Myrana Jn'Rajh

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Revision as of 21:08, 1 December 2010 by Myrana (talk | contribs)
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This is Myrana. And her familiar, Rum.


She really can't be held responsible for him, though.

Myrana runs the Ox-Strength Ale Tavern, having inherited it from the late Mister Oxley. It is a situation that would suit her wonderfully if not for the last stipulation in his Final Will and Testament that she also continue to employ those surviving relatives of his who worked at the Ox before his death. This has left her as both manager of the tavern and, because the Oxleys are to a man the worst people imaginable, often the main employee. She can be found waiting tables as often as behind the bar. Attempts at hiring help 'outside the family' have all failed. Horribly. No one wants to put up with the Oxleys longer than they have to.

In her increasingly rare days off, Myrana experiments with brewing and cooking, and has become rather more famous for this than anything more adventurous. In particular, her 'Thunderhead' Espresso Stout is prized and made in small batches. What savouries she makes in her own private kitchen away from the cesspit that is the Ox usually go to the church of Althea... though a few are conscientiously left on the window-sill of her apartment and decidedly not watched till mysteriously dissapeared.