs, whimpers and little whips of singsong. The effect is very disconcerting, and makes it hard to hear

anything else. The two figures look like emanciated children, but hteir skin looks like dust, and their clothes cobwebs and leaves.

But it's their heads that are the most disconcerting. One appears to have a fox skull where the head should be. The other has a

rabbit skull.

Current Initiative Order ====

22                  Hanzel

22                  Jinks

20                  Otto

19                  Spike

13                  Gretel

10                  Zahd


03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)Teena | Name | Race | Class | E Lev| CHP | HP | AC | For | Ref | Wil | 03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)03:12, 13 January 2012 (EET)Teena |Spike |WAR_GOLE|Bbn | 5 | 61 | 61 | 19 | 7 | 3 | 1 | |Otto |MOUNTAIN|Rgr | 4 | 40 | 40 | 19 | 7 | 8 | 3 | |Jinks |GNOME |Bard | 6 | 32 | 32 | 19 | 4 | 9 | 5 | |Zahd |HUMAN |Bbn | 4 | 46 | 46 | 19 | 7 | 3 | 2 |

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+4: (2)+4: 6 <OOC> Clanga says, "So people know, the two figures are within 5 feet of Otto, having been hidden in the bushes around the door."

The larger, fox headed figure, lashes out to try and push Otto away, but the dwarves reaction causing him to shift back slightly so

the thin fingers do not tocuh him.

<OOC> Clanga says, "It's a surprize round, everyone goes but Zahd.. who's really screwed." <OOC> Jinks'll start singing. And a Knowledge check, if I might? <OOC> Clanga says, "Jinks, you're up. Give me a quick +perform roll of your choice before you start singing." GAME: Jinks rolls Perform/Sing: (3)+13: 16 <OOC> Clanga says, "16 will be good enough.... you know that with the wails and sobs, you can't use bardic performance." <OOC> Jinks says, "Hooray!" <OOC> Clanga says, "And... everyone takes a -1 penalty on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and Will saving throws" <OOC> Clanga says, "You can still take an action," GAME: Jinks rolls Knowledge/Religion: (9)+9: 18 <OOC> Jinks says, "Enough to identify?" [RPOne] Clanga says, "Okay Jinks... these are Rare, but not as rare as a Tarasque so 18 will be good enough... Check Attic Whisperer

in Beastiary 2." <OOC> Jinks says, "Going to back up out of the aura and shout a little." <OOC> Clanga says, "Otto you're up." <OOC> Clanga nods, "Good enough."

Jinks winces at the sound of tortured innocence, shaking his head and scampering back away from the haunting notes. "Someone

should've taken the bet! Thul's children are at play -- mind they don't snatch the breath from your lungs..."

<OOC> Otto says, "I waste it with my crossbow. DA, all the good stuff, after a 5ft step." <OOC> Clanga says, "Shoot it" GAME: Otto rolls 1d20+4+4+1+1-1-2: (3)+4+4+1+1+-1+-2: 10 <OOC> Otto says, "Doink." <OOC> Otto says, "Glad to see my shooting dice are still shit." <OOC> Clanga says, "Definately a miss. Spike" <OOC> Spike says, "Rage and Charge one of the whisperers and PA on his bootay."

"The hell.." The dwarf exclaims as two freaky little skull head kids come scrabbling out of the bushes out of him. He takes a quick

scratch shot from the hip, which sends the bolt sailing over their heads, but he doesn't waste much time snapping another bolt into

place after throwing back the cocking lever on his weapon

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay, make the roll." GAME: Spike rolls melee+2+1-2: (12)+9+2+1+-2: 22 <OOC> Clanga says, "Hit." <OOC> Spike says, "Do they have spells or spell-like abilities?" <OOC> Clanga says, "No, no spells or Spell-Like abilities" GAME: Spike rolls 2d4+9+6+1: (7)+9+6+1: 23 <OOC> Clanga says, "Good Roll, good deep cut... not enough to stop it." GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+9: (11)+9: 20 <OOC> Clanga says, "Otto, will save" <OOC> Clanga says, "Rememeber your -1" GAME: Otto rolls will-1: (9)+3+-1: 11 <OOC> Otto says, "awesome" <OOC> Otto says, "13 if it's a spell-like ability. :D" GAME: Clanga rolls 1d4-1: (4)+-1: 3 GAME: Clanga damaged Otto for 3 points. 37 remaining.

Oh. Hey. Look. That's uh... That's kind just... wrong-looking. Spike's head tilts to the side, mouth open for a second. Even by her

standards, this is just plain freaky. "THIS MAKES ME UPSET. PLEASE DIE NOW!" She raises her scythe in a two handed grip over her head

and charges one of the creatures, sparks flying from her ears and gears grinding and whirring audibly beneath her chestplate. As she

reaches the creepy little thing, she brings it down in a matter-gouting slash across its chest,"I AM A FARMER, AND YOU ARE NIBBLING


The smaller, rabbit headed demon, gives a shriek of rage that sounds like someone took a lollipop away from a baby. She jumps the few

feet forward and the teeth of the rabbit sink into Otto's loading hand. The bite is relatively minor, but a wave of fatigue sweeps

through the dwarf. He struggles to shake off the sensation, but fails to do so, making his movements lethargic.

