Kobolds: The Will of Uskvutha

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Log Info

  • Title: Kobolds: The Will of Uskvutha
  • Emitter: Cryosanthia
  • Characters: Halani, Jinks
  • Place: A03: Colosseum District
  • Time: Saturday, March 05, 2022, 6:35 PM
  • Summary: Halani is practicing in the Colosseum, with Jinks watching, when a black-scaled Kobold shows up and challenges her to an unfair fight. The spar, he's using acid, she's using Jinks, and swiftly beats the 'bold down. In the aftermath they discuss where he's from and why he is here. Uskvutha sent him, to do something about the situation in Sunken Hope. Jinks advises the Kobold to pick the right side.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A03: Colosseum District *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Legend has, the earth trembled where the Champion trod. His strength was so mighty he clove in twain, becoming the twin gods Angoron and Kor. Other legends speak of how he dragged the land from the sea, created light and darkness, and threw a mighty boulder into the sky to create the moon and it still hasn't fallen. The tour guides are quick to spin them, incorporating the tales into the history of the Colosseum. A structure created as tribute to both gods and the glory of competition.

The colosseum is massive, imposing. A great stage crafted by Khazad and Oruch working in tandem. It shows the strengths of each culture and constrasts them in its carved stonework. Oruch tribal frenzy meeting khazadi solidarity.

Vendors and shops surround the arena, turning into a place of commerce as well. Heralds of Angoron and Kor are visible, offering advice and the wisdom of the twins. At any time a number of warriors are practicing on summoned monsters or each other. For all its seriousness, it is a place of laughter, as Tarien's trickery makes a home here in a dedicated Tavern. A too-proud warrior may quickly find him or herself on the opposite end of a practical joke.


Inside the colosseum, the games have begun. The field is divided, allowing for separate skirmishes. A few officials officiate, mostly signing up combatants, ringing bells, and coordinating.

There's only one rule, if you're here on the stones, you're here to fight.

Or you're somebody's water carrier.

Everyone needs a break. Even gnomes that don't work especially hard. Especially gnomes that don't work especially hard when they do find occasion to put in a modicum of effort. Jinks is enjoying one such break; he holds a green glass bottle with a rather busy and elaborate label loosely by the neck as he idles.

The gnome's bow is back in its harness on his back and his doublet hangs open. His silken shirt is limp and half-unbuttoned, hanging open to display a small assortment of bruises around his throat and sternum. His arrows have been recollected and sit in his quiver and he hums while he watches the busy workings of the warrior's play area.

Halani is a familiar face around here, of course, both during match days and training days. Today she's here for the latter, staring up the length of a rope considerately. Several moments pass as her breathing steadies, marked by the rising and falling of her shoulders, the expanding and contraction of her chest. Her eyes close for a few moments, her breathing slows.. then the snap open a fraction of a moment before she launches herself straight up the rope. She reaches a height bordering on ridiculous, of course, then she clamps on to the rope as she begins pulling herself up, hand over hand.

The colosseum is loud with cheering and the sounds of combat. Fighters come and go, few are remarked upon. There's no herald for the arrival of one, he appears suddenly beside Jinks.

The gnome has become more familiar with scaled folk, yet this one still has an unsettling presence. A kobold stands nearby, watching Halani climb the rope. He has black scales, an almost skull like face, and little in the way of armour beyond a leather harness. No weapons. Diamonds though, one on a necklace on his chest, another on his head, two on fists and feet. There's even a stud through his tail.

"Come down," he barks up at Halani. "We fight!" <draconic>

The bottle sloshes as Jinks gives it a swirl, sizing up the kobold. Then he looks up the rope and catches sight of Halani, smiling faintly before he has a drink. With a lick of the lips he steps back a ways from the diamond-studded lizard and narrows his eyes; he always has to make sure it's not one-third of the group that owes him a tea set.

