My Mommy Lies Over The Ocean

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Log Info

  • Title: My Mommy Lies Over The Ocean
  • Emitter: Ansrir
  • Characters: Hunrar Level 5, Dubtle Level 3, Miles Level 4, Kore Level 3
  • Place: Alexandria - Adventurer's Guild
  • Time: Mar 11, 2017
  • Summary: A child is found adrift at sea clinging to a piece of flotsam by a merchant ship, but there was no other people or traces of a ship found. They state their family is still alive and would like to go home. They just cannot seem to tell where home is.
  • APL: 2
  • Encounter 1: Little Girl CR ?

The call went out through the Aventurer's Guild when one merchant vessel came into port. Apparently, they had picked up a young girl, no more than sixyears old, and they have said that they want to go home, that they want their mommy. There was little to no trace of where the vessel had come from as the only remains were the debris the little girl was clinging to. Her features set her as a mix of Cerenzan and Veyshanti.

 Oh good. 
 Dubtle looks /thrilled/. 
 He's signed up, of course, and seems glad to be able to help. 
 "I'll do whatever is required," he adds, solemnly, to the Guild reps.

Hun'rar is always happy to be of service. "This sounds like a proper mystery, although I hope there won't be too much swimming involved." he notes adjusting his belt so his sword hangs more comfortably. "Just hate to have to strip out of my armor is all." he says as way of explanation.

Miles, on the other hand, not so much thrilled. He recently signed up to be the assistant of a more experienced artificer, thinking it'd give him the opportunity to study new blueprints! Assist with some world-changing invention! Look good on a resume! Sadly, it pretty much does none of those things and the only new recipe he's learned is exactly how his boss takes his coffee. Also, to run errands the man can't be bothered with, like, say, try to identify where a strange girl picked up in the middle of the ocean came from. "Yeah, sure, sign me up", he says, monotone.

Kore arrives quietly, wearing no armor at all and looking more the part of a peasant than anyone official. She is, however, wearing the holy symbol of Vardama and her homespun tunic and trousers are clean. Something more than most peasants can say. She doesn't say much when the call is put out., just steps over to join the group of adventurers who has decided to go out. The young Chord's expression is one of deep contemplation. She looks solemn, if anything.

The girl looks at the assembled crew of adventurers, blinks and then looks them over again. "Who are you?" she says and smiles, "Do you know my mommy? I wanna go home." She wraps her arms around herself as she stands there, sniffling a lttle.

"No, my dear child, we don't know your mother... but we're going to try to help you find your mother. We may be able to do so, okay? Can you tell us everything that happened?" <OOC> Dubtle says, "Me. xD"

Hun'rar kneels before the little girl, taking his helmet off so she can see his dark skin. "Are you hurt? Hungry? Thirsty?" he says offering a flask of water and taking the opportunity to look for any wounds or any signs that may help the investigation. "My name in Hun'rar, whats yours?"

GAME: Hun'rar rolls heal: (15)+10: 25 <OOC> Hun'rar says, "If it helps at all."

Miles doesn't question the child so as not to bombard her, but instead looks to whatever representative of the guild is available. "I don't suppose the merchants could give a rough location of where they picked her up? Or mentioned the closest shipping lanes, so we can try to work out where she drifted from?"

Kore takes a deep breath looking around at those surrounding her for a second. She starts to step forward then hesitates when Dubtle speaks listening. Then the small woman is nodding. She smiles at the girl gently, but seems to be at a loss for what tosay. So instead she nodss when Miles speaks. "I can go check for shipping manifests and see what ship was coming in, when- we van start with Veyshan, I think." She is pursing her lips lightly. "It shouldn't take long and I'll bring the documents back here." then she's off.

<OOC> Kore says, "Investigating!"

The child seems to be in good health, the only wounds having already been treated when she was fished out of the sea, and those were a few cuts and scratches and malnourishment. She looks at Dubtle at his question and says, "We were going sailing, me and daddy. I was watching the birdies, and then there was a loud noise.. The next thing I knew I was here," she says and then looks at Hun'rar, looking at his dark skin for a long moment. "I am Chelsea," she replies.

The guild representative looks to Miles as he asks, indicating a spot in The Sea of Shattered Swords where she was found, closer towards the Gustav side by about twenty leagues.

"...hopefully it's not an adorable baby kraken," mutters Dubtle under his breath. "I've heard tale that one lurks in the harbor close to Alexandria from time to time..." He pauses, then adds, "It's nice to meet you, Chelsea. We're going to do everything we can to help you find your family, okay?"

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Feel free to throw some rolls for research if you have a skill of use, or we could make it just some int checks, Kore."

GAME: Dubtle rolls knowledge/History: (17)+9: 26

<OOC> Dubtle says, "Any similar tales in the records? <.<" <OOC> Dubtle says, "(I mean, not that I have much to go on BUT WORTH A TRY)" <OOC> Ansrir grins. "Similar tales of shipwrecks with survivors? There's probably a lot of those."