<OOC> Clanga says, "As a reminder. Fatigued: A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a –2 penalty to Strength and

Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of

complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued."

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+9: (20)+9: 29 GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+9: (6)+9: 15 GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20

<OOC> Clanga says, "Spike, two Will Saves at -1 each." <OOC> Spike says, "What is it a roll vs?" <OOC> Clanga says, "Supernatural effect." <OOC> Clanga says, "Charisma Based" GAME: Clanga rolls 1d4-1: (2)+-1: 1 <OOC> Spike says, "No, I mean, the particular condition." <OOC> Clanga says, "Fatigue.. which does affect war Golems... and Silence on the second." <OOC> Spike says, "I know. But I get a bonus against it. :)" GAME: Spike rolls will+2+2+3-1: (4)+1+2+2+3+-1: 11 <OOC> Spike says, "AND FAIL HARD ON ONE." GAME: Spike rolls will+2+2+3-1: (12)+1+2+2+3+-1: 19 <OOC> Spike says, "Actually, the last one is 18." <OOC> Spike says, "I get tired but I don't shut up?" <OOC> Clanga says, "Yes, people wish it were the other way around, but it....." GAME: Clanga damaged Spike for 2 points. 59 remaining.

The larger creature reels slightly from the blow from the war golem, but doesn't stop as it turns and attacks Spike back. It's bite

manages to sink into wood, causing the same unnatural wave of fatigue that affected Otto. The creature also touches Spike with one

hand, but that fails to have any effect.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Jinks, you're up." <OOC> Jinks says, "I'll give the one Spike hit a rapid shot" GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (4)+9: 13 GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (12)+9: 21 <OOC> Jinks says, "It'll be flat-footed for the first shot, at least." <OOC> Clanga says, "Yep... which is 14." <OOC> Clanga says, "So you hit on the second shot." <OOC> Jinks says, "Haha, damn it all!" GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4+2: (4)+2: 6 <OOC> Clanga says, "Sorry the dice have kept you out of it Zahd"

Jinks sloughs off the magic weave, popping back into view a stone's throw back from the melee with his bow drawn. The first missile

already flew wide by this time and the second shot -- the small, gnome-sized arrow more like a needle than a shafted missile --

strikes Spike's target and tears a whole through tattered, dusty clothing. Two cracked marbles and a broken wooden figure tumble to

the ground.

<OOC> Zahd isn't worries :D <OOC> Zahd says, "Worried even." <OOC> Clanga says, "Going to give Otto a couple minutes" [RPOne] Clanga says, "So... what should I do if Otto doesn't return?" [RPOne] Zahd does not know. [RPOne] Clanga says, "I'm actually sure that between the three of you you /should/ be about to defeat these." [RPOne] Spike says, "As the runner, it's your prerogative to hold the scene or continue." [RPOne] Clanga isn't going to be holding, "I already have one paused." [RPOne] Spike says, "Usual mode of operation though is to wait a reasonable amount of time and then continue."

<OOC> Clanga says, "Okay spike, go" <OOC> Spike says, "Power attack on this weasel." GAME: Spike rolls melee+1+1: (5)+9+1+1: 16 <OOC> Clanga says, "Fox" <OOC> Clanga says, "Miss"

Spike flails around with her scythe uselessly,"SOMETIMES I LIKE TO PRETEND I AM A BUNNY RABBIT."

GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27 GAME: Clanga rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23 GAME: Clanga rolls 1d4-1: (3)+-1: 2 <OOC> Clanga says, "Actually ignore the second roll"

The rat headed undead bites at Otto again, causing the dwarf to collapse to the ground in exhaustion.

<OOC> Clanga says, "Zahd, finally your turn" <OOC> Zahd says, "Are those two close enough together for a cleave?" <OOC> Clanga says, "Not right now no." <OOC> Zahd is going to rage and power attack the one that has been hit a couple of times with surprise accuracy. <OOC> Zahd will flank too. <OOC> Clanga hmms, "You'll get an AoE from one to get into flank with the other... though you can attack the second without the Flank

with no AoE <OOC> Clanga says, "AoO sorry" <OOC> Zahd ponders. <OOC> Zahd will 5 step after his attack to provide a chance for Spike to move into flank on her next turn. <OOC> Zahd says, "Can do that, yes?" <OOC> Clanga says, "Nope. You need to move before to get into melee, so no 5'" <OOC> Zahd will just end its life then :D rage, power, surprise accuracy. GAME: Zahd rolls 1d20+10: (11)+10: 21 GAME: Zahd rolls 2d6+16: (10)+16: 26 <OOC> Clanga says, "Good enough. :)"

Zahd watches stunned for a moment as these little freaks pop out from the bushes. He is obviously caught off guard as they move in.