"'Softskin' women respond better to a little courtesy," grins the black-eyed gnome. "In all facets of life." A brief pause before he adds, "Generally." <draconic>

Halani slaps a bell near the top of the rope, then looks down, dangling from a one handed grip. The kobold staring up at her gets an odd look, and her eyes drift around in an attempt to see if she's the one he was talking to or not. Her lips split into a grin upon seeing Jinks, then she quickly descends the rope... the height perhaps being a little much for even her to simply drop from. At least until the end.

WHen the islander is settled back on to the ground, she claps her hands together, then wipes them on her hips, leaving behind a chalky substance. "Dunno if courtesy ever killed anyone, yeah?" she opines.. understanding, but responding in the common tongue. Then she shrugs eyeing the kobold up and down. "You're kinda little, little guy. Not sure it would be fair?" A pause, then a glance at Jinks. "Uh.. no offense, yeah?"

The kobold is a little guy, and very intense. He might prefer the term concentrated. Compressed, as if under a great pressure, like the kind that forms diamonds. His movements are precise, he puts one fist inside the other and bows slightly. His eyes never break contact with Halani's.

"Courtesy hasn't, complacency has." His scales are quite shiny, a small reflective band on each scale while the rest swallow the light. He's under-equiped for a Kobold, at least, they usually have a little more. The sharp, dog-like face turns towards Jinks, looking him over once more, "This one isn't dating her."

A gesture towards a nearby roped off area, and a questioning glance up at Halani, "I don't like fair fights." <draconic>

That answers that.

"I'd never fight you, tallman," Jinks smiles at Halani, shrugging to indicate he took no offense at her observation of relative sizes. "I've no interest fighting in your stead, either..." he quickly adds with a glance at the kobold. He goes to rub at his chest but winces and lowers his hand.

The gnome has another drink from his bottle and quirks an eyebrow at the kobold. "If you're a fan of lopsided fights you can always argue with your wife while her mother is nearby; I hear that tends to go poorly." He laugh, his smile splitting, and he steps towards the ring. "... and accept the wisdom of eight decades on this spinning ball of chaos and death; you can be kind to someone even if you don't intend to fuck it."

The bard stops and glances heavensward. "Let's not dwell on how long it takes some of us to learn that particular lesson.,"

Halani, about to respond to the kobold, falters a moment, then looks a bit sideways at Jinks. She takes an obvious moment, perhaps too obvious, to count on her fingers.. scowling as she does it again, then asks, "Wow. Eighty?" Then she grins. "Don't worry, old man, I can fight for both of us, yeah?" Then she dusts her hands off again, following the kobold's glance to the ring. "Well alright then! Always like to fight someone new. Show us all what you have, little man."

The kobold stares at the gnome. He expresses little, but is actually considering the words and not a blanket dismissal. Finally he says, "This one has taken a vow of chastity."

So, no wife, mother-in-law, nor shield-buddy, and a possible reason why he's so tightly wound.

"This one offerss apologiess then," he hisses at Halani again, once more punching a fist into his palm. He steps into the cordonned off area, heads to the opposite side, "This one still wants to fight." <draconic>

"Almost a full two of those were lost to the Harpist's Halls and a personal hell. So I might only actually be sixty in Prime Material-years," Jinks grins. He pivots his attention to the kobold and quirks an eyebrow, humming quietly for a moment and thinking.

"That sort of vow only brings more frustration and anger into the world. What's your name?" He wonders, chugging the last of his bottle before tossing it over a shoulder towards a stacked pile of hay bails. "And how unfair do you want your fight?"

"The place is here for that, yeah?" Halani offers by way of accepting the Kobold's challenge, then fires off a quick and simple set of gestures Jinks's way. 'Better not bet on me' the handspeech says, before she approaches the roped off match area, vaulting over the lines in preparation while she listens to Jinks's queries... questions she always forgets to ask, if she's the one left to it.

"I am the Will of Uskvutha." The kobold states firmly, his voice deep and very serious. "As unfair as you can make it."

One Halani is inside the cordon, the bell rings.