GAME: Kore rolls Intelligence: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL)

<OOC> Kore says, "Hahah." <OOC> Kore says, "the ocean is wet. Probably." <OOC> Kore says, "PROBABLY." <OOC> Dubtle says, "Yeah. XD" <OOC> Dubtle says, "There's tons of them. But it was worth a try that threre might be something more specific. Dudblt'es only know score. xD"

GAME: Dubtle rolls Intelligence: (4)+3: 7 GAME: Hun'rar rolls intelligence: (17)+1: 18

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Kore finds that there have been a lot of shipments going to and from that area.

Granted, Gustav is an area where the general details aren't all that well known, so they may not have regular records, but there are ships that deliver metals to them that they can not provide themselves."

"What's a kraken?" asks Chelsea as she hears Dubtle talking before nodding to him. "Okay. I just miss my mommy."

Miles eyes the chart he was shown, then shrugs, and calls over, "Hey, kid, are you and your mom from Gustav?" then adds, to the rest, "If it was a day trip with her dad, I doubt they were that far from shore to start out with."

Kore, for the moment, is off investigating. She pulls records and asks questions, collecting a lot information about shipments. Even though the child was sailing with her father and not on a transport vessel. She will be a moment.

Chelsea looks over at Miles as he asks, considering. "I live in a house, with me my mommy, daddy and my brother. It's a brown house, made from trees my daddy cut down," she offers and smiles as if that answers his question.

"Did your house have anything like this, or like my armor?" Miles holds up a small artifice contraption that looks a bit like a beetle has had horrible things done to it with a glowstick and a metalworks. A pause. "Did your mum and dad give you your name, Chelsea, or did they take you someplace when you were younger to get it?"

"Gustav," muses Dubtle. 
 "I've heard tales but never been there. And it's not like the area isn't host to a horde of ship wecks and other problems." He smiles down at the child. "What did the birdies look like?"

"That's pretty," says Chelsea as she looks at the contraption that Miles holds up. "What is it? What does it do?" she asks curiously, looking it over before she gets asked about her name. "My mommy and daddy told me that was my name. Isn't that how you got your name?" she replies, confused.

Oh good.

Dubtle looks /thrilled/.

He's signed up, of course, and seems glad to be able to help.

"I'll do whatever is required," he adds, solemnly, to the Guild reps.'

"I stick it on my arm and it makes me stronger for a while", Miles explains. " and in the place I thought you might be from, your parents take you to someone else to be named." Miles explains, then straightens up. "So, maybe not Gustav, unless the stories I've heard about the place are all out of date...which is, of course, entirely possible. It's supposed to be even more artifice-heavy than here. Sailing ships and log cabins doesn't really sound like it."

Kore is finally back, red in the cheeks from all the running around. She looks around at those present and starts forward slowly. "If I may?" Her expression is faintly chagrined bu the small woman smiles at Chelsea never theless. She's the size of a child, even if her gray skin might give some question to that. And shaped like ah uman, in fact, which makes them closer in some way.

"Chelsea, my name is Kore. I was wondering when you last saw your mommy? Have you ever been to Alexandria before? Do you... Think she might be here? Or your grandma and grandpa or anyone else you know?" She looks over at Miles after asking and nods once in response to his point. For Chelsea she tries to be as unimposing as possible. Easy enough at her size.

Chelsea turns to look at Kore as she comes back in, smiling as she moves closer. "Hello lady," she says and pauses, "Kore." She then looks down at the ground as she tries to think about the questions she was asked. "I last saw my mommy before I went out with my daddy," she says and then looks around. "Alex and Ria? No, I've never been to those places before, but then I've only seen this place since I woke up." She then smiles a little and looks to Kora. "If my Grandpa and Grandma were here, then I would be in heaven. Am I in heaven? Are you angels?"

"No, sweetie. Not angels. But... I'm a Chord of Vardama." Kora offers a quiet smile and holds up her holy symbol. She takes it from around her neck and offers it to the girl, a little silver harp on a leather cord. "Do you know who She is? She keeps the souls of the dead and protects them. So she would be in charge of Heaven... And I bet she takes very good of your grandpa and grandma." Kore takes a deep breath and exhales. "Alexandria is one place. I can see why that's confusing. So your grandparents are in Heaven and your mommy is still at home. Do you know your mommy's adult name? Or your daddy's? What do they call eachother?"

Turning towards Kore, Dubtle seems curiou as to where she's taking this. Seem he's not very in tune with kids, himself.

Hun'rar ponders for a moment, taking a proper seat on the ground. "Hrm, so what did your father do? What does your mother do?" he ponders to himself as he listens "Never been much of an investigator. What kind of food did you eat?"

The girl looks at Kore as she holds up the holy symbol. "That's shiny," she offers as she looks at it, "V...V.. Var... Vardama?" she says, stumbling slowly over the word as she sounds it out. She then blinks for a moment. "Isn't Mommy's name Mommy? And Daddy's name Daddy?" she asks, her voice serious though sounding confused when asked about their adult names before she smiles brightly. "I know, Daddy calls Mommy Dear and Mommy calls Daddy Heart. Is that their adult names?" she says and then turns to Hun'rar. "Daddy was a sailor. Mommy, she took care of me and my brother. As for food, we would eat meat and vegetables before we would get our desserts."

