My Brother

From Tenebrae
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There are those in the city who rise early, not the least of whom are the faithful of the gods. The false dawn of a winter morning is chill indeed, and on this morning, damp and with a few flurries, but that stops none of those in the Temple District at this hour of the morning. Already have the clergy and the faithful begun to gather for morning prayers, snowflakes landing invisibly on white and golden vestments and less invisibly on hair and skin, but still they file in by ones and twos, wrapped securely in cloaks and hoods and scarves.

Zeke is an obvious figure amongst these individuals, his clothing somewhat heavier in difference to the cold. The blue-scaled sith-makar does... not look entirely himself. Firstly, he is huddled about himself as he walks, trying hard not to be observed, his cloak pulled especially tightly around his left side lest someone catch a glimpse of the limbs he bears. Secondly, is the odd way he keeps looking about as if he's forgotten something terribly important, but can not remember what it is. He murmurs to himself occasionally. Odd comments about his house, the temple, and various other small things that he is being bothered by this morning. "Perhapsss thisss one isss ssimply old."

Out of nowhere, there's a voice, as Zeke approaches the steps to the mighty Temple of Daeus. "Kin. Zeke." Curiously, none but him seem to hear it, nor do they seem to see the bright-haired figure in full arms, armor, and traveling kit, cloak and all, standing just at the bottom of the steps. Still does Seldan speak quietly, in the way of one not wishing to be observed.

At first, it seems as though like the sith might not hear the voice. Certainly the call of 'kin' is not familiar to Zeke. Yet his name draws his attention to it and the man who had spoken. Zeke steps immediately toward him, and then... The memories slam back in. Everything from the last few years that Seldan has said or done and Seldan himself will see the change in Zeke that those memories have. The way the sith draws himself up into a more confidant pose. The way his cloak falls back from his limbs to reveal them in all their glory. He notices Seldan's caution in tone however, and quickly makes his way to the other's side wordlessly.

Seldan relaxes visibly, now that Zeke can see him, when the other one straightens, but he is still unsmiling. Not an unusual thing, to be sure, but something is _definitely_ up. "Her light upon your road this morn, brother. I would speak with you where we will not be observed." He steps backwards, gesturing for Zeke to follow, into the shadows of the wall at the side of the temple, an area where he might be unobserved. Very unusual behavior for Seldan.

Zeke blinks at this, but has learned - remembers now - that he trusts this man implicitly. He ducks his head once in acknowledgment and then joins Seldan in the shelter of the alleyway. Sensing that Seldan wishes to be unobserved, he shadows the other man with his own body, using his large frame to good advantage. "What isss going on Ssseldan?" He remembers now. Not just that he knows Seldan, but that he had for some reason forgotten the other man. "Thisss one did not remember a great deal before ssseeing you."

Seldan's even, steady gaze is full of brotherly affection, and yet - hesitation of a sort. A whole gamut of things, really. "The magic that shields me makes it so," he explains shortly. "Yet do I not dare fully depend on it. You will recall that I sought the aid of the llyranesi for a means to hide from the sight from the Griever, do you not?" He is tense, quiet, speaks in low tones.

The hesitation that Zeke senses makes him nervous, and his tail flick-flicks behind him to betray both his curiosity and his own nerves. If something can make Seldan this cautious, that tells him that he should be cautious as well. "Yesss, thisss one remeberssss sssuch now." He tilts his head though, not drawing the correlation between the two things.

"The llyranesi refused us. The Veil Herself disagreed, and I am her vessel, for now," Seldan explains carefully. "The Veil has abandoned Llyranost, and now resides with me, that she may do Eluna's will ere she passes away." He's alert and balanced between balls of his feet and his heels, a warrior's balance. "The llyranesi hunt me now, and I do not doubt that they will come here. I flee the city unseen while yet I may, myself and Serene. Will you come with us?"

It is admittedly a lot of information to take in. Zeke blinks his green eyes at Seldan. He knows the answer to Seldan's question the moment that it's asked, but he doesn't answer immiediately. Because certain things deserve his consideration on such a request. "Thisss one would gather Geir, ssshould he be willing to come, but yesss. Thisss one isss at your ssside Sseldan." He can hardly parse the risk that Seldan must be taking just to ask him such a thing. "How can thisss one help?"

Seldan's shoulders sag with relief, for just a moment. "We go on a journey. I know not how long the magic that keeps me unseen will last, and thus would I be out of the city ere sundown. I would have you make your prayers and gather your gear as if you were preparing for a long journey. Mal is doing my shopping for me. We shall meet him, and prepare to depart from there. I shall await you here, and I shall find you again as you exit, that we may find Geir and begone."

His eyes lower. "Thank you, Zeke. Ever are you there in my need, without question."

Zeke nods and offers a warm swish of his tail. One that Seldan can not see, so he reaches out to clasp the other man on the shoulder instead. Gently. "We are kin." As if this explains everything, and perhaps for Zeke it simply does, yet Zeke blinks and ducks his head. "For sssome, kin hasss little meaning, but thisss one had never had kin before you. You have taught thisss one the meaning of it, and it doess not leave you when you are in need."

Not ever.

Without hesitation he turns, to do exactly what Seldan has requested of him.

"Thank you, Zeke." Seldan then fades from view, and unseen and unheard steps back into the shadows. It is as if he has never been, and yet when Zeke returns from his prayers, upon leaving the temple, the touch on his shoulder will be reminder enough.
