My Strength

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Revision as of 23:44, 11 June 2022 by Aftershock (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Returning to darkness, and piles of books stacked around couches and chairs alike; the pair of Auranar and Verna hardly noticed the mess. There were other things far more important on the mind. However the next day, late in the morning (the early of it having been spent lounging in bed for reasons), Auranar is cleaning up her mess of the last few days. Putting stacks of books back where they belong while the scent of fresh baked bread slowly fills the house. Verna may h...")
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Returning to darkness, and piles of books stacked around couches and chairs alike; the pair of Auranar and Verna hardly noticed the mess. There were other things far more important on the mind. However the next day, late in the morning (the early of it having been spent lounging in bed for reasons), Auranar is cleaning up her mess of the last few days. Putting stacks of books back where they belong while the scent of fresh baked bread slowly fills the house.

Verna may have lounged a bit longer, but, between the smell of baked (or baking?) bread and the distinct absence of Auranar, she is not too far behind. Given that she is generally quite fastidious on organization, especially in regards to reading materials, it is no surprise that she takes up a few wayward tomes on her way to Auranar. Which is distinctly at odds with her words. "You are aware, Dearest, that the volumes will still exist even if they are absent a shelf for a day or three? Are we expecting visitors?"

The wild elf looks up as she gathers the books off the floor and starts to return them to their previous locations. It's clear from the sheer volume of tomes that some are not actually Verna and Auranar's. Or that Auranar went on something of a spending spree whilst Verna was away. She smiles at the other woman. "If we do I will surely turn them away. I want you all to myself for a while longer yet." She doesn't admit that keeping Verna locked up like a princess in a tower has certainly crossed her mind. "But I wanted to make us something to eat and I saw all the books sitting around and... It seemed a shame to leave them laying around."

"Have me you do," Verna assures her as she shelves the few she retrieved before turning to the other woman. "I gave you my word that I would not leave you, Dearest, though I hope the time will not wholly be spent to organize or clean." A small smile follows that. "You are free to cook all you wish, however."

"Have you forgotten this morning already?" Auranar asks, with no small amount of amusement. The reminder has her cheeks heating, but thankfully it doesn't show much. "But no, once the books are put away that is the end of my need to clean until the dishes require attention." She moves toward the next pile of books smoothly.

Which leaves at least one pile for Verna. "I most certainly have not," she points out in no ambiguous terms. Whether the flush to her own visage is from Auranar's effect upon her or the recollection (which may still qualify as Auranar's effect upon her). "All the more reason to assist, so you may have me, and I you, further." She then moves to sort them before returning to the shelf, though it is reflexive and requires little thought. "It is a matter I have put more thought into as of late..." A statement, yet possibly a prompt or segue?

Auranar tilts her head, putting her last stack of books away. She carefully sets a few aside, the ones that she's borrowed from here and there and will need to return eventually. Not today however. She sits on the couch, patiently waiting for Verna to finish with her stack so that she can sit down at her side. Prompted by a welcoming pat. "What has been your thought?"

Verna turns and steps towards Auranar and even considers the chair before the pat. The invitation precludes the inquiry she may have been about to make and she settles herself in alongside. It may not be spacious for two, but that only seems to make it all the more comfortable. Especially after a slight nestling that provokes a pleasant sigh. "You. Us. When you look to the future, Aura, or if you did, what do you envision? For yourself, or us years or decades hence?"

Auranar is happy to cuddle up close to Verna, holding her hadn as the other woman remarks upon the thought of the future. She's quiet a long moment, because it's a serious question, and it deserves serious thought. Not just an immediate answer. "I think about it all the time. I think about growing old with you, and its a thought that makes me happy." She doesn't comment on the fact that Verna's half-elf heritage means that Auranar will likely outlive her by some time. All incidental things like being murdered by the act of a deity or loved one set aside. "I've been thinking a lot lately. About Curuchuil..."

She looks at Verna. "I would be honored if you would consider join me in adding to the one that belongs to my family."

Verna listens intently with curiosity and, perhaps, some initial trepidation. The latter leaves as the words are parsed, and Auranar's hand receives and increasingly firm, and fond, squeeze. "I-" she pauses as the last portion registers. Partially. A brow lifts in some confusion. "Your family's... life art?" A repeat of the literal translation only, and uncertainly.

"Yes." Auranar smiles gently at Verna, her eyes shining with emotion. "We have a grove, a garden really near the capital. It has been tended by my family for generations. Each one adding to it when we add someone to the family. I..."

Here her eyes grow slightly dark and she almost looks away, but she firms herself and keeps her eyes on Verna. "My parents were unable to add to it when I was born, but my Grandmother did when I was old enough to leave the orphanage and return to her. I have been waiting to think of something that is fitting of you to add to it and when you were... gone... I knew. I want to add flowers to the Curuchuil with you."

There is a flash of concern at the dark shift, though Verna had a hypothesis... that is confirmed as she continues. A brief pulse of squeeze to Auranar's hand is accompanied by the other lifting to cup her check. Verna's eyes grow wet, though her lips are curled upwards. "I would be honored to add your family heritage, with you." There is a brief pause before she adds, "My thoughts were to ask you to join me, as my family." Her lips flatten. "I have no Curuchuil, nor would I wish you to be tied to any portion of my house's legacy."

Auranar's hands wrap around Verna's, her face tilting into the touch on her cheek. "I know that Mul'niessa do not have them, but when," Gloriously when and not if. "We join, my family will be yours. My Curuchuil ours."

The wild elf leans in and kisses her girlfriend softly on the lips. It's a short thing, and it carries over to kissing her cheek, the side of her face. Until there's a smile warming Verna's heart once more. "I don't care what the future brings us Verna. As long as you're there with me."

Verna's lips are delighted and left yearning a moment with the shift. Her cheeks are damp and salty, though it is above a smile; one that is ever-growing. It seems another inquiry answered, almost before it was clearly made. There is a conspicuously small nod before Verna leans in and reaches about her for a more full embrace. Yet her lips are to her neck and then ear, instead, to offer softly, "Whatever is in store, I know that all obstacles will be overcome, so long as you are there with me. You are my strength."