"Was there a town near where you lived, a village?," Miles asks. "Any place with other people besides your family?"

"Right. Vardama." Kore nods a couple times then. She release the symbol then, letting it glitter as it falls to rest against her chest. "I'm afraid those aren't the names I'm thinking of. Like. You could call me 'sister'," she starts, referring to her place in the Church. "But my name is Kore. You daddy might have called you 'daughter' but your name is Chelsea. You call your mommy 'mommy' but she has a name too. If you don't know what it is that's okay but if you remember something, tell me." Kore smiles again at Chelsea, falling quiet to let Miles ask his question.

Nodding towards Kore approvingly, Dubtle beams a smile at Chelsea. "You're doing good, Chelsea,' he adds, warmly, towards her.

Chelsea sits and strokes her chin for a moment. "There was a lot of others houses nearby, yes," she says and smiles. "There was my best friend Rei and teacher Tralena, and the storyteller Sharrita," she says happily. "We lived in the sea's reach, my daddy said." She smiles as she looks around at all the others. "Will I see them again?"

Miles looks thoughtful, and then consults the chart the staffer put out earlier. "A village or town called Sea's Reach...let's see."

Kore nods when Miles speaks, taking a deep breath. "Sea's Reach? Ooh. That's a pretty name. I grew up here, in Alexandria. Tell me about the Sea's Reach. What do you remember?" Kore reaches for the girl's hand now, quietly offering her presence and warmth.

Chelsea smiles and nods. "It was very pretty," she says and smiles, "There were so many trees and animals. I liked the pretty birdies and the fishes," she offers and nods, "There were so many ships coming and going all the time so things were always busy there."

GAME: Miles rolls perception: (4)+8: 12 <OOC> Miles says, "Just trying to see if I can find a port of that name on the chart!"

Hun'rar continues to ponder "Well you were... something happened in the water. What day did you go out on the water? What kind of boat was it?" he continues to ask.

"Don't look at me," says Dubtle to the others, "Until last year I'd never even been above ground." This is why he is not helpful on some of this.

You paged Miles with 'You do find a port called Seareach, a port in part of the nation of Esentra.'

Chelsea looks at Hun'rar and smiles. "Well, we had been in a few boats," she says. "Daddy had said that he had to get somewhere, that he owed someone something and that he had to deliver," she offers, "That was why we had to be up early and go without mommy, because it was a surprise."

"...oh," says Dubtle. There's a rather horrified look dawning on his face.

Miles stiffens a little at Chelsea's words, even as he taps the map. "There's a port called Seareach in Esentra, down in the Jade Isles." He glances at the others. "Couldn't hurt to start there, but, well..."

"Makes sense," says Dubtle to Miles, giving the girl a warm smile. "Sounds like we have a place to start, in any case."

Hun'rar nods to Chelsea "Ok and then what happened? Who else and what else was on the boat? Who did he owe it too?"

"Ah..." Kore looks between those present and then nods quickly in response to the decision to check near the Jade Isles. She takes a deep breath and then smiles again at Chelsea. "We're almost done for now, Chelsea. Then I'm going to take you to some nice people and get you something to eat, okay?" She tilts her head slightly, with a glance toward Hun'rar.

Cheslea nods and hmms, considering as she listens to the others. "There was just me and him on the boat, and some food, of course," she says. "We had been on a bigger ship to get to the city, then he took out a small boat out, saying it wouldn't be long now," she says, "Is something wrong? Is my daddy in trouble?" she asks.

Hun'rar shrugs "Don't know. I would like to know what happened to that boat though that you ended up in the water. Thats what I was asking. If you had just fallen out of the boat we will just send you home." he notes with a smile. "But it doesn't sound like it." "We'll do everything we can to find your mom and dad so you can go home," says Dubtle to Chelsea warmly. "I think we've got a place to start looking."

Miles asides, quietly, to Hun'rar, "Pirates are...not uncommon in that part of the world, which may well answer both questions."

"I don't know where your daddy is but I don't think anything is wrong. We just need to find where you came from and see. We'll look for your daddy too, just in case. But how did you end up in the water?" The small woman nods, indicating Hun'rar. "That's a really good question. And after that we'll head out for a little bit and have something special to eat. You can even have dessert without your vegetables if you want."

Chelsea nods slowly and smiles, "I don't know exactly what happened, I was watching the birdies and then there was a loud cracking noise and then I woke up here," she says softly.

Hun'rar nods and stands up "Indeed, sounds like we have a start. Lets get some food in you and we will go out and find your folks." he says trying to be reassuring as he picks up his helmet and dons it.

"I'll take responsibility for Chelsea," Kore states firmly. "We're going to go find you something nice to eat and take a look around. Do you like birds, little one?" Kore is reaching for the girl's hand, intending on leading her away.

Kore pages: Hey. Results of Detect Evil? I can do it for free. >.>; Kore pages: Since she's taking her home and all. You paged Kore with 'She's not coming up as evil. Well, no more evil than you'ld expect a child to be. :P' Kore pages: I didn't THINK so. Kore pages: But you don't get to be an Inquisitor with 16 Wisdom by NOT checking. >.>