Uskvutha. The Black Dragon that got the kobolds to sink Bright Hope, turning it into Sunken Hope, or as the kobold's call it: Uskvutha's Deep. The dragon that left. The dragon that got replaced by the green dragon and the Witch Queen.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "you can charge and use stunning fist on your attack, right?"
<OOC> Halani says, "It doesn't specify it as an attack action, Stunning fist just gets applied to an attack."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "and if you have the ki, you can do a free and a swift action to spend them, right?"
<OOC> Halani says, "you are probably correct."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "okay, he spends 3 ki, charges and does an attack,"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+19+2: (16)+19+2: 37
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d10-1+2+1d6: (1)+-1+2+(3): 5
GAME: You damaged Halani for 5 points. 96 HP remaining.
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "it's not stunning fist. It's Ki blocker. All your ki powers cost +1 to activate."
<OOC> Halani says, "I wonder how that interacts with the ring of ki mastery."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "well if it adds first then the ring takes the point off, so it does nothing,"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "but if the ring subtracts first then it's +1 one the things that cost 1 ki"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "and regular cost on all the others that cost more"
<OOC> Halani says, "You're the DM, we can go with your ruling."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "I guess that does nothing then."

As soon as the bell goes, so does the kobold. There is a moment, a split second where he seems to be focusing himself, then he is a black streak charging the full length of the arena.

He slams a fist into Halani's belly, a spray of sweat flying off his fist and splashing on her. No, the harsh scent, the sizzle. Acid. The islander feels burning spots.

Perhaps even more worrying, he hit directly on one of her chakra and she feels it knocked out of alignment. It's a condition she's rarely run into before. Her Ki isn't flowing properly.

GAME: Jinks casts Haste. Caster Level: 12 DC: 20
<OOC> Jinks says, "+4 to hit, +3 to damage, +3 to saves vs. fear and charm, +1 to ref saves, +1 to dodge AC."

"If you take this past a friendly match I'll put arrows right through your eyes, wyrmkin," warns Jinks. His expression changed after the kobold gave its title. "... and the guard won't blink an eye at the death of a kobold."

The gnome begins to sing then, giving the scaled brawler the unfair fight he asked for. The Hymn swims around Halani, mighty and empowering, and the silver thread of the Weave that joins gnome and Xian is snatched. The bard taps his finger, speeding up the already-quick monk's moves. <draconic>

<OOC> Halani will swift to activate crane stance, then DD to 14,8. Total Defence. For now.
GAME: Halani spends TWO points of KI POOL.
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Ok! Are you suurrrrre?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Well, there is a city wide teleportation ban that includes dimension door"
<OOC> Halani says, "Oh yeah."
<OOC> Halani says, "Stupid consequences pooping on my parade."
<OOC> Halani says, "Alright. Will tumble the crap out of this instead."
GAME: Halani rolls acrobatics: (9)+30: 39

Halani is fast. And overconfident. REALLY overconfident. So it's almost funny when the Kobold wins the draw, zipping across the arena to connect with her midriff. Her eyes widen briefly as breath is forced free from her lungs and she staggers back against the rope. And then a grimace as the acid finds its way onto spots of bared flesh, sizzling. "Ow! Gross!"

Then, as Jinks's magic settles upon her, she dodges past Will, windmilling around any swings at her he might make as she puts distance between herself and her diminutive adversary.. falling into a somewhat more defensive stance than her previous, arrogantly casual position she'd had upon entering the ring.

As the island flips past him, the kobold spins, swiping with a tail and missing. His eyes follow as she gets some distance and crouches defensively.

"Impressive," He smacks his fist into an open palm, hunches down and growls. His scales grow thicker, he bulks out on his entire body, heavy ridges forming on each scale. He's more solid, harder. <draconic>

He darts along the ground, head turned as he runs sideways to her, taking up another position. The kobold checks the gnome's position as well.