In the confusion, he loses control and begins frothing at the mouth as so much goes on around him. Raising his sword high above his

head he brings it down with a vicious force upon the head of the fox-undead-child-thing. As the blade crashes squarely on the skull,

it splits it cleanly and is driven all the way to the ground below it. Toys, dust, bones and things unidentifiable splay across the

ground in all directions. The beast within Zahd has awakened. Only Kor can break his rampage now.

<OOC> Zahd was just informed his surprise accuracy was supposed to be a +2, but it doesn't matter :D <OOC> Clanga grins and nods, "Definatley not... and with Hanzel destroyed, Jinks is up again. <OOC> Jinks says, "I'll give the Gretzter a rapid shot, then" GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (4)+9: 13 GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19 GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5 <OOC> Clanga says, "Spike you'll need a full move to get to Gretel (Zahd can do on a 5')"

"I told you not to let them touch you!" Jinks is shouting at the collapsed Khazad-aul, shaking his head as he sets another pair of

mini-arrows whistling through the air. Much to the same effect as the first volley.

<OOC> Spike says, "I'm confused... If we were just attacking the same person..." <OOC> Spike says, "Eh. Doesn't matter. :)" <OOC> Clanga says, "You're about 10' away from Gretel, Zahd is between you and it." <OOC> Spike says, "Flounce up to gretel and PA her in the face." <OOC> Clanga says, "Roll it" GAME: Spike rolls melee+1+1: (20)+9+1+1: 31 <OOC> Spike says, "Possible crit." GAME: Spike rolls melee+1+1: (12)+9+1+1: 23 <OOC> Spike says, "Confirm?" <OOC> Zahd claps. <OOC> Clanga says, "Yes, Confirmed" <OOC> Zahd waves bye bye to Gretel. <OOC> Zahd says, "4x." <OOC> Clanga says, "Yeah... should do it."

GAME: Spike rolls 8d4+56: (15)+56: 71

<OOC> Zahd grins. <OOC> Clanga says, "Needless to say you harvest it..." <OOC> Zahd is going to continue his rage and bust down the door. <OOC> Clanga says, "Sure, go ahead."

Spike is in the farmer zone. Intensely so. Still shouting, raving, and generally acting like a lout as usual, she continues to run

around making weird gargly noises and waving that scythe around,"HARVEST TIME IS HERE. STAND STILL WHILE I HARVEST YOU NOW PLEASE!"

She whirls on the beast, jogging towards it, and slides the enchanted head of the her scythe down in a leaping overhand swipe. The

thing is split from head to toe, splaying dusts bits, pieces, toys, and more all over the place. "HARVESTING PROCEDURE COMPLETE. I AM


Zahd is still in his maddened rage as he then turns to the trap door. He stomps it hard trying to bust through it. He growls and

shouts like a wild beast. Drool pours from his mouth as he gazes into the now broken trap door.

"... charming." Jinks mutters, glad he's a bit of a ways back from Zahd and Spike as they both berserk in their respective fashions.

There is no light in the bottom of the stair, and no movement either. But once everyone calms down and you make a /relatively/ more

calm examination of the anchient cellar you find both children still alive, though the older human boy looks like he hasn't eaten

since he was taken. Both children are completely asleep and unnaturally so... but Jinks can explain that it's a side effect of the

creature's bites. Indeed each child has several small marks, not enough to cause permanent damage, but definately bite marks.

You find one more thing in the basement, a tiny set of manacles attached to one wall under the stairs.

<OOC> Zahd says, "should we do exit poses?" <OOC> Zahd says, "Or should we just keep the slow action poses?" <OOC> Clanga says, "Exit poses is fine"

Zahd calms from his rage and examines the children. It takes a few minutes to recover from his rage, but during that time he removes his cloak and fashions a sling to carry both children in. Before leaving the area he stands over the broken toys with the crossguard to his sword over his brow. "Look here Kor, look here. These fallen creatures are my sacrifice to you."

"I do hope the two of you are capable or carrying our fallen compatriot and the enchanted children. My coat is far to fine to be shat upon and I know enough of children to realize they leak with great frequency from both ends and without warning." The gnome dusts his hands off and does a quick stock count of his quiver. "The Althean should come and see about these ruins. These damned souls would likely appreciate some proper rites and a helping hand into the cold embrace of the Gray Lady." He sniffs and shrugs, producing his flask once again.

Spike forgets all about carrying the children for the moment. Zahd seems to be taking care of that anyway! Instead, she picks up the dwarf by the back of his shirt, carrying him relatively easily... and steals a broken toy horse and carriage when she thinks noone is looking,"These are mine."