Murder in the Sly

From Tenebrae
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Summary: Yelrona introduces Murder to the Guild of the Sly and one of their safehouses in the Warehouse District.

Yelrona says, "Of course!" She heads confidently into a crowd of pedestrians, makes a sharp right turn into an alley, walks up to an unstable-looking stack of crates by a tall fence and climbs them like a staircase -- they turn out to be a lot more stable than they seem -- and hops over the corner of the fence, into a very dark back yard, and through a very low tunel."

Murder follows along behind the Elf, her eyes keeping track of where she steps, and what she holds onto to climb upwards. The low tunnel, obviously, doesn't bother her much. "Huh, you'd never see half of this stuff. So many places you go by every day, never knowing what secrets they hide."

Yelrona nods. "Well, that's the idea. We really don't want the Guard dropping in on us." The corridor is long, and rats skitter along it... or, well, it _sounds_ like rats, anyway. Eventually it slopes down, and shortly thereafter opens out into a large ratty-looking common area, with several rough-looking sorts hanging around, drinking. They nod when they see Rona, stiffen when they see Murder, and look back to Yelrona suspiciously. "It's all right, boys. She's with me."

Murder grins toothily when she looks around at the little common area they've come to, and the Gobbo nods when Yelrona speaks. "Name's Murder.", she says.

Almost everyone laughs. "Nice one! I'm Grand Theft," a large bald man in the corner calls out. "Larceny!" cries another. "That's the same as Grand Theft, idiot!" shouts the first. They get embroiled in a shouting match while others start shouting various crimes.

Rona, when the room has made the rounds, and everyone is staring at her, draws herself up into a dramatic scowl and whispers "Littering", and everyone bursts out laughing.

GAME: Yelrona rolls perform/comedy: (8)+2: 10

As the others laugh, perhaps egged on by Yelrona, Murder's grin gets broader. And it is full of a great many teeth. She slowly reaches for the swordhilt hovering above her right shoulder, a herky-jerky motion as if something were trying to hold her arm in place. In one smooth motion, she pulls the blade upwards, holding it over her head as her eyes flash and glow red. "You. GET. ONE. LAUGH. And laugh only.", she growls. "At my name."

GAME: Murder rolls intimidate: (5)+9: 14

There is a long moment as everyone goes very still. And looks at Rona. And looks at Murder. And look at each other. A few stand up. A few sit down. A few do both. And then, as though at some unannounced signal, they all laugh... more genuinely amused this time, with an air of comeraderie. "You all right, girlie," a giantborn with a vicious scar across his face and lips announces, and tosses her a pouch of FOUL-smelling wine. Well, it's probably wine.

Murder snarls at the second around of laughter, but is pulled up short by the giantborn offering the wineskin. The blade is resettled upon her back, and she bites at stopper. Her nose wrinkles at the smell of the wine, but she takes a lengthy pull of it. "Eugh. Where you been keeping this, your armpit? Oh... it's actually the wine that stinks." The Gobber wrinkles her nose again before she hands the skin back... stooping to pick up the stopper.

"We've been trying to convince Tiny to start using his armpit," Rona remarks idly, "it would be more hygienic. But that's where he keeps the sandwiches."

Murder makes a very sour face. "Don't tell me where he keeps the wineskin then. Unless you want me to be sick on your grand carpeting here.", she sniffs. "So." The Gobber looks to Yelrona. "What's next?"

Yelrona says, "You wouldn't be the first. Probably not even the first this evening, I'm guessing." She settles herself into a ratty-looking couch. "There is no 'next', really. It's a pretty informal group. Nobody tried to kill you, so you're in. Board's up there," she says, pointing to a large wooden plank with messages attached to it with a variety of sharp things. "People need things, they sometimes post it. People have things to sell, they sometimes post it. Something big is happening, we sometimes post it. Hey, Tiny, is anything big happening?"

The giantborn shakes his head. One of the others says "Big Freddie has a crab in his shorts about that stupid rally t'other night... says we should oughta do something about it."

Rona looks incredulous. "Do _what_?" The man shrugs. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

Murder bounces onto the couch next to the Elf, and stares up at the board when she points it out. "So kind of like the Adventurer's guild?", she wonders. "Is the pay better?" Her toothy grin is back. "'Cause I could get to like that. Say, is this the only place, or are there others, scattered around the city? Sounds like something the Guild'd do." She looks to Tiny then. "So uh, if you are Tiny, is Big Freddie a Gnome or something?"

Yelrona laughs. "The pay is... _different_. Individual negotiations, mostly. Which reminds me, Lainie, where're the drawings of the Dulaney renovation you promised me?" A redheaded Lucht working on a puzzle of some sort waves her away. "I'll get it, I'll get it!"