Just in case.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "now I don't know what you use to recognize monk abilities happening"
<OOC> Halani says, "I'm guessing he used the barkskin ability :( every monk except me seems to have that."
GAME: Jinks casts Hold Monster. Caster Level: 12 DC: 21
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+12: (6)+12: 18 (vs SR 22 - Fail)
<OOC> Jinks nods! Move to 19,11 and maintain song as a free. Drawing bow as part of move.
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "Monks do have a k/history as a skill"
GAME: Halani rolls knowledge/history: (12)+6: 18 (vs DC 15)

"The kobold is a self-proclaimed agent of the black wyrm that sank Bright Hope," Jinks explains to Halani. He moves quickly, darting over the sparring field with legs ablur to settle behind the monk with his bow in hand. "... that might not be enough to justify killing it... I wouldn't suggest letting this go on for too long."

The minstrel weaves the rapid-fire words into his song, making them part of the melody without spoiling the cadence and rhythm. He waves his ringed fingers through the air in the general direction of the kobold but threads of the Weave glow pink and fracture into motes as they encounter an unseen orb around the creature. <gnomish>

There aren't a lot of kobold monk orders, or any at all. Even a dragon disciple order is rare for them. So kobold monks are very unusual. There's no dojo in the area which would accept them. The kobold could have been trained by a dragon, or perhaps wandered through various schools and challenged fighters for instruction, as he is doing now.

<OOC> Halani says, "Alright. Fighting defensively, -1 to attack rolls, +3 AC. An additional +4 vs. melee."
<OOC> Halani says, "If an attack misses me by 4 or less, I lost the +4 until my next turn."
<OOC> Halani says, "If an attack misses me by 4 or less, I get an AoO. Flurry."
<OOC> Halani says, "Swift to spend a Ki point for an extra attack."
<OOC> Halani says, "Flying Kick lets me move half my speed as part of my flurry."
<OOC> Halani says, "First attack will be a stunning fist attempt. Second attack will be a defensive spin."
<OOC> Jinks says, "+4 to hit, +3 to damage, +3 to saves vs. fear and charm, +1 to ref saves, +1 to dodge AC."
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (14)+22+4+-1+1+4: 44
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (14)+22+4+-1+1+4: 44
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (15)+22+4+-1+1+4: 45
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (2)+22+4+-1+1+4: 32
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (4)+22+4+-1+1+4: 34
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4-5: (19)+22+4+-1+1+4+-5: 44
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4-10: (9)+22+4+-1+1+4+-10: 29
GAME: Halani rolls 2d6+2+4: (9)+2+4+3: 18
GAME: Halani rolls 2d6+2+4: (6)+2+4+3: 15
GAME: Halani rolls 2d6+2+4: (8)+2+4+3: 17
GAME: Halani rolls 2d6+2+4: (10)+2+4+3: 19
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31 (vs DC 24 Fort)
<OOC> Jinks says, "Lemme try bumping her 34, Cryo, if I can"
GAME: Jinks casts Gallant Inspiration. Caster Level: 12 DC: 19
GAME: Jinks rolls 2d4: (4): 4
GAME: Halani rolls 2d6+2+4: (6)+2+4+3: 15
<OOC> Halani says, "AC is 34+3+1+4+4 for 46."

"Black bright wyrm hope, got it," Halani responds, slapping away at her acid burns. Which, of course, doesn't help at all. Then she dances back a step, not quite backing over Jinks as she takes a moment to limber herself up.. then she moves forward. The haste magic makes the movement almost a blur, as if to match Will's earlier speed.. and after two steps she is airborne, twisting in the air to lead with her foot. The soft, split toed sandal tests itself against the kobold's supernaturally enhanced skin, followed up by a series of elbows and punches as she whirls about him upon her landing.

<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "So, he's doing a thing then acrobatting away, so you might get an AOO, what's your CMD?"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+21: (11)+21: 32
<OOC> Halani says, "depending on what bonuses and penalities apply, it's 47."
<OOC> Halani says, "-1 for sure from the defensive fighting. + whatever bonuses from jinks might apply."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "okay you get an AOO"
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (2)+22+4+-1+1+4: 32
GAME: Jinks rolls Reflex: (18)+14: 32 (vs DC 18 - Success, half damage)
GAME: Halani rolls reflex+1: (19)+21+1: 41 (vs DC 18 - Success, no damage)
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 4d6: (12): 15 (Acid)
GAME: You damaged Jinks for 8 points. 68 HP remaining.

The black kobold is rather solidly beaten. It's hide holds, but while he isn't as hard as he looks, he's still pretty hard. With a grunt he re-centers himself, then does something adorable.

He hunches up with a Rawrrr, like a tiny dragon about to unleash a breath weapon and... he has a breath weapon. A stream of harsh, clear, liquid flies out of his mouth and straight for Halani, and even Jinks down the way.

After this, like a water-powered rocket, he backflips and skitters back across the arena, twisting and turning. Not quite enough to avoid getting smacked by the Island, but enough that she doesn't get through those scales.

<OOC> Jinks says, "Alright. Gonna try to Dispel Magic on the little feller."
<OOC> Jinks says, "Does he have anything to dispel that I should roll for or is it moot?"
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+12: (3)+12: 15
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "I don't think you can Dispel Monk abilities, can you?"
<OOC> Jinks says, "Not if they'e (Su) or (Ex)"
GAME: Jinks casts Haste. Caster Level: 12 DC: 20

"Are you done?" Jinks wonders, lowering the leather-armored arm that blocked the worst of the acid away from his exposed face. He snatches a scroll out of his pouch and the vest under his armor begins to glow. A few of the bars he sings change their timbre slightly but nothing notable occurs.

Dashing up, then, the bard keeps hold of the bow just in case something begins to spiral out of control. The acid isn't exactly the sort of thing he'd expect during a sparring match but he's willing to give the foreigner the benefit of the doubt after events with the lamia. For now. <draconic>

<OOC> Halani says, "Okay. Same thing as last round, though swapping out the defensive spin with a sweep kick."
GAME: Halani spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Halani spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Halani spends ONE use of STUNNING FIST.
GAME: Halani spends ONE use of STUNNING FIST.
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (3)+22+4+-1+1+4: 33
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (19)+22+4+-1+1+4: 49
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (6)+22+4+-1+1+4: 36
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (10)+22+4+-1+1+4: 40
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (20)+22+4+-1+1+4: 50 (THREAT)
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4: (14)+22+4+-1+1+4: 44 (Confirmed)
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4-5: (9)+22+4+-1+1+4+-5: 34
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22+4-1+1+4-10: (11)+22+4+-1+1+4+-10: 31
GAME: Jinks casts Gallant Inspiration. Caster Level: 12 DC: 19
GAME: Jinks rolls 2d4: (6): 6
<OOC> Jinks says, "the 39 at the beginning. ;)"
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31 (vs DC 24 Fort)
GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+22-1+2+4: (14)+22+-1+2+4: 41
<OOC> Halani says, "41 is the CMB roll."
GAME: Halani rolls 2d6+2+4+3: (8)+2+4+3: 17
GAME: Halani rolls 2d6+2+4+3: (9)+2+4+3: 18
GAME: Halani rolls 2d6+2+4+3: (9)+2+4+3: 18
GAME: Halani rolls 2d6+2+4+3+2d6+2+4+3: (10)+2+4+3+(3)+2+4+3: 31
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "looks like 76 damage"
<OOC> Jinks says, "84?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "There's a DR2/- in play"
<OOC> Cryosanthia nods, "Okay, that kills him strike puts him very, very, very negative hp
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "but its non lethal so I guess he's still conscious-ish. pose beating him up a lot."
<OOC> Jinks says, "So NL is weird. It goes to max HP and then you're KOed. Any NL beyond that becomes lethal damage."
<OOC> Jinks says, "So if you have 50hp and take 50NL you're KOed."
<OOC> Jinks says, "If you have 50hp and take 80NL you're KOed and at 20/50hp."
<OOC> Jinks says, "So if you do enough NL you can actually kill someone."
<OOC> Jinks says, "But you have to do their (2xHP)+CON stat"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "well after the first hit he's still up,"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "after the second below 0 and then third hit will kill him and the fourth definitely does"
<OOC> Jinks says, "What's his max HP and how much total damage did he take?"
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "his Max HP is 95, he was at 24, then took 76 points"
<OOC> Jinks says, "So he's taken 95NL damage, is unconscious, and it's at 43/95hp."
<OOC> Halani says, "Oh right. Because nonlethal HP and lethal HP are kind of like two separate pools."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "okay, so he's unconscious and very beaten up"

"Gwaah.." Halani's body folds and twists as she flattens herself, balanced on her feet and hand, a few scant centimeters between her and the floor as the spray of acid goes flying above her. Only after that does she consider that her movement left Jinks completely exposed. Thankfully a backwards glance shows him mostly alright. "So gross.." she mutters, then pushes herself up off of the floor to pursue the little dragon man. Cute or not, the acid burns are still fresh in her mind as she moves at him like an arrow, fists and feet pounding and sweeping to drop him down to the floor.

What follows might be considered unsportsman like.. but then, the blows are coming so fast one might make an argument for being unable to stop the combination attacks. Still, it doesn't look very valorous when the monk finishes it off by dropping her knee into the unmoving kobold's spleen.

Up against the ropes, there isn't anywhere for the kobold to go and he takes all the punches, elbows and knees, and ends up a barely breathing lump on the ground.

The fight is finished.

GAME: Jinks casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 12 DC: 18
GAME: Jinks casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 12 DC: 18
GAME: Jinks casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 12 DC: 18
GAME: Jinks casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 12 DC: 18
GAME: Jinks rolls 4d8+20: (19)+20: 39
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "okay that would bring him back to something. Make the pose!"

The bard's song fades when the kobold goes slack against the ropes. He relaxes slightly, rolling his shoulders and grateful that things didn't escalate. A moment is taken to re-harness his bow and then he jogs over, still blurred by his enhancing magics.

"We've had an ongoing cooperation with a group of kobolds outside the city... refugees in conflict with the cult at Sunken Hope." Jinks explains, glancing over at Halani and canting his chin westwards. "They follow a 'witch queen' (not Altima) and two mad vouivre generals..."

The minstrel sighs and checks on the felled kobold, not stopping himself from searching the unconscious combatant for anything incriminating before he calls into the Weave. The healing magics of the maestro aren't the warm touch of a god's blessing; he simply reaches through the possibilities presented by various realities and sorts out a version where the wounds are less extreme or simply never happened.

The fabric of Ea shifts and the kobold is looking much better off...

While Jinks performs his duty as a good citizen of Alexandria, Halani kneels on the other side of the kobold. Her breathing is still quickened by the fight and the gnome's magic, but it's slowing down as she focuses inwards for a few heartbeats. When the healing magic is done, Halani leans forward, peering at the Kobold's face. With a mind to keep just out the direct line of fire for that acid vomit of his. "So... is he a bad guy?"

The kobold comes around, his injuries lessened by the manipulation of the weave. There's nothing incriminating on him, there's not a lot on him at all, just the diamonds and a couple shurikens. A leg twitches, his tail shudders, he becomes conscious.

"Sssssssssss." He responds to the question without really answering it. A swelling eye partially open. "Unfair," he hisses, "Jussst like I like it."

With careful movements that suggest some pain on his part, and an unwillingness to betray it, he shifts into a meditative position. He points at Jinks, "Haste, and that singing."

Inhale, exhale, he faces Halani, "What did I do wrong?" <draconic>

"The tallman is an accomplished tutor," Jinks advises, tucking his leg back and sitting on his ankle. He reaches under his armor and pulls out a flask, the cap squeaking as he spins it open. "... and she'll be happy to help but you have to answer some questions, first."

"Where is Uskvutha? Why did she leave her sunken city? Does it have anything to do with the Witch Queen?"

Halani opens her mouth... then shuts it with a bit of an audible 'clack' as Jinks cuts her off. For good reason, of course. So she settles back, folding into a cross legged position to wait for Jinks to do his questioning. She prods, instead, at her small acid burns, sniffing slightly. "Next time maybe we fight a bit fairer, yeah?"

"Uskvutha iss not near and this one will not betray her." The black kobold states firmly. He sits on folded legs, his short tail straight out behind him, heel dew-claws turned in to rest against it. "She moved on to other interests."

He seems about to say a few more things, but switches topics instead. "You prevailed. I should have tried to stun you first?"

GAME: Jinks rolls Perform/Sing: (17)+25: 42

Because of all the gnome's time around hissy, pissy, scaley sorts he is able to pick up on a few things that he might have missed before. The kobold seems unusually bitter about 'moved on to other interests'. There's likely more there.

The gnome takes a long, slow drink from his flask without taking his eyes off the kobold. His eyelids flutter subtly at the familiar, welcome burn of the alcohol. After he swallows he opens his mouth to issue a warm, acrid sigh.

"I won't ask you to betray your lady," Jinks decides, "and I won't employ my magics to make you do so, either. Your wyrm is elsewhere so I have no fight with her." He tilts his head to Halani, turning now to look at the islander and offer a smile.

"This is Halani, I'm sure she can offer all manner of useful pointers." He swishes the flask and looks back at the kobold. "Afterwards, I can introduce you to a few other people I think you'll enjoy meeting..."

"Well! Where to begin, yeah?" Halani settles backwards a little bit, clapping her hands together. "That punch you did, first? That... " She shakes her head, almost violently. "Dunno what that was.. but whatever it was, that was good, yeah? Been worse if I didn't have a trick of my own... but even then.. "

She closes her eyes, still sensing the energy lines... off. Not trembling, but.. off. "I hope it goes away." She takes a deep breath, then. "But.. maybe if you tried to stun me.. but better, I think, if you blinded me, yeah? Take away my ability to see you.. some can fight against that, but not others, you know? Or maybe something to bind me.. but I'm pretty good at wriggling. "

Then she taps her fingers to her lips, thinking about her own weaknesses. "Like what you did with your armour.. felt like punching rock. Maybe, though, next time don't try puking on me.. Pretty good at dodging."

Then she shrugs, gesturing at Jinks. "Having some friends to back you up would help too.. fighting more than one person at a time is really, really hard."

"Your inner balance will realign after some meditation on your centre and the flow of your breath." The black kobold says, dipping his head, nodding at the suggestions. "Blinding..." he nods thoughtfully. "Wrestling larger opponents isn't effective. I have worked on my toughening my scales."

He's just a little defensive about his breath weapon. It proves he has dragon heritage! That's very important. "This one is not Uskvutha, and it's not vomit. This one must consume... never mind."

The suggestion of friends is an interesting one. He is hesitant. There's a slight, sideways glance at the gnome. "This one strives to be self sufficient."

He places a hand on each thigh, maintaining his posture. "This one has seen Uskvutha's Deep and doesn't understand what's happening there."

GAME: Jinks spends ONE use of LORE MASTER.

Sitting there, listening to the kobold and pugilist talk, Jinks tilts his head thoughtfully. A hatchling emerges from between the threads of the Weave, curled around the gnome's shoulder and whispering into his ear. Onyx-black eyes narrow and he nods thoughtfully. It's only there a moment before it slighters back out of sight.

Generally, Kobolds are pretty happy with each other and only get xenophobic with just about everything else. They will serve other scaley things that are impressive and hope to serve dragons. Some kobolds have features that suggest throwbacks to dragon heritage, like wings, or a breath weapon. A kobold that calls himself 'The Will of Uskvutha', was probably both serving Uskvutha and pretty important. Likely, she'd talk to him and he'd go deal with the other kobolds. He'd also be expected to 'figure out what she'd want done' if she sent him somewhere far away.

Thus, his presence could indicate a few things. Uskvutha might have renewed her interest in Sunken Hope and wants it nice for her return, or... maybe she figured it would be a retirement for him and sent him there to take charge 'waiting' for her.

Of course, the Witch Queen was also 'left in charge'. Though, she might have 'took charge' after Uskvutha left.

Ultimately, if he wandered off to Sunken Hope on his own, he might depose the Witch Queen or decide to support her, it's unclear.'

"We've made allies of a small tribe that's escaped the Witch Queen's cult," he finally tells the little fighter, watching him closely. "We seek to end her hold on the sunken city and drive out the false-dragon vouivre. If you'd like to help you would be welcome... but the black wyrm would be best-served staying away from the lands around Alexandria."

Halani raises her eyebrows, making a small gesture towards Jinks as if to say, 'he has a point you know.' But then she shrugs. "Then if you wanna fight alone, and you've gotta fight more than one opponent.. gotta divide them up, yeah? Split 'em up, take 'em down one by one." Nevermind that she might apparently be helping 'the enemy'. All are brothers and sisters in the ring! She does smile a bit easier knowing that her energy lines aren't going to be all screwy for good, now.

The hatchling caught the kobold's attention. His nostrils flare as he attempts to scent it, and he leans closer. He doesn't catch what is shared. He listens to what is shared by the gnome. "This one will pass along that observation the next time Uskvutha desires my opinion."

So the dark wyrm find out sooner or later. Probably later.

"He kept running behind you." The kobold protests, then says more calmly, "You are right, master. Split them up."

For a long moment all he does is sit there and breathe. He might be cataloguing internal injuries, he's very careful to be as still as possible, and his steady breathing has some shudders. "It rains all the time at Uskvutha's Deep. The lake water has risen. The storm is unnatural, it covers the town and part of the lake. There is a line in the undergrowth showing the over-saturation. All buildings except the church are under water. It is very marshy."

"It isn't particularly safe in the city for a kobold," Jinks informs the Will. He stands up and brushes off the seat of his pants. "I can direct you to a safe place to stay nearby but if you try to bring the tribe into your master's thrall it won't end well for you."

The gnome gingerly rubs at the bruises around his throat and chest, glancing over his shoulder as he buckles up his doublet. "If you'd like to help fight the usurpers give me something that belongs to you. I can use the Weave to find you with it..."

Halani unfolds to her feet as well, giving her own backside an unceremonious patting and heralding a small cloud of dust. "If you wanna spar again..." She trials off, recalling that Jinks just said mere seconds ago that it wouldn't be ideal for Will to stay in the city. "Well. If we run into each other again, maybe we can spar again, yeah?"

"Again, but not now." The Will of Uskvutha answers, clasping fist in hand and giving deference to Halani. "When we run into each other again."

Next, he looks Jinks over, then digs with a claw to remove on of the diamonds embedded in the back of his fist. He hands it over.

"You can find me with this." And chances are good he can find it too. It is a valuable offering. "Where is this other tribe?"

Finally, he pushes off the ground to stand. He has less to go than Halani, and he's on his feet.

"I give you these directions with the additional information that a powerful sith-makar cleric of Telmentar will be checking in with them..." Jinks levels his gaze at the kobold. He accepts the diamond and it disappears from his hand before he even brings it close to a pocket. "She's slow to anger but unshakeable in her convictions; if you wrong the tribe she will end you."

Once everyone is on the same page he kneels next to the sitting kobold and begins to draw a map out to the kobold refugee's camp in western Alexandros.

Ghoulish cp line.png

OOC & Combatty

a very glorious map

 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
     21   Kobold              
     17   Jinks            1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     15   Halani           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   | CHP | HP  | AC/FF/T |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Halani    |HUMAN     |Mnk        | 101 | 101 |34/27/30 | 47 | 15 | 21 | 17 |
|Jinks     |GNOME     |Bard       | 76  | 76  |20/16/15 | 24 | 8  | 14 | 10 |

<OOC> Halani says, "If I haven't said it before, Tongue of Sun and Moon is my favourite."
<OOC> Jinks says, "It's a fantastic ability that it makes no sense for monks to have."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "There are no swashbuckler enchants"
<OOC> Jinks is, y'know, kinda the stereotypical lore face but let's give the dude who slaps people the ability to understand and speak every language.
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, ""Ow!" is universal I guess. and "UM. Ohmmm.""

<OOC> Halani says, "Giving gems to Jinks? Truly, you know the way to his heart."
<OOC> Cryosanthia says, "heehee"